Helping a Hero

Story by BLDR on SoFurry

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#2 of Meta

The second story of this series, how long it'll go I don't know.

The next morning I woke up with my head buried between her breasts, she was already awake and brushing my hair. It was a good thing too, with so much of it I'd take all day just to get it ready. "So your finally up." She said quietly. I groaned slightly as I shifted in her arms. She finished my hair and sat both of us up. "You still up for helping me?" She asked as I looked at her face for the first time of the day.

"Yeah... I guess..." I said before she started to pull off my shirt. I didn't realize it but we had slept in our clothes, "What is it you need me to do?" I asked as I lifted my arms to help her.

She just grinned. "Just lay still and let me do the work."

"What are you going to do?" I asked as she lowered her head to my chest.

"I need milk, I've told you that before." She said as she gently laid me down on my back. "While milk from cows works, its no where near as potent as the stuff fresh from the tap of another girl." She said as her hands started to massage my chest. I moaned softly as she tweaked my nipples. "Part of my parasitic ability is to induce lactation in people, male or female, if it has nipples." She said before lowering her mouth to my chest, suckling softly. I moaned, and she kept suckling on my nipple, soon I felt it, like little pins in my nipple as my milk started to flow. I heard her mmm'ing as she drank, she let up the suckling for a second to say, "You're delicious." She said as she returned to drinking. Her hand traveled down my stomach, teasing my nether lips, I opened my eyes for long enough to see a soft pelt starting to cover her, soon the tawny fur with the black outlined rosettes started to take its place on her. I closed my eyes as her finger rubbed against my little button, I moaned loudly as she tweaked and rolled it, I was panting when she pushed a single finger into my pussy. My breathe caught in my throat, my eyes opened and saw her muzzle forming as she let go of my one breast to pause long enough to kiss me, I tasted my milk on her lips and tongue, she lowered her muzzle to my unmilked breast, she nipped it slightly as she added a second finger, pressing on my clit with her thumb and finding that magic spot in my cunny at the same time as she sucked, I couldn't take it, my pussy convulsed, I screamed, and my milk flowed freely before the world went black.

I woke up, someone was tugging on my hair gently. I opened my eyes and looked for the person. It was Carla. "Oh good, you woke up." She said as she kept working, soon I realized that she was braiding my hair.

"I... where's Kitten?" I asked as I looked down, I was under a sheet.

"On patrol, she asked me to keep an eye on you." Carla said quietly. "She said she fed from you, I have some food if you are hungry. Last time she fed from me I was pretty hungry when I woke up when she was done."

My stomach growled, she helped me sit up and handed me a bowl of ramen, I started eating as she finished my hair. "So much hair, I could never grow mine out so long, it'd just split and fray on me." She said as she put a scrunchy on the end.

I took a pause in consuming the food to look at her. "You look good with it short." I said as I looked at her.

She nodded. "That is what a lot of people say." She said as she got off the bed, leaving me to my food. "We are going to the Sanctuary when you get dressed, the Mistress wants to see you." She said as she sat in a folding chair.

I nodded. "Alright, I just need to do something before we do that, my dad left me something I need to get before someone notices what he did."

She smiled. "At least one of your parents can come around." Carla said, the ice seemingly broken between us. "Chunk brought you some flowers," she said motioning towards a metal vase with some wild flowers in it. "He's a sweet guy, not bright, but sweet, he felt sorry for hitting you."

"He said he was going to do that, I didn't even think about it... I guess I should thank him next time I see him." I said before slurping down the last of the ramen. "So what is this about the Mistress?"

"She's an original Meta parasite type, she has more experience with the issues you are going through then anyone else. That and the sanctuary is a great place to relax." She said smiling. "I go there whenever I can." She said, her wings fluttering slightly.

"So, can you actually fly with those?" I asked looking at her wings.

She nodded. "Yeah, though I'm not fast. Hawkeye is the real flyer among us. Though his real power is his aim, flight is just a secondary it seems, usually prefers to go rooftop to rooftop then fly." She said smiling.

