Prologue part 1

Story by Dreamdancer on SoFurry

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#1 of Chronicles of Elysia

Long over due back story on a character I have had for over nine year. (Edit) it's been three years, wow.. made a few changes.. there will be a few more as i work to add on more chapters..

A cold chill blew over the land, finally, autumn had ended and winters bite had arrived overnight, greeting the land with the first snow of the season; whitewashing the land with its diamond like shimmer under the silvery glow of the first full moon of the season. Frosting the evergreen and accenting the landscape with the glass like shine of the frozen river and ponds. There was a collection of homes centralized amidst the landscape of the valley; there was snow piling over the windowsills of the cottages where thick grey smoke roiled from the chimneys. Wafting from the village was the warm scent of cinnamon and Apple wood, even unto morning when life blossomed among the glittering landscape. The giggle of children was heard at first light and the snowmen were erected and snowball fights began all while parents were busy at work sweeping their front decks.

Some of the older siblings were clearing out the paths from the houses to the main streets. Flattening their ears in annoyance and occasionally retaliating with their own arsenal with the snow full on their shovels, when caught in the crossfire. It seemed every child was out at play, though all but one. "Coming, Mama!" Came a small voice, muted soft pink fur was bundled warmly in a down stuffed parka, with a scarf that wrapped around her neck. You could barely see her face. Large amethyst eyes looked to her mother who called her. Muted pink fur, soft and copious of the youngling; Oversized ears twitched against the biting winds. She flattened them against her head, and her tail peaked out of the split in the back of her coat, short and forked at the tip. Completed with a gem of garnet between her eyes on her forehead that was half hidden in her bangs and a short crop of hair that glistened a light white gold falling just short of her shoulders, and bouncing airily as she toddled after her mother, little legs doing their best to keep up, ambling through the deep snow and tugging a red paint chipped wooden wagon behind her.

Destination, the outer forest just outside the village, just outside, the snow had been sullied with the increasing activity. The older boys assisting the family with an extra set of arms that helped fill the fire boxes. Some, lead Rapidash drawn carts, laden with logs and twigs, kindling alike. Snorting, the fire equines breath roiled like little faint clouds in the cold air. She had reached the outer line with her mother who was busy digging through piles of snow, pulling out and depositing the logs in her daughters wagon. Now along their little journey as curious as children were she spied a flower that was still fresh. Its inky blue and black petals of the paisley stuck out against the shimmering white blanket. She dropped the handle., venturing out and away from her mother a yard or two away to get on her knees and marvel at the lovely colored petals, she wanted to pick it to show her mother what she had found and give it to her.

To the little girls horror however... just as she had the flower in her small hand, admiring the way the black melded into the inky blue, it dropped from her hand and a cry for her mother tore from her lips. It all happened so quickly... the groan of a large tree starting to topple over and the flurry of freshly fallen snow and her mother... nowhere around the red chipped wooden wagon.

The lone flower she had picked, left there as little footprints were seen leading away from it, as she went to search for her mother.

(this is only part one.. wow.. it's been three years since I've touched this.. decided to edit a few things.. before I continue.. expect more changes before I add more. -Dream )

Prologue part 2

As she ventured back to the cart, to her findings.. she saw red in the snow around the large fallen tree... and it wasn't just the red paint chipped wooden wagon.. She ran the other direction, often tripping where the snow was raised and a little hard...

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