Chapter One - Forgetfulness

Story by XenialShadow on SoFurry

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#1 of Lines and Borders

A 27 year-old Doberman Pinscher named Samuel Degler has an unfortunate lapse in memory that offers more to him in the end.

Sam stepped onto the platform at Monument, greeted by the bustle of individuals all making their morning commute.

"The time is 7:00 PM, March 10, 2051," said a pleasant recording over an intercom.

On his back he had a blueprint tube and a messenger bag slung on carrying his work materials. Carefully pushing though the crowd, the Doberman quietly and quickly climbed through to the stairs to the surface above. It was a pleasantly warm day in London with a high of 23 degrees for early March. Amongst the throng of furs he hailed for a taxi to get down through to the Financial District.

"Taxi!" He shouted as many others did.

With the tube service interrupted by the current construction projects, many workers had to take different lines to get as near as possible to their jobs. Taxicabs honked gently, flagging over passengers for loading before pulling off to other destinations. Sam need to head north of where they were in the financial district where he was the chief engineer for one of the new building in construction. As he waited for a brief moment for a free cab to pull forward, he felt a gentle breeze blow through between the buildings. Sam shifted his ears as the wind tickled his nostrils with the odor from the nearby Starbucks.

Briefly checking his watch and licking his chops, he trotted over to the Starbucks with a spring in his step since he had a few minutes to spare. The sharpness of coffee beans along with the sounds of orders being called out to other employees filled the air inside the small corner shop. Sam stood in line with others anxiously waiting their turn to order.

"How's it going Sam?" Called a voice behind the hound.

Turning to face the owner, Sam was met by a Border Collie with an energetic smile.

"John!" Exclaimed the Doberman as he shook the paw of his regular cab driver, "Fancy seeing you here."

"Not bad, decided I'd grab a hot one while I had a chance," John stated as the two moved forward in line.

"Well if your cab isn't far mind if I get in?" Sam said with enthusiasm.

"Not a problem, I can pull it around really quick if you'd like," The collie replied, "Get me a tall normal coffee and I'll meet you up front."

"Sure thing, mate," the Doberman said as he gave a thumbs up.

John gave a warm smile and left to get his cab. As he turned away, Sam watched as the herder's tail bounced behind him. For the last year, John had been the Doberman's taxi driver to and from his work site. It was a coincidence everyday almost that neither of them really minded at all. They built a friendship with one another talking about sports and weekend plans.

"What can a brew up for you?" Asked the barista at the counter.

"Let me get a tall caramel hot coffee and a tall signature roast, both for Sam," he replied.

"Coming up in a jiffy, 6.50£."

Sam paid and walked over to the counter for pickup. While he waited he reminisced about John.

John was a white and black Border Collie about the same age as Sam. He was roughly as tall as him and was probably a little less in weight. Sam always had to fight to not be caught in the hypnotic gaze of John's eyes when he would look at him in the rearview mirror. It was spooky, but always a bit comical.

"I'm not a sheep, so knock it off," Sam would always say with a chuckle when the collie would even just be innocently looking at vehicles behind him.

"Order for Sam is up!" Called a server.

Sam snatched up his order quickly and left out the doors to head back to the street. As he looked out he saw John waving him over to his cab.

Sam handed John his coffee before opening the door to get in.

"Nothing like a pick me up to get the day started, right?" John said as he gazed into the rearview mirror at the Doberman.

"That's for sure. Leadenhall at the construction site, John," Sam called as his destination while he took off his blueprint tube.

As John looked into his mirror and squeezed into traffic he caught a glimpse of his passenger, Sam. In the rear seat sat someone very similar to himself. A well dressed black and tan Doberman near his age wearing a clean suit and tie. The reflections of light caught along the Doberman's features well along with the scent of the countryside. The collie breathed deep as he took in the familiar aroma of wet grass and dirt that reminded him of home.

"I'm not a sheep, John," said Sam as he grinned at the driver.

"I wasn't looking at you..." John lied as he moved along the road toward the worksite while trying to not give himself away.

"So, how was the tube?" John asked as he stopped for a moment.

"Not too bad, I just hate commuting into the city no matter how quick it seems," Sam said as he sipped his coffee.

"I'm surprised you haven't rented a flat here in London," John noted, "I'm sure the fare would be much nicer in your pocket than in the train."

