Goku's Special Training

Story by PublicEnemyNumber2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Ball Z

A work in progress

I hesitate to call this "fan fiction" because I like to think I have more respect for that show than to honestly put those characters through such punishment. The reality is, given enough time I could have created my own characters, fleshed out their story a bit, and made them into suitable counterparts for members on the show. I think of using their names more as convenience in writing because they're so well known it saves a lot of time describing them.

Also word of warning: This story is labeled as extreme for a reason and nothing in it should ever be attempted in real life.

This is a first edit, I may do another later on mostly to fix spelling and continuity.

Goku and Vegeta flew through one of the no man's land parts of the world. Most of Earth's population had been decimated a few years ago so this wasn't hard to find. However, neither of them wanted any interference from their friends, who could sense power and energy levels. They'd both arranged to just casually leave without saying a word; nothing about what they were doing, and they were especially sure not to mention the "special training" that Vegeta had enticed Goku with. It was almost embarrassing enough that Goku, a grown man who'd already fathered children, had actually never gone through the Saiyan Trial's of Manhood. Vegeta had brought it up in conversation one day. Goku was interested but Vegeta explained that the technology had been lost along with their home world. Goku thought this was a shame, but Vegeta didn't let it rest. He'd arranged for Capsule Incorporated to develop a suitable replacement. CI. Inc. had already been producing pills that seemingly inflated into vehicles, so really what wasn't in their abilities?

The two of them landed before a plateau of land. The general view was nothing but plateau's of earth sticking out several stories high with still rivers that went every which way, so it was almost like finding a needle in a hay stack should any of their friends want to come looking. Vegeta pointed out a small hole behind a rock which they both crawled through. Inside it opened up into a cave and from there a circular elevator in the floor lowered them deep into the earth. Down here things became more serial-looking with the most basic of lighting used. A stairway lead them down the rest of the way. It had been an old bomb shelter/lab that Capsule had commissioned to use but various wars and global disasters had shut the project down. Vegeta saw to it that all records of its location had been destroyed as well.

The room was perfectly square, not very well lit, and mostly comprised of dark grey panels. It was a very open space, actually ideal for a gym, training, or even some Olympic event, but lacked any furnishings of any kind. There was a door or two that opened into a single corridor with smaller rooms, but they didn't need to use those yet.

Vegeta ordered Goku around. "This requires you to be completely naked."

Goku had never been shy about his body and threw off his training uniform and boots. Vegeta took a moment to admire Goku's muscular body which was only slightly larger than his own.

Vegeta handed Goku a glass of rather thick looking, blue liquid. "Now drink this."

Goku took the glass in hand and as he brought it up to his lips asked. "Where did you get that from?"

Vegeta held out a gold coin that was almost wide enough to be considered a talisman, but too thin to be considered anything but just a coin. "Something Capsule came up with. It's a small pocket sized storage device."

The blue stuff was barely palatable, and Goku cringed as he guzzled it down. It was easily the worst tasting power shake he'd ever drank. As he finished it up Vegeta explained, "That's to give you a permanent erection." Goku choked.

"Well not permanent, but you're seriously goanna have to fight to get that fucker to go down."

Goku could already feel the effects of the stuff working on him. "Guahh hay Vegeta I was expecting something else."

Vegeta pulled out of the storage device something else for Goku to wear. "This is your training uniform. And trust me you're goanna want to be as hard as you can be for this. Most of the training is to see how you'll do using only your cock and balls."

"What!?" Goku yelled out in a high pitched voice.

The training uniform Vegeta had him put on was actually two leather sleeves for his arms to go through. There were no holes for his hands. His arms linked around his bare chest and were tied together with a strap that ran across Goku's back. Vegeta lined up the zippers that ran along Goku's arms and attached them to one another, before putting on yet another sheath of leather which had several belts along it.

Goku's cock had never been this hard in his life, and even he'd attest that it'd probably never gotten this big before. His cock had always been a two hand job but now it was coming up to his pectorals, resting right against his tightly bound arms. "Uhh hay," Goku said, "maybe we should hold off on this."

"Don't be modest." Vegeta said, almost laughing, "You don't even know what you have to do yet." He said resting his gloved hand on Goku's shoulder.

Goku rushed away with a sort of high stepping uncomfortable prance. It's now that he realized just how hard and swollen his dick had become. "Oh My! I can't believe how hard I am!" He expressed with a sort of held back excitement.

"Oh that's nothing." Vegeta explained. "You should have seen Nappa. That thing was almost as long as his tale."

For once in his life Goku was embarrassed that Vegeta would see his erection with his arms all tied up. But at the same time proud his cock was as huge as it was for the occasion, even his nuts seemed to be bulging out of their sack.

Seemingly out of nowhere Vegeta had grabbed Goku, one leg at a time, and locked them into the enormously heavy weights. They started just below Goku's balls, and were in the shape of great big blocks of coated cement (the same as gym weights). Though each leg had been locked into its own weight, Goku actually looked like he'd been standing thigh high in cement for too long. Vegeta was tempted to encase him in cement a while, he'd look good as a statue for sure, especially with that nice big cock. It's now that Vegeta saw the red in Goku's face. "What's wrong?" He said sarcastically, "A little embarrassed to be like this?"

Goku was staring off at the wall as he spoke. "Well, yeah! What exactly do you want me to do with my dick? Mruph!!!" Vegeta shoved Goku's balled up socks into his mouth to shut him up. And then he took one of Goku's boots to hang it off his cock. The cross-eyed look of disgust on Goku's face was priceless.

"We're getting to that." Vegeta explained.

Vegeta held some sort of suction cup, ball and chain device in each hand. He licked the ends vigorously so Goku could watch, and then attached each one to Goku's nipples, taking special care to get them nice and centered so that his nipples entered a special opening. They started sucking Goku's nipples on their own, no doubt the work of something Capsule came up with, to inflate Goku's nipples. After a minute Vegeta let go, and the ball and chain parts clamped onto Goku's nips. "EMMMMMMMMM!!!!" Goku cried out.

A sturdy metal post appeared behind Goku complete with a mechanical arm that laced around Goku's mid section. Goku was seriously wondering how much stuff could fit inside that coin Vegeta had. The mechanical arm lifted Goku up off the ground, and then rotated him 180 degrees, so that he was perfectly upside down and hair wasn't touching the floor. The boot on his cock eventually fell off and landed perfectly upright.

Vegeta was smirking evilly and it took a moment for Goku to realize why but then he figured it out. The enormous block weights his legs were stuck into weren't connected in the middle. Slowly Goku's legs began to part, and at the same rate his mouth opened wider and wider. The socks fell right out to the floor and Goku started to scream at the top of his lungs. "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"


The metal post also had safety rods to catch the weights and prevent Goku from doing anything more than parting his legs 180 degrees. Goku was doing a perfect split, mouth open, fighting the urge to scream because he knew it'd do him no good.

Out of Goku's vision, Vegeta emptied the last of the coin's contents; however this resulted in the coin itself coming apart into its base components of two electronic-looking metal rings. He slipped one of the rings up Goku's cock but found he had to force it through at the half way mark. Goku was completely disturbed by the sensation of Vegeta's gloved hands touching his cock in this way and let out an uncomfortable yelp as he forced both his swollen nuts through the ring as well. The second ring Vegeta mounted in the face plate of some device that at this time could only be described as a box. This was placed directly in front of Goku's face so that the ring lined up with his mouth. The boot naturally had to be pushed more directly under Goku's head.

As Goku hung there he thought to himself that this couldn't possibly get any worse, but then it did. Directly above Goku's parted legs, Vegeta was hooking up what looked to be a massive Ferris-wheel with an assorted variety of dildos poking out in all directions. Vegeta activated it, and much to Goku's horror, the first one poked down perfectly aligned with his asshole and penetrated. "GUAHHHHHH!!!" His legs were stretched apart far too much for him to do anything about it.

A stream of lube blasted out the tip just before entering. It was an average sized rubber one, but others were certainly more advanced looking. It would fuck him up the ass for random intervals of time between 4 and 22 minutes before changing to the next one in line. They came in all colors, some had bumps, some were longer, some were thicker, some had piercings, some vibrated, some were made of metal, at least two of them were fists, some were tentacles and coiled around as it went inside, one seemed to be a set of two cocks for double penetration, and at least one looked like it had used to be a small sort of torpedo that might explode on impact.

Goku was fidgeting in every which way. "No! No! I don't want to do this! I don't care if I'm considered a man! I know our home world exploded but I don't think we need to revive this tradition!"

Vegeta had a second metal ring that was really more like an end cap. It had a portal on one side that linked to the other ring in front of Goku's mouth (which was already sitting in its end cap). Vegeta grabbed Goku by the dick again and lined it up with this other ring. As he inserted it in, it vanished, and started coming out of the ring right in front of Goku's mouth. "Hay, what are you, NO!!! EMMM!!! EMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Goku's cock was in his mouth. Vegeta slid the end cap all the way up; it was once again a struggle to force Goku's nuts though, and this snapped right onto the ring around the base of Goku's cock.

Vegeta got down on his knees. "Time to put everything back into the coin." Goku's eyes lit up! "I know I said this was all about using your cock earlier, but this is the one challenge where fait has a role to play." Goku had a very worried look on his face. "Heads, and all you need to do is fill your boot with cum to move onto the next phase of your training; Tails, and..." Vegeta laughed, "you spend a week inside the coin jar."

Goku's eyes lit up huge. "RAW WREEQ!!!"

Vegeta activated the coin storage sending Goku in his predicament into the pocket storage device. After the flash of light left the room there was only a spiraling coin flipping through the air that was left of Goku. Vegeta caught it in mid air.

The brilliant part about the gold coin was that it was self stamping. On the head's side was an image of Goku's wide eyed, worried looking face with his cheeks bulging from his cock in his mouth. On the tail's side there was a full body image of Goku in the harness, legs parted, and with the wheel of dildos over him like the sun.

Vegeta flipped the coin just to be sporting, but the truth was it didn't matter at all. Goku didn't know what the outcome was, and it would probably take him a full week to fill his boot with cum anyhow. Though it had landed heads, into the coin jar he went.

It wasn't long before Goku had started sucking himself off. And it took him even less time before he'd made himself cum, only he didn't want to eat it. Also his boot wasn't exactly in an ideal spot. He tried nudging his head around to bend his cock down into it but couldn't get the angle. He busted his first load right down the sides and groaned. "Awww now I have to clean those...." Not that he intended to wear them again after this.

Three busted loads later he finally managed to get his dick at the right angle to cum inside it, but then. "GUAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A dildo made of ice forced its way into his ass. His cock flung up with the boot and effectively kicked himself in the face with it, dumping all the cum out onto the ground.

He bit onto the boot and gently removed it from his cock, but at the same time was tempted to stroke his cock a little more with it. He liked the way it felt against his skin. He was careful to let it drop so it would land upright but as it fell it bounced and tipped to one side. "AWWW NOOOO!!! Damit I needed that!" Goku shouted, and then sighed.

The ice dildo was over and much to his surprise the next one didn't come with its usual clockwork precision. Instead the electronic box in front of Goku's face announced, "Feeding Time," using Vegeta's electronic sounding voice. "Ohh good, finally some food." Goku said.

Two little doors behind Goku's cock and balls opened up and they were pulled inside the darkness. Steam bellowed out. "Hay what the. AHHHHHHH!!!" Goku blew into the opened windows as hard as he could. He huffed and he puffed harder and harder. The machine was using Goku's cock to stir the pot of white rice it had been cooking and cooling slightly, but the little interior fan just wasn't enough to not burn Goku in the cock. Goku's cock and balls emerged from the machine in the form of a giant rice ball shaped like a cock, but completely wrapped in seaweed with a little green bow tied along the top. "YAHHHH" Goku yelled biting into it. It had filled his dick with soy souse and which squirted out as he ate the rice off his cock. He'd freed the tip of his cock and worked vigorously to free the rest while he basically pissed all over the place.

