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Story by ToLoveAShadow on SoFurry

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A short scene I accidentally wrote... Yes, accidentally. Based off the scenario of: M/M, friends, exploratory, and outdoors.

Hmm, well then.

This is a short scene I wrote accidentally, as it would happen. I was writing a scene for a very close friend, Cuddlewolf, for fun, under the scenario idea of being M/M, with friends, them exploring each other, and outdoors.

With that in mind, the formatting, flow, and word choice of this wasn't intended as an actual posted piece of writing, though that's making the assumption I'd be able to use better formatting, flow, and word choice, of course! This was intended for only a single person's enjoyment, but it ended up being a lot more indepth than I'd imagined it would be, so... I decided hell, why not post it here!

I've no delusions of grandeur for this story, but perhaps a few people might read it, and enjoy it. Or better yet, provide me constructive criticism and feedback! I never write, beyond a bit of RP with friends and chatting, and this might be the longest piece of something approaching official writing I've ever done, that wasn't a paper.

At which point I should clearly state: This was written in a style of RP I hold with Cuddlewolf. It is written in the present tense (Or it's supposed to be... I do get tricked up in that sometimes!) like a RP, and not in past tense, like a story is written. I don't want to go back and 'fix' things in this. I'm leaving it as it was, a scene written in RP fashion for a close friend, being posted as a story submission here on SoFurry, when it ended up being actually somewhat developed.

Also, this being a RP scene rather than intended as a story, I did that which I despise in stories: I included a paragraph at the very beginning dedicated exculusively towards describing the character. ...Details such as that are best woven into the story, subtly so, unobstrusively. Oh, well. I don't think I'm able to go back and weave those bits in without completely botching what I've written, so I'll leave it.

Anyhow, if you're reading this, I hope you take some enjoyment from my story, and thanks for stopping by!

By the way, the credit for the title goes amongst the members of the Dragon in the Dungeon chat room, where I'm often found, and which is always full of warm, friendly fellows.

Thyrien and Lyrsane were sitting beside a fire, the sun setting over the pristine, untouched lake in front of them. The two friends had driven up here to go camping during a trip they did every year. Currently they were just having a soft conversation, crickets chirping in the background, the occasional distant rustling as something moved between some bushes.

Thyrien was a wolf, with smoke black fur, deep blue eyes, and a strong, toned body from his work. Lyrsane was a panther, with black fur that appeared purplish as the fire danced between them.

This was their first night up there, and they were catching up on some news. Speaking to Lyrsane, "So that girl you were with ended up going for some shallow ass with money?"

The panther shakes his head, sighing.

"Yup, but she wasn't worth it anyway, then, if she'd do something like that. Feel bad for the guy almost, since she'll probably end up leaving him, too. How about you, though? Meet anyone since that labrador last year?"

Thyrien chuckles, "Nope, nothing. I've just stopped looking for someone, after her. In all the years I've known you, how many girls have I dated? Hell, probably gone on dates with more than a dozen. Something always happens, though."

Lyrsane nods solemnly, glancing at the wolf.

"Aye, I hear ya..." Pausing for a moment, "Really, you're probably the only person I've been friends with this whole time, you know?"

The wolf looks towards him, tilting his head, and nods once.

"You know, you're probably right."

They both look off towards the lake and, after a while, the wolf mumbles quietly, "If things had worked out differently. If you were a woman. Hell...things would've been a lot different."

The panther's ears twitch towards the canine, hearing what he says, and he responds clearly, "Sure might've. Who knows, though? Life has a way of changing things."

At this, he glances out of the side of his eyes towards Thyrien, and sees the wolf's head turned towards him partway, his gaze shifting between the silhouetted mountains in the distance and his best friend. The wolf suddenly turns away, looking down towards the ground in front of him. He remains silent for a while, staring at his dancing shadow as the fire behind him flickers and crackles.

"H-" Thyrien clears his throat, "Hey Lyr... remember when you confessed to me all those years ago, that you were scared you were bi? When you kept wondering why you were eying that stallion on the swim team..."

The panther goes still, his slowly swaying tail stiffening at his friend's question.

"I... err, I didn't think you still remembered that. You never mentioned anything about it, never made any comments..."

Thyrien looks up from the shadows at Lyrsane, whose ears are tilted back in embarrassment.

"No, I never forgot. Why would I have commented about it? You were still my friend, still the same person I knew. Honestly, there was a period when I wondered if you liked me. When I realized you didn't, I wondered why not." He laughs nervously, "Confused the hell out of me why I was bothered that you didn't like me..."

