Roen the Slave

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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This was supposed to be a quick small story, but then I wanted to add some background to it. Although I think I overdid the length since even the iPod had technical difficulties.

...If you don't like any of the tags that describe this then by all means you do not have to read on, because this story is mainly for those of you with a paw/foot fetish. Other than that it's pretty much an easy going master/slave story.

"Sold to Mr. Pilsudski!" The announcer shouted over the podium. A panther was just sold at a modest $5,600 as he left the platform to another room to meet his new master. This was the typical scene at the small Auction Hall where buying would occur. All those who hoped to buy sat back in rowed seats facing the stage. Next up who climbed the narrow stairs took front and center at the stage was his first time being here. Roen a pure white Siberian Husky, except for his chocolate colored tail and ears, was led to the auction platform. His fearful blue eyes scanned the group of buyers before him, it was his first time being sold so he was naturally afraid. The hall was a little stuffy and made his nose twitch in agitation, but it wasn't an elaborate big city market. Not a large crowd for a moderately sized town, part of the reason his father moved here a couple years back only to fall into debt from a gambling problem. Since money became scarce for the two, Roen went into indentured servitude for his dad's boss to help pay for everything, but mostly the insatiable gambling addiction that brought him where he was now. Despite it all, he never blamed his dad for where he was now. After all his mother is the one who divorced him, not the other way around.

The announcer called a brief concise history of his labor record as an indentured servant for two years that included anything imaginable to help sell him at a higher price. Roen was happy that he wasn't technically owned before, or his record would've contained much more sensitive information like sensitive points on the body, or a fetish to please the master. So secrets were best well kept, especially his 'preferences.' Too bad the panther before him had been owned for ten years under three different masters, all of whom used the poor soul for bondage. The standard clothes they had him in made the fur on his skin itch, but only two decades ago they had you naked as the day you were born on the platform. Then a somewhat modern law prohibited slaves being exhibited in such a way to the public for decency, mostly to children. After the short introductions, the auctioneer started at the standard price of one thousand, resulting in a typical few people quickly raising the amount. He bit his lip as the bid rose breaking two thousand trying to narrow down who would purchase him. It soon dropped to five, then four bidders passing the three thousand mark.

Soon the bidding was down to the red panda and a lion, the latter of the two really scared Roen. A large scar ran under his eye that couldn't tell he was a kind fellow, probably from fighting in an alleyway or bar. His mane was shaggy and unkempt. Worst of all his build was that of a tank at least six and a half feet tall, easily able to kill someone in a rage. If Roen was bought by him, a dungeon and shackles would most likely be involved in his future. The lady red panda, however, seemed much softer and decent. She was level with him and wasn't presenting any rough features noticeable.

'God help me,' he closed his eyes waiting for it to be over. Eventually he heard a loud wooden clack of a gavel.

"Sold to Miss Sarah Kole for $4,850!" The badger who was yelling the numbers resounded as Roen was led off the platform nearly stumbling down another flight of stairs. Being hurried through a small corridor, the scared husky quickly found himself in a small room waiting for his new owner. He could hear the bidding for whoever was next start through the thin walls.

'I don't think the lion was a female,' he reassured himself hearing a door open with two figures walking in. It was the red panda followed by a German shepherd carrying a few papers. The two hurried over to a small table and conducted business with the bewildered husky watching.

"Sign here and here and the transaction will be complete," he instructed pointing to a few dotted lines. Roen watched her pick up the pen and sign, only to shiver trying to warm himself from the cold room. The relative quietness was interrupted hearing a yelp and the crack of a whip. It was rare to damage property but if you tried running, punishment would be given. The other two hardly noticed and finished the simple paperwork and transferring process with Roen intently watching her from his spot. Their eyes briefly met as she looked over to her new acquisition. Her soft brown to his icy blue. Roen gave a sheepish grin to her neutral expression hoping to start on the right foot. The red panda returned a slight grin before turning to the German shepherd for a firm handshake.

'At least she didn't give me a devilish smirk,' he gave a partial inward sigh of relief.

"Thank you for for doing business with us," the shepherd gave a small bow and offered a standard collar and leash that she curtly declined. He then bid her goodbye after directing where the quickest way to the parking lot was.

"Alright, let's go," her voice penetrated his thoughts as she approached him. Her hand grasped his and promptly led him to another door that led to an exit. His voice choked up preventing a proper response, but she didn't seem to care as they went through the dark hall before coming to a large door. Pausing behind her, he was able to smell the subtle perfume she had on that made him smile as she opened the door allowing bright sunlight to greet them. After their eyes adjusted to the brighter light she tugged him along walking to wherever she parked in the lot. Following on the sidewalk, they quickly came upon a simple red car that she unlocked. Roen dawdled looking over the vehicle until she snapped him to. "Alright, let's go," she stated once more motioning for him to get in. Both hopped in and closed their respective doors clicking their seat belts. In the confined space, Roen could detect the subtle perfume again.

"You smell very nice uh... mistress," he wasn't quite sure how to address her hoping the title was ok, and compliments in general were good.

"Thank you," she said without much acknowledgement turning on the car before pulling out. Her mind must have been focused elsewhere at the moment. The husky took a nervous gulp and stared forward hoping he didn't say anything offensive. The car was maneuvered out of the parking lot and onto a main road as she drove to wherever the road led. Roen was naturally afraid and didn't say another word as she continued towards what was to be his new home. Intersections were passed along with many hills and trees before she turned onto a smaller road which presumably led to her house.

'At least the ride was scenic,' he thought seeing her slow down by a mailbox. The driveway twisted down to a home tucked neatly by the edge of some trees. Neighbors were separated by about thirty meters of trees and bushes that served as a natural fence surrounding her house.

"Let's go inside," she said unbuckling before leaving the car. Following her once again, he trailed closely behind her up a walkway. She unlocked the door and they both stepped inside. Roen liked what he saw. The house was a nice and decent size, all the space being utilized with comfort from what he could tell at the foyer inside the front door. But it was a little large for one person to be living in. He watched her set down a few things on a table nearby before turning back to Roen. "This is your first time being sold right?" she asked him.

"Yes," he responded immediately turning full attention to her.

"Alrighty," she exhaled nodding to herself, "That will make things easier for the both of us." Roen didn't quite understand but went along with it anyway as she led him around the house in mock tour fashion. They were halfway through before entering the kitchen. The granite counter tops caught Roen's blue eyes. "You do know how to cook right?" She asked as he nodded in response. "Perfect! Now I do expect you to cook for me everyday. Breakfast in bed most mornings unless said otherwise, understand?"

"Yes mistress," he nodded again.

"As for lunch and dinner, I will do all the shopping for you and help if it's to be a large meal," she said walking out to the living room with him not far behind. "Just a regular living room," she pointed out the nice area with beautiful furniture and a large tv matched by large couches. Hardly a few seconds were spent looking before moving on across the giant carpet with intricate designs. Padding by, the red panda led him down a separate hallway to a closed door. It was a basic white like all the others giving him no clue as to what may be hidden inside. She opened it and he followed her through into a typical bedroom connected to its own bathroom and shower. All in all a smaller version of her nice room.

"Is this a room for your private study?" he asked seeing a nice but empty desk, unsure why a bed would be in here. Maybe a guest room with a mini library and desk for looks?

"No this is to be your room, so feel free to rearrange anything," she calmly stated with an extended hand. The husky froze in place by the bed hoping he heard correctly.

"Is this some sort of trick?" he felt the cover, making sure it was real.

"It's called hospitality above all else, but if I treat you very well, I also expect you to perform what I ask very well," she said folding her arms with a smile. "Besides, I wanted things to look homey."

"Yes ma'am, uh mistress," he corrected himself giving her a small bow.

"Keep the formalities to a minimum, leave it at mistress and we'll get along just fine," she said heartily, leaving him in his room to himself until further notice.

"Wow, my own... everything," he sat on the edge of the light blue blanket that covered the bed. It really beat working for his dad's boss or even living at home during tough times. His hand ran over the soft comforter at the end, still making sure it wasn't a dream. Was his new master really a godsend for him? Satisfied with reality Roen hopped off the bedside looking around his new space for half an hour, and much to his relief, he discovered no ill fated traps awaiting for him. Not even a dust bunny to clean from under the bed. 'I suppose a skeleton in the closet would be silly,' he thought reaching to slide the door over. His closet didn't contain a dead body, but the clothes would definitely be a problem for him. One side were regular clothes for any guy that we're generally plain and not trashy in any way. But the other contained women's apparel from dresses to bras . Scratching his head in confusion, he closed the sliding door and hoped there was a reason for this. In the small drawers of the dresser was the same scenario, one side male, the other female. Even with the mix up, he couldn't have been happier with his benevolent outcome. He walked back into the hallway looking around for his mistress only to find it void of her presence.

It wasn't his place to yell out for her, so he looked around in search. Walking down the hallway, he spotted the red panda in the next room and approached her. She was sitting in the living room on the large couch watching a small weather program for the local area. Roen stood by the end of the couch and waited to be addressed. When he worked as an indentured servant for his dad's boss, you never spoke unless spoken to. She happened to glance over in his direction to see him.

"Oh Roen, you can sit down if you want," the red panda patted the spot next to her. He moved and sat down next to her on the couch. A very comfortable one at that. She was definitely less cold to him since she had brought him here.

"Can I ask you a question mistress?" he said as a commercial came up.

"Sure, ask away," she responded.

"Why are there men and women's clothes in the closet and drawers?" he asked still hoping it was a simple mistake. She looked shocked at first before a light bulb went off in her head.

"Oh! I wasn't even sure if I was going to buy anyone, so I stocked them both just to be safe," his mistress said embarrassed for preparing a bunch of women's stuff for a guy to look at. "You can leave them outside your room so I can get them later," she added giving a nervous laugh which helped break the ice of nervousness for Roen and lessened the gap between each other. A beeping noise from the kitchen alerted her as she stood up from the couch. "Oven is ready," she said as he stood up following her.

"Do you want me to help?" he asked watching her slide something into the oven.

"No thanks, we can use tomorrow as the trial and error, and I really hope you can cook better than me," she said tossing the oven mitts onto the counter. "But I'm sure even my food is better than what the Sellers gave you." Roen really hoped she was right. Just being held in their cells was bad enough, but the food couldn't have been made for anyone except a household pet.

"If I may ask mistress, what made you decide to buy a slave in the first place?" Roen asked.

"Just basic things like cleaning, cooking, and other housework. Besides two heads are better than one," she added tapping her head. Her answer came as a welcome relief to the husky. His new mistress then proceeded by setting the table, requesting that he did not need to do anything for the day. So Roen took his time by looking around the area noting the carpets, paintings and general scenery that caught his eye until a familiar beep was sounded. His mistress then brought the hot dish of baked spaghetti over to the table and fixed two plates, so master and slave were ready to eat. "I know it doesn't look like much but enjoy!" she exclaimed picking up a fork. Roen took a bite and found nothing wrong with the dish.

"It doesn't taste bad mistress," he said before taking another bite. She gave a quick thank you and smile before returning to eat. For the most part Roen kept his gaze down towards the plate full of food, but a lingering question made him speak up. "Mistress, if I may ask, why were you so concerned that I hadn't been bought before? You acted very nice to me since then," he said waiting for her to swallow her bite of food.

"I didn't want someone who would be broken and afraid of me acting like a machine. I was hoping for someone like you, more relaxed and easygoing." Roen gave a slow nod. He definitely felt scared to death when he was on the buyers platform. "I still have to go to work for one more week before I'm off the entire month, so we can get acquainted and used to each other by then," she explained with a genuine smile that was kindly contagious. Roen nodded obtaining another forkful of baked spaghetti. The rest of the meal went by smoothly with her taking care of the dishes for him. "The day is almost over, so if you want to spend some time adjusting your room or anything feel free to do so," she said washing off their plates.

"Oh-uh, no I like the way you have everything set," he stood by as she set the plates away in the washer. He then watched her clean the whole place up and put away what was left, noting where things were put away for what he would eventually be doing.

"Come with me," she said leading him out into the hall before stopping an turning around to him. "All I ask for you tonight is to wake me at seven in the morning so I can walk you through a basic normal routine and so on. Oh, and I won't give you a bedtime but if you need me during the night, I'll be in my room."

"I will, goodnight mistress," Roen said as she turned to her room bidding him a good night as well. He made his way back through the hall to the other room. His room. Roen tossed the old slave uniform into the hamper and yawned out seeing the welcoming mattress. The husky paused by the window. He looked out the blinds covering the window seeing a few lights from another other house in the distance, partially blocked from the trees. The thought of escape crossed his mind as he looked around, but Roen disregarded the thoughts returning to his new bed. His mistress had given him so much and hadn't given any sign or promise of harsh treatment. A good weight was lifted knowing that she didn't plan on keeping him locked away in a dungeon for whatever twisted purposes any other owner might. Snuggling up under the blanket, the husky had a happy smile as he fell asleep.

One blue eye peeped open, slowly followed by another. Roen sighed. A Sunday morning never felt so good. The bed was so soft and comfortable for someone who usually slept on a cheaply carpeted floor. The sheets even smelled fresh and new. A few seconds passed before he remembered where he was and what he was supposed to do. Looking at the alarm clock that she provided him with, the husky had about thirty minutes till seven. Which meant his little cozy sleeping spot would have to be abandoned for the day. He stretched before hopping out of bed and walking to the shower. The tiled floor chilled his feet as he gathered a towel and cut the water on. The water felt nice and warm running over his body but he didn't dawdle there too long. Shutting it off after thoroughly cleaning himself, he dried his fur with a thick wooled towel. A quick brushing and choice of clothes later, the new husky slave was ready to begin the day. Smelling his fur, Roen smiled noticing the shampoo he had used was indeed lilac.

One glance at the clock told him he was right on time leaving his room. The rest of the house was cool and quiet with the morning sun shining through every window giving everything it touched a pleasant glow.

