Humilated Pleasures-Chapter 9

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#9 of Chapter Commissions

And this story is coming closer to a end, I am afraid to say. This story has become harder to write and I believe you are just wanting to see what is to come. Enjoy


"How did I ever get myself into this kind of situation?" Jamie, now going by the name of Jessica nowadays or what all the boys around the school had been calling him...err her now, grumbled to herself as she continued to pull on the cheerleader outfit that bitchElizabethhad somehow obtained for her. With no real idea on how she actual obtained it without rasing some question, Jamie was forced to don this out for the bitches pleasures. Just the very thought of what she had Jamie do caused her to shudder with half revulsion and half pleasure caused her to pause in her changing of clothing taking the opportunity to study her new appearance in the full fledge mirror.

It had been about two months since the first set of changes had turned his once already lightly girly male form into a true female form with it starting off with his small limp cock disappearing into his body during the first night which marked the beginning of the end for her. It started to his memory was when in bed for a night for a restless sleep where he found that what he thought was a strange dream turned into a bloody nightmare where he was pinned up against the shower wall being hammered from behind by his own father which lead him to a wet dream where he orgasmed making a mess of his bed sheets. Deciding to throw some water in his face to get rid of what had just happened, Jamie went into his bathroom adjacent to his bedroom half asleep figuring everything was fine and nothing was out of place until he felt a strange liquid starting to drip down between his thighs causing him to get out of his slumber like state looking down to see a horrifying site of a dripping wet pussy of what could be described as a college virgin girl that was just experiencing her period, for Jamie it was his first. With the memory of what he had just experience, he found that it made his newly developed pussy grow extremely wet causing him to be incredibly horny for something to drive itself into the puffy opening.

Driven nearly insane by continually ugly and unwanted images of himself back in the shower bent over being hammered from behind by his own father until he or she was pregnant, who had taken every opportunity to stare at his own son for long periods of time he forced himself into changing the sheets on his bed then going back to bed. Thankfully, Jamie never returned home after the first set of changes happened to his body coming to stay with Elizabeth who offered a place to stay and for her own mother, Sam a doctor to look him over to see what was wrong. Feeling better with getting away from his incest family, that probably wouldn't mind using his new features of his body whatever way that they desired, Jamie followed Elizabeth in not expecting that things would go down hill after that. Jamie didn't question the cheerleader as the girl had gone about helping save Jamie from an impossible date with the biggest creep on campus: the colleges Football Captain who had tried asking him out on a date right off the bat when he had exited the college building.

At first after meeting Dr. Samanthia who seemed a kindly middle aged woman, Jamie felt safe at that moment when he was shown to a doctor like examining room where the woman went about doing a pre-exam of his body before injecting him with something promising that the injection would stop the terrible images going through his head. Promising that she would return, Jamie decided to wait for the good doctor to return not realizing that the entire exam was a setup which included the injection that the doctor gave him. Almost immediately after the doctor had left, Jamie found his new body calling out in desperation in need for someone or something to stop the desperate need that his new and foreign body was so desperately wanting at that point.

Dropping down on to the floor in the room, she had gone about desperately fingering herself trying to relieve some of the need until the doctor came back or the drugs kicked. Relief certainly came about 20 minutes later while she was on the floor driving her in multiple orgasms before a rough yet enticing tongue pushed her hand away from the puffy opening before allowing itself to drag the rough texture across the sensitive opening allowing Jamie to find some relief at that time. It would continue for another 5 minutes before somehow she found herself ending up on her belly being forced up on to all fours with her rear in the air sticking straight up demanding for whoever was giving her pleasure to continue the licking forever.

