A Glimpse into Heaven

Story by HolidayPup on SoFurry

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a collab between me and the awesome Jovo he's what pulled this project together, you rock so much bro, had a blast working on this and hope ya enjoy ;)

agreed squared!

Looking back on it now it all happened completely different then I would have ever have guessed. When it all did, the events that led up to it went by in a blink and yet most of it resides with me always....the way it felt, her scent, her touch and the way her tender voice rang with mine, sweet and fulfilling, warm and alluring.

However I'm getting ahead of myself. Bugger!

Hate when I do that.

The names Kaz short for Kazohira. In Japanese I believe it means peace although I have no inclination as to why the name belonged to me. Always been something of a rascal from the get go and I have no idea why my mother saddled me with it. Perhaps she hoped that I would take a hint and be swayed from my deviant nature by a title that resonated purebred, buttered and raised to be nothing but a gentle dog. However no matter how much it was pounded into me, no matter how many times I found trouble or trouble found me and I ended up being punished for it I always felt wild at heart.

Mother always hated that although my older brother kept on her good side enough for both of us.

He was a tad smaller then me and more slender...at least in our puppy hood.

My brother did bare strength however and he had a way about him that a chap couldn't help but be drawn to. The best way that I can describe him would be to say that he was the kind of dog that is impossible not to like. His name was Pongo and although I didn't agree with how 'to the rules' he kept or on how much mother doted on him because of it he was my hero plainly put.

Both of us had matching ears, both sets completely black although mine are a little long. Considering I'm quite large for a Dalmatian though I've come to accept it with time.

Kaz? Why give me a foreign name that no one in my life will know the meaning to?

That was mother....what more can I say?

As expected he one day was taken to a home with an enthusiastic young human by the name of Roger who supposedly lived in a flat near Regents Park or around those whereabouts.

I can remember watching Pongo jumping happily at his new pets' legs and how they'd strolled off together down the road, my brother on a red leash and the man whistling and puffing on his pipe much the same way a dog would chew a favorite bone in excitement. It was one of the hardest things that I've ever done watching them leave.

I felt alone, betrayed and overwhelmed being the only one now under my mothers tyranny. It figured that I was the last picked out of all of my brothers and sisters as well as the one who had to suffer being reprimanded on my own. For the most part I just avoided everyone around me, going off into a corner of the yard available outside to stare out at London and wonder how Pongo was doing and if he was happier where he was now then here with me. I missed my friend.

One sunny fine sunny day another man came much like Pongos' pet had been only this one was named Philip. Sniffing at him I didn't exactly hold him as a prospect at first. His scent was that of diesel fuel and milk and leather. Not too vile by any means and the human was kind...certainly in any event my ticket to a new life. So I wagged my tail, gave him my happy panting dog faced grin and leaned into his hand when it came down to scratch between my ears.

Wasn't long after that he took me home...not down the road as my brother and his pet had but in a huge contraption that I'd heard the humans refer to as a motor car.

The monster like thing puffed out nasty fluids into the air behind us which I could smell without even attempting to. The seats were quite high off of the ground and I whined when Philip picked me up and placed me in the passengers seat. I was soon taken by this new and exciting way of travel however as the engine gunned up and we were off, taking me away from Cherry Hill Drive and mother. That pro was enough of a relief that I thankfully was able to summon enough courage to take in and even enjoy rolling along.

My pet sure talked a lot and I listened to as much of it as I could although most of what he said didn't mean much to me. Words like; route, delivery and early birds, they didn't mean much to me. I've never been a bird and at that time I hadn't been fortunate enough to see one yet.

Every once in a while Philip would stop the truck as he called it, leap out of his side and go around to the back where I couldn't see him very well. A moment later he came around holding a small cart containing glass bottles of milk that clanked and swished around as he climb some steps and set them down on the residence porch, returning to go around the back of the car again with an empty cart full of empty bottles devoid of any milk at all.

Soon he'd come round, get in, spout some joke about how greedy some blighters were and then we'd be off again, bouncing down each narrow road until we reached our next destination in which case my pet would repeat his 'routine'.

For my part I was thrilled when he'd roll down my window and let me stick my head out of the window. The air felt wonderful on my face, my tongue and my neck although it did whisk my ears around a bit more then I would've liked.