Two hours later, Vegeta's electronic voice blared back on again, "Time for dessert!" Goku watched as his cock and balls once again were pulled into the machine. "What! No!!!" He yelled. "Awww Come On!" He shouted smacking his head against the machine. "Give me my dick back!" As the machine did its thing Goku's face went through several transformations. It coated his cock in peanut butter, filled his dick with vanilla frosting, dipped his nuts in chocolate and rolled them around in nuts, then nestled a strawberry at the tip of his cock before sending it all through a waterfall of caramel. After it cooled it reemerged wrapped in a red heart shaped box with pink ribbon around it. "Oh Come On!!!" Goku tore into it with his teeth, ripped the lid right off the thing, and found his candy covered cock rolled in popcorn among a few other treats. Goku focused on freeing his own cock first but then wondered what was inside the others. They looked like ordinary candies. It wasn't until the seventh one or so that he'd eaten that he realized they'd all been filled with his own cum. "Guahhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Hours later Goku was then horrified to feel something else enter his ass that wasn't a dildo. A tube with some sort of suction cup lips that clasped onto his ass. "Yeahhh!" It started pumping water inside him; he resisted the urge to piss in his mouth; and thankfully after a bucket's worth or so the machine then suddenly started sucking it all out. "oahah...." His face was frozen with this disturbingly pleasing sensation. He honestly felt refreshed. As it detached, his ass felt icy cold and relieved. He found it pleasurable when the next warm cock entered his ass and started continuing its job of pumping him.

Goku was exhausted. He'd actually gotten used to the motions of the fucking and the sensation of his own erect cock in his mouth. He'd made himself cum lots of times and yet it stayed hard. He closed his eyes and went to sleep, snoring away and suckling his cock in the night.

He was awoken some hours later by Vegeta's mechanical voice announcing "Breakfast Time." Goku's cock was missing and he's realized it had once again been brought into the cooking machine, and screamed out as strips of red hot, sizzling bacon was wrapped around his cock. "GUAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He began biting it off almost as soon as the machine returned his cock to him.

Suckling the slight burns along his penis, Goku murmured. "Vegeta must want me to eat my cock."

The urge to workout came over Goku so he swung back so that his cock would be out of his mouth and out of the way. He swung his head to the side and was able to rest the back of his head on the cooking box that kept preparing his cock for meals. Normally he'd start by stretching but his legs had been doing that since he'd gotten in here. He began by lifting his head up to the wheel of dildos and didn't stop until he reached his goal, a particularly long and thick looking one that was coming around and would be ramming him in a few hours. He could see one of the fists was on its way too and grimaced. He repeated the motion of up and down as best he could. The wheel was sort of in the way so he couldn't go up as far as he'd like to.

Hours later. "Lunch Time." The box announced.

Goku's eyes lit up. "Oh no!" He rushed to get his head down there and stop it, but was too late, and partly grateful because he'd only be able to fight by biting his cock. The box itself had been completely unmovable. The sensations of cooking oil being brushed on his cock made his mouth open aghast. Mustard was squirted along his shaft and then it began rotating as strips of ham coiled around it. Tomato slices fell upon the top as it stopped rotating, and it had been placed inside a roll which already had slices of cheese on it. A slice of pickle had been forced down in his shaft, and of course his cock was the salami. His cock sandwich was then given back to him with a plate beneath it for support. He shifted his head to the side and instead of eating it, rested his head upon the box and let his cock be. The truth was he actually liked the cold of the meat against his shaft and found it soothing... though the pickle certainly had to go. His head swung about, his teeth pulled it into his mouth and he munched it up all while face to face with his penis. The pickle juice dripped out the tip. Upon swallowing the pickle he realized how the walls of shame were just washing away. He found himself doing things like jamming his tongue inside his stretched out cock hole and drinking his own urine, which he'd never dream of doing a day ago. He'd started enjoying eating food off his cock, with emphasis on the colder meals, as some of the warm ones really burned. When he got out of here he'd mention the defect to Vegeta.

Part II

It had only been two days before Vegeta returned. He'd unplugged the coin jar, scooped Goku out and disconnected the two outer covers. Goku's swollen nuts made it difficult to do but Vegeta got them uncorked. As the two outer covers were really just portals this left Goku's cock and balls hanging erect out of one side of the coin, the other was a visible window inside and Goku found himself face to face with Vegeta. He peered inside down at Goku's boot which was covered in cum but not full of it.

"Failed already?" Vegeta said snidely. "You know, tradition demands I closed you up inside of here and never open you back up."

"Uhh Hay, Give me another chance!" Goku yelled, knowing Vegeta might be serious. He'd pressed his lips against the ring so that his open mouth was all that was visible. "I can do better! Murph!!" Vegeta stuffed a larger ball of socks into Goku's mouth, thinking this time he won't be able to spit it out.

"Humph," Vegeta signed. "As much as I'd like to get rid of you for good, I've far better plans in store. So you won't use your dick for anything it was intended for, fine, we'll just have to find other uses for it."

Vegeta carried Goku's cock over to a little table where he had a rather odd shaped leather tube with a round pocket at one end. It looked like a sheath for someone's dildo which is exactly what it was. He unzipped it straight down the side, and even undid the little pocket area for Goku's nuts to be shoved into. Goku could hear the zipper but had no idea that the inside was full of hard rubber spikes. The only place free of them was a little round slot where his coin was jammed first. There was a screen and some air holes for him to press his lips and the mashed up sock out. He could feel the spikes pressing against his nuts and grew alarmed.

Vegeta started by jamming his nuts into their compartment first. This was the hardest place to start as each nut had to be separated and Goku's swelling wasn't helping matters. "EMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Goku hollered out. Vegeta did eventually get them in there and zipped up the middle to hold them in place. From there he squeezed Goku's cock into the sheath, pressing the spikes deep into his cock. They didn't penetrate the skin but dimpled the fuck out of it, and then there was the zipper. Goku's cock was stretching the leather and Vegeta found himself fighting to zip it up inside. Goku had almost started whimpering. Had it not been for Vegeta's gloved thumb digging down into the middle vane of his cock the zipper would have certainly caught some skin all the way up.

His cock had finally gotten down inside. The end was perfectly flat, and capped off looking. Vegeta held out a clear caulk gun-looking device into Goku's cock and pumped it full of lube. Goku cringed as the lube was both cold and that it only tightened things around his cock making the spikes feel worse. After pumping it all in, he left it sitting there with the tip still jammed inside Goku's cock, while he reached over to grab a massive sound rod. It was about as thick as Vegeta's middle finger, had a large metal ball at one end, and turned into a large metal ring big enough for Vegeta to put his fist through at the other end. Getting the metal ball to go inside was tricky, but the tip of the caulk gun helped. Goku's eyes lit up as it entered him. He flailed his body about as it got deeper and deeper inside him, pushing the lube out of its way, pressing the spikes into his cock harder and harder. Vegeta pushed it in slowly at least. Goku could feel there were holes in the rod ever inch or so, lined up on both sides.

Once it was all the way inside, Vegeta then went to work with a special piercing gun. He lined up where each hole should in the rod and shot a rail through Goku's cock. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Goku hollered out in rage.

Once each rod had gone into Goku's cock, through the hole in the sound rod, and out the other end, Vegeta twisted on a metal ball cap to the end, which had been packed with a kind of special super glue. He alternated putting one through on the left, and then on the right, then left again and continued his way down the line. Goku had never had his cock pierced before, let along anything shoved inside it so this was all very horrifying for him, though he seemed to be getting used to it and quieting down. He was really wishing he'd filled that boot with cum.

"You won't be cumming out of this anytime soon." Vegeta said.

He put Goku down on the table and brought over a gym bag. It had been filled with Goku's weighted training outfit and other boot, as well as some miscellaneous things. Goku assumed that Vegeta was going to throw him inside with all his cloths and toss him around a bit, but instead, Vegeta unhooked the shoulder strap at one end and hooked it onto the end of Goku's cock. Another latch just under Goku's nuts was then clipped onto the bag to complete the link. Vegeta threw the bag up over his shoulder and let it hang there. Goku groaned out a little from the pain of this cock and balls stretching. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Vegeta smirked evilly, "There now you can really give your cock a workout." He strutted around a bit swinging the gym bag as he walked. Finally he came to a series of wall hooks by the door and swung the gym bag onto it. Vegeta brought over two polls of 25lb weights which were easy for him to carry with both hands. He laid both rack to the side and placed two of them into the bag. "50 pounds should safe to start," He said manically.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Goku murmured out attempting to scream.

Vegeta stroked the leather handle making sure his fingers flexed the metal rods in Goku's dick. "Hang around a while."

He left Goku there, and sealed the door behind him.

Part III

Vegeta got an early start on the next day. Just outside he had assembled all the dragon balls. He summoned the dragon and made his wishes. This dragon granted three. Firstly he wished to resurrect Recoome, who, while much larger, more powerful looking, and stronger, simply wasn't anywhere near Vegeta's fighting class anymore. Wish two was to resurrect Nappa, who Recoome could have easily made into his bitch. Lastly he wished that they'd follow any and all commands he gave them. Neither Recoome nor Nappa liked the sound of that last one. What's worse was when Vegeta said "follow me" the two of them found their legs walking along without any objection.

"Hay Vegeta!" Nappa snapped, "What are we doing here?" He'd asked as they entered the entrance hole to the underground facility. Recoome had issues fitting in the hole but managed it anyway.

"Shut up." Vegeta said and there wasn't another word out of Nappa's mouth.

The sealed door released a burst of pressurized air as it opened and the three of them walked in. The sudden burst of air sent a chill down Goku's cock which was still hanging there supporting all that weight.

Vegeta handed them both a glass of the blue stuff he'd fed Goku the other day. "Drink this," He said and the two followed his orders. Nappa's eyes lit up as he remembered what this stuff was used for. Recoome had no idea but quickly found out. After both of them finished Vegeta suddenly turned into a streak of blue, darting faster than the eye could see all around them. As Recoome and Nappa stood there motionless they suddenly found themselves standing next to one another completely naked. Vegeta came into vision briefly before them but was now stretching out a big roll of rubber bondage tape. He only glanced at the two of them for a moment, Recoome with his puffy orange hair, big perky nipples, raging hard on, and well toned ass; and Nappa with his rock hard muscles, gigantic cock, bald head, and twitching tail. Back to the blue flash Vegeta went and a moment later the two of them were standing there mummified from their ankles up to their eyes. Vegeta returned to his stance facing them both.

The two had started to realize they hadn't just been tied up, Vegeta had been more playful than that. Recoome clenched his but to find a large anal plug had been rammed up him before the wrappings had all gone on. Both of their cocks and balls had been omitted from the wrapping and both stood there with their cocks up and erect. Recoome's great big nipples had also been left to poke out, as was Nappa's tail which waged about as he started to struggle to get free. Nappa's head and eyes were bound up but his mouth wasn't at all. Naturally the two of them both fell to the ground and began squirming into one another as they stretched and flexed for signs of looseness, but there was none to be had.

Vegeta held out a large storage ring, larger than the one that had trapped Goku. He shoved it down around Recoome's feet, though he had to put one foot over the other in order to fit them through, and he left it there around his ankles. Recoome looked out at him cockeyed and confused. As Vegeta rolled its counterpart down Recoome's enormous cock he explained. "This is a storage device for containing objects in small pocket universes. We're going to have a little fun." Vegeta forced Recoome's nuts through, "Now if either of these rings should break, it will sever whatever's through the portal... so let's try and not let that happen." Vegeta said activating the rings.

Recoome's wide eyed face lit up as his body was sucked between the rings and sent into the storage universe. It was rather disturbing for him because he saw both his cock and feet disappear. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!"

Out in the real world Recoome's feet wagged about as the ring rolled around on the floor and the motions of his great dinosaur tail occasionally wagging to bounce him into the air. Much to Vegeta's surprise Recoome was able to use his cock to swing himself up onto both feet. Vegeta laughed as Recoome started to hop around the room. "HAHAHAHA!"

"Hay Vegeta, what's so funny?"