"Nah, I think it's pretty worth it most of the time," Sam said with a wag of his stubby tail.

John smiled as he looked in the mirror again, "I'm glad that I'm not a bother to you."

Sam just stuck his tongue out at the collie that returned the gesture; the two laughing as John squeezed in to let the Doberman out at his usual place.

Sam climbed out and tried to hand the driver his fare.

"Keep it mate. You got my drink so I got your fare," John said with a wink and a smile.

"Thanks John, see you later!" The Doberman said as he waved back to the cab and pushed along to the door to the site.

The collie waved back and headed off to welcome a new passenger.

Sam clipped his ID badge onto his jacket and walked through the entry gate. The street was busy with trucks and commuters. Truck beds of girders, cement, and rebar were being brought in and readied to be hoisted upwards to the higher floors.

"Morning Sam," greeted a kangaroo while the Doberman slipped on a hard hat.

"Same to you Ronald. How's the work coming this morning?" The architect asked as he took a clipboard from the marsupial.

"We're still moving ahead of schedule and we're ready to start the next phase of floors after inspections have been fully made," Ronald said as he walked with Sam to an elevator.

"Great, we can start the last tier of floors in the next week then," the enthusiasm apparent in his tone.

"The fortieth floor is under inspection right now and the foreman is waiting for us there," the kangaroo reported as the skyline came into view.

As the elevator stopped, the morning sun could be seen kissing the rooftops of the buildings below. The two stepped out a floor below the top and began following along a marked path to a nearby stairwell. At the top, the wind pushed hard against their faces. The project was started over four years ago and was entering the last phase of construction.

"Over here Sam," called the foreman, a tall stag.

"Morning Fred, how's the inspection coming?" Asked Sam as he approached the table that the deer stood at examining a set of blueprints.

"They're checking a few minor things but everything else seems to be fine," he replied as he nodded to both the Doberman and kangaroo.

"Do you have the plans for the girders Sam?" Asked Ronald.

"Yes, I do. They're right..." Sam paused as he reached for his absent container, "Damn it."

Sam realized that he had left his blueprints in John's taxicab. Frank and Ronald looked at the Doberman with a puzzled look on their faces.

"I left them in the cab I took this morning. I got to go get them," Sam called out as he turned to head back down to the ground, "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"We'll be here then; the crew is still going along with the inspectors for about another hour," shouted the deer as the Doberman ran down the stairs.

Sam hurriedly activated the elevator and to get to the ground floor.

"God damn it..." He said aloud as the elevator made its way back to the earth.

When the elevator reached a stop, Sam pushed back the gate and briskly walked past workers.

As he passed by the entry gate a fur barked his name.

"Sam!" Shot out across the area from John.

The Doberman spun in place before meeting eyes with the Border Collie.

"John!" Replied Sam who quickly came up to him, "Did you happen to--"

"You probably need these, don't you?" The dog said with a smile as he handed the Doberman his possession.

"Yeah, I definitely do. Thanks mate," replied Sam in gratitude, slipping the tube over his back.

"Just looking out for my buddy," John said while wagging his tail.

Sam warmly gave the collie a hug, wagging his stub.

"Say, can I get you a drink? You know, as a way to thank you for saving my tail?" Sam asked with a tone of indebtedness.

"Well, sure!" Barked John as a smile grew across his face, "I finish my shift around six. What time do you get done here?"

"I'll be done around 6:30, we can meet here and go to one of the nearby pubs. Sound good?" Sam asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me, mate. I'll see you then!" John said with a wave as the two both went back to their respective duties.

Sam wiggled his stub in joy that he had retrieved his sheets easily; that and he was going to catch a pint with someone he had considered a good friend. As he rode the elevator back to the top, he couldn't help but notice other qualities about John.

"Great job everyone, we'll start the work on the final stage of framing on Monday," Sam said to the group of workers at the ground floor.

With a round of applause, the workers all broke away to enjoy their weekend after a week of hard work. Sam took a relaxing breath as he retrieved his bag, along with double-checking that he had his blueprints. As he left through the entry gate he perked his ears as he spotted John waving to him.

"Hey John, how was your day?" Sam asked as he shook the collie's paw.

"Pretty good. A fella left his blueprints in my cab so I had to swing back here to give them to him," John leered before laughing.

"Ha!" Sam reposted as he patted the collie on the back and followed along to his car.

