
Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#6 of The Kasvane

In which Hanare and Alex finally wake back up after being consumed and transformed by the strange plant that captured them. Their new life lays before them but first they need to get used to their new bodies.

Art by Walery Thunder

Alare, Kriner and the Story © Me

Awakening Hanare/Alare & Story (c) Russet'13 Alex/Kriner (c) Twinnburner

Sealed inside the large purple pod that had claimed and changed them the outside world passed Hanare and Alex by unheeded. After the initial orgasmic rush of being filled, of having their new bodies hooked together as one entity they had slept. They dreamt the same dreams, the instincts, desires and needs of their new existence fed into their minds. Outside the greenhouse continued much as before, hot and humid, filled with an abundance of rich green plant life that flourished and grew under the glass. People came, fighting their way past vines and thorns, never quite able to reach the centre, driven back and out by the ferocious assaults of the plant life. Eventually they gathered outside, talking together, agitated arguments and calm words and the mother listened to them, feeding the information into her new children as the continued to grow. Eventually they stopped coming and the season turned from days of endless tropical sunshine and steady growth to thunderous storms. They swept in off the ocean to tear and toss the foliage of the jungle, days and weeks passed without a break in the elemental assault. Throughout these changes the greenhouse remained untouched, a sturdy safe haven against the inclement weather. The warm, rich atmosphere was untouched by the wild weather outside. Inside the mother pod sat and grew, cradling the two figures inside, nurturing and teaching them, calmly and patiently weaving a new purpose for the children who would help her spread and flourish again.

The dreams Hanare and Alex experienced where myriad and intense, the ebb and flow of nature. How the flow of water and nutrients through roots fed the urge to turn to the sun and lets its warmth and light stimulate energy beneath the surface. The power of flowers, scent and nectar combined with the strength of bark compared to the supple flow of vines and most importantly the desire and need to protect the mother seed and sow more of them. To leave pods in secure and secluded locations so more could be grown from the mammalian creatures that made such potent templates. There was more than just their new nature to teach them about however, there were instructions to implant, personalities to tweak and a pair of young minds in love to wind and bind tighter together to make them inseparable.

The mother pod was patient, the work was long and slow, her will carried by the sap flowing through her children. There was two types of sap; the golden flowing up through the one who had been a moogle, life bearing, charged with the power of the sun to bring health and vitality and encourage growth. Her purple sap rose from her roots and flowed into the child who'd been a rabbit; from the soil it carried the mineral strength that made strong and durable bodies. Identical as they had been when she claimed them the different sap flowing through their bodies aided her in changing them, moulding their bodies and their duties to suit the new lives she had chosen for them. The long season of storms continued, the skies of grey brought little sun to the green-house but the warm, sheltered enclave of glass and rich soil kept them all safe and secure. As the final storms abated and the seasons turned the jungle outside began to grow once more. The damaged caused by wild winds was embraced and incorporated into the jungle as nature had its way and the sun warmed the mother pod, it was nearly time. She let a few more weeks pass, let the new spring of this tropical island fully take hold.

Now however it was time to give up her children, her duty was they were seeds no longer. Gently, lovingly she disturbed their sleep in the only way she knew how, she let the sun in. The large, emerald green leaves that had folded about the core of the pod started to draw back. This let sunlight shine fall unhindered directly onto the rich purple skin or the large pod. The touch of the sun made the rich purple skin of the large plant glow, the liquid inside illuminating; drawing in the heat and expanding slightly as the children of the plant started to stir. Their joined bodies warmed slowly, the heat and light speeding up the flow of liquids inside them, starting to wake them back up. Their eyes opened, blue petals seeming to unfold, filling their vision unaffected by the thick purple liquid they floated in. As their eyes finished blooming the side of the pod started to tear open and the thick goo started pouring out. Still joined, both to each other and the pod they could feel and see the ribbed walls of their home peeling back, slowly revealing the greenhouse roof. For a moment the petals of the purple plant slid backwards slowly and then the surrounding foliage came into view as the pod walls passed a certain point and collapsed around them. The sun's heat was warming their bodies directly now, soon they would break free of each other and yet be eternally linked in ways that no mammal could ever hope to comprehend.