Vegeta turned to Nappa. "I just trapped Recoome into a jumping cock is all." He undid the straps around Nappa's eyes so he could see. Nappa laughed out loud just as hardy as ever. And as the two of them watched Recoome hop around the room Nappa caught sight of the hanging gym bag.

"Hay Vegeta, who you get in there?"

"Hehehe That's Goku." Nappa shot him an odd look. Then Vegeta remembered all those years ago. "Oh right... I killed you for some reason or other for not killing him... Well a lot's change, Goku and I are ... 'friends'" He said rolling his eyes, "now."

Nappa was gritting his teeth. "Guahhhhh! Let me at him! Pull him out of there!"

Nappa hollered squirming his way over to him.

Vegeta jumped onto Nappa's back, slamming him into the floor. "GUAHHHH!" Nappa yelled.

"Can't do that." Vegeta explained. "I'm putting Goku through the Saiyan Trial's of Manhood."

Nappa rose his head back up with a look of confusion. "Saiyan Trial's of Murph!!!" Vegeta gagged his mouth.

Vegeta lowered his head to whisper into Nappa's ear. "It's something I just made up as an excuse to tie Goku up. But you know, I rather like doing this, which is why I resurrected you two to fuck around with." He released Nappa's mouth.

Nappa squirmed about with rage and rolled around onto his back. "GUAHHHHHH!!!!! I'm better than that weakling! Anything he can go through I can too!!!" Nappa shouted.

Vegeta had this evil smirk across his face. "Oh really?" He said walking over to Goku. He brought down gym bag from the hook, disconnected Goku from the bag, and activated the rings to bring him back into this world.

The fucking marry go-round carnival of dildos appeared in mid air and landed against the ground with an echoing slam. Goku hung there exhausted, dazed, confused, fucked out of his mind, legs still parted at 180 degrees, and more rods through his cock than he knew what to do with. Vegeta removed some strap to free Goku's legs and the poor guy fell limp to the ground with a grin on his face that screamed 'finally free of the dildos'.

The look on Nappa's face was one of complete petrifying fear and astonishment. His lips were trembling, "Wa wa wah ... How could you....?"

Vegeta shrugged, turning his head. "Oh come on, all that time flying through space in those cramped little balls. You can't tell me your mind didn't wonder a bit."

Nappa, "Yeah but..." Vegeta had grabbed his legs. "HAY! Let's discuss this first." Vegeta gave him that evil grin, then turned back into the blue flash that had tied him up before.

In an instant Nappa was flipped upside down, hung by the waist, legs separated, parted, attached into the stone bricks at a 180 degree angle, and a storage ring shoved all the way up his cock and balls. Vegeta came back into vision as he refilled the cock cooking device with ingredients. "Hmm, it seems Goku never made it to the dog food setting."

"Guahhh!!!" Nappa yelled out both from the dogfood comment and from the first dildo ramming its slithery self inside.

Vegeta trapped Nappa into the rings and just as before Nappa had been reduced down to just his cock and balls out one side and easy access to his mouth out the other. And just as he'd done with Goku before he slipped the teleport ring over Nappa's cock and balls which pushed it out the teleport ring's counterpart. Nappa's cock was more than twice as long as Goku's and that was before taking the blue stuff. Now it was alarming huge and Nappa's eyes widened as he saw his own cock coming for him. "Hay Vegeta!!! What are you!!! Murph EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Nappa's cock stopped at about a third in. Vegeta pressed down on it harder. Slowly but surely it was all going inside of him. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

"Come on then!" Vegeta yelled, "Down! You! Go!"

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" The last third of his cock was shoved inside and the two rings snapped together... with Nappa's big bulbous nuts stuck hanging out. They weren't severed or cut off in anyway, but the rings had already locked together. Vegeta couldn't get them to part again without using his nails though but didn't feel like take his gloves off to fix it.

"Hahahah!!!" Vegeta laughed. "Got your nuts caught in the wrong place didn't you." Vegeta rubbed his fingers along the rim of the ring to collect all the skin up into one part, there he twisted Nappa's nuts and tied them up with a wire which he coiled around multiple times. Nappa's nuts weren't going to be untwisting anytime soon. Vegeta tossed him into Goku's gym bag and zipped it shut.

Part IV

Vegeta turned around to Goku who was still lying down unmoving on the floor. "Don't think I've forgotten about you now."

Goku groaned, still unable to talk from the socks in his mouth.

"Hehehe" Vegeta laughed.

Goku sighed. He was keeping his knees slightly bent to raise his mid section up. His cock and balls were still zipped up tight in the spiked leather sheath.

Vegeta lifted him up and slung him over his shoulder. He carried him over to a rather large iron ball that had a few holes in it but was otherwise a perfect sphere. It opened up at the equator and Vegeta dropped Goku down inside so that his cock lined up with a curved slit along its edge. Goku more or less lay there limp and let Vegeta move him about as he liked. He folded Goku's legs so they were up over his shoulders and bent his head back so it was almost to his ass. Upon closing the other half of the sphere, Goku's cock lined up perfectly out a hole in one half, his eyes had their own viewing slot, there was a port for his mouth but it was closed and required a key anyhow, and lastly Goku's nipples lined up with tiny holes in the edge. Prior to this Goku had been wearing weights on his nipples but now Vegeta had a tight little chain piercing through one and tightly attached to the other to make for a slight handle. Vegeta gave his nipple chain a little tug and Goku moaned out. "EMMMMMMM!!!"

"Good" Vegeta said.

Next he grabbed hold of Goku's cock, still locked away in the spiked sheath. He pulled it one way and then the other, and then made it go around in a circle. "Heh! You're still hard as hell. But don't worry. These next few tests should help resolve that."

Goku's eyes widened at the word 'tests'.

Using an automated control box, Vegeta had a ceiling crane lower a powerful looking chain down that had a metal hook on the end. He hooked it onto the end of Goku's cock. And then carefully Vegeta had it lift Goku up into the air, however, Vegeta at least got under the ball and helped lift him up in the air so that it didn't rip his dock off. When it had finally gotten waist high, Vegeta had it stop lifting. He positioned a narrow little Roman pillar under Goku and lowered him on it perfectly balanced in the center, and then he let go and backed away. "Now Goku, you need to stay as perfectly balanced as you can, because one minor slip up and that pillar will fall away," He grinned evilly up close to Goku's face, "and you'll be hanging by your manhood. Hahahha!!!"

Vegeta stepped away and came back with some gadget. "Here this should help you concentrate." The magnetic hammer device clung to the side of the ball just a few inches away from Goku's nuts which it started banging into, then resetting and repeating this process of tenderizing Goku's nuts. "EMMMMMMMM EMMMMMMMMMM EMMMMMMMMM EMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!"

"Think of it as a metronome." Vegeta said waging his fingers to and fro.

The pillar below Goku wobbled a bit but Goku remembered to focus. But then there was the hammer on his nuts again. "EMMMMMMMMM!!!" He tried thinking if this was worse or better than the wheel of dildos.

Recoome had been enjoying himself, hopping along, using his massive cock to sense everyone's power level. He'd hop here and there, and then flex his cock like a dog sniffing the air, and homed in on where everyone was. He'd lined himself up with Vegeta's ass perfectly when he went in for the kill.

Vegeta felt a slight poking up at his butt, but of course he still had his pants on so that wasn't going to happen. He turned around to see Recoome's cock just standing there, and down below his feet making a sort of abashed stance. "Awww," He bent down and picked Recoome up by the nuts. And then wagging his finger he said, "Naughty, Naughty." And then he tickled his feet some.

A moment later he freed Recoome from the storage rings. Recoome just stood there in front of him kind of confused-like and shy. Vegeta pushed him over and he fell on his back. There he remove the storage ring from around his ankles, and shoved it down over his head instead. Then he reactivated it.

Recoome was now reduced down to his big fat head and neck muscles, on top a disk with his great big cock and balls down below. "Emmm, Emmm!" He moaned like a dog begging for something.

Vegeta bent down and undid the straps around Recoome's mouth. Much to Vegeta's surprise, Recoome started making kissy faces and wagging his tongue out like a dog. "Woof Woof." He said, and started flexing his cock which caused him to bound up in the aid a few times.

"Hahaha!" Vegeta laughed. "Aww, does puppy Recoome want a bone to stick in his mouth? Or maybe we can find you a chew toy." Vegeta walked away leaving him alone with Goku.

Goku peered out his ball trying to focus on keeping steady, but the somewhat disturbing look of Recoome's head with his tongue out like a dog and wagging his cock to bounce around was hard to ignore. It didn't help that in Vegeta's absence, Recoome had started trying to get his own cock in his mouth. It was kind of exciting to watch actually, considering his head and cock were on two other sides of the world and all. Recoome's cock was actually long enough though. He reached out with his neck muscles as hard as he could to get his head down toward the ground as far as he could, and then he flexed his dick as erect and as hard as it would go, and, and you could just see the strain of it all, how Recoome's cock was turning beat red, how the vanes in Recoome's neck were budging. His tongue reached out and started rubbing all up and down his cock. This was so hot to watch but in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Goku remembered all the fun he had being able to suck his own cock. Goku glanced away for just a second but then he saw Recoome had got it! "YEAH!" Goku cheered loud enough to speak past the socks.

*wobble* *wobble* *wobble* *wobble*

Goku steadied himself, his cock forming the hardest '!' it had ever formed. This was making his raging boner so much worse. Goku groaned out, his nuts had been beaten so hard now that they were almost numb, he cried wishing that were true.

Recoome was fucking him with his eyes, as he worked himself over with his tongue. His head was sort of sideways now, rubbing his lips up and down his cock, slowly making progress in bending more and more of it down into an arch, but he was so firm it was difficult and sometimes he was losing ground on making his way up to the tip.

Goku thought that was so effing hot. He wagged his dick and it rattled the chain. Really he couldn't believe how wide the grin was on his face right now.

Recoome finally managed to get the tip in his mouth. There he suckled it a little and brought more and more of it inside his gullet. Goku's boner was so hard from this that it was only making the spikes dig in even worst, he could hear the leather stretching. Recoome swallowed more and more and more of himself all the way up until his cock wouldn't allow for him to swallow anymore. His nuts propped him up at an angle and his cock came up and perfectly around at a sharp bend over to his mouth where it curved right on down his throat and had to be at least poking into his stomach just above that pool of stomach acid. He was giving Goku that seductive gaze, when suddenly Vegeta came along, picked him up and shot a laser under the storage ring, severing Recoome's cock and balls from his body. "Ruah!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Recoome yelled out furiously shaking his head right and left, his severed stump slapping Vegeta in the arms and chest. Vegeta grabbed those nuts, and forced the rest of Recoome's cock and nuts past his lips.

The look on Recoome's face had gone from seductive to terrified and pleading. Goku's raging boner was only hardened by watching Vegeta bandage up Recoome's mouth back up, forcing his head down inside the storage ring, setting the portal so Recoome couldn't get out but they could still see each other.

Vegeta gazed down at Recoome's still struggling face, his crying eyes with such unbridled fury in them, that overall sense of hate frantically trying to lash out. Vegeta walked over to an adjacent wall and casually hung the disk off a set of hooks meant for supporting fine china to the wall. There Recoome seemed to at least settle down, and make confused munching motions with his mouth and jaw. As if he were sucking it up now and chewing on his nuts.

Vegeta's arms were crossed as he evilly admired the motions Recoome was making. "Hehehe, that's right, chew it all up and swallow. And remember, you have to do whatever I say." Recoome's face had gone a burning red tone as he munched away in there. "Heheheh." Vegeta laughed and then turned to address Goku once again. And once he got there he became suddenly surprised.

All along the metal at the tip of Goku's cock, all the way down the zipper of Goku's shaft, and out of every hole where Goku's piercings, gushed the unmistakable white substance Vegeta recognized as cum. "HAHAHAHHAAHA!!!!! Boy nothing stops you spreading your seed around does it!?" He said half angrily.

