Kendo and Lorelei: A love story part two

Story by kendowolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Kendo and lorelei

this is the second part of the kendo and lorilei story

Part one can be found here:, part two continues from where part one left off.

As morning came and lorelei woke up to the sun rise, she remembered that she was still in the guest bed with kendo, but as she woke up she noticed kendo was gone and that her phone had gone off. As she got out of bed and listened to the message, it was from the school saying that because of the fight school was out till monday. Lori deleted the message and walked towards her kitchen, wondering if kendo had really been there last night, and if the voice she heard was really his; as she got closer to the kitchen the smell of bacon, waffles and orange juice filled her nostrils and she hurried to the kitchen to see that kendo, who was wearing an apron and shaking his tail, was cooking breakfast and that a plate was already set on the table and he was setting the second plate down when he noticed her. Kendo smiled and blushed as he turned around as lori got closer.

"Good morning lorelei, I hope you slept well, breakfast is ready for you." Kendo said, almost struggling a bit to speak, even with his back turned to her.

"Good morning to you to hon, and I slept alright and thank you" Lori said as she sat down at the table, still surprised that his voice was so soft, like flowing wind, but had had a deep tone because of his age and gender.

Kendo sat down across from her and blushed as he started to eat. Both ate in silence, lori wondering what else he had to say, but also as to why he never spoke before now. As lori at more of her breakfast she felt as though she was in heaven: the waffles were buttery and fluffy, the orange juice tasted freshly squeezed and the bacon was the perfect crispy that everyone tries to go for; lori just stared at kendo and smiled.

"Thank you for what you did yesterday, and i'm sorry if I caused problem in your relationship, I didn't mean for anything to happen to you." Kendo said, breaking the slience and looking down, almost wanting to cry.

"It's ok kendo, I actually thank you, if you hadn't appeared I would ever have seen what blake was truly like and I would have made a mistake that might have still left me hurt by him." Lori said, looking at kendo.

Kendo brought his head up and looked right into her eyes, even though he wanted to tell her how he felt towards her, he couldn't find the words, he just found himself lost in her emerald eyes, which to him were shining like to stone. Lori saw that he was staring into her eyes, even though she was aware that one of her breasts was starting to show its nipple from the top of her shirt; all she did was adjust herself as she stared right back into his eyes, eyes that showed pain, but now also showed a smile in the sea of silence within him. Both of them blushed and looked down and finished breakfast, which kendo not only cleaned the table but he also did the dishes as lori went to change and put kendos clothes in the wash.

"Your clothes will be ready in about 2 hours hon, and may I ask you something?" Lori said as she came out, wearing jeans and a blue short sleeved shirt that covered her torso and read: 'My brain is bigger then my chest, so love me for it'.

Kendo saw her shirt and laughed a bit, which made lori blush.

"I remember when I made that shirt, and yes, you may ask me anything" Kendo said, still finding a bit hard to speak.

Lori became confused because she had gotten this shirt made from R.S.T, so how could kendo have made it, but she had a more important question to ask first.

"How come you never spoke before last night?" lori asked, leading them to the living room and sitting both of them down on the couch, looking at kendo, who looked down.

"You heard that? I thought you had been alseep when I said that; but as to answer your question, i'm more of the quiet type who thinks actions speak louder then words, but also it's because of my birth parents, if I ever spoke out of line, or if the didn't want to hear my voice, they would yell at me and hit me; so I came to a point of being scared to talk, but something about you makes me want to break that silence, I actually spoke yesterday when blake said what he had, I told him to take it back in a low growl." Kendo said, almost in pain when he spoke of his parents.

Lori found herself hugging him to give him comfort, but also as to say thank you for what he said last night. As kendo felt lori hugging him he blushed and felt a smile forming on his muzzle and just closed his eyes and enjoyed being in her arms.

"So, why did you say you remember making my shirt?" Lori said, turning kendo around so he could face her.

Kendo looked into her eyes and turned pink, "It's because I work for R.S.T with my adopted mom, Mrs. Renolds, who owns the store." Kendo said, feeling both embarassed and proud.

Lori gave a look of surprise at what she learned: his birth parents would hurt him, he was adopted by someone she has known for ages and he not only worked for the store but also made the shirt, which has lasted her for 5 years, even though her breasts had grown since she first got it when she turned 13; to her kendo was just full of surprises and she found herself wanting to know more about him.

"I need to go by the shop anyways today to see when they will start taking orders for prom dresses, do you want to come with?" Lori asked, smiling, somehow having a feeling that she wasn't going to prom alone.