However the thing that had been pleasuring her had other ideas as within minutes of her getting on all fours a massive furry body had jumped up on to her rear wrapping its arms around her waist thus holding her in that spot not allowing Jamie to go anywhere as something sharp, wet and intrusive forced its way into her unknown regions taking her virginity with one single go. It would take her about a few seconds to finally realize, through the bliss of pleasure that she was receiving that the creature that was humping away at her wasn't human...but a fricking guard dog that had been brought in to protect the mansion. But right now it was taking great pleasure in fucking Jamie like she was a bitch in heat for all of what his body is worth and through the gasps and moans there was little indication that Jamie was in any position to complain differently.

Struggling greatly against the unknown pleasures that she continued to receive from the disgusting beast, she tried desperately to crawl out from underneath the beast finding her willpower waning quickly with the will to escape leaving with it. Nevertheless, it was no use as she was in it for the long haul as the beast wouldn't let up on its grip becoming vice like with each thrust leaving her there to receive the fuck of her life. Jamie didn't realize that her once male body, having only received a pussy at first, somehow the fucking that she was receiving had started the rest of the strange changes to continue.

With each thrust from her animalistic lover from behind, her chest which had been flat and unchanged at one point began to balloon outward soon giving her a breast size of C cup that had nipples just crying out for licking or some kind of pleasure. The new addition seemed to cause her to cry out for more as she started moaning out nearly crying out in pleasure. The sounds seemed to cause the changes to continue to take over her body changing her into a female version of him just as the dog's actual cock locked itself inside her body via the knot. A second later the beast began to pump his puppy juices into her young and eager body which continued to orgasms that continued to ripple throughout her body.

Finally her new body seemed to calm down leaving her there with her head hanging down in shame as the dog continued to tug and pull at its cock clearly trying to pull it out of her abused and freshly changed body causing more moans and cries to push its way out from her lips which must've sounded like a bitch demanding more as the dog pushed its cock deeper into her body. Jamie wasn't sure if things could get worse than what had just happened to her at that very point.

Again fate seemed really cruel as no longer when the dog had finished its cruel deed of fucking her, did the bitch cheerleader appear with her slut of a mother who held a video camera having clearly having recorded the entire thing in the act. When Jamie tried to ask what was going on, did the truth come out thatElizabethwas going to blackmail Jamie into doing what the cheerleader wanted her to do. From that moment on everything for Jamie went downhill as she was used as a pleasure toy by both the bitch herself and her mother who turned out to be bisexual forcing Jamie to suck on the woman's pussy which he didn't mind however since his current situation it was worse. So while he was sucking on the woman's snatch that continued to pump juices in his mouth, the family's other guard dogs went about fucking every orifice of her body night and day which the events were being once again taped for insurance that she wouldn't try anything.

After the first day, Jamie was forced along with several other girls from the college's cheerleading squad to sleep in the room where the guard dogs would come in whenever they were resting, where their bodies were being used whenever the dogs wanted to use their bodies for their own pleasure. What was even worse was that the cheerleaders actual demands for them to perform unthinkable deeds for parties, social gatherings, poker parties that Elizabeth's father would put on for those that he hung out with or worked with either to get promotions or raises for his family. The very thought of pleasing a middle and old aged men while they were playing poker or attending parties which ended up with one of them always taking one of the girls into the next room or in that very room alone to fuck them, always made Jamie want to hurl at the very thought of what they had her do. She still had nightmares of the kinds of things that they had her do, for example being that while she was serving drinks to a bunch of half drunk assholes while Elizabeth went about passing out condoms to each of the players which confused them until she explained that Jamie was a complete slut and if they wanted to they could fuck her in what ever dream they could possibly imagine.

In the end, while Jamie was passing by one of the still younger yet obviously perverted males of the game, he went about grabbing her around the waist dragging her into his lap where his cock was completely out of his pants which was hard and eager to possess her body. Reaching down, the man went about pulling Jamie's thong down away from her dog sperm soaked pussy, the man went about slipping the proffered condom up over his massive cock before slamming it home causing her to scream out in pain while the massive organ began stretching her even further than before. What made it worse was that she had gotten fucked more than once that in her 'training' via Elizabeth, the demented cheerleader about telling her and the other cheerleaders that in the pile of condoms that she had in the possession of the men that were about to fuck her, she had gone about poking holes with a thin sewing needle into some of the condoms. So whoever was to use one of them while fucking the girls there was even a greater chance that there might come one day that they would find themselves knocked up by some stranger that they didn't know nor when it happened. So there Jamie was sitting on the middle aged man's cock being told to be a good little girl and squeeze his stinking cock while he won her in the end.