The key was inserted and the port to Goku's mouth hole was opened. "I think you're about ready for this." Vegeta's gloved hand reached in and pulled out the ball of socks from Goku's mouth. Goku stretched out his jaw, and then heard the sound of a zipper. Looking out of the ball, he watched as Vegeta's nuts fell into view and started coming right at him. Vegeta's cock was in Goku's mouth faster than he could react. He'd apparently taken a glass of blue stuff while he was away that short bit because his cock barely fit through the hole and stretched out Goku's jaw. Part of him wanted to bite down, but then the other part of him remembered he was on the pillar. "Here," Vegeta said removing the magnetic nut basher, "Why don't we get rid of this, for now." And like that Goku started tonguing away and sucking Vegeta's cock.

*wobble* *wobble*

Goku's eyed widened! But then Vegeta caught him and got him back up right. "Don't want that happening with my cock in your mouth."

Goku had Vegeta cumming in no time at all. Apparently practicing on yourself was the best practice of all. Goku quickly swallowed his deed, Vegeta pulled out, and then in shoved the ball of socks again, which were now dripping wet with Goku's cum as he'd been cleaning off Goku's cock this whole time. "EMMMMMMM!?" Goku hollered as the mouth port locked shut.

Vegeta stretched as he backed off, his cock still rock hard and moist. "Alright, it's been quite a day." He started heading for the door, his erection wagging as he walked casting off excess spit. "You and I'll pick this up again tomorrow where we left off."

Goku's eyes widened. *wobble* *wobble*

"And we can't forget about this." Vegeta reattached the magnetic nut basher and set it to a higher speed. The metal hammer started beating Goku's nuts again.


Vegeta walked past Recoome still hanging on the wall and made his hand like a gun and shot as he passed him by. "Catch you later." Recoome was still slowly chewing away.

Passing Nappa on the way out, Vegeta hit the light switch and left them all there in the darkness.

*wobble* *wobble* *wobble* *wobble* *wobble* *Bink* the sound of a pillar dropping against the ground and a chain rattling, "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Part V

For the rest of the day, Vegeta went about collecting the Dragon Balls again. Trunks was still visiting from the future and much to Vegeta's dismay he'd locked on and found him. Trunks was now almost twenty and joined by Gohan, Goku's son, who was a few years older. Vegeta had tried to lose them, and what's more did what he could to hide his enormously huge erection. But the two boys knew he had Dragon Balls and was up to something. Finally an idea entered Vegeta's mind, one that he rejected at first but talked himself into. He stopped and let the two of them catch up just outside the hill where the secrete lab was located.

Trunks landed first. His katana still in its sheath and strapped around his chest. "Dad? What are you doing out here? What are you doing with the Dragon Balls?"

Gohan landed just behind him and more or less stayed to himself. He was carrying a massive black book bag for school.

Vegeta was holding the Dragon Balls kind of low to help hide his erection. "Oh it's nothing, I've been putting Goku through the Saiyan Trial of Manhood and needed something from our home world... but of course that can't happen without these."

Gohan stepped forward. "So that's where he's been." His ears twitched and a look of surprise came over him. "Trial of Manhood?" A smirk came over him. "But I'm his son... he's already had children."

Vegeta shrugged it off. "Yes, yes," He rolled his eyes. "He should have gone though this all, years ago... come to think of it, around your ages."

Trunks and Gohan both flexed their ears. A sort of serious look came over them both. They looked at one another and then nodded. Standing side by side they both stared at Vegeta with a look that said, "We're ready."

This moment of solidarity was then interrupted by Gohan blurting out, "But only if it doesn't take that long, I have to study for a final tomorrow." He'd held out his backpack and let it thud against the ground where it made a noticeable impression.

"Hmmm" Vegeta let down the dragon balls as he walked to circle them both. Both of them were looking forward obediently but Gohan defiantly caught sight of Vegeta's enormous package out the corner of his eye. He was going to say something about it when Vegeta came round again but Vegeta quickly pulled both their pants down and gripped their tails as close to the ass as possible.

"GAOAHHH!!!" Both Trunks and Gohan yelled out.

One of the wishes Vegeta had made prior to this was that both of them should have their tails grow back for just this occasion. He was careful of course, and had made sure this was all timed just after a full moon so they didn't go berserk unexpectedly. Neither of them had told anyone their tails had grown back either to skive off the embarrassment if only for a few weeks more. They'd have the operations in secrete and not need to tell anybody. But the cat's out of the bag now it seems.

The two of them were unable to move, the one weakness in an otherwise perfect race of killing machines. They were able to slightly look around and glanced at one another. Both were red in the face with embarrassment. Gohan, because he'd never been handled this way, especially at this age; and Trunks, because he was being handled by his father of all people, and in front of his best friend.

Cut to Vegeta kicking in the door back at the secrete lab. Gohan and Trunks had been stripped naked, made to drink the blue stuff, both gagged with their socks, and forced into tight fitting black leather straitjackets which had straps both in the front and back. The front strap came down to wrap around the base of their cocks, while the back tightly gripped the base of their tail and left them in a fairly submissive twinge.

Vegeta had the two of them wearing thigh high cement bricks around their legs, hung them upside down by the waist and positions replicas of the dildo wheel over their assholes. Doing it to Goku and then again to Nappa proved to be good practice. He positioned feeding boxes in front of both of their faces, complete with storage ring, which he then looped around each of their cocks. Vegeta felt better about doing it to Gohan than he did handling his own son's cock but brushed it off as special training. "Remember, you're my son." Vegeta said evilly. You're going to win."

Both Gohan and Trunks's eyes widened as they exchanged confused looked of embarrassment at one another. And then ones of cringing repulse as the first dildos slid inside of them. "Gruahhh Ruahhh EMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" They both cried out as they started to squirm.

Vegeta positioned a boot below each of their heads and explained. "The idea is to fill your boot with cum first. The winner moves on to the next round while the loser," Vegeta held up the coin that contained Nappa inside it. His tightly bound up nuts sent a look of dread down the backs of the two boys. "Hehehe, the loser gets put in the coin jar."

Vegeta held out a small hand held barrel and removed the plug in the top. There he dropped Nappa down inside, but his nuts were too big and fat to let him fall in all at once. Vegeta used the plug to force Nappa's nuts down inside, making dam sure to hurt him in doing so. Nappa had started yelling out loud enough that both Gohan and Trunks could hear him. "emmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Vegeta got him down inside finally. He planted the plug in the hole and began to shake Nappa's coin around inside where it made a delightful thumping sound. "Like monkeys in a barrel." Vegeta said resting the barrel to one side.

Gohan and Trunks both looked like they had the fear of god stricken into them. They both struggled to get free as Vegeta approached. There was nothing they could do though. Trunks was the first Vegeta came to. Gohan watched as his friend suddenly glowed green along with all the equipment and suddenly became sucked into the storage ring. The side showing Trunks's sock stuffed mouth flung up to connect with its counterpart around Trunks's cock, which is now how Vegeta was holding onto his son, with gloved hands of course. Gohan was shaking his head NO NO NO and shaking all about a moment later when Vegeta came to him and put his hand to his dick. Gohan glowed green and was sucked into the storage ring.

Vegeta rested them both down on a table and removed the wads of socks he'd stuffed in their mouths.

"Guhhh!" Gohan gasped out. "Uhh I don't think I'm ready to do this yet!"

"Bleahhh" Trunks yelled. "Yeah I'm with Gohan on this one." Vegeta was unresponsive. "Dad?"

Both of them started cringing as Vegeta slid over the teleport rings down their cocks. The energy field sent a cooling sensation and plus there was the feel of the table as their cocks extended out the teleport ring counterparts. Naturally their nuts had swollen to an enormous size as well and had to each be shoved through or else end up like Nappa and he wasn't looking to do that.

When Vegeta had finished, both Gohan and Trunk's rings now lay flat on the table, mouth side up. He went to insert both their cocks into their mouths but then had a sinister though. 'What if I switch these?' Gohan's cock was chubbier and had a slightly darker skin tone, whereas Trunk's was pale looking and slightly longer. Vegeta held them both up to form an X making sure to rube them against one another and sort of tummy stick with their tips. "Hmm," Vegeta sounded sarcastically, "whose is whose now?"

Trunks had started to answer. "Uhhh mine is the one you're, MurPHHHHHEMMMMMMMM!!!" Vegeta shoved Gohan's cock right into his mouth.

Gohan seemed to be doing just as much yelling as Trunks had been trying to yell out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, THAT'S, THAT'S, THAT'S Mine!!!! MurPHHHHHHEEMEMEMEMMMM!!!!!" Vegeta shoved Trunk's cock down his throat.

Getting both their nuts down inside was a challenge, but Vegeta managed it, sealing both the boys inside their coins. Before losing track of who was who, Vegeta quickly etched a head shot of the two of them on the side their cocks were shoved into. He took more pleasure in etching Gohan sucking his son's cock and balls than drawing Trunks sucking Gohan's cock. He made sure Gohan had fatter looking cheeks from his son's nuts too, and made him look more worried. Trunk's eyes looked almost like he was taking orders and proud of it.

The back to both coins got a generalized image that could be any Saiyan in that scenario, though the hair was different.

Goku had been dangling from the back corner all this time. He could hear the noises but couldn't make out who was who or doing what to whom. Vegeta picked him up, and replaced the podium to support him. Goku was moaning out only slightly and otherwise unresponsive. Vegeta unhooked his cock from the chain above and let him topple over off the podium.

Other than breathing slightly Goku was completely unresponsive and looked more an object than a man imprisoned. He could hear and feel Vegeta unzipping his cock from the spiked sheath and nearly passed out from the sheer relieve and joy that swept over him. But then he could feel as Vegeta slid another storage ring down his cock and suddenly Goku started murmuring out "EMM EMMM EMMMM EMMMMM EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Moments later Vegeta was walking back over to the little work table. He'd put Goku back into storage, with his cock still stiffly holding out the one side, and the locked port hole to Goku's mouth in the iron ball out the other. Goku's cock was in surprisingly good shape, but still had the rod jammed down his shaft as well as the piercings that formed a wide Jacob's Ladder down the front of his shaft. The dimples from all the spikes were more or less healing. "Those should go away in a few days." Vegeta reassured him, patting his aching nuts which were slightly flatter than usual from all the hammering.

Vegeta dipped Goku's dick down into a tub of cement. Then brought him up and placed him through a support hole, cock side down. A series of fans helped smooth the excess cement off and allow it to harden faster. In the mean time Vegeta opened the mouth hole, removed the wad of socks so Goku could speak but then started shoving food down inside. Specifically, grilled hotdogs that had been prepared in what Vegeta assumed was the same way Goku's cock had been dressed up from before. Goku was hesitant to eat them at first. They were a special king sized all beef 5lb kind which put them close to what Goku and most of the other guys were packing between their legs. Vegeta just let the first one sit there for Goku to eventually eat.

Although he'd jammed Nappa into the barrel for show, Vegeta felt it might have been done too early. After all Nappa had only just been shoved inside the storage ring and not been given the chance to prove himself. Removing the plug was simply, as was grabbing the coin, but removing it with Nappa's great big nuts was quite a fight and Vegeta was half tempted to just break the dam thing open.

Nappa himself had been enjoying himself a nice chicken dinner. Well he was now, but earlier the food machine pulled his cock into the oven box, seasoned it with all sorts of hot and spicy powders and shoved it up a chicken's ass to cook for a few hours. That was then though and this was now. He'd stripped the chicken to just bones and his cock was there with a layer of stuffing caked on beneath the rib cage. He'd bit the bones and tossed them to the corner, where he then made short work of the stuffing. 'Got to pee' he though, followed by 'I'm thirsty.' And just as he was going to give himself a drink suddenly he felt the tugging on his nuts. "What, Hay Stop That Alright!!!"

Vegeta pulled the coin successfully and only scratched the hell out of Nappa's nuts a little. He removed the portal ring from the cock side and Nappa's cock reappeared out in the open world. "Hay! Where's it go!?" Nappa yelled.