"Yeah, I saw, he doesn't have wings or anything, just kind of floats." I said standing up, wrapping myself up in the sheet as I did. I went to my bags of clothes and found an outfit to wear, shorts and a tank top, finding some underwear to wear with it. I got into the bathroom and started to change, only to notice my breasts seemed a bit swollen, cupping them I felt a little bit of milk start to flow from my nipples. I quickly dried them before donning my bra and panties before getting the rest of my outfit on, I grabbed my contacts and got them put in before I headed out.

"So you ready?" She asked looking me over.

I nodded, "Yeah, may as well, what else is there to do?"

She lead me out of the Refuge, this time up through Hawkeye's nest. I followed her through the city, she got looks for her wings but for the most part no one bothered us. We soon reached the edge of the city, one of the big state parks. It didn't take us long to reach a greenhouse in the forest, the greenhouse was immense and area surrounding it was immaculate. "I'm staying here, I need to tend to the garden, she's waiting for you past here, take off that funky bracelet and contacts that the kid made you." Carla said as she walked into the greenhouse.

I did as I was told, I kept walking on the path, behind the greenhouse the path went into a more dense section of the forest. The woods got darker the farther I went, I thought I saw movement, then everything went dark.

Hi! Kitten here! Sorry for the interruption but our friend Succubus is about to get into a fight here, and its probably best if I was to narrate since she'll be a little busy dealing with her opponent. Well there I was, I knew she'd be here today, after all, I sent her here to talk to the Mistress, and I talked to her to tell her about Succubus. Well either way, I was waiting in a tree hoping to get a good view of this while not being discovered. Ah, there was her opponent, if you didn't know what to look for you'd think of him as another tree, he is one of the few plant type meta's here. And there was my little Succubus, walking along the path Carla sent her on. I watched it, Birchwood's root, popping up from the ground and wrapping around her foot, she was quickly tripped, my claws dug into the tree, I wanted to help her but this was part of the plan. She got up, I could smell it, her phermones. Birchwood staggered at that small girls scent, and even though he was more plant then man and has the sex drive of a corpse, she was effecting him. I have to say, watching my little succubus stand there, tail whipping side to side as she started pacing towards the bewildered Birchwood was a sight to behold, she was like a cornered cat ready to pounce. What happened next I wasn't ready for, neither was Succubus for that matter. Birchwood swung one of the large vines that grew from him, and it contacted Succubus square in the chest and sent her flying. I watched as she flew towards my tree, I dropped down and grabbed her before she hit the tree. I knew it as I held her, her ribs were at least bruised, probably broken and her breathing was labored. Birchwood though wasn't stopping, Succubus' pheromones had caused him to go berserk and he was heading right for me. I put Succubus down and got ready to fight him, he was about to get in range of me with his tentacle's when he fell over.

Mistress, the grey haired, kind faced woman who helped me when my abilities manifested used her abilities to knock out Birchwood with a simple touch. She's probably one of the most powerful among us Meta's, but she doesn't fight and prefers life out here in the wild. I gingerly held Succubus while she walked over. "I didn't expect this for a result. Her pheromones are powerful, enough to even wake up our friend over there." She said before placing her hand on the girl's head for a minute, the girl's breathing eased. "Let us get her inside so I can make sure she isn't hurt to badly. Call up Carla if you could, we could use her help."

Mistress took the lead, we walked a short distance along the path to an old log cabin. She opened the door for me. As soon as we were inside I took Succubus to the wood stove, a large fur covered pad sat in front of it and I laid her down there. Once my arms were empty I pulled out my phone and texted Carla to come out to the cabin and that Succubus was hurt. As I watched Mistress looked over Succubus, making only a few hmm's as she looked over the girl, she spoke up. "She is a different type then you or me. Should be interesting to see what her true powers are." She said before sitting down and pulling out a pipe from a tobacco bag, lighting it up, the sweet scent filled the air as she gently puffed on it.

