Wild Thing

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#4 of Dungeon Maker

Legal crap: Not intended for people under the age of 18, contains adult naughtiness and lesbian sex. Cru and Kes are © to me. Caution: Kes is not an OSHA approved sound device and may cause interference with some electronic devices.

Cru grumbled as she ran down one of the corridors in her dungeon. It almost seemed to her like there was some great being somewhere that kept sticking her in situations that seemed destined to cause trouble. As she rounded a corner, a skeleton shambled out in front of her, its bones rattling as it reached its clawed hands out for her. The hyena swung her massive two-handed mace, sending the undead's skull sailing down the hallway like some hellish baseball. Continuing her run, she lifted her right hand and promptly flicked the ceiling the bird as she growled, "Whoever keeps doing this to me, you're a real jackass!" Of course she conveniently forgot that she had offered to build this dungeon for the sole purpose of attracting generally nasty things. And when one travels in places like this alone, things tend to happen from time to time.

Her boots pounded against the stone flooring, the hyena managing not to trip on the uneven stone. She had been working on this area for a few days, taking little naps inside a safe room she had hidden behind a fake wall. Apparently she had done too good of a job since when she woke up this morning the place was swarming with all sorts of various undead nasties. Panting heavily, she leaned against the wall and lifted a water skin to her lips, taking a couple long gulps. One of her ears twitched as she heard something shuffling up behind her, managing to jerk away as a ghoul took a swipe at where she had been. Growling, she swung her mace in a flat arch, catching the creature's head between the heavy weapon and the wall as it lunged at her. But she could hear some of its friends coming down the hall she just ran down. Quickly, she reached down to her book and ran a thumb down the tabs that stuck out of the pages at odd angles. Popping the clasp, she opened it up to a page with several drawings of strange cylindrical devices. Holding her hand, palm up, to the page, the book emitted a purple glow before the light collected in her palm and changed into a metal object with a pin sticking out the top. Grabbing the pin with a finger, she tugged it out and gave the thing a shake to mix up the freed chemicals. Tossing it back down the hallway, she turned tail and ran.

Only a few seconds later she dove into another hall as a thunderous roar filled the air, smoke billowing down the hall she just vacated. That was one of her special little firebombs, inside the protective metal housing was two chemicals that were mixed when she removed the pin and broke the seal. After removing that pin she had about five seconds before the reaction became violent enough to break the container, hurling sharp bits of metal and sticky fire everywhere. It didn't burn hot enough to destroy skeletons, but hopefully the blast would take care of some of those. The zombies would just shuffle through, lit up like two-legged torches. The only thing that might try to avoid the flames as they burned would be the ghouls, but Cru had put enough twists and turns in this area that there were several ways to get to each area. But if she could get to the elevator room then she'd be home free.

Unfortunately, some ghoul thought she should stay down here with them. It darted out of an alcove, howling as its claw-like hands groped at her. Cru snarled and swung her mace, trying to drive it back. But the undead thing swatted her wild swing aside and grabbed her arm. The female let out a yelp as the bone-chilling cold of the creature's grasp bit into her arm. Dropping her mace, she swung her fist at its head, knocking it aside. Slapping her hand over where it grabbed her arm, she could feel the cold flesh through her thick leather glove. Hissing, she bolted for a door and opened it before diving in. Slamming the door shut, she leaned back against it and panted heavily. Looking under her hand, she hissed as she saw white flesh, the hair having fallen out of the frostbitten flesh. Cru decided to take stock of her situation, looking around the room slowly. She was in a room she called the 'crypt' and luckily she was the only thing in there at the moment. She didn't have her mace, her weapons stored in the book were running low, and she was all out of cigars. All in all, a bad day.

Cru slid down the door till she was seated, holding her hand to the wound to try and get it warm. She panted, flexing her left hand as the feeling slowly returned to it. Damn ghouls gave frostbite and paralyzed the area they touched. She panted and rubbed her arm, pondering how to get out when one of the other doors broke off its hinges. The hyena let out a yelp as the stench of rotting meat and flesh washed over her, undead swarming the room and grasping at her. She swung her fists wildly and kicked at the things as they groped at her. But she could feel her flesh growing cold and her body numbing. At this rate, she would become one of them, and she couldn't even get one of her firebombs to make sure she would take them down with her. As blackness crept through her mind, she could almost swear she heard music from somewhere.