Thankfully after fucking her which seemed like hours, Jamie found out that the condom wasn't one of the unsafe ones that may have caused her to get knocked up. Unfortunately that couldn't be said about one of the younger girls that were already serving drinks at the party, she later told Jamie that she found sperm inside her pussy. The girl had gone about taking a morning after pill just incase a horrible chance that she had gotten knocked up. The other girls had some scares of course but they took the same precautions although that sure didn't stopElizabethfrom continuing her little games of condom roulette. The only recent cocks that Jamie had been experiencing were dog's although that would probably change as of right now as Jamie was getting dressed in a borrowed cheerleader outfit about to attend the home game for the college.

She had be brought into the squad with some sweet talk from Elizabeth to the obvious dyke of a cheerleading coach word had been whispered that if the coach wanted she could have her 'sleep over' with the entire squad if she wanted although she just asked that Jamie would be allowed on to the squad for the time being. Immediately, the dyke jumped at the chance especially after getting one look at Jamie did her mouth begin to water drool from the very sight of the hot girl who seemed eager to join the squad for the homecoming game.

"Alright, girls! Its time for us to get out there and support our team!" the coach called out coming into the room clapping her hands loudly just to get their attention. "Now I want everyone to put on their best game faces today's we will be cheering on our very own football team to defeat the rivals on our home turf! Now this team that they are facing is pushovers so we should see an easy win without any kind of problem."

"Yeah right, plus each team has an incentive to actually win today." Someone commented in the back although by the way that it was said it could only be Elizabeth, who was still sitting down unlike the rest of the girls who stood up when the coach had come in. Normally a comment like that would get a 'shut up' or 'that's a warning' from the coach however when a devilish smile appeared on her face it was very clear that the coach knew something that they didn't.

"If there aren't any real questions then let's get out there." She called as the girls tried to offer a cheer before they charged out of the room probably wanting just to get away from the lesbian coach. Jamie was the last one to follow out of the room with a smug looking Elizabeth stepped up to the coach as the old hag continued to watch the new cheerleader go out of the room the door closing seconds later. "Nice choice,Elizabethfor a gift to the winning team. Does she know the truth?"

"Nope, all she does know is if she does her 'best' on this game no matter the outcome...she will receive a 'gift' that she is probably hoping will be her freedom from her so call prison..."Elizabethsaid with a harsh laugh.

"And that's not what you are planning correct?"

"Not exactly."Elizabethanswered before walking out of the room her attitude quickly changing from the evil like witch she was to a happy go lucky cheerleader leaving the coach dumbfounded by what the young girl had said.

Out on the field surrounded by massive amounts of screaming and cheering fans in the stands clapping as two teams that were to play on the field today had yet to come out, probably receiving a final prep talk from their own coach's for the big game. On each side of the field the different cheerleading squads formed two lines facing toward a banner with the teams name that they were there to cheer them on, clearly waiting for announcer to begin calling out the teams which would tear through the thin sheet of paper. Neither the squad nor the crowds had little wait time as the announcers voice sounded out throughout the area just as the teams started to charge out through the ruined banners. The players sure did seem to have a lot of their energy ready to go for the big event.

Trying to avoid the sneer looks that she was getting from the passing players, Jamie was on the end of the one of the lines, her eyes were downcast and away from the passing boys trying to avoid from giving them any idea that she wanted any of them to win, even that bitch Elizabeth continued to try and set her up with one of the scumbags. Everyday that Jamie attended the classes that she once normally would attend in her old life expecting to find the professor questioning on who she was and where the old Jamie was.