Carla entered and immediately went to Succubus' side. She pulled off Succubus' shirt and examined the large black and blue mark that was forming, tenderly placing a hand there she closed her eyes, her wings started to glow before growing larger on her back. She closed her eyes and side. "Her ribs are broken, a lung was bruised, not punctured, no other major injuries." She said before her hand glowed, her wings returning to normal. The black and blue turned back to the milky white skin, Carla's hand stopped glowing and she sighed, panting as she recovered. "I'm going to go back to my garden, and maybe sleep a bit there, Birchy is in one piece, says he is sorry..." She said before leaving.

I sighed and moved over to the Succubus and sat next to her. Mistress spoke softly, "You like that girl don't you?"

I nodded. "She is something special, I can't figure out why but I want to be with her." I said as I ran my hand through her hair.

"Then you should be the one to train her, not me." Mistress said quietly. "You know enough about the life of a parasite type."

"Yes, but she is something different then either of us. That is why I wanted you to." I said as I moved to the smoldering fire in the cast iron stove, grabbing a log to throw on it to ward off the chill.

Mistress emptied her pipe and looked at me. "I will help guide you, but she is your student." She said as she stood up and walked over. "She is different then us, but she is the same. Her pheromones seem to be affected by her mood, she is scared, she produces more, she is happy, feels safe, she produces hardly enough to be considered a perfume. Keep her happy and safe and she won't need that bracelet your little friend made for her to suppress her power. She learns to keep herself safe and happy and she'll never be alone. Though I have a feeling that it won't matter, you'll keep her safe won't you my little Kitten?"

I nodded and curled up against Lira and fell asleep, Mistress put a fur blanket over us and kept the fire stoked.

I remember pain, and then the feeling of soft fur surrounding me, a soft crackling of wood burning, and someone purring next to me. I opened my eyes to see a short woman sitting next to the fire with a poker, she had grey hair and a soft kind face. "Good, your awake, now only if your friend would wake back up from her nap."

"Where am I?" I asked quietly as I looked at her.

"I'm Mistress and you are in my Sanctuary, a place just outside the city where I'm left alone for the most part." She said as she poked at the fire. "Kitten there brought you here so I could train you, but your training is something that is best handled by someone more public then me." She said smiling. "Though of course we have something to learn about you first. You have powerful pheromones, but we need to learn your true ability. I know you can do a lot more then just pump out pheromones that can make even Birchwood think about something other then tending to his gardens. And trust me, that guy hasn't thought about anything else since he manifested." She said as she stood up. "We just have to figure out what that is. I was hoping it would show with your little altercation with Birchwood, I didn't expect his reaction though."

"What happened?" I asked as sat up. "Did I hurt him or something?"

"No, quite the opposite, you'd probably be having a hard time breathing or sitting if it wasn't for Clara. He hit you pretty hard, broke several ribs." She said before closing the stove and pulling a pot off of it. Grabbing a bowl she ladled something into it before giving it to me. "Drink, it'll help." She said getting another bowl ready. I drank it, it was a broth of some sort, tasted kind of like chicken but gamier. "Grouse broth, it goes down easy." She said as she had some for herself. "And keeps one warm as the air temperature falls. You and Kitten should stay here tonight, it promises to get cold." She said as she walked to a table. "Tomorrow, we'll see what we can find, but for the rest of today, you should rest, Clara may of healed your body, but your spirit needs more rest, the Manifestation is hard on ones spirit, especially that of a parasite like the three of us." She said as she took my empty bowl and filled it with more of the broth and what looked like vegetables and meat from the pot, she handed it to me with a wooden spoon. I ate slowly before looking at the sleeping Kitten. "She'll wake up when she wants to. Don't worry, she wasn't hurt, she just sleeps a lot. Its the cat in her I swear." She said as she ladled out more for herself.

I ate slowly, enjoying the taste of the soup. Kitten stirred for a minute next to me before sitting up, mewling as leaned against me "Good to see your awake." She said quietly, stretching her arms out. I looked at her and smiled.