Halfway through the day he would stop and eat and let me out with him, providing a bottle of milk for me to guzzle down after he so thoughtfully poured it into a bowl. The taste was rich and smooth, light and yet thick as I lapped at it, swallowing all that I could cup in my tongue while the rest trickled down my small jowls with each movement of my tongue.

Philip called me a good boy, patted my head and when I looked up at him and gave his hand a friendly lick he chortled at that and smiled.

Little did he know that I didn't plan on doing this forever although I had to admit I was beginning to warm up to him.

For the rest of each day we'd crack at our delivery route until evening when we'd head back to a warehouse, a 'factory', unload the milk carts that he'd gathered in return for the full ones and then we'd head to his abode, a small ramshackle place just off of a main street of Barrow Hill.

I knew I'd never understand my new pets' daily fetch errands but I tried to absorb every bit of it as my time with him lengthened and I grew more tall and lanky.

My limbs were strong but retained a lean and slender look to them, my tail was my banner of dominance that I held proudly, displaying my optimism at every chance that I got with humans and dogs alike. My ears were as large as they ever had been flipping over sometimes at awkward angles that caused people to laugh at time.

I didn't care in the least. I liked my big black ears just the way they were.

Soon I became award of other changes in myself as well.

One thing that I peculiar were the two firm orbs that hung below my tail and bounced between my legs when I walked. They were spotted much like the rest of me but felt precious and full with something that I felt very important. Right below my belly, my sheath became more sensitive whenever I accidentally brushed up against something. At times I was ashamed and utterly embarrassed by the feelings that it brought about and other times I relished in the few moments when I felt that tingling sensation race through me.

On regular walks I'd hear female dogs talking behind my back....

"What heavy bits that bloke has!"

"Like to get him off that leash...and ride that stud."

"What a handsome one that un."

Remarks like that gave me butterflies in my stomach and blush under my fur. It was scandalous what some of them said when they thought that I couldn't hear them!

Couldn't help feeling good about myself when they did say things like that. Boosted my spirits right nice and pumped pride through my veins and into my chest where it bloomed and fluttered along with each beat of my heart.


Life with my pet Philip really couldn't have been better and perhaps I would never have left if it hadn't been for Ann. Ann loved Philip and Philip loved Ann with no doubt of it ever between them. But Ann loathed dogs.

She was indeed a traitor.

Where my human was skinny and gangly, she was plump and fat, with a very very demanding frame. She at the best of times reminded me of my mother and at the worst of times she was bloody mental.

To my credit I was patient and waited to see if things between Ann and my pet would change, to see if he'd remember that he had me. But he never did.

That's how I ended up in the small little excuse for a patch of green they considered a yard on the end of a chain, links of metal secured to my collar. I couldn't believe that I had been once again pushed to one side, forgotten so quickly that I had become an afterthought like an old pair of briefs piled in a corner, a dog under a derelict ownership. Enough was enough and I had come to a point where I didn't care anymore for the sheltered life of living under a pets' protection.

It began as a cold evening, the chill creeping along me like some unwanted pest. I shivered and whined, aiming my distress towards my home.

No one cared and neither Ann nor my Philip came to my aid. They didn't care.

I leaned forward in a long stretch with my rear raised and my collar just behind the back of my ears. Steadily I brought my paws up and began scratching at the band that held me, clawing and nudging it closer and closer to letting go. It hugged at my ears tighter as I fought to get away. In the end I tugged so hard that I stumbled head over paws landing clumsily onto my back.

The breath whooshed from my lungs and I lay gasping frantically to get it back.

After a few minutes when it did return to me I redoubled my efforts, a frustrated growl escaping me. Freedom was so close! I could taste it! I could be free from my pet, from Ann, from mother, from those who looked down on me and be my own dog!

I knew it was just moments away.

The pain came when my ears were scrunched against my head and folded upon themselves at awkward uncomfortable angles by that blasted collar. I pushed, I pulled, I prodded relentlessly straining with all my might until I was nearly breathless for a second time that night.

Gathering everything I had, I took a bit letting my disbelief, all of my anger, all of my misgivings and displeasure at my treatment boil up through my body and out past the reach of my senses. I was a force of nature....an element to be reckoned with! I knew if I stayed I'd be kept in the shadows without any hope of experiencing life. I couldn't stay!

With one massive desperate pull I jerked backward at an angle with all of my might and with a pop and a grunt I fell backward, the chain with my collar falling to the ground. I was free!

