Making New Friends At Mall 24

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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WARNING This fic has been classified as 'Adult' by the KVSSB (Klesk Vadrigaar Story Standards Board) because it contains scenes of F/F sex between a deer and a cheetah as well as toy play, fisting, and orifice stretching. Anyone whose age is not the square root of 400 or higher is advised to avoid this at all costs. Anyone who knows enough mathematics to understand the previous sentence (and possibly correct it) can go ahead and enjoy. Remember this story and all the characters are Copyright Klesk Vadrigaar 2005 and the address to send comments, be they good or bad, is [email protected] Okay then, let us begin.... Meeting New Friends At Mall 24 Written by Klesk Vadrigaar "Come on Lara, how much longer are you going to be?" The young anteater called up as he waited impatiently by the foot of the stairs. "For the thirteenth billion time Steven, I'll be down in just a few more minutes." the reply came from above. "What's your rush? It's barely gone eleven and the place stays open 24/7." "It's not being late I'm worried about." Steven grumbled as he tapped his foot irritably. "It's just that at this moment the four horsemen are probably harnessing their steeds and Gabriel is practicing on his horn while I'm still standing here waiting for you to achieve an impossible level of perfection with your make up." "Oh stop, you make everything sound so horrible." The clip-clop of hooves were heard on the stairs as a slim, athletic female red deer hind rounded the banister and presented herself. "Well?" Steven looked over her attire. She was dressed in a light blue tube top which showed off the swell of her breasts in a way that was nice and seductive but not rude. Complimenting it was a light pink jacket which stretched just past the silver belt wrapped around the waist of her black jeans. Her russet color fur had been groomed to a killer glossy shine and she was wearing a gentle shade of red lipstick with eye shadow as well as an assortment of earrings in each of her long pretty ears. "I swear your mother would demand a refund from the hospital if she ever saw you like that." "That's why I only wear this stuff when she and dad are out on their frequent business trips." Lara tottered down the stairs and took Stevens hand. "So, is the sweet insectivore ready to help me break in my 19th year of life with a no holds barred indulgence in materialistic desires?" "As long as it makes you happy." The anteater said as he opened the door of the house and walked her out to his car. "So what's the big deal about this place?" Lara reached into her purse and pulled out a brochure. "Big is precisely the deal here Steve. This is the 24th Ultra Mall to be opened up in the United States. It's billed to be the ultimate shopper's paradise and it's right here on our own soil!" The doe patted her purse as she got in the car. "What better place than for a new 19 year old with mountains of birthday cash to spend the day at!" Steven looked over at the doe and shook his head in disbelief. "There should be a law limiting how many affluent relatives a single morph is allowed to have." He looked out at the road ahead. "I'm just glad your parents decided to have your party before they left. Don't think I could have handled both you and the combined wildness of all your other friends." "Hey, that's why I stick with you." Lara leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "With my parents so preoccupied in their own affairs who else can I turn to for a dose of common sense and some semblance of reason to make sure I don't totally lose a handle on things?" "Indeed, and your voice of reason now states that we listen to something that doesn't require you to bang your head about until your neck gets bent out of shape." The anteater said as he switched on the radio. * * * An hour later.... Lara looked out in awe as the car pulled into the vast parking lot of the mall. Cars were lined up in neat orderly rows that seemed to stretch on for miles, a sight that was only topped by the titanic building that towered over all, casting everything into shadow. "I believe we have arrived Steven." she said. "Yes, at the latest entry for 'Biggest Eyesore in Christendom'." The anteater said reproachfully as he pulled into a free space. "Now I see why they were so eager to build it on the opposite side of town, as far away from the residential area as possible." "Hey seeing as it's increased the tourist attraction of this state tenfold I don't think you have any right to complain." The doe retorted before stepping out. "Now come along, my pockets are being burnt away with all this extra moolah and my credit cards are in need of a work out." Steven leaned against the driver's side door as he contemplated the distance between their spot and the front entrance. "Erm, don't you think we should call a cab first? That's gotta be at least two hours on foot." "Oh quit your whining and put those bandy legs to good use." Lara said as she walked around and playfully slapped the insectivore on his rather podgy rear. "Yes she-who-must-be-obeyed." Steven replied as he followed the deer. * * * The sight that greeted the two morphs inside could, at the very least, be described as overtly extravagant. Floors upon floors