However each time she stepped into the room, the professor seemed to just stare at her and her large bosom for about 20 minutes as she was taking her seat before he would start the class the entire time it was clear that the old man had a harden as he wasn't afraid to stand there with his cock sticking out while he went about teaching the other students. Heck even Jamie's best friend at the time seemed to had forgotten about Jamie occasionally hitting on the new Jamie on several occasions leaving her feeling fluster and unwilling to give the jerk the satisfaction of getting that right. It even got worse with the creep of a football captain, Jimmie, who continued to ogle her breasts and would try to cop a feel any chance that he could get that included his cronies like friends cornering her in a hall making sure that there was no way that she could escape. At times she thought the scum would go about raping her each time they had her cornered however she always got lucky when a teacher or students had passed through stopping the group from continuing with the disgusting act or whatever they had in mind. Nevertheless, she knew it was just a matter of time before they would get her somewhere where there would be no help coming to stop the next time.

Anyways, just as the football team passed by her, Jamie saw Jimmie, the ass pass by their eyes locked just long enough for him to offer a smug look of his coming to a stop in front of her allowing his eyes to roam over her lovely body which continued to this day to cry out for sex no matter how much she had already gotten from the hell hounds of Elizabeth's. Somehow Jamie had a feeling that the bitch had been slipping something into the food which continued to make her more horny than normal.

"So are you going to give me a kiss for good luck?" Jimmie asked her smugly half expecting Jamie to actually agree to the terrible idea however the look of smugness never left his face although he seemed to get the idea that he shouldn't press his luck. He started walking backwards after his teammates. "The first touchdown that I score will be for you, beautiful."

"And then you will break your leg broken in thirteen different places afterwards." Jamie sneered which was the final signal that he needed before turning around and rejoining his teammates for warm-ups. The game started about 30 minutes later and boy did everything turn wrong for the team, Jimmie sure did get the first touchdown for the team then he got tackled rather roughly during the next play which in turn broke his leg in certain spots that put him out of commission for a while probably for the rest of the season. That one touchdown turned out to be the only one for the team, with the visiting team ending up winning the game by a landslide which left the home team in shambles, mainly serious injuries inflicted to everyone, as they left the field without so much as a glance to those in the stands.

The visiting team however a different subject all together as the Captain moved toward Elizabeth, after celebrating with his team, a look of victory clearly playing across his face as they seemed to have a private conversation with a few occasional glances toward Jamie and the other cheerleaders. The talks seemed to go on for sometime before the two shook hands before the Captain turned toward his team once more and in a single gesture the cheerleaders soon found themselves quickly surrounded with the players grabbing several of them carting them off toward a series of awaiting cars that probably belonged to the team. Having no real need to drop off their gear into lockers, the team jumped into three different vehicles before quickly driving off into the waning daylight.

To Jamie with her head bowed keeping in a position where she couldn't see where she and the others were being taken unable to raise her head as the convoys continued on their way to a destination unknown. Even a question from one of the girls would result in her ass being smacked by one of the rude players. "Shut up! You belong to us for the night if not longer!"

"Hey Tim! Did that bitch give you the special condoms that she wanted us to use on this one?" another one of the players asked from the right of Jamie.

"Yep and by the way that the bag feels that she gave us, this entire night is going to be a blast. Too bad that bitch didn't offer herself up like she did the rest of the squad...I wouldn't mind pumping what I got into that beauty." Tim answered letting out a chuckle. There came a couple more chuckles before Jamie let out a gasp when she felt a rough hand make a move her thighs causing her to instinctively to slam shut her legs stopping the hand from continuing toward its target.

