Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 12

Story by Contrast on SoFurry

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Except for the constant chatter of the rain, there came no sound from any of the Wolves. Not from the crowd, not from Hezzi, not from Father. Even the Fox only stared at him with her mouth slightly open.

It was Banno who finally ended it with his hearty laughter. "No surprises there, brother!" he said through his chuckles, grinning from ear to ear. "You know, just because your name means "Different" doesn't mean you constantly have to -"

"Why do you say this, Ander?" the Chieftain asked. Father was just about the only Wolf who could interrupt Banno like that without fear of reprisal.

"Because, Father," Ander said, ignoring Banno's growls, "this Fox didn't just fall out of the sky, nor was she spat out by the Cora. She must have family somewhere, maybe even a whole tribe, like ours. If we kill her, we might start a war, and that's something none of us want."

"Speak for yourself, Ander," Banno said, crossing his arms. "From what I see, these Foxes are rather puny. I'd relish the chance to face a pack of them! There's something in the eyes, a kind of awareness you just can't find in elk or deer..."

And yet the look he gave her just then told Ander that that was exactly what his brother was seeing: not a Fox, but prey. A piece of meat to be torn apart. But maybe there was more to it than that. Maybe what he was truly seeing was life. Life to be ended, to be snuffed out, to be crushed underfoot. The more the better, and this little Fox was full of it. Even in her beaten down state this was all too clear.

"There is more to consider, Banno," Ander continued. "If we return her, unharmed, we might find new friends in the Foxes. Open the way for trading and the exchange of ideas. Just look at her clothes! That alone tells me they have mastered techniques we are not even aware of, and that's just weaving! Who's to say they can't make homes, tools and even weapons with equal skill? Who's to say they won't share their knowledge with us if we return their daughter?"

"That's an awful lot to assume just from looking at her clothes, and you know it."

"Yeah!" someone shouted. "Clothes are overrated! She'd look better without them, anyway!" Laughter from the rest.

This wasn't going well. If Ander really wanted to save her, he would have to give a reason the other Wolves could get behind, something they actually cared about, base as it may be.

"There is one more thing," Ander said, dearly hoping the Fox wouldn't think he was some sex-crazed maniac like all the others for suggesting this. "If we ingratiate ourselves with the Foxes, who knows? I can't imagine many of the Vixens over there have ever seen the likes of us. They might be curious. Maybe even curious enough to get to know us. Intimately. Instead of a single night with a single Fox, we might get a whole score of them lining up at the gates. All out of their own volition."

Excited murmurs form the crowd. "Ooh! I like that! Vixens for everyone!"

"You forget the same thing could apply for the males. What if they line up to take our women, hmm? What then?"

"Let 'em! I've had enough of these domineering She-wolves to -"

A quick slap to the back of the head from the domineering She-wolf behind the unfortunate soul was enough to shut him up right quick. "I'd like to see a puny little Fox satisfy me the way a real Wolf can!" she said, puffing out her chest.

Ander risked a quick look back at the Fox, but it was difficult to read her expression. Things weren't going exactly the way he had planned, but at least his fellow Wolves weren't talking about killing her anymore. Just as long as nobody tried to turn the conversation back to -

"That's the most farfetched thing I've ever heard," Banno said. "Ander is just trying to make up wild stories so you'll listen to him!"


"You want to know what will really happen if we let her go? She'll go running back to her people and tell them all about how we caught her in a Biter and kept her locked up in a cage and threw rocks at her. That's what will lead to war. I wouldn't mind a scuffle with the Foxes, to tell you the truth, but if the need arises, I'd also prefer having the advantage of first attack. If we kill her now, they'll just assume she got lost and eaten by a bear. That will give us all the time in the world to plan for a good raid."

Damn that Banno! Now he's talking about killing her entire tribe?

"Father, there is nothing to gain from -"

Kadai lifted his hand, and Ander knew to keep quiet immediately. He'd done all he could, now he would just have to wait for the Chieftain's decision.

"Hezzi, come here."

Hezzi? Ander's ears pricked up at the mention of his little brother's name. What could Father possibly want from him now, in this situation?

The youngest of the Chieftain's sons ran to his side, no doubt eager to make up for his show of weakness earlier. "Yes, Father?"

"Tell me, Hezzi, what do you think we should do with her?"


"Are you deaf, pup!? Yes, you!"

"Oh, well... I..." Hezzi turned his head, first to look at Banno, with his arms crossed and his teeth bared, then at Ander.

Ander tried to send him a wordless message like he did before; willing his little brother to understand what was at stake here.

"No, pup!" Kadai said, seized Hezzi by the muzzle and turned his head to face the Vixen in her cage. "Don't look to your brothers! They've made their decisions for themselves! Now it's time for you to make your decision for yourself! Look at her and tell us what you think we should do! Take a good, hard look." The Chieftain released his grip and stepped back, leaving his son to regard the Fox, alone.

Ander wondered what could be going on in Hezzi's head right now. The way he stood there, looking at the Fox, the Fox looking back, and all the eyes of the tribe...

I know the last sentence seems to end abruptly, but it continues in the next subchapter from a different perspective. I'm experimenting with transitions.

This has been the twelfth subchapter in my serial novel, "Ander". If you enjoyed it, please help keep my face un-mauled by irritable ostriches by dropping me a donation. Thank you! ^_^

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How and Why: The Story behind "Ander" (Journal):