"Nah, I will stay here and finish the wash, plus I have no clothes to wear and I want to rest more, I don't want my mom to see me like this." Kendo said, worried of how his mom would react.

Lori understood and found herself kissing his forehead again, making both of them blush, she then grabbed her keys and drove off to the mall and walked to the store, which was just opening up as she got there and gave a hello to mrs. renolds. Mrs. Renolds, whose full name was peg renolds and was in her 40's, was a squirrel who stood 5'6'', typical brown fur and had blue-green eyes; she was wearing a buisness skirt and top, both black in color, even though she worked with females who were endowed, she was only a 42 c-cup, a secret she had shared with lori two years ago during a lunch chat. Peg saw lori and smiled, but also gave a worried look as both walked into the store and went to the counter.

"What's wrong peg, did something happen?" Lori asked, concerned about peg, who had been a friend to her since she was 13.

"It's my son, he never came home from school last night, nor have I heard from him and i'm worried, he has never done this before, he always comes straight home from school." Peg said, almost starting to cry.

"If you are talking about kendo, another student started a fight with him yesterday after school, I took him to my house to rest, he is fine now" Lori said, hoping that she got the right son.

Peg gave a sigh of relief and smiled, giving a small chuckle.

"Thank you lori, though part of me isn't surprised that it was you who helped him, you have been on his mind since the other day, he came home with a smile for the first time in ages and told me about his day, you made him smile just by talking to him." Peg said with a smile.

Lori blushed, thinking of how much kendo was smiling at breakfast, "He also talked last night and today, I am curious as to why kendo calls you his mother, even though you adopted him, I would like to know more about him." Lori said, going behind the counter and taking a seat.

"Wow, he hardly even talks to me, you seem to have made a good change in my son. As for how he became my son, it is a sad story. I was good friends with his mother, but she met a man who was bad for her and they got married. Both became heavy drug users and drinkers, wasting their money on drugs and a lot of alchol, she seemed happy when they found out they would become parents, and for the first few years they were clean and good parents; one day they won the lotto and started going back to how they were, but sadly the were also mad and unhappy with each other and both took it out on their son, justin curling; he hardly ate, and if he took or asked for money they would hit him and make him clean up their mess. One day justin came to the mall not too long after I had opened shop when he was 7, I had left my wallet on the counter, I heard someone apologize to me as I saw him grab my wallet with tears in his eyes; security saw and stopped him, called his parents who were high when they arrived and yanked on his arm as they were dragging away with him screaming for them to let him go. I walked up to them and told them that as a punishment for stealing from me, I wanted him to work in my shop till he had earned the full amount in my wallet of $500 and they argreed and threw him to the ground at my feet, saying I could have the bastard, he was no longer their son. I treated him to lunch where he told me what they would do, but he forced himself to speak, justin worked in my shop that day by stalking shelves and greeting customers; when I closed for the day and was about to call his parents to get him when a police officer walked up and brought us to the station and told us that his parents had died in a car accident because they were driving drunk, and that he would need a foster parent until family could be found, so I took him in. One year later, during which time justin became almost mute, we got contacted saying that justin had an inhertientce of $20 million dollars and that's when an uncle came out of no where, saying he wanted justin to live with him, but I knew he only wanted the money as I was told he had been contacted before and said that he couldn't afford to have justin. I had grown attached, so I went to court to fight to keep justin and I won, but I knew that the uncle would go after justin, so I had justins name legally changed to kendo renolds; kendo has been my pride and joy since, even though he never spoke, I knew it was out of fear, fear that he would be taken away from the home he knew and from me. Kendo became a good cook and house keeper, but he also has a talent for sewing, he looked at me one day when he wanted to make my buisness suit and he told me my measurements without the tape or anything, all he did was look." Peg said, almost wanting to cry after telling the story.

Lori felt sad for kendo, but felt happy for him that he no longer lived that life of pain and she felt she understood him more. Lori said her thank you and left and went home, asking herself why she had become so interested in kendo out of nowhere. When lori got home and walked inside she saw her house had been cleaned but kendo had left, leaving a note that read 'thank you for all you have done for me lorilei, I have gone to work and I will let you know when I get home tonight'. Lori giggled a bit and went to the guest room and saw a drawing on her bed; as she lifted and looked at it, she saw it was a drawing of her sleeping in that bed, but that kendo was next to her, just like last night when she held him close, and the picture made her blush because on the bottom read, 'two sweet and caring hearts'. She went into her room and sat down to bush her hair when felt she a fire forming between her legs, all she did was let out a moan, go into her room and put a pad into her underwear.