The creature that had been Alex was the first to wake properly, groaning and shivering a little as he moved slowly, stiffly, an awareness of his body growing in his mind. Made no longer from muscle and bone he consisted of fluids, plant fibre and all sorts of things in his body that were never there before and yet felt comfortable, they were as they should be. His memory awoke next, reminding him of what had been and what he was now. Blinking a bit he looked over the purple face of the former moogle, what he had been, who he had been was there in the back of his mind but it was no longer important. His ears, or rather the fronds taking their place flicked lightly, shaking off the goop that clung to them as they started twitching and swivelling a bit as he tested the limits of his body. Tugging softly at his mates fingers with his own, and gaining the feeling and strength in his body to move, preparing for what had to happen next when they separated from each other. He tried to speak, the knowledge how was in his mind but as he shifted his tongue he realised they were still joined at the mouth, tongues intertwined as a single vine. What noises he managed to make came out as little more than muffled grunts but they seemed to bring Hanare, or the creature that had been the moogle Hanare around. He visibly shuddered as Alex pulled their fingers apart, tugging and teasing them free slowly. It's was a weird sensation... his fingers had slipped inside Hanare's, slender, fuzz lined stamen like digits had replaced Alex's fingers and been welcomed by matching tubes of warm, welcoming green flesh that had morphed out of Hanare's own fingers.

It was slowly dawning on Alex that sometime during their long sleep the pair had been changed; he could sense new instincts and desires rising through his body as he slowly continued to peel away from Hanare. No longer completely identical Alex's body had taken on a more masculine appearance, his skin was a rougher, bark like substance whilst Hanare though not female in any way had taken on a slender, gentler shape, lithe and willowy and just more delicate in appearance then his mate.

With his hands now free Alex stroked his fingers gently along Hanare's neck, staring into bright blue eyes, admiring the petal design of his irises. For a moment they sat together then instinct reasserted itself and demanded they continue to pull apart. The long tentacles that sprouted from their backs started to separate, this time Alex found the stamen lined tips of Hanare's tentacles had been engulfed by the tips of his own. It was a strange sensation, Alex could feel the vines, flex them as his own the knowledge of how to move them as he wished was there in his mind as if it had always been there. Arching his back with a groan as his vines retreated into his back, they were shortening, slick flesh blending into his body, their length variable according to his will. He didn't get the chance to play with them though as the identical motion made by his mate broke their muzzles apart. A wet slurp accompanied their tongues separating and he flicked his out, hissing slightly as his face flexed and solidified into a sleek purple, lipless yet strong muzzle. This left the pair of transformed lovers joined only at the groin.

Hanare blinked his strange, petal like blue eyes and stirred his hips looking around, slowly waking up; he'd been operating purely on instinct since he first came round. Now his gaze focussed on the purple creature sat opposite him and he smiled, ideas and thoughts were buzzing inside his mind, everything was becoming sharp and clear, he was awake though still a bit over-awed by what had happened to him. Working his jaw and speaking for the first time with his new throat Hanare, or what had been Hanare called out to the one opposite him, "A... Alexxssssss?"

The name stirred something in Alex's memories, of time spent with white and blue fur under the sun... of brothers and sisters but that was all before. Shivering in delight the former rabbit let out a deep, bass moan as he consciously manipulated the vine still attaching him to his pod-mate. Untangling their vine like cocks took some time and left him trembling at the new sensations it created. He lost himself to the motion of gently, teasingly drawing his shaft free, inch by slow inch the thick, stiff, bristled stamen that formed the last five or so inches of his dick started to slip back out of the smooth, tight, warm wet tube that was his lovers cock. Whimpering and leaning backwards Alex crooned deeply, his voice a deep bass rumble, thick waves of purple sap dripping through the tightly packed bristles that lined his cock. It felt so good and yet... so different, finally they separated all the way, the long, supple length of his dick sliding back, he felt the bristles lie flat and flesh meld into his length until nothing but sleek green flesh remained. The vine quested back and forth, slowly thinning, shortening and slithering into his body. It was an odd sensation but a good one, panting warmly Alex ran a finger over the smooth patch of rough bark like flesh, his cock was gone, nothing remained to show it had ever been there. He knew it'd come back when it was needed but the sensation left him feeling very strange. A quick glance at Hanare showed he too had suffered the same fate, though the skin between his legs was sleek, smooth and a rich shade of light purple. Leaning his head back the plant-boy shook himself free of those strange sensations; there was something important he had to do.