"Mistress?" he called out knocking at her door. He double checked the clock seeing that it was five past seven. After knocking again he received an answer.

"You can come in!" he heard her from the other side. Entering, he found the red panda sitting up with her head resting against a few pillows. She waved him over to her bedside. "Did you have any difficulty waking up this early?" she asked.

"No mistress," he replied.

"Good! I want you to be up and ready by then with breakfast in here." She said about to hop out of bed before stopping herself. "Oh, can you get my robe for me Roen," her finger pointed to a dark blue one on the bathroom door.

"Yes mistress," he replied retrieving it for her. The red panda motioned for him to turn around so she could put it on privately, and he did so without trouble. With that settled, he was led to the kitchen. She proceeded to show him where everything was located in each drawer and cupboard. His schedule was relatively easy for a workweek. Other than preparing her things and breakfast, Roen had run of the house until she can back in the afternoon. "Now let's make something to eat," she popped open the fridge door. "How about eggs and French toast?" she suggested pulling out a few items to use.

"I can do that," he said quickly organizing the items before preparing the eventual meal. His mistress patiently waited at the table watching him cook, the smells in the air were tantalizing. Roen quickly set the table and made two plates as he finished cooking everything. He watched as she took a bite.

"Roen this is delicious!" She exclaimed before taking another bite.

"Thank you mistress," he said taking a small bite for himself. Roen after all did nearly all the cooking while going through tough times with his dad. The breakfast didn't last long with both having a hungry appetite. She then gave him a list of small things to do ranging from dusting to moving a few things. "If you need to know where anything is at just ask me," she said giving him free reign to finish the chores. Roen scratched his head watching her leave, ironically the first item was to clean the dishes and kitchen counter and stove. And it took a good portion of the day until late evening to finish all the other scattered assignments. He really did have trouble finding most of her belongings.

His mistress looked impressed checking back at how well he completed everything, giving Roen a little prideful feeling as he followed her around. To wrap everything up, she had him back in her room. "You're worth way more than the money I bought you with," his mistress said happily crumpling up the piece of paper with all the tasks crossed out.

"Thanks, I just didn't want any punishment that would hurt," he said. She rolled her eyes at how violent he had portrayed his owner to be.

"It's ok if you don't get everything else down perfectly, but just be ready when I come home from work tomorrow," she said. "That's when everything will pick back up to pace."

"I'll do my best," he stated actually looking forward to it. Roen began to stand up from the stool only for her to intervene.

"Oh, stay there just a moment. I want your opinion on something," she said hurrying off into her closet. He heard shuffling noises and a few minutes later his mistress finally came back out. Roen noticed she was dressed up nicely in a new outfit while approaching him. "Does this look nice on me?" her figure gave a quick twirl around for him. He looked at the white and green dress, nothing lavish, but very pretty for whatever occasion.

"You look great," he commented truthfully liking her appearance. Her frame wasn't quite petite, but it accented her curves very well.

"Thank you! I don't know why, but I wanted something nice before my wonderful month that's work free begins," his mistress said looking herself over. The husky's blue eyes lingered a little longer at her then they should have, but was late on figuring it out. "You can go back to your room if you want," she said redirecting his gaze back to her face.

"Oh, sorry I'll do that," he said with his chocolate ears pinned back. Roen closed the door behind him hearing her giggle for a second. Back in his room the husky felt the day to be a success. Even the work wasn't overbearing, maybe time consuming, but so lenient to what he had imagined on the Buyer's platform. After a quick wash up, Roen went to bed having a strong sense of accomplishment. Nothing messed up and he did his tasks with great care and efficiency.

Her last work week for a month went by as his first one began. Like a natural cycle in the rhythm of life, each day went by smoothly for both. Roen was accustomed to being a slave and Sarah was ready to take life easy for a month. During the whole process they grew very comfortable around each other, turning into a pair of friends rather than a typical master and mistress relation.

Roen had just finished dusting, his last little chore for the late Friday evening. Roen walked by her doorway only to hear her voice call him back. "Yes mistress?" he asked returning to her doorway. She was sitting in bed wearing a simple t shirt with the covers snuggly wrapped up to her waist.

"Grab the stool and sit by me please," she requested. He did so without any problems noticing she had three books laid on her lap. His mistress took off a pair of reading glasses and set them beside her before returning her attention back to her slave. "Can you help me choose a book to read?" she asked. His ears splayed sideways a little unsure he heard correctly.

"You want me to help you pick a book to read?" He was a little confused but didn't have any complaints in doing it.

"Yes," she gave a slow deliberate nod wearing a sweet smile.

"What's each book about?" She then happily went over a quick summary about each plot; the first one was about a mystery between a detective and a ruthless criminal, the second a compelling romance, the third an adventure story at the turn of the century. "I would read the last one, but I have a feeling that a romance is something ladies like you mistress would enjoy," he gave a truthful answer.

"I like the honesty but even women can get tired of a romance. So I'll read the adventure novel then," she stacked the other two books before giving them to him. "Since I'm off now, you'll have get used to being around me all day," she smiled, leaning back into the pillows.

"That won't be a problem mistress," Roen said holding the books in his lap.

"That's good to hear," she said wearing a kind smile.

"Ouch!" A husky grunted as another static shock struck him. Laundry wasn't a likable thing but at least it was simple to perform. It was only his second time dealing with it and he couldn't see how his mistress had done it for so long while getting shocked. Pulling as much as he could carry out of the dryer, he walked over to the living room passing his mistresses room along the way. He could easily hear her talking on the home phone to someone else. Throwing the pile on one side of the couch, he went back to retrieve the last few clothes but paused by his mistresses door hearing her say his name. He wasn't one to gossip, but curiosity got the better of him. Pressing an ear against the wooden door, Roen listened in on her conversation over the phone.

"No he's been perfect since I brought him home... yeah a little shy but you know it's all new to him... nah he is a husky, mostly white," her little talk continued to unfurl, revealing basic things and typical gossip that nearly made Roen walk away while she laughed over the minor bits of news. "Wait, you want me to-... No! I'm his master and I won't use him like a whore, the guy is too nice to be used like most of those other slaves at the market!" her yelling made him jump back from the door, but pleased to hear she wouldn't pass him around like a plaything. The conversation changed subjects again as he listened again to more mindless junk until they said their goodbyes. "Alright I'll talk to you whenever Beth," he heard her say hanging up the phone. As if on cue, Roen hurriedly walked back to the laundry room to retrieve the rest of the dried clothes.

'I really am in good hands,' he smiled broadly picking up the dropped clothes carrying them to the couch for folding. Then it hit him that it was the only phone call she had made since he arrived. 'Is she lonely?' he furrowed his brow thinking back to when she had him in her room just to talk. He shook his head, it was her first day off that would last a month, of course she would have tons of spare time in her plate with him obviously being there. Besides, cell phones mostly replaced home phones as it was anyhow. Clothes were separated and delivered to their specific owners as he mentally checked off another task. His next one was pretty general though as well. Go out to the back of the house, fix up the garden and add on to it. She had already provided the necessary tools and other stuff outside for him, the bulk of it being seeds. Roen exited the house and curved around to the backyard only to be dismayed at the state of her "garden." The husky was no green thumb himself, but this looked like what one would have imagined from a nightmare. The crowded rows were disorganized and the ground looked more comparable to a desert. If the plant was alive, then life support looked like it was more than a mile away.

"Oh boy," he sighed picking up the spaded shovel among other essentials. It was about nine thirty when he went outside, and it was a dismal three forty eight when he came back in. To the husky's mind, it could've been as long as a fortnight. His arms were achy and he swore that he was stuck in the shower for half an hour scrubbing numerous marks of dirt away. At least the warm water helped to soothe his muscles and cleaned him up very well. Roen then took a much needed breather on the couch for a while just happy to be finished with it all. His mistress approached from behind and peeked over the occupied couch.

"You're all finished with outside?" She said.

"Yes mistress, and it was exhausting," he stated still sprawled out over the couch. She chuckled and pat his head.

"Well then you relax until you're ready to start dinner, ok?"

"Thank you mistress," he replied looking up at her with a grateful smile. Roen closed his eyes hearing her walk away as he took a much needed nap.

It was close to nine later during the night and Roen was in bed looking through one of the books that he was given. He never cared for the romance book either, but the introduction was a good read. A knock was heard on his open door. Roen looked up from the book seeing his mistress in the doorway.

"I have a movie if you want to join me," she said holding up an empty case. After working outside for most of the morning and afternoon, a movie sounded great. She led him to the couch where the tv was waiting, a loud beep from the kitchen being heard as they sat down. "Popcorn's done!" she got up and quickly hurried to the kitchen. Roen chuckled as her tail trailed behind her. She acted more like a regular friend than an owner to him, and he didn't want that to change anytime soon. She came back a moment later with a large bowl of the fluffy popped kernels. "Hit the play button and start," she said said grabbing the remote from him.

The credits rolled by an hour and a half later.

"I liked the ending even though it was technically a chick flick," Roen looked over to his right across the empty bowel only to find his mistress fast asleep. "Mistress?" he whispered about to nudge her awake, but she looked too happy sitting there. After cleaning up the mess that they had made, he came back carefully hooking his arms under her knees and back. Picking her up he carried his mistress to her room, walking carefully to not wake her. The only difficulty encountered along the way was opening the door to her room. Luckily that didn't cause a problem either. Roen gently laid her down and pulled the covers over his mistresses sleeping form, tucking her in comfortably. He stepped back and admired her sleeping figure. Her legs were wrapped like a mummies down past her knees. Even lower past her shins and ankles to-. Roen controlled his lingering eye and gave an unsteady sigh. He blinked a few times before turning away, closing the door quietly behind him to let her sleep.

Roen left his room the following morning with a yawn a little after eight. Staying up late to watch a movie caused him to sleep in way later than any other day, but thankfully he had a wonderful mistress who was lenient. And there were plenty of clouds in the sky in case she wanted him to work outside again. He ate a bagel in the kitchen before looking around for his mistress, eventually going outside to the backyard spotting her at a lone chair reading.

"I really like what you did to the garden even though the only plants I had were old seeds, but that just me and there's a lot more potential," she said seeing him walk down the pathway to greet her.

"Your very welcome," he said with a yawn. "Sorry I slept in Mistress, did you need me to do anything?" He asked adjusting his neck.

"No, I did fine with everything this morning, but did you sleep ok?" she asked seeing him rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, my head just missed the pillow somewhere along the way," he smiled thinking of how strange he probably looked when waking up. He rolled his neck around relieving some tightness but quickly found himself in view of her lower legs. Roen froze as his gaze traveled down slowly at first. His heartbeat increased feeling something deep within stir. His eyes naturally continued lower to her ankles but didn't stop there lusting for something else. Lower still, in his sights were her footpaws. Each had a brown colored padding accented with their own arch, ball, and heel. Above that were her four nimble, yet blocky toes with the same padding. They wiggled once, as if to tempt him into immediate action. Capping them were small claw like nails that were painted a lighter, more shiny brown. Topping the other side was her ruddy mix of fur. They were the secret lust he was afraid the owners at the Sellers Market would know, but thankfully they didn't or else the husky would've been held back for specific buyers. His heart made a grand thump as he started becoming aroused while watching his mistress adjust her legs.

The husky's eyes bored into her soles, mesmerized by their essence as one rubbed against the other making him feel uncomfortable. His prolonged gaze didn't go unnoticed by his mistress who arched her brow at him.

"Is something bothering you?" Sarah asked looking up from her book.

"Uh... no, I just need to rest my neck some more," he lied walking off to the back door. The red panda furrowed her brow for a moment before shrugging it off, returning to her reading. Roen hurried inside to his bathroom and looked into the small mirror above the sink only to find underneath his facial fur was a light blush of embarrassment. Roen didn't know what to do, and he made it so far without having an incident. 'They're just paws!' he yelled to himself looking at his snowy white ones, not feeling any sort of infatuation like when he stared at hers. 'Her paws,' he unconsciously corrected himself, almost getting angry again when he realized it. Roen could easily imagine her, kind and lenient, smiling at him while sitting on the couch, beckoning him over with a finger to be with her. But what if she curled her legs up on the couch towards him? How could something like that be avoided while keeping the kinky secret hidden? The husky shook his head from the complicated thoughts and bolted out of the bathroom to the bed. Closing the door swiftly and quietly, he jumped onto his bed.

His gaze was fixated on the ceiling for the moment, frustration for how emotions wanted their demands met. 'I can't be gawking at her paws like that!' he covered his eyes and groaned. Sarah was the best master he could ever hope for and he liked her a lot; but if she found out about his fetish for her, the red panda just might be in search for a new slave. After all, she wanted a brand new slave to start out with. Which meant Roen would be re sold in the Sellers Market, possibly being bought by someone like that cruel looking lion who could definitely make use of his preferences. He could keep the whole thing in check, but felt powerless on avoiding it if they were in sight. This self conscious snare really left the husky in a tough spot. The paws could really make his body act independently from his thoughts, and being shy about such things didn't help as much as he wanted it to. Roen avoided her the rest of the day the best he could by busying himself with more distant mundane chores. Even dinner was eaten with some distance but his mistress didn't seem to suspect anything out of the ordinary. Eventually she did retire for the night, giving him a little bit of space to breath in his room.

'Thank god she didn't call me to do anything else,' he thought rubbing his temples. His mind was nowhere near at rest as his mistress's. Roen could easily be reprimanded not including countless other forms of punishment, including torture, but deep down he knew mistress would never do anything harsh. Although sitting in his room without a satisfying means of release felt like torture too, his member throbbing inside its cloth prison in agreement.He just couldn't seem to get the images out of his poor mind. Frustrated, the husky instead formulated a plan and hoped it wouldn't lead to anything bad. 'Ok, just this one time and I'll be able to get it out of my system,' he nervously thought patiently sitting at the edge of his bed, watching the alarm clock's red digits slowly change every minute. Eventually time crawled by at a snails pace to a quiet midnight. Gaining enough confidence driven by lust, Roen made his way to the door. With silence only to be challenged by a mouse, the husky opened and closed it only to be faced with an endlessly dark silent hallway. Taking a few weary steps, he slowly made his way through his hallway into the foyer only hearing the distant ticking of a clock.

