Christmas With my Ferret - (Part 3)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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This chapter makes me happy, because it let me prove to myself that I can write more than one paragraph a day if I really want to !

And of course, as it just so happens to be, he was right. Later that day we pulled into the driveway of my Grandma's house, a very nice Victorian style two story home, and were immediately greeted with the sight of my twenty-two year old cousin, a very good looking female vixen with nicely curved hips and a rather large, if not grossly oversized, pair of breasts.

Josh got out and before he could even take a breath of fresh air she had him up in a hug, pulling his head into a place where, if he were straight, he would have been quite an excited ferret. As it stood, however, he just smiled and hugged her back, holding his head up for the kiss on his cheek that he knew she was going to give him.

And she did. She pressed her lips to his cheek hard as you would expect an aunt to do when she was over exaggerating how much she had missed one of her favorite nephews just to embarrass him. "Hiya cutie," she said with a wink after letting go of his cheek with one of the most disgusting kiss sounds I had ever heard.

"Hi!" he said excitedly, a smile on his face as he began to work his manipulative cuteness once again. He did it quite well, and of course, purely by accident. Or so he says.

I walked up behind him as he chattered away with my cousin and I gripped him by the collar, pulling him back and pressing my cheek next to his in a way that allowed me to look into his eye without looking directly at him. "You remember your job, right?" I asked him simply, my voice very stern as I waited for his response.

His ears flattened to his head as he unconsciously attempted to work his magic yet again, but of course, I was immune to it. For the most part. "Yes," he whimpered softly, his voice a quiet whine as he tried to get out of it.

I gave him a slap to the rump and said, "Then get to it!" Then, with a very quiet whisper, I added, "Or do I need to add to the spank tally for tonight? You're doing well so far, but I don't have a problem with adding onto the zero you've earned."

He whined but nodded and turned in my arms, hugging me tightly and rubbing his head under my chin for a brief second before nodding obediently. "Yes Toby," he said meekly before heading to the car and bending over, wiggling his rump as he fished out the two pies he was assigned to carry in.

After he had the two pies out, he began to walk past me and I caught him again, "Don't let her carry them for you," I told him, "or it's five. Understand me?"

"Yes sir," he said with a huff and a sigh. He enjoyed working his cuteness too much for his own good. I watched him walk up the sidewalk, stepping over the flower garden as a shortcut, and shook my head before I walked back to the car and pulled the eighteen pound turkey out of the trunk. I carefully made my way up the walk and then up the three steps onto the porch where my ferret was holding the door open for me.

"What a sweetheart," I said sarcastically as I walked past him, batting at his face with my tail. He giggled after I had walked past and I walked through my grandma's house, slipping my shoes off in the front room and using my toes to slip my socks off as well, finishing the walk through my grandma's house with the feeling of her soft carpets on my toes.

I entered the kitchen where I put the turkey onto the oven and turned to my uncle who was, as usual, doing the cooking. "Evening Uncle Mike," I said with a smile as I stretched, turning to take the pies from Josh, who smiled at my uncle.

"Hey there Hollywood," my uncle said in his monotone as usual, using the much overused nickname for me. He looked past me to Josh and gave the ferret one of his, very rare smiles, "Evening Josh," he said with a little wink and I just rolled my eyes and turned my back, pretending not to notice him giving Josh one of the liquor candies he always kept in his pocket. I let Josh eat it eagerly before turning back and scratching him behind his ear.

"Hiya Uncle Mike," he said, his tail wagging as he manipulated my uncle in the same way that he manipulated everyone else. I just rolled my eyes as I left him to chatter with my uncle about this and that, and to hope that my uncle didn't give him too many of those liquor candy. I would never put it past him to get him drunk, even though he was underage.

I walked into the living room where my brother stood, browsing through my grandmother's rather large collection of movies. My brother, Alec, looked over at me, his thin and dark furred face twisting into recognition immediately before he went back to browsing through movies. "Less of a turnout this year," he said, his voice cracking halfway through the sentence. He was doing it on purpose, showing off that he was going through puberty.

I shrugged a bit as I went to stand next to him, my eyes running over the many cases that were put onto the shelves in alphabetical order. "Well, of course." I said simply, "Our cousins are starting to grow old enough that they're leaving and making other plans for Christmas. We've had three aunts and uncles move out of town in the past two years. Hell, next year our sister won't be here either."

"Ashley will come back to Grandma's for Christmas no matter where she goes to college." He said simply as he pulled a movie out and headed for the DVD player. "Which means I'll always have my older brother and sister to bug me."

I wrinkled my nose at him and said, "And I'll always have my little bother to occupy my time."

*Author's Note: I meant to spell Bother. Not brother. ;) *

"Oh haha," he said sarcastically, "Even without me all of your time would be occupied," he said.

I nodded my head and chuckled, "Yea, Josh is a handful isn't he? He can be such a brat." I said with an exaggerated voice, and got the wonderful feeling that is brought to me everytime I heard his whine. I turned and opened my arms to him, "Come here cutie," I said teasingly.

He crossed his arms across his chest and pouted at me before turning his chin up at me. "I don't know if I want to anymore!" he said, making that pouty lipped face that got pity from everyone else.

"Pouting in public is worth ten," I warned him, continuing to hold my arms out for him, waiting impatiently for him to walk over to me.

He huffed but finally walked over to me, pressing himself into my arms as I smiled and squeezed him to my chest. "That's a good boy," I said, kissing him on the cheek teasingly. "How many did you eat?" I whispered into his ear.

He looked up at me innocently, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

I looked at him sternly and said, "Yes you do. How many did you eat?"