upon floors of shops selling everything imaginable reached up into the distant heavens while closer down at eye level was a gigantic bevy of statues and art displays enclosed within a mile wide concourse of food stalls specialising in virtually every type of cuisine on the planet. "Think they might be overdoing it here just a bit Lara?" Steven asked the doe who was studying the map (not a small, freestanding display but stretching out from ceiling to floor across a wall half the size of a foot ball pitch). "Wow, this place really does do it all!" Lara exclaimed in excitement. "They've got a full aquatic theme park, 23 music studios, 26 cinemas, a full nine hole indoor golf course, 15 live performance theatres, 16 gyms, 18 indoor tennis courts, 12 art galleries, 14 beauty parlours, squash courts, playgrounds, a go-cart track, God only knows how many shops and restaurants," "And despite all that, the one thing they forget to include is a name." Steven remarked as he studied one of the mobile computer maps (provided so morphs wouldn't get lost in the labyrinth of consumer outlets). "I mean 'Mall 24'? What kind of a name is that?" Lara picked up another map and studied it. "Well this place stretches into the adjoining state, and it is the 24th of its kind in the U.S. so they just went with what worked." She placed the map in her purse and surveyed the scene. "Anyway how many morphs really care about a name when the place in question is the ultimate shopper's paradise?" The deer cracked her knuckles and smiled brightly. "Top quality goods, here I come!" Steven tried to look disapproving but seeing the cervine looking so happy and radiant (and maybe more than a little appealing in her attire) he just couldn't muster up enough negativity. "I assume you're following the guidelines I laid down for you?" Lara smiled back. "Yes Steve, I made sure to only bring the two cards with the lowest credit limit." "And your monthly allowance?" "Not touching a penny of it. Today I'm only using what generous amounts have been handed down to me by my relatives." "Good, then no matter what happens you shouldn't incur too much financial damage." He patted her shoulder. "I guess we'd better get started on the fashion outfitting then huh?" "What? Screw that! Clothes can wait until after we've checked the gadget stores for the latest from Japan." She trotted off as Steve adjusted his glasses. *I must remember that with her, the physical exterior doesn't accurately reflect the mentality underneath.* * * * Several Hours Later... Lara and Steven sat eating a late lunch at one of the smaller restaurants. Around them lay a plethora of packed shopping bags. "So Lara, what delectable part of Mall 24 do you wish to try next?" The doe wiped her mouth and thought about it. "Well all this is starting to get a bit heavy, so how about I propose a wager?" Steven looked intrigued. "Continue." "This place also has an eight level arcade of all the latest video games, one of the few areas you and I both share a passion for." A knowing smile crossed the black part of the deer's muzzle "I suggest we each pick three games, whoever comes out with the lower score on the majority of their opponents games has to carry the bags back to the car." Steven looked smug. "Alright girl, now you're speaking my language." * * * Another hour later.... "Phew! You never told me you've been working on your light gun technique." Lara said as she placed her shotgun back in the rack. "Well I never knew you'd taken the effort to improve your handling of a flight simulator either" Steven remarked as he adjusted his glasses again. "So where does this leave us?" Steve pulled a note pad out of his pocket and did some quick scrawling. "Well at the end of your second choice I still remain supreme with two wins to your one." Lara shrugged "Well, no one ever said 19 was a lucky number." "Indeed." Steve stuffed the notepad back in his pocket. "So what's your third choice going to be? Maybe a bit of motor bike racing?" The knowing smile reappeared on the deer's face. "Actually I was thinking more along the lines of that." She pointed a hooved finger at a state-of-the-art dancing simulator, prompting Steve to immediately go wide eyed and throw his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Oh no! No way am I ever doing another one of those things with you." "Oh come on, it'll be fun." Steven looked at her dubiously. "No it won't Lara. You are, and I say this with out a shred of doubt in my mind, the queen of dancing games. I, on the other hand, am a flat footed and left footed clumsy lox who hasn't exactly got the right body for strutting his funky stuff." The anteater looked down to regard his rather corpulent form. "Your fault for scoffing all those caramel ant snacks. And anyway you've still got a lead to defend." "Nope, forget it!" Steve began gathering up all the shopping bags. "I'd rather forfeit than suffer the humiliation again!" He heaved up the bags and nearly fell over from their weight. "I'll take these back to the car, deal?" Lara looked at him confused. "Well, okay if you insist, but you're gonna have to go on without me. I can't say no to a good spot of getting jiggy." "Fine, just call me when you're done." He grabbed the bags again and hobbled out of the arcade, looking more and more ready to crumble under the weight with each step. *One would think that'd be even more humiliating than dancing.