A private Moment

Story by Katalina on SoFurry

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Hi Hi Ceo of the itty bitty kitty committy here. and here is my first story. yes..it has adult stuff in it. so...ya know the drill if your offended by self pleasure (yeeeah right)

and of course underge (tsk tsk go to your room!) then back away Real slow like. turn around. walk out and be kind enough to close the door behind you.

Like i said. first story. i'd like to subit more. so please. leave a comment. help me improve my writing so that the next one will be more enjoyable.

Thanks. Angel O:)

A personal moment

Kata'lina awoken with the same ache between her legs as she had nearly every morning since she first met Gray. a shy handsome new transfer at her school. He was tall, with wonderful coloring of his fur, a charcoal gray with a near white underbelly from what she could see from his partially opened shirt.From the moment she first set eyes upon him. She felt her heart explode. She knew she just Had to meet him.

After about a week, she got the courage up to talk to him at lunch. He sat alone more often than not. He seemed so painfully shy. But they didn't really talk about much. In fact no sooner would the lunch bell ring, he would dash out of there with just barely a good-bye.

She couldn't help but be more attracted to him. her thought was almost always bent on him. Wondering what he was really like, what it would feel like to be embraced in his strong arms, how he kisses.

So every night she would fall asleep with these thoughts running in her mind. and every morning she would wake up with the same ache between her thighs.

she closed her eyes, and began to fantasize one of her Favorite fantasies, letting her paw slip down to the dampness of her sex, already screaming for release..............

It was very late in the evening, and she had gotten up to take a shower, Gray was zoned out on the bed, she looked at him almost with a touch of envy, she wished she could rest like that, not a care in the world, he truly did have the life.

She smiled softly grabbing a large towel she went into the bathroom and proceeded to take a hot shower, while she was in there she began to think of him, the way he would look at her, the way he made feel like she was the only one in the world that mattered.

Slowly she began to wash her stomach doing slow circles, right now completely in deep thought about Gray, she's had several relationships before, all of them turning to shit. most of them ended because they cheated on her...or up and disappeared without a word, so what was she to do But move on.

She knew Gray had a pretty good hold on her, and his pheromones did play a part, but she saw more in him.

She leaned forward to let the hot water work on her back, which was paining her a great deal as of late, her thoughts again went back to Gray, she had to wonder if she was obsessive about him, for she thought about him far to much.

Standing now she brought her head back to let the water wash over her head fur and breasts, bringing up the soap to lather her fur with, as she ran her claws through her fur she again thought about Gray's touch, how with just a look she could fall in love with him all over again.

She knew it was love, not lust, for she was just as happy snuggling with him, or having some friends over to chat with, or whatever.

After rinsing her fur out, she began to wash her body, her hands slowly going over her now rather ample breasts, shivering some as they were very sensitive, almost to the point of being painful, then down the rest of her body she washed, finally rinsing herself off before the water became to cold, stepping out she dried off, wrapping the towel around herself, she walked back to the bedroom.

She was going to get dressed and sit outside for a little while, taking in the cool air, but she looked upon Gray, laying in their bed the slight movement of his tail catching her eye, she grinned a little walking over to him, she sat on the bed, and began to slowly stroke his tail.

He moved a little as her paws caressed him, so she slid up next to his form and began to caress his body, laying soft kisses upon his angelic face.

She felt movement down around her legs as his tail began to snake up toward her thigh, even in this state he could not help himself, as for her? nor could she, her hormones were in overdrive , as if she was in heat, of course his pheromones helped very little in that respect, as she kissed him, his paw came to her back and caressed down her spine, that did it, a wave of heat went though her body her lids becoming heavy with desire.

She straddled upon his form, her paws running down his chest, feeling the fur beneath her paws, his tail snaking further up her thighs as if it was searching, she positioned herself in such a way that if his tail should reach it's mark there would be no issues.

Her sex was already Very hot to the touch as she began to slowly grind herself upon him, it didn't take long before she felt his sheath expand against her pelvis, she hissed through her teeth some, shivering in anticipation, granted she preferred lovemaking for when he was, awake, but then again, she'll take what she can get.

She let her paws roam over his body before letting them slide slowly up her own body, her head fell back, letting own a quiet moan of pleasure as his tail slid along her wet slit, causing her to slightly move against him.

Her sex glistening with wetness, her desire for him growing ever stronger, as she enticed his member from behind the sheath where it hid, her paws now lightly stroking over it, as his tail continued to tease along her wet slit.

She began to slide over his body, moaning quietly as he became fully erect. The heat that came from his member drove her wild. She slid her body down his, so that she rested between his thighs, his member now fully erect and glistening with pre. She looked up to his peaceful face, and saw a look of pleasure despite him being asleep.

She took his member into her paws, slowly lowering her muzzle over him, she let her short rough tongue slide over the tip, lapping up the pre that seeped from him.

The taste drove her insane with lust, and she engulfed him into her warm muzzle, quickly she began to bob her head, letting her tongue slide along the length of him. It was not long before her body screamed to be filled, she needed him. wanted him. had to have him. After a few more deep suckles upon his member, she released it from her muzzle, and slid up his body once more.

Positioning herself over his shaft. carefully she eased herself down, as he slipped past moist petals she let out another long hiss. She loved how he could completely fill her. Bit by bit she lowered herself onto him until he was hilted within her.

Soon, she began to slide up and down that thick shaft of his, her hands resting upon his chest, his tail coiling around her waist as if he was guiding her. her pace began to quicken as she kept her half closed eyes on Gray's angelic face, it was not long before her walls began to close around his shaft, her body began to tremble, her claws digging into his fur as she threw her head back and let out a long moan.

She could feel his shaft swell within her, His knot forming, hitting her at every down stroke. She had to feel it.She needed that knot within her. she thrusts down hard, and let out a yeowl as the knot forced itself into her tight walls, Right there she climaxed just as he spilled his seed deep inside her. She felt his body tighten up his hips attempting to thrust up into hers despite him still in a deep slumber.

As she began to relax, every now and then a shudder running through her as he still twitched inside, she ran her hands softly over his body, leaning down she placed a tender kiss on his lips. "I love you Gray"

After a few blissful moments she slid her very happy self off of him, and curled up next to his form, her arm draping over his chest, as she drifted off in a peaceful slumber..................

Kata'lina had her digits deep within her, at the height of her fantasy she let out a loud scream, her orgasm wracking her body. It was several moments before she was able to settle down. Hoping she didn't wake anyone with her screaming. Finally she brought herself out of bed, and padded into the shower. Who knew what her next fantasy would bring her. But after this morning she knew she just Had to try to ask him out.
