New Beginnings and Dead Ends Part 10 : ""

Story by Shepherd Raven on SoFurry

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Kodi tries to help by snapping in my face. As he realized that didnt work he bit my ear. "What was that for?" he let go and replied "Sorry you zoned out on me that was the only way I knew to snap you out of it. Anyway what were you zoned out for?" I could only show him the page and look away. He looked worriedly at the page. He replied what is this place and what does it mean by final test?" The receptionist intervened by saying "That test is only if you make it through the rest of them. That test may be the test that kills you it is also the greatest oppurtunity of your being." he continued "Again only if you survive."

Kodi walked up to the Buck and asked "What is the final test?" the Buck replied back "Nice spunk kid, maybe youll make it. But even I dont know the final tests details." I replied calmly "Did you ever go through any of these tests?" He stared at me a moment before replying "No, I'm just staff." I reply "How many people are staff around here?" He replies "Well theres chefs, maintanance, clean-up, a few receptionists, internet servers, delivery people, engineers, and a few doctors." I raised a brow and asked "Delivery People?" he smiled before saying "Yes, there are three groups of them there are the ones that bring things to your door, there are ones who sign on anything you order, and then the inspectors. Not quite in order but still you get the basic idea." I asked skeptical "So if I order something online I can have it shipped here?" He laughed at the question and replied between giggles "No, not even close they ship it to a storage house where we sign on it. We inspect it. We ship it off to another branch and so on till we recieve it." I asked resistently "Oh um, I left every thing at my house including my walet what happens to all that." he giggled and replied "We take all the money out of it and put it directly in your new banking acount along with all the money we pay you. Your stuff goes alphabetically into a storage area until you leave." I comment "How am I supposed to spend the money?" He laughs and pulls the card out of my hand "This, you swipe it through the slot attached to your computers which will be added to your rooms. but dont worry about fraud or any of that noise you have to put your finger print right here so no one can use it without your finger print." He points to a silver looking sticker. I reply "So what do I peel it off or is it continueous use?" he snaps back "Dont peel It off and overall dont destroy the card. I can only make so many." I requested "Hhow long till our stuff gets here?" he typed again on his computer and replied "5 hours you think you can wait that long?" I shruged and said "Well there is a hot tub so yeah we can stay busy a while."

After reaching the elevator me and kodi hit the 3rd floor button as we changed in the elevator. We got out to a pleasant surprise, it was just us there. I grinned and said "This is amazing but the risks in the future are getting bigger." Kodi ran and jumped in before I finished what I was saying. All I could do was follow him and jump in. We did a few laps which he won. All but one all he said was "I couldn't let you win too much or It'll go to your head." I laughed it off before getting out and jumped in the hot tub before teasing "Waters fine sore loser." He then got out and ran to the hot tub while yelling "I won though." Before cannon balling into it. There we sat in the hot tub just looking at the giant screen that showed a beautiful stary night I laughed as he started getting nastalgic he responded "It looks just like the real thing. Hey, you remember when we were little and we used to stay out late watching the nightsky, Even knowing we were soo grounded the next day?" I replied "Yep, after we were grounded we would just do it again the next time. After a while they got the hint and just stopped nagging about it."

About midnight someone came through the elevator scarring us when the door dinged. It was a Wolf and a Dragon at first glance we knew the Wolf was male but the Dragon we were still unsure of being reptillian and all. We werent sure if they were friendly so we sat there a while examining them. They soon jumped in and I noticed the Wolf had jet black fur and red eyes and wearing some weird armor on his back. The Dragon was jet black other than its white under belly and the few spikes mounted on the back of its head in a Western-Dragon type fashion both seeming to be around our age. After awhile they both looked over at our direction before the wolf said "You better not be screwing in the hot tub. We want to relax too." I blushed and returned "No, sorry for spying on you, we werent sure if you were staff or not." they both stared for awhile before saying "No, were not staff we just got done doing our tests yesterday and signed our contract." I then waved them over and said "Hop in we dont bite." the two walked slowly over before dropping into the water as softly as possible. I then asked "So how many did you lose Gentleme.." After a second the Dragon replied "Yes I'm male its okay I get it alot, now continue." I blush slightly before saying "Well any way how about it? Are you all thats left?"

