Bump n Grind

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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A little night club fun ;3

Bump n Grind

"... I'm sexy and I know it..."

Multi-coloured lights flashed as loud music was pumped through the speakers, the DJ doing her job very well as the clubs patrons writhed and moved to the loud rocking beat.

Amongst those dancing to the tunes was a dark furred tigress with light grey stripes. A smile on her lips as she swayed with the rhythm, her eyes closed and her body tingling as the vibe of the place swept through her.

Danni was no stranger to the nightclub scene with the feline often prowling around to seek a good nights fun, the tigress having spent time at many different clubs depending on the atmosphere and the general company.

Tonight she felt it would be a good night indeed. The music was some of the best she had danced to, the people around her were most certainly enjoying themselves and most of all there were no dodgy interlopers trying to hit on her while the feline had fun.

It was the sleazy types who always would spoil the mood for Danni by generally trying to grope her or just act all clingy while spouting some cheap pick-up line. The girl smirked as she let her mind wander at some of the drivel she had been subjected to in the past.

A light tough to her hips followed by a snaking sensation of someone slipping their arms around her waist made Danni gasp and open her violet colour eyes. The warmth of another's body pressing up against her made the feline quickly look over her shoulder to see who had moved in from behind.

"I hope you don't mind." Bright golden eyes full of mischief flashed back at her as another tigress appeared from the crowd of dancers to embrace Danni and move with her in a sexy way.

This female had fur like red wine with dark stripes and her silver-white hair hung down past her shoulders. Danni could see the new comer wore a tight, figure hugging red dress.

"N-not at all." The dark feline replied feeling her cheeks flush a little as the other women ran her fingers over the white fur on Danni's belly and along the waist band of her short black mini skirt.

It was rare that the black tigress would attract the attention of a member of the same sex in a nightclub but when she had done so the night usually turned out to be a lot of fun. A smile spreading across her face as she thought about it.

"Looks like you are ready for a wild night." The red femme grinned as her hips came forward to push up against Danni's rear. The pair moving as one as the beat washed over them. The dark haired tigress biting her lip as she watched red furred digits glide up her front and over the dark material of her top.

"I'm always ready." Danni said in a way that made it sound like a challenge. The two felines smiling as they swayed and rocked.

One of the things Danni loved to do on a fun night was to flirt, and while she preferred it with many a handsome male she wasn't averse to doing it with another woman. Especially if that woman was pretty and just as willing.

"Oh you are going to be a lot of fun, I can tell." The white haired feline purred as she spun her newfound dance partner around and tugged her close.

It was a bold move from the platinum blonde and one that took Danni by surprise, especially when she found the other tiger's leg slide between her own. The red female's hands resting on her new found friends hips to pull her a little closer.

Several people dancing around the pair saw what was happening and whistled or hollered encouragement at the sight of the two sexy tigers swaying and grinding against one another. Danni's face flushing a deeper shade as the confident stranger slid her hands up the dark femmes back while bringing their faces coming closer.

Danni's mind spun as her heart beat madly, almost rivalling the throbbing beat of the house music. The heat radiating her dance partner was proving to be contagious as the dark haired beauty felt herself starting to succumb.

"Th-this might be going a bit far-" She began as the black tigress suddenly realized the situation was escalating quicker than she thought but was silenced when the strange femme pushed forward and kissed her.


More whistles and hoots came from around them and a firm squeeze to her rear caused Danni to gasp involuntarily, allowing the red feline to slip her tongue in to turn the sudden contact into a passionate one. Both girls closing their eyes as they lost themselves in the moment.

The embrace lasted only a few minutes but to Danni it felt like hours and when they parted the sexy black feline found herself unsteady on her feet, the kiss leaving her light headed and a little dizzy.

Taking advantage of the situation, the red feline took a firm hold of Danni's hand to lead the girl off and away from the dance floor to a more secluded and dark corner of the club. There, with her back up against the wall, the blonde pulled the swooning feline into another deep, sensual kiss.

Maybe this isn't so bad, Danni thought as her tongue slithered wetly over the other girls.

She didn't want to admit it at first but the sexy dark haired femme was becoming more and more aroused at making out with another girl in a public place, but the surprises for Danni were far from over.

A big grey male tiger dressed in a dark suit had been watching the pair on the dance floor and when the red furred woman led Danni away her moved after them. He paused close to where the pair had ended up to continue their hot display of kissing.

The red tigress purring as her hands slid down Danni's trembling body to fondle and squeeze her firm rear while kissing and licking down the darker felines neck. Golden eyes opening to look over to the male before giving a sly wink to him.

The man saw this as a sign and ran his fingers through his dark hair before moving over to join the two women. He could hear the black femme's soft moans as he slipped in behind he and encircled her waist his arms.

"W-what?" Danni jumped a little in surprise at feeling someone behind her and went to turn her head to see who was there only to be stopped by the red feline.

"Relax," she grinned in a cheeky way." It's just my ... "brother"."

