Otter Twins 3

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#3 of Otter Twins

Part 3 of a small series

Whelp, here's part three. Please leave comments and ratings! I'd love to hear from all of you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kaleb scooted up against the wall, grabbing three menus from the holder and handing two of them to his brother and the fox. Joseph and Danny were sitting opposite from him, the fox against the wall, and the steakhouse was relatively dark except for around the tables. "I've never eaten here before." Danny confessed, looking through the menu and reading what he could, trying to decide.

"Oh the food is pretty good, and it's not nearly as expensive as it could be." Joseph replied, glancing at a few selections before closing his menu, Kaleb doing the same.

The brown otter leaned forward against the table, sipping on his drink when it arrived. "Mmm, so, do you have much work over the weekend?" He asked his brother while the fox tried to decide what he wanted.

"No, not really. Just some math homework, and then to read more of Things Fall Apart... which, I won't... I can just lie my way through the questions about the book and the teacher won't notice. It's such a shitty book anyway, I don't think hardly anyone is actively reading it."

The fox's ears flicked a bit as he listened to the conversation, trying to decide between three particular dishes, chewing on his tongue in concentration. Something was quick to draw him out of that concentration when he felt a paw suddenly slide between his legs, giving his sheath a squeeze through his jeans. He tensed up and eyes widened as he jerked suddenly, looking at the grey otter next to him.

Joseph wasn't looking at him though, still talking with his twin about their homework. "Oh? What'd she say?"

Kaleb appeared to be oblivious to what was going on beneath the table, idly drumming his fingers along the formica tabletop. It became apparent that he knew more than what he led on, however, as one of his footpaws pushed up between the fox's legs and nestled under his balls. Going barefoot like the majority of other people, his bare paws wriggled around a bit, making the fox squirm ever so slightly as the related paw remained in his lap, squeezing and petting along his hidden sheath.

He could feel the tip of his shaft starting to push out of its covering and slide against his boxers, pre forming at the tip. He was about to question what the two were up to when their waitress finally arrived, the young rabbit smiling at the three of them. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Ah, yeah, uh, I'll have the uh... the... buffalo chicken sandwich..." Kaleb said, flipping the menu back open to remind himself what he was getting.

She turned to Joseph, who's paw was hidden from view, but not from Danny's mind, fingers pinching the tip of his growing shaft. "I'm going to get the grilled chicken salad, but no olives, please." He added, smiling at her and handing his menu back to his brother.

"What about you?" The girl asked Danny, making his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he felt his shaft starting to push out further, a footpaw kneeding his balls gently as fingers toyed along his hardening length, pre starting to drip out against his crotch fur and cotton boxers. "I... I uh... I'm... going... oh, uh... I guess the... six ounce sirloin... uh um... medium, please." He said, closing his menu and staring at it intently for a moment, trying to ignore the feelings of the paws on his groin as she finished writing down their orders.

"Alrighty, we'll have those out shortly." She said, walking off as the otters thanked her, turning their attention back on each other.

"So, what did you want to do tonight?" Joseph asked, fingers moving up the hard ridge in the fox's jeans until they found the button, popping it open before Danny could resist and sliding the zipper down. The fox let out a very soft whine, cheeks red as he looked down at his drink, holding it in both paws.

"Mmm, doesn't matter to me, really. Could play some games or something. Watch a movie, just hang out and talk." He could tell when the fox's zipper had been pulled his foot away for a moment.

Danny glanced down at his crotch, just barely able to see his dark red boxers with the lighting in the restaurant. He could make out the otter's paw teasing over his shaft and he shivered, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to ignore the fact that they were in such a public place. He could hear the family behind him idly talking, the back of the booth just high enough that only his ears were visible over the divider. He cast a quick glance over at Joseph when the paw vanished from his shaft, reaching behind him to undo the clasp above his tail. His muzzle opened to argue and protest but he was cut off before he could talk.

"Alright, and we can move the system downstairs because mom and dad won't be home until sometime tomorrow, meaning that they won't be hogging the TV for that stupid show." He said, giggling a bit and tugging on the side of the fox's jeans, trying to pull them down.

The fox whimpered pitifully, barely audible over their conversation, trying to protest but failing to put up a fight when Kaleb's footpaw hooked on the other side of his jeans. Together, both brothers managed to start tugging the fox's jeans down a few inches, enough to make his crotch accessible to the both of them. Joseph's paw slid along his thigh and pulled his shaft and balls through the pant-leg of his boxers, Kaleb's footpaw nuzzling under then and teasing at them as they talked about what games they could play, or didn't want to play.

