Chapter 5: Secret

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season


Chapter 5

Keme fell to his knees, and clutching his dick and balls, he tipped slowly over on his face and whimpered into the earth. His dick felt crumpled and defeated in his paws, and that throbbing pain would take quite some time to go away. Dammit. The skinny little thing had been stronger than she looked. Why did females always go for the groin? He could hear her small feet pattering away down the rocky incline. She was fleeing into the wastelands alone? Was she nuts? Keme was beginning to think all females were.

Snarling, he lurched up from the ground, grabbed up his spear and the blanket, and pelted down the incline after her. He could see her just ahead in the darkness. She was running with her breasts bouncing, her hips switching, and her tail fanning out the tormenting scent of her pussy. He could easily overtake her, he knew. But the merchant camp was just below and if he went after her now, they would both be caught.

Rather than run after the female, Keme halted, slipped into the shadows, and moved at a low crouching walk. Like a hunter stalking its prey, he crept from boulder to boulder across the wastelands, keeping the female in sight but staying out of sight. God, she was heading right for the camp. Was she really that blind?

Keme could smell the fire before he even saw it: not twenty feet away, a camp of merchant slavers were gathered around the glow. There were six, maybe seven. He sniffed the air. No, there five. One was just big enough to make up for two. He crept several feet closer, and just as he'd predicted, a merchant slaver camp appeared around a massive outcropping of rock.

It was from these very slavers that Keme had been trying to keep the female safe. He had noticed them earlier that day as he was crossing the wastelands. He could see from a distance that they were moon wolves and had known to stay clear of them: moon wolf merchants were infamous for scouring the wastelands in search of traveling wolves they could enslave. These slaves were usually taken back across the sea to the moon village, where they were either put to work or kept as the pleasure slaves of the chief himself.

The female noticed the camp too late. She halted just twenty feet away and stood frozen. The merchants had noticed her too. They got to their feet and gathered their crossbows. Keme could hear them chuckling nastily.

"Looks like we got ourselves the first slave of the week!" shouted the big one.

The female took a frightened step back. She pulled out her pitiful little dagger. The males chuckled at her and crowded in. Keme could see her fighting and swinging, could hear her screaming and cursing as they laughingly wrestled the dagger and traveling pack from her. They squeezed her swinging breasts, squeezed her buttocks, stroked her tail. She kept fighting them and didn't stop until she was slapped. The big one grabbed her by the mane and dragged her back to the camp. Bent over and sobbing, she hurried to follow him lest her mane was torn from her scalp. Once near the fire, she was thrown down, and the males crowded round. Dicks went in her every crevice, but her pussy was left for the big one. He clutched her little thigh in his large paw, and placing her leg on his shoulder, he slid in. Her foot rocked behind his head as he fucked her, but her screams were muffled: a dick was in her mouth as well.

Keme closed his eyes. "Looks like I'll have to save the fool," he muttered and cursed the fact that his other weapons were down in the camp in his traveling pack. If only he hadn't let her get away with it! He had thought he'd let her think she was stealing from him. He was going to let her run a few feet before he grabbed her and took his things back. He had never counted on her kicking him in the nuts - and so hard!

Crouched in the shadows, he could still feel the throbbing pain in his groin and stroked himself. The female's eyes found him as she rocked dismally beneath her bulky rapist. Her fiery gray eyes went from dull misery to fury, and Keme realized she thought he was watching the rape and pleasuring himself. He quickly let his dick go and scowled. No, he was trying to make his cock stop hurting after she had kicked him in it! Ugh! But now her eyes were watching him with such burning hatred that he knew even if he managed to save her, she was probably going to kick him again.

"But you have to save her, Keme. You must."

Keme closed his eyes again. He could hear Aiyana saying it as if she was really there. It would have been very like her. Always pushing him to do what was right. That was the code of the pygmy warrior. Love came first. Survival second. And he knew Aiyana would want him to honor love by doing what was right.

Keme heaved a breath. "Alright," he muttered, hefting his spear in one paw and the blanket in the other, "time to go and save us a moron."

So saying, Keme crept through the shadows, drawing ever closer to the camp. He could see the female watching him, and with the paw that held her blanket, he put a finger to his lips and shook his head. She seemed to understand. Her eyes went back to her rapist, who leaned down and kissed her. She struggled against him and the other males stopped stroking themselves to hold down her wrists. They leaned down and suckled her breasts as they restrained her, and the big male laughed as he continued to thrust his large and intruding cock inside.

Silent as a shadow, Keme positioned himself behind the big merchant's back. He was crouched in the shadow of the tree beside the camp and was close enough to see the big one's dick feeding in and out of the female's tight little pussy. He winced: she was bleeding afresh. He knew she had been raped not too long before this and suddenly didn't blame her for attacking him earlier. She must've been on edge.

His eyes fixed in silent rage on the slavers, Keme's fingers scraped carefully through the dirt as he gathered a small rock. He threw the rock across the camp and it landed some feet away in the shadows, far beyond the reach of the fire.

The big one paused in his thrusts. "What was that?" he said sharply. His ears pricked forward as he and the others listened. He looked down at the female suspiciously. "Who were you running from, little female, hmm? Are they out there watching us?"

The female only glared at him.

"You two," said the big one, jerking his head, "go investigate that noise. You two, go check over there."

The other four seemed loath to obey, but with dicks still hard, they gathered their crossbows and patrolled the perimeter in pairs. Two headed off toward Keme's fallen stone. The other two went in the opposite direction.