Alex moved slowly, sliding out of the sticky remnants of the pod's central bridge and wrapped Hanare's smaller purple body up in his arms. Holding him tightly he used the tentacles on his back to ease their way out of the pod to the floor of the green house. Panting softly he looked into Han's eyes, "Wh...whatss....h..han..hannnarrree...." he slurred the words, the act of speaking unfamiliar as he hugged the other purple boy fiercely, "No... not Alex.... he's gone I'm....." he moved his flexible tongue around his mouth, feeling his lack of teeth and sturdy, sculpted muzzle and grinned as a memory from his pod-dream rose in his mind and he nuzzled against Han, squeezing him. "I'm Kriner, yes that is my name... that is me...." He pronounced the name Cry-ner and as he spoke it Hanare grinned widely and nodded, touching one of his long fingered hands to Kriner's chest.

"Yes, I... I remember I am Alare now.... Hanare was another life we need to," he touched his temple and frowned, blue eyes seeming to glow as the petals in his irises moved and unfolded. "I know.... Kriner we... I'm yes I know..." the last few words were spoken toward the pod as he looked up at it. Nodding his head Hanare pushed away from Kriner as the pod rumbled softly and started to sag, glooping and collapsing. It unleashed a wave of thick purple liquid that washed over them both, cleansing their bodies of the sticky residue from their long incubation. Kriner watched the way Alare turned to face the gooey wave with a smile, eyes closed and a content loon on his purple face. With his tentacles looped gently around the smaller plants body Kriner kept his eyes open and let his partner and mate have his moment. He could feel him communing with the fading presence of the mother pod. He felt no jealousy that he was excluded; his place was to protect and care for his beloved whilst Alare's duty was to sow seeds and help their people grow. As the thick wave of purple goo finally finished washing over them Alare stirred. Kriner found himself looking at the bud on Alare's head. It was twitching, the leaves and flower all folded up and protected right now, but they were stirring. He shuddered as he felt the bud on his head stirring in response to Alare's touch and the whispering, soft voice that blossomed inside his head.

<Can... still hear you... in my head.... is easier to speak here>

Kriner started to pant then stopped as his new instincts over-rode the old requirement to breathe. Shaking his head slightly he shivered as the thick leaves adorning his head started to unfold properly. Concentrating on Alare he thought in his direction, <Y... yeah sorry I's really's all coming back slowly. Mother....she changed us into this...> he looked at Alare, nothing of the moogle remained except perhaps a spark in his eyes, the name Alare fit him, he was the other half of him. Reaching out, petting along his smooth cheek with his paw, he smiled, <You're beautiful by the way. How do you feel? You ok?>

<Yeah... I feel... good except something is ahhh yes... yes that's better now,> Kriner could feel Alare's feet, his roots easily sliding into the soil, burrowing down and feeding. The leaves lying that formed the bud on his head started to unfurl, revealing the short yellow flower that crowned the top of head and he laughed brightly, <Oh Kriner try it... ahhh mmmmhmm, it feels so good.> Leaning forward he kissed his lover's muzzle, <I.... love you... you are so.. strong, so handsome so... mffff,> His dark purple skin flushed with a blush as he pushed in against Kriner's slightly broader body, <Try this... feed from the soil you'll feel much better.>

Looking down at Alare's feet/roots buried in the soil Kriner somewhat tentatively tried to copy what he'd felt being done. Wriggling his toes he gasped softly as his roots started to burrow down into the dirt almost on their own. Instinct took over, he knew how to extend his roots and eagerly he pressed them against Alare's as they slid through the rich loam of the forest floor. Leaning forward he wrapped his arms about Alare, hugging him tightly against his chest, shivering as his tentacles slipped around Alare squeezing him with his arms and all ten vines as he nuzzled his cheek. <Gods it do... does feel good...>