Vegeta placed Nappa's coin on the table, using his mouth side as a base so his cock would stand erect and straight up. From there he jammed a big pink wax candle down into his cock and lit it. "YEAHHHHHHHHH!" Nappa yelled from it being jammed in his cock.

"Alright," Nappa, "You're now playing the role of a candle holder. All you have to do is hold the candle until it burns out without falling over."

Nappa bent around to yell at the portal ring between his legs. "Hay Vegeta, that sounds easy. Can I pee first?"

Vegeta could barely hear him. "No." Vegeta said, "If you drop the candle, let it fall over, or the flame goes out, I'll replace it with a fire cracker and light that instead."

Nappa gulped. "Hay Vegeta," he groveled, "can I pee first?"

Vegeta frowned, and inserted the wax candle deeper.

"YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Nappa hollered out. Followed by an embarrassed sounding, "Owwww," as the first drops of melted wax reach the tip of his dick. They'd lost some of their heat from their way down the candle but were still liquid enough seep down his cock, and then inside it. "YAHHHHHH!!!!"

Nappa's cock was fidgeting all about, which was only making it worse.

Vegeta scoffed and left him to it.

Goku's cock was now as hard as stone. The fans had done their work, blasting hot air at him. Vegeta still didn't dare tough it for fear of cracks forming. "Like to see you cum now." Vegeta said to himself. Goku had finished the first massive hotdog. He took a deep gasp of air just as he'd gotten done swallowing it, when Vegeta shoved in the second one.

"Murph!?!?!" Goku blurted out. The massive hotdog was swaying from left to right, probably from Goku shifting his head No No No.

Vegeta clasped his gloved hand around it and shoved it down Goku's throat. "Come on now, be a sport, this is to prove how much of a man you are, remember?" After he'd said this, Goku appeared to be bracing himself and a moment later he'd started chewing it down into the ring. Vegeta smiled evilly and turned his gaze down below at Goku's stone cock. Vegeta thought to himself, 'maybe I'll use him as a doorstop and dress it up like a garden gnome. Hehehehe! Decisions. Decisions.'

At this time Vegeta took a break for something to eat. No one was looking, so he helped himself to one of the giant hotdogs he intended to feed to Goku. After the first bite or so, he realized that someone was watching. Recoome still hung on the wall, his mouth still bound up tight and jaw no longer moving. He'd apparently finished eating a while ago. Something about eating this massive hotdog in front of Recoome really turned Vegeta on. Shoving it in his mouth, his jaw had to open as far as it could go just so he could take a bite out of it. Both he and Recoome watched each other evilly. Vegeta got up, retrieved Recoome's disk and used him like a plate to hold the massive hotdog on while he ate it. Toppings of ketchup, mustard, and chili sauce dripped down on the image of Recoome's face. Recoome was still fuming with hatred and didn't move other than his eyes glancing at the bits of stuff falling on the screen.

Vegeta had grown bored of feeding Goku hotdogs, so when he'd finished the second one, Vegeta simply stuffed his mouth again with socks and locked the food hole once again. Its perfectly flat surface would make an excellent base. Vegeta removed Goku from the drying unit and tested it out. His cock stood erect in front of him, and looked as though it were made perfectly out of stone. Should he just throw it somewhere in a garden, burry it, or simply toss him in the garbage, no one would be the wiser. He was tempted to lay him down in a big red heart with a red ribbon tied around it for Chi Chi and leave a note saying it was a surprise gift from Goku, leave his fate in her hands. Knowing her, she'd probably trash the thing deep and demand the county come retrieve her trash this instant. She'd have Goku hauled off to the dump faster than Vegeta could throw him there. It was a perfectly smooth cock, not rough the way some plasters and cements often turned out.

Recoome's incessant gazing had grown annoying. Vegeta opened the clear viewing window, reached in, grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head up and out. "What's wrong? Annoyed I made you eat your cock and balls?" Recoome's death gaze was unchanged. Vegeta ripped off the bondage tape from around his mouth and before Recoome could speak he'd shoved two of the massive hotdogs, so reminiscent of cocks in straight away.

"Murph!?!?!" Recoome choked.

"Now eat them." Vegeta yelled, turning away.

It had come time; he thought to check on the boys. He gathered up their coins and gave them a little shake up. "Time to check on you two," Vegeta said. He took one last glance at the faces he'd drawn on. Gohan, with his cheeks so swollen and full of Trunks balls, and Trunks looking so proud and determined. 'Now we can see who has the tougher son,' Vegeta thought.

He held out their coins, one in each hand, and stretched out his arms to the sides as far as they'd go. Freeing them both at the same time made quite a slam as the two of them, fucking machines and all suddenly appeared and slammed against the floor. Vegeta suddenly found himself between the two wheels of dildos and quickly leaned the hell back.

As Vegeta got out of the way, Gohan and Trunks were suddenly facing one another. They were both still slowly sucking eachother's cock off, and had apparently been crying at least part way through it, though this was hard to tell for sure as they were both upside down. Vegeta inspected each one's boot of cum and was dismayed to find that Trunks's boot was only half full, while Gohan's was over flowing. "Gruahhh!!!" Vegeta steamed. Reaching down he removed Gohan's cock from Trunk's mouth and Trunk's cock from Gohan's mouth. Both boys sighed out in relief. "Well," Vegeta said, "Gohan it seems you've won. That means you get to move on to the next stage."

Gohan glanced over toward Vegeta and caught sight of the table, where Nappa's cock was being used like a candle, Recoome's head was apparently choking on two hotdogs at once, and a third he assumed to be his father was turned to stone which reminded him of a seal used by royals to seal their letters with wax. He was alarmed by what 'advancement' would mean. And before he could ask if that was better or worse, Vegeta had shoved his mouth full of socks again, and trapped him inside the storage ring again.

As for Trunks, Vegeta made him suck on his own dick. Then he'd taken the two boots of cum and dumped them into the food preparation machine. Laying them both under Trunks's head Vegeta explained. "You're going in the coin jar and you're not coming out of there until you've filled them both up!" Trunks gave his father a concerned look. Along with all the blood rushing to his head Gohan had pretty much spent the last couple of hours sucking him dry. Vegeta turned him back into a coin and plopped him into the barrel.

As for Gohan, "I remember you said you had a final tomorrow," Vegeta explained walking him over to his school bag. "So I found a way to incorporate both." He removed the largest school book Gohan owned. It was a massive black book that had two big locks along the side to help hold it together. Vegeta had messed with it earlier but was taking the time to make sure Gohan could hear he was unzipping his back pack now and going through his things. Vegeta hooked Gohan's chubby cock up to an electronic stimulation device. Vegeta noticed the battery pack measured 'Full' and commented, "Looks like it's going to be an all nighter," and then he flipped the power on.

"Ruahmmmmm?!" Gohan wasn't quite sure what the sensation he was feeling in his cock was. He'd never felt his cock jolt like that. All the muscles were twitching, and flexing to the currant.

Vegeta opened the book to the middle. There he'd bored out a perfect outcove to place Gohan's erect cock, fit the storage coin, and there was even a grove so his nuts could be pulled out along the edge of the pages and act like a book mark. "Every good student needs a pencil." Vegeta explained. He'd held out one of Gohan's pencils, and unknown to Gohan, Vegeta had chewed the ever loving fuck out of it, leaving it riddled with holes and parts where the graphite was showing. He'd bitten out the eraser, and crushed the metal ring flat with his teeth, and then folded it again biting it a different way. All of which Gohan became very familiar with as Vegeta inserted it down his cock, eraser end first.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" It was one thing to shove a foreign object into his cock but knowing it was his pencil and left in such an appalling condition made this invasion so much worse to endure. What's worse was that Gohan was liking it all.

Vegeta held Gohan's cock out and popped open a highlighter. He ran it down the vane in the front of Gohan's cock, "Make sure you study from this line here, all the way to this line here, I'm sure that will be on the test later." He said laughing. He then laid Gohan's cock down into the book cove, and placed the electro-stim box in its cutout. He then pulled out Gohan's nuts so they'd stick out of the book's pages and closed it shut. He locked the binding, and slapped a post it onto Gohan's great big nuts, where he was going to draw a penis but thought that would have been redundant, so instead he wrote "Fuck Me :P" He gave Gohan's nuts a twist, dropped the book back into his back pack where all his other school books were, zipped it up good and tight, carried it over by the door and dropped it to the ground with a mighty thud.

Gohan had started cumming. Though normally electro-stim takes a while longer, this whole idea of him basically fucking his books was somehow exciting him on some deep repressed level. Best of all he could feel from the angle that he was squirting his cum right into to spine of the book and out the top, ruining the fuck out of it and kissing any and all sell back value good bye. This whole scene was so hot, he envisioned himself naked on a hill, sitting under a tree, the electro-stim doing its job and him his cock holding up another of his school books, his cum gushing from its pages. It would be the best graduation present he could ever afford himself. Maybe he's have something shoved up has ass too, like anal beads or a but plug, or something school related.

Part VI

All this work had made Vegeta forget why he'd collected the Dragon Balls again. He wanted more guys to play with, though Gohan and Trunks had inadvertently filled that roll. Captain Ginyu and Burter sounded like fun from what he'd remembered of them. So out he went with the Dragon Balls and summoned the dragon.

He'd resurrected Burter with his first wish, and then wished for Captain Ginyu, both appeared beside him completely dumbfounded by where they were or what was going on. All there was now was to wish for them to obey his every command, but then another voice sounded.

"I wish I could fulfill all my sexual fantasies!"

Vegeta turned to see who it was. At first he saw no one at all but then lowering his gaze, Recoome's fat head and plucky orange hair lay there on the grass. He'd apparently chewed down the hotdogs and had managed to hop his way out here all while only using his head and neck.

The dragon's eyes flashed and then he roared his soul trembling voice, "Your Wish Has Been Granted."

"What?" Vegeta yelled, "No!"

Recoome appeared fully restored from where his head had been laying, his enormous cock as hard and long as ever.

The dragon vanished and the Dragon Balls shot out in their 7 different directions around the world.

Vegeta found himself surrounded by three bad guys, he was advanced enough to make short work of Burter and Ginyu but Recoome's wish had complicated things, and he realized this from the fact that his cloths had dissolved right off his body.

The battle armor and tights Burter and Ginyu had had on were also gone now too. Both of them quickly shot their hands down in front of their penises. Though Burter found this to be more difficult.

"What the hell is going on!" yelled Captain Ginyu.

"Yeah," Burter said. "We were in a cell together, but now?"

Recoome began skipping over to the two of them singing "La, La La, La, La La, La." And upon twirling he was suddenly holding a silver tray with two tall glasses of the blue stuff. "Now drink up."

There was something in the way Recoome said it, as if a hypnotic flash of light shined into them. Both Burter and Ginyu removed one hand from their junk to obey the command. Vegeta would have struck them all dead with a beam of energy at this point but he'd suddenly realized some sort of hand was firmly gripping his tail. And while he could see Recoome over there making the other two drink the blue stuff, Recoome's head came around Vegeta's shoulder into view. "Naughty, Naughty" The other Recoome said. "We're goanna have to fix that."

Upon looking back at Burter and Ginyu there were now eight Recoomes rolling them up in bondage tape, where upon they'd started squirming about like worms. "Hay!" Burter shouted out, "What are you doing?"

All of the Recoomes answered but only one of them talked at a given time. "I wished to fulfill my sexual fantasies," one said tightening the tape around Burter's thighs, "And I've been wanting to fuck around with you for a long time." Another said tightening the tape around Burter's crossed arms across his chest.

Burter was an alien race that looked more alien than most. His penis still looked the same but was different in ways. Namely because it had a natural rubbery sheen and feel to it, excreting its own lubricant out of pores all up his shaft, and he was uncircumcised too. Burter along with being taller than Captain Ginyu had an even larger and thicker cock than Recoome had.

Captain Ginyu was slightly shorter than Recoome but stronger. He'd known a technique that allowed him to switch bodies with someone else, but Recoome's fantasy wish meant he could clone himself and was blocked from its effects. By the time he'd though to use it on Vegeta, Recoome had already bound up his eyes and face in bondage tape.