Kes muttered to herself as she stood in yet another intersection. Her long ribbed ears twitched, as the fruit bat femme looked form side to side. She wore her usual loose leather set of armor, adorned with brightly colored silks to mark that she was a Bard. Her hair, today at least, was purple in color and sticking out at odd angles. Some would find it odd that she seemed to lack wings, but her kind had the innate magical ability to retract the wing membranes into their body and shorten their fingers. When needed, their fingers wound elongate and the membranes would grow, even slipping through clothing, as her wings formed. She looked around and planted a fist on her hip, "I could swear that I've been here before. What crazy person designed this place? And more importantly, how in the seven hells did I get here!?" Right about that time her ears twisted as she heard an explosion off in the distance. "Hmm, maybe I'll find some answers down there." She turned and started to walk towards the noise, her sensitive ears leading her down several halls before encountering something that looked like a scene from hell. Burning corpses littered the hall, a couple of them zombies and still very much alive. These turned and started to shuffle towards her, still ablaze and smelling like some sick cookout.

Kes took one look at those things and promptly screamed. The air seemed to distort around her mouth and expand outwards, the flames blasting backwards and taking the bodies with them Kes held the note for a minute, pulverizing both the flames and undead with the sonic attack. Finally she shut her maw, hearing the echoes ringing down the hall. Humming to herself she walked down the now clear hall, following her ears as she heard something shuffling ahead followed by a crash and a yelp. Kes hurried around the corner, spotting a broken door even as she swung her weapon off her back. It had a long neck with a head on it like a guitar. But the body of the strange instrument was too thin to be a real acoustic guitar. The body was studded with several dials with gems set into them, each with their own purpose. As she rounded the corner, Kes plucked the strings to make sure everything was in tune before turning one of the gems, a needle set onto the dial sweeping across several numbers before stopping at 5.

As soon as the undead things were in sight, Kes could see they were attacking someone and she had to help fast. Her long fingers began to strum over the instrument's metal strings, drawing out a low tune. One of the ghouls turned to her and howled, calling the other undead to attack her then go for their meal. But Kes had other plans tonight than to become zombie chow. She took the noises the creatures were making and wove them around her as a shield even as her spell began to twine around them. One zombie managed to get close, his hands reaching for her as he groaned. He did not pay any attention as her shield started to whirl around him, getting stronger by the moment as she played. The undead was literally torn to shreds and tossed to either side of the bat. It only took her a moment for the spell to be ready since the rhythm was fairly simple. Her targets were wrapped in cocoons of sound as she sang out, "Another bites the dust, and another one gone and another on, another one bites the dust!" As her voice rang out with crystal purity, the cocoons tightened down, pulverizing skeletons into dust and destroying ghoul and zombie alike. With the creatures gone, she could see the hyena lying in a pool of growing blood.

Kes gave a squeak and ran over, slinging her instrument onto her back. Checking the hyena over, she gave a worried chitter as she saw the claw wounds, bite marks, and frostbitten areas. Looking around for a safe place to hide, she thought back about where she had come from. As she was wondering, her paws were busy fishing out one of her own healing potions. Not only was the fruit bat a sound mage and Bard, but she also made a study of alchemy. Dabbing the potion onto the cuts and bites made the bleeding slow then stop, as the wounds sealed shut under the healing drought. Kes sighed, not knowing the area good enough to pick a safe room, and she doubted she could drag the much larger female anywhere. Lifting Cru's head, Kes worked her mouth open and dribbled some of the potion into the hyena's mouth. She watched hopefully as Cru's throat worked to swallow the drink, holding the other female's head in her lap. It took a couple tense minutes before Cru opened one eye and croaked, "Not dead?"

Kes shook her head quickly, her tall ears flapping a bit comically, "No, but if we stay here too long you might get the chance to be. Drink some more."

Cru made a face as the bat held a bottle to her lips; she'd recognize a healing potion anywhere and she hated to take the things since they tasted like boiled boots usually. But as the other female tipped the bottle up and let Cru drink the entire thing, she murred at the taste; "Strawberry?"

