Thief's Choice

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I have wrote anything and what I have wrote I just felt like it was really sub par. I decided to push myself as far as I could with this when I found out Linkin Monroe was having a writing contest. Don't really care about how I do, just finally proud with what I wrote even though I know it isn't the best. Hopefully this will get me back on track to writing more constantly.

A youthful and agile mouse darted though a city street, trying his best to keep silent as he ran from some of the guards of the city. One of his black paws squeezed the bag filled with what he had stolen extra tight to his hip as he darted around a few corners and into building that has been abandoned for a few months. The rodent let a soft and drawn-out sigh as he gazed out into the dark night, hoping none of the pursuing guards had the eyes to catch his black furred body entering the house.

The rodent fiddled with the latch of his saddlebag as he waited from the perfect time to escape. A few minutes has passed before he got tired of waiting and leaped up onto his feet. Gazing down it the bag with a confused and disappointed look, the mouse shook his head and lifted the silk blanket. "What I don't get is why so many people are willing to risk their lives to get a stupid piece of silk. Yeah it belonged to the former Queen, but fucking seriously it was her fucking blank..." the thief stopped in midsentence and jumped back a few steps, his ears finally picking up on the breathing from the shaded figure that now stood in the doorway to the house. "How the fuck did I not hear him?" the mouse muttered as the shape shut the door and casually walked further into the room, stepping close enough for the thief's eyes to pick up on a canine shape as well as the clothing on the guards.

"It is really hard to tell why someone would go out of their way to steal something like that, maybe they are just perverts. But then again, I never gave to shits about politics of the city," the creature chuckled as he walked close enough to press one of his paws up against the wall next to the rodent. "But then again, that is how you taught me when we were growing up, isn't that right Christian?"

The mouse let out a concerned gulp as the only canine to ever know his birth name walked close enough to press their chests against each other while both of the dog's paws slide over to both sides of his shoulders. The thief stared in a confused awe up into the deep sea blue eyes of the dog, as they pierced into Christian's soul, catching sight of a strange glint within them. "L-luka, is that really you?" the mouse asked as he tried to figure out how the doberman from his youth stood before him.

The slight playful tone in the dobie's voice quickly vanished as a somber frown replaced the more lucent smile that was once there. "So after all of these years you still remember the name of your former partner?" Luka asked with a sickening growl as he stared face-to-face with the smaller mouse. "I thought you didn't care about me when you left me behind all of those years ago." He added in a more mocking tone.

"I... I didn't have a choice, it was you or both of us that was goin' get caught by the guards back then," The mouse tried to defend himself as he squirmed around weakly in the muscular arms that pinned him to the wall.

"Choice or not, you left me to die. I bet you never even tried to find me again. Ten long years, I doubt you ever ONCE thought about trying to find out if I survived that night," The doberman's eyes now filled with pain as he snapped back at the mouse, his large claw dug into the wall behind Christian "would you like to hear what happened to me? The guards let me live if I would join and help them catch some of the petty thieves off the streets. Oh but that was after months of torture trying to figure out if I knew who the other person they was chasing. I lied to the so many times to help keep you safe, thinking you would come back for me. After two years though, I told myself that I was going to be the one that finally caught you."

Christian frantically squirmed around more afraid and worry about what his former friend would do to him. "So... what are you goin' to do to me Luka?" The mouse whimpered as he tried to push the stronger doberman away with his legs.

The doberman leaned forward, pinning the mouse's legs back against the wall as, and pressed his muzzle close to one of the large rodent ears. "One of two things are going to happen here tonight. The first of which is I turn you into the rest of the guard. They will treat me like you never have if I do that," The guard's eyes started to fill back up with their playful tone as he started to speak the second option. "Or I can let you go if you give me one thing, something I have wanted for a long, long time."

"I presume you mean having sex with you," the mouse muttered without a second for thought. Luka just nodded in response, eager to hear the mouse's decision. "I... fine, but only cause I don't want to lose my hands... or my life," Christian sighed and turned his head away from the doberman, knowing that was the response Luka had expected.

The thief just barely caught a smirk form across the dobie's muzzle after those words escaped from his lips. Luka let go of the mouse, before quickly biting down on one of those large mouse ears, whispering into it. "Don't worry; I won't hurt you as bad as you think I will... intentional."

Christian whimpered and just as he was about to pull his ear away from the guard, Luka quickly pulled away and took the silk from the mouse's bag and tied up his prey's little paws. With the thief all tired up, the doberman quickly stripped out of his clothing. The mouse's jaw hung slightly open as his nocturnal eyes caught sight of Luka's tone muscles. His focus was trapped on his abs and pecs, but quickly changed as he felt the canine's paws slide along his sensitive hips before pulling his loose fitting slacks down to the ground. The mouse's cheeks burned bright red as his cock flop out into the cool night air, already freed of its sheath.

Without bothering with Christian's shirt, the doberman lifted the other male off his feel and pulled the slim rodent hips over his own. The thief gulped as he felt Luka's cock throbbing up against the base of his tail. The tip of Luka's thick canine shaft danced teasingly around the small rodent ass a few moments before squeezing into Christian, forcing a loud moan to escape from his black lips. The mouse thief continues to moan as dug his claws into the muscular doberman's shoulders as he felt Luka's cock force itself further into him. "Someone has been waiting on this for a long time," Christian taunted though his clenched teeth.

"Damn right I have been, wanted this for a longer time than I have been angry at you," Luka grunted back as he thrusts even harder into the small mouse, wanting to tie himself fast with the mouse.

The mouse whimpered as he tried to ignore the pain of the massive knot pounding and pressing against up against his ass. The soft whimpers soon turned again into a loud moan as Luka's knot finally pushed itself into the mouse, tying the thief and the guard together.

"Not how I wanted our first time to be though, but..." The doberman started to mumble before pressing his muzzle up against Christian's, gently licking over the mouse's black fur. "I can at least do this to you," Luka's voice went much softer than it had been during any moment of their encounter. The guard went right back to licking over the other male's mouth while thrusting eagerly inside of him.

Finally giving into Luka's loving mood, Christian open his mouth a bit and delicately brushed his tongue along the canine's muzzle, tracing over a few scars that he could only guess came from when the doberman had been tortured. Finally, Luka let out a loud moan burring his muzzle into the mouse's neck, digging his teeth lovingly into the mouse's skin as he thrusted up a few last times as he emptied his seed into the thief. The sudden explosion of pleasure caused the little mouse to go limp in the doberman's paws;

The bright morning light shown into the room, stirring the mouse away. It didn't take him too long to remember where he was or what happened the night before. Shrugging it off, Christian looked around, no trace of Luka was left in the room while his satchel looked as though the blanket was never returned to the back, though in the bag was a small note just barely sticking out, no doubt left by Luka. "Let's see here," Christian mumbled as he glanced over the note. "Sorry for leaving in the middle of the night, but I am keeping my end of the bargain and making sure you don't get caught with me. As you can already tell, yes I took the silk with me; it will keep them off of you for a while. Maybe next time you steal something I can catch you again. Love Luka." the mouse smiled and walked over to the small window that the mouse had. The thief quietly folded up the note and placed it a pocket while he gazed up into the morning sky, lost in thought. "We shall see Luka, we shall see."