Once the two of them were bound up Recoome marveled at them a moment. The tape was made of a stretchy rubber silicone-like substance and now fused together wherever it over lapped, turning the two men into big rubbery worms. Recoome hadn't bothered bounding up either's cock and balls, and he'd at least left nose holes for them. Burter's eyes were showing, and Captain Ginyu's horns were freely poking out. The two stood there motionless a sec and then started struggling to get free, and then toppled down onto one another.

All the Recoome's bent down to lift them up and carry them back inside the base. Vegeta had been bound up in bondage tape exactly the same way, only with him they'd left out his cock and balls, his tail which was now tied into a special knot to act as a convenient handle along with encouraging a suppressive nature, and they'd left his long pointy hair alone atop his head. Recoome looked him right in the eyes and evilly said "I want to make sure you can watch what's going on."

Back inside the base, the Recoomes tossed the three of them down at the ground. Mouth holes formed on Burter and Captain Ginyu in the form of the bondage tape sinking in between their lips and teeth and forcing their jaws open. A few of the Recoome's shoved their dicks inside, while others worked their asses to form a long chain of Recoome's either fucking one another up the ass or eating out the but hole of whoever was in front of them. Burter and Captain Ginyu preformed against their will somewhere in the orgy. Burter and Ginyu didn't know what the hell was going on. They weren't completely hypnotized or obedient, but rather had to obey the things in Recoome's sexual fantasy.

After one Recoome started cumming he got up and stepped away from all the rest. He checked himself out and began to realize his sexual fantasy allowed him to manipulate his own body, namely his cock, which suddenly grew to gigantic in size. Vegeta's eyes widened as he saw his cock had grown just as tall as he was. "Hahahaha." The Recoome laughed out.

A moment later, two Recoome's had grabbed Vegeta and inserted him into the huge cock. Vegeta fidgeted, kicked and fought. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" But in the end they'd gotten him in there up past his waist. There they stopped, and forced Vegeta's cock and balls out a little hole where they became stuck there. One of them Recoome's jerked Vegeta off, while two others attached a massive ring of iron around the huge cock, which was then chained up to the nipples to support it. The Recoome with the massive cock struck a pose to show off his powerful arms, and then immediately turned to stone, locking Vegeta in place with his cock out one hole and everything from his waist up out the other. The Recoome stroking his cock addressed him. "Ohh Vegeta, you're such a good little cum stopper." Suddenly an opening appeared in Vegeta's mouth just like Burter and Ginyu. Recoome grabbed the back of Vegeta's head and lowered it down onto his cock. Vegeta's eyes widened with such rage and horror he wanted to scream out, release all his energy, destroy the stone Recoome cock that imprisoned him and leave the lab around him as one big crater in the land.

Then suddenly the one Recoome stopped forcing his head down. "Hay, What are you doing?" Other Recoomes were rapping this one's legs with bondage tape. Two others had grabbed his arms, and tied them around his back. Another of the Recoomes explained, "You wished to act out all of your sexual fantasies."

The one being wrapped up knew what he'd meant by it, his face was beet red with embarrassment. "Yeah... but I thought that would happen to one of you guy, I'm the original."

His clones has bound him up past the arms and were finishing up his upper body, another slipped on the storage ring around his cock and balls. "Come On! Can't it be one of you guys, Can't we save this for last!?" Recoome pleaded. Then one replied, "Not if it's turning you on this much big guy," He said coiling up the original's neck with bondage tape extra tight to ensure it would be choking him. They shoved the other storage ring around his fat head and activated it. The original Recoome was now reduced down to just a cock and balls, his head and muscular neck. Recoome knew what was coming next. "GUAHH!!!! I'll suck you off!!! Come On!!! I know that'll turn me on!!!"

Vegeta yelled out, "Hay put his cock in the food processor first why don't you."

Every Recoome in the place was looking at him, Burter and Ginyu too though when you got that much dick inside of you, you tend to cling onto any distraction.

One of them responded, "Ohh Good Idea," then shoved Vegeta's head down onto his cock.

They brought the original Recoome over to one of the small white boxed food processors, the things that had been turning Goku, Gohan, Trunks, and Nappa's cocks into hotdogs, rice patties, and desserts all week. It hadn't been very apparent before but these also had some storage bending properties to them. Clearly Recoome's cock was longer than it but when they shoved him inside it appeared they had plenty of room.

After it dinged, "GUAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" They castrated him flush with the bottom of the storage ring, and out came his cock all cooked up and dressed like an actual hotdog. The other Recoomes shoved it in his mouth and right on down his throat until his big nuts were puffing out his cheeks. Then they bound up his mouth good and tight, shoved his head down inside, closed the viewing window and hung him on the wall just as Vegeta had done before. The other Recoomes all looked in at him and laughed whole heartedly. "Hahahhahahahaha!"

"He looks lonely up there." One Recoome commented. The general gaze turned toward Burter and Ginyu. Most of the Recoome clones had cum at least once now and were looking for other ways to entertain themselves.

The one that had been forcing Vegeta to suck him off now got down on all fours and started sucking Vegeta's cock. Another Recoome wheeled in a fucking machine from off screen, they were apparently able to bring anything they wanted into existence now as though living out a dream. Vegeta looked surprised as he realized one of them had attached Goku's cemented cock, hooked it up to the fucking machine, and used it to fuck the one Recoome up the ass.

Recoome was actually great at giving head and Vegeta would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying himself. Recoome had altered his tongue and lips to have a more pleasing texture to them, and he was practically sucking the life out of him, working the balls and all.

Glancing around the room Vegeta saw as the Recoomes had propped Burter up on a conveyor belt that hadn't been there before. It was several yards long, and lead all the way to the back wall where a large iron coffin labeled "The Castrator" stood with its iron doors wide open. The doors looked to be form fitting to the front of Burter's body and featured two sharp edges at exactly where his cock would be. Straps inside of it slithered out in the air like snakes or tentacles waiting to grab whatever came too close. The doors slammed shut and open again several times, making a loud clang of metal as they did, the assortment of locks lining the doors were like teeth waiting to process a meal. The Castrator was hungry.

Burter's eyes widened as he glanced around and saw what was waiting for him at the other end. As he hopped a little on the conveyer belt the other Recoomes all waved good bye as one of them held up a large storage ring. Burter, the conveyer belt and the castrator were all locked inside it. The Recoomes gathered around to watch as Burter hopped for his life along the conveyer belt, slipping once and falling flat on his chest. His head glanced up with an alarmed look as he was sent closer to the machine. The Castrator chomped its jaws harder with anticipation. And just before one of the tentacles could reach out and grab him, Burder sprung back to his feet and hopped as fast as he could. Something about the way he'd gotten up, he'd pushed against a wall alongside the conveyer belt that wasn't visible, told him that there was no way out but back. The Recoomes all groaned with disappointment as he'd returned to a safe distance from the Castrator and even it chomped in a tone that suggested drat.

Captain Ginyu was also placed on a conveyer belt, but his was textured with what seemed to be the undersides of assorted boots and shoes. It was a much shorter conveyer belt, probably only the length of one person, but there were two of them, the other hovering several feet above. Captain Ginyu looked at the thing curiously and was confused. He'd have ordered Recoome to stop or at least ask him what the hell was going on if only his mouth hole hadn't fused together. An iron ball, like the one Goku had been placed inside of earlier, rolled into view and Captain Ginyu was rolled up inside it. He struggled and kicked of course but in the end the Recoomes over powered him, got his dick in place, and locked it shut.

He they placed Ginyu's ball in the middle of the two conveyer belts. The one hovering up top lowered down to perfectly grasp the ball in place. They started rolling slowly, and Ginyu moaned out as his nuts were rolled up into the boots. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" And he kept on rolling until his nuts were rolled underneath the iron ball. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Ginyu was locked into a storage ring and hung on the wall on the other side of the original Recoome's.


The Recoomes had apparently stopped cloning themselves leaving only 8 to deal with. One of them had been admiring Burter and Ginyu, now turned to stand beside Vegeta. He rested his hand on the stone cock and began stroking its smooth surface. Vegeta remand still and hoping not to draw attention to himself besides finally cumming in the mouth to the one who'd been blowing him all this time.

One of them picked up Nappa's cock, "What's this?" He asked. Two others came over to him and tried taking it from him. There was a slight struggle that ended with the other two suddenly being mummified in bondage tape with their arms and legs locked tightly to their bodies, ropes firmly coiled around their cocks, tethering them to one another, and then suddenly the floor tiles each stood on suddenly folding so they'd fall down below. The rope caught them and prevented them from falling any farther but that still put them both well below the tiled floor, hovering over a black abyss by each other's cocks. Back up above the tiles they'd fallen through fell back into place perfectly and firmly enough to support the weight of people as they had before, only now there was a rope embedded in each connecting the two tiles.

Vegeta signed out with relief watching the two of them vanish through the floor. He had a theory that the clones became powerless once they'd cummed.

The one that had been admiring the rock hard cock that contained Vegeta now walked over to corner one of the other Recoomes. "Strike a pose for me would yah." He asked. The other complied by flexing his arms and parting his legs a little. The other smiled evilly, "Good." And then suddenly the one who'd posed turned into a solid Gold statue. This caught the attention of the others.

The one holding Nappa's cock was the last to take interest.

The Golden Recoome was unable to move at all and could only slightly moan out. The others had all started to polish him with soft rags and silver polish. One had been stroking his golden cock saying "You like that?" over and over again. As this had been one of those impossible fantasies to fulfill in real lift it didn't take the gold Recoome long before cum started rushing out his golden cock. The one holding Nappa's cock removed the socks from Nappa's mouth and planted him onto the golden cock. Nappa started licking it all up. The Recoome's all removed the excess wax as well as the candle from Nappa's cock, and then inserted a small explosive deep within his cock. They lit it and all rushed away. "EMMMMMMMMM!!!!" Nappa felt as the lit fuse sizzled against his erection, even going into his shaft where the explosive had been shoved. BANG!!!!

Nappa yelled out in a furious huff trying to bite the shit out of the golden cock in his mouth, but of course it was made of metal and amazingly smooth. And even despite his rage Nappa spit out the awful taste of silver polish. The Recoomes removed him from the golden cock and replaced the socks back in Nappa's mouth. Their toy now broken, they threw Nappa in a little trash compactor and turned it on. What had been his storage ring was now a small cube of metal and circuitry. Nappa wasn't dead, but rather trapped within this pocket universe. All someone needs to do is set another storage ring to the right frequency though the company kept those encoded and scrambled. It would take someone several weeks to break those codes.

The Recoome's had no farther use for the gold statue so one of them thought up the floor tiles below him turning into a pool of magma, though now the gold statue was standing in a large iron pot meant for metal to melt down into. Beside it was a mold to eventually turn him into gold ingots (bars of gold). The golden Recoome was powerless to do anything but at least seemed to be enjoying the fuck out of this. He'd started cumming again all on his own as he melted down. "He must be enjoying it," one said, followed by another commenting, "Or his nuts are boiling." They all laughed.

Much to Vegeta's horror the Recoomes then grabbed the barrel and started shaking it about. Trunk's coin shook around inside. One of them opened it up. Trunk's gold coin landed down in the palm of his hand. "Oh... Looks like we got something else to melt down." Vegeta's eyes widened alertly. He shook his torso about left and right violently.

One of the Recoome's approached him. "What's got you all riled up?" As the back of Recoome's hand grabbed hold of Vegeta's head, suddenly Vegeta couldn't control his body anymore. Like an obedient little worm Vegeta's head moved down, his mouth opened, and back to sucking Recoome's cock he went. "There we go, all better." He said while Vegeta blew him off.

The other Recoome inspected the coin more closely. He liked Trunk's bad ass looking face sucking that cock, and on the other side, OH BOY, That thing looked like it was loads of fun fucking that guy. He'd walked over to the melting statue to toss the coin inside. Among the gooey glowing much of molten gold was what remained of Recoome's cock still spewing out cum like a fountain. Apparently his cock was the densest part of his body because his head seemed to be even more melted than that.