Thyrien goes quiet for awhile, gaze distant again, and Lyrsane interrupts his silence. "Never liked you? You want the truth...?"

Thyrien tilts his head in a canine'ish way, ears perked, and nods slowly. Lyrsane glances away, his ears laying even further back as he looks at his paws in the light of the fire.

"I did, actually, and never realized it. When we first became friends, I had a serious crush on you, and I never knew that's what it was until years later. Once I realized it I, uh, I never said anything, because we were good friends. Besides, it was in the past."

Thyrien's ears droop slightly, in an odd manner, "So... you stopped liking me?"

Lyrsane opens his muzzle to reply, but it's a moment before words come out.

"I... I don't know. I always assumed my feelings for you just turned into friendship, and that was that. You've been a solid friend all these years..."

Thyrien's head tilts further and he lifts his nose from where he's staring at his feet to glance at Lyrsane.

"What if...? Gah, I'm having all these strange thoughts and ideas right now, but I might as well say 'em. You've been a friend so long I don't think anything'd come between us, even this. But... what if- I don't know, what if you still have those feelings, and..."

Thyrien trails off and leans back in his camping chair to sigh as he stares up at the moonless sky. Lyrsane looks towards him, his tail swaying behind him, the tip jerking behind him occasionally, oddly.

"...What are you asking, Thyrien? Because it sounds like..."

Thyrien interrupts, sighing and looking straight at him, "I know what it sounds like, and that's what I'm trying to say. If, uh, I'm taking this in the wrong direction, we can just stop talking about it now, and leave it behind us."

The panther shakes his head, slowly at first, but then more confidently. "No. No, you might have something. I mean, we're great friends, and isn't that what we've both wished our past relationships had been? We wished those women had been more like friends and less like a prize we had to maintain and fight to keep? Wanted them to like us for who we were, and be loyal to us as we tried to be for them. But us, well... What if we already have that? Just not the... the physical stuff."

Lyrsane's ears lay back in embarrassment at that last part, but he doesn't look away from Thyrien. The wolf looks at him, the orange glow of the fire dancing in his blue eyes.

"Lyr... there's a lot of truth to what you said. And for, you know, the, er, physical stuff... Well, what if we tried once...?"

Lyr blinks at his friend, his heart rate having steadily increased over their conversation. Now it was pounding at this comment, something he never thought he'd actually face.

"You sure? You really mean that?"

Thyrien looks down at Lyrsane's feet, and raises a paw to nervously scratch at an ear.


Lyr stands up, his tail swaying behind him, and he takes a few steps towards the lake. Lifting his hands up behind his head, he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a shuddering sigh before turning around. Walking up to where Thyrien sits, the wolf watching him intently, he crouches down in front of the wolf and rests his hands on either of his friend's knees, and he smiles weakly, shyly.

"Want to try?"

The wolf's tail wags a bit behind him, his own breathing quick and shaky, and he nods anxiously.

"I've never thought much about... about guys, so..."

Finding his words hard to grasp, Lyr speaks up, his smile becoming more assured and warm, "It's alright. We'll just explore, and take it slow?"

The wolf sighs heavily in relief, glad his friend understood his lack of experience and nervousness, and was willing to let him learn. He sets his paws on top of the panther's, and rubs the soft, silky fur of the feline's forearms.

"I'd like that, a lot, I think. Why not... by the fire. Bring our bedding out, and just... explore."

Lyr turns his paws up to grasp his friend's forearms in turn and stands, pulling Thyrien up. His smile turning into a toothy grin, he tilts his head and nods.

"That sounds strangely romantic." He glances sideways at his friend, "...And maybe that's how it's supposed to be?"

Thyrien nods softly, slowly, and speaks quietly, "Maybe that's how it's always supposed to have been?"

The wolf suddenly smiles and pulls Lyrsane towards their tents, and kneels down to start pulling their bedding out.

"All these thoughts going through my mind... Hell, I'm getting horny! And... and I want your paws to... explore me."

The more experienced of the two in these matters, at least in imagination, Lyrsane hugs the wolf's waist from behind and leans against him for the first time in their long friendship, allowing him to breath in Thyrien's scent and enjoy the sensual feeling of the strong body and soft fur beneath him.

With a coy whisper, "Paws? Why not my tongue, too?"

The wolf pauses in his quick motions to get their stuff from the tent, and shudders beneath Lyr. Glancing over his shoulder at the panther, his muzzle is open in awe and delight at the thought. He grins widely, the most confident smile of the night so far.