"You want to go across the Thames?" John asked as he led the Doberman to his car.

"Wherever you want to go is fine by me," Sam said as he followed beside him.

As they made their way across the river, Sam decided to break the ice.

"So how long have you lived in London?"

"Probably about four years now. I'm from the country and decided to come and live the city life," John stated as he signaled right and turned.

"Sounds like something I would like to do. I commute from Luton into the city," declared the Doberman as he discreetly examined the collie.

John had changed into a more relaxed outfit, his jacket and shirt open at the top, the smell of cologne emanating from his fur.

"Yeah, I remembered you saying that once. I'm from way out near Sywell," John said as he pulled around to a parking spot.

"That's a lot farther than where I'm from," Sam said as he adjusted his shirt and loosened his tie.

"It's not bad, my parents encouraged me to live how I wanted to; that and my uncle works for the city cab service. He hooked me up with a cab job and I enjoy it," Sam said with a smile as he opened his door and stepped out.

The two walked up the street and into the pub, the sounds of furs enjoying a glass of beer and laughter filling the atmosphere.

"What will you have?" Sam asked as the two took a seat at the bar.

"New Castle sounds fine by me, buddy," John replied.

"Two New Castles!" Sam called out to the bar keep.

John wagged his tail at the anticipation of a good glass of beer along with spending time with a cool canine.

"Here you are, want a tab?" The barkeep, an ocelot, asked him.

"Well, sure! It's a Friday night!" Barked the Doberman in excitement, "I'm here with my good friend and I'm sure we'll be here a good while."

John chuckled as he waved at the bark keep and patted the Doberman on the shoulder.

"He's that fare I told you about Jack," John said with a smile.

Sam wagged his stub, though embarrassed, at the remark.

"Any friend of John's a friend of mine. I'll open a tab," replied the ocelot.

John took his beer and sipped of the top quarter of the glass before exhaling. Sam did the same and ended up coughing, the two just laughing at one another.

"So how about getting a flat in the city? I know you hate the commute," John asked as he faced the Doberman.

"I've thought about it since my firm has an office here in the city. It'd be a lot easier then commuting so far," Sam said with disdain.

"Well if you need help, I can look around for you if you want?" John asked as he swished his tail.

"That'd be great, would you?" Sam said as he wagged his stub.

"Not a problem," the collie said as he raised his glass to toast the agreement.

The two raised their glasses and clanked them together.

Later into the evening the two had finished three beers and had opened up to each other pretty honestly.

"I've been in between relationships for a long time," said John as he drew his ears back.

"Why's that mate?" Sam asked as he wrapped an arm around the collie shoulder.

"Because I've been... unsure of... myself..." the collie said as he moved slightly away from the Doberman.

"How so?" The dog asked as he drew his own ears back.

John took in a deep breath before he raised his glass from the table to finish it.

"It's not a matter of who the person is, but what the person is. It's hard to explain," John said as he set the glass back down and waved over to barkeep.

Sam sat up as he raised his own glass and finished his beer. He opened his eyes wide as the pieces locked into place in his head while he took in the last sip of his beer. The Doberman looked over to the collie and sucked in a bit of courage.

"You know, I've been single for a long while since my last relationship fell apart..." Sam said as he waved at the barkeep.

"Yeah?" John asked as he turned back to the Doberman.

"Yep... he... we weren't very compatible..." Sam said as he stood up from his seat, "Be right back. I need to drain a snake."

John was stunned for a moment after he nodded to Sam. He had stated something so subtly as if it wasn't a big deal. Jack walked over to the front of John with their drinks.

"How's it going collie?" Jack asked as he took the empty glasses.

"I think I've been fighting myself for so long that I forgot what my parents said," John said as he hid his face in his paws.

"What would that be?" The ocelot said as he wiped off the bar.

"Be whatever I want to be no mater what anyone says," John said as he revealed a smile on his face to his friend.

Jack just smiled and ruffled the fur on the collie's head.

"Makes sense to me mate, doesn't matter to me, that's for sure," the ocelot said as he winked back at the dog.

John wagged his tail and turned to his beer and waited for Sam.

"Sorry about that, the heads were busy in there," the Doberman reported as he raised his glass to sip the yellow liquid.

"Mines been busy till now," John said as he raised his glass, "but not anymore."

Sam smiled and clanked his against the other glass.