"Mistress made us some food." I said before Mistress gave her a bowl of soup. Kitten started on her soup like she hadn't eaten.

Mistress put her bowl down and looked at me. "So, I know you are Lira Cox, but tell me more about yourself."

I nodded and swallowed the bit of meat that was in my mouth. "Well I was attending the Community College, I could of gone anywhere I wanted with the money my parents have, but I wasn't ready for that, and most of my friends were going there, so I decided to stay with my friends. I was studying political science, figured I'd go into the family business, though hopefully be able to push laws in favor of Meta's, even more now." I said as I leaned against Kitten, her fur against my skin made me feel safe and comfortable.

"So you were going to be a politician? That is what you wanted?" Mistress said as relit her pipe, the sweet smell of the tobacco once again wafting through the cabin.

"Not really, it was what my mother wanted me to do. I wanted to be a teacher." I said before kitten wrapped an arm around me.

"Then you should take this chance to go and get the education you wanted. I mean once we have you under your own control you should be able to go and enjoy college life." Kitten said before standing up. "Speaking of which we should probably get you back to the refuge before it gets too dark."

Mistress laughed quietly, "Its already too late, you are staying here tonight." She said firmly before putting her pipe down.

Kitten shook her head. "Sorry, I need to get her back home." She said looking at me. "I brought her out here and she got hurt. Her bed is the best spot for her."

"I'm fine. We can stay here tonight." I said curling up on the furs. "This is kind of comfy." I said as I managed to pull kitten down onto them with me and pressed myself to her chest.

"Oh fine. So what do you want to talk about?" Kitten asked as I laid there.

"Nothing really..." I said before yawning, she wrapped an arm around me and smiled.

"Alright, in the morning I am taking you back to the refuge, we'll start your training there I guess." She said as Mistress stood up.

"I'm going to sleep, don't stay up too late." She said before going into a back room of the cabin.

I didn't really care where we were, I was comfortable and warm were I was. And the girl I wanted to be with was the one keeping me warm.

Heya, Kitten here again. I wanted to get back into my own bed last night for a reason, but things didn't go as planned. So I made sure to wake up before Succubus. Wrapping her up in the furs I left, it was the middle of the night, but I took the girl back to the refuge as quickly as I could, she slept the entire time, no matter the bounces, the jars, she slept. I got her in her bed and slipped in next to her. My hands wrapped around her and hugged her close. I don't know why, but ever since I first saw her I wanted to do this with her. Soon I was asleep, dreaming of things to come.

I woke up, like the last time I was wrapped up in fur. But this time there was no movement other then my own, Kitten was gone. I heard water running though and figured she had to be showering. I managed to get up and went to the bathroom, and I was right, inside it was Kitten. I slipped out of my clothes and slipped into the shower. "Hey there, didn't mean to wake you." Kitten said over her shoulder as she worked the soap suds into her fur.

"You didn't." I replied as I pressed against her back, burying my nose in her fur between her shoulder blades, inhaling her scent. I managed to grab the bottle she was using, pulling back I put some of it in my hands and started to work the fur on her back for her. She purred as my fingers worked her fur. It wasn't long before she washed it out. I pressed into her back again and smelled the strawberry scented shampoo she used. I wrapped my arms around her, not realizing it at first but my hands ended up just below her waist. She stayed quiet as I leaned against her. I realized where my hands were, remembering how she made me feel the day before, I let my hands wander, one went down between her legs, the other traveled up her toned stomach to her breasts. My fingers found her folds and slowly played over them, my middle finger diving into them while my other fingers played on the outside. My other hand found her breast and the nipple on it. I rolled it between my fingers playing with it. Cat's moans where all the encouragement I needed, I kept playing with her. Listening to her moans and purrs as I worked. I added a second finger as she moaned, her tail twitched between my legs. I smiled and leaned on her shoulder. "You enjoying this?"