Kes grinned widely, "It took me forever to get the flavor right while keeping the potion strong. And I can't count the number of mistakes I made in the formulations." She looked down at Cru as the hyena just blinked, looking completely lost. She blushed and coughed, "Anyway, I'm Kes Trill, Sound Mage, Bard, and certifiable Mad Alchemist." She looked around, her ears twisting and twitching, "And do you know somewhere safer than a room missing a door where you can recover?"

Cru nodded and got up with Kes's help, "Yeah, just let me get my mace." Leaning a bit heavily on the smaller female, she made it outside, seeming to get stronger with each passing moment. But when they collected her mace, Cru still had to use it like a crutch as she hobbled down the hall some. "Name's Cruth Aithe, but just call me Cru; and one thing I learned long ago is always keep a secret room where you can recover while you're working on the dungeon."

Kes blinked, supporting Cru's other side and keeping a look out for anything that was trying to sneak up on them, "You built this place?"

Cru nodded and started to tap against some stones, "Well modified it really. Most of it was already here, I just started to add things and change it to attract monsters." She shoved on a brick then stepped back right as a spear shot out of the ground. Kes gave a squeal at the sudden appearance of the weapon that nearly skewered Cru. The hyena grabbed the spear's shaft and twisted it till it clicked before shoving down, using it like she would a key. The spear ground then clicked before dropping back down into the floor as she released it.

Right in front of the females part of the wall swung back, revealing an empty hall. Cru led the way down the hall, pointing out to Kes where to step to avoid the traps that she had set up in the secret passage. Kes followed quickly, jumping when the wall slammed closed behind them. The two walked down the hall until the reached a door, Cru opening the heavy oak door before stepping into the room beyond. It was a fairly simple set of small quarters with a small bathroom, kitchen/living area, and a decent sized bed tucked away in another room. "I've got little rooms like this scattered throughout the dungeon. I find that I'll spend days down here sometimes working on the areas."

Kes nodded as she pointed at a table and chairs, "Take off your armor and wash the blood out of your fur. Then I want you to sit there so I can look at your wounds." The hyena nodded and started to undo the ties on her chain mail shirt, wiggling out of it before hanging it on a stand. Next came her pants, Kes watching with a little chittering noise as she watched the larger female disrobe and reveal the fact she wore little more than a breast-band in the way of underwear. "Holy mother of mammaries, you've got a huge pair of tits!" Cru laughed and wiggled her breasts before moving to wash out her fur. She smirked as she wiggled her rear, seeing the way the bat watched her.

Kes giggled and set her satchel down, pulling out some bags and bundles wrapped in parchment paper and twine. By the time Cru returned, patting her fur off with a towel, Kes had set up a small alchemy lab on the table and was holding a candle in one hand, as she looked for flint and steel with her other. Cru moved over and opened a drawer, pulling out one of her emergency cases. Inside the silvery metal container was one of her little cigars, Cru putting the end in her maw and pulling out a strange metal rectangle from her pants before dropping them back to the floor. Kes watched as the hyena opened the top of the metal object to reveal a strange mechanism. Flicking her finger along a wheel, Cru spun it and produced some sparks from a flint pressed against the underside of the rough steel wheel. The sparks caught on a metal wick that was kept soaked in some of her homemade moonshine. A flame sprung up, drawing a squeak and noise of amazement from the bat as Cru lit her cigar then the candle. Kes giggled, "Neat little thing you have there," as she sat down to make some of her Frostbane to help the hyena.

Cru nodded, watching Kes's long, thin fingers work to add some powder here, a bit of herb there. "Yeah, I make all sorts of little devices ranging from useful little things like this lighter here," she flicked the top of the object open again and made another flame before snapping the top down to smother it; "all the way up to some dangerous and powerful weapons." Kes's ribbed ear turned towards the hyena as she just listened. "Of course the only person that uses these items, or even knows how to use them, is me."

Kes stirred up the purple, fruity smelling poultice a second before asking; "Why do you make them? Why do you risk your life to create a place like this?" Scooping up some of the stuff, she started to smear it over the bone-white frostbitten flesh where the undead had touched Cru.

