New Beginnings and Dead Ends Part 11 : "Orange Juice"

Story by Shepherd Raven on SoFurry

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I finished my shower first stepping out into thebathroom floor As I shook myself dry. With a fur drier I finished what shaking couldnt and went into the bedroom. I smushed the two king-sized beds together before Kodi came out of the shower steam rising from his still wet fur. Staring a little before I jumped on the bed and acted innocent as possible forgetting I was naked. It doesnt matter anyway its not like anyone could see me. I noticed our suits were on the floor in plastic wraping from the corner of my eye. Must have been next to his bed. I took a moment before noticing a note on the packages. Instinctively I crawled on the bed till just my legs were on the bed as I pulled the package closer to read the note. The note read :

"Test tommorrow 1200 hours sharp."

I look at the alarm clock which read 21:00 p.m.

Suddenly, I feel something grab my waste and pull it bacwards while something pointy was at the base of my tail. After a moments judgement I flipped over and wrapped my legs around the attackers neck before coiling my body towards it catching Kodi by surprise. "I told you we arent having sex while your dru.." I got interupted by him vomiting all over me. Before he could do to much damage to the bed I grabbed him and leaped backwards on the floor. The suden movement made him puke more. I dragged us back to the shower which he left open and on. I bathed again while he was on hands and knees puking still. "Sorry I didnt know you were such a light weight." I said laughing before sighing and continueing after raising his head with my front paws "Kodi you should never force me to have sex with you. I get defensive and because of my flexibility and strenth I may hurt you more than I plan to." He shook his head before finaly saying "I thought you were hurt so I tried picking you up onto the bed." I think for a second before replying "Then why was your cock hard and close to my tailhole?" He nodded before replying "Seeing your tail wagging leaving your hole exsposed got me going for a moment, before not seeing the rest of your body the rest was all by bad possitioning." Right after I let go he started vomiting for a second, Me being that close got my mind really foggy and a few seconds later I threw up. The only difference mine was blue and had a liquid-type texture but didnt hurt like normal. When we were done we got back into the room. He picked the side of the bed nearest to the door. Before I layed down I found a note on the head-board keeping me from my job at turning the light off. It read :

"Its a Temper-Pedic matris that has many different styles of comfortable positions

P.S. Use the yellow buton I think you'll enjoy it.

Signed, yours truly, The Speaker."

I take it all in before handing the note to Kodi who starts looking for the remotes. After he finds them I turn the lights off and jump onto my side of the bed. He starts clicking it before it started to glow in the dark. He gave me my remote and made it glow before kissing me on the head "You first." He says before I push the green buton which made his bed vibrate I giggled before replying "Hey seems you got the honors." He took the remote back and hit the buton again and again the first time making the vibrations so strong my bed rattled, the second time turned it off. I hit the red button on the remote, That was really mine, The bed almost absorbed me into it like I was on the ocean water, only if it was made of Jello. Kodi giggled and said "Wander what "The Speaker" ment by enjoy?" After a second or two he clicked the yellow buton which made the bed slimey before something started rubbing his hole and his furry sack making him murr. He let the bed obsorb him allowing it entrance inside of him and let it go only an inch before switching it off. "What the hell was that, it felt good at first but it just didn't feel right?" he said half screaming.

I simply layed in my Temper-Pedic before yawning. "Come on lets just sleep." I said before turning onto my side. he then snugled up tightly behind me. He just layed behind me with his hands on my chest, tweeking my nipples a little before sliding his hands down to the belly buton line and no further before passing-out. I layed there just hoping the test won't be "Too bad" before I passed-out.

I woke to the alarm which showed 10:00 a.m. I got up and looked for Kodi who was apparently peeing when I came in the bathroom he was saying "Man im glad I dont get hangovers the barfings bad enough." I blushed slightly before saying "Aww and I thought I was gonna drink some of your "OrangeJuice" now that your not drunk." I said blushing before he replied "Aww I cant leave you without your morning "OJ" Daddy can hold his stream a while if you want some." I walked over to him before getting on my knees and opened my mouth he started peeing on my chest and worked his way up to my mouth as I swallowed every drop of his salty "OJ". After his stream stopped he chuckled before licking it out of my fur before heading lower and lower.

Before long he was licking the upper part of my sheath revealing my blue tip Which made him stop for a momment but he continued anyway making me grow larger and larger inside his open maw. My knot slowly swelling and hitting the roof of his mouth sending pre all over his tongue and down his throat. I layed down slowly with my legs still in the kneeling position. He took advantage of this by grabbing my hips making me pick my body up enough for him to fit his leg under me while he kept his other leg in a kneeling position before slowly entering my passsage lubbed only by his pre-cum. He sunk deeper and deeper still not taking his mouth off my cock buried about 6 inches deep and growing in his muzzle. "Hey are you s sh sh sure you can handle it im pretty big...... my knot it'll be like two tennis balls... just nip it if you cant handle it any... ah more...." I said trying not to moan to loud. He just kept going deeper his tongue licking my cock around the edge of the knot to as far as he could get toward the tip while he humped in unison stretching me only a little from being so thick and around 8 inches till the knot. As the knot was rubbing the ring of my tail-hole he started nibbling on his way down my now 7 inch cock almost making me cum right then and there. "Dont hold I can take you I p...pra...promise."I said as he looked into my eyes before humping me at about 10mph he finally lodged the knot into me. It's like three golfballs glued together sideways.He then started humping faster and faster before he came. When he came he hit my prostate along with deep throated my cock all the way to the base locking his canines around my knot making me cum load after load down his throat as he swallowed and milked my cum out with his tongue.

After a few moments of pure exstasy we subsided. He then pulled my cock from his mouth making me shoot up his nose by accident. "Your *cough* not as long *cough* *cough* *cough* but your definetly thicker than me , That knot of yours almost tore my jaw off its hinges." He said. I giggled before saying "How would you know how thick you are?" He chuckled and said "Self-service, hands don't work well on me so I had to do something when I was going through puberty." His knot still pretty swolen keeping me stuck to him. I wasnt complaining this was our first time with each other. We both just bathed in the after-glow. After a while he finaly pulled out his cock dashing into his sheath as he started licking my tail hole licking me clean of his cum. I just let him at it. It feels so good. I didnt want this moment to ever end. After he was finished we made out swapping urine cum and over all love between each other.

We made it into the shower to clean ourselves before the test. after the shower we saw that we only had 20 minutes to get to the testing room. So we put the jumpsuites and weapons on before running to the testing room just baely making it. When we opened the door it was a completly white room with elevator music playing as we waited for the test.

Part 12 Coming Soon