"Oh, hell Lyr, you're starting to get me really worked up!"

The panther grins at him and winks saucily, something he never would've done earlier that day, and his paws around the wolf's waist slide down his shirt until they're resting on the crotch of his shorts, and he kneads his paws against the bulge there.

"Ooh~ Am I...?"

Grabbing the last of their blankets and bedrolls from the tent, Thyrien reaches his paws behind him suddenly to playfully squeeze the panther's ass. He leaves his paws there and, the quick moment of playfulness done, his paws begin to shyly rub up and down against the panther's pants, feeling the lithe grace beneath his fingers.

Standing up, Lyr stands up with him, and Thyrien removes his paws from Lyr's rump and turns around within the panther's embrace. Looking into his friend's eyes, they of similar height, he exhales shakily and presses his nose forward, pressing against Lyr's own. The panther returns the look, and they stand there for a while, considering each other, adjusting long held views of one another.

Lyrsane reconsiders his bone-deep belief that he'd never have anything romantic with his best friend. The wolf looks back at their friendship, and what they've had that he's always wanted but never gotten from a relationship. He realizes that the important thing isn't that Lyr's a guy... it's that they just work together, and they already know it...

They've known it for years, and just never admitted it to themselves, or each other.

Thyrien surprises both of them, and parts his muzzle to lick Lyr's nose. The panther blinks at him and laughs, almost giggling, as his muzzle's split with a grin at the sudden gesture. Glancing quickly behind and below them, he sees a layer of blankets and bedrolls that look well enough, and he turns forward while falling backwards, pulling the wolf with him.

Thyrien's eyes widen as he's suddenly toppled over and gracelessly thumps on top of his friend's chest, limbs sprawled out as he tries to regain his balance, but instead of finding grip in the blankets, them instead giving way.

Lifting his head up, Thyrien stares at the panther before laughing, eyes crinkled in amusement. His mirth dying down, he realizes the panther's legs are to either side of him, his ankles curled around his, and his groin presses against his own. His gaze on Lyr turns from one of humor to that of hunger, a lust and a passion building in his eyes. The panther shivers beneath him, seeing that look for the first time in his life, from his best friend...

Grasping the hem of the wolf's shirt in his paws, he pulls it up over his chest, and Thyrien lifts his arms to let the panther pull the shirt off. The fabric now gone, Lyrsane's paws roam through the fur of his canine friend, kneading the muscle underneath and exploring his body. The wolf rolls his hips to one side, and grasps the panther's own shirt. Lifting it up awkwardly, he rolls to the other side to pull the other side off. Lyr smiles and pauses his arms, lifting them up so the wolf could remove his shirt.

Their chests now bare, Thyrien lays down against the panther's chest, and the panther wraps his arm around his friend once more. The wolf nuzzles his nose into the silky fur of his friend's neck, and is surprised as a groan leaves his lips, the sensation of the feline's lithe body, that silky fur rubbing against his own soft, longer fur.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around Lyr's shoulders, and the panther nuzzles his cheek in encouragement. The two lay in their embrace for a moment, listening to each other's breathing, feeling their fur brush against the other's, smelling the familiar scent of the other. So familiar, yet so new in the arousal and possibilities it evokes in their minds.

They begin to nuzzle in their embrace, snuggling each other, moving their arms to feel more of the other's body, exploring, caressing. They're both nervous and shy, but their motions grow more comfortable, more confident, and more instinctive as their arousal and passion begins loosening their walls and inhibitions.

Thyrien suddenly wraps his arms tightly around Lyr. Rolling them over until they're resting on their sides, he shifts them until the wolf's back faces the fire, warming them comfortably. The flames are dying down into embers, enough to keep them warm and provide light, yet not enough to singe them from their continued position.

While the panther is still surprised by the sudden movement, his paws idly rubbing the wolf's shoulders, Thyrien's own hands drop to his friend's, nay, his partner's waist, and reach forward to unbutton and unzip his shorts. He pulls the shorts down, yet leaving the cat's black boxer briefs on, until they're around Lyr's knees.

The panther leans forward and licks the side of Thyrien's muzzle, slowly, caringly, as his surprise is overcome by his building arousal, building hunger. His paws rub down along the wolf's body, claws teasing against the fur, just sharp enough to make their presence known, and he reaches down to slide the wolf's own shorts off.

The wolf presses into the lick, but looks suddenly shy because, as the shorts are removed, Lyrsane realizes the wolf had no underwear on underneath. His eyes widen in surprise, but a grin slowly grows on his muzzle at the thought, and he reaches a paw up from where the shorts are around the wolf's knees to cup his groin.