The hyena winced as the warming stuff tingled at first before the areas exploded into pins and needles as the flesh was brought back. "I do both for the same reason I guess, because I have the ability to do so. I figured out how to make these weapons to kill monsters and demons, but I don't give them to people or sell them because they would end up being used to harm innocent people." She flexed her arm as she murred, feeling a lot better already as Kes moved to apply some to her sides and legs. "I figure with my talent for making dangerous things combined with the proper spells and designs, I could make this place to trap monsters before they harm people."

Kes wrapped some bandages around the areas she applied the paste to Cru, "And you do this all by yourself, why?"

The hyena smiled, "Because its fun and right now I'm about the only person capable of doing this. If I brought in other builders to help, then they'd just slow the process down since they'd have to bring soldiers to protect them. Those soldiers would have to bring supplies and things along as well. No, I figure within the next couple years I'll have this place built up enough to bring a small party of people in to start clearing it out."

The fruit bat smiled at Cru, sitting down in a chair and scooting it closer; "So you've made some giant trap for vermin and things and in a year or two you're gonna being some exterminators in here?" When the hyena nodded, Kes giggled, "How cool is that?" The larger female grinned and grabbed Kes by the back of her head suddenly. She pulled the lighter female into a kiss, guessing that she wouldn't disagree to it. And Kes didn't disappoint, moving into Cru's lap and tilting her head to deepen the kiss.

She pouted when Cru broke the kiss, the hyena rubbing her back, "Come on, lets get our stuff together and head back to my workshop so we can," she gripped the bat's ass and squeezed it drawing a gasp from the other female, "have sex till we pass out?" Kes nodded and jumped up, breaking down her supplies as Cru started to pull her armor back on.

It only took the two females a few minutes to get back out into the hallway, Cru looking and feeling a lot better as she strolled down the hall with cigar smoke trailing behind her. Kes watched the larger female's ass before darting forward to give it a nice swat with her paw. Yelping, she grabbed her paw as it stung, "Do you have a metal plate back there or something?"

Cru grinned, rolling her cigar around in her maw, as she looked back, "No, just good muscles." She turned a corner and Kes heard a howl followed by a slam, darting around the corner to see Cru shaking her mace to get some zombie junk off it. "You know, its strange, last night there was only a couple skeletons and some ghosts, nothing like today."

Kes shrugged and moved around the hyena to peek into a room, "Maybe something is calling them here, this place is pretty creepy."

Cru snorted, blowing out twin puffs of smoke as she cleaned her weapon off on the zombie's rags, "Oh yeah, what would that be?"

The bat shrugged, "Could be anything I guess, the way you built the place, some undead lord rising up and coming here, or it just could be luck."

Cru shrugged and led the way down the hall, "I'll investigate it later, here we go." She pushed open a door and slipped in, shutting it behind Kes. The room was specially made to connect each floor of the dungeon through a magical lift. Kes giggled and made little noises as she watched the colorful lights dancing around the room.

Close to a half-hour later, Cru's boat slipped up towards the dock connected to her warehouse turned workshop/home. Kes examined the boiler and piping in fascination, calling out to Cru over the noises the boat was making, "How does this all work?"

Steering the boat into its shed, Cru twisted several valves to cut the 'engine' and pull the fuel burner out from under the boiler tank, "This heats up the steam, which is then fed out these pipes and down under the ship." She pointed out the pipes that went through the deck, and "Then it's shoved out into the engine and mixes with the river's water to push us forward." She tossed some lines onto the dock inside the shed as Kes hopped out and pulled them tight, tying them to anchors on the wood. Twisting a couple knobs on the lines, Cru hopped out as steam billowed from the boiler, releasing the left over pressure.

Kes watched as Cru got onto the dock and led the way into her building, unlocking the door and heading into the kitchen. "What do we do now, hmm?"

The hyena grinned, "We start my regular ritual after I get done in the dungeon." The bat lifted an eyebrow and giggled some.