* Lara shook her head and went over to examine the machine more closely. It was one of the full body models that came equipped with sensors at elbow and shoulder level in addition to the ones on the floor so players had to also make use of their hands while playing. *No matter, the lady of the dance floor is present and class is now in session!* With a flurry, Lara threw off her coat and selected a track on medium difficulty. *Let's get these hooves clopping!* * * * Eight songs later... Lara finished off her last track with a big stompy sashay across the floor pads, shaking her hips from side to side as her hands went up to wave over the sensors. She was rewarded for her efforts with a very satisfying 'A' grade. *Whew! They're really making these things tough now.* The deer leaned against the rear bar panting. *Still, this is pretty fun. It's just, oh dammit; you can never fully enjoy these without a partner.* She turned to look behind her and noticed with surprise that she'd attracted a fair sized crowd of other morphs, all of whom were looking suitably impressed with her moves. *Ooh, my public come to show their admiration. How courteous!* She deposited another credit and then stopped as a thought came to her. Switching the setting to two players, Lara turned back to the crowd and put on an inviting expression as she leaned against the bar. "Well, since you all seemed to be so impressed with me, would anyone care to come up and join me?" There was a momentary silence before a voice called out from the side. "Yeah, I'll take you up on that offer." Lara turned to see a female cheetah in a red tank top and black leather vest and pants with knee length boots stepping up onto the pads with her. "Course I must ask that we make one little adjustment." The feline turned to the screen and cranked the difficulty up to maximum. "There, that's more my experience level." The cheetah grinned as someone else in the crowd shouted out "Whey hey, go for it Felicia!" Lara turned to the cat and smiled. "Felicia is it? Well hello there, my name's Lara, and if it's a challenge you're proposing then I accept." The cat grinned wider and stretched her legs. "I thought you would. Shall we?" The two got down to dancing their hearts out. Stomping on pads, waving over sensors and generally getting their groove on, it seemed to be a fairly even match with both sides working their butts off to keep up with the computer. As the songs continued, Lara noticed something strange. It seemed she couldn't stop herself from constantly grabbing quick glances at Felicia, watching her lithe body stretching and flexing as she moved her legs this way and that. She noted the cat had a similarly athletic build to her, though with slightly enlarged proportions, and carried a grace about her that suggested she did this type of thing regularly. So occupied was Lara becoming in analysing her opponent that she failed to notice she was missing the odd step which was causing her score to fall farther and farther behind. It in fact came as a bit of a surprise when the next round of songs finally ended with her being given a more modest 'C' grade while Felicia stood tall with an outstanding 'S'. "Yeah!" Felicia cried out in glee. "The spotted one is still supreme." Lara was still surprised that she'd become that distracted with watching the cheetah but she soon found it in herself to smile. "Fair enough, your victory is well deserved. Only question remaining is, can you do it again?" the deer smirked. Felicia looked at her and cocked an eyebrow. "That depends, what's in it for me?" Lara contemplated and then found herself saying something totally unexpected "Well you've already won once so you get to claim a favour from me for that. If you win again you get to claim two favours. Sound fair?" Felicia thought it over and nodded. "Fire it up." This time around Lara concentrated harder on her moves and finished the next batch of songs with a well-deserved 'S' while Felicia had to make due with a 'B'. "Damn girl... (pant)...when you get going I can see there's no stopping you!" Lara smiled and patted her shoulder. "I've had more time to practice today. But keep in mind you still have one victory of your own so what can I do for you for that?" Felicia stepped off the machine and ran her paws through her silky blonde hair. "Let's start by having you pay for a round of drinks. I'm parched!" "Hmm, can't think why. It's not like we've been doing anything strenuous." The deer laughed as she snatched up her purse. "Just give me a moment to take care of something." She deer pulled out her cell phone and dialled Steven. The phone rang about eight times before the sound of desperate and continuous panting could be heard. "Yeah... (pant)...hello...