And three's a crowd. Continuation: Behind closed doors.

Story by Cherii Pip on SoFurry

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#1 of Scraps and wips

Darling Faye is a very busy vixen, what with her interesting business practices and insatiable desires it's a wonder how she manages it all.

Still being edited and this is a wip, once this chapter is finished it will be moved to where "And three's a crowd" is.

The hot water was enough to make her shiver pleasantly, removing the toils of the day and letting them wash down the drain along with suds of soap. Steam had fogged the shower's frosted glass and left the luxurious marble bathroom swathed in humid mist. She didn't care much about the increasingly late hour or the fact she'd need to head to her second job soon, only how good the water felt running over her lithe body.

Ha if you could call it a job at all now that she thought about it. What Faye did in her evenings was for her pleasure not out of necessity; the opulent apartment she was in was evidence of that. As her thoughts flicked to the night before and a sly grin warped her vulpine features it wasn't hard to tell just what kind of pleasure she got out of her job, it wasn't about stripping for a crowd to Faye; it was about toying with her enraptured audience and having them beg her for more. The fact that she was in control and they weren't even aware of it. It was the same drive that had led to her using her family's meager success in the market and to turn it into what was in essence an empire.

But it was never enough for Faye to use simply her wits to be in control, no that was far too one sided. That was where the lounge came in, where she could dominate not only with her intelligence but also with her body. To use every asset she had to conquer everything in her path; it was the strategy that had allowed her to not only come out on top but to stay there no matter what little bump or obstacle life threw her way.

The slick shower handle was cool as she shut the water off and grabbed one of the towels from the shelf. She could hear the jangling sound of her phone going off in the living room and she need only glance at her watch on the counter to know who and what it was about. The gruff ruckus that greeted her ear unceremoniously as she picked up the phone confirmed her suspicions in a heart beat.

"FAYE! How late are you planning to be exactly? I am already TWO dancers short tonight and someone called today wanting to talk to you specifically. NOW WHAT do you expect ME to tell them when they call back again and I have to EXPLAIN THAT THE LADY THEY'RE REQUESTING COULDN'T BE ARSED TO BE HERE ON TIME?!?" It was the lounge's general manager, and judging by the hoarse tone his yelling had it seemed like he'd been yelling most of the night.

"Oh I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. You seem to be looking for someone who enjoys being screamed at over the phone. Now Derek, is that really anyway to motivate me to be on time? Or there at all really? No I didn't think so. However I will be there in about fifteen minutes, so in the meantime why don't you call some of the reserve girls in and start taking down numbers for people calling for me. You're the manager after all, so you might as well start managing no?" Faye replied softly, mirroring his aggression with apathy.

"FINE whatever... just get down here, tonight is already sliding into disaster I don't need any more problems." Derek barked though he had quieted considerably and was now all but grumbling into the phone.

"Well stop creating more with your attitude dear, be optimistic for a change and who knows you might get a little something for it." She purred before setting the phone back down and strolling off to get dressed, so unhurried that had Derek seen it he would have been blue in the face.

The lounge was fortunately only a few blocks away and the flimsy cocktail dress Faye wore had only taken a moment to throw on. She didn't need nor cared for the primping and fussing most females took to get ready, her crème colored fur especially clean and scented from her recent shower needed no extra powder nor coloring to make it gorgeous and she had left her hair down to billow around her in the crisp autumn air. At the door she bypassed the roped off line and blew a kiss to the bouncer as he held open the door for her. It wasn't till one stepped inside that it was clear just how much the boring outer façade contrasted with the pulsing club within. Music driven and with most of the surfaces done in soft plush materials it was almost its own entity. A palace to the pursuit of ecstasy, a temple to indulgence.

The patrons paid her little mind as she walked through the shadowed pathways towards where the back office sat closed off from the rest of the club. They were too entranced by the performers, by the rhythm in their ears, by the mind numbing liquor in their veins. She enjoyed little moments like this, as it made her moments on the stage all the more delicious. But she would have to wait a little while longer before gracing that neon lit pedestal as there were pressing matters to take care of with a certain gruff voiced manager.

"Oh good, so you finally decided to grace us with your presence I see." He was quick to snap the instance Faye opened the door to his office, the small concrete room being as under decorated and rough around the edges as Derek himself was.

"Who is this?" Faye asked curiously looking at the feline seated across from Derek even as she completely dismissed his sarcasm.

"This is one of the reserve girls, seeing as both Trish and Sainya won't be in tonight I had to really scarp the bottom of the barrel finding replacements." Derek grumbled, he was pacing behind his desk in annoyance; the bulk of his German shepherd body covered in a tasteless blue suit.

