All quiet in the woods

Story by Swift47 on SoFurry

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This is a story that was written to me by my absolute favorite commenter on FA, he seriously gives me the best comments to my art that i create, and here he written a gift for me, based on two of my pictures:

All quiet in the Woods

This is a gift for avatar?user=215090&character=0&clevel=2, my favorite artist and a good friend who I'm happy to talk with.

I hope he likes it.

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The sun moved already behind the far mountains at the horizon and the evening seemed to get very mild.

Only two days have passed since the scientists discovered the way to open the transdimensional rift at the ancient ruins they found in the high mountains near the springs of Reisaelva-river. Nobody knew where this rift would lead to, but the scientists confirmed that there won't be any danger. And they were right! The other side of the portal was much warmer than the wintry climate around the ruins. There were big and green plains on the other side... surrounded by deep and dark woods that didn't allow more visibility than fifteen yards.

To prevent possible appearing trouble, the scientists commissioned a mercenary company called S.A.R.S. to protect them from raiders and other dangers that the exploration team might confronted with. The people of S.A.R.S. result from the world's best trained soldiers and militaries from every possible nation and are quiet expensive to pay. But on the other hand none of their missions had ever failed... or at least nobody heard about a failed one.

One of those mercenaries was a younger soldier and wolf named Rob Swiftclaw. Regardless to his low age his career rose very high, because he was trained by the best institutions and military companies from all over the world. Now he's working for S.A.R.S. to continue his service and meet his archenemy: Doctor Muenchen!

But this day he shouldn't waste any thoughts on the greedy scientist, because there were other work to do and the commander called him to the main tend...

»Sergeant Swiftclaw ready for orders, Sir! «, Rob reported and saluted to the commander, a tall and short-haired cheetah.

»Stirring, Soldier! We have work to do! «

»Sir? «

»The eggheads are afraid our camp could be ambushed by some troublemakers, so we need to explore the area. Swiftclaw, you will go out and take a little "wandering. We need information's about the woods outside of camp and you shall deliver them! Go to the storage tent and anything you need to draw up a map and to take some samples from the ground! «

»Got it, Sir! Will there be any company or can I start immediately? «

»Immediately, Soldier! And hurry up... we are few enough to be fucked up if there's any hostile contact. You're alone tonight. «

»Understood! I'll keep up contact via radio transmission! «

»Acknowledged! Good luck, soldier! «, the commander confirmed with his calm and deep voice and turned back to his table with documents.

The wolf left the tent and moved to the storage area to arm himself with his favorite weapon - the MK23 "SOCOM", a small firearm with a mounted silencer. Furthermore he picked up some material to draw a tactical map, a headset-radio, extra ammunition and some small plastic boxes to take samples from the ground.

»Hey, Swiftclaw! Gonna get out for a nice walk at dusk?! «, a familiar sounding voice appeared from the corner of the tent. It was Tech-Sergeant Brutto, a dark grey furred Lynx, former United States Army Ranger and good friend of Rob.

»Yupp! I'm gonna go on a little sightseeing-tour through the woods. The scientist's are trembling in fear that some "monster" might come and say "Booh"! «

»Dat fuckin' Eggheads! Always wetting their pants if they hear a piece of wood cracking huh?!« the Lynx answered and both soldiers started to laugh loudly. »Nah... anyway! I'm your radio operator for tonight! So tell me if you see some wild animals with four ears or a purple spotted, beer-peeing apple tree! «

»Sure thing, man! But I don't expect to find something stranger than an emptied coke can! See you, Brutto! «

Rob left the storage and moved to the edge of the camp to take a look into the woods. He can't help but the woods seemed very calm and peaceful. On the other side Rob have learned that nearly nothing is exactly how it looked like. So he put on his night vision device to spot even the smallest details in the twilight of the deep forest. Unlike to his relaxed behavior with Brutto the wolf took his job very seriously. One wrong step could lead into a fatal trap that cost many careless comrades their life's in the past and that was a fate, that rob clearly don't want to face on.

He moved slowly through the undergrowth of the woods listened to the wind that fondles the treetops.

»Wait a second...«, Rob murmured to himself as he could have sworn to hear some very quiet and melodic sounds in the wind. The Soldier tried to focus his night visions but the trees and bushes didn't allow any further sight than just twenty or twenty-five yards.