He spotted a tissue box on a table and promptly took a few stuffing them into his underwear for what might turn out be a messy night. Roen was already hard thinking about the whole thing. No noise was made by the husky, save for his heavy breathing caused from over excitement. Approaching the door with caution, avoiding any floorboards under the suspicion of giving him away, he breathed silently eyeing the knob. The slave stood in front of the normal white door, confidence soaring that he made it this far. With a shaky hand, the canine grabbed the cool metal mechanism and slowly turned. The ticking clock seemed to be in slow motion, but before he knew it the door was closed behind him as his eyes adjusted to the darkness in her chamber. He made out the dresser, closet door, table and mirror for makeup, and lastly her bed. He smiled detecting the unique subtle scent her room possessed. A feint peach and cinnamon that nearly cancelled each other out. Roen approached holding his breath the whole way able to see her dark form with some clarity. She was on her back, not moving an inch save for her lungs.

He admired her sleeping figure, despite the lack of clarity save for her outlined form, wanting to snuggle up next to her under the covers and forget there was a problem in the first place. Mistress Sarah did look cute in what he could tell to be a nightgown before shifting his attention more south along the bed. The bed wasn't very high up, but just enough to rule out being able to stand on his knees with efficiency. Looking around desperately, Roen spotted a stool next to the wall that she made him use occasionally. Padding oh so slowly and quietly, the husky retrieved the seat placing it at the foot of her bed. Sitting down, her sleeping form checked one last time for any sign of consciousness, he began. With a gentle hand, the bottom of the blanket was moved up slowly, high enough to prevent further sudden contact to wake her up. He looked further past her legs only to be greeted by more darkness, and heated air, glad he didn't have plans focused between her legs. Gently resting the covers behind her footpaws, he could see their outline in the dark room, directly facing him just begging to be touched.

Leaning forward slightly, his shaky hands snaked their way from the edge of the bed towards the two beauties resting peacefully side by side. He paused feeling a very vibrant heat in front of his hands, listening one last time to see if she had woken up. 'Right here,' he inched his fingertips forward ever so slightly. He felt a soft warmth with each hand as his fingertips came into contact with her footpads, his member throbbing upon the realization. Their texture, warm and soft, were firm and somewhat squishy. Each line reminding him of the unique fingerprint everyone carried alone. Taking a minute to enjoy the simple contact, Roen lined up his hands lengthwise with her footpaws and felt the warmth they gave off making him shiver. He breathed in able to detect her scent without any disdainful odor giving off a dazed smile in return. He interlocked his fingers between her toes giving her a gentle squeeze before pulling back, but keeping the heel of his hand in contact with her footpaws' heel. He started moving his fingers in small circular motions, applying light pressure to the warm pads.

The nervousness melted away as he ventured out along her arches, carefully rubbing away at the wonderful texture. All the tension her muscles carried from the day were soothed and treated with his nimble digits going over the entirety of her luscious soles. Roen felt his pants stretch to accommodate his aroused member down below. The whole act thrilled his deprived body as his thumbs pressed just above the ball of her feet. Moving further up, he rubbed over each of her four blocky toes on both feet with his thumbs. He could feel the claw at the tops and carefully avoided them, taking tender care with each nimble digit. The delicate appendages were very flexible moving under his whim as he massaged them. Roen adjusted his hands slightly to her furry tops. His fingers moved alongside the fur evenly with some pressure in time with his thumbs along the underside. Being more sensitive there would certainly spell disaster for him if he lost focus and touched too lightly on the sensitive hairs. The canine's heart fluttered wantonly as he slowly continued. Some focus still remained left over in case something bad happened.

He paused hearing a noise, ears dialing in as he hoped it wasn't his mistress waking up to find her slave at the end of her bed. A few tense seconds passed over as the familiar sound was recognized. Blowing a sigh of relief, Roen was only hearing her lightly snoring up at the top of the bed. 'I hope she's enjoying this as much as me,' he rubbed his hands along her furry tops, from claw tipped toes to the bottom of her legs. Her paws flexed occasionally as he rubbed over the warm pads practically making him drool. The husky's hips continued to grind into the bed frame silently as his release was drawing very close. His breathing deepened to meet the demands of his excited beating heart. Gripping her lightly, fingers on top, he massaged over the entire pads with his thumbs, heel to toe. His body was on autopilot as he felt himself quickly approach the point of no return. All focus was concentrated on what his hands were doing, his brain visualizing it all as he closed his eyes. He bit his lip in bliss as his body tensed up. Even if she did wake up, Roen wouldn't have been able to stop himself. It just felt too good. Her footpaws flexed as if to heighten his experience.

Just then he felt himself twitch once then release his stored seed. With a goofy smile he quietly moaned tilting his head back as he continued using his hands while the creamy white was emptied into the tissue stuffed underwear. His hands had slowed down but did not stop massaging her by any means. Breathing quietly through his mouth, it took a lot of concentration to not make a sound of lustful happiness. The orgasm seemed to last forever as he had to lean forward to prevent himself from falling back. Finally it ended as he traced around her paws with a single finger, but Roen didn't want to leave them just yet. His knot and member barely shrank as he continued rubbing her paws fervently. It was too good to be true for him to give up after one go. The husky continued for an unknown amount of time simply caressing her entire foot paws. He hardened completely again as a straggling thought lingered in his mind. Curiosity getting the better of him, he removed his right hand while still massaging her right sole with his left hand. Using his index finger, Roen lightly traced the middle of her sole with a dull claw eagerly awaiting a reaction. Sure enough, as his finger trailed back down, her foot twitched twice before her toes splayed weakly in protest of the ticklish sensation making his heart skip a beat.

Continuing along the arch, he felt her toes twitching and splaying with an extended finger, relishing the sensation. Roen didn't understand why it thrilled him so much like her footpaws by themselves, but he couldn't deny that he loved it. He continued the gentle scratching on her wiggling sole while continuing to firmly rubbing the other. Her body, although unconscious, was enjoying the massage too much to react and wake up to what his other hand was doing. While continuing the erotic touch, he could feel the wonderful pressure build down south with no intent of stopping. Every sensation, her warmth, paw pads, subtle movements, made Roen dizzy feeling a fast approaching climax. His body squirmed against the bed as his brain sent signals for a further demand of pleasure. Best news of the night, his mistress hadn't shown any signs of waking up. Practically humping the bedside, that thankfully didn't move or make noise, the husky hit his peak almost as hard as the first. Squeezing his eyes shut, all other motions halted except for his hips spurting wave after wave of creamy white. The already used tissue paper somehow sustained the extra load as the last weak spurts wore down. Dizziness ensued as the husky bean seeing colorful spots everywhere.

Enduring the side effect, he stayed on the stool feeling the last seed trickle out. Roen felt the second orgasm subside as he rubbed her left sole while his other hand vibrated on the bed from the intense orgasm. Slowly regaining his senses after the afterglow, he felt it was time to get some shut eye and clean himself up. Giving each one more firm rub over, he retracted his hands and pulled the covers back over them. Roen felt to be the luckiest man in the world as he placed the stool back without a sound. He closed her door, getting one last look at his mistress's sleeping form, unable to see the grin present on her face. There was discomfort in his pants while he started walking quickly from the door, the cooling sticky sensation bothering him. The clock seemed to be ticking much faster as he made a beeline through the first hallway followed by the front foyer and second hallway. Returning to his room he cleaned up in the bathroom attached to it, disposing of the now used tissues with a quick flush. The underwear still had a noticeable stain and an even more noticeable smell. He chucked them into the hamper to worry about in the morning without much thought. Plodding back into his room, Roen felt the exhaustion set in from the adrenaline rush and crashed onto the bed not even bothering to pull the covers down.

The alarm clock read only a couple minutes past 1 a.m., not too bad for indulging in one's quick desire. He snuggled into the bed resting his head on the pillow feeling much better that he at least threw off one weight of anxiety that plagued him. It didn't take long for Roen to fall asleep, although unbeknownst to him, his body would only crave the habit he just fed more.

Sarah woke with a smile, '_Great sleep last nigh_t,' feeling better rested than anytime she could remember. Reaching for the ceiling in a big stretch, she smelled Roen cooking breakfast in the kitchen. With a swift motion, Sarah hopped out of bed and wrapped herself in a robe heading out instead of waiting for him to come into her room or even taking a shower first. There was a positive spring in her step that gave the red panda all the more reason to be happy. She heard the washing machine at work while passing the hallway to the kitchen. Roen spotted her enter the kitchen, eating his own prepared meal.

"Up early mistress?" he asked eating the last remains of an orange.

"Yep, why are you running the washer now? It's only Wednesday," she stated looking at the hash browns and eggs he was preparing.

"Oh umm, the clothes you had me working outside in yesterday were starting to reek, so I gathered it all up early," he smoothly said getting up to throw away the remnants of his breakfast. She stood by and watched Roen finish cooking while adding some small talk until he had everything prepared for her with the silverware placed out. Taking a seat at the table, Sarah began eating her meal only to remember that she had forgotten to put on her slippers in the bedroom.

"Roen, please get my slippers in my room for me," she told him as he finished cleaning his bowl.

"Yes mistress," he walked to her room in search of the footwear. After a quick search, he found the pink morning shoes by her bed halfway under a nearby dresser. Bringing them back in hand he approached a little unprepared for her next command.

"Can you put them on for me?" she asked taking another bite of her breakfast.

"Uh sure," he swallowed feeling unsure of himself taking a seat halfway under the table in front of her. It was a wonderful view of her footpaws, each donned with the same four blocky toes and ruddy fur. Her legs remained motionless expecting the husky to perform all the work, so Roen took a deep breath and grabbed an ankle cautiously bringing it forward. 'Calm down,' he tried telling himself feeling his body starting to shake with excitement. In one quick motion the slipper was on her foot without any troubles. Retrieving her other ankle, he lined up the slipper. His eyes inadvertently glued onto her other foot watching it wriggle around in the slipper to adjust the fit. But the husky's hand had already moved to put the other pink slipper on the remaining naked foot. The tops of his fingers instead rubbed underneath her warm soft pads, clearly missing the intended target. An electric bolt immediately shot up his spine. Feeling his loins stir uncontrollably, he gave an audible gasp yanking his hand away after shoving the slipper on quickly.

Sarah couldn't run her thought process fast enough to understand what happened seeing him quickly leave. Yelling at him to come back would probably make it worse, even though she technically owned him and had every right to do so. Scooting the chair out, she heard a door shut making her way to his room.

"Is everything all right in there," she asked knocking on the door. A muffled yes was given to her quickly cutting off room for a conversation. She listened for anymore clues to be given, but nothing else was heard. 'I_f he could only be more open with me, we can definitely work something out_,' she turned away from the door heading back into the kitchen. Sitting down, the rest of her breakfast was eaten in silence. To her dismay the rest of the morning and lunch were also spent too quietly for her liking. Roen holed himself up for quite some time. 'There is something clearly bothering him,' she thought with her hands on her hips, 'but I can't torture it out of the guy, he's too sweet and nice.' Sarah paced around the floor remembering his first nervous moment there when she was reading. The tables and chairs hadn't changed, except for when the latter had to be moved to sit down. Confused, she moved over to his point of view across the kitchen to try and place herself in his shoes so to speak.

The only clue Sarah had was that his gaze had been directed somewhere below the level of the table near or around the chair. 'Roen may be a slave on paper, but he means a lot more than that to me,' she crawled around on the floor looking for any sign of something that would spook him. Sarah liked him a lot, maybe more than any average master to their slave, but no matter any underlying feelings at hand she needed to know what was getting under his skin. Her first guess was that he had arachnophobia and he spotted a spider web under the table, but the house was well kept by him. No arachnids, no problem. After the dead end search, she stood up and walked over to a small decorative desk containing a good amount of files ranging from taxes to house payments. After a minute of digging, she pulled out the file on Roen that the Sellers had on hand. It was scant on information since he wasn't owned before. The only related work was indentured servitude for two years that he somehow managed to weave in with school before dropping out entirely.

She decided to contact the person he was indentured to for a little over two years. A badger by the name of Warren. She dialed the number provided waiting for him to answer, and an hour later the phone was hung up with a distinct click. Sarah was left back to where she had started. Mr. Warren Guthrum had been of no clear help to the strange situation, but he offered a few pieces of information anyway. Apparently Roen was a very diligent worker who rarely made a sound except for when he was spoken to. All of which didn't really surprise the red panda. The only thing she learned new about Roen was that he didn't like math and listened to classical music on occasion. But never once did Roen show any discomfort while working which didn't help solve anything. Time passed and Sarah gave him some distance for both to think until she prepared a small dinner. Hopefully he would talk about it while eating, but there would be no guarantee. She knocked again on his door. "Are you going to come out for dinner?" She asked hearing him approach the door from the other side.

The knob turned and Roen revealed himself with nothing out of place from what she could tell.

"Sorry for not helping out, you could've told me and I would've done it," he stated following her down the hall.

"Considering all the things you do for me every day, it's no trouble at all," she said cheerily walking through the living room. In the kitchen she told him to find a seat while she tended to what was made on the stove. Roen was soon greeted by a plate of spaghetti topped with a piece of garlic bread. After Sarah made her own plate, she joined him to a mostly quiet meal. The clinking of silverware and glasses of water dominated the conversation that had yet to happen. Curiosity and concern nagged at Sarah, enough for her to at least ask. "So you don't want to talk about your little problem?" she asked hoping to be of some help.