Leading the way through the kitchen and into a general room, Cru started to loosen her armor as she headed up some steps. Kes almost danced along behind the larger woman, hopping on one foot as she removed her boots. Looking up, she giggled again as she watched Cru tug her boots enough to kick them of, leaving them where they fell. Following suit, the bat femme was soon wiggling her way out of her pants. Cru still had her top on, but as soon as she walked into her bedroom, that chain mail top came off and onto its armor rack. Cru had tried dropping it on the floor like the rest of her gear, but soon found that the links would get tangled up pretty badly if she did that. She looked back at Kes and smiled, seeing the bat was already stripped down to her bare fur. The two women were pretty much opposites, Cru was just over six feet tall with a body that rippled with muscles thanks to her life spent crafting items and often forging them herself. Kes was over a head shorter than Cru with a body built for flying, probably not even weighting half of what the hyena did. Cru's breasts measured somewhere between a D and E cup where as Kes would be lucky to be a B. Cru was a buxom beauty and Kes was the petite peach "So what's this shower thing you mentioned?"

Cru jerked her head and walked through her sitting room. She had a three-room suite set up above her workshop, the sitting room was the first, filled with overstuffed furniture since when she relaxed, she liked to be as comfortable as possible. On the far wall were two doors, one leading to her bedroom and the other her bathroom. Stepping into the stone-tiled bathroom, she murred as she ran her paw over the granite counter top. To her left was the shower, a long stall set into the wall with glass sheets set into metal frames on tracks. Kes came in and blinked at it as Cru pushed one of the sliding doors out of the way and stepped inside. Following the hyena, she looked around as the door was slid shut; "This is the shower?"

Murring, Cru gripped two wooden handles and twisted them, overhead water flowed into copper pipes with holes drilled into them, water starting to drip down on top of the two, "This is the shower."

Kes murred and lifted up her arms, feeling the clean water wash away the grime in her fur, "Oh this feels wonderful! The water is warm, it feels like a spring rain."

The hyena could have explained that the water was fed into the pipes through a mix of magic and some of her own engineer. She could have told Kes about the specialize boiler that heated the water up using gas from a well she drilled. But she didn't do either of those. Instead she grabbed the bat; one paw on Kes's rear as the other cups her back. Pulling her close, Cru leaned down to kiss her, Kes letting out a gasp as her head tilted back to meet Cru in the kiss. Murring, the fruit bat slipped her long tongue into Cru's mouth. The hyena gasped then murred as her own broad tongue fought to keep up with the agile serpent Kes had slipped into her maw. She could feel her clit growing and firming up as she got more aroused, her paws gripping and squeezing the bat's rear.

Kes blinked as she felt something pressing against her belly, reaching down to feel what it was, murring into the kiss as Cru shuddered. Breaking the embrace, she looked down and let out a squeak as she saw her paw wrapped around the hyena's elongated clit, "Oh this is SO frigging hot!" She looked from it to Cru and stroked it with her paw, "Oh please, can I play with it? Please please!"

The hyena laughed and let out a playful growl as she lifted Kes up and pinned her to the wall, "You can, but only if it can play back." She opened her maw and gave the bat a gentle bite on her shoulder. "Let's finish cleaning up then head to my bedroom." She grinned as the other female nodded, wiggling her feet some. Instead of putting her down right away, Cru leaned her head down and started to lick at Kes's nipples, playing with them as the bat let out a squeak and trembled. Moaning, she cupped Cru's head and closed her eyes, the feeling of the water washing over her body as Cru's strong jaws toyed with her breasts was sheer ecstasy. She was panting by the time Cru set her feet back on the stone floor, twisting off the water and letting it dribble to a stop.

Shaking off before stepping out, she grinned and ran a towel over her short, bristly fur. Kes got out, looking twice as wet now as she grabbed the towel from the grinning hyena and dried her own fur off. Darting around the larger female, she giggled as she ran for the bedroom, Cru hot on her heels. When she got to the bedroom door, she tossed out her arms and jumped. As she jumped, her fingers changed quickly, the membrane forming between her body and long fingers. She flapped twice then retracted her wings to land on the bed with an oof as the thick cover and mattress absorbed the impact and tried to take the bat with it. Cru laughed as she followed into the bedroom, "Like the bed?"