Rather than tossing Trunks into the fire he clutched the coin in his fist. You could see the gears turning inside his head. Nappa's inside of the storage ring, he'd seen Goku get put in one while in that iron ball, and here was this coin about the right size for a storage ring, with an image that sort of filled a blank with what one could do with them. Inspecting the sides he found a slight seam and parted it. Much to his surprise he found flesh in between the two halves, a pair of nuts fell out, and finally he removed the rest of Trunks's cock.

There was a coughing as Trunk found he was finally able to breathe out some. Recoome handed off Trunks's cock to someone else while he examined this mouth he held in his hands.

Trunks's cock was covered in spit and cum making it slimy to touch but well lubed. That Recoome was reminded by the box of explosives and started heading that way. As he got there to put one inside Trunk's cock he was dismayed to find Trunks's suddenly being pulled into the ring. "Hay!" He shouted.

One of the other Recoome's had seen what happened and laughed. The other holding the explosives gave him a scornful look. Suddenly the one laughing was bound up in bondage tape, locked away in a storage ring and his cock stuffed full of explosives.

The Recoome who'd been holding Trunks's mouth had removed the other side of the coin, which had been the teleport ring sending Trunks's cock over to the other coin. As he'd removed it he'd unwittingly saved Trunks's cock from being popped open with a dozen fire crackers. Farther inspection let Recoome free Trunks from the rune entirely.

The massive fucking machine with wheel of dildos suddenly appeared in the middle of the room slightly above the floor. As it finished phasing into reality it landed causing a mighty slam, though there was also the explosion of the other Recoome's cock happening at the same time but no one paid any attention to that except for Vegeta who'd been counting. 'Good, just 4 more to go," he thought, swallowing the cum to one of them.

The Recoome's all gathered around Trunks who was still bound upside down to the fucking wheel with his legs parted 180' degrees while being fucked up the ass. One of the Recoome's purred with excitement. "Owwww!!!! I want to try! I WANT TO TRY!"

Quickly they unstrapped Trunk from the machine. He fell head first into two boots of cum he'd only half filled. His body fell limp to the ground, but two of the Recoome's had at least caught his legs. They removed the large bricks off him and figured out the big wheel of dildos retracted backward to get out of the way.

One of the Recoome's was now wearing a big tight straight jacket. The brick legging pieces didn't fit him at all so they had a pair appear that would. The storage rings were removed from Trunks's cock and slipped onto that Recoome who was gearing up and ready to go. They had him attached to the machine and upside in no time. The wheel of dildos was returned to its proper place to start fucking away, however, the other Recoome's weren't that impressed with what the wheel had to offer. So before locking this Recoome away they enhanced what would be fucking him, namely by making them larger, more piercings, vibrating ones, actual living tentacles that would explore farther into his orifice, as well as outright turning one of the other Recoomes into a dildo to be inserted on the wheel as part of the rotation.

They locked him into the wheel and did him up as his own custom Golden Recoome Coin, his own cock shoved into his mouth and all.

Unknown to Recoome, he was still under the will of Vegeta's voice from when Vegeta had wished him back to life back at the dragon. So as Recoome hung there watching the feeding box pull his cock into dress it up like a sizzling hotdog, Vegeta's prerecorded voice "FEEDING TIME" caused Recoome to eat his own cock and balls off against his will. This was just as well though, because the other Recoomes had simply tossed him into the melting gold.

One Recoome tipped over the gold to turn him into ingots.

Meanwhile the other Recoome grabbed Trunks by one of the straps on the back of his straight jacket. "You little school boy, need your back pack." He dragged him over to Gohan's backpack and strapped it around his chest, with the shoulder straps crossing his chest, and then tightly pulled around it.

Vegeta sighed out with relief seeing his son was okay. 'Just 2 more to go.'

One of the last of them bent down to the fucking machine that stood before Vegeta. There he removed Goku's stone cock. He took it away a ways and then freed Goku. His iron ball appeared and bashed down into the floor. 'Good,' Vegeta thought, 'he's an idiot.'

The key to Goku's mouth hole had just been sitting on the table so it was no big deal unlocking it. Recoome popped off the cap and pulled out the socks. Goku breathed out, "Gauhhh, Oh man... Hay Vegeta how much more training is ther- MurphPHPH!!!" Recoome shoved his cock right in Goku's mouth as he'd been talking. Goku had been taken by surprise but after a moment he wondered why he should have expected anything else, and started sucking away. He'd realized it was a different cock in his mouth than before, one he didn't recognize; it was bigger, thicker, and harder to work, Goku loved it. Surely he wasn't far from the end of all this training.

While Goku did the deed, Recoome played around with his rock hard cock. He'd rest his finger under it, lift it up and then let it fall back. Suddenly he'd found a rubber mallet appeared in his hands. Recoome grinned madly. He gave Goku's nuts a good hard whack. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Goku hollered out resisting the urge to bite down. The bits of stone crumbled off his nuts, revealing his naked flesh. Recoome pounded his way up Goku's cock, sending shockwaves running all through the sound rod and the piercings that ran through it. Recoome brushed away all the flakes of stone and studied what was going on with Goku's cock. Clearly he wasn't meant to cum but it seemed that he had. Recoome thought about fixing this by adding some new hardware, but then he glanced up at Captain Ginyu and thought maybe something like that would be more suiting for him.

As it so happened Burter had finally tripped up with his constant hopping. The straps in the castrating coffin had coiled around him. They'd pulled him inside good and tight, and then the lids snapped shut, cutting his big purple cock clean off. The coffin fell backward and was pulled under the conveyor belt up to the mouth hole. There the conveyor belt ran to move Burter's cock right in his mouth hole perfectly. With some effort of Burter's lips it had been pulled down inside, although the hole wasn't big enough for his nuts to be pulled through. The screen on his storage ring went black as all the lights went out.

Recoome grinned evilly, then thought back of Goku. He'd been the clone that had stroked the big stone cock, that had turned the one Recoome into gold, that had sent Nappa into the compactor and suddenly the idea struck him. Goku had uttered the word training and then all this hardware on his cock. The idea was perfect. All he needed now was for Goku to finish up.

Vegeta watched in complete disbelief as Goku just lied there and sucked him off. The other Recoome could see he was getting antsy so he walked on over and put his hand behind his head. Vegeta unwillingly lowered his head once again and started sucking the cock. That Recoome was left commenting on his enormous erection. "Boy, this blue stuff really lasts forever don't it." Vegeta sucked harder just to get it over with.

Goku had the other one cumming, and then the wad of socks returned to him, as well the lock for his mouth hole. "Now onto business." Recoome said. Goku's eyes widened as he recognized the voice, and then widened even wider as he realized what he'd just swallowed. Goku could feel a tingling as energy flowed around him, took control of every part of him, and then reshaped him.

Goku's cock and balls had been left alone and perfectly intact, other than the piercings Vegeta had made, but the rest of his body and the iron ball he'd been locked inside, had been compacted into a solid brick of smooth metal measuring about 10" by 6" by 6" that still retained all the weight of his original form. The brick fell to the floor with a mighty slam, Goku's cock wagging slightly from the impact. "EMmmm?" Goku moaned out.

"Hahahahaha!" Recoome laughed out. He reached down and grabbed Goku by the cock and picked him up, a finger placed between each piercing. Recoome struggled at first. Goku was about ten times heavier than anyone would expect a brick of that size to be. "GUAHHHH!!!!" He yelled almost tearing his back out. He dropped Goku to the floor sending him toppling down to one side. "Holy crap, that must be 600 pounds."

Taking a breather, Recoome sighed that Goku's cock and balls stuck so firmly out one of the smaller ends. Had it stuck out any of the sides, he'd consider resting the big guy on his cock and standing on top.

He grabbed Goku by the nuts and suddenly a metal rod appeared having jammed through them. Goku's nuts had expanded from where the hole for the rod had been made, expressing where all the vanes in his nuts were in deep red. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" He yelled out.

Recoome attached a chain to both sides of the rod. "Now this is all part of your training. Got to work those love muscles out a bit more or they'll go soft."

He'd strung Goku up so the brick was chest high and his cock right at mouth level. Recoome teased his tongue around the tip of Goku's dick. Goku cock erupted with cum, much to everyone's surprise. It spewed out of every hole all along his piercings and Recoome raced to shove more of it down his throat. Even he was unsure if Goku had been cumming because this was so hot, or because he willed it to happen as part of his fantasy. Whatever the case, clearly these cum stoppers weren't doing their job.

As he pulled his lips back Goku's pumping hard cock was suddenly bound up in a skintight black silicone rubber cock sheath that closed up all the holes along Goku's cock, and featured a black catheter hose coming out his cock hole. Cum rushed down to inflate and bag. As it grew bigger and bigger the perforated words "SQUEEZE ME :)" appeared. Recoome waited for Goku to finally stop cumming. He gave it a sec for all the drips to get out and finally squeezed the bag from top to bottom until it was completely flat, sending all that cum back up into Goku's cock. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Goku yelled out.

Along the bottom of the squeeze bag were two flaps that came around to be buttoned up on the top. Upon snapping them together, Goku found he was unable to dump his load a second time.

He turned to the other Recoome. He'd just started cumming in Vegeta's mouth when he thought that he'd finally make his move. That plan got interrupted by the other Recoome waging his finger to come here, and suddenly Vegeta's body shot forward, breaking through the stone cock entirely.

"Hay!" The other Recoome yelled, "I wasn't done with that one!"

The other Recoome's evil glance had zapped the only other Recoome into being bound and gagged like a worm, down on his knees, with his cock through a guillotine all made out of gold and stone from the other two Recoomes, as well the one trapped in the coin. The blade came slicing down and off went that one's cock and balls.

As a bit of background the last worm Recoome was quite annoyed by this, and grumbled and huffed as he bent down to collect his cock and balls off the floor. Holding it like a dog bone in his mouth he hopped his way on out the exit and wasn't heard from again, (likely a dinosaur or something, or maybe just clones fade out of existence as they're no longer thought of, we may never know.)

Vegeta hovered in mid air before the last Recoome, completely unable to make his move. An energy overcame his body, and just as had happened to Goku, Recoome reshaped him into a metal brick of the same dimensions. Vegeta the brick fell to the ground with a mighty thud, cock firmly poking out the top just as Goku's had been designed. He wagged his cock and tail like there was no tomorrow, as his only means of fighting left to him. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Vegeta's tail was coming out of the brick directly below his nuts, no taint or asshole in the way or nothing. Recoome grabbed his tail and coiled all 3' of it around Vegeta's nuts as tightly around as it would go with a knot tied firmly at the end. This resulted in Vegeta's nuts being stretched out into a nice long handle that Vegeta had control of and was able to bang his nuts around. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!" Vegeta hollered.

A moment later Vegeta's brick hung next to Goku's. Strung up by a rod through his nuts, lightly swaying to and fro, and with a back load of cum squeezed back up into his shaft with no place to go. "HAHAHAHHAHAAH!" Recoome laughed.

His laughter was ended by a sudden swoosh. Mouth wide open, Recoome was genuinely baffled by what happened... and then his head slid forward off his neck and his cock had caught him in the mouth. The rest of his body fell limp to the floor, knees first and then toppling over. As one last fantasy, Recoome started cumming in his own mouth, and upon glancing up, Trunks stood with his katana in both hands. Recoome's body vanished through the floor tiles on the impulse to get away but also had the advantage of cleaning up after one self.

Trunks fell to his knees, still weakened from all that had happened. His sword had been lying behind Gohan's bag among cloths on the floor. He'd used the bag to first free his tail and then he'd been busy cutting through the straitjacket.

Goku and Vegeta were somehow aware of what was happening and both sort of grunted for attention. "EMMM EMMMM EMEMMM EMM MMM EMMMM EMMMM!" Their cocks flapping as if to wave them to come over.