"Don't worry, my won't be saying no forever. You are all mine tonight and I plan on having you as my treat for the rest of the night and there will be neither hiding nor protesting when I get started. I have been told that I can satisfy a woman a lot easier than any other man can." Someone said letting out a laugh as Jamie felt the hand leave her thighs before reappearing around her waist lifting her up from where she had been sitting before being brought down on what she instantly realized was someone's lap...and it wasn't one of the other females either. A thick and pulsating cock poked at the thin material that continued to cover her smoldering crotch.

"What are you doing, boss? I thought you wanted to wait until we got there." Tim's voice reappeared as the hands went to work reaching down working on getting the thin material that covered Jamie's pussy from the virile tip that wanted to push itself into its depths. It continued to grow the tip continuing to push up against the thin material as the player continued to work just to get rid of the material quickly.

"This beautiful lady is just driving me up the wall and I can't wait to get there...I am going to fuck this lady twenty times until Sunday." The man that they called the boss answered letting out a lustful growl as he seemed to finally be able to remove the material away from Jamie's crotch allowing the eager cock to brush up against the puffy lips sending a thrill coursing throughout Jamie's body. She threw her head back letting out a throaty moan, her resistance slowly draining from her body leaving her almost demanding that the damn man to hurry up and get to fucking her senseless.

That was one thing that Jamie had started to realize was that no matter how much torture that Elizabeth put her through, her resistance was starting to crumble with each cock that would pass through her pussy. After the incident had happened with the slut's mother and disgusting dogs,Elizabethhad gone about 'teaching' her the new responsibilities that she expected Jamie to perform from now on. These tasks included servicing all male members of the family plus the dogs that protected the family house, and the servants that helped manage the property itself, the service being described as a special gift for their hard work. Now that didn't stop from the female incurious or sexual including the lesbian members of the maid staff.

Of course that didn't mean that neither Elizabeth nor her mother would have Jamie pleasure them in whatever way they saw fit on a rare occasionElizabeth's mother would give Jamie pleasure while she was being hammered behind by several dogs in the same instant.

One thing that was included in the training was how to act like a natural woman while servicing men and women in the process, other occasionsElizabethwould join in and show Jamie how to properly pleasure someone or to do something. When the training was finished, Jamie found herself being rented up to attend family parties, business meetings/parties, poker games, etc. resulting in some nightmarish events that Jamie had just wished would end rather than continue. So whenElizabethhad promised that after the game that she would 'reward' Jamie's efforts, she had just wanted to be released from this nightmare...she was wrong.

Now as the boss continued to edge himself into her wet opening it becoming obvious that although the player indeed wanted to breed her while going about removing the rest of the uniform allowing her breasts to spring out the nipples instantly becoming hard in the nights cool air. Soon they were covered by rough hands that started to roughly squeeze and pull on them and the enormous globes causing Jamie to cry out in need even more this seemed to caused the entire group to laugh out in greed.

Quickly the boss started to slam his cock deep into Jamie's demanding body as the car that they were sitting in came to a jerking stop a screeching of tires could be heard along with gravel dispersing around the tires. There came shouts of commotions as the car that Jamie was in jerked as several bodies exited the car followed by several protest came from the other girls who were dragged out of the car.

"You coming boss?" someone asked a voice that Jamie didn't recognize as she continued to let out a throat moan as the man that they called the 'boss' slammed Jamie down over the car seat where her face was facing the wind shield before continuing to ram home into her body forcing her face forward to those that were passing by.

"Nah, this needy bitch is so demanding her sweet pussy is squeezing me tightly that I cannot withdraw. I am going to finish her here we shall see you guys inside...remember to hand out the condoms to everyone."

"Gotcha, boss." The player said before they were left alone as the man that was pumping himself into her stopped himself allowing a hand to slap her ass causing her to whimper her body absolutely calling out in need for more. However that wasn't what escaped her likes in that moment.

"Please...I just want to go home..."

"Oh don't worry, my dear...after all of this, we will make sure you get home just fine." The man growled into her ear before returning to his savage nature driving home his massive cock driving out another moan from Jamie as her pussy started to contract around the cock milking it for more.