Kes giggled and sat up, "Softest I've been on in forever. Now get your sexy ass over here so I can eat you out." Cru grinned and moved onto the bed, laying down with her head on one of the thick pillows as the smaller bat crawled in between her legs.

Kes let out a nearly continuous string of chitters and squeaks, showing how excited she was, as she lowered her head to examine the hyena's black skinned pussy. Cru let out a soft moan, as the bat's paws roamed over her thighs and belly. Kes's warm breath washed against her moist pussy as she inhaled the other female's alluring scent. That clit was the thing that enticed Kes the most, she had never seen another female with something like that. Rubbing her nose against the pole, she slowly nuzzled her way up to the tip. For now she was just going to treat it like a male's cock. Sliding her mouth down it, she was pleased when she heard Cru moan and felt the burly female writhe. Smiling around the spire, her tongue rubbed against it before slipping out of the bat's lips and probing the hyena's pussy. Cru lifted her head some curiously before gasping as she felt that slim tongue slipping into her cunt. Kes smiled and chittered, closing her eyes as she just used her hearing to judge how much pleasure the hyena was getting as her mouth slipped up and down the hyena's clitoris. Cru groaned and huffed, her tongue hanging out of her maw as her paws slipped up to grab her own hard, dark nipples. Playing with the twin peaks, her hips rolled steadily into the bat's attentions. Kes slipped a finger into the hyena's pussy, wiggling it around as her tongue lashed against the female's insides. Pulling the juice-coated digit out of Cru's honey pot, she wiggled it around at the female's tailhole slowly. Cru's eyes shot wide as she felt that, calling out as her hips started to jerk as she came. Kes gave a squeak and pulled her maw away from the clit to press against the dark pussy lips. Pushing her tongue around inside it, she drank deeply from Cru's rich waters as the hyena climaxed.

Kes managed to draw the climax on for several more seconds, using her tongue and paws to keep Cru panting and bucking. Finally though, the larger female settled back with a shuddering moan. Kes grinned and sat up, her face fur messed up with the hyena's juices. Cru murred, "Your turn now, squeaker?"

The bat eagerly rolled onto her back as the larger female moved over her. "Who are you calling squeaker, hyena bitch?"

She guessed right that Cru would see the humor in it and murred as the hyena grinned widely, "Squeaker." She leaned in and started to give Kes's pussy the same attention her own had received moments ago.

She lacked the long tongue that Kes possessed, but hers was broader and had more strength behind it. Kes's back arched and she let out a squeak as that broad tongue began its assault. Cru didn't aim right for Kes's pleasure spots, her clit and try to get to her g-spot, instead she licked from the bat's tailhole, up into her pussy, and then back over her clit. Cru grinned, using her size and strength to manhandle the diminutive female. But she could tell Kes was loving it as her squeaked got closer together and higher in pitch, her paws grabbing at Cru's hair. One of the hyena's paws slid up and grabbed the bat's smaller breasts and squeeze the mound, rolling her thumb over the hard nipple. Closing her powerful jaws on Kes's crotch, she shoved her tongue in and lapped at it like a dog would a stream to get a drink. She could feel the bat writhing, but she wasn't going to let her cum just yet.

Giving a stereotypical hyena grin, she pulled her maw back and licked her lips clean. Kes looked up at her and whimpered, wiggling her hips. As the bat tried to reach down and play with herself, Cru swatted her paws away, "Nah uh, little squeaker, you have to play with Buddy some before you can cum. Now just lay back and let me work." The bat nodded and watched as Cru reached under a pillow and fished out one of the 'toys' a jelly blob had given her. It measured about six inches long and about average thickness. But its shaft was covered in little rounded bumps, and on top of that Cru had modified it some. It had taken her some time and work, but she developed a metal cage she could put inside the toy after she hollowed it out some. Inside the mesh cage was a off-balance weight that would make the toy vibrate as it spun. To power the spinning weight, Cru crafted a small wind-up base. As Kes watched in wonderment, Cru started to turn the brass dial on the end of the toy, drawing small clicking noises as she did so. She only needed to turn it a few times before she stopped and pushed the toy against the bat's pussy. "A while back I encountered a jelly blob that had sex with me and gave me this to remember him." She smiled as the femme gasped and arched her back, wiggling her hips as the bumpy toy pushed into her. She moaned happily, wiggling her hips at the odd feeling of the toy. Cru went on, "They are very fun to use, feel very life-like too. But that gets boring sometimes, so I did some work." She tugged on the brass ring; releasing the spring and letting the toy come to life. The weight only had two speeds, off and on, and Cru could feel it buzzing away inside Kes, the base shaking wildly. But she wasn't going to let the bat off with just that; she twisted it around as it hummed merrily. Kes's back arched as her mouth hung open in what looked like a silent scream as she came from the sudden onslaught of the vibrating toy. But unfortunately for Cru, she was actually screaming at a very high frequency. The hyena let out a yelp and covered her ears as the toy buzzed away.

