Torrey's Experience

Story by Fedack on SoFurry

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Well, here i come again with one of those roleplays. I hope you like it. It was a very nice one and it was hard to stay on track. Good read sickos :P

PS: There might be errors in grammars and such, it was not meant to be a story and it is posted there for your enjoyment, if its not your thing please don't complain... There's the chatroom for that :D

Mathias (Fedack):

He grinned and got up, walking toward a door that leaded downstairs into the torture room which he had. He had a bit of an idea and decided to use magic to create a special room. "Follow me doggy." He went down the stairs and opened a room to the left, entering the room, there was a few spotlight and it was very bright, all white and well lit. In the middle a table around 2 feet by 4 was placed perpendicular to a little apparatus which was obviously meant to tie somebody bent over, on all four.THe head would be just above the surface of the table and the chin would find itself resting there if it was a canine. A cushioned bench would keep the chest and stomach up while forcing the back to arch to raise the ass that the legs spread on the side would expose, the tail could be attached to one of the straps on the backa nd the arms would be attached to two poles on the front. He gestured the male to go lean on that. There was a bunch of drawers around the room.


Torrey perks his ear and watches his master closely as he creates a door, he quickly gets up and starts to follow his Master down the stairs. Wagging his tail quickly as he steps into the room and looks at the table, taking a moment to figure out how one was suppose to get onto it. But as his Master motions him towards it he nods "Yes Master" he says before going forward to the table and bends over it, trying to move his paws to the correct spots for the moment while he looks around "Err, What do you use this room for Master?" he asks curiously.

Mathias (Fedack):

He grinned and went ahead and strapped the different parts, leaving the male bound with his back arched, his chin on the edge of the table, his ass upward with his tail raised and his hole and crotch in full access. "You will see~" He chuckled and then went to a drawer and he pulled some sort of belt from it, it had two rings spaced backward. He walked behind the wolf and slid his cock and balls through the first ring, the second was placed around his hole so that the hole was right at the center. He tied and locked the belt in the front. He took out two other rings, those however werent tied to anything and he placed them on the table in front of the wolf. He pressed a button and suddenly his cock and balls appeared in the ring, the wolf could feel the table under the balls as they were hanging just on the outside of the ring and he could see his hard 10" cock above it. He could still feel it though.


Torrey whines softly as his master doesn't tell him what he had in store while he gets completely tied down to the table. He looks at the belt and rings curiously and tries to look behind him but the bonds making it hard for him to see anything that his Master is doing. Forcing him to go off the sense of touch as he feels his cock and balls get pushed through the rings and the belt get locked, making him mmph softly and as his master comes back out he tilts his head curiously before his bits appear in front of them, the sensation of the balls on the table making him stare at his twitching cock in disbelief " that ...are those..mine?" he says with a gulp, trying a bit harder to look between his legs.

Mathias (Fedack):

He smirked and nodded. "Indeed... It is..." He poked the left nut and then slid a claw along the shaft as it was standing up but bending forward a bit. He grinned then licked from the base to the tip and blowed on the placed that was just licked. Once he had made sure the male was sure it was his, he walked to the side and went to fetch a few tools. First he brought a little box which he opened, inside there was needles of different sizes, strings for seweing and some safety pins. Next to it he brought a scalpel and after that a hammer. He brought some sandpaper, some candles and a normal lighter along with a BBQ lighter. There was some gazoline too. Right after, he brought a vial marked as Acid, then two seryngue with one clear content the other a blue liquid. After, that a box with a voltage sign and a few wires with pincers at the tip, its use pretty obvious. A long yet very tin metal rod, about a foot and two inches long was brought. A tazer was added. He decided it would be enough to bring out for now and smirked, stroking the shaft.


Torrey mmphs softly at the poke, but as he feels the tongue slide up his shaft and the air cooling it he squirms slightly and moans loudly in delight while his cock twitches and pulses. The feeling undeniable as he smiles, but as he starts watching his master bring over the tools he initially just blushes and squirms a bit. Seeing all of those pain giving tools crowding around his malehood, but by the time the long rod and the acid were brought out he starts to gulp and whine loudly, some instinct rising and begging for him to defend his malehood "M..master.." he says softly.

Mathias (Fedack):

There was still the other ring, he wanted to show him what it did so as he answered he murred and brought it over. "Yes?" He asked innocently as he pushed the ring down above the cock then around, sliding it down to the base. The wolf would feel something poke at his hole then his own cock penetrating him, stretching him wide then slide ten inches inside of him. He then moved quickly back and forth. "You said something?" After a few times he left the ring down, against the other one to keep the male stretched by his own cock and went to fetch some butt plugs. really big and thick anal beads and dildoes but also one of those quickly rotating toys females used which would be quite painful if inserted. After having plased all that he slowly lifted the ring and placed it to the side of the wolf, that allowed him to do whatever he wanted with both parts and the wolf would see it all.


