Chrissie's Coming of Age pt 3

Story by Miguel Sanchez on SoFurry

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#3 of Chrissie's coming of age.

Chrissie's path to adulthood is coming on faster than her parents anticipated and it's causing a little bit of stress for all parties.

I was woken up out of a sound sleep by... something that I couldn't place. In the darkness of the room I felt P'rin sleeping soundly next to me. There were no strange sounds in the house and nothing coming from outside that shouldn't be there. I closed my eyes and thought it was just my imagination when whatever it was struck again. I didn't hear it so much as sensed it inside my mind. But what the hell was it? It was like an urgent plea for help but what could it be.

Instinctively I got up and walked out of the room, careful not to disturb P'rin in the process. In my time on Caitan and especially during our time together I had learned to walk as silently as any cat. Hopefully this would continue as I quietly closed the door before walking over to Chrissie's room to check up on her.

I opened the door to her room and immediately saw the problem, actually I smelled it first. She was once again all worked up and obviously needed me but strangely enough she still seemed to be asleep. Yet her covers had been kicked off and one of her hand was industriously working between her legs while she fellated her thumb.

"Chrissie? Are you awake?" I called out to her.

She moaned in response. Whispered, "mmmm daddy" and went back to sucking on her thumb in an attempt to get it off. I thought she had to be dreaming of this and maybe it was the best that I left her to her own devices. My cock was starting to get hard and maybe she needed me in that way but this still felt dangerously close to rape. But I couldn't leave, some impulse instead led me into the room.

I closed the door behind me and walked silently across the floor. The feeling I had was so strong that I couldn't have left even if I truly wanted to. I leaned over her, trying not to notice the rather erotic display she was putting on and gently brushed the hair from her face. Her eyes snapped open, she took one look at me and with more strength that I had thought was possible Chrissie pulled me onto the bed, jumped on top of me and started sniffing and snuffling at me.

"Chrissie honey, it's your father. Do you recognise me?" I said a little worriedly but she didn't seem to be understanding what I was telling her. Eventually she had turned around and her nose led her to my shorts which she practically shreaded them in an attempt to get to my penis. With a growl she leapt on it and slurped the whole thing into her mouth.

I kept myself from shouting out as she did this and instead just grit my teeth as she worked on my dick with such wild abandon that I was surprised. This wasn't cocksucking, or a blow job or even worship. This was something altogether different than I had ever experienced before. It was... primal, almost animalistic in it's savagery and lacked the tenderness and love that normally went into the act.

Chrissie was rough and forceful with what she wanted. All that concerned her right now was to work it and get her reward at the end. Also with her dripping pussy practically in my face the smell of her arousal was something that was working it's magic on my hindbrain. I was getting lost in a sea of pleasure, pheromones and desire. Rational thought was leaving my brain and in a moment of madness I grabbed her by the tail, pulled her back slightly and kissed her on her virgin pussy.

In retrospect this is not something I would have normally done but I was too far gone to even consider it. It was like a switch had been thrown in my brain and suddenly she was the only thing that mattered to me. I attacked her pussy with my mouth and just slobbered all over it.

Chrissie mewed in pleasure around my cock and started sucking even harder which only caused me to tongue her even more. I was getting close to my orgasm and the way she was grinding into my tongue meant that she was getting close as well. I moved my focus to her clit which caused her to stiffen as her body went haywire and it was enough for me to cum as well.

When she had swallowed every drop and licked me clean, Chrissie moved back up to the head of the bed and rubbed her cheek against mine a few times. Strangely enough she appeared to be still asleep after all this. I went to get up to leave but she hissed and held onto me, pulling me back down to the bed and snuggling up against me.

Within minutes of doing so she had fallen sound asleep and her gentle snores were music to my ears. I lay down next to her, kissed her on the top of her head and said, "G'night kitten" before falling asleep myself.

The next morning I was awoken to P'rin standing by the foot of Chrissie's bed giving me a look that said I had better have a good reason for this. Extricating myself from Chrissie's grasp I got up and followed her out of the room.

She looked at me expectantly and I simply told her the truth. "Last night I... felt something that woke me up and I was drawn to Chrissie's room. She was still asleep, sucking on her thumb like it was my penis and I did what needed to be done. She wouldn't let me leave so I slept there."