"Uh... no it's nothing. No problem at all," he said looking back down to his meal worriedly. Addressing the problem wasn't going to help, only at least embarrass him. A little bit of chit chat ensued, but he never had the answers that she wanted. He excused himself after dinner and she let him go on to bed. Sarah gave a sigh resting her head on the table. She didn't like seeing him holding his feelings inside without a means of proper relief.

'How silly could they be for him not to talk to me about it?' she thought going over possibilities but once again, came up short. Excusing herself, she decided to retire to bed as well. "A relaxing shower and good nights rest will help me solve this," she mumbled heading to her room, padding over the wooden floor. Grabbing a nightgown and other essentials, Sarah went into the bathroom to tidy up. After taking care of showering and other typical hygiene, she dried off and put her slippers back on. The red panda frowned at her footpaw seeing a claw caught in a few loose pink threads. Kicking them off by the sink cabinets, she bent down adjusting her weight from one leg to the other. 'Ugh, I need a masseuse,' she rubbed over the tops of her footpaws, looking at the claws to see the light brown nail polish on them. Sarah's mind went back to when Roen's hand brushed against her foot, and how she liked it. Her brow furrowed, things were connecting together. Looking back over the pad, she flexed her foot watching the simple action.

"My footpaws," a whisper echoed figuring it out, feeling as if she had cracked an Edgar Allen Poe crypt. Oddly enough, she found herself blushing at the realization. 'My footpaws!' she resounded in her head as if to double check herself. It certainly explained every incident and why he was staring below the chair. Sarah took a few steps forward while looking down at her path of travel, each having a sense of power with every stride. Turning her gaze towards the bathroom mirror, the red panda cupped her small chest, always seeing that as her problem with finding a guy. 'No one has ever viewed any part of me as sexy, even if it's part of a fetish.' Looking back down at the rusty orange fur that topped her newly found sources of power and attractiveness, she grinned happily. 'Time to make a move on him tomorrow afternoon,' she hurried to bed preparing her usual things for the morning. Burying herself under the covers, the red panda closed her eyes, wondering what he would be dreaming about. Roen was already asleep in his room, but had no idea his mistress figured out his little secret.

Sarah awoke on schedule the following morning wearing a smirk, but not wanting to raise suspicion quite yet, she planned on treating breakfast and most of the morning as normal. Soon a knock at the door caught her attention.

"You can enter Roen," she said composing herself as the knob turned. He walked in just as he normally would with a small tray of food, carefully laying it on her lap. "Thank you, you may leave if you want to," Sarah told him noticing his kind smile as he turned around. She watched his back closely as he left her bedside, only to have her gaze torn when he walked out of the doorway. 'Why couldn't I notice how cute he was before?' she frowned at herself in a feigned pout before her lips curled into a renewed smile. Sarah didn't want to waste the day and devoured her breakfast with vigor before setting the tray aside. Throwing the covers away, the eager red panda changed into a set of comfortable clothes, without socks of course, and headed into the bathroom to brush up her facial fur quickly. Even slippers were skipped on the way out. She was more than excited about Roen's little obsession and wanted him to do more than admit it. The mischievous red panda bided her time until lunch hit, where Roen made a soup. "Please sit by me Roen," she said pointing to the chair across her corner.

"I will mistress, just let me get a few crackers," he said rummaging through a cabinet before taking the reserved seat.

"Mm, the soup is really good. You don't need to constantly impress me Roen," she said with a giggle.

"My pleasure mistr-E-ss," his voice heightened feeling a warm pad brush against his leg. Sarah gave him an innocent quizzical look only for him to act as if nothing had happened. Returning to their lunch, she was only just beginning. Sarah intentionally adjusted her legs every few minutes so her footpaws would brush up against Roen. Each time she had an immediate effect seeing the husky fidget, fold his ears, or look away from the corner of her eye. Sarah expected him to at least ask her to stop or shift his chair away, but he did neither. Eventually the light lunch was eaten without a single peep given from him by the time he stood up. She frowned inwardly. Roen just wouldn't crack no matter what. He took her finished dish and went over to the sink to clean it.

"Are you sure you're doing ok?" she asked the unconfortable husky.

"Yeah I'm fine mistress. I'll finish the last bit of cleaning after this," he said taking her bowl. Sarah watched him then head out probably to the hall closet to clean the two living room windows.

'Why can't he just give in!' she thought resting her head on the table for a while. This indirect stuff wasn't working as planned. 'Alright I can simply ask him to massage me and see where it goes from there, or I can make this a little more fun and see if there is anything else hidden as well,' she pondered looking out the kitchen window to the backyard. A basic massage would make him feel awkward when asking, but they could both secretly enjoy it without having the embarrassment of telling one another. The only problem is that in the long run it would just be a pointless barrier between them, which could lead to other problems themselves. Taking it a step further, she could instead ask point blank to see if Roen really did have the fetish to get rid of any future problems about the subject so he wouldn't be tortured from it all mentally. This option enabled them to mutually enjoy it among other things without any guilt and be more open to each other. Another minute passed before she made up her mind heading into the living room using her confident stride. Roen just finished cleaning and took no notice of her walking in to take a seat.

He promptly left to put away the cleaning materials before coming back. 'Time to persuade him to spill it,' she thought adjusting her seat on the couch placed next to a coffee table. "Sit across from me Roen," she said solidly, watching him walk from the window to plant his rear on the glass surface. The husky sat down, showing no nervous behavior as she carefully observed him, although her commanding voice seemed to have captured his attention. Nothing out of the ordinary... yet. The silence passed over calmly before he broke it.

"Why did you call me over here to sit mistress?" He asked innocently enough, oblivious to her little ploy.

"Do you mind telling me what has you bothered so much? Your a great servant, and an even better friend who is very loyal, and I don't like seeing you all tense and flustered over something silly," she remarked knowingly at his less than enthusiastic appearance.

"Uh, what are you talking about mistress?" he shakily said, the lying very noticeable in his voice.

"I've noticed you staring at me, well a part of me for quite some time, and I want you to tell me about it," his mistress said slyly waiting to see if he would respond properly to that. Roen was scared stiff, he wasn't sure how to counter that one. She interrupted his desperate chain of thoughts by planted her footpaws in his lap, "What do you want to do now? No one else is here to say otherwise." His face burned a bright crimson, something his white facial fur could never hope to hide. The husky's light blue eyes were inadvertently drawn to her feet, only to shiver in place as she lightly dug a heel in his thigh. His body was unconsciously aroused and he couldn't fight it off or disobey her without being found out as the tightness in his pants only grew more noticeable. The worried expression etched into his face only worsened as he looked at her amused grin. "This certainly isn't helping you," she commented, rubbing her toes over the clearly visible bulge between his legs. His heart started beating rapidly, feeling excitement cloud his thoughts watching the wonderfully padded digits caress him through the cloth prison.

Her next cooing words were barely heard as an echo while he watched her footpaws eagerly waiting for him. "Gotchya," she murmured flexing one group seeing him and his pants ready to break. Roen couldn't take the torture any longer, with lustful eyes, he acted on the more than available opportunity. Moving both hands, they connected to her warm soles causing him to shiver in happiness. Sarah leaned her head back and sighed in delight, able to literally feel the rush of excitement she had because of his actions, feeling good about it that they both were enjoying it. 'This feels great!' It was definitely better than having him nervous around her, and she never had enough time nor money to visit a masseuse. His hands gently began rubbing into her wonderful pads, loving their texture and heat. Roen forgot he was a slave and generously continued to massage her soles for both of their enjoyment. Time disappeared for the lust driven canine as he could finally let loose the pent up emotion. Every stroke possible was performed from heel to claw tip on her as if they were composed of putty just for him.

He heard her giggle when a claw accidentally dug in, snapping him from the trance like state. A sinking feeling formed in his gut. Roen felt ashamed, folding his ears back, that he lost control and did something so rash without an order.

"Mistress Sarah, please forgive me!" The slave placed her feet on the ground smoothly before he went to his knees on the floor prostrating before her, "I lost control of myself." She smiled and brought an ankle to his shoulder, caressing his cheek with a sole.

"Oh I can do more than forgive you," she said watching him lean into her erotic touch. The husky looked nervous but nodded and stood up as his mistress motioned for him to do so. She took him through the kitchen before leading him to her bedroom, almost shaking from the excitement. Roen practically felt dizzy from all the feelings coursing through him now as well. Shutting the white door behind him, he watched her shuck off her clothes soon left only clad in a pair of matching pink panties and bra. His mistress wasn't a large or small woman, but a healthy medium with extra meat while retaining most of the rights curves. The only curves she lacked was her chest, which if Roen had to guess, we're an A or AA at best. But they never dissuaded him from admiring her, even with the barely noticeable sag. "Don't just stand there," she hopped on the bed snapping him back to focus from standing and gawking at her. He nodded and approached the bed and climbed up as she prepared to lay down on her front. The fur on her front was a dark maroon brown that extended from the top of her neck to her thighs, the back was the same ruddy brown with a hint of orange that covered everything else except for her face.

Carefully he knelt beside her and she nodded her head for him to proceed. Extending his hands, he lightly gripped her shoulders and slowly worked into the muscle as she relaxed. Roen felt awkward seeing her almost nude, and even worse he developed a stiff problem down south to make it worse for him. "God your hands feel amazing," she quietly said as he worked lower over her shoulder blades with those adroit hands. "I should've known about this earlier, why didn't you tell me about all this?" she asked with her eyes closed enjoying the massage.

"It's just... embarrassing, and I didn't want you to sell me because of it," he told her truthfully.

"Mmm, well I wouldn't let any other person touch me let alone touch rub me down, so I can see why you would keep it a secret." Roen took a much needed sigh of relief and relaxed, no longer afraid of being thrown out into Sellers Market to be auctioned away. His mistress was way ahead of him, moaning occasionally from his wonderful hands. Working all over her, they mostly remained silent as he nearly finished above the back of the red panda's knees. Sarah shifted somewhat on the bed feeling him go lower to her calf muscles. "So," her voice picked up on curiosity, "are you really that attracted to my feet?" she asked moving a bottom paw through the air. It brushed against his chin causing him to lose rhythm in his ministrations.

"Y-yeah," he shivered watching it lay back down gently before he reached very close to start on his favored place. Feeling him approach, Sarah told her husky to stop for a moment.

"Ah, ah, save them for last, now you'll have to work specially to get to them today for keeping them a secret," she playfully warned him as he backed away from her ankles. His mistress flipped over on her bed face up, motioning him to continue with a finger. He saw her grin broaden as Sarah noticed the clear bulge in his pants. "What about the rest of me? Don't you like what you see?" she asked proudly displaying her barely covered form.

"Well... yeah you are very beautiful," he admitted, ears folded back, cheeks blushing a soft pink. Sarah watched him look away briefly before making eye contact again. He scooted forward on his knees next to her side ready to start on the fronts of her shoulders only to be stopped by a defiant hand.

"I want to see how aroused you are," she stated, "so take off all those clothes for me."

"What, are you joking!?" He froze in place watching her lustful, yet stern face.

"No," she said unclasping her bra before him, then handing it to the red cheeked husky. 'Just too shy... for now,' Sarah thought propping her head on a pillow. He snuck a peek that she clearly didn't mind, but blinked trying to focus. Following command, he scooted off the bed removing one article of clothing at a time, his mistress watching intently. After folding them up on the back of a chair, he walked back over to his awaiting mistress, maleness in full view with a developing knot at its base. Sarah studied his private region closely all donned with the same fluffy white fur that covered most of his body. His sheath was remained pulled back by his not yet full round knot, keeping the red rod exposed to the cool air. Hanging below were his fuzzy twinned orbs containing the potent seed which was stored within. "I haven't had anyone attracted to me so," she said with a sultry voice seeing his organ bob in the air as he climbed back onto the bed. Roen maneuvered close to her again before starting at her shoulders and lower neck where he left off.

Her insatiable grin was a constant reminder that she was eyeing him like a piece of candy while he couldn't help himself from peeking along her body. Realizing how close her hand was to his private region, he started shifting away watching it snake towards him. "Ah, don't move, I've never touched a man before," she excitedly brought her hand underneath between his knees. Roen tensed seeing an extended finger draw near, but focused on what he was told to do. His organ practically jumped along with him as a curious finger came into contact with the skin, resulting in a cute giggle from his mistress. It ran softly and delicately around him as he felt his heart beat faster with glee to the touch. Her delicate fingers traveled all over him even to his sac where she rolled and felt the two identical orbs causing Roen to whine quietly from the wonderful pleasure. His actions faltered somewhat as she continued to play with him without showing any intentions of stopping, but his mistress was obviously enjoying it all nonetheless.

"Keep going, you are doing a wonderful job Roen," she cooed to him continuing to rub her palm and fingers along the sensitive underside. It took the husky quite a bit of willpower to not start thrusting his hips wantonly into the soft furred finger. He went below her shoulders at the very top of her chest, slowly making his way down with groans caused by her delicate hand. Roen couldn't help eye them as her chest rose and fell. They were the same color as her entire front, a healthy brown tinted with maroon red, and the caps of flesh that adorned them were a slightly darker shade. Despite how petite they were, her breasts had a cuteness that he did like but in no such way wanted to violate her by touching the small mounds. Out of respect and decency, which even though she had already thrown out the window, he moved to his mistress's lower chest just below their curves and started to pick up where he left off. Sarah was surprised that he passed them up when she so readily presented them, but became frustrated thinking that he was skipping them out of pity or something.

"Are you avoiding them because they're small?" she questioned him with a hint of anger.

"N-no, I shouldn't touch you there mistress," he held back his hands. Roen shivered feeling a claw gently run under his member provocatively.

"I'm in front of you nearly naked," she flatly said taking matters into her own hands literally. Whimpering he watched her left hand grab his wrist, moving it down to the small mass feeling a hard firm nub make contact with his palm. She began moving his hand in circles from his wrist as both felt the soft flesh being kneaded.

"Muh-mistress," he whimpered while she moaned erotically from the touch. Her other hand stopped playing with him to do the same with his left hand. The husky's face was deeply shaded red watching his mistress pleasuring herself with his hands.