Shivering gently Hanare nuzzled against Kriner's body, his own tentacles rising up to twine and tease and slide around his, tangling with them as they hugged, <How do you feel?>

<Good... just it's all a bit intense, it's so new.... so different is all,> taking a deep breath Kriner smiled then kissed Alare, tangling his thick, powerful tongue with his. It was less tongue and more vine, slick and gooey and pulsing with his sap, sharing and mingling with Alare's own and it was a bit of a thrill that he could still talk even whilst enjoy his boy. <I'm...I'm ok's just so...I mean when we were being changed we were was so intense I couldn't even focus most of the time.>

<I know... but now... now I... I mfff think I see what we are...> Alare crooned, breaking the kiss, leaning back and blushing, letting Kriner feel the swelling, questing length growing between his legs. Tilting his head Alare let a cascade of soft, golden pollen sift through the petals of his flower to dust his lovers muzzle and fill his senses with the rich, inviting scent of his desire, "Kriner, we make seeds... implant seeds in others.... together... or separately...."

"I know... oh love I know," groaning Kriner squirmed, feeling his own cock starting to respond, slick green flesh growing between his legs. Glancing down the plant-boy whimpered at the erotic sight, his cock was slick, green and as he watched it started to grow small green hairs that oozed with his purple sap. Alare's dick however was thicker, a long length of purple flesh with a rounded green tip that coiled, curled and slid along the smooth length of his shaft in a tight, warm embrace. Looking up he caught Alare looking and couldn't help but blush and smile shyly at his boy before looking down again, he was only partially in control of what was happening. Alare's scent and his own instincts were driving his dick to twist and turn, leaking sap from the thickening two inch long stamen that now crowned the tip of his dick. Letting a deep groan escape his lips Kriner shuddered, he could feel the leaves that formed the outer shell of his own bud opening. They were folding back, letting the sturdy purple pitcher plant thicken and grow, petals spreading to crown his head. Watching as the green bud on the tip of Alare's dick starting to open sent a thrill through his body that made him release a cloud of pollen into the air. Eagerly he watched as first green leaves then yellow petals peeled back from the end of Alare's dick to reveal a slick, sticky tunnel of flesh that was almost ready for him to fill.

"I... Alare this is... new," Kriner blushed deeper, he could feel his purple skin warming up as he watched his cock dance and coil about Alare's cock, "I've never done this... I'm not even really... in control it's like it knows what it's doing."

"I know the feeling, I'm not... really controlling mine," Alare murmured, eyes locked on his groin, unable to look away from the enticing, shifting vine that had grown from between his legs. "I can smell you though, the scent... your scent Kriner I... please make us one...." He moaned as his back vines shifted sideways, lifting up and curling around to stroke and press against Kriner's body as he moved eagerly in anticipation. Whimpering, his purple head dusted with light flecks of his golden pollen he glanced at one of his back vines as he felt them all flexing and shifting on their own. The narrow tips of his green vines were growing bristling hairs, flexing and transforming until ten sap leaking stamen teased across Kriner's body, "Please...."

Groaning softly Kriner held back for a moment longer, letting his cock uncoil slowly from about Alare's eagerly awaiting shaft. It was so strange, he could make it twitch and shift as he wanted and yet half of it was unconscious, he was running on instincts he didn't even realise he had before they made his cock do something. Slowly rearing his shaft up Kriner reached down to brush his fingers along its length and cooed at the way the small hairs on his fingers caught the thicker, sap drenched bristles that now covered the hard tip of his cock. "Oh gods, that feels... nice... Alare you are going to love this."

Squirming back and forth, wrapping his slender, smooth purple legs around Kriner's rougher, bark coated hips Alare edged forward. His tentacle like cock had also reared up, green bud on the tip now fully open, leaves folded back to let a steady stream of thick golden sap flow over them and drip into his lap. "I know... please... Kriner..." he whimpered, the stamen tipped vines that sprouted from his back squirming in anticipation, "Please... we need to do this... I need to do this!"