Rather than help either of them though Trunks unzipped Gohan's soggy bag, figured Gohan was in the text book where his nuts were poking out like a book mark, and removed it from his bag. There was cum spewing out of every page. He peeled Gohan's cock out of the soggy mess, removed the pencil, and turned off the electro stim device.

Freeing Gohan, he fell limp to the ground. Trunks carried him in his arms but his legs were still too soar to be of much use. He carried him on his back and basically crawled to the door.

Goku and Vegeta still hung by their nuts, all that weight pulling down on them, and that fucking metal rod, so cold, and with so much cum backed up. They flexed their aching cocks, causing the squeeze bags to shake about and hit the sides of their bricks. They moaned out with desperate alarm and concern as much as someone turned into a metal brick could. " EMMMM EMMMM EMMMM EMMMMMMMMMM EMMMME MMMM EMMMMM EMMM EMMMMM!!!"

Finally Trunks and Gohan both turned to look at them. Trunks looked down at his katana. He grasped it by the handle. Goku and Vegeta wagged their cocks with delight and seemed to be swaying even more. Trunks rose up the blade and swung down at the rope in the floor, sending the two hanging Recoomes falling down into a black abyss. And then Goku and Vegeta both somehow watched and heard as Trunks returned his blade to its sheath. Trunked looked up at them both and said, "Go fuck yourselves." And then he returned to hauling Gohan towards the exit. He'd gotten one hand up onto the stairs, and a moment later he'd pulled them both out of view.

Goku and Vegeta had stopped wagging their cocks about. They both just hung there by their nuts, light swaying to and fro as if from a breeze. Both bricks just hung there and sighed.


Bright and early the next morning Gohan was awoken by his alarm clocks incessant buzzing. Test time he thought. As he rose up he saw that his cock was pitching a massive tent, "Oh crap." He'd tried ice water, and masturbation all last night but to no avail. He'd have to go to class with this 5 pounds of sausage and swollen testicles somehow. Duct Tape... his cock to one leg and his nuts to the other, and then he put on his baggy, bright orange training cloths. His legs were still sore enough the he'd need to use crutches anyhow so no one would notice his funny walking anyhow.

Sitting down to take his final he had all the embarrassment that came with trying to hide a boner in school. Only this time it wanted to lift up his desk. He took his final and specifically waited to the end before turning it in. He took the time to double check all his answers.

"Ohh Gohan," the instructor said, "another A perhaps?"

Gohan was abashed, "Oh uhhh you know." He turned to exit the classroom.

"Well before you leave, don't forget you have to turn in your text book to receive a grade."

Gohan froze in place, his teeth chattering. He'd completely forgotten his text book was a rental from the school.

"It is still in good condition I hope." The instructor added.

Gohan signed, "No, there was an accident... is it okay if I just buy the school a new one?"

The instructor nodded, "I suppose so. You'll have to take care of that at the office though."

Outside Gohan was joined by Trunks who was also using crutches to get around, and wearing some extra baggy pants. "Hay Gohan." The two were otherwise silent and just walked together. Things were still awkward. Trunks didn't want to pressure Gohan at all. "I can leave if you want."

Gohan shrugged. "No, it's fine. It's just ... things are weird now."

"Yeah." Trunks said resisting the urge to gulp.

The two went to the office so Gohan could take care of his text book issue. Naturally there was a huge line of students wanting to pay for next classes they'd registered for next semester.

"So what do you have to do here anyway? I thought you were graduating?" Trunks asked.

Gohan just started to laugh a bit.

"What's so funny?" Trunks asked.

"I have to buy the school a new text book is all."

Trunks smiled at first and then busted out laughing.

As the two walked home Gohan sighed. "I guess we have to collect the Dragon Balls to get our dad's back to normal."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "I'm not in any hurry. Though, I guess we should ask for help." He knocked one of his crutches against Gohan's. "We're a little banged up after all, and uhhh swollen."

Gohan snickered.

Tian, Yamcha, and Piccolo helped them gather the Dragon Balls once again, though they were vague as to why it needed to make a wish.

Yamcha asked. "Tell me again why we're doing this?"

"Because," Gohan said, "Vegeta put my dad through some special training and it sort of backfired, so now we need to ask the dragon to restore them both."

Tian stepped forward, "What kind of training?"

Gohan didn't know how to answer at first. "Uhh... well Vegeta needed to wish from the Dragon for something that Saiyans needed to go through with it. But they were all destroyed with the planet... I think." He honestly wasn't sure, but knew the dragon had been summoned a few times.

Tian crossed his arms. "Well what makes them so special? We can handle any sort of training that your dads can."

Piccolo just stood silently behind the other two. Yamcha nodded.

They'd summoned the dragon and Yamcha was the first to speak out. "Dragon, We wish that you put the three of us through the same training that Vegeta put Goku through."

Gohan stepped up, "Woooahhhh wooooaahhhh woooahhhh! Guys this is serious, trust me you don't want to do this." Gohan pulled down his pants, "this is what happened to me."

Piccolo, Yamcha, and Tien's eyes all widened, their mouths opened gasping at the sight of Gohan's enormous cock and balls. This was hardly a means of deturring them from going through with it. "Well hell yeah, Dragon grant my wish!" Tien yelled.

The dragon's eyes flashed, and before each of the three hovered a glass of the blue stuff.

Gohan sighed. "Well I give up." He stepped back and rejoined Trunks.

The three of them all drank the stuff. There was a sudden poof of smoke and the three found themselves completely naked. Another poof, and they were wearing black leather straitjackets with hoods featuring only mouth holes, though Piccolo's allowed his antenna to poke through. Another poof, and they were all hung by the waist upside down with their legs parted 180' degrees; and a carnival wheel of dildos began fucking each one up the ass.

Gohan held his hand up to his mouth to yell over. "So your boots are below your head, you need to fill those up with cum. That box in front of your face there will cook your cock every so often into something eat, clearly you're not supposed to own cock but you know..."

The teleport rings were shoved around each of their cocks, and each of them were shocked to have it enter their mouths.

Trunks chimed in. "Oh and you're all going to be turned into coins now, if they land heads you just need to fill the boot, if they land tails then you're goanna be locked inside the coin jar for a week."

Poof! The three were turned into gold coins, on one side, a close up shot of their head with their cheeks puffed out from their cocks, and on the other, a full body shot of them with their legs parted and the wheel of dildos doing its thing. The coins landed flat to the ground and had barely flipped around at all.

Gohan and Trunks moved over to find all three of them had landed tails. "Coin jar it is." Trunks said a bit too happily. Gohan gave him a look. "What? Come on they wanted this... you tried to warn them and all."

A coin jar, just like the barrel shaped one, had appeared before them on the ground. Gohan inserted them inside and handed it off to Trunks to hold.

"Okay Dragon, we get two more wishes right?"

The dragon nodded. "Good..." he said sounding relieved. It would have been great if those three had used up all the wishes. "I wish Trunks and I were healed."

The dragon's eyes flashed and suddenly Gohan and Trunks found it was no longer sore around their pelvic region. "Well that's good."

Trunks spoke up for the next wish. "And lastly I wish we had a button that would undo what Recoome did to our fathers."

The dragon's eyes flashed and a grey control box landed in front of them on the ground. It had a bright red button on it. His job done, the dragon vanished and the Dragon Balls shot off their seven different ways.

"Uhh." Gohan looked puzzled. "Why'd you word it like that?"

Trunks smirked evilly. "Because, there's something I want to do first.

Back at the lab most of the lights had gone out as the facility went into energy save mode. Pretty much all of Recoome's alterations to reality had reverted back to normal. Vegeta and Goku had assumed this meant they too would change back at some point however that should have happened hours ago if it were going to happen at all. Recoome himself grinned at them madly through the storage ring he was trapped inside of, and the two somehow felt were it not for his face that they would have changed back sometimes in the night.

Vegeta and Goku were still solid blocks of metal hung by rods going through their nuts. Trunks stepped into view slowly as though no one else knew he was there. He was holding his Katana. He stood to one side and slid his blade between their cocks and the metal, then brought it down to the base of their cocks. "You know, I could just slice these both off, dip you two in cement and no one would be any the wiser."

Both of them flexed their cocks out. "EMMM EMMM EMMMMMM EMMMMM EMMMM EMMMMM!!!"

Trunks grinned, "Yeah, just turn you two into some training weights so I can get big and strong."

Trunks twisted the katana so the blade faced up, then he ran it along their cocks all the way up to the tips. "But I'm not that cruel." He unbuttoned the squeeze sacks.

Both Goku and Vegeta started cumming out and pissing at the same time. Their grunted moaning had changed to absolute pleasure and joy. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMM EMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Then it turned back into pain and anguish as they'd both filled their squeeze sack to capacity.

Trunks took some duct tape and attached Goku's squeeze sack under his iron brick, and then did the same with Vegeta. And then he took a step back, held out his blade and made ready to swing.

Goku and Vegeta both wagged their cocks out with worry. "EMM EMMM EMMM EMMM!!!" as if to say NOO NOOO NOOO NOOO!!!"

Trunks cut both their chains, both bricks fell to the ground, both squeeze bags went flat almost instantly, and both their cocks swelled up to gigantic sizes.

Gohan had been sitting in the stairway just out of view. He'd felt they'd suffered enough and decided to push the button.

Vegeta turned back into himself bound up like a worm, and quickly rolled off his squeeze bag to start cumming and pissing it all out again. His mouth was open and he moaned out in ecstasy. "OAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" And then he panted as the pain of the sack becoming full put pressure on his penis again. "Cut it open! Trunks cut it open!" Trunks assisted with his blade.

Goku turned back into the iron ball which was too heavy to budge under his own power, thus he couldn't roll off of his squeeze bag. Trunks gave it a second and then cut the cord. Goku immediately began cumming and pissing his brains out.

He stepped back and swung up his Katana up to one shoulder. "Can I trust you two to clean up and not do anything stupid?" Trunks asked.

Vegeta gasped out resting his head against the floor, "yeah yeah."

Trunks shrugged and then left. "Come on Gohan." And the two left.

Probably ten minutes had passed when Vegeta finally started to move again. He had a puddle of piss and seaman on his chest that rolled off of him as he twisted around onto his belly. He worm worked over to the table and bit the key to Goku's iron ball in his mouth. Squirming his way back over to Goku, he removed the mouth hole. Vegeta then bit and pulled out the wad of socks from Goku's mouth.

Goku gasped out. He could feel Vegeta biting at the cock sheath, trying to peel it off of him. "Hay Vegeta.... How am I doing so far?"

Vegeta had ripped the cock sheath off of Goku's cock. "You weren't supposed to cum at all, other than the boot at the beginning, you failed."

Goku sighed "Ohh."

Vegeta nudged the Iron Ball over so that it rested just before Goku's balls. Goku's nuts were the only thing stopping it from rolling any farther. Vegeta then laid on top of it and inserted his cock into Goku's mouth hole. "You know what to do." Vegeta said. "And don't make me roll this thing any farther."

Goku started sucking Vegeta's cock but then he realized Vegeta wanted him to remove the cock sheath instead. He pulled it off him and let it fall somewhere to the side. Vegeta's cock was still there, Goku sighed, and then he started sucking it off.

Minutes later Vegeta started cumming. He listened as Vegeta rolled off of him, he'd hopped around to get something. "Hay Vegeta?" He asked. "You think maybe you could return the favor?"

Vegeta had hopped over to the little compactor with the key to Goku's iron ball. He dropped it in the shaft and pressed the button with his nose. Turning back to Goku he replied. "Sure."

Vegeta then hopped over to him, got down on his but, pressed his feet to the ball and heaved with all his might. Goku rolled slowly over to the other side; that is until his cock stopped him dead in his tracks. "Ahhhh!" Goku yelled out. "Hay come on. I made you cum like three times already." Vegeta had hopped over to the other side of Goku, planted his feet to the side, and heaved Goku in the other direction. "AHHHHHHH!!!"

"Oh come on, Goku. This is fun." Vegeta said evilly.

Goku sighed.

The End.