(pant pant)" "Glad to see I got to you before your coronary hit." The cervine teased. "Listen I've decided I'm gonna stay here a little while longer so feel free to go off and do your own thing. We'll meet up by where we came in at around 8:00 or 9:00 okay?" "Sounds... (pant)...fine to me... (pant). I'll just... (pant)...go and pass out from exhaustion in the car... (pant)...Christ have you... (pant)...taken it upon yourself to start modelling lead clothing this year Lara?" The 'thunk!' of something very heavy being set down could be heard. "Only for you!" Lara grinned and hung up as the cheetah looked on bemused. "Friend of yours?" "In a sense. I just turned 19 about a week ago so I asked him to tag along while I indulged in the spoils of a new age and make sure I don't go overboard." Felicia smiled. "Well happy birthday my dear." She wrapped an arm around the deer as they walked out of the arcade "You picked a perfect location for the post-celebratory spending spree." "I know, isn't this place just the bomb?" Lara asked as Felicia steered her over to a juice bar. "That it is." Felicia stepped up to the counter. "So what does the birthday girl feel like?" "Something with lemon and peaches in it please." Felicia ordered and Lara handed over the money. "So what brings you here?" the doe asked as she took a big gulp of her drink. "Just came into to pick up some specialist goods I'm told are available here and to check out one or two other things." Felicia drank greedily before continuing. "Happen to run into a friend of mine who's here with her boyfriend." "Was she the one who called out your name?" "Yeah, the big lug had dashed off to the restroom so we were waiting in the arcade when all of sudden we notice this crazy but energetic little cervine that's started groovin' her thing on the DDR console like there's no tomorrow." Felicia grinned as she continued to suck greedily at her drink. "Yeah well I can be a bit of a maniac at stuff that I really like." Lara said as she stirred hers with her straw. "That's why I asked Steve to come with me, to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to my finances." The two morphs chatted for a while longer until Lara finished off her drink and chucked the empty container into a rubbish bin. "Well that certainly refreshed me a bit. Anything else I can do for you?" Felicia didn't answer immediately that but just looked over the deer. "Got a computer map on you?" Lara retrieved it from her purse. "Tell you what, meet me at these coordinates in the south-west part of the mall, say in 30 minutes?" Felicia programmed them in. "I'll be there with bells on!" the cervine said happily. * * * 30 minutes later... Lara stepped off the mall's underground tram system, still feeling a bit surprised that the place was actually equipped with one, and stepped into the elevator bursting with curiosity at what Felicia may have planned. True she did find her behaviour a bit strange as until today she'd never been this forward towards a morph she'd just met but there seemed to be something about Felicia that was just sparking her overtly friendly self into overdrive. *Well there must be, how else could anyone possibly beat you at your own game of expertise.* Lara smiled as she neared the floor which the cheetah had designated. If there was one positive thing she could say about her, it was that the cat certainly was one hot little number on the dance consoles. Eventually the elevator reached the floor and Lara stepped out to find herself surrounded by a variety of shops that seemed to be geared towards more obscure products. Intrigued, the deer consulted her map and began walking past a row of incense stalls that segued into two ornate miniature garden fountain shops and then a store dedicated exclusively to Chia pets. *Turn left at the Fragrant Candle Emporium...* Lara continued to walk further into the maze, passing by tattoo parlours and then piercing salons. *Right when you get to the Day-Glo House of Glow Sticks and...* Lara looked up to be met with the sight of several mannequins in a display window dressed in rather revealing leather bondage gear. Surprised she turned around to be met with a long row of adult video parlours. *Well...I guess you really can't get much more specialist than this.* The cervine thought as she walked the last few steps and found herself standing outside a huge bi-level mega store of adult products. Lara whistled as she twirled herself around, taking in the sights of the explicitly adult domain she'd inadvertently stumbled into. *We're just smashing down barriers today aren't we?* A small smile appeared on the deer's muzzle as she continued to look around. Despite her usual adventurous self, this was the first glimpse she'd had into the more carnal aspects of sex and to be honest, she was kinda glad to have been given the opportunity. *Guess having a privileged upbringing doesn't give you as in depth a view on the world as you'd expect.* Lara mused as she looked over a variety of posing pouches on display. "Looking for your hubby's next birthday gift?" Lara turned to find Felicia standing behind her clutching a big shopping bag. "Might be an idea, that is if I had anyone that special in my life right at the moment." the deer admitted. "I suspected as much." Felicia smiled and hugged the cervine. "So, surprised to find Mall 24 caters to this too?" "A little, I'm actually more surprised the demand for such items was so big in this area." Lara said as she took in the scope of the place. "You'd be amazed what most normal folk go for to add some spice to their lives." She reached out and took hold of the deer's arm. "And if you'll follow me, I'll be happy to show you." "Eh?" Lara said as she was dragged into the mega store. "Felicia, wait a minute. What exactly do you want me here for?" The doe asked in confusion. Felicia turned and smiled in a way that was sweet but with a faint hint of