Smiling Kriner reached out to grip a fistful of his mates back tentacles and pulled him in close as he let the thick, bristled tip of his dick slip into Alare's waiting shaft. He groaned as the frilled hairs tickled along the soft, supple inner walls of his lover cock. Alare meanwhile crooned in need, his eyes opening wide at the new sensation, the bristled, tickling feel of that thick, stiff shaft filling his making him whimper in delight. As inch, after thick sap covered inch slowly pushed its way into his shaft he felt the flexible purple flesh of his cock stretch, twist and squeeze. It was rippling encouragement for Kriner to go deeper, to claim his lover all the way. Leaning forward into Kriner's arms Alare welcomed his soft lipless mouth as it pressed against his own, inviting his tongue to tangle and wrap around his own as they continued to slowly join together. Savouring the rich, savoury tang of his lover Alare let his thoughts reach out for Kriner, sending a pulsing wave of affection with his words as he opened his eyes to stare into Kriner's.

<You taste so strong, rich and savoury, masculine, commanding... strong,> he whimpered, closing his eyes again and shivering, <I need you.... I love you but I need you also.>

Kriner didn't reply straight away, he was lost in the tight, squeezing embrace of purple flesh he was slowly screwing. It felt so right, so good and slowly he realised the vines sprouting from his back were starting to split open, the yellow tips folding open. Watching them he shivered, he had an idea of what was to come next and pressed his mouth harder against Alare's, deepening the kiss, his vine like tongue halfway down his lovers throat now, questing... questing for something, instinct was starting to drive him as he relaxed his throat and let Alare's tongue-vine delve deeper into his body. He blushed, his cheeks growing a darker purple as implanted memories from his long dream started to surface.

<M...mother gave me knowledge, taught me things... I'm to protect you as best I can... That's why I'm all rough and bark like, I'm your guardian.> He looked down at Alare, affection and a deep need to love and protect his smaller plant companion blooming inside his chest, causing him to squeeze him tighter. <I think you're needed to make Mother Pods or something... It's not clear and this... is very... distracting>

"Ahhh" Alare vocalised around the kiss as he felt Alex's voice and his love pouring into his mind. The slick tentacle of flesh that was his cock started to clench and tease Kriner's shaft harder, pulling him deeper. It was really distracting and sap was oozing from the tip of his tongue into Kriner now and his tentacles were tingling, tensing, nearly ready so he had to speak fast but his thoughts were fragmented, his mind scattering as he was taken. <<It's O... ok love... so... oooh this feels... nice what... what are you....>> Slowly tilting backwards in Kriner's arms Alare shivered as the ten slender, whip-thin vines on his back lashed out. Two inches of their tips had transformed from slender and green to thick, golden stamen that burrowed into the gooey, hollow openings that had opened in the tip of Kriner's own vines. He hit every opening dead on and Kriner's eyes bulged at the sudden invasion even as he instinctively clenched down around those bristled tips, vines stiffening, locking Alare inside him.

Marvelling at the way he didn't even have to thrust, Kriner's paws petted over Alare's head and along his smooth back. He felt so nice, so slick and smooth compared to his own rough skin, it was such a delightful contrast, and he loved the way Alare's skin felt against his own. His tongue had gone still, slipping into a welcome, warm receptacle inside Alare and he let out a soft, "Gllrk," as his lover's did the same inside him, they were nearly ready. He could feel however that Alare was so swept away by sensation he didn't seem to be able to tap into the memories Mother had left.

<'s something m...mother said to do... it takes...> Shivering he gripped the base of two of his loves vines and steadied himself, rooting himself deeper into the ground. <It takes both our essence to make a pod... or create a seed to convert someone. So I'm supposed to give you some, so you can make some w...without my help and you... you have to give some to me.> He cut off lost for a moment as he felt his cock starting to shift and slowly press past the base of Alare's own shaft. His lover's vines were starting to thrust back and forth inside him, each one oozing slick drools of his strange 'pre-sap' into him making him groan softly.