»Satans planter!«, he cursed in norwegian to the huge number of different plants that surrounded him. But suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his free forearm. »Ouch! What the hell...«, he spitted out and tried to figure out what that was. As he looked on his arm he discovered a small cut in his flesh and a small drip of blood ran out of his wound. »Holy! That is the worse type of cutting grass I've ever seen! «, he murmured again and watched the little but getting worse bleeding cut. »Damn... this must be some kind of poison! «

Rob calmed down and first tried to strangulate the wound to make it stop bleeding. »Okay... now let us see what kind of evil planty you are...«, he whispered and explored carefully the nearby bushes.

And he was right! The leaf's of the bush next to him were sharp like razor blades and even cut through the material of his uniform. »Wow! This is unbelievable! I'm sure, the eggheads at the camp would be interested in a sample! «, he mentioned half loud to himself and pulled out his survival knife and cut a few leaf's to put them into one of his plastic boxes. »Done! Now, let's see where the way-ackh! «

A single second of inattention let rob to the edge of a slope and he didn't have any chance to catch himself. With a continuing groaning he tumbled down the slope and nearly eight meters further down the wild glissade stopped finally.

»Ahhh... svarte satan! «, he cursed loud and painful because the whole slope was overgrown with that infernal cutting bushes and dozens of small wounds were all on his body. His arms, his leg and even his face were covered in small red injuries that burned like hell.

»Aah fuck this hurts...«, he murmured with a slowly growing feeling of despair. He never felt like that before from just a mishap, but the number of cuttings, the possible poison and the fact that he is completely lonely lowered his mood rapidly and his ears hang down as well.

But suddenly he heard the music again and this time it was close... very close!

Rob tried to ignore the burning pain from his injuries and get over it. His ears pointed to the source of the mysterious music that sounded like a peaceful mixture of harmonic sounding Wind instruments, a melodious harp and the sweetest female voices in the universe.

The wolf strode over the small field carefully and his ice blue eyes opened wide as he discovered the obviously strangest pond he had ever seen. »Hoooly... «, he murmured deeply astonished and grabbed instinctively his gun. The pond and the place around it were covered in a mild blue light that seems all other than hostile. Mesmerized by the pond the injured rob walked over to the shoreline and even ignored the alerting radio. He couldn't do other than to turn off the power of it to avoid any further disturbing of this magnificent place. The music was very clear now and the soldier didn't know the song or even the source of the female voice, but it didn't matter. »This... is...«, Rob started to whisper but couldn't do other than to kneel down and test the water. But then something happened, he would never expect in his wildest dreams.

»M-my wounds...«, he gasped with wide opened eyes as they closed immediately. »B-but... that's impossible! «, he spoke out totally perplexed as he pulled his finger back from the body warm blue water. Than the wolf did something that was totally untypical for the behavior of a mercenary... he stepped forward and moved himself into the middle of the pond.

»O-ohh...«, he sighed deeply and relaxed as the water run into his boots and pervade his whole body with a feeling of total relaxing and inner peace.

But what Rob didn't know was that he was watched by a small number of curious little eye pairs that peeked carefully out of the treetop, over a nearby rock and beside a tree trunk. He couldn't do other than to smile happily and enjoy the wonderful feeling of immediately regeneration and the relief of all pain and worries.

»This... this must be magic! «, he sighed satisfied and looked down to his body. Through every rift of his damaged uniform he discovered his untouched looking fur and skin and the harmonic music and the pond made him smile... something he had never done for over 5 years except smirky and cocky grins.

But suddenly his pleasured mind became clear as he spotted something moving in the corner of his eyes. He turned to the unknown movement and raised his weapon on it. »Who goes there?«, he Said reflexively. But the magic pond was nothing compared to what his wide opened eyes found there.

A handball sized blue glowing orb floated over from behind a tree and neared itself to the alerted solder.

»N-no... this can't be...«, Rob murmured unbelieving and follows the orb with his weapon more instinctively that willing.

As the light ball came closer the wolf spotted a tiny little person in the middle of the orb and as he focused his eyes he saw a little female fox shape with butterfly-wings. Something he couldn't name other than a fairy!

He stood there with perplex opened eyes and mouth. He felt like moved into a dream or fairytale and it was hard for him to realize what happened.

The soldier watched the fairy, that wasn't really bigger than a few centimeters, with childish curiosity and follows her way with his Mk23 until the little one finally reached him.

Like a totally ironic scene, the little blue fairy moved above the gun and landed carefully on the silencer of rob's weapon. An innocent appearing creature that stands for harmonic imagination and lovely fairytales just sat down on a tool that was constructed to kill.

