New Beginnings and Dead Ends Part 8 :

Story by Shepherd Raven on SoFurry

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As I awoke from a good rest I start to sit up but get stopped by something on my right arm I slowly looked over to see Kodi huging my right arm I giggle before I muffle myself with my other hand to keep from wakeing him then suddenly my stomach started growling. AW CRAP IM HUNGRY AND HES SO DEEP IN HIS SLEEP MAYBE I CAN REPLACE MY ARM WITH A PILLOW AND LOOK FOR SOUL AND BREAKFEAST. I then try to align the pillow above my arm and slowly pull the upper part of my arm out of his grip. It worked I kept working the pillow down till I was free then as soon as I stood up I had to pee BADLY. I then make a mad dash to the bathroom found the stall and released the demons. when I finished I walked toward the doorway Soul ran out so I can ask him a few questions but first I wrote a note and taped it to Kodi's forehead. It read: Hey stay here while I look for Soul.

When I opened the door all I found was a few gymastics gear poles and sorts so I then head out the door we came in here from. Which led down 2 hall ways left or right Left is where we came from so I ran tothe right until I smelled something.... something good. I walked into the room after reading the top sign that read: Kitchen. on it. There I saw a female Fox wearing a tank top and baggy camo pants cooking none other than bacon. I took the first step into the room as I did she spun around and threw an object at me from the counter and jumped in the air. I doged the object as she came down with a drop kick which caught my left arm. She then bounced her leg back wards into a back flip. "Risa what are you doing?" a voice called out which stunned her for a moment afterwards I turned to find Soul in the door way behind me. "Who the hell is she?" was the only question I could utter before he answered "My partner we were the only survivors in our group too but we started with 5in our group. Also she's my girlfriend."I then asked "So thats why?" "Yeah, thats why I had to keep us from getting to attached to each other lastnight."I nod then ask "Okay, so why did she attack me" he giggled then replied "You startled her so she acted, oh and by the way that thing she threw at you, was a cutting board." I then looked at the door way to find a wooden cutting board atleast 3 inches deep in the steel wall I gulp then asked "so why did she just barely hit my arm?" she replied "The shirt I doughted with those reflexs and that shirt with the lowest rank practically screamed you simply couldn't be one of the droids plus I was already in the air and couldn't stop so I went limp avoiding the most of the damage I could of caused."

Than it hit me LOWEST RANK I let it sink in a while than asked her "Where did that monster strength come from" she replied as she slightly flexed her muscles "It runs in my family." I asked "Whose your father?" she started laughing for some reason then she replied "Hes a little pipsqueak who cant bench 50 pounds my mom on the other hand was way stronger than even I am, but sadly she was caught in a cross fire between some cops and a robber 4 years ago. I ran away after that and joined this place on my 17th birthday a week ago me and the rest of us trained 5 days ago and now they're training more so find a room to bunk in, and put your name on it when you can." I felt terrible and saddly said "Sorry I didnt know" she caught me mid sentence "You also didnt know me 5 minutes ago but were here so whats done is done lets move on." then I caught something as I looked at soul "Wait I thought you said it was three days ago last night." he rubbed his head and said "Oh yeah, you've been out for two days and you fell asleep at about 6pm. And its about 1pm now."

"Wait I've been asleep for two days and you didnt wake me?" he then asked "why wake you yall looked cute together? And I slept in her room so you werent in my way, oh and one of yall woke up long enough to eat a whole bag of my Doritos." I scratched at my right arm and noticed flakes coming off then I remember Kodi had red all around his mouth. I reply "Yeah that was him." Soul then asked "How is the mutt doing." my mind immediatly kicked my body into gear in finding Kodi." I ran back to souls room immediatly. When I got there Kodi was still spooning the pillow so I just waled over to the other side of the bed and sat there before nudging him awake he drowsily said "Hey, Shepherd we're alive, Right?" I reply "Of course we are buddy you alright weve been asleep for 2 days." After I finished saying this he jumped up and ran to the bathroom he was in there for I know atleast 30 minutes before coming out. saying "I just lost 3days of undigested food out of my mouth all at once." I then lead him back into the bathroom and brushed his teeth for atleast 5 or 6 minutes then forced listerene in his mouth before alowing him to spit it out. I then ordered "Now lets get back to bed the now sore jawed Dalmatian walks into the room strips everything off and jumps In the bed while sayin "Cant beleave I just slept 2 days wearing clothes the thought makes me unconfortable." I blushed then stripped to my boxers and layed back down hugging him from behind before drifting to sleep.