Smiling happily around their kiss, Alare shivered, happy to hang there in Kriner's arms as he rode toward his peak. He felt safe, warm and content and his roots where busy burrowing deeper, anchoring him in place as inside he felt things starting to stir and come to life. <<I... I yes... I... mfffff going to... release... a seed... to replace the one that gave birth to us!>

Even as Alare spoke Kriner saw the bud atop his head starting to unfurl, green leaves pulling back to reveal the large yellow petals of his flower. Shivering Kriner moaned as he felt the bud atop his head opening in turn. He was running fully on instinct now, his paws held Alare's tightly and his tongue was now releasing a steady stream of slick, gooey purple liquid into his lover even as Alare's vine-tongue did the same to him. It tasted fantastic, so sweet, gentle and soothing and it helped to drive his lust to new heights as it spread throughout his body. His cock started to throb harder, more slick goo oozing through the stiff bristles of his stamen into Alare, preparing him for making a new seed. Minutes past and slowly Kriner started to buck forwards, moaning into Alare's mouth as his 'cock' started to work Alare's a bit more aggressively, wiggling it's way slowly deeper and deeper into his crotch sliding into a warm, welcoming pocket inside Alare's body.

Squealing at the invasive penetration Alare pressed his body against Kriner's eagerly, whimpering as his cock started to stiffen, the long, flexible tube of purple flesh squeezing down hard around the entire length of Kriner's! His body was trembling, the flower on his head blooming, unfurling.... widening... preparing.....

<I... Alare it's time oh... ooooooh,> Kriner's mental voice dissolved into an ecstatic moan as he felt his shaft pulse, the marble shape of one of his seeds starting to move. It was stretching both their lengths; creating a rippling bulge that rode down the length of his cock until accompanied by a gush of nourishing fluid he fired it deep into Alare's body. A burst of affection blossomed in his mind a he felt the seed flowing through Alare, questing, seeking and then finding its twin within his fellow plant. The moment the two touched Alare bucked and squealed in pleasure, his back vines twitching as they started to unleash a torrent of smaller seeds into Kriner's body. His lover's reaction caught Kriner off guard, he hadn't been expecting that and he cried out loudly, shaft and tongue pulsing, flooding Alare with his sticky purple sap and more of his own seeds. Smaller this time but just as potent; rushing to fill his mate, seed after seed bulging down the length of his tongue and cock. Shivering at the strange sensation Kriner closed his eyes and held onto Alare tightly, just riding the wave of pleasure, smiling and enjoying the feelings this act brought him. He could feel Alare's emotions; they were reacting with his own, driving him toward a greater, more ecstatic release. His lover was arching backwards, his flower pointed at the ground, body stiffening as he rode out his peak.

<I love you Alare... now plant a new mother for some other lucky couple to find...>

Alare giggled as his tongue slipped free, licking his lip-less muzzle and shivering as he felt everything growing taught with anticipation. "Or a single individual... hehehe that... is a weird experience I bet but... oh yes..." he latched onto Kriner, whimpering, the flow of seeds from his vines into Kriner ebbing as he tilted his head back all the way and moaned louder. The flower spread its petals wide and with a deep, bass groan of relief Alare allowed the new seed to slide out. It rolled gently down the petals of the yellow flower to land gently amidst the ruins of the old pod.

The pair of lovers fell still, for a moment their lust; their needs, sated as they watched the large seed slowly wiggle its way down under the soil. "That... that was intense but I feel... so... good..." Leaning his head back Kriner felt his leaves spreading wider, basking in the glorious sunlight. He shuddered as Alare's tentacles started to pull free from his and he backed up as his cock started to slowly, teasingly withdraw from Alare and vanish back into his body.

Sighing sadly Alare wiggled free of Kriner's arms and rolled over to look at the hole the seed he'd just planted had made in the ground. Scooping thick loam with his hands he started to build a small mound of fresh earth, grinning and smiling happily at the ground as he felt the seed pulse and settle contently into the warm earth. Glancing back over his shoulder when he was done Alare stood up, purple body slick and glistening slightly as the last of the sun's rays pierced the roof the green house. "Shall we go sleep love? I need to rest after that."