Temporarily I laid on the smooth grass, my eyes wandering the vast navy blue sky above me. A gentle breeze surged for a moment as I raised up and allowed myself a nice stretch. I'd never felt so alive!

And yet, there was still apart of me that lingered there that caused me to stare at that ramshackle place that I had for well over a year had called home. Sure my pet Philip had turned out to be a blighter, falling for a person who didn't care that much for canines but I knew little about love or how it worked.

Padded up to one side of the house I placed a paw on the red brick wall.

"Farewell..." I whispered.

Leaning forward I gave the place a lick and then turned and trotted through the yard, along the pavement, down the street and out into the clear warm evening.


After some time of meandering my pace became more slow but at the same time more confident. I sauntered down a number of roads and felt different, like the only dog left in the world. In the far distance I could hear London, a flurry of moving and shifting night life, humans partying and enjoying time with each other in packs, lights flashing, cars thumping down each popular road.

That night I felt like a king.

All of it was for me, the sights, the sounds, the smells. I was footloose and collar free and loving every moment of it. Most of it was just too much to drink in and for once I enjoyed the overwhelming feeling of how small I was, one lone dog out for a stroll.

"Well blimey! Look what we have here....a stud out on a stroll. Hick!"

Two pairs of paws clicking along with mine on the hard ground.

The voice startled me and I stopped sharply causing one of the two to crash into my back while the other yowled in added mirth.

Hackles rising along my neck I leap clear of them and turned around hurriedly facing them and showing that I meant business. However what was before me was anything but vicious.

One was a small scruffy tabby cat, fur smoothed somewhat with a tail that was as crooked and bent as some of the chimneys' sported along the rooftops. His whiskers twitched as he mewled his amusement at me.

The other was some sort of mutt, lean and unkempt with fur everywhere and a dazed silly expression plaster along his muzzle.

"Sorry...lil doggy friend hic! Didnnnnnnn mean to hic be a blighter and bb air...barrel into you. Sunny side up and all that pish posh wot wot!"

"Blimey mate, it's alright" I growled still a little perturbed. "Just be careful in future."

Shaking myself I lifted my nose slightly to catch both of their scents.

The other dog smell strange as if he'd taken down something strong. I had a hunch that was part of the reason why he was acting so strangely. The other bore traces of the same but in a lighter way.

"Oh I will sunny side...I will" the dog woofed in his low gruff voice, his tongue slurring each syllable.

"So" the cat chortled flicking his mangled tail. "to who do we owe the pleasure? This big lovable guy who bumped into you is Tango" he meowed in a friendly voice. "And I'm Whiskey" he added placing a proud paw to his chest.

"Delighted I'm sure. The names Kaz" I replied still uncertain of whether I should make a run for it or entertain the thought of staying with these two interesting characters. Just needed to keep a smile on my face and I'd be fine.

"So you frum'round here sunny side... or do ya hail from elsewhere zzzeerr?"

"I live just a couple of streets that way" I said tilting my head back the way that I had come. I decided that I'd had enough of being there for my pet when he didn't appreciate me or remember me or treat me like he used to. So I'm off to better places."

"Aaawwwww sunny side! That ain't right!"

Tango came over and threw a paw around my shoulders giving one of my ears a lick, his breath heavy with that same odor I'd caught before.

"You cannn be swure that we'd appreciate you sunny side! We'd watch yer back un make sure you be living it up with hic us!"

"What he said" the cat purred. "See me and Tango here's going to meet up with some tail tonight and have some fun. Probably be more of it then we can handle and we'd love nothing more then to have another chum in our ranks who can even things up a bit and help divvy up the naughty as it were."

Definitely what I didn't want. As nice as they were I was taken off guard by them being so forward and blunt. Things like that I'd never heard brought forth in a normal everyday conversation and yet here they were talking about it and not only that but offering to bring me along into something as scandalous with them.

"Well I definitely will take you two up on that offer perhaps sometime in future but for now I think I'll pass" I growled with a friendly grin. "Do have fun though and make some memories that you can share the next time we do meet up eh?"

"Well if you are sure you don't want to come with us...." Whiskey purred. "We'll catch ya next time around."

"Righto sunny side! We'll go mussle up some trouble and then tell eee bout it next row round! Wooooooohhh ha ha ha haaaaaahhhh!"

Then as if they had no care in the world they went along their merry way, Whisky bouncing along with that crank like tail of his flitting to and fro and Tango wobbling after him.