Torrey looks at the ring start to slide down his member and he instantly gasps as his own cock starts to force his hole wide. The feeling making him arch his back and moan loudly until his master started to move the ring quickly, the feeling making him squirm against his bonds in pleasure as his hole gets stretched, making it nearly impossible for him to continue talking before the ring gets left down, leaving his member buried deep within him. his hips rolling forward against the table before he sees the new toys his Master is bringing out and seeting next to the rings. Renewing his worry and his whine "Mmmph.. Master..I was going to say.. you're not going to use.. erf all of that on me are you?" he says with a gulp. " err acid..." he says with an obvious worry before seeing his master pull the ring off and his cock withdraws. The feeling forcing out another moan as his paws grip the side of the table.

Mathias (Fedack):

"Eh? Maybe... You never know." He smirked and took out one of the seryngue and brought the needle to the wolf cock then pressed it in. He emptied the content which was meant to make him more sensitive. He removed the needle and placed it on the side before returning to stroking it. "You have a really nice cock wolf... really nice..." He then flicked the balls too. "And... well... I'm going to ruin those." He then grabbed the ring that served for his hole and smirked. "But first, i need to gag you a bit.." He wrapped his paw around the wolf muzzle and closed it shut then brought the ring forward and pushed his muzzle through it. He pushed hard until it was halfway around the muzzle, his nose nested inside his own hole and able to breath through a few folds allowing air to pass. He then clipped the ring there so that it wouldn't move. Basically the wolf would scream in himself if he was to. He then gave a few slaps to the cock, making it fling from side to side and chuckled. "So i wonder how should i start?"


Torrey whimpers "Erf. Please Master..I don't want to lose anyAHngh" he starts off but gets cut off by the srynge going into his cock, his member instantly twitching even mroe as its sensitivity is increased. Making him let out a moan, but as he feels the flick he flinches a bit and takes a few seconds to register the comment before he opens his eyes wide and quickly shakes his head "M.master..No... erf. Please Master not my Balls...Pleammph" he says, going on until the paw wraps around his muzzle and holds it close while he jerks, trying to get free before feeling the ring get pushed up over his muzzle and his hole instantly stretches further than before as a shudder rolls through him, moaning loudly into his own hole while the ring gets clipped on. However as his cock gets slaped he mmphs loudly and jerks against his bonds and whimpers loudly, his ears flattening against his head as he just shakes his head.

Mathias (Fedack):

"Eh, how does it feel to have your nose up your own ass?" He laughed and then reached over smacking the male ass. He then took the long metal rod which had small bumps all over its surface to make it uneaven. It was 8cm thick which surely wouldn't be pleasurable and he raised it and pressed it at the urethea entrance. "Let's get you geared more, to keep it even straighter and to prevent any leaks...." He smirked and started to push down, opening the small hole and sliding inches by inches the cold metal, spreading the overly sensitive hole until it burned and was stretched to its limit.


Torrey 's eyes are watering from feeling of his own muzzle deep into his hole. Blushing furiously at the question before he meeps into his hole at the smack on his rump. Leaving him squirming a bit until he looks to the side and sees his master pick up the the metal rod, but as he sees and feels it press against his entrance he whines loudly and shakes his head pleadingly before feeling the rod push into his cock, the force quickly going pass the tip before he shudders hard and starts bucking his hips back, instinctively trying to move his cock away as he starts to yelpl painfully nonstop into his own hole as his urethra gets stretched to lits limit all the way down.

Mathias (Fedack):

He grinned and licked the tip afterward and gave a heavy squeeze to that throbbing length. The vulpined grinned, taking a time to observe his little toy expression and give a few more squeeze. He reached on the side and grabbed one of the wires connected to the box, a sadistic smile on his face as he linked it to the tip of the metal rod that was nested deep in. He reached over to the box, adjusting a slider and then flicking a switch on, against the odds it didn't shock him. "This will heat up really slowly the rod, don't worry it will take some time." He looked at all the tools he had and fondled the male balls, teasingly before grabbing the base of the sack. He gave a few smack and decided he would start there for now. "I think i'll start playing with this." He took the BBQ lighter and smirked.