Pulling himself to his feet slowly Kriner took Alare's hand with his and nodded, leading the way silently away from their birthplace to curl up under the spreading branches of a tree. The sun would bring a new day and with it time to find a way off the island and a true start to their new lives.

Lying on his back in the shade beneath one of the trees Alare watched the stars begin to fade as the sky started to grow lighter off in the east. The air inside the greenhouse had remained thick and humid all night long and it was peaceful all the noises that disturbed the silence had a place there. The rustle of leaves as small animals scampered from branch to branch or the croak of frogs in the stagnant pond to the south. The click and chirp of crickets and the ever so quiet beating of insect wings it all belonged here. Alare had never really just laid there and listened to nature before, even as a moogle he'd never been this in tune with the natural rhythm of the world of plants and the insects and animals that were a part of it. Sitting up, using his back vines to support himself the plant-boy wiggled his roots, loosening the soil around them and stood up so he could clamber onto a rock jutting up out of one of the flower beds to greet the sun.

Alare caught the first rays of the morning on his fore-head and shivered as he felt his purple skin start to warm up. The leaves that formed his new hair started to unfold from their night time rest, letting the soft yellow petals atop his head once more bathe in the light of the sun. It felt good, exhilarating in a way he'd never experienced when he had fur. Tilting his head to one side he listened to the whispering voice of the woodlands and turned to face the overgrown path that wound through the trees toward the door, Kriner was coming back. His mate had gone out scouting to see if the island was deserted and to think about how they were to get to the mainland. Frowning at the path Alare was confused for a moment when he couldn't see his fellow plant. A flash of insight caused him to look up at the branches of the large trees that shadowed the path. Kriner was up there, moving through the scattered beams of morning sunlight, using all four limbs and his vines to swing from branch to branch. He looked so strong, so confident and he was a natural at lashing out with his vines to snag a branch and swing his body forward. Alare clapped and cheered as Kriner walked his way down the pine-tree closest to him, using just his vines. He landed in the soft, loamy soil with an elegant hop, roots burrowing into the dirt, vines spreading out behind him in a beautiful green and yellow fan. Giggling Alare ran over and threw his arms about his lovers' neck and kissed him firmly. He then pulled back to admire the way the sunlight was causing Kriner's emerald green leaves to unfold and spread out to either side.

<You were magnificent,> he projected as he rested his muzzle against Kriner's; <You looked so natural doing that, as if you'd always done it.>

Squeezing Alare gently with his arms the larger plant smiled and nuzzled back affectionately, <I feel like I have always done that, it's an exhilarating way to travel the jungle and the trees are willing to share so much. It's a whole different world out there love, so many things to see and enjoy that I never noticed before.>

<I know, I've been listening to the plants inside...> stepping back from Kriner the smaller plant turned to look up at the tree tops, <It really is a different world... our world...> he shot a sly glance at his mate and moved his back vines. They were continuously moving and shifting and coiling about each other even when he wasn't using them so it was quite noticeable when they reached out suddenly to tangle with Kriner's. Shuffling closer to his mate, pollen dusting out of his flower as it finished opening in the morning sun light Alare asked the next question aloud. "Is it safe to go outside? Can I see the jungle? I really wanna go outside, feel the sun on me without lots of glass and moss in the way... please, is it safe?"

Laughing and leaning in to take a long breath, savouring the scent of Alare's pollen the larger, rough skinned plant-boy nodded his head, "Yes it's safe, no one is here, the house is empty, they didn't even leave a caretaker behind."

Clapping his hands together and squeaking in excitement Alare took off for the door to the greenhouse at a run, "Come on then! I want to see outside!"

Smiling fondly Kriner walked after Alare, using the path this time to follow the smaller plant-boy to the door. He caught Alare with his vines as he pulled the doors wide and slipped up behind him to peer out into the world outside. "Come on love... lets go... plant us some seeds and find a home." Alare squirmed and nodded his head happily, peeking out into the rich, green landscape of the jungle. Their new lives had begun.