Letting out a breath of relief I chuckled at the thought of joining them. It did sound quite interesting and if I'd thought about it more, maybe I would have enjoyed a night on the town.

My first priority was to head for regents park where I hoped that I'd perhaps run into my older brother Pongo. I wanted more then anything to find him and live a life in the wild with him there, the two of us. Agents of chaos! Nothing would stop us then!

Paws filled with energy and purpose I plodded on my way South towards Regents Park where I knew I stood a better likelihood of finding my littermate. Down past Barrow and Primrose hill I entered the park on it's northern side across the Iron Bridge.

In it's own way it was like entering into a very different and cleaner world.

The grass was cut to a level perfection, giving the impression that it was a smooth carpet rather then blades of green underpaw. Winding walkways wound around into the distance some of them meeting and cutting off segments of ground, while others ran straight and true through the park. Every tree was hemmed in by either bushes or iron circles that looped around their bases...that is until you got further into the park.

I went on past a small boathouse and into the river, crossing it and giving myself a nice refreshing shake. From there it was on into Jenkins Nursery or as I knew it best, the area famous for being the most densely populated with trees right along the small river. Moving at a constant pace for hours I began to pant and slow until I came to a place just under a tree where the ground sloped and dipped. I rested on the bank and once again felt fascinated by not being on a leash.

The urge to dig was strong but the mannerisms of my upbringing had been ingrained too deep for me to give in just yet even though I could've gotten away with doing it. Instead I edged closer to the water and allowed myself to enjoy a cool drink.

Soon sleep found me as I curled up beneath that tree...the gradual moving water nearby adding to the mellow atmosphere of the night.


When I woke it was raining in sheets and was utterly drenched.

Few if any people were in the park because of this and I shivered yawning and getting a muzzle full of water which I swallowed down optimistically. It was falling down from the sky enough where everything seemed blurred and faint. I blinked trying to be able to see and clear my eyes. That is when it happened......

Through the rain I spotted her, a glimmer of pale white within the steady downpour. Delicate beauty that she was, nothing could've prepared me to witness how she moved, how elegant she appeared in a magnificent wonderful way that caused my belly to fill with butterflies, my ears to come forward and a warm tingly feeling to engulf my spine and fill my heart with longing. For the briefest moment she looked up and our eyes met. I reached into those glorious soft brown eyes and in that moment glimpsed heaven.

I felt different, warm and safe even though I was wet and cold. She moved on and without really thinking I followed her away from the river bank and into a small grove of trees that provided more shelter.

I watched with adoration as she sat near a boulder her slender body shivering and her breath misted slightly on the early morning air.

My first instinct was to move to her and offer to share my body warmth. However in this case the genteel side of my heart won out. Taking a deep breath I padded towards her, making sure that my tail hit one of the great trunks of a tree so that she would be made aware of my presence.

She started a bit at the sound and looked up just in time to see me sit before her a delighted smile on my face. In truth I couldn't help it although I must've looked quite silly.

Clearing my throat as softly as possible I said softly; "Hi..."

She smiled back, slight dimples showing on her jowls.

"Hi" she whispered back. "What's your name?"

"Kaz" I growled inclining my head in a polite bow. "And you are?"

"Perdita" she replied a bit more sure of herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kaz."

I noticed to my relief that the tip of her tail was wagging with sincere sweeps that whisked along the ground. That could only be taken as a good sign.

"Charmed Perdita."

"You may call me Perdy if you'd like" she added shaking her head slightly, droplets of rain hanging and falling from her white ears like diamonds.

At a nod from me she continued.

"So where are you from Kaz? Are you new around here?"

"Actually I ran away from my pet" I admitted noticing for the first time the thin blue band of a collar around her neck. " My old pet Philip forgot about me because he met another human and she didn't like dogs."

I lowered my head a bit, my ears covering my eyes.

"I miss him but I'm free now and wild."


A few moments passed in silence then..

"I am sorry to hear that. What is it like being a wild dog?"

"Well it thus far has been invigorating and full of adventure" I chuckled giving her a wry grin. "I just never am sure who or what I'm going to run into next!"


"Yes indeed" I went on. "exploring London has been brilliant!"

She smiled and then slowly looked downward dejectedly a sigh escaping her.

