A new friend

Story by Vixxy on SoFurry

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A short story I tried to get into writing, this is pretty much the first thing I've ever written that did not have an English teacher telling me to do it, so I'm a little nervous at it being public I hope people like it!

Since its my first ever story constructive criticism is very welcome, although nothing too confidence destroying if possible ^^

Also my first non-commissioned work on the account, go me!

Vix is mine, the wonderful Lennex is - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lennex/

Vix let out a sigh as he padded up and down across the rug in his living room, paws leaving a trail in the fabric as he walked, tail swishing through the air behind him with each quick turn. He felt like he had been waiting forever but it was only a short while since he had called to say he was coming over.

He pinned his ears back as as he thought about him, the short, cute fox he had met a few days ago at work, the new guy going around shaking paws and saying hello. He had attracted Vixs' attention immediately, the slender body and warm smile much better to look at than the people he usually saw at work, and he had spent a paniced moment trying to think of something to say as he moved closer, making small talk around the office. He got so worked up he barely noticed when the fox was standing in front of him, paw held out as he said "Hi there".

Vix had tried to regain some composure as he felt a blush coming over his muzzle, he quickly said hello and warmly shook the offered paw, introducing himself. He found out the foxes name was Lennex, and that he had moved to town recently after being picked up by the company. They chatted for a little while, finding out what kind of music they liked, what shows they were watching, and Vix felt his tail wagging as he relaxed, happy to have someone with things in common in his usually boring workplace.

The next day they shared lunch together, showing Lennex where to get decent food nearby and sitting on a bench outside the office to eat their sandwiches, it was still warm despite the dark skies to they stopped to talk for a while, Vix finding the fox had more in common with him the more he found out, Lennex had not mentioned having a girlfriend yet and he was dieing to know if he was interested in other males, dieing to know if Lennex was interested in him. As they walked back inside he decided to find out, asking if he wanted to come over the next day, relax at the start of the weekend, he felt elation as the fox said yes, heading back to his desk with a spring in his step and wagging his tail swiftly. Even though he still didnt have the answers that he wanted he imagined Lennex had been looking at him with interest, after all he had complimented him on his red tipped ear and tail, and it was entirely possible he had noticed Vix giving him the occasional stare, when he thought he could get away with it.

He snapped out of the memory as he heard the harsh bzzz of his intercom, rushing to the phone and opening the door, the wait while Lennex got the lift up the 5 floors to his apartment agonising. He still was not sure how he intended to find out about the other foxs interests but having an entire night to daydream about how his evening could go had left him very nervous, worried he would find out there was a sweetheart back home waiting to move in, or even worse that he would make a move and lose his new friend almost before he had him.

He opened the door as he heard soft padding footsteps in the hall outside his apartment, getting a surprised grin from his visitor, paw raised to knock on the plain surface. He smiled back and showed his guest through the short hallway, taking his coat and hanging it while Lennex went ahead into his living room. He followed to find Lennex facing away from him looking at his games collection, the fox bending over slightly to run a paw along the titles on his shelves. He took the chance to get a long look at the slim rear before him, thick bushy tail wagging slowly from the hole in his jeans. His eyes trailed upwards and he took in the cute, boyish figure beneath the fabric of his t-shirt. The foxs long, tapered ears were perked up as he moved on to the last of the games, mumbling to himself about which ones he liked, seeming to not notice that Vix was in the room at all, let alone checking him out so obviously.

That impression only lasted as long as it took for Lennex to suddenly turn, tail swishing in the air behind him as he snapped round, an evil grin on his face as he caught him red handed. He felt himself blushing bright red and lowered his muzzle quickly, ears pinned back as he pawed at the rug, burning with embarasment, he had ruined everything and his guest had been there for less than 5 minutes!

He stared down at his feet, nervously wringing his paws as he tried to think of what to say when he heard Lennex start to move towards him, he froze, worried the fox was going to walk out past him without speaking, until he felt a paw gently touch at his own, the rough pads brushing at him as he was gripped reassuringly. He slowly bought his muzzle up to see Lennex grinning at him, laughter in his bright eyes. "You...you're not mad?" he stammered and received a laugh in response.

"I thought you might be interested in me...I already knew that you liked other men, I caught you staring at my tail at work and asked someone" he explained, wiggling that same tail behind him and squeezing his paw again.

Vix flushed in embaressment, unhappy at being so obvious but pleased that Lennex didn't seem to mind, or not looking at least. He felt a burden lift from his shoulders at his new friends attitude, bringing his muzzle back up, still flushing bright at the fact he had been noticed at work, he wondered who else has seen him leering at the new guy like a teenager, especially as the gossips would all know Lennex had asked someone his orientation.