Her entire demenour changed from angry to concerned when she heard this and asked, "you mean you felt the blood call?"

"The what now?"

"The blood call is one of the final steps when a girl becomes a woman. It's a siren call to the father which shows that the two of them are moving towards the final stage. Did she swallow your seed?"

"Yes she did. She was quite savage about it and seemed like she was still asleep."

P'rin nodded, a human custom that she had picked up from me. "Yes, that is usually the case. This means we will need to do the ceremony sooner than I had thought." P'rin kissed me gently on the lips. She gave a surprised little mew when she did as she tasted Chrissie's residue on my mouth.

"Did you put your lips on her last night as this happened?" she asked with a hint of amusement.

"Heat of the moment, pheremones, I wasn't really in control of myself. I hope that wasn't something bad."

"Not at all and I'm glad you did. Often times a father will pleasure his daughter when she performs this. It shows his love for her. Although I'm a little jealous, " she said running a finger idly on my chest. "You haven't licked me in years." P'rin gave an adoreable little pout then giggled when I didn't take the bait.

"You know I can't do that anymore. Any more than a taste from your honeypot and I lose any and all control that I have. I turn into an animal and could literally fuck myself to death. I could do it when we first met, but the last time we tried I had heart palpitations after the third time in an hour and had to be taken to the hospital. Chrissie seems to be half-strength so to speak so it was tolerable."

"Maybe we just need to get you a new heart, " P'rin teased.

"Or maybe my wife needs to stop complaining about all the hot sex she gets from her middle aged husband who still gives it to her every night because she's so incredibly sexy, " I said back to her.

P'rin leaned in closer until her body was pressed up against mine. "Or maybe we just need to work your heart a little more and make sure it's strong enough to take the pressure." She leaned in and kissed me which I was only more than happy to return. She broke the kiss and held me in her arms, her chin resting on my shoulder and a happy purr running through her body.

I heard the door open behind me and Chrissie walked out to see her parents hugging. She stood there watching us and glared at her mother.

"Is there a problem kitten?" P'rin asked.

Chrissie seemed to think about this before saying, "you guys are being too loud." She shook her head as if to clear the cobwebs before turning to me and asking, "Daddy, did you come to my room last night?"

"I did kitten. I heard you calling to me and I helped you. Your mother said it's called the 'blood call' and it means that we're nearing the end of the ceremony. After tonight we should be done."

"Oh... okay, " Chrissie said a little absentmindedly as if something else was on her mind. She reached up to give me a kiss on the cheek and made sure she rubbed her cheek against me while whispering, "thank you Daddy, " in possibly the dirtiest way possible in my ear.

We both watched as she practically sashayed into the washroom to take care of nature's call. I looked at P'rin and said, "I think I'm missing something here."

"Don't worry, everything is fine. This is how kittens act, she will be extremely affectionate towards you today and rarely will want to leave your side. She'll fellate you several times with the intervals coming less and less inbetween each bout. Then tonight the ceremony will take place and once it's completed she will be a woman and while she might look at the memory of this with fondness, she will not be interested in taking you as a mate."

"Okay. If you insist but you're going to be there right? If for nothing else than moral support?" I asked.

"I wouldn't miss her coming of age for the world, " P'rin said with a smile. She kissed me one last time and made her way downstairs to get breakfast started.

I wandered back to my room to take a shower and get ready for the day. I chuckled slightly as the state of my clothes, all shreaded as they were and dropped them in the recycler before turning the shower on and stepping under the spray. It wasn't long before I heard the door open and somebody come to join me in the stall.

"P'rin, now's not really the best time for this. If what you told me was true I'm going to need to save this all for Crissie today. Maybe when this is all over you can hit me with a shot and we'll see if this old man can get it up."

Without speaking she pressed her body to my back and reached around to take hold of my cock. I grunted slightly, a little annoyed that those damn feline hormones of hers meant that she rarely took no for an answer. I reached down and removed her hand from my member only seeing that while furred, it was a lot smaller not to mention it had bare skin above the wrist.

"Chrissie?!?" I said turning around in surprise to see my daughter standing naked in the shower with me. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Daddy, you said to come see you whenever I needed you, " she said in a completely innocent manner. But that innocence only lasted a moment because the next words out of her mouth were the growl of a Caitini in heat. "And I need you now!"