Worried that I had offended her I padded closer and sat down beside her fur lightly brushing up against mine. She was a Dalmatian like me although her spots were fewer throughout her coat then mine. Perdita shivered this time not from the cold but from something else that was bothering her. I assumed it was fear.

"Perdy...what's wrong? Is it something I said" I growled trying to console her and get her to calm down.

Still silence.

"Perdy I'm sorry.....I never asked you where you were from? Do you come here often?"

"No...no...it wasn't you Kaz" she whined a tear falling from her eyes barely discernable in the rain. "I bet it's wonderful being sure of yourself, a big strong dog like you. I just miss my pet."

"Where is she?"

Worriedly Perdita looked around herself as if hoping that somehow she would find her owner. My heart ached in my chest for her.

"Anita....she...she...we...that is we got separated in this storm. I don't know what to.....where to...."

Before I knew it I was licking her forehead and the scruff along her neck with soothing strokes of my tongue.

"Things'll work out just fine Perdy. Your pet will come back for you. I bet she's trying to find you right now as we speak."

"She's probably worried sick about me" she whined. "I should've stayed closer to her. I should never have gone off on my own!"

"She will find you" I tried to assure her. "Don't worry...I'll help you look if you'd like when the rain lets up."

She looked up at me then her eyes a little red.

"You will?"

"Absolutely Perdy. I'd feel dreadful if I didn't at least try."

With a happy yip she wagged her tail leaned up and gave my face a lick of joy which sent electric sparks shooting through my body and nerves.

"Thank you so much! You're a sweetheart Kaz! I really appreciate it. Thank you so much! What could I give you in return?"

"Give me in return? Nothing....I don't need anything. Your company is more then enough payment for me my beautiful Perdy" I said looking deep into her eyes before realizing what I had just said. I don't think I've ever blushed so hard in all my life.

"I....um....what ...I mean.....

"Thank you Kaz" she giggled raising a paw to cover her mouth and blushing a bit herself. "That's very nice of you. But I insist. Besides I think I have a way that I could make it worth your while."

"Perdita...sorry...Perdy, I'll happily help you without anything......

"I insist stud" she said...a very different and commanding tone to her voice. "Follow me."

"Fine" I said giving in and following her.

Sometimes it was best not to argue.

Gradually the rain stopped although the sky was still a dull gray above, a weak streamline of sunlight leaked over the eastern horizon like milk spilling over from one of the old cart bottles that Philip used.

She was leading me further into Jenkins Nursery, towards an expanse much like the rest of the park with paths leading through it and a park bench there incase any humans happened by the place and wanted to sit down.

It was without a doubt a very nice space and probably one of the most secluded places in all of the park. Confusion and curiosity gnawed at my stomach but I continued on without question noticing and admiring Perdita.

Her body, the way she strutted forward, her hips swaying back and forth before my eyes in a memorizing gate. Her tail was held up and high like a proud banner with nothing left to the imagination and good dogs what a view!

I lowered my head and tried to look away as we climb the hill a bit until with an oof I ran into her....my nose pressing dangerously close to that y shaped mound of pink. Looking up I saw the smirk that played along her muzzle and the seductive look she cast back my way. She was in heat!

"Now....Perdy...I'm sorry...I....

"Shhhhhhhh Kaz it's okay. Explore me...smell me" she whispered lustily backing up further into me to present her point. It was intoxicating, the deep heady scent before me rolling up to my nostrils and dominating them.

Tentatively I leaned forward and pushed my tongue along that quivering opening earning a smooth moan from her. Eager to get more I gently parted her neither lips with my mouth and drove my tongue deeper into her eliciting a gasp from and twitch from her body.

"Kaz.....if you...if you'd like, I'd like to allow you to mate me although you have to promise not to tie with me" she growled in a deep and shaky voice. "I need this. I've needed this for a long time and I haven't met any dog who I'd rather be my first experience then you."

My heart skipped a beat as I gave her canyons another firm sensual lick.

I could barely contain myself.

"If...if your absolutely sure Perdy...then..."

"I am Kaz" she said turning halfway around to give my cheek a small lick which I returned.

"Alright then" I said hoping against hope that I didn't botch this up.

"You really are quite big down below" she murred before turning around and waiting.

I gulped noting my red veiny tip peeking out of my sheath in obvious arousal. It was already glimmering with the first traces of pre.