Torrey is still squirming hard against the table as he tries to get use to the rod buried deep into his member as his Master licks the tip. But as he feels the squeeze his face contorts in pain and he howls. His cock starting to pulse in the squeezing paw. Each squeeze making him shudder until his Master stop and clip the wire onto the rod while he pants heavily for breath inside his own hole, but as the switch is flipped he meeps and tenses up. Expecting a huge jolt, but as nothing comes out he slumps slightly and whines at the comment and his master starting to fondle his balls and as he feels the smacks he jerks against his bonds once more and whines loudly, looking at his master longingly as he sees the lighter, "Please please!" he calls out into his own hole but only the sounds escaping with no distinguished words.

Mathias (Fedack):

Grabbing the base of the sack made the balls bulge out and expose themselves, pushing against the skin. He hit the balls a few times with the metal lighter then turned it on. Moving the flame right under the balls, he let the burning feeling go on them, it wasn't loing tat a red area was formed from the heat. He raised it a bit, burning an area under the left ball which turned black. He moved the flame around, burning other small spots yet not making any big damages, it would be however really painful. After five minutes of teasing the balls like that he placed the lighter aside and gave a squeeze with his free paw. He chuckled and placed a transparent orb around the balls, both of them inside. It sealed at the base preventing the water that he then added to flow out. He closed the little door that was on the side of the orb to pour water and then under it placed a heating pad which he turned on. "See... I think im going to make you taste boiled eggs!" He smirked.


Torrey ears go flat against his head and gulps loudly as he sees his orbs bulge out, but as he feels the hits he lets out a painful squeak with each one until he feels the flame start to lick at his balls. As he starts feeling the heat burn his sack he opens his eyes wide and starts to jerk and yank against the table, trying to pull away while his toes and fingers clench and curl each time the flame moves. Keeping the full sensation of his bits burning as he screams painfully into his hole. Staying this way for the whole five minutes while his eyes water from the pain of his the many black burnt spots dotting his sack like a dalmations coat. But as his Master finally stops he slumps and groans loudly, his body visibly shaking while he watches his balls go inside the orb through blurry tear filled eyes. But as he feels the water fill in he shivers, the cool water actually feeling nice on his burnt skin. However as he sees the heating pad and the comment he whines weakly, his ears drooping to the side of his head as a sense of dread fills his chest. All the while the rod is heating up within his pulsing cock.

Mathias (Fedack):

He grinned and observed the trashing around. He murred and licked his lips, grabbing the knot of the wolf which was a bit more than 4 inches wide. He gave it a heavy squeeze and murred, licking from the base of the cock to the tip. "This is so warm and nice.." He then grabbed a string and wrapped it just above the knot then tightened it, making the inside squeeze hard around the rod but also keeping the blood up. He put on a glove that was linked to the box and placed his paw around the cock, a small shock was felt each time he would put pressure. That shock however would be pleasurable. On the other hand, he reached for the needles in hte box. "Mmmm, i think... I will have some fun with that knot..." He slid the needle along the bulge then raised it. He looked inside the wolf eyes with a smirk and waited two seconds for him to realise then slammed the needle down, pinning it into the verry sensitive knot and flesh, sending a jolt of pain. He took out another needle and slammed it on another place, then again and again. All the while, he held the cock with hte glove, sending shocks of different intensities depending on how hard he was grabbing. The water inside the orb was getting warm and so was the rod.


Torrey is still trembling hard before he feels the squeeze on his knot and licking, sending a very contrasting pleasure to the pain that his balls were put through, but as he feels the string tighten he mmphs and bucks his hips from the pain of the cock pressing against the rod until he feels the glove squeeze. The shock catching him off guard as he lets out a surprised cry of the pleasurable shock and shudders against his bonds before he moans into his rump once more until he hears the comment and he blinks his watery eyes in an attempt to clear them out and sees the needle sliding across his knot until it pierces deep and makes him let out a scream and starts to writhe until the second one pirces in as well, making him freeze and arch his back for a second before he shudders hard once more, his tailhole clenching hard on his muzzle while his cock twitching hard and knot pulses from the pain and the shocks.

Mathias (Fedack):

He continued, over and over again until around 30 of them were in. He reached down and licked the small drops of blood that were flowing out after. By now the rod inside his cock was getting really really hot, starting to burn lightly. However, what was the hottest was the water that was bubbling, close to boiling and certainly burning the balls. He watched, staring at them. "Aww, the eggs are almost cooked... What should i do until then?" He grinned and in a quick yank removed the ring around the male muzzle and replaced it with sandpaper, the rough part upward. He tied it there so that it would prevent his muzzle from opening, wrapped around it and left it there for now. The hole now free of a muzzle inside, he placed the ring on the table and smirked really wide, feeling around inside, pushing two digits in while his other paw reached over for the acid. He lifted it and brought it above the hole, removing his fingers. He slowly opened the cap and tilted more and more, at eye level then let a drop fall, the acid landing right on the rim and shizzling, burning around half a centimeter in before it was dilluted. He repeated a few times, letting more and more drop.