The Dragon shook his head before he continued "No our partner is still bed ridden but yes the other got killed so we were going to visit his grave when his funeral comes around. The bed ridden one simply popped her ankle and cant walk on it yet. I told her not to do anything rash and she goes and tries tripping one of them. To her dismay robots have stronger ankles than hers. What happened to your partners." Kodi replied "Oh we only had one extra but he took off before we got into the building." The Dragon gasped before asking "You took all 100 between the 2 of you?" Me and Kodi couldnt help but laugh as I replied "No, we were only given 60 at 20%." The Dragon then replied "Oh, well our group only took 100 at a mesely 15%. You guys are good. By the way im Jackson im a Western-Dragon as my partner here is a Timber-Wolf." The Wolf then responded "And I go by Chris and our other partner is a Hyena named Mike." Kodi questioned "Mike isnt that a guys name?" Chris grinned "No its pronounced like Meka but its spelled Mike she was born in Germany and raised here alongside her parents im from America along with Jackson. In a word shes a tad bit instinctual." I raised a brow and asked "Instinctual?" Jackson intervened by saying "Well lets put it like this after she tried to trip that robot she kept using it till the end of the test. Hell immediatly after failing she jumped up and ripped its throat out with her bare teeth." I gulped as I thought of that. Then Jackson said "I owe yall a drink taking all those things on your own whatll it be." Kodi replied immediatly "How bout some wine?" I smacked him on the back of his head before replying "Were still minors we cant drink yet." Jackson then entered "You didnt rad the Text did you you know the added part at the bottom of the info sheet were treated as adults from the time we sign that cotract. Im only 15 Chris is barely 16."

Kodi then replied "So when do we get these drinks anyway?" Jackson hissed slighly as he slipped out of the hot tub "Just follow me." Kodi followed suit and jumped out I follwed closley behind Chris just stayed in the water before I asked "You comming?" He sighed and replied "Nah, im too relaxed go on, knowing Jackson they will probaly need you to keep them under control dont worry about me Ill be here if you need me." I waved goodbye and caught up with the others before the elevator door shut.We went up 1 floor before making it to the location it was a huge Bar/Grill almost empty other than a few staff that were working at the time. The Barstools we sat on were in front of a Horse about a foottaller than the rest of us who was cooking an unknown yhing for the guy next to usafter he turned around and held the dish in a cover before giving it to the guy next to us who left us clueless byturning snd walking away before sitting at a table which was blocked off by a wall I Snapped out of it when the equine asked "What do you guys need?"

Jackson ordered a glass of there finest wine for Kodi, a Screwdriver for himself, and a simple RedBull for me. After Jackson questioned me multiple times to ask me to get something alchoholic. I just wouldnt so I asked for a RedBull he agreed and ordered it. The Equine huffed and replied "Your minors I cant do it." Jackson then took his card out of his pocket to buy my RedBull. The Equine then said "Oh your one of the militaries dogs now. I guess your age doesnt matter anymore." He then swipped the card into the computer before asking him to place his finger on the silver sticker. The computer beeped and he started whipping up the Screwdriver and headed to a far room and brought back a bottle with so much dust it had to be centuries old. After pouring the wine into a cup with a straw he simply poured just a pinch into the Screwdriver with a straw before bringing they're drinks. Afterwards he pulled a RedBull from a industrial cooler and handed it to me after opening it. He typed a few thing on the computer before saying "Thats $39.50 leaving $160.50 in your account anything else before I close shop." Jackson then asked him the hours he works and other miscelanious nonsense before he grabbed his card back. Before we left Jackson finished his drink when we got into the elevator discarding his cup in a dumpster nearby.

When we got back to the Hot Tub we noticed Chris still in the water still just relaxing. Kodi finishing his drink said "That was great but not very fancy just putting it in a Solo cup." I reply "It allows you to just throw it away when your finished and the straw allows you to get drunk faster, speaking of finished." I said before sucking all the contents out of the can at once and threw the can away "Well our room is done so I think we'll call it a night." I said as I grabbed Kodi and headed for the elevator. Jackson replied "Alright be safe." Chris yelled "See you tommorow we live on the 4th loor in room 035 need anything just knock." I waved with a smile back as the elevator door closed. Kodi said "Wonder what our room will be like." I grin and said "I dont know but im tired lets get some sleep after a shower." he simply nodded and followed me to the room closing the door behind him as I took the Swimware off. he turned the lights on revealing two beds a king sized bed and master bathroom. I run into the bathroom turning the water on hot before Kodi adjoined me in the huge shower we simply let the water clean us as we made out for the first time in too long. He sucled my toungue as I grabbed the back of his head with my hands. After he let my tongue free I bit his neck locking my jaws on impact drawing very little blood as he melts away moaning into me before I release him. He starts rubbing up anddown my sheathe with his hands as he starts to stroke I grab his wrist. "Stop we cant do this your drunk I just cant." I said be fore walking back under the direct jet of the water he stood there a few seconds before saying "Im sorry its just, its been so long since weve seen each other and theres another test scheduled tommorow. I just dont want to go in there and not come back out alive." I then rush him into a hug before saying "Dont say that, we'll make it I promise. Now lets get cleaned up and get some sleep."