deviousness. "I saw the way you were gawping at me while we were dancing Lara, and if I didn't know better I'd say you were actually enjoying the way I was cavorting myself." Lara went wide eyed and quickly averted her gaze as she tried to think up an excuse. "Err, well I...uhm...I wouldn't say that...I mean I..." The cheetah smiled more sweetly and put her finger to the doe's lips. "It's alright, you may not have noticed but the second time around I was doing the same thing to you." "You, you were?" Felicia nodded. "That's why I asked you here. This particular shop, as a means of beating some of the competition, has introduced a new feature for its customers." She opened her shopping bag and Lara gasped when she saw it was full of a myriad of sex toys of all kinds. "What, what's that?" Lara asked, apprehension and curiosity battling in her brain. "Allowing you to try out your purchases in the store!" Felicia smiled deviously. "What? Really?" The cheetah nodded and pointed to a hallway leading off from the rear of the bottom floor. Lara stared at it for a moment, still not quite grasping what the feline was trying to say. Eventually though her mind put two and two together and she looked back at Felicia in shock. "You mean you want me with you!?" Felicia nodded. "Please understand it's only a request Lara. If you're uncomfortable with that then I'm sure I can think of something else you could do for me." Lara stared at the cat as she pondered the idea. The thought of getting intimate with pretty much anyone had hardly ever crossed her mind once during her early teens, and even later on she used to only fantasize about it occasionally when she felt she needed to blow off some stress. But she was 19 now, and to be presented with the prospect of taking such a big step like this into adulthood, especially with another female...Lara had to admit, she was interested. "Okay then, I'll go along with that." She blushed under her russet fur. "Just as long as you understand I'm a complete novice at this sort of thing." Felicia's devious grin never faltered. "Well then, follow the spotted one and I shall broaden your mind." She wrapped an arm around the deer's slender waist and led the two of them down the hall. * * * Lara stepped into the confines of the private testing room, a distinct feeling of nervousness taking root in her cervine body at the realisation that she was on the precipice of engaging in one of the most intimate process of being an adult. Sucking in a big breath of air, she looked around at her surroundings. The room wasn't that large, maybe just big enough for four morphs to lie down in length ways, and was decorated with padding all up and down each wall as well as on the floor like some insane asylum prison cell. That said, it was comfortably low lit and furnished with plenty of pillows on the floor. The padded walls were also done up with a rich red coloured velvety material, giving the whole room a rather warm and cosy feel. "Okay, we've got this room for an hour, let's have some fun." Felicia said enthusiastically as she pawed through the contents of her shopping bag. Lara shivered as her mind kept running over the concept of what she was about to do. "Everything okay Lara? You're trembling like crazy." Felicia stated from behind with concern. Trying to steady her breathing, Lara turned to face the cheetah and attempted to put on a brave face. "I, I'm fine. Just nervous." Felicia smiled and rose to embrace the deer. "I can understand that." She reached up to trace over Lara's moist lips. "And I think I know of an excellent way to take some of the edginess away." Felicia gently moved her muzzle in closer to the deer's, feeling her rapid nervous breath blowing against her nose. "Don't move, just let me take the wheel and drive us both." Lara felt soft lips being pressed against her own, her body initially seizing up as a reaction, and then gradually relaxing as she realised she was now proceeding onwards into new and inviting territory. *So this is what it's like to be kissed by a female. It's so warm and wet.* The doe let her mouth loosen a bit and then shivered, this time in excitement, at the soothing feel of a kitty tongue wandering into her maw, the wet flesh delicately moving to swathe over the inside of her mouth which left a strange but welcome feeling of contentment flowing through the cervine's body. After letting this go on for another second or so, Felicia withdrew and smiled at the sight of a much calmer deer staring back at her. "So, feeling a bit surer of yourself now?" "A little, enough to persuade me to keep going." Felicia smiled and patted her shoulder. "Atta girl!" Lara nodded. "So what do we do now?" The cheetah let go and stepped back. "Well, an ideal place to start would be getting rid of the clothing." She began slipping off her vest while Lara turned around to face the other way again. She was still feeling a little antsy but pushed it down and steadied herself. *Just pretend like you're in the showers after sports practice.