"Why did it have to start today, now I won't be able to see kendo till school starts up again." lori said, stopping herself after relizing what she had just said, "That was weird, why am I suddenly to worried about kendo and about seeing him?" Lori wondered to herself as she went back to brushing her hair.

Kendo arrived at his mothers store and got to work, taking orders and handing out orders that were ready, when he went on break and spoke to his mom he learned that lori had asked about him, which made him blush and his heart skipped a beat, he went back to work; after the day was done and he got home he called lori, who told him that he couldn't come over because her cycle had started, as kendo went to his room he sat at his work desk and began to draw a dress.

"I guess I should be glad it started after I left, what am I going to do, I feel so funny when i'm around her; I want to ask her out, but she just got out of a relationship so I won't be able to ask for a long time, plus I don't think she would see me that way, why can't I get her off my mind" Kendo said out loud as he drew, getting frustrated with himself.

After loris heat had ended and school started up again, kendo and lori started to spend more time together and grew closer, becoming very good friends, but both were confused about their feelings for each other, their hearts raced and they both enjoyed being close to the other, kendo had even stopped being quiet and the rumors of him started to die down. Seven months later they met up for lunch, lori noticed that kendo wanted to say something as they ate.

"Kendo, is there something you want to say?" lori said, looking into kendos eyes.

"Lori, we have gotten really close the past few months, and I was wondering, if you would like to go on a date with me tonight?" Kendo said, looking into her eyes and blushing from embarssament.

Lori grew silent and her face turned pink, she knew that he had feeling for her but she never thought that he would want to go out with her, all she did was give out a smile and a squee as she hugged him.

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you, when and what time?" Lori asked, trying to compose herself.

"Tonight around 5, I will be picking you up in my new car" Kendo said, surprised that she said yes with his heart racing that he was going on his first date.

As they day went on, both were excited and nervous about that evening, wondering what the other would wear, lori wondered what they would do, but she felt her heart racing in her chest the more she thought about the idea of going on a date with kendo, someone who has grown as more then just a friend; in the back of her mind she began to think that maybe, just maybe, he could be something more to her; kendo was having the same thoughts in his head as well, and the mere thought made his body heat up, and he relized just who the dress he has been drawing was meant for. After school both went home and showered; as lori stood in her room with her towel on she looked though her closet and found the perfect outfit to wear, after she changed she sat on the bed and hummed to herself as she brushed her hair; kendo was looking at his clothes and picked out his nicest pair of pants and shirt, he put on a pair of black dress pants and a red t-shirt, he then brushed his hair and packet a blanket and basket as he grabbed his wallet and keys and hopped in his mustange and left to get lori. When he arrived he rang the doorbell and blushed when he saw her; she was wearing a red shirt as well that didn't show any cleavage with a black skirt with white stripes with matching black shoes, she had her hair down and was wearing a little bit of lipstick, both just stood there for a moment until kendo broke the silence.

"You look very beautiful lorilei, shall we go?" Kendo said, holding out his paw.

Lori took his paw as she blushed at his compliment, "Yes, and thank you hon."

Kendo took her to his car and opened and closed her door for her, as he got in lori gave him a kiss on his cheek and he drove off, the car was quiet during the drive because both were nervous but very happy to be together as they were. Kendo pulled up to a movie theater and opened loris door, and held her paw as she got out.

"I thought we could begin our date with a nice movie, how does Hotel Transylavinia sound?" Kendo asked lori as she got out of his car.

"That sounds wonderful kendo, i've been wanting to see it for a bit." lori said as kendo lead her to the ticket booth.

The both walked into the theater and enjoyed the movie, finding that during the movie their paws had moved over each other and were holding each other, making both blush and look at each other and smile. After the movie kendo took them to a nice restaruant for dinner and after that they stopped at a park and just took a walk.

"This night has been perfect kendo, everything that's happened is like a dream and you took me on my ideal date, you're amazing hon and i'm glad that this happened." lori said to kendo, holding his arm and herself close to him as they got near his car.

"This night isn't over yet, I have one more surprise for you lori." Kendo said as he opened the trunk.

Kendo took out the basket and set down a blanket for them to sit on and brought out a cheese cake and a few candles lights. Lori blushes and felt her heart pound in her chest, never had she thought that the night would end with such a romantic setting. As they ate they couldn't help but stare at each other with love in their eyes.

"Loilei, will you be my date to the prom?" Kendo said, placing his free paw on hers.

"I..I would love to go to prom with you sweetie, but I don't have a dress and prom is in a week" lori said, holding his paw in hers, feeling the beat from his heart.

"I have been drawing a dress, and I think it was meant for you" Kendo said as he brings the folded pic from his pocket and shows it to her, "Will you wear it?" Kendo asked her as he looked down.

