Rose Red-Chapter 1

Story by VampyreZenite on SoFurry

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#1 of Rose Red

Wolf or human? Calamity within the pack forces a young woman to choose between both her worlds. Will she find peace as a human or is life just as arduous without fur?

Author's Note:

Hi guys! I know it's been ages since I worked on my 'Blood and Coffee' series but I'm just totally not feeling it at the moment, also it's hard to work with because little Zenny (Sanka) is very clsoe to my heart. I thought maybe starting a new story would refresh some of my passion! Been reading alot of werewolf stuff and listening to alot of werewolf flavored music and thought I'd give it a go, let me know what you think :)

Flavor of the day: Wumpscut - Die In Winter (Haujobb Edit 2)

Red's Chapter

The trees snagged at my winter coat as I ran by, fleeing further into the forest, leaving traces of red fur like blood on the bark. The pack leader was dead by fault of a rogue, chaos sprayed across the wolves in the fashion of sharp snarls and tearing fangs, it appeared as if rose petals had fallen onto the snow. I couldn't run fast enough, far away enough. My chest heaved with the effort of escape. How could they? Not a second to mourn the pack master and they were on top of each other, fighting for control. Real wolves were not like that, not like us, the human part came through loud, clear and screaming. I started stumbling in the deep snow, desperate yips escaping my muzzle, my brain buzzing with panic. Unable to hold form any longer I let release the switch that made me canine and collapsed into my new grave of cold white. I could die out here, I thought, winter is the perfect time to die. I embraced the frozen ground with shaking human fingers, letting the chill settle in my weary heart and bones, the falling snow making a hollow echo of a sound.

I would die alone.