His grope is met by the warmth of wolf's sheath, and he squeezes his fingers around that fleshy length. His fingers rub against the fur, squeezing softly, feeling the shaft inside swelling at the touch.

Thyrien's eyes flutter at the caress and he leans his lead forward, burying it against the panther's shoulder as his arms wrap around Lyr, grabbing the panther's rump for support in that intense moment of pleasure.

His hips press into the panther's paw and Lyr, pleased at the wolf's response, grasps the fleshy tube and strokes it up and down, stimulating the wolf's shaft inside and bringing it forth. He lifts his other paw, and reaching for the wolf's shaft, brushes against the hot, slick tip of the wolf's caninehood. He rubs his fingers along that exposed tip, while continuing to stroke the warm, furry sheath along that shaft, coaxing it forth.

Holding him for support and humping slightly into his paws, Thyrien groans as his shaft is rapidly brought to full erection, the sensitive flesh achingly hard at Lyr's deft touch, tingling and throbbing as it rubs against the belly fur and waistband of Lyr's briefs.

Lyrsane's paw on Thyrien's sheath moves up to grasp his shaft and he strokes it slowly, the flesh slick, the wolf shivering and breathing heavily from the panther's soft fur rubbing along his shaft.

Pausing, Lyrsane tilts his head back to look at the wolf's eyes, which had opened at the lack of stroking.

"Do you want to explore me first...?" Lyr asks him, with unspoken words of Thyrien's greater nervousness, and this being so new for him.

The wolf starts to nod, but turns the motion into a shake and grins at the panther.

"No... let's do it at the same time, mm?"

Lyr's eyes widen a bit, but he returns the grin and pulls back from the wolf. Letting the panther from his embrace, Thyrien watches as Lyr gets up onto his knees and drops his paws to the waist of his briefs. The fire behind Thyrien's back was casting a warm glow over the panther's groin, and serving well to illuminate the object of the wolf's attention and desires.

Lyr slips his fingers into the elastic waist, and drops them to his knees. Hopping up, he slides the briefs, as well as his shorts, off his legs entirely, and sets them beside them both, out of their way.

Laying back down, this time the panther's head is by Thyrien's groin, crimson shaft throbbing in front of his gray-black fur, hanging slightly towards the ground. His paws slide the wolf's shorts from his legs as well, while Thyrien's attention is focused entirely on his own swelling sheath.

The tip of his feline shaft already peeking from the silky black fur of his sheath, Thyrien lifts a paw to gently brush across it, from the panther's silky orbs, across his sheath, and lingering on the barbed tip of the shaft peeking from the sheath. Only the first couple inches were exposed, but at the wolf's touch , warm breath washing across him, his length was visibly stiffening while the wolf watched on, eyes wide and enraptured.

Lyr reaches a paw out to grasp the canine's shaft, only about six inches from knot to tip, with another few inches for knot, but in the panther's eyes, it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. The paw curled around the tip of Thyrien's shaft, cupping it as a strong spurt of precum soaked the fur of his paw as he began to stroke it, slowly.

He twists his paw up and down as he strokes, reaching all the way along to the knot, before stroking back up. He lifts his other paw to rub the bulge of the wolf's knot, eyes wandering across it in the dim light, aided by his excellent vision.

Tentatively pressing his paw forward to the first canine shaft he'd ever touched, he curls his paw around it and begins to knead it as he strokes. Tilting his head up, he brings his nose in against Thyrien's furred balls. His eyes glaze over as he inhales deeply, taking in the wolf's musky scent.

Thyrien's breathing shudders as his partner's paw strokes his shaft, exploring his knot, nuzzling his sack. His haunches rock and jerk as lances of pleasure radiate through his body from the sensations, and he surprises them both again. He parts his muzzle and tilts his head closer towards the panther's barbed, fully erect shaft, and he licks the underside from tip to sheath.

Lyr's paws clench around his shaft at the touch, and he feels a gasp wash across his testicles. Smiling warmly at the situation he's found himself in with his best friend, he moves a paw to fondle the silk orbs dangling below the barbed shaft. Not quite as large as his own, they were incredibly soft, and the orange glow of the fire made them glisten.

Thyrien licks the barbed shaft again, growling in wonder at the unique feel of those barbs against his long, wide tongue. Angling his muzzle, he parts his maw to bring the tip of that shaft into his muzzle, passion and lust driving him onwards, and he suckles the tip at first.