Ever so slowly I rose up on my hind legs leaning with my stomach pressed against her back and my forepaws cradling her closer to me. Her fur felt wonderful on my exposed length but when I found my mark, the heat radiating from it was heavenly.

Leaning forward I gave her a lick along her back.

"You ready Perdy?"

"Yes sweet Kaz....I'm ready."

With my length now expanding I pushed past her outer rim and up into her body, her wetness squelching around me and her walls shaking and rolling along my cock. Both of us gasped and shuttered together at the momentous feeling of being connected in so carnal and personal a way as we were.

Giving her body a moment to adjust to me, I slowly backpedaled a bit pulling part of myself out before pushing in again. I whimpered as she squeezed down hard and milked me, her hips rolling along my crotch and her tail lightly tapping against my foreleg. I slowly began a steady rhythm meeting her body thrust after thrust as we continued our buggering.

"Ooooooooohhhhh Kaz!!! So....big!!!! Nnnnnnnggggggaaaahhhhh!!!!"

Her moans beneath me only drove me on faster and faster, she was shaking beneath me and closer to something. I could not only sense it but I could feel it.

Gritting my teeth and letting out a moan of my own I pushed deeper causing her to howl and whimper as her insides squirted her fluids around my length, coating them in her scent, her essence that seeped out past my growing know and down onto the walkway beneath us. While her first orgasm still racked her body I pushed in and out a bit slow panting and drooling in pure bliss as she leaned forward, her forepaws flat on the ground, face in a lost and dazed grimace and her hind legs splayed apart further to grant me better access as I took over.

"Ohhhhhh Perdy! Nnaahhhhh oh yeah!"

Whining I gripped her rear closer to me, bucking full tilt into her as she came again, yipping and grunting helplessly below me as I spewed pre juices along with hers that dripped down and pooled near our paws.

"Mate me!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooowwwww ggggaaah! Kaz! Oh Kaz!!!!"

And mate her I did.

Nothing had ever felt so fulfilling or satisfying as was plowing deep into her fertile ground! My tip constantly hitting up against her cervix, the rest of me caressed, rolled and stroke as I pumped it in and out, in and out in less of an order way and more primal the closer I got to release.

More then anything I wanted to finish her off, to shove my knot inside of her and make her mine....but I didn't. With all of the willpower I had I continued thrusting, the noises of my balls frantically smacking up against her legs, the wet smacking that our gentiles colliding together again and again, her voice panting and crying out sent me over the edge and with a loud howl I came hard shooting my puppy batter down her love tunnel, a bit of it running down her legs and underside.

At the same moment she gasped and shook hard arching her back and cumming along with me.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrroooowwwwwww!!!!! Perdy!!!! Nnnnnggghhhhhhh!!!"

With that she collapsed as did I both of us panting as I slipped free and clear of her.

We laid there side by side for a long time basking in the feelings our bodies were exerting.

"That was incredibly amazing!" she moaned breathlessly still shaking a bit.

"Yes it was Perdy" I whispered getting to my paws and slowly bending over to clean her.

Like an angel she did me the same service.

"You know" I chuckled playfully, "you didn't have to pay me at all although I really did enjoy this."

Between licks she giggled, batting her long eyelashes at me flirtatiously.

"I wanted to try this, I didn't have to but I wanted to. No harm done.....Thank you for being a true gentlemen and not tying me."

"No problem" I growled affectionately wagging.

"I'll never forget you Kaz....."

A lump came to my throat then and I turned to her looking down on her...the pinnacle of beauty in my eyes.

"Trust me" I said my voice cracking with emotion, "you'll always be in my heart...."


Soon afterward.....Perdita did leave me. Later that day as we talked she spotted her pet Anita with book in head, looking about hopefully for her lost dog. When they spotted each other they ran full tilt until they were holding and snuggling into each other, the women with her arms wrapped tightly around her dog, and Perdy giving her pet friendly loving licks.

For the second time in my life I watched someone special come into it and then leave me. I watched as they walked away to their home....and me, what did I have?

Somewhat mournfully I trudged along the river bank stopping and looking down at my reflection.

I missed Pongo, I would miss Perdita and there was no guarantee that I would ever see either of them again. However I thought...I was free, I was my own owner and I could do as I pleased.

I raced through the park running and flying over the ground, my legs carrying me over the green like summer lightening....I had a future, a bright future...for I had glimpsed heaven in a few precious moments and in a love that would always remain with me, in my memories....and always in my heart...............