* Grabbing the bottom of her tube top, the cervine exhaled and began to slowly pull it up and over her head. The process took far longer than normal due to her unease but eventually she had it on the floor with her coat, leaving her ample breasts on display for all to see. Lara looked down at her furry orbs and had to stifle a giggle as she felt over them. She knew it was supposed to be only boys that were short-sighted enough to go crazy about breast sizes but she'd always harboured a liking for them too. Feeling them in her paws, playing with her nipples, making them bounce, it always left her feeling wonderful. Invigorated, the deer reached down to undo the clasp of her belt and push her jeans down so she could step out of them. She at last completed the step by sliding her panties off to join her other clothes. Breathing deeply, Lara stood straight as the reality of the situation slowly came to her. She couldn't believe she was standing naked in a public place but as her hands reached up to ghost down her trim, athletic body, Lara discovered she could find little wrong with the situation. "Mmm, I knew you'd be a treat to see in the fur." Lara turned around again to see Felicia wearing nothing save for her smile. Again the doe found herself nodding in appreciation as she looked over the cheetah's decidedly larger proportions. "You're quite a looker yourself." She admitted. "Maybe even more so than me." Felicia stepped over to the deer and lightly ran her paws over her tits, the gliding feel of the cheetah's pads sending a sliver of electricity through the doe. "What are you talking about? You're a very nice size." She cupped the breasts and ran her fingers over the nipples. "Soft, firm, these feel perfect." She began a gentle massage, watching in delight as Lara closed her eyes and murred softly. "Oooh, oh that feels wonderful." "Knew you'd like it." Felicia closed her paws around the breasts, squeezing them. "And I can make it even better for you." Lara eeped and then let out a quiet moan as the cheetah leaned in to tenderly lick across the tempting nipple, giving it a nice thorough tongue bath before taking it into her mouth and suckling gently. Lara moaned louder as she felt her nipple being sucked on, feeling the areola being fondled and bathed in warm wetness while the suction of the feline's mouth created a pleasant tugging sensation on the nub. "Oh wow, oh God Felicia." She gasped, feeling the kitty's paws leave her breasts to wrap underneath her ass. The movement confused Lara for a moment until she felt the cheetah pull her towards her, throwing her off-balance slightly. Understanding, the cervine let herself be lowered down onto the comfy pillows as the tingling sensation brought on by having her tits being sucked for the first time intensified. Lara looked down in fascination as the feline switched to her other nipple and began loving that one too, a gasp of surprise escaping her lips when she felt something long and fuzzy being stroked against the increasingly moist folds of her sex which she quickly recognised as Felicia's tail. "Ngah, Felicia, oh God, Felicia k-keep it up, please it feels so good!" Lara lay back and closed her eyes, revelling in her first ever experience of sharing pleasures of the fur. Eventually however she felt the tongue and mouth leave her nipples while the tail was also withdrawn. Whining slightly at the cessation of the wonderful feeling, the cervine looked down to find Felicia grinning playfully back at her. "I'm glad you're enjoying this so much Lara, but as we're a little pressed for time, I think we should move on." Lara nodded. "So, what do you want to do? I'm, I'm not that used to using toys." She said looking over at the shopping bag. "Then perhaps a demonstration is in order." Felicia said as she reached in and pulled out a six inch vibrator, followed by a seven inch ribbed dildo and then a nine inch one shaped like a canine with full knot. "First a little something to get the juices flowing." She snickered as she took the vibrator out of its package and inserted the batteries. "Okay, now the way I like to do it is by starting out on a low setting and then gradually going higher until I can't hold out any longer." She grinned as she reached inside the packaging and pulled out a small remote control. "However for added excitement, this new one comes with an IR sensor so your partner can control it from afar." She smiled gently as she held the toy and remote out for the cervine who was quite surprised. "You, you want me to use that on you?" "Don't see why not." Felicia said as she licked her muzzle. "You seem trustworthy enough" Lara blushed slightly as she accepted the vibrator. Gingerly she looked the mechanism over until she found the power switch and flicked it on. Turning it to a low setting she crawled over to Felicia who lay down and spread her legs. "Good, now start by lightly dragging it across my lips." Lara crawled in between the cheetah's legs. The scent of arousal filtered in through her nostrils as the doe glanced down to be met with the sight of Felicia's pink glistening pussy. Lara thought it looked strange, unusual and utterly enticing. Tenderly she brought the vibrator up to the tip of the lips and slowly moved it down the moist flesh. An audible purr emanated from above as she moved the jittering mechanism up and down and around the pussy lips, watching in fascination as her actions caused more and more juice to leak out. "Yeah babe that's it, now crank it up a notch and bring it over my clit." Lara adjusted the toy as instructed but stopped short of actually using it as a thought came to her. "Uh Felicia, do you mind if I try something first?" Felicia