"I didn't eat anything! I don't know what you're talking about!" His whine was insistent and I clucked my tongue. I knew nothing I did would make him tell me, so I gripped him by the collar and began to drag him up the stairs. He whined and struggled furiously against me as I did so, until finally I pulled him into the upstairs bathroom, and closed and locked the door behind me.

I closed the toilet lid and then sat down on it. "How many did you eat?" I asked him simply. "I know you ate at least one, so that's five automatically, but if you don't tell me I'll automatically assume you ate five, because that's how many he tends to give you every time he sees you. That means twenty-five spanks, and that's paired with the twenty from lying to me.

He whined and flattened his ears further against his head before looking at his feet and kicking at the heel of one idly. "I ate three," he said guiltily, keeping his ears flat.

"Mmhmm," I said, patting my lap, "That means you get 35 spanks."

He whined and shuffled over to me. I raised an eyebrow and he whimpered before tugging his pants and underwear down obediently, bending over my lap and grabbing onto my ankles. I rubbed his cute, bare rump gently for a second and said, "I'll give you fifteen now, and twenty tonight. However, because I'm splitting them up, the twenty tonight will be with your plug in."

He whined loudly, "But they always hurt more!" he pouted.

"Would you rather have all 35 now?" I asked him.

He whimpered before huffing. "No." he sighed.

"No what?" I asked, looking down at him.

"No sir." He said with a huff.

"We're in private." I reminded him.

"No master." He replied.

"Finally," I said, immediately raising my paw and slamming it hard down onto his bare rump. He yelped loudly, and upon hearing how loudly yelped, I reached down and got a rag out of her rag drawer and stuffed it into his maw to keep him quiet. After this, I continued the spanking, make sure to cover every last area of his rump that I could, finishing with the final spank on his young testicles, as was a tradition between us.

I gave him a second, examining his face as tears leaked down his cheeks. I reached over and took the rag out of his mouth, dropping it into the dirty laundry basket before resting my paw on his rump, rubbing it gently, teasing his tail hole every time my finger passed over it. When he had finally calmed down enough to speak, I pressed a finger gently into his tail hole, not quickly but still at a firm and constant rate.

As I did this, I asked him, "Will you do it again?" I began to pump my finger gently into his tail hole, searching for his prostate, watching his face for his reaction.

"I won't do it again master," he snuffled, wiping his eyes with his arm before gasping and letting out a long, low moan. I smiled as I continued to rub that sweet spot in his tail hole, slowly pulling him around until he was sitting in my lap, his legs instinctively wrapping around my body and his cock slowly getting hard as his continuous moan got a bit louder.

I reached to his cock and gripped it tightly in my paw, starting to stroke him furiously as I rubbed his prostate roughly, making his moans change pitch with how much pressure I put on his prostate. "Are you going to cum for me?" I whispered into his ear teasingly.

He let out a long moan, panting softly as he squirmed, "Y-yes!" he squeaked out, all the tears gone from his voice if not gone from his face. He panted and humped into my paw, and I felt his cock throb in just enough time to use my other paw to catch the load of ferret cum that sprayed out of his cock. He slumped against me, panting and wriggling as he finished riding his orgasm and I smiled as I moved my paw up to his face. "Clean my paw," I ordered him simply.

He began to lick his cum out of my paw like an obedient boy and when it was done, I picked him up and set him on the floor on his feet before leaning forward and giving his cock a gentle lick to clean the cum off of his tip. I tugged his pants up afterwards, listening to his whimpers as the fabric settled against his sensitive cock.

"Now," I said, readjusting my erection so that it wasn't pressing painfully against my pants, "are you going to behave for the rest of the night?"

He nodded his head as I cleaned the tears off of his face. "Yes master."

"Remember," I said after I finished with his tears, "You will not eat like a pig. You will not make inappropriate comments. You will not fart or burp at the table, and if you must burp, you will cover your mouth with your paw, and say excuse me. And, last but not least, you will not be impatient for dessert, and you will eat everything you take, and you will take a little bit of everything." I saw his face fall at that and I sighed, "Except the Green Bean casserole."

That got a sigh of relief and I looked him in the eye. "Understand?"

"Yes master." He said meekly.

"Good boy," I said, reaching down and flipping the button on my pants undone before standing up and forcing him to his knees, letting my pants and boxers fall around my ankles. "Now suck," I said, my cock right in front of his face.

He blushed furiously but nodded his head, reaching up and gripping the base of my cock. "Yes master," he said as he leaned forward, giving my cock a very long, very slow lick. I let out a soft groan of pleasure in appreciation as he wrapped his lips around my cock, getting straight to it.

"That's a good boy," I said approvingly as I gave a little thrust, getting my cock deeper into his maw as he ran his tongue all around the rather long shaft. He closed his eyes and focused on pleasing me, and I just chuckled happily as he did so.

He began to bob his head slowly, one of his paws slipping around to press a finger against my tail hole. I chuckled softly and allowed him to slip it in. I closed my eyes tight as he pressed his finger deep into my tail hole, ignoring the burning sensation of his finger slipping into my virgin hole. He started to pump it into me as he sucked and I panted. "Mmm, get ready for a rather large load you naughty boy," I said simply.

His face burned red as I jammed my cock down his throat, moaning loudly as I pumped my seed deep into his maw with a little bit of a chuckle. He gulped it all down obediently, my ass clenching around his finger as I sprayed stream after stream until there was none left. Finally, he pulled off, giving my cock a few last strokes and licks before letting it drop from his paws. I chuckled and tucked it back in as he panted and I started to pet his head. When we were both sufficiently calmed down, I knelt down and kissed him on the lips. "Good bitch," I said teasingly. "Now for dinner!"