After another beer and some open talking to one another, Sam stretched and let out a loud groan.

"Looks like you could use some rest," John said as he poked his friend's stomach.

Sam laughed and stuck his tongue out, "Yeah, I could use a bed."

"You want me to walk you over to the tube?" John asked as he looked at his watch, "It's about 10:30."

"Yeah... I might end up falling asleep on the ride home..." Sam said as he let up a reluctant sigh.

"Well... you could crash at my place if you want to and head home in the morning if you want," John offered as he stood up from his seat.

"Are you okay with that?" Sam asked as he stood up as well.

"Yeah, mate. Come on, I actually don't live far from here," John said as he pu ton his jacket.

"Hey Jack! I'm leaving. Let me pay my tab," the Doberman said as he flagged him over.

"No problem guys, you two have a good night and get home safe," said the ocelot as he took the money from the Doberman.

The two stepped out of the bar and quietly walked up the street to Johns flat.

"I've got a couch and some spare blankets you can use in my room. I'll get them for you when we get in," John stated as the two walked next and next.

"Sounds good," the Doberman said as he looked up to the night sky.

"Here we are," John said as he walked up the stairs to the front door.

Following behind the collie, Sam took off his bag and carried it in his paw. John stopped in front of his door and shuffled through his keys to open the lock.

When the door opened John flipped a nearby light switch to brighten up the room. It was a modestly sized flat with a kitchen and a living room.

"Nice place," Sam said as he set his bag and tube down near the couch.

"It's my cozy little lair," said the collie with pride.

"Can I use the water closet?" the Doberman asked as he shifted slightly.

"Yeah, it's in my room down there," he said as he pointed down a hallway and went in to the kitchen.

Sam nodded before walking down the hall to the collie's bedroom. Turning on a light, the Doberman examined the room. It was a nice room with a view of the street below and tidy. Sam opened the door to the water closet.

John drank a glass of water and set his glass on the counter, taking in a deep breath before proceeding to his room to get the Doberman some blankets and pillows. He walked into the room and opened his closet.

"Two should be plenty from him," he sad aloud as he pulled down the blankets.

Exiting the closet he heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. The collie retrieved two of his pillows and set them on top of the blankets he had placed on the bed. The handle on the door clicked and Sam stepped out, his shirt unbuttoned and tie resting on his shoulders.

"Here you go mate," John said as he patted the pillows.

"Thanks John," Sam said as he walked to the bed.

"No sweat, Sam," the collie said as he nodded to the Doberman.

They stood in an awkward silence for a moment with no words being uttered. John shifted his foot paws with nothing to say to the hound before him.

"So... good night then John," Sam said as he picked up the blankets and the pillows before walking to the door.

John nodded as he followed the Doberman to the living room.

"If you need anything just let me know," the collie said as he walked to the kitchen and turned off the light.

"I will," Sam responded as he turned to face the collie that stood in the hallway.

"Okay... Night Sam..." John stood still as he made eye contact with the Doberman face to face, not in the reflection of a mirror.

The two looked to one another, as the quiet air of the flat filled their senses. Just as the two were both going to turn away, they choose a different route. Sam and John stood together, their muzzles locked together in a spark of passion.

"Sam..." John called out.

Sam pushed the collie against the wall of the hallway, turning off the light to the living room, and passionately enveloped the dog in his arms. Slowly, they made their way between kisses and paws running across one another's bodies to the bedroom. John, knocked against the light switch, their bodies intertwined, before the two fell upon John's bed and slowly began to undress on another.

John, sitting on top of the Doberman, could feel the canines swelling cock against his backside. He carefully unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor before stretching his body. Sam ran his paws against the defined figures chest and stomach in the nightlight of blue and black, tracing the features of the collie's muscles with both his paws and eyes. John craned down and kissed Sam across his muzzle and neck, the Doberman gently thrusting against the herder. Slowly, John pressed his paws against Sam's chest, the Dobermans strong pectorals flexing against them. The buttons to Sam's shirt became undone, revealing the Doberman's black and tan markings. Sam rolled collie onto his back and traced the contours of the collie's stomach with his tongue.

"Sam..." John groaned as he rubbed the Doberman's pointy ears.

Hooking his thumb onto the button of John's jeans, Sam released the tension that bound John. The heat from John's swollen sheath radiated to Sam's face.