Danni knew the girl was exaggerating the identity of the man behind her but the feel of two sets of hands now caressing and fondling her heated body was too much for her to walk away from.

"Oh ... okay ... " She gave off another soft groan of delight and before she knew it the red femme had leaned in to nibble and lick along her neck.

The grey tiger saw Danni's submission to the treatment and inhaled the sweet scents of two turned on women, his own arousal rising as he pushed up against the dark furred girls rear. Letting her feel the bulge forming within his trousers as both he and his "sister" continue to rub and molest the girl caught between them.

"So hot." The blonde said as one hand trailed down the dark tigress' body to slip under her short skirt.

Danni's hips jerked as her damp, panty clad mound received the gentle attention of her lovers fingers, her back arching as a wave of pleasure rose through her squirming form. Such was the intense feeling going through her that the raven-haired tigress barely felt her skirt being lifted to reveal her furry ass and the thong panties she wore.

"So much need in you kitty." The red femme whispered into the captured girls ear as her digits first explored Danni's concealed folds and then peeled the wet material to the side to completely expose her pussy.

As this happened the grey male freed his length from the confines of his clothing and proceeded to push it along the black femmes dripping pussy lips, the trio rocking back and forth in a slow, sensual dance of lust.

Placing her hands against the wall to brace herself, Danni couldn't help but wonder if the two tigers that were bringing her such pleasure did know each other. When the woman had tugged aside her underwear for the man to rut against her naked sex with his erection, it felt like they had done this before. The thought that she was about to be fucked in such a public place wasn't lost on the dark femme either.

"Y-you s-sure this is a g-good idea?" Danni moaned as her hips rocked and the mans throbbing cock continued to rub over her quivering snatch. The red female smiling as her fingers danced gently across both wet cunt flesh and raging hard on.

"Trust me." The woman grinned as her wet hand guided the mans aching length into Danni's tight passage, the two tigers groaning with pleasure as they connected and became one.

Danni closed her eyes and arched her back sensually, feeling strong hands cup and fondle her breasts as the man begun to move inside her clutching tunnel. Her breathing deep and steady as her heart pound within her chest. She was sure that if the area they were in had more light then the intimate contact she was experiencing would have been on display for all to see.

The grey tiger growled as he felt his lover's pussy contract suddenly. He was unsure of why she tightened up but he wasn't going to waste such a wonderful opportunity. With a firm bosom in each hand he began to thrust and withdraw at a steady pace. His prick driving into the girl's hot cunt until his whole length was buried within her velvet grip.

Biting her lip the red feline watched as the two lovers rutted and panted. Danni's face a mask of bliss as she was fucked from behind, a sly smile crossing the blonde's face as she knelt down in front of the black femme to look under her skirt to see the males hard cock at work, ploughing back and forth within the girls sopping pussy.

A light rasp to her nether lips made Danni gasp open her eyes to see the red feline had lowered herself to her knees and push her face up against the dark haired femmes crotch. Each time the man speared his length in it moved Danni's hips forward where the blonde's tongue would flick out and lash the girl's clit.

Feeling her body react more from the dual assault, Danni knew it wouldn't take long to climax and soon the red tigress wasn't waiting for the forward thrust. Instead holding her female lovers hips and lavishing sweet oral attention on both Danni and the grey tiger.

The man sensed a change in tigress' body, feeling her tense up, he also could feel the tongue running over his prick as it plunged in and out of Danni's writhing form. His grip becoming firmer as the tactic pushed him closer to his own release.

A few people saw the trio in their daring display but none came forward to stop them, instead looking on with interest as Danni was taken from both sides. The man behind humping her eagerly while the sexy tigress on her knees hungrily feasting on stuffed pussy. The three bumping and grinding hotly until Danni's eyes snapped wide open as a wild orgasm bubbled up and overflowed inside her.

The black femme digging her fingers into the wall as her convulsing cunt wetly milked the mans length until he drove in and shot a torrent of sticky cum into the tigress. The red feline holding tight as she slurped and lapped the mix of juice that flowed from Danni's quivering pussy, the three panting and moaning as they rode out the combined climaxes.

"Oh God ... the was amazing." Someone watching said.

A few others also applauded the show and Danni looked up to see a small group had gathered around to watch the three slowly recover from the intense sexual session.

"Was very good." The red tigress smiled as she licked a mix of cum from her lips. She stood and tugged a blushing Danni into another long deep kiss while the man pulled his cock from the black felines well-fucked pussy. "I think we should go someplace where we can ... continue."

"That s-sounds like fun." Danni gasped as she tried to catch her breath, finally able to see the handsome male tiger that had just flooded her sex.

Hooking their arms with the mans, the two women set off towards the nightclubs exit. The black tigress looking over to her new found friends with some curiosity.

"Hey, are you sure you guys are brother and sister?"

The three laughing as they stepped into the night.

Danni is (C) Arctic Sekai; other tigers are (C) Jaffah; story (C) Jaffah 2013