"Now treat them with a good amount of attention like you did with the rest of of my body," she ordered him letting go. Obeying, he rubbed her supple chest in a circular motion starting to enjoy it himself. She murred in grand satisfaction, but her hands were almost just as busy. Roen tensed briefly feeling her curiosity return to between his legs. Whenever she rubbed over his knot, he had to slow down immediately and moan. The feeling was too strong to focus through. As she commanded, he continued to rub over her chest feeling the hard nubs bend to his whim. Eventually after a full minute or two, she allowed him to move down to her ribs and tummy. His mistress was in no particular hurry herself, moaning occasionally while her hand pet and toyed with him. Roen moved to her hips and noticed her panties had a small wet spot and figured they were to be removed as well. So he carefully hooked the item meaning to remove it. It was her turn to blush when he grasped the hem of her pink garment. "No not there!" she squeaked moving a leg to block his hand.

"Not yet," she said in a more firm voice as he went to the tops of her thighs instead. Sarah didn't want to peak right there and then, and she was a little scared of someone else's hands going there for the time being. Roen titled his head in confusion, his mistress had so readily forgone her other clothes but not this one. A warm padded hand brought him back to the present, stroking his member with renewed vigor. He refocused moving along the length of her thighs generously, his hips swaying just barely from her hand. As he approached the lower half of her leg, Roen started fumbling around and becoming clumsy. The sensation inside was beginning to reach a breaking point, and he couldn't tell her to stop. Her warm smooth hand felt silky to the touch and so desirably warm. His length twitched once.

"Mistress... I... your hand," he grunted holding onto her legs for support as his heart thumped loudly.

"Shh, just let it out," she cooed stroking faster with her padded grip in control of the situation once more. Holding fast, he felt the pressure send him past the point of no return. Sounding off a strained moan he released his stored seed with thick white ropes landing across her tummy, matting the fur it landed on. Sarah watched with her lusty smile as he was emptied by her hand while his shaft throbbed still pumping the gooey product. As his orgasm ebbed away, his mistress removed her hand and gave an exploratory taste only to clean off the rest. Roen sat back panting from the wild experience as the red spire gradually shrank back into his protective sheath. "Let's both have a nice warm shower," she recommended sitting up before grabbing his wrist. Nearly dragged over the bed, the husky stumbled on two wobbly legs following his mistress to the bathroom. The feminine bathroom was the same as always, shelves and cabinets harboring many different products all impossibly organized giving it a very tidy clean appearance.

Sarah went over leading him to the shower and cut it on. "Sit in front of the shower seat," she turned around removing her last article of clothing with some privacy. Obeying, he opened up the shower door and walked into the warm waterfall. The space on the inside was a bit bigger than he expected for the foggy glass door to be hiding. On the side was the comfortable ledge to sit on and he dutifully sat down in front of it. The warm water already had him soaked. A few seconds passed until the door opened again as his mistress entered with a resounding wet slap of water on the floor. She walked around him ruffling his wet head fur before taking a seat on the ledge. The shower head was angled perfectly allowing both of them to have a steady stream of water falling on them. After enjoying the initial shock of warmth, her brown eyes glowed at him. "I think you did splendidly today, so you should have what you earned but next time if something bothers you, let me know," she placed her footpaws in his lap and he eagerly began rubbing over them.

"Yes mistress," he apologized. Sarah was a little relieved that he wasn't eyeing her nether region and relaxed into his touch, directing him occasionally where to go. Moaning as he worked diligently, she could feel herself getting wet again. His thumbs massaged between each clawed toe lusciously as the warm water cascaded down around them. As the minutes happily moved by, Sarah washed out the encrusted matter on her belly and began cleaning the rest of her fur with soap. The foot massage certainly made the shower much more pleasurable. She was actually glad that Roen had this fetish above any other. Finishing with the soap, Karen found herself watching him dutifully pleasure both of their desires. He clearly enjoyed his task at hand.

"Geez Roen you need to control yourself better," she commented on his rapidly hardening organ. It had only been maybe fifteen minutes since he came on her. He gave a lusty but shy smile while focusing his thumbs in the center of her soles. Pre was already drooling out his rigid shaft as he indulged himself while beginning to pant. His mistress watching the entire show in front of her unable to do anything else. His knot soon came into full view as it throbbed in time with a strong heartbeat in the air. To Sarah, it looked like he couldn't come so easily without something touching him. She helped by bringing a soggy footpaw to his trembling organ before hooking it between two toes, stroking back and forth. Roen gasped squirming only to buck his hips as she paced herself going from his knot to tip. He held onto her leg panting and moaning loudly as she quickly finished him off. Sarah watched with wide eyes as he moaned loudly, his member twitching before shooting forth white ropes all over her feet and shower floor.

Roen squeezed his eyes shut and her footpaws tightly as he rode through the powerful orgasm nearly vibrating in place. Time passed as the flow became a trickle before stopping altogether. After a few moments of panting, he took the soap and earnestly washed her lower legs and footpaws removing anything that shouldn't be there, running his fingers through her fur. Sarah could plainly see the dumb grin and glazed look he gave off while cleaning her. He then finished by holding them up and rinsing them off in the steady stream of water. The whole show had really worked her body up as she could feel the strong heat between her thighs practically scream out. After they were rinsed off thoroughly, she planted them back in his lap seeing his knot shrink again along with the rest of his organ. The husky surprised her by removing them and placing them on the shower floor. "I thought you got a kick out of them," she said already missing the massage and show.

"The whole erotic sense of it all crashes after I climax, but steadily builds back up," he said washing over his arms and chest quickly, "I'm pretty much a regular slave for the moment."

"Can you explain that a little more?" she asked rocking his knee with an idle foot.

"It's out of my system until I get aroused again," he stated happily, cleaned on the inside and out, taking a deep breath only to pick up another scent he wasn't familiar with. Sarah really enjoyed the little bit of fun so far and apparently didn't want it to end quite yet. Moving her footpaws back slightly, Sarah spread her legs nervously to get his attention. She desperately wanted to have a climax caused by something other than her hand that actually cared for her. Roen started to sit up feeling his head clear from the lust that clouded him. A hand held him back as he looked up to her more needy look. His mistress stood up a little shakily and took a nervous step forward directly in front of him. The husky was now face to face with her treasure that she guarded so securely earlier. Her nether lips were a similar brown just like the rest of her front, not quite the same black that her pads were. They appeared slippery wet not from the shower but excitement.

"Roen," she said shakily to get his attention again, "no one has ever touched me there, so please be careful." The husky looked up to his master and gave her nervous expression a warm smile.

"I will mistress," he rubbed the insides of her thighs making her shiver. The husky definitely wanted to repay her for everything. Sarah leaned forward so that his nose was barely an inch from the lovely puffed folds. Sticking his tongue out, he gave a slow lick up the entire length of her labia feeling her shudder in response as she gripped his shoulders with both hands for support. He placed his hands at the top back of her thighs for extra support. She wobbled in place from his pleasuring tongue feeling it start to wedge between her folds. Roen could feel her hips trying to grind against his tongue as he started penetrating her. Her muscular passage was very wet, but not from the shower. There wasn't any bad or overpowered taste either. In seconds he had a steady rhythm of tracing her walls that had her moaning beautifully. The wet lapping sounds only added to the intense feelings she was experiencing. Extending his tongue a little further, he grazed against a hard nub that made her groan loudly as her walls seemed to strangle his slick appendage.

"Oh god Roen keep going!" She commanded shakily as he held the tops of her thighs firmly. Pressing against him, Roen felt his mouth being smothered by her hot sex that begged for more attention. Not wanting to disappoint, he worked as fast as he could swirling his tongue over her tortured love button. Her struggled grunts and moans were immediately replaced with a loud scream that echoed throughout the bathroom. Roen felt her walls spasm before being rewarded with an extra helping of juices as his mistress shuddered above him. He licked clean what the water could not as his mistress leaned forward holding onto his shoulders.

"Oh thank you Roen," she said giving him a big hug as he stood up.

"Anything for you mistress," he hugged her back. After a few seconds he reached over and cut the water off.

"Oh Roen," she moaned out still clinging onto him, the afterglow having a wonderful effect on her.

"Come on mistress, we'll freeze and stick to each other," Roen said trying to wiggle out from her grip. She gave a big happy sigh letting him go as he stepped out of the shower. Roen held her hand as she stepped out onto the small rug before getting a towel.

"So you really won't harden up as easily now?" she said giving his thigh a quick pat while he dried her.

"Pretty much," he replied drying off her shoulders. She enjoyed him roaming over her body but frowned as he skipped her chest entirely again. Turning around she grabbed his wrists and softly placed his hands overtop her chest. The husky gave a look of nervousness as the towel spilled to the ground.

"Despite how little I have to show off, most men wouldn't have a problem touching me here," she said wanting to know his reason.

"I don't know... Your my mistress. I'm not used to touching anyone there because it's inappropriate," he explained folding his ears back.

"After all this?" she gave a sigh thinking. "Ok, we can spend all of tomorrow getting you accustomed to that," his mistress figured out with a grin letting him go. She picked up the towel to dry the rest of her fur while Roen retrieved a second towel for himself. A brush took care of any unruly damp fur before the two exited the bathroom only to notice the heavy scent of arousal still left over from a while ago.

"Should I light a candle in here mistress?" He asked as she smoothed out the covers over the bed.

"I was actually hoping the smell would last by morning," she said turning her head back to him wearing a grin. Roen shrugged following her out noticing how late it really was. They went basic when it came time for dinner, happy that they had all their fun. A frozen pizza in the oven did the trick and soon it was being sliced with a piece on each plate. She sat next to him with a footpaw in his lap that he tenderly stroked while they ate.

"I love pepperoni and sausage mistress, but I'm not a fan of olives," he said spitting one out onto his plate.

"I guess it's an acquired taste," she said taking a big bite. Roen smirked tossing a few onto his plate, not seeing his taste buds accepting that. But his mistress changed the topic pretty quickly. "Will you think I'm a pervert if I ask you to remain nude inside now?" she asked with a sultry grin.

"Only if you agree to do it with me," he replied with a smile. They both laughed at how awkward it sounded.

"Ok, I can agree to that," she accepted the funny deal as the chuckles wore off. They tossed the last half eaten crusts into the metal pizza tray, their meal finished. "It's still early for bed so is there anything you want to do?" She asked as he continued to rub sensually over her pad making her murr occasionally.

"Whatever pleases you mistress. You've made today more than special to me," he said smiling starting to use his second hand on her foot. She leaned back in her chair enjoying his touch.

"I was just thinking about the same thing as you," his mistress replied with her eyes half closed. Time slipped away as Sarah completely melted into his warm hands until she caught herself dozing off. "Roen I want to fall asleep in my bed, not in a chair," she yawned out.

"Do you want to go to bed then mistress?" he asked setting her footpaws down. She nodded her head standing up.

"You can sleep with me tonight if you want," she said as he followed her to the hall, cutting out lights along the way.

"I would love to," he replied not far behind her. The two entered a dark bedroom, but Roen paused by the bed as she crawled in.

"You do want to sleep with me right?" She said looking over to him before laying down.

"Yes, but where do you want me to sleep on the bed?" He stood by with a hand on the corner.

"I don't mind as long as you are actually on the bed," she said making herself comfortable. Roen took the initiative and crawled in at the end under the covers. Sarah felt him turn on his side and line up at her feet perpendicular to her. A pair of hands found a sole a moment later, generously petting and rubbing it. She giggled feeling him breathing on one, and wiggled her toes against him. The cool nose pressed against her did give the red panda an idea though. She pressed the bottom of her foot against his damp nose, rubbing it across. Getting the hint, Roen opened his mouth and gave an exploratory lick along the middle of her pad. There wasn't any disdainful taste present, only a vague sweet musk that reminded him of her. Satisfied from what he found, he lapped away along the entirety of her footpaw while the other scratched his chin with a claw being rubbed by both his hands, silently telling him he was performing perfectly. Slowly she did fall asleep with the aid of his tongue and hands, a quiet nasally snore signifying it.

Roen paused and retracted his tongue, his desires were more than satiated for the day. Sitting up, he crawled up to the top of the bed and watched her sleeping form. She had a smile across her face that showed how much of a wonderful day she had as well. Roen pulled the cover back to expose her chest. He didn't see why she felt insecure about it like she did her nether regions, although his politeness didn't alleviate the situation either. 'I should break this shyness,' he thought. Maybe her idea for tomorrow wouldn't be so bad. They were cute in size as his eyes traced along the small curve of the underside. His mistress mumbled something but remained asleep. Moving down, Roen snuggled up to her and placed his head on her chest. He could hear the thumping of a sleeping body that strangely soothed him. Mind at ease, he relaxed holding onto her as if his mistress was an overstuffed toy as sleep slowly blanketed him. Roen thought his mistress would've had the opposite reaction she had today when finding out about his private obsession but was relieved that not only did she not mind, but she participated in it too with good intention.

Sarah woke up feeling a weight on her chest. Cracking her eyes open, she spotted the top of Roen's head laying across the middle gently rising and falling in time with her breathing. Her cheeks gave a light blush. She felt embarrassed for falling asleep while he pleased her, but it did feel really good.

'Hopefully Roen enjoyed it all as much as I did,' she thought looking down at the sleeping husky on her chest. She quietly waited for him to wake up, only to accidentally sneeze causing him to stir. He stretched without moving his head giving a content sigh.

"Good morning Mistress," he said showing no intention of getting up just yet.