He felt a tug on his paw and followed Lennex over to his couch, settling next to each other on the worn fabric. He was very aware that Lennex was still holding onto his paw, tail wagging jerkily as he rubbed his claws at the dark fur covering it. Lennex was still looking amused with himself, eyes bright as he looked across at him "I was hoping that I'd meet someone nice in the big city, but I didn't expect it to be this quickly...you don't get many chances to meet our kind of people back out in the country" his ears drooped a little as he talked but it only seemed to last a moment, the fox perking up and asking about his apartment, how long he had lived there and so on. That led to a quick tour of the place, even though there was not really much to see, a small kitchen and a bedroom that had been quickly tidied earlier in the day besides the living room.

Throughout the short walkaround Vix could not stop thinking about the other foxs words "..meet someone nice".. He was practicly bouncing as he walked about, showing where he had added to the place since he moved in and stopping to complain about his heating, trying to hide a blush at being so transparent. His guest didnt seem to mind, grinning as he followed Vix around and seeming impressed with his home, mentioning a few problems with the apartment he was still moving into.

After they had seen everything Vix felt himself being pulled back to the couch, Lennex still leading him by the paw as they sat again. Vix could not help noticing that the other fox was now much closer to him, his tail brushing his leg and he settled it in between them. Vix blushed and flicked his own tail out from behind him, not really sure how to try anything with someone he had met so recently.

It seemed Lennex had picked up on his thinking as he suddenly felt hiw paw being released and then fingers rubbing up his thigh lightly, hearing giggling as he let out a rather high pitched squeak of surprise. He looked up to see a warm grin on Lennexs muzzle "No need to be so nervous Vix, although it is cute..."

His ears pinned back and he flushed brighter at the words, ducking his muzzle and hearing a louder laugh as the other fox enjoyed his discomfort. A finger lifted him back to lock eyes with his new friend as his muzzle came closer, their lips meeting and sending a tingle through Vix, the chaste kiss quickly deepening as he bought his paw up to cup Lennexs thick cheekruff, feeling the paw at his thigh rubbing up to his belly, claws teasing through the fabric of his t-shirt.

This continued for what seemed like forever, the two foxs locked together in their kiss, an occasional moan escaping from one as rubbing, gripping paws ran over each others bodies and their tongues snaked past eager lips. After a while the questing paws had snuck under each others clothes, Lennex exploring his fluffy chestfur under his t-shirt as he dipped hiw own claws into his waitband and scritched at the top of the little reds slim thighs.

Finally their kiss ended, Vix letting out a pant as Lennex pulled his muzzle back and lapped across his lips. He was feeling extremely worked up by this point, the evening going even better than he had dared dream and leaving a tight bulge in his jeans from his engorged sheath. He could see that Lennex was having a similar problem so he suggested that they should probably shuck their clothes, wagging eagerly at the answering nod and quickly pulling his t-shirt over his head, nearly getting stuck in his haste until he threw it over the back of the couch with a quick tug. He stopped as he noticed Lennex had not moved, still watching him with a big grin and a slow wag of his tail.

The little fox laughed as he froze "..Oh don't stop cutey, I wan't to see what else is under those clothes". He blushed slightly at the words, he thought that he was too skinny and it was obvious there was more fluffy fur than muscle on his now exposed chest and belly, Lennex seemed to like what he seen so far so he gave a few shaky wags of his tail and slowly unbuttoned his jeans, turning away to release the buckle on his jeans and letting them fall to the floor.

He decided to try get his own back on his guest, slowly wagging his tail as he pulled down his boxers, bending to pull them over his paws and giving the fox a good look at his rear as he threw them with his jeans and shirt. He ran his paws down his chest and belly, smoothing down his ruffled fur before turning to face his vulpine friend.

When he turned he noticed that Lennex had moved, at least a little. There was now a dark brown paw snaking down into the foxes jeans and he was lightly rubbing at himself as he watched. He grinned and brought his own paw to his full sheath, running his claws lightly along the underside and circling over the tip of red flesh starting to emerge from it.

He slowly walked to the couch, leaning to place his paw over the other foxes "I..I can take care of that for you if you want" he said shyly, eager to see what was hidden behind the stripy boxers showing through the unbuttoned jeans.

Lennex just smiled up at him, the fox leaning back and resting his arms along the back of the couch. He smiled shyly and scooted in next to the smaller fox, pressing close at his side and tucking his tail in against him, his red tailtip wagging unconsiously. He slowly scritches the fur on Lens slim belly, moving his paw down and hooking a claw on the baggy boxers, sneaking it under the fabric and feeling the thick sheath concealed there, he hears Len sigh happily at the contact and presses in closer under his arm, fingers rubbing the soft furry opening for a few seconds and coaxing out the first inches of manhood into his paw. His ears perk as curiosty overcomes him and his other paw grabs the loose jeans and boxers, tugging them lightly until Len lifts up and lets him pull them down past his rear, stopping to release the bushy tail and slip them down past his knees, the clothes shuffling to the floor forgotten as he gets his first look at his guests groin.

