The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Six: A Flashback?

Story by Demonfox666 on SoFurry

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#6 of The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll

Devlin opened his eyes and yawned, stretching out his arms. He then looked over to his side to see Eros sleeping next to him peacefully. He chuckled softly then got out off the bed. She was still there. After a week of not having sex, she was still there.

Devlin walked over to his living room and sat down on a chair. He began to think about the afternoon that he had with at Silver's house. It wasn't the fact that he had sex with his male best friend that he was thinking about. It was the fact that his friend was in love with him. Even more interesting was the fact that Silver fell in love with him during high school. How did he not notice this before?

"Maybe he was just drunk," Devlin said. "I mean, maybe it was the alcohol talking."

He tried to remember a time where Silver might have hinted that he loved him. At first he came up with nothing. All of Silver's actions seem to point at their relationship to being just friends. There might have been an awkward moment or two but nothing that could be seen as a come on of sorts.

He just shook his head and moved into the kitchen. Maybe it was just that the affection was there and he didn't get it? Was he so blind that he didn't know the friend that he had been with most of his life was actually in love with him? Did someone else know about this?

"Stop," he yelled, "Stop thinking about it! If you keep thinking about it you will go insane!"

Eros quickly woke up. Thinking that her master was being attacked, she grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and ran toward the direction of the yelling. She knew she wasn't bred to fight but maybe a lamp to the head of the attacker would give her master some time to get up and fight back.

Devlin heard the sounds of someone running and quickly turned around. As soon as he did so he felt something hit him in the face. He fell down on the ground and passed out.

"Devlin...," a distant voice cried out. "Devlin...DEVLIN!"

Devlin immediately opened his eyes and looked around.

"Devlin Mythryll, why are you sleeping in my class?"

Devlin focused his attention on a female blue dragon. He knew exactly who it was. It was his science teacher from high school. How did she get here? And where was here?

"I don't know Miss Thorntail. I must not have gotten enough sleep," he replied quickly.

Miss Thorntail raised an eyebrow and looked at him oddly. She didn't seem to believe him at all.

"Ok Mr. Mythryll. Since you are now awake and seemingly not tired, could you tell me what the answer to the question is?"

"What is the question again?"

"What is two parts Hydrogen and one part oxygen?"


"Correct, Devlin. You must have been paying some attention."

Devlin smiled happily and wagged his tail. Though he looked happy, inside he was freaking out. Could it be possible that he went back in time? Was this a dream? I didn't look like or feel like a dream. If it wasn't a dream than he must have went back in time. But how did he do it?

Eros stared wide eyed at Devlin as he lay on the floor. It had just taken her a few seconds to realize that she had not hit a stranger that was trying to hurt her master. Instead, she had hit her master and knocked him out cold.

"What have I done," she asked herself. "Master, please wake up!"

She started shaking him like mad, hoping that somehow he would wake up. When he didn't she ran into the bathroom and hid in a corner. She thought that Devlin was dead for sure.

"Eros is a very bad slave," she said with tears in her eyes. "She does not deserve to live. She is a failure."

That was what she was always called, a failure. Ever since she was leaning to walk she was called a failure. While the other slaves were learning to run, she was still falling over. She was the runt of the group. Many thought that she would be terminated before her tenth birthday. By some miracle, she managed to catch up to the rest and avoided being killed.

"Master...," she said softly, "Please wake up and punish Eros. Make her become the good slave that she wants to be."

Devlin looked around the classroom. He needed to get out of there. He needed a quiet place to think. Anywhere would be better than here. But where could he go?

He raised his hand.

"Yes, Devlin," Miss Thorntail asked, "Can I help you with something?"

"Could I go the bathroom Miss Thorntail?"

"Yes you can Devlin."

"Thank you."

Devlin quickly runs out of the room and into the hallway. He waves to a few people that he knew then walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Along the way he poked the walls, lockers, doors and floors. All of them seemed so very real. This wasn't a dream.

"Then...I must have traveled back in time," he concluded. "That means I have to be careful about what I do. Anything I disturb might change something in the future."

He walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. Going in, he sees a seventeen year old Silver looking at one of the mirrors that were on the wall by the sinks. Silver looked as if he was thinking about something.