"Roen, you weren't supposed to let me fall asleep last night," she giggled rubbing his head feeling proud that he hose to sleep there. With a groan he shifted clinging to her, his cool nose making contact with her left nipple. Sarah drew in a quiet sharp breath as a weak shudder passed through her body. The sensitive flesh hardened giving her that giddy feeling again as she held onto Roen's head. The husky was oblivious to what was happening and instinctively gave a quick lick over his nose and the stiff nub. Sarah sighed happily as a grin crept along her lips feeling the electric sensation. Her other hand went under and scratched his chin hoping he would do it again. Roen murred to her touch and yawned opening his eyes finding the stiff bump in front of him. Starting to pull his head back, he felt a firm hand pressing him forward towards it. Opening his mouth to protest, his mistress grabbed both his cheeks and redirected him to where his lips were touching the sensitive diamond. Roen looked up to see her give a toothy smile.

The fog from sleep vanishing, he gave a lecherous smile knowing what she wanted and stuck out his long canine tongue giving the teat a tantalizing lick. Sarah gave another sharp intake of air and moaned running her fingers through his cheek fur. He lapped vigorously at the hard nub, swirling his tongue with great lavish over each one receiving a plethora of coos from his mistress. Her hands generously rubbed his ears and neck in return. His tongue quickly wore out and he rolled off next to her. "That was a great way to wake up," Sarah sighed out, "but it won't get you out of your lesson today." Roen wasn't sure how to feel about that as he laid next to her. She pet his belly before sitting up and leading him to the living room for a moment. There was a welcoming sunbeam on the couch for them to warm up on. Sarah sat down and Roen took to the bottom between her legs.

"Do you even know what caused you to develop the fetish? I'm your first owner and it had to of subconsciously began when you were younger," she said almost too quickly for him to hear. He held a leg possessively and leaned onto her knee.

"I don't know why it started, but I remember being very angry and embarrassed for having it in the first place," he said doing his best to answer her question. "But it's not the reason I like you so much mistress, although you do make it bearable to say the least."

"I like you too Roen, but It just feels different because I own you and everything," she admitted as he ruffled her leg fur rubbing over her ruddy shins.

"I'm perfectly content with how this is going," he smiled as she placed her legs over his shoulders, footpaws resting in his lap. She felt him barely hold in a shiver of excitement as he began running over the tops with smooth fingers. Sarah leaned over and kissed the top of his head making him lightly blush, but much to his dismay she moved her legs.

"Well now that we have that figured out, let's start your cure of breast evasiveness," she stated standing up. Roen gave her a curious apprehensive look from below. "And don't worry, we can cover other areas as well," she have a wink waiting for him to stand. "Sit all the way back on the couch," she instructed. He complied without a problem plopping down on the soft cushions. His mistress then spread his legs before sitting directly in front of him with her back pressed against his front. "Give me your hands," she stated. Roen complied again and held them out to his mistress only to feel her place them over her chest. Her nipples poked his palms and fingers as Sarah reached for the remote turning it to some random channel. She then snuggled leaning back onto him so that his chin could rest on a shoulder. Roen had to hold his mistress close so she wouldn't slide or lean away in case she decided to pull that on him. His hands were basically taking her bra's job for the morning as they remained firmly planted over her chest. Roen had a tough time focusing on the tv. His mistress liked adjusting her seat and wiggling around to keep his attention elsewhere.

The hard nipples constantly dug into and brushed his palm as her lower back shifted against sheath, starting to coax out his hiding member. "Do you remember what was on tv?" she suddenly asked refocusing his attention.

"Uh... No. Was the news playing or something?" Roen guessed afraid he did something wrong.

"Good, I thought I was the only one who wasn't paying attention," she chuckled resting her hands over top of his. Roen felt her take a big breath wiggling her hips so her fur brushed against his hardening member.

"Mistress you're doing that on purpose," he whined out feeling her hands suddenly return back to his occupied ones.

"No, I'll make you do this on purpose," she emphasized her point by making his hands slowly rub her chest in circles. "Now keep doing that as if they were my feet," she said letting go as he continued. His member twitched as she brushed her tail along his length rewardingly. Roen's breath already deepened, he found it all very arousing at how taboo it was for his owner, a woman, to let him do this. "Don't stop," she mumbled taking one of his hands away from her chest. That was the last thing in his mind. She led his hand down her soft furred tummy into a region of more short silky fur. He watched her legs spread for his hand as it was placed over her warm mound. She didn't have to give an order as he lightly rubbed over her furry slit while continuing to massage her chest. Sarah rewarded him every now and then by using her tail to tickle his length, making him that much closer to coming. Because of this, time almost didn't pass for the husky until he noticed her leg shift. His mistress did adjust her leg, propping the foot over her knee as if to tease him further. To her lovely husky this was setting off a few green lights. He stopped massaging her mound figuring she wouldn't mind him switching momentarily.

Roen slowly moved his lower hand away wanting to lustily touch that instead. She sat up ending the wonderful contact just as he was about reach a climax. "Ah! Don't touch them until you finish this correctly," she said moving them away. "Your only breaks will be breakfast, lunch, and dinner ok?" she added with a gleeful smile. He let out a sigh, this training, if it could be called that, was going to make the day a long one at best.

Roen stared out one of the front windows contently for his mistress to come home. It was a lazy Thursday and his work was finished a few hours ago in the morning. His waiting paid off as her car hurried down the driveway kicking up dust in the process. After parking and slamming the door shut, his mistress walked up the pathway to the front door which he promptly opened as she stepped across the porch.

"Have a good day at work mistress?" he asked with a smile watching her quickly enter.

"Same old same old," his mistress responded handing him her bags, "but I'm glad that I have you to greet me everyday." He took her bags as she went into the living room and kicked off her one inch heels. Sarah fell back on the sofa stretching out as he came back through to retrieve her shoes for tomorrow. She propped her head on a cushion and Roen came back again this time sitting at the other end of the couch, placing her footpaws in his lap. "Mmm," she murred as he worked over her tired arches wonderfully. "If only you could go to work with me," she mumbled melting on the couch as he rubbed over her soles. He continued satisfying both their desires with his hands as her eyes lit up with an idea. "Wait you can come to work with me!" she sat up startling the husky. "You would have your quick fun and we would be right next to each other all day," she smiled happily planning it all out in her head.

"I don't want anyone else to know about this though," he flattened his ears and quickly raised her clawed foot.

Waving a hand that dismissed his fear, "Nonsense, you can stay under my desk where no one can see you," she sounded confident and the idea itself was rather tempting, "Besides, slaves are always in public being treated worse than how I treat you in private."

"I would be surprised if a slave was treated better than me," he agreed.

"Then it's settled. You can come to work with me tomorrow morning," she said happily before closing her eyes as his hands returned to her footpaws. Roen continued, although the erotic thrill was dulled considerably. His immediate fear was being noticed and being separated from her, but Roen knew his mistress would never let that happen. It certainly wouldn't be the easiest night for Roen at the foot of his mistresses bed.

"How big is your workplace?" Roen said hoping there wouldn't be too many others there. She turned out of the driveway patting his thigh reassuringly.

"Big enough so you won't be noticed and small enough not get lost in," she said. Roen shifted in his seat smoothing his shorts. He still wasn't completely used to having clothes on after abstaining from them for nearly five weeks. The different feel over his fur only added to his discomfort and nervousness. Roen stayed quiet the rest of the trip as they entered the town. A mostly full parking lot soon greeted him as he heard the engine cut off. The building wasn't too intimidating. Only a few stories, but still large in overall appearance to the husky. "Come on Roen," she said giving him a quick peck on the cheek, "It's not like I'm leading you in with a leash." He gave an unsteady sigh opening the door. Her little joke lightened the mood somewhat for him. "We'll take a side door if it helps," she led him towards one end of the building. A brisk walk and an elevator ride later, they were going through a hallway. Roen didn't receive any awkward stares but did have the feeling of what he would be doing wouldn't be well thought of by her coworkers.

"Are you sure this is alright Mistress?" he whispered to her as they approached an empty seated desk which was assumed to be hers.

"Of course, so long as what we do doesn't slow work down or violate company policy." His mistress made it sound so nonchalant and inconspicuous while she wheeled the chair back. Roen stretched while he could before crouching down and crawling user her desk. Finding a spot in the back middle, he crossed his legs waiting for her to sit down. Under her desk wasn't exactly cramped, but small to say the least. With just enough room to sit up, he watched her legs dart around putting what he guessed to be a few papers and things away for later. The smell of the wooden desk was very feint giving him the quick feeling of being in a carpenter's shop. A few moments later she sat down and adjusted her position to her liking. He was a little surprised to see his mistress sporting a pair of running shoes laced up in bunny ears fashion. They sat squarely in front of him within reach, no rushing indicated. The husky wasn't sure when to act because he was in such a foreign area with so many people potentially able to know what was going on.

Although nobody else would have cared, Roen was a shy person at heart. His delayed actions caught Sarah's attention at least. She scooted forward on the wheeled office chair deciding for him as her rubber soles delicately sat in his lap. Seeing everything was fine, his hands started moving. He cautiously rubbed the tops of her exposed ankles and lower leg, ruffling through the short rusty fur. The shoes tapped away letting him know there was plenty to miss out on. Eventually Roen relaxed enough to untie her shoes and slip them off quietly setting them over in a vacant corner. He wrapped his hand around the white socks that covered his quick desires and promptly rubbed over each once. He could feel her paws and toes flex melting into his touch as he alternated to petting over each area. Even the socked area where her toes hid behind was given some attention as he manipulated them for their mutual pleasure.

'Enough warming up,' he thought lustily looking forward to the real prize. Lifting her footpaw, he grabbed the end of her sock and began to pull back revealing her heel. To his surprise, she retracted and kept them out of reach for a moment before planting her footpaws back into the husky's lap. He heard a tapping from above signaling a 'no.' Putting the sock back on securely, he began massaging over the fabric where he normally would if it wasn't there. Roen found it slightly annoying but fun and challenging to work for what he cherished lustfully. The erection he sported inside his pants was certainly a testament to that. He cradled each one specially and performed his best despite the thick cottony barrier impeding a satisfied finish for both. This time he tried again and hooked his fingers under the edge of the sock, waiting for approval. Her toes flexed briefly, and no sign of disobedience was given so the husky continued with a good amount of anticipation. He pulled off both of the white fabric prisons simultaneously slowly revealing the dark brown soled pads to him. The toes flexed as the cooler air made contact.

Unable to wait any longer, he tossed the socks aside and pressed his hands her footpaws, intertwining his fingers between her toes. Roen heard a giggle from above as he sighed happily. But he couldn't help but crave the close contact that amused her. They were still very warm from being enclosed for the morning much to his delight. Roen wondered if his mistress had planned that out but didn't give it much thought. Slowly he began moving his hands on her pads gradually breaking off the hold. He saw her hand go under the desk giving him a clear happy thumbs up. He grinned, slowly taking his time going over every spot more than once. The smooth texture of her pads felt divine as time flew by while he caressed each with much attention. Roen didn't notice his mistress scoot forward with her chair as he continued the lavish treatment to one foot. A distinct zipping noise was heard that snapped him to attention. Her other footpaw had busied itself freeing his engorged erection as it sprung out into the open. The husky watched mesmerized as her padded sole slowly approached his throbbing member. The ball of her foot touched first before the rest lined up and began swaying side to side.

Roen couldn't help but groan as the warm smooth surface sent shockwaves of pleasure up his spine. He panted doing his best to return the favor to her other one now pressed against his thigh, but could barely hold onto it. He whined using a hand to keep his mouth shut. Her sole moved up and down slowly, toes gripping the sensitive flesh. Roen shuddered and sighed quietly still holding her other foot with shaky hands. She kept at it until she was starting to be pushed away. Sarah cocked her head and bent down to hear him. "Mistress," he whispered barely holding her back by the ankle. To his relief a tissue box was chucked down at him. With his preparations met, her smooth foot returned with its slow strokes wanting to teasingly draw out the orgasm lying in wait. With his body stuck in a corner, he blissfully watched the erotic motion while trying to pay attention to the other padded appendage. Her other foot squirmed away from his loose grip and joined the other sandwiching his organ between two warm soles. Roen groaned spreading his legs allowing her complete access as she pumped him from all sides. Roen strained not to move as he felt the euphoric wave approaching very close.

When she decided to wiggle her toes along his underside, that was all it took. He dug his fingers into the floor barely able to retrieve the tissues that would save them both from cleaning up an embarrassing mess. A loud gasp was given that startled both as his member emptied itself into a thick wad of tissues. His mistress above looked around and gave a sigh that no one had heard, still feeling him with a foot pump out his cream. Roen was shaking from the intensity as he reached over to grab a few more tissues. He wiped off what little amount had oozed down his shrinking member before carefully balling it all up beside him to be thrown away later. His mistress retracted both paws as he zipped his pants back up before leaning his head back. He closed his eyes taking a long nap, completely worn out from the electrifying experience. Time passed nicely enough despite being in a less than comfortable position before he was woken up with someone shaking his shoulder.

"Roen it's my lunch break, let's hurry up and eat," he heard his mistress say before joining her in an empty break room where the used tissues were disposed of.

"So is this like a halfway point of working?" He asked as she ate the small packed lunch that he provided.

"For me it is anyway," she responded finished the last bite before tossing the disposable container away. "So you're enjoying your stay in my little office space?" She said brushing by him.

"I have to admit, this does beat staying home alone but I will have less time to do my tasks at home," he replied following her back to her desk.

"Oh don't worry about that, I can help you when we get back home then," she gave a wink pulling her chair back for him to crawl under. Roen stretched once more before returning to his post underneath her working desk. To his surprise he noticed her wearing her shoes again, tied tightly with its lace. "Ready for round two Roen?" He heard his mistress whisper from a above the desk. The husky smiled and reached forward placing her shoe covered paws in his lap, starting to slowly massage around her ankles.

Two figures left a side door walking across a parking lot laughing.

"Roen you made me so wet while sitting in that chair I wouldn't be surprised if the whole seat was stained a darker blue," she chuckled lightly batting his ear.