His tongue laps at the tip, and his eyes widen as he feels a dollop of liquid, but he groans as the flavor that spreads across his taste buds is a sweet, pleasant one, encouraging him forward. Taking more of the panther's length into his muzzle, he begins to bob his head, jerkily and inexperienced, but picking up the motion and using the shudders of pleasure from Lyr's body to learn what feels best.

His paw brushes delicately across the orbs as he works, and he closes his eyes as he focuses on the warm hardness inside his muzzle, the scent of his partner's musk filling his nose.

Lyrsane gasps as he feels the warm, moist muzzle of his friend taking in his barbed length, and he groans into the sack in front of his nose as he keeps stroking the canine's shaft. Parting his own muzzle, he laps at the fur of those orbs, his rough tongue enough to lap and stroke the wolf's balls, the rasping sensation sending pleasant tingles through them.

As his paw strokes along the shaft, he rubs more and more pre along the length, slicking it, trying to bring as much pleasure as he can to that length in front of him. Thyrien's hips begin to hump steadily into Lyr's paws. The panther matches that rhythm with his own, feeling his own haunches beginning to jerk in time with the wolf's, matching the pace of their pleasure between them.

The wolf's long tongue drags along his barbs, causing tingles of pleasure to shoot down his length from the tip to his sheath, radiating out into his groin. The pleasure from each of their attentions quickly builds, and they both are drawn towards their climaxes.

The uncertain, nervous emotions from earlier having blossomed into nervous excitement, now being indulged, explored, and them both finding pleasures in each other's bodies that they'd never imagined. Their mental bliss was as much emotional as it was physical, and at some level in the back of their minds, they knew this night, them doing this... it felt right, and comfortable.

Thyrien's suckling becomes frantic and strong, as the waves of pleasure in his groin builds to a peak. With a gasp around the barbed shaft in his mouth and a long, growling grown, he jerks his hips, thrusting into Lyr's paws, his knees lifting to press gently against the panther's head as his shaft jerks its release.

Lyr feels the wolf's balls tighten, pulling up towards his body, and the knot in his paw swelling further. The shaft's throbbing becomes rapid, and he knows his best friend was about to cum. Squeezing the knot harder, his stroking quickens, and his breath hisses through his teeth as he feels the wolf groan around his own length. Ropes of seed spurt from the jerking shaft. He cups his paw around the tip to catch it, delighting in the hot warmth of that essence.

Cum dribbling down his paw, the scent of it gracing his senses, the wolf's teeth graze against the barbs of his shaft as he's lost in his throes, gently, but just perfectly. The sudden combination of senses, the knowledge that his best friend, his newfound partner, was at the heights of orgasmic ecstasy, send him off the edge of his own climax.

He grinds his hips against Thyrien's muzzle, rubbing the barbs of his shaft along the roof of the canine's mouth, along his tongue, and against the sides of his teeth as he throbs his release into Thyrien's muzzle. The wolf is surprised by the sudden flood of taste in his mouth, mingling with the crashing torrents of orgasm coursing through him, but he swallows it down as best he can in the midst of his bliss, strings of seed running down the corners of his muzzle in slow rivulets.

Their orgasms draw on, the wolf's maleness erupting in a formidable spray of seed. As his orgasm wears down, Thyrien's muzzle falls from Lyr's barbed shaft with a contented sigh.

He wraps a paw around the panther's waist and lays there, breathing heavily, snuggling up against the warm, soft comfort of his partner. Lyrsane's paw remains tight around the wolf's knot, but his muzzle splits into a warm smile as he feels Thyrien nuzzling against him. He wraps his other arm around the wolf's waist in turn, cum soaked paw stroking idly at the base of the wolf's tail, with his own tail raising to drape over his legs and rests against the wolf's neck.

They lay there in their afterglows, not saying anything as the fire behind the wolf dies into dimly glowing embers. The chill of the night beginning to pierce through their fur, Thyrien sits up without a word and moves to lay in front of his partner, his friend, his lover.

Lyr reaches around the wolf to grab a blanket and slips it atop them as they hold each other in their paws, nuzzling their muzzles into each other's neck.

Thyrien lifts his muzzle to the panther's ear and he whispers, tiredly, "I think... this is where we're meant to be..."

The feline grins against the wolf's shoulder and nods, purring, "I think it is, too."

And that's that! If you've read this far, thank you, and again, I hope you took some pleasure from it. If you have any constructive criticism or feedback, I'd love to hear it!

I've no idea if and when I'll try my hand at writing again, though hopefully next time I work on an actual story, and treat it as such from the beginning.