Pre started dripping liberally from the tip of the fox's cock now, the soft pads from Joseph's paw smearing it along his length as they talked. Danny was trying not to panic at this point, glancing around the restaurant and trying to make sure no one could see that he cock had been tugged out into the open and being stroked under the table. His knot was forming quickly and he wondered how far they were planning to take this. With Joseph on one side, and the table covering him, he felt a bit more secure, only barely able to see his shaft if he looked down at his crotch, Joseph tilting it away and towards Kaleb to keep it hidden under the table.

Kaleb could feel the pitter-patter of pre sprinkling along his foot and ankle, and even over his leg when he'd press down on the fox's balls. He smirked and adjusted himself as he and his twin continued to tease and torment the otter, tail curled against his side and along the booth. They ignored Danny for the most part, Joseph's paw squeezing and stroking along that thick canid length, starting to squeeze and tug on the knot of flesh that was forming at the base.

Danny felt himself starting to get close to his orgasm, heart racing faster than normal because of the situation and he looked between the brothers, hoping to plead for them to stop, but they weren't even paying attention to him above the table. He felt his balls draw up, breath catching in his throat as he felt himself start to peak, toes curling as he tried to will himself to back off from the climax.

He nearly yelped when the rabbit reappeared, carrying their meals. "Alright! Here you go. Grilled chicken salad, no olives. Buffalo chicken sandwich, and a six ounce sirloin. Would you mind cutting into it to make sure it looks alright?" She asked politely, smiling down at the fox, wondering to herself why the canine looked so nervous.

Danny's cock throbbed dully in the otter's paw, Joseph squeezing down as hard as he could on the knot and tugging it a few times in an attempt to send him over the edge. With shaky paws the fox took the cutlery and cut into the steak, looking at it and then back up at the rabbit. "I-it's perfect... th-thanks." He said, trying not to moan or make any other noises.

"Alright! Well if you need anything, let me know." She said, smiling at the three of them before wandering off.

The fox relaxed when she left, the otter's paw on his cock not relenting as he slumped back a bit out of relief. He relaxed a bit too much with the waitress's absence and tensed up, holding his breath for a second as he fought to keep himself from cumming. His concentration held out for a moment and he was sure he was going to make it before a sharp snap brought him back to reality.

"SUSIE. SIT DOWN. Don't bother the other people." He heard from behind him, and glanced up to see a young, smiling husky who was standing on the seat and peering over the divider right at him. She couldn't have been more than four and she was staring right down at his cock out of curiosity.

If Danny's face wasn't red before, it was now and he let out a soft yelp of embarrassment, pulling his hips back in an attempt to free his cock from the otter's paw. The sudden tug to his shaft as he pulled back was the final straw and he let out a strangled moan, biting down on his tongue to keep from being loud as he came. His cock pulled free from the otter's paw and slapped against his stomach, a few ropes of cum splattering up his shirt to his shoulder, one even hitting him under the chin.

The young girl squealed and giggled at him before one of her parents pulled her back down, scolding her for bothering people. The fox felt so ashamed and embarrassed as he quickly pulled his shirt up and over his cock, the last of his cum splashing against his chest and stomach, his shirt visibly wet now. His ears were pinned to his head and he kept his eyes closed for a few moments before he felt something drop onto his chest, looking down to see the cloth napkin there.

"Hurry and clean it off as best you can before she comes to see if everything is alright with the food." Joseph teased, pulling his paws back and starting in on his food, giggling along with his brother at the fox's misfortune.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What if someone had seen us!" Danny said, whining a bit as he followed the otters into their house, his tail flicking around behind him.

Joseph giggled and closed the door behind the fox, murring a bit as he stepped forward, giving the fox's sheath a squeeze through his jeans and grinning. "Nah, no one would have seen..."

Kaleb dropped his coat over the back of the couch, starting up the stairs to their room. "Yeah, well, except for that little girl... you should have seen your face. The abject look of horror on your face... and then of course you pulled back in surprise and got cum everywhere.."

Danny's face was bright red as he walked up behind Kaleb, Joseph behind him. "It's not funny..." He said, whining a little from embarrassment. He let out a soft yelp of surprise when he felt paws grab his rump from behind once they got into the twin's room.

"Oh don't worry, no one can see you now, except us... We'll make it up to you too." Joseph said, leaning in to nibble on the back of Danny's neck.