raised her head to ask what but was cut off when she felt an equally wet tongue being run slowly over her lips, the sensation producing a much louder moan from the feline as Lara reappeared licking her muzzle. "Sorry, but I had to see what you taste like." Felicia couldn't help but smile as she stroked over the doe's long ears. "Getting rather ambitious are we? I like it." She said as Lara moved back down to touch her clit with the vibrator. "Ooh yes!" The feline moaned as she raised her back a little under the feel of vibrating stimulation assaulting her clit. "N-n-now you t-try it." Lara removed the vibrator and looked at it. There was a drop of Felicia's pussy juices running down the silver head which enticed the doe on all the more as she lay back on the pillows and touched her own lips with the toy. "Oooh, oh, oh wow!" The deer closed her eyes tightly as the vibrating stimulation sent small pangs of pleasure radiating out from her groin into the other areas of her body. Murring in delight, Lara ran the device a little more forcefully over her vagina before she felt her lips part slightly allowing the toy to slip into her depths. The deer's moans became much louder as the vibrations seem to intensify with each passing second, rocking her to the core and making her feel on top of the world until she felt a paw reach in and pull the device out. "Woah there girl! Let's not get too carried away on our first try. You may want to lift you thumb up there too." Lara gazed up in confusion, until the cat gestured to her hand. Looking down, the doe found that in her throes of ecstasy, she'd been inadvertently jamming her thumb on the remote, pushing the vibrator's speed up notch by notch. "Still though, can't argue with the look on your face." Felicia chuckled as she felt over the device and flipped a smaller dildo out of the main body, folding it out to form a hook like shape. "Now if you'd be so kind as to insert that thing into my own pussy." Lara nodded and brought the device once again over the lips before gently pushing it in, twisting the smaller dildo which she now realised was in the correct position to touch the feline's clit. "Oogh, oh baby! Now crank it up another level and leave it in there." Lara aimed the remote and pressed the corresponding buttons, leaving the cheetah to writhe around a bit until she got used to the wonderful feeling. "Alright, now for the next test." Felicia said, picking up the canine and ribbed dildos. "Now apparently these are made of a new kind of heat sensitive silicone which can 'collapse' itself to accommodate more than one intrusion into your body." She shrugged and looked at the doe. "Lara?" "Yes, Felicia?" "Here's where things get a little weird. I want you to help me stick these in as well and don't worry, I'm quite used to this sort of thing." Lara nodded to indicate she understood. "Now come here beautiful." Lara leaned in and found her muzzle being taken hold of as Felicia brought them together for another kiss. "Mmm, nice and wet as I'd hoped." She held up the canine dildo. "Mind helping me lube this up?" The feline delivered a nice long lick to the underside of the silicone. Lara watched and then did the same, licking the phallus until it was nice and drenched in saliva. Shooting the cervine a look of reassurance, Felicia guided the dildo head down to underneath the vibrator and slowly Lara began to push it in. "Ngh, yeah, ooh yeah that's it. Stuff me good." Lara could do nothing but watch in amazement as inch by inch disappeared into the feline's pussy, stretching it slightly but seemingly causing no discomfort to Felicia. *Where can she be putting all of this?* The doe thought as she incredibly managed to get most of the canine dildo in and was rewarded with more pleasure filled groans from the cheetah which left her feeling a sense of satisfaction. "So how does this feel?" "Mmmphh, like I've g-gotten my money's worth." Felicia said as she looked down at the deer. "I think I'm ready for the last one." Lara stared at her in disbelief but nodded as she picked up the last toy and took it into her mouth, slobbering it up with her tongue before again leaning down in between the cheetah's legs. "Felicia, are you sure about this? I think this is getting kind of dangerous." She said "Dangerous is how I like to live." Felicia chuckled before reaching up to pat the doe's face. "Trust me, I've fit a lot more into myself than this, I'll be fine." Lara swallowed and manoeuvred the ribbed dildo into the feline's already stuffed pussy. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing but as Felicia's wet depths gave way to allow the phallus in with the others with out any sign of pain she felt a queer sense of intrigue and want flowing through her. Gradually she pushed the toy in, making sure to pause after each rib giving the feline time to get used to the length. "Errrghh, ya that's it girl. That's what I want." Felicia sighed as her sex was pleasingly stretched by the insertion of the three dildos, one of which was still humming quietly away sending lovely reverberations through her body. "How do you keep your privates so tight after doing this sort of thing?" Lara asked. "All a matter...oohhg...of doing the right type of lovely deer hind." Felicia gasped. "Now e-ease the l-last two out slowly, n-not ahhlll the way, just a little." Lara