"Now now don't be rude Derek, after all if you have doubts about her talent than you are welcome to get out on that stage yourself and dance for our patrons." Faye reminded him casually as she watched the other female's face turn red beneath her striped fur at Derek's less than friendly remarks.

"Yeah well even if I did we'd still be a dancer short. Any bright ideas Ms. Better late than never?" The brush of his tail was making an annoying thump sound as it thwacked into his office chair.

"Of course I do, now if you'd kindly shut up. I have some questions for our latest bloom here." Despite her tone never changing it was near tangible the shift in demeanor that had taken place within that petite vulpine body as she turned from Derek to the new girl. "First darling what is your name?" Her voice becoming far more pleasant as she did so.

"Lae, Lae Sventie." The feline answered, unsure what to think about the two in front of her; and unused to seeing someone act so flippant towards their boss.

"That's a pretty name but I meant your stage name, also you're species... you're a Maine coon correct?"

"Oh sorry, I'm really new at this. Um I don't really have a stage name yet, and uh yes, silver tabby." Lae managed, nervous but not stuttering.

"As I can see, well then how about Lady Silver hmm? Sounds a little cliché I know but we can change it if it doesn't work out. So what are your specialties? Table top/ pole dancing etc etc." Faye continued, adding the examples incase Lae was so new that she needed the explanation.

"Oh um, I guess pole? I used to be a gymnast back in college took a little acting too if that means anything."

"it might, hmm and you don't mind starting tonight do you? As previously mentioned the club is short a few entertainers tonight."

"No I don't mind starting tonight, I'm actually kind of thrilled to be working here at all really; I mean this is one of the hottest spots in the city."

"Awe why thank you Lae, well why don't you head down to the dressing rooms and talk to Stacy, he'll get you all set up and started. Just head down this hall toward the exit and take the second door on your left."

"Of course and thank you again for the opportunity. I'll try not to disappoint you all." Lae said springing from her seat with jittering energy and excitement. Shaking both Faye's and Derek's paws before scurrying out of the room.

"Now that that's taken care off where were we Derek?" Faye asked with the edging of a growl making the larger canine shiver, finding it somewhat intimidating as she moved over to lock the door behind Lae and to close all the blinds in the room.

"Listen Faye I'm sorry about the phone thing, I've just been really stressed you know? I mean two call ins on the same night and a weekend no less. My fur is probably graying as we speak." He tried to explain, the excuses flooding out as the vulpine woman rounded the corner of his desk slowly stalking closer to him with each word he uttered.

"Oh Derek, you can't possibly think I'd get angry at you over such a silly little thing as less than friendly phone call would you?" She laughed softly but she didn't cease her advance.

"No no of course not, how silly indeed." A nervous forced laugh sounding pitiful to even his own ears.

"Yes, I couldn't possibly be angry at you over that, especially when there are so many other reasons to punish you."

Derek swallowed visibly, his mouth dry and his back pressed against the wall as her words spoken so pleasantly; crashed around his ears that now hung down in distress.

"But but mistress, I'm trying, really I am, please can't you just forgive me this once?" He was whimpering, cowering back into the corner not out of fear of what she meant by punishment but because he knew he'd disappointed his mistress. The way her eyes looked down at him, saddened by his failure, her tantalizing body now off limits from him because of his own ineptness.

"Derek, do not try my patience; begging now is pointless." She pointed out as she turned to a cabinet in the corner, the key to which was attached to her personal set; the lounge's master key her's personally just as the staff was hers to do with as she pleased. She unlocked the cabinet slowly, letting Derek cringe as the sound of the tumblers clicking in the air let him know just how serious she was. The cabinet itself was filled with an assortment of leather and studs, the glint of police issued cuffs and the sheen of a silken blindfold were also found among the sea of black polished hide; and it was from these carefully sorted playthings that Faye selected her favorite crop.

"But Mistress the club... what if someone needs something.... What if someone sees?" Derek pleaded, standing in the same place she'd backed him into seconds earlier. Faye only smiled at that, the crop firm yet flexible in her paw as she rounded on Derek one more time.

"Well then I suggest you take your punishment silently like a good boy and then you can get back to work sooner rather than later." Her petite canines were in full view as her lips curled into what should have been a particularly cruel grin were it not on such a beautiful muzzle. "After all you wouldn't want to disappoint me further would you?" she knew the answer without him needing to say a word.

It had never been a question.