Torrey is once again forced to thrash against his bonds as his Master makes his knot look like a pin cuishion while his balls and urethra continue to get cooked and burned agonizingly, his mind barely able to register the comment but as the ring is yanked off of his muzzle he gasps and takes a deep breath from being free from his own hole before he once again gets muzzled while he whimpers loudly, his body still shaking before he sees the acid start getting tilted above the ring. But as it starts to drop and he feels it start burning through his ass drop by drop he opens his eyes wide and screams out in muffled agony into his muzzled maw while he arches his back and pushes forward into the table trying to get it away fromt he acid.

Mathias (Fedack):

He closed the acid vial and placed it on the side after, once he saw the balls boiling, red and cooking he nodded. "There we go... all ready." He turned off the pad and took out the hammer then with a heavy smack broke it open, splattering the water around. The orbs had lost their fur, they were bright red the insides were near dead, boiled by the water. He grabbed the base of them and took the scalple. "They look tasty don't they?" He then brought the blade in the middle, the male could see where he would cut and slowly he made a hole, sliding from bottom to up. He placed the blade on the side and reached in with is fingers pulling out the two cooked testes and yanking on them, rupturing the small cords that held them, detaching the orbs. He then placed them in front of his nose and removed the restraint on the male muzzle and yanked it open, shoving the two balls inside then clamping it around. "Eat... Chew and swallow... It's your food." As He watched, he used a string to keep the muzzle close, tying it. The moment after he brought the sandpaper down to his own cock, making it show outward and placing it around his hard, 9 inch, throbbing shaft over 3 inches of length. He took the ring and moaned as he slid it around, nesting himself inside the wolf ass then pushing and pushing, scraping the inside with the sandpaper and giving a hard push to shove his knot in. He shivered from the pleasure and zipped his pants, the ring now settled there.


Torrey is just shaking and whimpering loudly in pain from the burning of his urethra and the pain in his hole where the acid burned through, the agony of his balls essentially gone as all the nerves got cooked, making him barely able to tell as the glass shattered and his Master starts to slice open his sack, one of his eyes just warily watching until he feels the yank, the yank pulling some of his cords up inside his uncooked groin while the cooked parts get ripped. The feeling still making him jerk before he just pants heavily through his nose. But it isnt until his master forces the balls into his muzzle and he tastes them that the realization of what happened hit him. Knowing he is a neutered wolf a fresh wave of tears well up in his eyes as he sullenly obeys, chewing on his balls before swallowing. Closing his eyes tightly with the tears streaming outward until he feels the cock start to push into his hole with the sandpaper outside. The feeling of it scraping against him making him shudder and writhe hard while his ass clenches down hard in an attempt to push him out.

Mathias (Fedack):

He then decided to finish the last preparation, panting and moaning due to the feeling around his cock. He grabbed the cock hard and with the hammer, hammered all the needles inside the knot, hitting hard each time, sometimes missing his shot and hitting higher. Once they were all in he placed a few electrodes on the cock and set them to random but didn't add a timer. Having a last bit of fun, he pushed the cock down so that it was flat against the table and raised the hammer, hitting it hard over and over again, making blue spots and abusing it. He hit around 40 times on each sides and it flung back up, cursed to always stay hard. He finally petted the male and murred, smirking. "Have a nice night." HE chuckled and the male could feel the rod still heating up and sometimes shocks ranging from short and small to long and strong. He turned around and headed to the door, opening it and walking out.


Torrey is still trying to figure out how to get the sandpaper covered cock out of his hole before he feels the grip and the hammers blows land on the nails. Making his eyes go wide as he arches his back and screams once more into his shut muzzle as each needle goes all the way into his knot. But as his cock is laid on the table and the hammer starts to wail on it he jerks and yelps painfully a few times as his member darkens and bruises until one hit shatters a spot of his baculum. The sudden increase of agony making him start thrashing and writhing as the continued blows keep breaking a different spot of his cock bone while his entire member turns an unnatural color before the final blow is struck. The pure agony coming from his groin keeping him squirming and jerking hard while he looks up at his master pleadingly as he recognizes he is going to be left there. Longing to be let go while he squirms harder while those shocks keep working away at his horribly abused member while the urethra continues to be seared.