The fox didn't resist as his eyes slowly fluttered shut, two more paws finding his stomach and running up underneath his shirt, scritching through his fur, some still matted down from earlier. He could feel his sheath swelling up at the attention again and he squirmed a bit when both the otters pressed up against him. He could feel Joseph's hard shaft grinding up against his rear through their clothes while Kaleb's ground into his crotch, his shaft starting to poke free from its prison.

The grey otter's paws slid around Danny's body and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down along with his boxers. The fox's shaft was halfway out and he let out a soft gasp when Kaleb pushed a finger into the furry holder, his body tensing up. Both twins were nuzzling into his neck from either side, nibbling and biting at him as he just held onto Kaleb's hips, letting them have their way with him for the third time that day.

Kaleb pulled the fox's shirt up and off of him, tossing it to the side before he and his brother pushed the fox over to one of the beds and forced him to lay on his back. Danny looked up at the brothers nervously, his cock pulsing a bit as he watched the pair undress, his eyes flicking back and forth between the hard grey and tan shafts that were now exposed.

Joseph slowly climbed up above the fox and reached backwards, gripping Danny's shaft and pressing it up against his entrance. The fox tensed at the feeling, panting lightly as he watched the grey otter push himself down, skinning back the fox's sheath the rest of the way as he ground himself down against the fox's hips. Danny let out a soft moan of pleasure, eyes closing for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of being inside someone for the first time.

He jerked slightly as he felt something thick and heavy smack against the bridge of his muzzle and he opened his eyes to see the tan otter kneeling next to his head, cock hanging over his face. He didn't need to be told what Kaleb wanted as he slowly opened his muzzle and let the otter push the head of his uncut shaft into his muzzle. Pre was already coating his tongue as he felt the shaft slide in a few inches.

They otter riding him squeezed down, making Danny groan around the shaft in his muzzle, and then slowly pulled up from where he'd rested. The fox squirmed at the tight feeling, hips shaking a bit as he jerked every now and then, pushing up into the otter's passage. Joseph let out a soft sigh of happiness as he pulled up so that just the tip of the fox's cock was still in him and then he pushed back down with a moan, his cock spraying some pre up over the fox's chest as his cock bounced in the air. Danny gagged a bit as he suppressed a moan, his tongue rolling around Kaleb's shaft and teasing at the dripping head.

Kaleb rocked his hips back and forth slowly, his foreskin rolling back and forth as the fox's lips created a tight seal around his shaft. He murred appreciatively as one of the fox's paws moved up between his legs and gave his heavy sac a firm squeeze, his cock pulsing and drooling more pre across the inexperienced tongue.

Joseph started to pick up his pace, his cock beginning to slap against the fox's stomach with each downward thrust, pre matting down the fox's already-messy fur. He gasped and moaned as he the fox's cock continued to assault his prostate, grinding himself against it for a moment before he'd pull back up. Danny was whimpering and moaning around the cock in his muzzle, his eagerness making up for his lack of skill.

The fox's knot was starting to grow under all the attention and Joseph made sure to pop it in every time he pushed down, squeezing on the thickest part as he pulled himself off of it. Danny was nearing his peak quickly, wanting to warn the otter on him, or tell him to slow down, but the thick otter cock sliding back and forth between his lips preventing him from doing anything except drool pre from the corners of his muzzle.

His knot was fully engorged now and it took the otter a few seconds to pop it in or out, gasping a bit each time. He felt it throb inside him and he ground himself back down on the length, holding himself around the thickest part of the knot as he squeezed himself down on it, making Danny gag around Kaleb's shaft, pre sputtering out of his muzzle as he pulled back, moaning out as he came hard.

Joseph sighed happily, shivering at the full, warm feeling as cum poured into him, paws moving to his cock and stroking along it quickly as he enjoyed the feeling. Danny shook and whimpered as he came, cock pulsing and filling the otter. He thought Joseph was going to stay knotted to him, but the otter pulled himself off, making Danny yip from the sudden stimulation to his knot, feeling some of his seed drip down over his shaft and then stomach as Joseph moved his way up Danny's body, pressing the head of his shaft to Danny's muzzle, Kaleb's own cock-head idly tapping against it as the two twins kissed each other.

