Lysithea's Journey

Story by KSapphire8989 on SoFurry

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#126 of Scorpion girls

Artist's note: I was bored at my job and I decided to do a little story based on my favorite scorpion girls. This short story is based on Lysithea's relationship with her cousin Celestine. Do not worry there is going to more stories about this fabulous and whimsical cafe.

(c) KSapphire8989

I woke up tiredly as I reached around on the nightstand table for my favorite eye patch. "Damn it all, another nightmare" I thought to myself. I covered up my exposed body in the wool and flannel covering. It's been three days since the nightmares started. I looked outside towards the cobbled roads that lead to the Sophronia's castle and the town gates. "It looks quite enough." I thought as I turned to jump out of bed. Celestine was still asleep below my bed, so I had to ease out carefully not to wake her. I force myself out and manage to step over gracefully before I headed towards the closet. Celestine stirred under her blankets and asked "Where are you goin' now?" "I'm going out for a run." I answered with a somewhat confident smile. "Why?" She asked "Did you have another nightmare again?" I paused before I answered again, wetting my lips to do so. "Yes.....but aren't you supposed to be asleep? You have to open up shop later day." Celestine sleepily smiled "Yes, I do but I'm more worried about my cousin's wellbeing. You haven't been sleeping ever since that raid situation." "Hey, I needed to do what I had to do. We Moondaggers stay together. The sisterhood comes first." I retorted. She couldn't argue with me there. I could see it in her face. She knew that ever since Kitten-Kitana the II's death, the clans have been united. In honor of her and her twin successors, we are supposed to up hold that dream. I was finished putting on my running outfit on or what Celestine refers it to be 'my slayer wear'. I will never know where she would get these ideal names from. Anyway, I kneeled down to her and kissed her forehead. "I'll make sure to be home before the Café opens." I said with a loving smile. I don't think she'll ever know how much I really love her. I quickly went downstairs into the kitchen part of the café. I pushed through the swinging doors and into the main dining area. I looked around the room, just admiring it. I didn't whether or not I was coming back from my 'run', knowing this were still at time of war. It seems the empresses are overwhelmed by those bastards from other side. They continuously rush us with their stupid raids, capture maneuvers, the spotters which could enter during the full moon season and traffic officers. I was tired of the ongoing inching of the sun warriors. The last thing I heard from The Capital was that:

These solar bastards have inched over by the Cearulean clan's territory. The Bloodscars have scouts called out to protect the sisters of the Cearulean. However, most of the Bloodscars' elite had returned to the main territories to cover their own sisterhood. So basically, the Bloodscars are spread thin. The Ku Ku Kitten in the Zangula jungle has been informed of the dangers and they moved towards the swamps and the farther up regions of the jungle. Now, they usually would inform the scouts that occupy those areas, but of course the scouts had fled to the mountains to inform the dangers there. This leaves the Deserts, Lunair Scorpio, The Anthro farm lands, The Holy Oceans and springs, the forest of Eternal Winter, and the fairy garden exposed. There still no news from the Dark Moondagger clan.

I shook my head at the idea of this and we need to make sure everyone is aware of this oncoming battle. "I'm sorry cos. I have to break that promise." I said to myself as I walked to the town gates.