"I can make it up to you when we arrive home," he said watching her smile grow. They buckled themselves in as Sarah hurried out of the parking lot. His mistress seemed to be speeding home with his promise in hand, but this was his third time driving with her so it was hard to tell. Before he knew it they were home inside the front door. Roen took her things and went to her room to put them away for tomorrow. Coming back through the foyer, Roen was shocked seeing his mistresses clothes lying in a heap by the door. "Mistress?" he said walking into the living room only to pause seeing the red panda sitting on the couch naked with her legs spread wide.

"I do hope you make good of your promise," she said beckoning the husky over with a finger. Roen walked over her and kneeled before her, face to face with her wet swollen lips. At least he had his release a while ago, but she was the one controlling herself the whole time. She pet his head before placing a hand behind it urging him forward. He didn't hesitate and dove forward burying his tongue into her swollen hungry sex. His mistress gave a shriek of joy as his smooth tongue worked inside her, lapping away at the tasteful walls. She moaned wiggling as he pressured her clit by lightly suckling it. The small white sections of fur on her face carried a red undertone from heavily blushing. He easily sent her over the edge as she squirmed in place barely managing to hold in a lustful scream. His mistress then went limp only able to hear the quiet noise of her slave's tongue collecting the fruits of his labor. Roen stood up and wiped his muzzle clean before sitting down next to his mistress.

"You always taste delicious by the way," he said only for her to playfully bat his chest and how perverted it sounded. Roen only smiled at her as she couldn't help but smile back. Sarah hugged him from the side starting to lean on him. "If I ever happened to have a hidden office, you would definitely be my Under the Desk Secretary," she chuckled resting her head against his shoulder. Roen drew an arm around to her shoulder holding his mistress close.

It was a quaint Tuesday afternoon as a husky slave was cleaning the last few plates by hand at the sink. Roen was spooked hearing the door slam shut producing a crashing noise that echoed throughout the house nearly dropping the last plate in the sink. His mistress was home a little early than usual. He quickly finished before heading to the foyer to greet her. The first thing out of place he noticed was that she wore a frown over her pretty face as she dropped her things by the door giving a frustrated sigh.

"Good afternoon mistress, you're home early," he said taking her things in hand. She completely ignored him and headed to the living room before a muffled thump was heard. Roen hurried and put her things away before returning only to find the red panda laying back on a sofa wearing the same unhappy expression. "Is there anything I can do to help mistress," he asked seeing how angry she looked.

"There was an argument at work, but it's all settled now," she roughly stated keeping her eyes closed ending any possible discussion about whatever trivial matter ensued at her workplace. Nonetheless, Roen took a seat at the other end of the couch and propped her footpaws into his lap only for her to pull them both away from him still angry.

'Well if it's my job to housekeep for her,' he so figured in his thoughts, 'then it should also be my job to keep her happy.' The husky reached back and returned a leg to his lap grabbing hold on the ankle securely. He didn't like seeing anyone, especially his mistress, angry and his idea sounded the fastest way to relieve the physical side of it at least. '_Laughter is the best medicin_e,' he thought to himself with a slight grin. Using his claws, he gently ran over the soft padded surface back and forth. Her mumbling and groaning ceased as she tried to register the strange sensation. Her foot squirmed causing him to hook his leg around hers for a more stable hold. Roen felt her try to pull back a second time with no avail as her foot couldn't twist away.

"R-Roen... what-" she was cut off as her voice unexpectedly rose in pitch letting a chuckle escape her once frowning lips. "St-stop!" she cried out as a few forced short laughs came out. Toes tried wiggling away from the ticklish sensation as she was held down. More chuckles escaped as he briefly looked up seeing a smile forming on her lips while concentrating on the ball of her foot. Her giggling increased as he proceeded without missing a beat tracing everywhere along her from top to heel. A pillow hit him in the head as her silvery laughter increased until erupting into fully blown laughter. His hands went wild over her padded sole as he tickled her again and again. Caressing it, watching her wiggle and curl in defense, Roen completely tuned everything else out except her laughter while he continued. Her resistance was literally laughed away as she was sprawled out on the couch unable to stop him while his claws softly ran all over her sole. Roen almost lost control over his lust and abruptly stopped hearing her laughing harder than he wanted. The husky still hoped that she calmed down enough while freeing her foot. Her body twitched as she coughed a few times regaining her breath.

Roen relaxed too seeing that his mistress wasn't angry anymore and softly held the tortured foot rubbing over the pad soothingly with a thumb. "Ok... I don't feel angry anymore, but I will never... give you a feather for your birthday," she stated between gulps of air sitting up again.

"Sorry if I was too abrupt mistress," he started rubbing over her other foot, freeing the other.

"No you're fine... but if I'm in a sour mood any time, you have every right to do that again," she patted his shoulder only to smirk looking over. "I see why you tickled me," his mistress said while reaching over to grasp his very erect member. This caught his attention and he felt a little embarrassed for letting it sneak up on him. To his surprise, he was really close to a climax seeing the well formed knot. The husky looked between her legs only to grin seeing a small wet spot on her pants.

"I suppose you enjoyed it to," he said tracing a line over the mark of arousal. Her ears flattened briefly before she squeezed him receiving a yip from the canine. He in turn reached under the hem of her pants and easily found her awaiting sex already wet from arousal. He stroked along her slit as she stroked his erection causing both to moan quietly. Their combined motions synchronized as they continued the simple erotic motion, with even their moans accompanying each other. Roen soon started picking up speed making his mistress pant hard unable to keep up. Sarah soon lost rhythm to Roen's more determined controlled hand. Her hand remained loosely gripped around his knot trying to hold on from the wild pleasure she felt. He didn't let up any as his fingers plunged in and out of her slick opening making lewd sounds in the process. His mistress cried out as she fell backwards arching her back. Her body writhed on the couch as he felt her walls contracting around his fingers until she went limp panting heavily for air. He gave a warm smile watching her panting and moan occasionally because his fingers were still wedged inside her.

Pulling out, he saw his digits coated in the shiny nectar before cleaning each one enjoying the taste as his mistress recovered. She eyed his still throbbing member and edged a leg between his.

"Your turn," she grinned pressing the bottom of her foot against his still throbbing member that was nearly forgotten. Roen laid back against a cushion and groaned as her soft padded sole gently rubbed up and down. He watched practically in a trance as she used her footpaw to tease and rub the smooth skin of his organ.

"Ugh-mistress!" He moaned as she expertly toyed with the sensitive red spire. Roen glanced over and spotted her other footpaw resting next to his hip just begging to be touched. He couldn't help himself as he reached out towards it. Holding the ankle with one hand, he gently scratched along her arch with a claw making it twitch and wiggle. She immediately felt the ticklish sensation return and started laughing again much to the husky's delight. Sarah was too tired to resist, and instead focused on directly pleasuring him despite the constant giggles. Her footpaw increased its pace allowing Roen to moan louder and wiggle his hips to increase the divine friction. The whole thing was a euphoric intoxication to Roen. Her giggles filled the air as he lightly tickled her resting foot with a claw, and his moans and whines accompanied her higher pitched giggles feeling the point of no return approaching quickly. The husky gave a loud yelp before howling as he came. Sarah pressed forward slightly so that the erupting organ fired onto his chest and stomach.

Nothing spilled over onto the couch as the panting husky was being covered with his own seed. Roen laid there panting as the thick ropes of white turned into a drizzling ooze. He let go of her footpaw as se retracted her legs. His mistress gave him a minute to cool off while she sat waiting for him. "Thank you mistress," he said able to feel the seed cooling on his fur. His curled tail underneath trying to wag as fast as it could.

"Come on Roen, let's clean up. There's still a good hour before we need to prepare anything to eat," she said standing on a shaky pair of legs. Roen wearily stood up and quickly followed before anything could drip. His knot had not quite shrunk enough, which made walking very awkward for the canine as the red spire swayed about with each step.

Roen stood ready by his mistress's door, breakfast on a tray in one hand, the other eagerly awaiting the order to proceed. His life was very fortunate compared to others who were bought and sold daily for whatever reason their future owners had in mind. He was first brought to the Sellers market a few months ago, shy and afraid from being forced into servitude. That's when Sarah went to the Sellers market for her first time, simply wanting someone to help out with work around the house, not a dangerous looking thug who could've easily take advantage of her. So she followed through with her plan solely for the purpose of cleaning and doing housework. Then gradually after a few days he became a good friend and did other things with her like any other normal person. He was practically her slave by consent, and ever since Sarah found out about his obsession with her foot paws, she decided to venture out and see where it would take them. Luckily the result feelings were mutual making his work become more centered around pleasure and sex. Although work would still be done either way.

Roen was jittery as always in the morning, unable to wait so long drove him anxious and she probably knew it as well as he did. Today was a special day for the two, something both had surprisingly thought of at once. His eyes scanned the wooden frame of the door, stark white contrasting the soft salmon of the door itself. The knob was an average steely silver, unique with a design of a heart on top. She said it was a promise to not abuse their special relationship with one another, but she could've told him anything and received a simple nod or "Yes ma'am." Passing time the white Siberian Husky, except for his chocolate coated ears and tail, looked over his standard attire. His fur was all to be seen, but clothes were rarely considered to be worn by either when they did play around so actively. The white fur laid calmly against his skin patiently awaiting for his mistress. Sarah was getting ready for him in the bedroom, folding up her bathrobe on the door connecting to her bathroom, moving her slippers over in the same direction.

Lastly, the red panda set a stool by the end of the bed on her side before jumping back in under the covers.

"You may come in now," he heard her finally give him the command to enter. The husky entered carrying the tray dutifully into her chamber. "You may sit by the foot of the bed while I eat," she instructed him with a wink to where a convenient stool was placed by the end of the covers. He contently walked over taking a seat on the wooden surface carefully eying two distinct lumps under the surface of the comforter, both nearly on the edge of the bed. Roen could easily imagine what they looked like hidden away from view, dark black pads on the bottom with shorter ruddy fur on top. Each toe nimble yet blocky, and little claws that she preferably had painted brown. His over active mind began to get the better of himself, feeling the tip of his member begin to poke out from his sheath. Taking a silent deep breath, he calmed down to stop the physical sign of arousal. Watching her eat as if he weren't there, he decided to busy himself one way or another. A shaky hand reached over the cover carefully crawling to the closest of the two bumps underneath.

He paused making contact before proceeding to rub over her toes through the thick blanket, barely able to feel the radiating heat. She pretended to take no notice of his actions and continued eating the lavishly prepared meal in front of her. He continued to rub over them with delicate fingers, as his mistress hummed a small tune while poking a fork into the set of scrambled eggs. His other hand slowly crawled under the covers feeling the cooler sheets slowly being replaced with warmth. Feeling the sheets give way to warm emptiness, he moved outward a little more before extending his fingers. His sudden light touch made her foot jump back in surprisal before resting back in place against his wandering hand. Roen gave a silent sigh as his mistress rolled her eyes in amusement. He lightly traced the arch going up, feeling the warm thick texture of the pad. Giving one last check above, which she seemed to ignore, he pressed forward. He pressed against the warm pad with his fingertips petting its entire length from heel to the space between her supple toes. Roen grew bold and tickled lightly under her toes with a finger only for her foot to squirm.

His hand was batted at with a bushy tail, silently telling him 'no.' Not disappointed at all, he exchanged by rubbing along her other sole instead still receiving the same electric thrill. He knew she was starting to become aroused at least a little, the warmth under the bed couldn't have been created with her fur alone. Meanwhile his mistress had already finished eating and watched the little show below with glee. She had a lot planned for her little husky for the day. "Roen, please take my tray away," she said retracting her paws from him. His ears pinned back briefly before he slid his arm out from the bed and stood up. He gave a quick bow taking the tray away back to the kitchen, placing it in the sink. Returning to the bedroom, his mistress had slipped out of bed and had began to stretch in place. Without most of her body hidden from view, she was revealed to not be wearing anything just like him which only added to the slave's excitement. Her figure wasn't thin, but certainly not large. She did have a very small chest that to her surprise, he loved. And whenever they weren't goofing around like today, he would give attention to her whole body if she so commanded.

Her front was coated with a mixture of dark maroon and brown fur that extended to the tops of her thighs. The tail ringed in a typical pattern with the remainder a ruddy red. Her face had a unique pattern as well, but much more subtle when compared to other red pandas. They were equal in height only for today as she stood up from from squatting. "I was planning to have a pedicure today, but you know how I don't like driving all the way into town," she said with a sly grin looking at him sweetly. "Maybe you could help me," his mistress said in thought while looking at him. Oh how she teased him so. Roen nodded with a not well hidden smile. She directed him over to a chair and stool in her room by the window and her small desk of cosmetics.

"What do you want me to do exactly mistress?" He asked wanting to receive the order as much as she was to give it.

"Just paint my claws, they need it anyway," she remarked flexing one paw in front of him. He grabbed her foot, a light shudder passing through him before he set it in his lap turning towards a few convenient nail polish bottles. "Use the lighter brown," she pointed to the correct bottle. He held her foot to keep as much contact as possible with his hands. One palm was firmly against her pad, the fingers kept her toes spread as he painted each extended claw. Roen did the same with her other footpaw placing it next to the other. The rest of his organ slid out of his sheath into the open air only making it more enjoyable as his mistress inspected his handiwork. "Very good, now let's sit and wait for them to dry some," she said resting both in his lap. He held them both, unable to tear his gaze from them as the rest of his shaft grew from his sheath allowing the organ to bob dangerously close to her. Maybe thirty minutes passed before she spoke up feeling that they had dried enough. "Hmm, you do deserve a small reward," she said seeing his tool standing tall and proud. He gave an inward smile as her footpaws left his lap to stand up.

"What do you have in mind mistress?" he asked nearly shaking with excitement.