Kes had been very confused when Cru stopped eating her out, then she pulled out that weird thing that looked like a cock covered in bumps, but it was reddish in color and semi-clear. Then her friend pushed it into her and it felt so good. Those bumps rubbed against her clit as it slipped in and pressed right against her g-spot as Cru pushed it right in to that strange base. But then her friend started to crank the end like someone would wind up a watch. She was about to ask what was going on when the thing started to buzz inside her. That was true pleasure there! The spinning weight made the toy shift and move, those bumps rubbing against all the right spots inside her. But then Cru twisted it and Kes could swear she died and went to heaven. Her orgasm seemed to exploded through her body, making her orgasmic squeal instantly rise beyond normal hearing. She didn't know that her screech was hurting Cru's ears, she really couldn't think of anything else except for that persistent clockwork vibe that kept buzzing inside her body. Finally the amount of juices she was putting out and the way her pussy was squeezing made the toy slip out and hum against the covers as she fell back, panting.

Cru uncovered her ears and gave a hyena laugh, "Enjoy it?" Kes nodded and just panted as Cru turned the toy back off and set it on her nightstand. Murring, she settled down and pulled the bat close. Kes murred and snuggled up, flicking her tongue over Cru's breasts. The hyena murred softly as the bat closed her lips around her nipple, tugging and suckling softly. Cru let out a soft gasp and moaned, feeling Kes's paw reach up to play with her other large mound. She was surprised Kes still wanted more and just grinned as she grabbed the bat and rolled over on top of her. Kes gave a squeak, the hard nipple falling from her mouth as she looked up curiously only to gasp as she felt that clit rubbing her body.

The hyena gave a grin and a laugh, "One more round then sleep." Kes nodded eagerly and wrapped her legs around Cru's thick waist. Cru's tail was wagging as she felt Kes's head nestle against her breasts again, starting to suckle once more. She moaned and pushed her four-and-a-half inch long clit into the female, not even bothering to start out slow as she started to really slam it into the lighter female. Grabbing Kes, she sat up and bounced the bat on her clit as she growled lustfully. Kes was panting around the hold she had on that nipple, her long fingers gripping at Cru's back as she felt that clit push into her. It wasn't as big as some of the males the bat had been with, it wasn't even as large as that toy Cru used on her. But somehow, it was much, much hotter. And even though she had just had one of the best orgasms of her lift, Kes could feel that familiar knot of pleasure building once more. And she could tell that the hyena was getting close as she panted, little bits of saliva dripping into her hair. But she didn't care; she just moaned and pushed harder against her new friend as she swapped breasts. Cru was first, letting out a low howl as she humped against Kes wildly, her juices dripping down her thighs as she hugged the bat close. Kes came soon after that, letting out a chittering noise that quickly built into another orgasmic shriek, this one not as bad as the last. Feeling the bat's tunnel spasm around her clit set the hyena off onto a second one, gritting her teeth as she moaned happily.

After holding each other for a few minutes Cru slowly settled down onto the bed, letting Kes rest on top of her. Kes murred and snuggled up close, holding the hyena as she inhaled the wonderful mix of Cru's musk, sweat, and sex juices. Her ribbed ear twitched slightly as she listened to the female's heart thump quickly. Murring, she slowly drifted off, feeling safe here in Cru's arms. The hyena murred, feeling Kes slowly fall asleep and smiled, holding her close. She let out a big yawn and closed her own eyes, joining the bat in slumber.