The fox blushed deeply and extended his tongue to lick over both of the uncut shafts in front of his face, pre dripping from both and making a mess of his muzzle and neck fur. Joseph groaned and shivered a bit into the kiss as he squeezed the base of his shaft, cum spraying out and over the fox's face, thick white ropes painting his face and muzzle. Kaleb broke the kiss to look down, watching his brother cum over their friend's face and he practically growled, his own cock throbbing before laying its own load over Danny's muzzle, their similar scents marking the fox's face.

Danny kept his eyes tightly closed as he felt and heard the thick ropes of cum splash all over his face, panting happily and licking at both the brother's cocks, tail wagging against the bed. He was ready to take a shower now, giggling some and raising a paw to wipe his eyes free of cum. Two paws grabbed his shoulders and pulled him forward until he was on his knees, making him yip in surprise. He'd thought the night was over, but he knew he should have known better.

He felt one of the otters slide under him and one of the thick, cum-covered cocks press up against his passage. He let out a soft whine as he felt it slide into him, doing his best to relax, but there was still a bit of pain. Danny leaned forward until he was laying on the otter's chest, his still-knotted shaft pressed between them. Chancing a look, he saw the grey fur in front of him, starting to wonder what Kaleb was going to do.

His answer came shortly as he felt two paws readjusting him and lift his tail out of the way. Kaleb's shaft pressed up against Joseph's as the grey otter pulled back most of the way. "W-wait! I... I don't know if I can do that..." He protested weakly, whimpering a bit in fear as he felt Joseph's paws wrap around his chest and hold him tight.

"You'll be fine, just relax." Joseph said, kissing his cheek and murring softly, nuzzling into his neck and giving him reassuring nips.

Kaleb pressed the head of his cock insistently against the fox's hole and together, he and his brother pushed forward, sliding both of their shafts in together until they were both mostly inside. Danny whined from the pain, his mind reeling from the strange sensation of being opened so far. It wasn't as bad as he had imagined and he felt himself relaxing as he was given a few minutes to recover.

The tan otter slowly pulled himself out, groaning at the tightness, stopping when only his head was still in the otter. Joseph's shaft was still hilted in the fox and Kaleb thrust back forward, sliding his cock in against his twin's. All three moaned out at the feeling, Danny shaking between the two warm bodies as he tried to ignore the residual pain. His cock was still hard, though, and with the constant pressure to his prostate he knew he wasn't going to last long like this.

Joseph drew his hips back as best he could, starting to make shallow thrusts, Kaleb's longer ones grinding their cocks back and forth inside the stretched fox. Kaleb's thrusts became quicker and more powerful as he worked himself up to his second orgasm, paws planted firmly on Danny's back as he started taking shorter and quicker jabs. The grey otter could only go so fast with the position they were in, but with how tight the fox was, and with his brother's cock grinding against his own, he knew he'd be cumming inside the fox soon.

Danny grit his teeth as he focused on the pleasure coming from his passage, his paws gripping Joseph's shoulders tightly, hips twitching as he tried to grind his own cock against the short, soft otter fur. Cum was smeared into his face and neck, now smeared into Joseph's neck and face as he lay against the grey body. His breath had quickened and his heart was racing as he felt himself being pushed to the edge yet again, legs spasming and toes curling as he barked out, cock throbbing dully between his and Joseph's stomach.

Joseph grinned and snaked a paw between them to give that thick knot a firm squeeze with some accompanying tugs, the fox jerking hard with the added stimulation. Kaleb was the next to go off as he ground himself deep in the fox's passage before he pulled out, cumming up between the fox's cheeks and making a mess of the underside of his tail and even the back of his balls.

Without his brother's shaft in against his own, Joseph was able to thrust a bit harder and within moments he moaned out, paw squeezing down on Danny's knot as he came deep inside the fox, ignoring the yaps of pained pleasure as his paw tightened on the cock he had been toying with.

Cum now dripping from most places, Danny just let himself collapse on Joseph's chest, shaking a little every time he'd exhale, his cock still pulsing between them as he felt Kaleb flop down next to them. "Ahhh... looks like we'll sleep on the other bed tonight."

"It's always my bed that you like to ruin..." Joseph said, smiling and nuzzling against the fox's cheek as he held the exhausted fox. "I think we wore him out... Still have to take a shower too, but I guess we'll go easy on him in there..."

Danny whined when he heard that, unable to keep himself from giggling as well as he hugged onto the otter. "Don't hurt me... I'm fragile..." He mumbled, yipping and then laughing as Kaleb smacked a paw over his ass, making him squeeze down on the almost-forgotten otter shaft.

"Yeah right."


Please leave comments and ratings! I'd love to hear from all of you.