Gap Year: The First Date

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#19 of Gap Year

The last chapter of March. I'll be out of town and without internet next week so this will have to hold you over.

I woke up with a jostle. Opening my eyes, I tried to make sense of what awoke me. I saw the countryside passing quickly in the night as the train sped along. I finally remembered what was going on. Jake and I had left Berlin the day prior. It was more than a few hours to Paris from Berlin but that wolf of mine really wanted to go down to Toulouse. I don't really know why but Jake wanted to go.

The problem with Toulouse was that the SNCF--the really fast trains in France--didn't have tracks set up there so we had to go through Bordeaux and then take the slow train there. After a while in Germany with their amazingly organized railways, going to France was like going from a five star restaurant to a French one. Hi-o!

Anyway, we made ourselves as comfortable in the French train as possible and, after a little adventure in the bathroom together, we fell asleep with Jake's head on my shoulder. I woke up and he was curled up with his head in my lap. It was strange to think how much had changed in just a few short weeks. I had come out to him, my parents, gained a boyfriend, gotten closer to him than we were before--if that was even possible--and had lots and lots and lots of sex.

I felt so happy with him and I noticed something different about him too. He was in an apathetic mood less and seemed to care about me and us and everything around us more. He seemed to want to be there. And when those apathetic moods would pop up, they were short-lived because we'd just go out and explore together or I would buy Jake something ridiculous that he probably didn't need but really wanted. He seemed to smile more--genuine smiles that filled his whole aura.

I heard the train slowing down, brakes screeching loudly as its speed decreased considerably before pulling into Toulouse's main train station. We got our bags and all the shit that we needed. Jake asked where the nearest hotel was and we were pointed across the street to a, um... how do I put this lightly?

I doubt that there were any other patrons to this hotel apart from hookers.

Speaking of hookers, we passed many on the way over. Some of them looked at least fifty if not sixty. If you've never seen a sixty year-old hooker, I envy you. It's not a pleasant experience.

Jake's French came in handy when he had to swear at the plethora of incessant street urchins begging for whatever spare coins we had. They cursed back and it almost came to blows, but we were able to get out of there before anything bad happened.

After walking down to the Jean Jaurès, the major road of the city, we stopped at Fnac to see if there was anything we could get souvenir-wise. Fnac, as best as I can describe it... is kind of like if a Best Buy met a bookstore and a Sears and had a hot, interracial three way. You can pretty much get everything you want there from appliances to books to TV's to games, movies, cds, and posters. It was three stories tall and Jake and I spent an hour looking at books alone. The movies were extensive and I had to continuously remind Jake not to buy any of them because they wouldn't work back home, damn region locks.

Truthfully, Toulouse didn't have a lot we wanted to see but to Jake it held a lot of significance. His parents went to Dartmouth together and they each spent a year abroad in Toulouse's Dartmouth campus. It started off as a rivalry but they got pretty drunk at a bar called Cactus and ended up going out a lot.

Towards the end of the year, his dad proposed to his mom at this really nice restaurant. The way Jake figured it; he wanted to share some of the special significance with his family with me. And who was I to complain about getting to make my best friend--and boyfriend for that matter--happy?

November was cold there and we wrapped up in the warmest clothes we had, but it was clear that we had to get some new duds just for that night. Jake planned on getting us nicely dressed up in nice suits and then going on a nice romantic dinner at La Tavola.

We went down the Rue d'Alsace Lorraine which had all the clothing shops and fancier stores. It was pretty much the big shopping center of the city and it was very conveniently located just by Place du Capitole which was an absolutely enormous plaza. It was the heart of the town and every major road connected to it. When we got there, even in the capital of one of France's biggest cities was a McDonald's.

Jake took my hand and I heard the whispers and words like pédé or tapette. I knew that my wolf had to be fuming from the insults that were being thrown around about us so I grabbed him and kissed him hard on the lips in the middle of the street. People gave us weird looks and some cursed at us more openly but I didn't give two shits. No one was going to make my boyfriend unhappy.

This snow leopard came up to us and right when I thought I'd have another crazed fan, he hands us a card with an address on it. It's called the Shanghai Club and had a half-naked man on it. If that wasn't a gay club I don't know what was. We both figured, why not?

We had all night.

* * *

I stepped out of the bathroom with only my boxers on and a burgundy shirt that I was in the process of buttoning up when I came around the corner and saw Jake.

He wore a suit with a purple shirt and a thin gray tie with squares on it in a really nice pattern. He brushed his black head fur to the side and it made him look dashing. There was a rose on his lapel and a purple handkerchief in his breast pocket. I suddenly felt so very, very, underdressed. He even shined his shoes.

"Wow..." I said voice barely above a whisper.

Jake took a step closer and kissed me.

"Hurry up, cutes. We don't want them to give our table away, now do we?"

I nodded and grabbed my pants, putting them on over my shirt before slipping a belt through the loops. Jake watched me as I fidgeted with the loops and walked up behind me, helping me with the stubborn piece of leather.

"You nervous?" he asked.

I nodded.

"This just... It's like our first date."

He chuckled. "Yeah, but it's not like you don't know if it'll go well. It's not like I won't like you."

"I just want everything to go well. I want things to be perf-"

Jake kissed me and pressed himself to me, arms wrapping around me.