"This look's like fun," Sam said as he tenderly squeezed the base of John's hidden cock before slipping off his shirt and tie.

The dog moaned as his cock pushed out of its sheath; slowly oozing it's fluids before falling onto his body. Sam ran his tongue along the collie's plump sac, gently suckling them as he pulled the jeans off of himself and John. John caressed the Doberman's head as he felt his cock grow harder with each lap of Sam's flexible lingual flesh.

"You taste great, collie," the Doberman said as he licked the tip of John's cock, tasting the flooding fluid from its opening.

John moaned as he pulled the Doberman up to his face and locked his muzzle with his.

Sam's sheath, now with a well-sized knot at its base, pressed against his own. Their cocks were close in size to each other, the Dobermans a good two inches longer. Sam groaned as John squeezed one of his nipples gently, his whole body, flexing on top of the collie.

"Here, lets get more comfortable," he said as he lifted the collie and brought him to the head of the bed, adjusting the pillows to rest John upon.

John could see the Dobermans cock dripping onto the sheets in the dim lighting, the member swollen and at attention from its owner. He gently wrapped his paw around the organ and pulled it solicitously towards him. Sam followed suit, bringing his pride to the collies awaiting maw.

"Are you going to suck my thick cock, collie?" Sam cooed as he took it in his paw and tapped it a few times against John's tongue that hung from its ivory cage.

"Yes sir," John said as he reached for his own cock and stroked it gently, squeezing more of his own viscous fluid from it.

The Doberman slid his cock along John's heated tongue and into the warm muzzle, groaning as he felt the canine's teeth and ridges of his mouth against the head of his member. John moaned as he cupped the pinscher's balls with his free hand and moved his head in fluid motion to urge him on. John's cock flexed in the ecstasy of the oncoming release, Sam's cock flexing hard and pushing against his tongue. The two moaned as they felt their own prostates flex in unison, beckoning for release. Sam cupped the collie's sac in his paw as he cradled the other around John head, thrusting harder to the top of his throat.

"Mmm... stud... I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you shoot your cum in me," John said after he pushed against the base of Sam's sheath to pull the thick rod from his maw.

With a nod of agreement to fulfill the collie's plea, Sam slid back along John and lifted the collie's backside and gently traced the flexing orifice with his tongue. John moaned as he reached for the Doberman's heavy sac and massaged the orbs inside. As Sam gently pushed his tongue against John, his cock swelled to its full size, the translucent fluids dripping onto the collie's arm. He gently, with some force, pushed his tongue through the first tight ring of John's hole, the dog crying not in pain, but in pleasure.

"Sam... work me open," John said as he arched his back as the pink snake wormed around his delicate opening.

"I'm going to get you nice and ready for my cock," Sam said as he drew his hips back so that John's paw was wrapped around it.

The collie, moaned as he felt the plump cock pulse in his grasp.

After a brief moment of teasing, Sam rested the collie back against the bed and lifted his legs to his shoulders, positioning his cock against the moist opening. John only nodded as a sign of readiness for the Doberman to enter him. Sam gently pressed the head of his cock against the opening, the collie relaxing as he felt the tip push into him, then the head, and finally the shaft, moaning as he felt every inch push deep into his velvety channel.

"Oh Sam, it's so thick," He said as he gripped the invading flesh at the top of Sam's knot pulse inside of him.

"Come here," Sam said as he raised John's ass up and craned himself to meet in front of the collies mouth.

They locked into deep kissing, their tongues embracing against one another as they explored the other. As Sam began to thrust his cock in and out of John, the collie moaned and wrapped his arms around the Doberman. Faster, and faster, John felt his body relax and take in all of the pleasure of the act; the Dobermans cock grinding against his prostate and urging on the flood of pre. Sam pushed hard and fast into the collie's eager hole as he wrapped his arms around him, driving deep into him while flexing his cock. John broke away from the Doberman's mouth as he moaned loud and tightening his grip around the swollen flesh as Sam slammed his knot against him, demanding entrance

"Sam... I'm getting close," John said as he felt his balls begin to pull up against him in preparation, "tie with me. Fill me completely," he beckoned.