She leapt at me and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. It was only after that I realised she had used P'rin's technique of spreading some of her juices on her lips to get me in the mood. Lust flooded my brain as I returned her kiss with equal passion. My dick, came to life and I could feel it growing between us.

"I need you so bad Daddy, " she whispered in my ear as she ground herself against my dick. "I want you inside me, I need you to fuck me and fill me up."

It was taking all my waning self control not to give in to these desires and I had to admit that I was close to fucking her for real. "Not until tonight kitten, " I whispered. My hand moved down to her dripping pussy and gently teased the lips while at the same time preventing me from enterring her.

Chrissie mewed in pleasure when I touched her but this turned to a mrowl of disappointment when I didn't continue. I turned off the shower and led her outside the stall. A moment later I was flat on my back while she gobbled my cock and I ate her out.

I grasped her by the tail and pulled her a little bit closer so I could reach her pussy and planted a big kiss right on it. Chrissie squirmed happily at the contact and ground her hips into my mouth as much as she could. I brought my hands up and gently parted her folds and gave her slit a nice, slow lick.

I have to admit that this was something that I missed. Caitani females with their aphrodesiac secretions made oral sex beyond enjoyable that it bordered on mind blowing. The first thing that hit you was the taste, it was unlike any other female out there. It was spicy and musky and intoxicating. You couldn't get enough of it, just the feeling of her moist pussy on your lips was enough to drive any man wild. You felt energised and felt you could fuck for hours. When you're young, it's no big deal but once you pass a certain age it can get dangerous. This is why some men have said that the way they want to die is to fuck a Caitani woman to death.

Chrissie luckily was only a half-breed so she was only half-strength which allowed me to focus more on what I was doing. I didn't want to give her an orgasm, that just felt wrong. Well, it felt more wrong than what we were doing. And Chrissie's enthusiasm for oral sex was not helping matters. As bad as it sounded, she was going to be a world class oralist when she got older if her technique progressed as it did. Already she was as good as her mother had been after several years of practice. Maybe it was the childish enthusiasm with which she went about her work.

Fuck! She was throating me on every single bob of her head. She'd pull up all the way to the tip, swirl her tongue about the head before pushing her head back down and letting me slide all the way down her throat. I'd feel her tongue on the base of my penis for a moment before she pulled up, caught her breath and repeated the process.

I continued to lick her up and down before driving my tongue in as deep as I could. Chrissie moaned around my dick before attacking it with renewed vigor. I swirled my tongue around a bit before pulling back, licking around her lips and avoiding her clit as much as I could. I really didn't feel right giving her an orgasm and working the clit was usually the fastest way to do that. Instead I opted for what was essentially an oral yoni massage.

The effect is more soothing and pleasing to the woman instead of being sexual although it is very possible that she'll orgasm anyway with enough stimulation. And speaking of stimulation the suction she was applying to my cock was getting intense. She reached down and started massaging my balls, this was not good. I could already feel them tightening up and getting ready.

Lost in the sensations, I attacked her pussy with more fervour than I should have and it wasn't long before both of us were on the brink of cumming. That's when it all went wrong.

P'rin walked in and said that breakfast was ready only to see us on the bathroom floor. Chrissie was so surprised that as I was ready to cum she pulled her mouth off to growl at her mother and the first blast hit her on the chin instead of going in her mouth. She clamped her mouth back onto my dick to swallow the next few shots but she missed part of it. She licked up what she could and managed to almost get it all but she was not a happy cat-girl right now. Her tail was thrashing back and forth and she was hissing and spitting at P'rin while practically sitting on my face.

P'rin calmly walked up to Chrissie and slapped her across the face. Whatever spell Chrissie had been under was broken and she started to cry like the child she was. I lay there, feeling like shit and cursing the fact that this day had only just started. P'rin comforted her as best she could before sending her off to get cleaned up before breakfast. Then she turned to face me.

"She's getting worse, " I said. "She surprised me in the shower and kissed me after putting some of her lubrication on her lips. She wanted me to do her right here and now. I fought the urge as best I could. It was difficult but I managed to get her to just do the oral. If she's going to get more insistant today I don't know if I can hold out until tonight."

