The Man at the Bar

Story by AshleyProject on SoFurry

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The bartender slid an appletini under my nose, awaking me from my coma-like thoughts, making me look up at him in surprise.

"I didn't order this, Jim."

Jim just smiled at me as he leaned in close as if to tell me something only meant for my ears.

"The gentleman at the end thought you needed a pick-me-up. He didn't seem flirtatious about it though."

Without turning my head I glanced down the mahogany bartop to find a dark grey feline with bright green eyes looking back with a smile. I felt my face grow warm with a blush; I picked up the martini glass and begin to move down, planning on occupying the empty seat beside him.

"Thank you for the drink. My name's Felicity."

His smile grew at the irony of a feline such as he and I having a name that started the same as our species.

"My name is David, and you're welcome. You looked terrible down there, thought you needed something to cheer you up. Rough day?"

He didn't even know the half of it. I work as a secretary for the town's mayor, who has me running back and forth with every small errand he can find. With the election coming up, my work is doubled.

"You could say that."

I sit down beside him, the soft black fur of my arm brushing his, then I sip slowly from my sweet drink. I almost choke mid-sip when his large paw moves to my thigh, rubbing softly. He leans close to me, his lips whisper softly into my ear.

"I can smell your heat, and I have to say, it's very intoxicating."

Inside, I let out a small gasp. I thought my perfume had masked the smell of my unwanted arousal. No other tom-cat had made a move on me today. His paw slides closer to my crotch, though, luckily I was wearing jeans, so he had no way of going further.

He licks me softly along the jawline, right under my ear, causing me to shiver and let out a tiny moan. I move away quickly.

"Maybe I should get going. It was nice meeting you David."

I get up quickly, waving bye to Jim before hurrying out of the bar. Of course my car was parked at the very end of the parking lot, but I still didn't waste time getting to it. I fumbled with my keys shakily finally finding the one that fit but right before I put it in the door, a large paw holding a liquid-splattered cloth was pushed against my face.


I woke up on a cold, hard concrete floor, my head was spinning and my eyes were still getting adjusted. I didn't quite remember what happened, but soon I found my arms and legs were bound together with twine. Struggling against my restraints, I started screaming for help. It was all coming back to me, a man had attacked me in the parking lot. That man was David.

Footsteps approached me and soon, the grey devil himself was standing in front of me, wearing nothing but dark blue jeans.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!" I struggled more, until my wrists and ankles felt raw.

He kneeled down, reached in his pocket and produced a knife. He swung it open, causing me to struggle more with panic, but he only cut the twine holding my ankles. Then he pocketed the knife, grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me up until I was on my knees before him.

"What a silly girl you are, going to a bar while you're in season. You're just asking for this, weren't you."

With my hair still in his fist, he used his other paw to unzip his jeans before tugging out his already erect penis. He tugged up hard on my hair, the pain making me yelp out, where he took the oppotunity to shove his full length in my mouth. I almost gagged, tears swelling in my eyes.

"If you do a good job, I might not breed you. And don't even think about biting, or I'll slice that pretty little throat of yours open."

Letting out a sob, I reluctently wrapped my lips tightly around his girth before moving my head back and forth in a rhythm. Long moans escaped his mouth with every movement. He finally let go of my hair only to place his hand on the back of my head so he could repeatedly shove his cock deeper into my throat. Even the nastly gagging noises I was making wasn't deterring him.

This went on for ten minutes, or at least I thought, my mind was blank, I wasn't even thinking anymore. Dried tears covered my face, the crying had stopped when I realized he wasn't going to stop. I wasn't even comprehending what was happening until I felt the cold concrete of the floor agaisnt my cheek. He had pushed the upper half of my body agaisnt the floor while he held my hips in the air.

I struggled violently but my hands were still tied, and he was already between my legs, pressing his cock against my yeilding entrance.

"No! Please! I can't handle it. Please just let me go!"

The tears were coming back. I wasn't on the pill, and I knew for sure he wasn't going to use a condom. I tried to wiggle away from him, using my shoulders to try and pull the rest of my body but he had a firm grip on my hips. With every inch I moved away, he pressed his claws deeper into my skin.

"Hush now. Be a good girl or you're womb will be host to my kits."

He let out a low growl before he slid the head into me. It scraped and pulled at my dry flesh causing me to cry out in pain. I knew I could beg, but it wouldn't do anything, so I just bit down on my lip and winced as he continued to push. He was slow at first, inching his way in but it didn't last long. He grabbed a fist full of my hair, jerking my head back at the same time he quickly shoved his full length in.

I screamed loudly, sobbing as I tried to pull away, but it was no use. He pulled his hips back only to slam back in. He was a big man, bigger than I've ever had, and it hurt like nothing else. He grunted with every thrust, pulling hard on my hair as he cooed nasty insults in my ear.

"You're such a little slut, aren't you. I bet you let all the guys inside you're tight little pussy. Don't you!"

With that last sentence, he dug his feline claws deep into my skin. I cried out again. His movements became faster, harder, and more painful. He was chuckling in a low, cynical way.

"You're my slut now. Only mine."

He thrusted harder. I knew what he was doing and it made me fight to pull away. I screamed for him to stop, I struggled against the cold floor but he overpowered me.

With one final grunt, he slammed deep within me and held it there. I could feel warm liquid filling me.

"No!" I screamed and choked as I sobbed.

He pulled out and stood up behind me, letting my exhausted body crumple to the floor.

"Dirty little slut. I bet you liked that."

He laughed again then began to walk away. He left the room but I still cried and shook violently as the thought of harboring his cursed child in my womb circled my mind.


It's seven months later and my belly had grown large. Things hadn't changed. David never let me go after the incident, so I lived in the dungeon he had assulted me in, and regularly served his needs. I often thought of killing myself with the fork he gives me to eat with, but as my belly grew, so did my love for the kit inside of me.

Sure, it was the product of a terrible event, but I felt nothing except love for it.