"It'll be perfect if you just be yourself like you always do. I love you, Brent."

"I love you, Jake..."

"Good boy," he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Now hurry up."

I did as I was told and put my shoes on, which had been shined to an equally pristine condition, and then my jacket. I felt good and when I looked in the mirror, Jake and I looked really great together. As if we belonged together.

It was just fine by me.

We walked out of the hotel and through the streets, hearing people talk as they recognized me, good or bad. Jake put his arm through mine and our tails wagged behind us, to the dismay of passersby. We walked through the city until we finally got to our place for the evening.

La Tavola was a nice place with nice, black and white marble flooring and a private table towards the back with a candle in the middle. It wasn't terribly fancy nor was I a rundown piece of shit location but it was a nice enough place. We ordered a menu, I know what that sounds like, but it's really some dishes that go together and complement each other that's a really big thing in France. It started with a tomato and mozzarella salad followed by a steak with fries for me and casoule, a delicacy of the region, for Jake. We both finished with a decadent chocolate cake topped with a vanilla sauce for us to split. And a couple bottles of wine.

"This whole evening has been really great, Brent. T-thank you," Jake said, wiping a tear from his eye. I remembered how much he wanted to always to do this with someone he really cared about. I knew how much it meant to him and his family and the fact that Jake chose to share this with me was a very big deal.

I leaned across the table and kissed him very gently.

"Of course, Jake. I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered. I held his hand tightly, ignoring all the eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

"What do you say we get out of here?" I whispered in his ear.

"Go back to the hotel?" he asked. I nodded and gave him a smile so he might know exactly what I had in mind.

"I don't know if I can wait that long," he admitted, red faintly showing up under his fur.

"I'm sure we could find a nice, quiet place to have some fun if we really wanted to."

As it turned out, said place was a Japanese Garden that was supposed to be closed at night, but Jake picked the lock. It was beautiful, with ponds and lily pads and all these beauty around us that made the perfect setting.

I pulled out a pouch and pressed a button and there was a blanket for us to lie upon together. Jake pulled his jacket off and lay it down very nicely while I kissed his neck and teased his ear with a bite here or there. Jake tried very hard not to moan, his breath steaming as it escaped his mouth. I squeezed the front of his slacks and he moaned the softest little thing I'd ever heard him do.

"I need you," he whispered.

I pulled his pants apart, opening the button followed by the zipper. My tongue licked at his member, already emerging and at half-mast. It twitched at my tongue's touch and he looked at me with bright red cheeks. He wanted this and I was so happy to oblige. I opened my mouth and went down, his cock filling my mouth. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the taste of his pre on my tongue and the scent of his musk filled my nose. His hips immediately began pushing into my mouth as his hands gripped at my shirt.

"Oh, God!" he whined.

I smiled at his reaction, my tongue swirling around his thick member, the tip dancing around the growing knot which only caused him to whimper more. I knew he wouldn't last long in the state he was in. We had to keep very quiet though, being just a few feet from a major road. Jake humped more, his tail trying his best to wag in his position but he wasn't able to until his load shot into my mouth and I swallowed every precious drop of my lover's cum. I still wasn't used to the taste, but I was getting there to be sure.

Jake panted into my neck as he held me closer.

"Oh fuck..." he panted, kissing my neck. "Get your fucking pants down so I can repay the favor."

I did as he told me and before I could even get my boxers past my hip; his mouth was wrapped around my cock, sucking it like a needy baby, hungry for his bottle. ... That was a fucked up metaphor for what I'm talking about,

His tongue swirled around my head and he bobbed up and down, consuming every bit of my pre as it filled his awaiting mouth. His eyes were closed in bliss and my hips pressed forward. I bucked into his mouth, grabbing the scruff of his neck as I started to fuck my boyfriend's mouth. I needed him so badly I didn't think I could last much longer.

"J-Jake... Don't you dare fucking stop!" I said, probably louder than I should have. But I didn't care. It's hard to care when you're shooting sweet, musky seed into your boyfriend's mouth, his tongue lapping it from my tip as cum seeps out of my cock and his tail wags like a dog getting a treat. Though... I guess he kind of is a dog getting a treat.

We didn't last long in our afterglow, our bodies were protesting to the cold far too much to lie there under the stars and cuddle as much as I would have loved to do just that.

When we couldn't take anymore, we went walking again, leaving the park as undisturbed as possible. They'll likely find some cum on the grass there but not much can be done for that. Jake took my hand and we went back downtown to the address of the club that was given to us. There was a line but people saw me and a hole was made for Jake and myself. People were trying to convince me to dump Jake for them, claiming them to be more appetizing to Jake but I wouldn't listen to that bullshit.

No one could beat Jake.

The entrance fee was pricier than I cared for, as were the drinks that I got for Jake and I, but we had fun, dancing together, pressing our bodies against one another's and moving to the beat of the music. People cheered for us and we would occasionally dive into a big kiss, dancing all the while. It was the happiest I had been in the longest time and I thought it was going to last forever until I heard automatic gunfire outside.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled.

The crowd started to panic and people grabbed Jake and me. We struggled but they injected us with something and, right before I lost all consciousness, I saw the familiar shape of the black panther that had made this trip a living hell moving towards us and congratulating her men.