He sees a dark red tip and shaft growing steadily as his rough pawpads grip and tug at it, his digits running up the hardening spire and coaxing out a thick bead of precum, glistening as it pools at the tapered tip.He shifts his paw back slowly, pulling down the creamy white sheath gently and freeing the rest of the shaft, ending up with a good seven inches of hard flesh in his paw.

By this point the bead of pre had turned into a sticky trickle running down the side of the head and over his paw, and before he knew it he was leaning down to lap it up with his tongue, blushing as he had his first taste of his guests juices, a sweet sensation on his tongue and filling his muzzle over the next few long licks. He feels claws lightly scratching at his head and ears, the fox wagging furiously at the reassuring touch and taking the now slick shaft into his muzzle. He runs his tongue along the underside, more of the sweet liquid splashing on his tongue as he sucks gently, slowly working his way down the fleshy spire until he is bobbing on half its length, spurred on by appreciative moans, scratches and pats.

He sucks and licks at the long shaft in his muzzle for a few moments, feeling himself getting more worked up as the time goes by, squirming in place and flagging his tail up behind him. He want's to move things on with the other fox but does not want to stop, not wanting the sound of squeaking and the occasional gasp from above to stop...when he hears the moans grow louder and the fox start to buck up at his lips he makes his choice, pulling up and away with one last long lick up the side of the glistening shaft. He hears a needy squeak and pins his ears as he sees Len looking at him, the tip of his raised tail wagging behind him.

He brings his paw up to circle around Lens slick tip, stammering a little as he asks "um..I don't know if you want too..but if you did want too..um you can.." he stops as the other fox chuckles as his discomfort "you're so cute when you're shy Vix, I don't know why you've been so nervous, it's pretty obvious I like this" thrusting up into the dark brown paw around his tip. "If you want to do that we are going to need some things though" He looks in confusion for a second before pinning his ears, a quick be right back as he pads out to his bedroom, tail wagging in elation as he paws through his sock draw and returns with a tube of lubricant and a condom for the fox. He settles back next to him and opens the pack, slowly rolling the rubber down over Lens tip and shaft as he tugs lightly at the base. He gets a quick nibble on the ear in thanks as Lennex shifts and lays on his back, motioning him over to straddle the slim hips. He settles in place, shivering in anticipation as he rests on his knees above that long cock, flipping the cap off the bottle with a snap and squirting the thick gel onto his paw, reaching back under his tail to smear it around his puckered hole and lightly press a finger inside. He rests his paws to either side of the happy looking vulpine under him, tail high in the air as he nods eagerly. Len grips his hips, squeezing lightly before he starts to press him back, the tip of his shaft poking at him before resting over his tailhole, slowly parting his ring as he is moved down onto the shaft, his walls yawning wider as Lennex presses a few inches past his tailhole and into his body. He cries out happily, it had been a long time since anything like this had happened in his life, and he was enjoying the feel of his tight insides gripping at his friends thrusting cock immensely.

By the sounds of things Lennex was also enjoying himself, quiet pants and the odd moan filling the room as the two foxes press together, slowly getting closer as Lennex slips his full length into his rear, leaning down to nibble at a long tapered ear as he shifts back and forth.

The two continue for what feels like forever to Vix, his only thoughts the cute body and friendly muzzle under him, the bright eyes locked with his as they move together. He squeaks as he feels Lens paw grasping at his own hardness, the incredible feelings quickly taking him to the edge. He feels a tightness in his growing knot as the gripping paw moves up and down him, the feel of the other foxes pressing at him with each backwards slide of his hips. A few thrusts later and he cries out loudly as Lennex grunts and his knot passes his tailhole, his new friend tieing him and moaning out in pleasure. The feel of the muscle being gripped by his insides and the aftermath of the extra width pressing into him takes him over the edge, his shaft twitching in the now sticky paw quickly tugging it and sending a few strands of his seed over the thick fur puffing out Lennexs chest, he presses back as the fox bucks under him, moaning again as he feels the shaft locked inside him start to erupt, squirming as it throbs and twitches against his passage.

He almost collapses onto of the other fox, arms shaky as he nibbles away at the exposed neck before him, Lennex leaning back and panting, still firmly tied to him. He brings his arms up to cuddle close, not feeling anywhere near as awkward now that all his idle dreams of the day had become reality. As he lays in a daze atop the other fox he hears a giggle and Lennex saying "Well..I guess that was one way to relax before the weekend.." before lips kiss at his ear and head, an arm coming around him as the two murmur and laugh, filled with elation that he may have found something even more than a friend...