"All this is normal. When in that state she sees you as her mate and during those times she sees me as an adversary." She kneeled down and hugged me. I needed some kind of emotional support right now because I was seriously losing my grip on what was going on. On one hand Chrissie needed this, on the other hand the whole thing was stressful as fuck. I thought I had a handle on it but this blood call thing was really testing my resolve.

"You're doing a fine job right now. And when the sun starts to set, you will mate with her and you'll both be done."

"But what's to stop her from wanting me after this and attacking me in the shower? You said yourself that there are romantic stories of fathers and daughters continuing these things after the ceremony."

"With the ceremony comes clarity. She may harbour feelings of warmth, nostalgia and even desire when it's done but she will never act on it alone. You must be the one to do so. It's always been like that with our people, " P'rin explained while cradling me in her arms.

I turned around and looked at her. I loved this woman more than life itself and often times wondered what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful mate. I hugged her back, she started to purr and rubbed her cheek against mine. "I love you furry butt."

"I know how much you like my furry butt. That's what attracted you to me in the first place wasn't it?" she whispered in my ear.

"You know me so well." Releasing her from the hug I looked at her and said, "I'm going to ask you to run interference with Chrissie today. Don't try to stop her from coming to me or anything, but just watch her and watch my back."

"You shouldn't be too worried. She's a hormonal kitten on the brink of womanhood and not some crazed animal, " P'rin said.

"Don't forget, she's only half Caitani. That human side of her might change matters."

"Don't worry. I'll protect the big strong human from the little girl, " P'rin said with mock severity. She disolved into giggles when she saw I wasn't going to take the bait. A quick kiss and lick on my nose and she got up to go back downstairs.

Sighing to myself I carefully locked the door to make sure I wasn't going to be inturrupted again, showered and changed before heading downstairs to breakfast. Chrissie was there at the table casting daggers at her mother but she brightened up the moment I walked in.

"Good morning Daddy!" she called and held out her arms for a hug.

"Morning kitten, " I said and gave her a hug in return careful not to get in too close and though she pursed her lips for a kiss I gave her one on the top of her head just to be on the safe side. She frowned slightly at this rebuff but quickly rebounded and stared adoringly at me when I sat down and started my breakfast.


"Yes kitten?"

"I was thinking once you were done, if we could go for a walk in the garden? Just you and me? Like we used to do?"

"That would be nice kitten, but I've got a lot of work to do today and having to take care of you as well means I'm going to be really busy."

"But Daddy, " she said leaning forward as much as she could, "it's been such a long time since we did so. I promise I'm not going to try anything. I just want to spend some time with my Daddy." She gave me the big kitten eyes and I melted. Yes, I'm a sucker for the big kitten eyes.

"Okay honey, but we don't spend a lot of time there because I'm behind in my work and I really need to get this done today." I finished my breakfast and as soon as I lay my fork down, Chrissie was up and pulling me towards the door.

"What's the hurry kitten?" I asked as she pulled me outside.

"The sooner we get there, the more time we have! C'mon."

I glanced back at P'rin and she gave me a subtle nod as if to say she'd keep her eyes open for anything that might happen. But my fears were allayed as Chrissie literally just wanted to spend some time with me like before all this strange business started. She might have been standing closer than she normally did and I was aware more than once how she was acting a lot more kittenish than usual but not once did she try to rape me. We talked, she kept up a running dialogue about things that had happened to her recently at school and we also spent some nice quiet time there. In effect things were back to normal... well as normal as everything this week had turned out to be.

"This has been nice kitten, but I need to get some things done, " I said placing a fatherly kiss on her forehead before turning to leave.

"Daddy?" she called. I turned around to see a predatory look on her face that was eerily like how P'rin looked at me when we first met. "See you soon." She smiled in a way that promised so much more. I swallowed nervously and did my best to walk back into the house as if nothing was wrong.

I made it back to my office and to hell with the fact that it was still morning, I poured myself a stiff drink because I needed something to calm my nerves. I must have waited in there, frozen for a good twenty mintues just in case Chrissie came in wanting her fix but she remained outside. My communicator rang, it was my boss and soon the workday started and all thoughts of my daughter went away as I focused on the task at hand.

Within minutes I was deep in concentration and the events of the past few days were no longer an issue. Maybe it was for that reason I didn't hear the door open behind me and only became aware of it when I heard the bolt shut with an ominous thud.