"Now I have you all to myself," the big one said to the female, and he gave her a hard lick from tit to nose.

She was trembling with rage now. Without warning, she punched him in the face. Keme had been about to creep after one of the patrolling pairs, but he crouched in blank surprise instead. The big one hadn't expected it either. He stared in bewilderment at his own blood: it seeped from his nose and hit the female's breasts in dabs. Suddenly enraged, he held her down by the wrists and fucked her so hard she began to sob. This was unfortunate for her, but it provided Keme with the distraction he needed to kill the others.

Twisting the blanket into a rope, Keme backed slowly from the scene and followed one of the pairs of slavers into the darkness. He draped the blanket about his neck, then sprang. One took a blow to the head with the butt-end of his spear, the other took a stab in the back. The point of Keme's spear ripped straight through the slaver's belly, and he had to use his foot to pry it free. Two kills, swift and silent, and the others didn't even know he was there.

That was the way Aiyana had taught him to hunt. Swift and silent was the key to pygmy survival, and she passed these lessons on to him, a non-pygmy, as if he were her very child. Oh, god. Her child. All the nights he'd spent touching himself as he thought of her. She was anything but a mother to him. The night he let her know was the night he lost his virginity. And after that . . . well, it was clear that they were "family" in a different sense.

"Your name," Aiyana had whispered the first night they made love. "It means 'secret.' I never told you that."

Keme crept up on the last pair, his spear wiped clean and ready for more blood.

". . . sending us away to check on bugs scuttling across the ground," complained one slaver.

"He just wanted that little bitch for himself," agreed the other. "D'you see the way she clenched on him? She was almost virginal. Bet she's only known a dick a couple times in her life. Looked young enough to just come from her first mating se --"

The word was cut off in the slaver's throat. Keme leapt from the shadows and jabbed his spear up through his neck. The second slaver launched at Keme, and unable to get his spear free, he slapped the male with the blue blanket instead. It was a heavy blanket, and twisted into a rope as it was, it left a burn when it slapped. Dazed and confused, the slaver staggered back and didn't have time to react when Keme suddenly wrenched his spear free. He brought it home in the slaver's belly, pulling the male so close along the shaft that they were nose to nose as he died.

"Get off my spear, you piece of shit," Keme growled and wrenched his weapon free once again. He gathered the blanket and slung it over his shoulder, then turned back for the camp. Even from this distance, he could see the hunched shape of the big one as he raped the female. Her leg was still rocking against the air, and without a dick to silence her, she was screaming now. The male, meanwhile, had his face buried in her breasts and was biting them. Keme's heart burned.

"Motherfucker," Keme whispered as he crept back to the tree. Once behind the big male, he pulled the twisted blanket taunt in his paws and leapt forward, looping it around the male's neck. The slaver didn't know what hit him. His eyes popped as the blanket tightened around his throat. Keme wrenched hard and the male's neck snapped. He collapsed in a heap on the female, who was sobbing brokenly now.

Keme set the spear and blanket aside and rushed to push the big male off. He helped the female sit up. She was sobbing and shaking, stained with tears. She rubbed a fist in her eye and in that moment, she seemed such a child. She was so weak and helpless, he didn't know what to think. After having spent twenty years with tough and hardened Aiyana, it was almost shocking to see a female that could be so weak. Had she been cornered and raped, Aiyana would have killed all those males by her damn self, then sat in their camp and ate their food without shedding a tear.

But this one? She was trembling and crying and confused. And she just looked so broken. For the first time in his life, Keme felt as if he was actually needed. It was strange. He had never been around someone who needed his protection before. He wasn't sure he liked it.

Fumbling and uncertain, Keme wrapped the blanket around the female's shoulders and backed several feet away when she rose to her feet. Pft. He wasn't getting kicked again.

"I - I suppose you want me to thank you," said the female, and drew herself up as if she was grabbing at whatever shreds of dignity were left to her. She closed the blanket tight around her shoulders and lifted her chin, but her lip trembled.

"Thank me?" Keme had never thought about that. He'd just wanted to make sure she was safe. Now he wanted to get the hell away from her. But Aiyana would have punched him for leaving a female - and one as weak and defenseless as her - alone in the middle of nowhere.

"I saw you," the female accused, and the gray eyes fired once more. "You were over there - touching - yourself while they raped me --"

"I wasn't --!"

"You were enjoying what they did to me! I saw your paw on your dick! I saw you rubbing it!"

"Okay, I was," winced Keme. "I mean - not enjoying, touching - I was touching --"

"Ugh!" The female's face twisted in disgust and she stamped past him.

Keme scowled. "I was rubbing my dick because you kicked it and it hurt! That's what I was doing! I save your life and this is how - what are you doing?"

The female was strapping on his traveling pack! She slipped it on her back, then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders again.

"On, no you don't," Keme snarled. He jabbed a finger at the ground. "Drop my bag! You're not stealing my stuff again --!"

"Why not?!" she shrieked, on the verge of hysteria. Her throat tightened and her eyes bulged as she yelled at him. "You're just like them - all you care about is taking from a female what you can't get otherwise!" She lifted Keme's spear and pointed it at him. It was so heavy in her skinny arms that she almost fell over, but she looked far gone enough to run him through successfully.

Keme suddenly hated himself for putting the damn thing down. When was he gonna learn with this one? He lifted his paws. "Fine. Take my stuff and run off again. Another group of slavers gangbang you, you're on your own."

"Fine!" she shrieked.

Keme stood fuming as she turned and fled.

She didn't get two feet before the ground gave away and she dropped out of sight.