took hold of the ribbed and canine dildos and slowly but surely began easing them out, her sex growing wetter when she saw how much the feline was enjoying it. "N-Now push one back in, then the o-other." Getting the idea, Lara began alternating between the two toys, pushing one in then pulling out while she pushed the other in. A smile found its way back onto her face as she watched the cheetah writhe in ecstasy under the duel assault of the phalluses being continuously removed and re-inserted into her vaginal walls while the vibrator kept tingling her clit and soaking depths. "Gah, that's it, keep it up girl!!" Felicia moaned as her impending climax began to build. Lara meanwhile was still filled with a feeling of want. It seems the more she kept pleasuring the feline, the more she wished to know what she was experiencing. Eventually it got to the point where she pushed both back in and stopped, deciding she had to ask. "L-L-Lara? W-What's, what's wrong?" Felicia looked up in confusion. "Is there any way you could do that to me? This has gotten me feeling kinda needy." Lara looked pleadingly at the feline who just sighed. "I guess I did get a little sidetracked. Are you sure you want me to do this to you?" "Yes, you made it look so fun. I want to be stuffed!" Felicia smiled warmly at the doe's adventurous spirit and got up to kiss her again. "Alright girl, lie down and spread those pretty, slender legs for me." Lara lay back on the pillows and exposed her dripping pussy to the cheetah. "Now, being a first timer it's probably not a good idea to try what you did to me." She reached over and retrieved a tube of KY from the bag. "So, let's go with something a little less straining." Felicia squeezed a generous amount of lube into her palm and spread it all over her fingers and the back of her paw, making sure to get everything as greasy as possible. "Okay this is going to feel a little strange at first but once you get used to it, it's gonna be oh so good." Felicia slipped one finger in and wiggled it about. Sensing no objection from the cervine, she added another one and then a third, thrusting each one in tenderly and coaxing a lot of moans from her wanting lover. Smiling at the reaction she was getting Felicia added her last finger and then slowly formed her paw into a duck bill like shape, feeling it being gripped by the tight eager pussy walls. "Ready girl?" Lara nodded and gasped as the cheetah slowly began to curl her fingers causing her paw to slip further and further into her sex until the cervine had a nicely sized kitty fist inside her. Watching carefully for any sign of pain, Felicia pulled slightly and pushed back in. "So, you like this?" "Yeeee, God it feels weird but...ooh shit, I like it!" Felicia smiled and leaned her muzzle down to lick at the tender deer lips. "Mmm, don't you taste just divine?" She said as her fist moved a bit more causing Lara to shut her eyes tightly and moan loudly. "Felicia, p-please...keep doing it. Please I-I want to cum!" "And I want you to cum for me." The cheetah said as she reached over and took the remote off her lover. "But first I need to tend to my own needs." She increased the vibrator's power to maximum with the result that both morphs were soon writhing around on the pillows, one revelling in having her cunt stuffed to the gills with silicone as well as the endless buzzing assault on her tender nub, the other glad to finally be experiencing something like this for the first time and surprised as how intense it felt. "Oh God Felicia...oh, I love it! I LOVE IT!!" Lara moaned as her pussy maintained an iron grip on the furry paw that comfortably filled it up. " good...I'm gonna...gonna..." "M-me too! Me tooOOOOOHHHH!!!" The two morphs' orgasms came almost simultaneously, pleasure on an unimaginable scale surging through their bodies as their screams of euphoria no doubt reverberated all though out the vast expanses of the mall. Satisfied, Felicia reached down with her free paw to ease the dildos out of her sex. That done she placed the paw above the doe's slit and began to stroke in a downward's motion, helping the cervine to push her paw out. "Well, that was most enjoyable." She said as she licked the deer's juices off before hugging and kissing Laura passionately. "You've got that right. I can't think of any better way to herald turning 19." She ran a hooved finger across her sex, feeling a strange sense of emptiness. "I'm really gonna have to try being stuffed again sometime. It's incredible!" Felicia grinned as she licked the doe's muzzle. "Well just give me a time and place and I'll be more than happy to teach you how to take on the big stuff like me." For the first time that day, it was Lara who smiled deviously. "I think I've got a better idea." She grabbed hold of the cheetah and rolled the two of them over so she was on top. "How about you come home with me. If you remember you still owe me a favour anyway." Felicia chewed the idea over and beamed brightly. "Sounds good to me, I'd love for you to show me how to improve my dancing techniques as well." "It would be my pleasure my fair feline." The deer replied, thinking to herself. *Let's see Steven counter this argument in favour of Mall 24!* * * *


  • * * And so we again reach the end. As usual my e-mail is at the top of the page, please send me your thoughts on what you've read.