"Mmm... yeah..." She said slumping into me, my fingers kept working her over, she yowled when I added a second finger to her pussy. I felt her collapse, into me as her tunnel convulsed around my fingers. I slowly sat down with her, the shower raining down on us. "Thanks." She said quietly as she recovered.

"Your welcome." I said as we stayed like that, the warm water running over us. I pulled my fingers from her and tasted them, her juices were exquisite. I cleaned my fingers completely, using my new tongue to its fullest.

Kitten chuckled, "You like that?" She said before gasping, as I pushed her over and dove face first into her cunt, my tongue diving deep to gather as much of that delicious nectar as I could get. Soon Kitten was spasming as she dove off into another orgasm. As the nectar finally stopped flowing I sat back up against Kitten.

Kitten finally regaining her senses looked at me and chuckled. "You are amazing." She said before killing the water, her legs wobbly but strong enough to get the both of us up and dried off before taking me to my bed.

"Thanks." I said before yawning. Kitten cuddled up against me in the bed.

I woke up later that day, Kitten was still sleeping as I stood up and headed to the kitchenette. I caught sight of myself over the mirror, but the person who looked back wasn't right.

I woke up to hearing my little Succubus scream, I got up and ran towards her, stopping when I saw her on the floor. "Lira, is that you?" She was shaking, so I did what I thought was right and picked her up and took her back to the bed.

"I... I think so..." She said as she looked at me. Her face had been pushed out into a muzzle and was covered in soft white fur with black stripes on it. The rest of her body was too covered in the same white fur, little rosettes covering it.

"Well I guess this is probably your ability." I said smiling. "I'll get you some breakfast." I went to the kitchen and started to work on the food. As I cooked I sent a message to poindexter asking if he figured out anything more. His response was that he had no more luck. When I responded by saying she took my abilities he had to get out of his chair and see for himself.

"So where is she?" The frail boy asked, he had a crutch under one arm. Like how Chunk was incredibly strong, but as bright as a stick, Poindexter was the complete opposite, brilliant, but weak.

"In bed, I'm making breakfast for her." I said as I stirred the eggs, actual eggs, not the powdered stuff we had grown accustomed to.

Poindexter looked at the food, the kid started to drool at the sight of the eggs, the shells still on the counter. "Is that real eggs?"

I nodded. "Yep, got em the other day, thought I told you." I said as pulled them off the heat, and started putting them on the plates, I grabbed a third plate and put some on it for Marcus.

"No you didn't, probably were too busy with your new friend." He said smiling as he sat down with the plate at the table. Lira walked into the kitchen and sat down. Marcus took a second to look at her. "So this is what you wanted me to see, it looks like you've figured out the second part of your abilities." He said looking at the new catgirl.

"I guess..." Lira said before I put a plate in front of her before putting down a plate of muffins before scratching her ear as I passed by on the way to my chair, she mewled cutely before blushing slightly.

"Eat up, after breakfast I'd like to see a couple of things." I said smiling.

Lira nodded and ate, still unsure if this was a dream or not. Marcus broke the silence. "So mind telling me how exactly this happened? Prolonged exposure? Direct skin contact?"

Lira shook her head, so I spoke up. "Well it was a bodily fluid swap."

Marcus raised an eyebrow, "Okay... Moving on... Kitten, are you going to take her to the gym?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I want to see what all she took from me."

Lira stopped eating, "I took from you?"

"Well I want to see if you got more then just the looks." I said smiling. "Maybe you could be my sidekick out there if you wanted."

Lira's eyes lit up. "Really? You mean actually help you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it'd be nice to have someone with me. Most of the times we do our patrols by ourselves, gets boring, we only really deal with the Meta's, leave the normal criminal's to the cops."

Lira smiled at me and quickly ate, hoping to find out if she had my strength.

I ate quickly as well before putting the dishes in the sink. "Marcus, if you could, could you clean up the dishes for us?"

Marcus sighed and nodded. "Sure thing Kitten, good cooking by the way."