"How would I do this," Silver asked himself out loud. "How would I be able to tell her that I..."

"You want to tell who what?" Devlin asked.

Silver jumped up and quickly turned around. He saw Devlin standing by the door. He quickly turned away and tried to think of what to say next.

"Is something wrong Silver?" Devlin asked, looking very concerned.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"That depends. Will this secret get me on the list of the CIA or some mafia group?"

"This is not the time Devlin. I am being completely serious. What I am about to tell you comes from somewhere deep within my soul. It is personal."

"Alright Silver," Devlin said rolling his eyes, "I will keep your secret. You don't have to be so dramatic about it. This isn't some sort of play."

Silver gave a soft sigh then closed his eyes.

"I think I am falling for someone Devlin," Silver said.

Devlin looked at him oddly.

"That is what you wanted to tell me? That is your secret."

"No," Silver replied, "The secret is that it is a guy."

Devlin looked completely shocked. Was this the moment that Silver told him that he was gay? But didn't Silver say that he was too scared to tell him that he was gay?

"A guy," Devlin asked, trying to sound very surprised. "I never would have guessed."

Silver looked down at the ground, ashamed.

"I know," he replied. "I couldn't believe it myself. I mean I never would have thought that I could look at a guy and fall in love."

"Does Becky know?"

Silver looked up at Devlin and shook his head.

"Then maybe you should tell her," Devlin replied.

"And have her laugh at me? Are you insane?"

"She wouldn't laugh at you. She loves you."

Silver looked at Devlin oddly.

"She may love me but I don't love her," Silver said softly. "I mean I like her but I don't love her."

"Alright, do you know the guy that you are in love with?"

"Yes. I do know him."

"Does he know that you love him?"

"No. That is the problem. Should I tell him and risk facing rejection and humiliation?"

Devlin hugs Silver tightly.

"Life is a game of chance," Devlin said softly. "You win some and you lose some. But if you don't gamble, you never will know if you would have won or lost."

Silver thought about it for a moment. He then gave a deep sigh and nodded.

"I guess you are right Devlin," he said. "Thank you."

"You are welcome Silver," Devlin replied, rubbing his head.

"You ok there Devlin?"

Devlin nodded then clutched his head. He felt an immense amount of pain in that area for some odd reason. He then felt like there was water being poured on his head.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Devlin yelled loudly.

Eros gave a sigh. She had just dumped water onto her master and nothing had happened. It seemed hopeless. She had killed him in her mind.

Suddenly Devlin started coughing. He opened his eyes and looked at Eros.

Eros looked back at him and smiled.

"Master," she said happily, "You are alive!"

Devlin coughed loudly then threw up on the floor. He lifted up his head when he was done and looked at Eros.

"You are so going to clean this up," he commented before slowly standing. "And somehow I bet that you are responsible for all this."

Eros nodded silently.

Devlin shook his head. He knew that he really should thank her because know he knew that Silver had told him that he was gay in high school. On the other hand, he couldn't let her get away with it.

Eros turned around and started to walk off to the kitchen. She stopped when she felt her master's paw on her shoulder. She braced herself for a beating which she knew would probably never come.

Eros was correct, the beating did not come. Instead, Devlin dug his claws into her naked shoulder. Devlin knew that he would never have the guts to hit her, so this seemed like a much better alternative.

The slave cringed but said not a word. Even when her shoulder started bleeding she didn't give a whimper. She knew that she had deserved a lot more than just claws in her shoulder. If she had done this to any other slaver she would have been beaten badly or even killed.

Satisfied that his point was made, Devlin let go of Eros's shoulder. He then went over to the sink and washed the blood off of his claws.

"Bandage yourself up then go clean the floor," he ordered. "And I want a good job done. Am I understood?"

Eros rubbed her shoulder and mewed quietly.

"Yes master," she said, going into the bedroom to get bandages.

Devlin looked into the mirror and sighed.

"Look at yourself Devlin," he said to himself, "You are slowly losing your mind. Life use to be so simple and easy. Ok, maybe not so easy but it was better than it is now. What the hell happened?"

He looked at the floor.

"Oh right. She happened."