»... What are you? «, the wolf asked straight out although he didn't even know if she understood him.

The magical being sat in the middle of the silencer and laughs quietly with a light voice, which remembers the mercenary on the sound of very small silver bells at Christmas.

Rob's hands trembles softly because his exciting, but she was surprisingly light weighted and even a Dragonfly must weigh more than her.

On closer look the little one looks like a tiny blue vixen with curious but friendly yellow eyes and a whit tipped bushy tail. She smiled childish and tilted her had just as she wanted to try to understand his words.

Rob, still fascinated of the blue visitor, pulled his gun carefully nearer to his body and holds his left hands index finger to the fairy. »I-I'm...«, he started shyly but didn't know what to say right now.

The little, winged vixen slipped slowly nearer to Robs finger and tried to grab him with her hands sniffed carefully and giggled as the wolf winced surprised. Her touch was warm and gently and the mercenary who fought in dozens of fierce battles blushed and smiled amused. Amused about something so tiny and sensitive sitting on his brutal and martial weapon.

»Nobody will believe me if I write that in my report...«

Now, where Robs tense mood flowed over to a slightly happy curiosity, several other giggles sounded from the nearby plants and rocks and four other and different colored fairies appeared.

»Oh, you have got other friends, huh? «, the wolf asked pleasantly surprised. The little one that sit on his gun rose up with happily laughing and joined the others to study his battle-suit.

»Whoa, wait! «, the wolf said amused to the small number of fox like magical beings.

But in their curiosity to explore their probably first mortal they didn't even thought on stopping.

While humming their lovely song the mercenary just had heard before he arrived to the pond, they flew around him and tugged carefully on every flap of his clothes their tiny hands could grab.

For a few seconds Rob get the strange but funny idea on how a fairy soldier might look and act like if they ever could find a fitting micro-uniform.

The little Blue apparently found an interesting pocket on his left side and tried to slip in.

»Oh, you wanna come with me? «, he asked cheerful and opened the flap to help the rogue.

For just a second, only her feet stick out of the pocket but several seconds later she crawled out again holding a brass-colored round of his gun.

»H-hey! This is military equipment! «, the wolf complained half seriously and smiling while he tried to grab slowly to the bullet, but the little Blue just flew around him and showed her new shiny treasure to the others.

The other fairies joined their blue glowing friend who held the bullet victorious above her head and celebrated her booty. But then, the violet glowing fairy approached to the blue one and tried to grab the round. She wanted one of the golden shining too and the two magic creatures began to fight while their nicely sounding voices babbled wild.

»Hey, hey! No reason to fight! «, Rob interfered and took out a hand full of rounds out of the pocket.

Like a choir the five fairies made a sound of surprising and flew to his hand to pick up bullet for herself. The wolf just wondered what the Littles found so amazing on his ammunition, but he was happy to see the small pack of winged vixens so cheery with their new presents.

Now the blue One floated slowly to his face and the mercenary could see his happy facial expression. She touched the fur on his cheek and gave it a gently kiss that made Rob feel like an intensive fondling.

»O-oh... uhm... thank you! «, he said shyly and his tail whipped excited. Then every fairy followed the Blue and kissed their visitor on the cheeks and on his forehead before they disappeared in the depths of the forest.

Rob looked after them until he couldn't see their lights. Then he sighed and turned on his radio.

»Damn, Rob! What's going on there?! We haven't received any signal from you! «, said the angry Tech-Sergeant. »What happened?! «.

The wolf thought about what to say and answered a few seconds later: »I dunno... I think the radio had a malfunction and haven't received a signal. «.

»Ah... okay! Just bring that peace of scrap to me when you return! Have you seen something interesting anyway? «

»No... all quiet in the woods! «

»Damn, I knew it! That frightening scientists are like little schoolgirls! «

Rob heard to his friends laughing and signed out. He decided to keep this little adventure as a secret. His personal little secret that showed him that there are other powers in this world that seems to be nice and friendly... not like the world he comes from.

The soldier sighed deeply and made his way back. Just with one beautiful experience more in his life.

He just wondered if he will meet the little ones ever again.

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This is a story basing on (link) I have made for my favorite artist avatar?user=215090&character=0&clevel=2 Swift47 . I hope he likes it and ignores my horrible large number of typos and grammar! ^^"

Story belongs to

Based on the furtasia universe.. or i think its setting in avatar?user=222108&character=0&clevel=2 Lycanthris furtasia universe

Characters and idea belongs to avatar?user=215090&character=0&clevel=2