"It looks so beautiful, I would be honored to wear your design hon" Lori said as she kissed his cheek and gave the drawing back to him.

Kendo smiled and put it away, after packing back up he drove her home and walked her to her door, he took both of her paws in his and kissed her cheek-.

"Tonight was wonderful lori, thank you for the night, good night hon and pleasant dreams" Kendo said, looking into her eyes.

"I should be thanking you kendo, everything was just perfect, I never thought I would have such a wonderful night with such a sweet wolf" lori said, part of her wanting to say 'I love you', but she didn't want to say that just yet.

As kendo was about to leave as she opened the door, she found herself turning him around and kissing his lips, as she kissed him, kendo kissed her back and they just stood there, holding each other close and holding the kiss. Lori broke the kiss and went inside and kendo went home, both surprised at the kiss, both wanting to be in the others arms. The night went by and so did the days, because prom was coming up and R.S.T was busy making the dress and tuxedo orders kendo had permission to not go to his classes to help out at the store, but he made sure to work on the dress he promised lori as well, but he would also visit lori at night for an hour; when kendo would arrive all lori could think was how wonderful it was having him around, they would snuggle and nuzzle, giving a kiss only when kendo had to leave. On the day of the prom kendo brought lori her dress and then went home to change into his tuxedo, lori showered and dried off, she found the shoes she bought for the dress and got changed, she chose to wear a red bra and underwear, she also put on purple stockings and slipped into the dress: a long and flowing purple dress that stopped just above her ankles, she put on a black choker and her purple dress shoes. The fabric was made from sill which felt good against her fur, the dress hugged her body but not too tight and it fit perfectly and showed enough cleavage to not only be comfy but also to be just a little bit of a tease withought constricting her ability to breath. Kendo arrived in a black and white tux and gave her a red rose that he put on her dress.

"You look amazing sweetie, you look just like a goddess" Kendo said as he kissed her cheek.

Lori blushed at his compliment and both got into his car and drove to the prom. Everyone noticed them as they walked in, lori getting so many compliments on her dress; as they danced the night felt perfect to both of them, lori felt her heart jump and she couldn't help but put her head on his shoulder.

"I love you kendo, lately, I haven't been able to get you out of my head, and when i'm with you the world just feels right" Lori said, afraid that he might reject her feelings.

As kendo turned lori so he could look her in the eyes a drunk blake came and shoved him down and took lori by her arms.

"Lorilei, please take me back, I know I said some hurtful things, but I was mad and I didn't mean, I love you lori" blake said, clearly drunk and tightening his grip.

Lori, looked at blake and then at kendo, who just stared at her, almost scared that was going to lose her. Lori tried to get away from blake but found she couldn't.

"Blake, we are done, you hurt me and cut me deep with your words, plus you wanted nothing to do with me until now, my heart belongs to someone else" lori said. Looking only at kendo, who smiled at the last thing she said.

Kendo got up and tried to get blake away from lorilei, but as kendo got blake away, blake ripped the from of loris dress as to try and embaress her but exposing her breasts, but as he ripped it she covered herself and screamed as she ran outside.

"Enjoy the tease, you're just a guy, all you want is her body" Blake said as he fell after kendo punched him and ran after lori.

Lori had heard what blake had said and was crying, trying to keep herself covered when she felt a jacket cover her and she zipped it up, noticing the jacket went with her dress.

"Am I just a tease, nothing but a body that you want to be inside of. Am I just breasts and a pussy to you?" Lori said through her tears, looking at kendo, wanting an answer.

All kendo did was smile and he brought her closer and kissed her deeply and embracing her.

"I love you so much lori, I want to be with you and have you at my side, I can't imagine life with you in it" Kendo said, confessing his feelings to her.

For the rest of prom they just held each close, that night kendo took her home and they gave each other a passionate kiss.

"Lorilei, will be be my girlfriend?" Kendo asked, looking into her eyes.

"I thought I already was hon, when you told me your feelings for me" Lori said, blushing and holding his cheek.

They kissed each other good night and kendo left, lori went into her room and undressed and put on a night gown.

"Kendos feelings for me are true, I... I know he is the one, the one who loves me for me. I think that, when the right day comes, I will give myself to him, I can tell, by the way he holds me that he wants to give himself to me as well" Lorilei said, snuggles with her moogle doll as she drifted to sleep.

After kendo got home and stripped down to his boxers, his heart was pounding and racing, he never thought that he would love someone as much as he loved lori, he felt in his heart she was the one, the one he wanted to spend his life with. He wasn't going to lose her, he would treat her right, she had his heart, and he wanted her to have his virginty.