"Follow me," she said scratching his chin with a claw. As if hypnotized, Roen followed his mistress closely into the living room where she sat on one end of the small couch and commanded him to sit at the other. "You are allowed to massage, lick, and tickle them in any order you desire," she said seeing that he nearly had a heart attack of excitement. "Start however you want," she told him planting her legs across in his lap, only a few inches apiece away from his already swollen sheath. He tapped a claw on a pad, letting her know what would first be done. Nestling into the couch, she waited for him to begin. His dull claws were perfect for melting away her stress from the day, besides, she loved having a good laugh. Roen started easily, one claw on each footpaw, drawing slow intricate patterns of circles in the middle. He loved watching her reaction, first a smile crept along her lips, followed by the random involuntary spasms of her feet and toes. Continuing to tease the soft area, he loved how sensitive she was to the touch. The twitching of her paw pads were carefully monitored with a lustful eye. Her controlled giggles were also listened to much for his enjoyment.

Keeping to her center he added another finger apiece, resulting in a cute occasional giggle being added to the mix as her smile broadened. This time he drew along her arches as if he were softly sketching with a pencil. The giggles and movements she emitted were divine as he traced over both arches multiple times. Adding the rest of his digits, Roen moved to the topside of her foot tracing through the fur to give her a little break. "Having fun so far?" He asked ruffling through her fur as her giggles died away. "Not as much as you," she pointed at his very erect member bobbing in the air. A minute passed as his roaming fingers went down on the sides teasing the edges of her pads before slowly returning. Her giggles return with the subtle movements of her feet. Roen could do this all he day if he could, so long as it pleased his mistress. He was surprised at just how still she kept her paws despite everything else above her ankle straining to get away. Tickling each one under the ball for a minute, each foot strained to stay still on his lap for a bit of his direct enjoyment as she gripped the couch with her hands. Her laughter rang out showing how successful his efforts were.

Slowly he brought them up to just under her toes and brushed them everywhere within reach as she jerked back in her seat, but her feet remained on his lap. Her tail tightly wrapped around her leg doing her best to endure, but it was quickly becoming too much. He then moved his claws to the front of her soft padded toes, continuing the teasing touch that made her laugh a little harder. They flexed and spread out allowing his claws to wedge between them only making it worse enough to stop him before she became a cackling mess. "Ok! That's enough!" she said between laughs. "Switch," she commanded clamping her mouth shut to try and physically stop laughing. His claws pulled back as he switched to smoothly rubbing over her pads. Giggles wearing out from sensitivity, she relaxed under his expert hands at work and happily murred instead.

"If you would let me mistress, I would only use one claw for a whole day," Roen said starting to massage over her heels.

"I doubt I could sit still for that long," she replied with a murr as he hit a tender spot. Roen continued the wonderful massage careful to avoid her newly painted claws. She felt his amazing hands working over her heel, arch, and toes before starting back over again. Sarah nearly fell asleep to his magical touch before catching herself starting to nod off with a big grin splayed across her muzzle. "Slave I don't want to say this but, please stop," she gave her least favorite command.

"Are you sure mistress?" he emphasized his point by firmly going over her arch. She waited a minute before replying, enjoying it one more time. "I didn't even start licking them yet."

"Mm... yes," she said barely sullen, feeling his hands abandon her. "You definitely deserve to cum, but not yet," she said brushing her foot against his aching member that was practically begging for release. Roen whined at the thrilling touch she did make but quietly obeyed waiting for his next command. "Let's make lunch instead," she stated getting to her feet with Roen in tow. He was told to wait patiently sitting at the corner of the table while she prepared something. Time passed before she brought back two nicely stacked sandwiches, not even needing the order to eat. While eating, Roen noticed his mistress had a grin curled along her muzzle as if she were holding in a laugh. He ignored it for a moment until they both finished, ready to continue their playful day. "Take away the plates and sit back in your seat," she said as he immediately obeyed. He came back unable to place the slightly scary smile she wore. "Turn around and no peeking, understand?" She said pointing with her finger. Roen obeyed but curiosity was easily bugging the husky.

'What is she really up to?' He pondered figuring that a quick peek out of the corner of his eyes wouldn't be noticed. Quietness ensued which only made him want to know what was going on even more. With a cautious motion, his head pretended to look down before bolting to the side so he could look over his shoulder. It was revealed to be a trick as she looked back at him with crossed arms.

"Hey! I specifically said no peeking!" she exclaimed as he whipped his head back to facing the wall. "And I didn't think you would fall so quickly for it Roen," she whispered in his ear. His mistress made a few tsk noises before thinking of an appropriate punishment for him while Roen couldn't help but smile with giddiness. "Let's go back to the couch for your punishment," she said grabbing his wrist. He was dragged back to the sofa where she told him to sit on the floor a few inches in front of it. His mistress then sat down behind him on the much softer seat. "Don't move until I say so," she said with authority placing both her heels on his shoulders. Her mock anger was adorable to the husky but he obeyed nonetheless. The punishment was more of an extended tease, just to make him wait a tiny bit longer. He could feel the heel lightly pressing into his shoulders as the ball from each rubbed behind his eyes. A few minutes might have passed before he felt the heels leave his shoulders as she commanded him to swivel around to face her. "Now apologize," she said raising one so that it was level with his face. Roen held the heel with one hand and kissed the bottom of each toe carefully avoiding the little claw each one donned.

He then lifted her foot up so that the bottom was facing him. He kissed over it sweetly, the only feint odor it possessed was that of the house. "The other one too," she said tapping her foot impatiently. Roen complied immediately and and delicately picked it up, kissing each toe the same as before. She giggled as he kissed her with increased fervor, his fuzzy lips tickling her in the process. He nuzzled the bottoms of her soles lovingly under the watch of her lusty smile. Sarah loved seeing him adore her body and let a naughty hand sneak between her spread legs where her deep brown wet folds awaited glistening in the light. Roen continued working his flexible tongue over her delicate pads, sending additional jolts up her spine accompanied by a few quiet moans. The husky snuck a quick peek smiling as he saw his mistress pleasuring herself. He finished cleaning over her soles setting them down gently as she started moaning more from her actions. His mistress held out a wet finger to him, and he promptly drew it into his mouth and began suckling the tasty nectar. He quickly finished the first one off and went to the other two.

His mistress then busied her other hand back where the first one had been, and when Roen cleaned off one set she would exchange hands once more. Eventually he caught up giving a whimper as he had two fingers from each hand in his mouth. She giggled and placed a footpaw for him to lick instead while she dried her hands with the blanket covering the top half of the sofa. Even that was a little too slow for the husky as he gently nosed up past her ankle. He nibbled up her lower leg making her murr in approval, eventually finding himself trapped between her knees with soft brown eyes looking at him with a coy smile. He could clearly smell her arousal noticing her glistening deep brown folds, her groin fur clearly damp from the excessive amount of lubricant. Although he had his preferences, her snatch was somewhere even he rarely would be allowed to touch making it a sort of sacred area on her body.

"Roen," she whispered barely loud enough for him to hear, her knees squeezing his head closer to her crotch.

"Yes mistress," he said back able to smell the thickening scent overtake his nose. Her legs parted where his nose was just barely an inch away from touching her folds, but his gaze never faltered from hers.

"I know I ask a lot from you, but could you-," she stopped herself breathing in a shaky breath of excitement, "do one last thing for me today?" He grinned back at her, it was still the only thing she was completely shy about.

"And what might that be?" he inquired rubbing her calf muscles to help relax her.

"Umm, can you put your tongue to good use... between my legs," her voice wavered towards the end, but it was an order he was happy to perform. "Be sure to go easy," she quickly added feeling her heart throb with anticipation.

"I will mistress," he said as the end of his muzzle touched her crotch fur. She have a nod and he proceeded slowly at first. With a light slow lick, his smooth tongue traced over the entire length of her folds in one motion as she gave a relaxed sigh. He continued the tease going over sections of her folds Sarah wore a blissful smile leaning her head back. She spread her legs wider begging him to press forward with that wonderful appendage of his. Her heart was beating faster as a light warm tingling from below started to grow. Finally he starting parting her folds beginning to trace over the outer walls of her love canal. His mistress shuddered and urged him to continue with need in her voice. Obeying, he drew his tongue fully inside her, flicking it against her clit only to repeat the motion. He looked up briefly to see her writhing on the couch wantonly, her small breasts shaking back and forth with each movement. He purposefully pushed her over the edge quickly so he could do it once more while sitting there. She bit onto the cushion next to her so the scream would be muffled. Her hips bucked into Roen's face catching him off guard.

Holding her back down with his arms, he kept his tongue buried in her spasming passage as she finally finished screaming. He pleasured his mistress throughout her orgasm, his tongue continuing to lap away collecting the fruits of his labor. "Perfect," she mumbled still feeling his tongue continue through the pleasant afterglow. But he didn't stop using his tongue as she found herself to be a little sensitive. "R-Ruh... guh-" she garbled out twisting her handfuls of the blanket. Her thighs squeezed his head but were too weak to place enough pressure to deter him. Roen kept her folds spread for easy access, also holding her down in the process. His tongue lapped against the red panda's soaked walls, generously torturing her sensitive love button. Roen was thoroughly enjoying the pleasure he was giving to her. His mistress's plateau of pleasure continued to heighten as she screamed out his name from over sensitivity. Then her second climax hit hard as her entire body seemed to twist away from his wonderful tongue, yet at the same time get closer. Sarah laid back panting as spots invaded her vision for a moment.

This time after collecting all he could, Roen gently rubbed over her sensitive lips with two thumbs making her shudder. "Shower," she barely made out regaining her breath. Her hips and legs still twitched as Roen scooped his mistress up before heading to the bathroom. His erect member swayed with each step hoping for a release itself. Entering, he readied the towels and turned on the water all while still holding his precious cargo. Stepping in, he gently set her on the small ledge and angled the water run over her perfectly. His mistress was still dazed from the thrilling ride Roen just gave her. He lathered the soap on his hands and started around her neck, washing the fur and skin below thoroughly. Sarah was given barely enough time to catch her breath before his wonderful hands reached her petite breasts, swirling, cupping, and kneading them at once. She murred in approval as he continued over the soft area lovingly. Her chest protruded wanting him to touch there as much as possible. Roen did not disappoint and kept to the area feeling the soft masses move at his whim. The husky kept it up for a few minutes before switching methods.

Using a forefinger and thumb each, he manipulated the stiff nipples as she gave a weak moan with half closed eyes. She whined and whimpered as he tweaked and lightly pinched the rock hard beauties before moving south over her mid-section, giving her a needed breather.

"Do you want me to pleasure you again mistress?" he asked as his hands circled around her sex waiting for approval.

"No thanks, I'm content with what you're doing now," she said happily watching him proceed down to her thighs. She spread her legs giving him a pleasant view while he worked, seeing just how ready her husky was for a release. She could hear him a I've the noise of the water breathing heavily, doing his best not to come there on the spot. The husky quickly washed himself still sporting an erect shaft now with a fully fledged knot at its base. Sarah knew he had to be begging on the inside for release for a good hour or two, if not then the whole day. He handed the bar of soap back to his mistress after he finished rinsing off. "Roen you earned your release, please sit in front of me," she stated putting the bar of soap away. He eagerly sat down spreading his legs as the warm water continued to cascade around him. She moved her paws forward and encircled his throbbing erection before giving him what amounted to a footjob. His claws scraped along the shower floor. He was waiting for this feeling all day. Sarah knew that Roen wouldn't last long, so she pumped at a somewhat slower pace. Her slick pads felt wonderful to him as he bucked into her motions rhythmically not even noticing how slow everything was going. A minute at most went by before a loud howl was sounded off as Roen desperately bucked his hips into her paws. Thick white ropes fired onto the air landing either in him or the shower floor. Sarah watched in surprise as he continued much longer than normal before he laid down motionless on the floor, save for his rapidly rising and falling chest.

"God that felt amazing mistress!" he said panting as she teased his knot making more white pump out.

"Good, I hope it did," she smiled slowly pumping her footpaws around his length. He grunted as she prevented his knot from shrinking quickly, dragging out the orgasmic sensation as long as possible. Roen loosely hung onto the floor floating through the afterglow as his tongue hung out of his mouth. A bomb could've went off in the next room and not even have startled him His mistress then started cleaning off the cum that landed all over Roen with nothing other than her feet. He closed his eyes practically in heaven as he felt her running over his body to clean out his fur. But all too soon, the sensation ended. The water was suddenly cut off making Roen's eyes open up to see his mistress towering over him. He held out an arm to her as she pulled him up off the shower floor. "Thank you mistress," Roen said retrieving a towel before returning.

"You're very welcome," she said feeling the towel wrap around her upper body. Roen dried his mistress off with a towel before doing the same to himself. Neither dressed into any night clothes as they headed to bed, exhausted from their days worth of playing. Roen stood by the bedside waiting for his final command. Sarah hopped onto the welcoming sheets tired, but very satisfied, rolling on her back.

"You may sleep wherever you please," she told him resting her head on a pillow. To him that meant wherever she wanted to be pleased, although the position was almost always the same for his choice. He crawled up on the bed sideways towards the end where her footpaws rested. His mistress sighed feeling him work over the pads, able to fall asleep this way like so many other previous nights. The treatment only lasted a few minutes, almost to her disappointment until she felt him crawl up next to her in the bed. Roen rested his head on one side of his mistresses chest looking up at her. His hand reached over and gingerly rubbed over the other unoccupied side making her smile back at him.

"I think for playing in roles we did pretty well," Roen spoke up in the quiet darkness. The red panda hummed a few times enjoying his hand's work.

"It was fun and something different for sure, but I prefer just a good old regular day in the end," she said petting his head.

"Sounds about right to me. So only this when we're bored some days?" he asked. She sighed feeling him roll the nipple between two fingers thinking of something to say.

"Yeah... when we get bored one day," she agreed bringing an arm around his back. He really wore her out for the day. Her legs just might be too sore for a light jog or even walking properly. Roen stopped his ministrations and rested his hand on top of her small breast. A few quiet minutes passed as the clock out in the hall ticked by. Saving something special like this for a couple times a year sounded right, but wasn't every day special for the two?

"Goodnight," they said to one another as sleep became the mutual focus for the night.