Sam growled viciously as he clamped his sharp teeth against the collie's neck and pounded his blood filled knot harder against the aching hole. He could feel John's opening give way slowly to his binding ultimatum before a loud moan cried out from the collie's maw. His knot swelled to large to bind the two together, the tension from it being gripped by John driving Sam to growl deeply and bite harder as his release approached. With a final thrust, he groaned deeply, spraying his thick and viscous fluid far into John. At the same time he felt the base of his cock gripped tightly as John cock sprayed it's own seed between him and the Doberman's chest. John moaned and gripped hard against Sam's back, pulling him closer to him as he could still feel the pinscher's cock still pulsing seed into him. John's own knot now swelled and pulsed as it too emptied his sac into their fur, his hole tightening and pulling Sam's knot in against his prostate.

Sam released John from his grasp, breathing heavily with him as they took in the sensations of fulfillment in the dark. The two canines looked into each other's eyes before tenderly kissing in appreciation of one another. When Sam's knot had subsided enough for him to move, they turned to a spooning position to await the swelled pride to subside. Sam wrapped his arms around John before gently nuzzling against the herder's neck, John returning the emphasis back to him. John gently interlaced his paw with Sam's and squeezed it gently, while running his free paw along the dog's large bicep. The Doberman pushed his chest closer to the collie's back, his cock still gently pulsing in him, and felt the well-built chassis that is John against him.

"Sam..." John said as he turned to meet eye to eye with him.

"Yes, John?" Sam said as he gazed back to the collie.

"Thanks," he replied as he gently kissed the pinscher's cheek and moved in closer to him.

Sam just gripped John tighter in his grasp and nuzzled deeply against his neck before pulling a blanket over their exhausted bodies, drifting to sleep.

When Sam woke up, he felt that John wasn't in bed with him. He could smell the scent of tea in the air. Looking at a nearby clock it read 11:00 AM. The Doberman ran his paws across his own chest and took in the sensation of having been sexually fulfilled by someone he realized he had admired for a long time. Sam sat up in the bed and looked around for his pants, but soon noticed a pair of pajama pants resting on the foot of the bed. Slipping them on, he could hear the clatter of dishes and pans emanating from the kitchen. He walked down the hall before turning to the kitchen where he saw John's frame in a shirt and pajama pants making breakfast.

"Smells good," Sam said as he breathed in the smell of eggs and toast.

"I'd figured you'd be up soon so I made us a good meal," the collie said as he set plates at the nearby table.

The Doberman smiled as he walked behind the collie and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling against John's ear and neck. John took in a deep breath and returned the gesture, feeling the hound's strong chest against his back.

"Those eggs sure are sunny," he whispered into John's ear.

"Yeah, they're very bright compared to how I usually make them," John said as he turned to give the Doberman a kiss.

The two broke apart and smiled to one another before taking seats across from each other.

As they ate, John spoke up with a question.

"So what do you plan on doing today? Are you going to head home?" He asked with a bit of reluctance.

Sam swallowed, "I think I might stay here in the city for the weekend and see the sites. If you wouldn't mind me staying over again."

John wagged his tail in excitement, "I don't mind at all. I got the day off today so I can show you around."

"Sounds like a great day to me," Sam said with a smile before he bit off a piece of toast.

John grinned cheek to cheek.

It was around three in the afternoon as they walked along the Westminster Bridge towards Big Ben.

"I haven't been across this bridge in over four years," Sam said as he raised his nose to the air and felt the breeze run across his face.

"I'm always driving around this city so it's no stranger to me, but it's nice to be walking around here with someone," John said as he looked to the Doberman beside him.

Sam looked back and smiled warmly to him. As they were around the mid-point of the bridge Sam was suddenly pushed aside by a police officer running towards them, a black German shepherd with white markings, who was speaking into his radio.

The shepherd quickly turned his head over his shoulder and shouted back to them, "Sorry!"

Just as Sam was about to tell the officer it was okay a loud explosion rung out in the air from the East.


This was a random story I wrote for a contest that Linkin Monroe was holding, but I actually really like the characters and decided to take the story elsewhere instead of submitting it for the contest. If people like it enough and want to see more of what happens in it, all I can really say is that I've got a few good ideas for it. Not to mention there is a slight tie in to my next series, which will begin it's first draft this April.

Keep an eye out!



All characters, structure, scenario, and plot © 2013 Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada aka XenialShadow

All artists, music, brand names, company names, slogans, registers, and trademarks are copyright to their respective entities and used only to enhance the story.

The majority of the story is purely fictitious and is not to be taken into account in the event of coincidental reality.

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