Somebody to Love

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Somebody to Love

by Von Krieger

Aziyah crawled through the air duct, crying. Hir tears wetting hir fur and catching stray bits of dust in the air. Shi drops down through the grate into hir room, a little hidey hole where shi could retreat from the cruelty of the other colonists. The room was the only one on this floor, probably made ages ago for a caretaker of the outdated machinery that the building no longer used. Aziyah had welded the door shut and secured a metal wall panel over it. No one noticed. She always came down using the air ducts. She hated it. She hated the colony. She hated hir body. She hated hir life.

Shi stepped into the shower, enjoying the warm water on hir body. Shi dried off and dropped into the nest-like bed hir mate had purchased for her so very long ago. Aziyah crawls under the covers and curls up, resisting the urge to lick at her slightly damp fur. Shi sighed, then began to clean hirself in an animalistic fashion.

It wasn't that shi was ugly, in fact shi was very beautiful. It was just that Aziyah wasn't real. Shi wasn't born, shi was made. Aziyah had been genetically engineered, one of the last. Creatures like her were designed to get around the laws on human rights, as Aziyah lacked human DNA. Shi was just as smart, and shi was built to be faster and more flexible then a human, perfectly exploitable as slave labor.

It hadn't lasted but ten years before the corporations got cut off at the knees for that, and the genetically created creatures, usually called Inhumans, Biosynthetics, or often other derogatory names, were granted the same rights as humans, in theory at least. The non-Earth races, the aliens, they got treated very well. But Aziyah? She wasn't, because she wasn't born, she was grown.

The humans knew how it felt when they called hir names. Freak of nature, tube-born slut, vat-grown bitch. It'd didn't help at all that Aziyah was a rare type, only one of four. One of those four was famous, unfortunately it was as an 'actress' in porn holos. Aziyah knew that was the life that was in store for hir before the laws.

Aziyah looked kind of like a dragon from oriental myth crossed with some South American god with a name shi couldn't remember. A long, slender, serpentine body covered in soft cream colored fur, lightening to white on hir front. Shi had bright magenta in a few splotches on hir body, her paws, the tuft on the tip of hir tail, hir mane, hir hair, and in a stupid heart shaped patch around hir left eye. Aziyah was vaguely humanoid, hir thin arms and legs allowed hir to function upright, if shi wanted, but made hir more comfortable on all fours.

The most noticeable feature about Aziyah, were her huge white wings, the feathers were soft. Aziyah hated that part of hirself, hir wings were useless, shi couldn't fly, they were just there for cuddling. All of hir was built for cuddling. There was no other reason why a creature whose body was designed looking aerodynamic, and for slithering on it's belly, would sport three pair of obviously too large breasts.

On a human they might look normal, but on Aziyah's narrow body, they looked massive. Shi hated hir body. Shi hated being a hir most of all. Both male and female. Being either exclusively would be better. Aziyah had only found a mate once in hir entire life. It was why shi was out here. Shi had come with him. He had died in an accident shortly after their arrival here five years ago.

Aziyah still longed for him. He had loved hir, comforted hir, treated hir like a living creature with feelings. No one else ever had. Aziyah shivered, shi felt a cold itch all over hir body, it had been building the last few days. One result of Aziyah's strange genetic code was the fact that shi would change a little bit every so often to adapt to hir environment. Or at least Aziyah assumed that was what hir body was trying to do.

The last time anything major had happened was when shi was in high school. Shi was taken off the accelerated learning machines that the company that had made hir use, and enrolled in a public school on Sheridan 23. Shi was fired from the job shi was given, and had no place to live. No one noticed at the end of the day, that the sad little furball never left the school, but rather crawled into an air duct in the ladies' room, and slept inside.

That was when it became obvious that shi was a shi. Originally shi kept hir cock inside hir body, but whatever governed hir changes had decided that hir maleness need to be bigger. Aziyah looks at hir back, where the sensation is the strongest. Shi sighs, the fur on hir back is changing colors. Whatever it was had no idea that shi was colored magenta and cream, apparently it was trying to camouflage hir by adding tiger-like stripes.

Aziyah sighs, licking tears from hir decidedly dragon-ish snout, flicking hir cat-like ears as a draft begins to blow out of the air vent above hir bed. Shi hears hir tummy make some awful noises, shi's hungry, shi's been hungry for a long time, never getting much to eat. They had locked Aziyah's PIN code out for the serving machines. So three times a day shi would go to the cafeteria and try it, even though it would do no good. Shi would simply sit in the corner, hir empty tray across hir knees. Shi would sit, and shi would just cry, hir tears landing on the tray.

Shi either had to steal food from people's quarters, or eat vermin, rats and mice that seemingly accompanied humans everywhere, as well as the local wildlife, mostly small lizards and birds. Aziyah hated it, shi hated to steal, shi hated to kill anything, even little birds and those cute little big eyed lizards that hopped like frogs.

It had gotten to where shi couldn't even wear clothing anymore. They had taken all of it from hir, shi had sent her clothes down to the laundry, and they had never come back. The only things shi had left were two large, amorphous creatures that spread over hir body for covering. Shi had them in hibernation, shi couldn't feed them.

The children were the worst. They just did what their parents told them to do. The children were why Aziyah didn't like going outside. They threw rocks at hir. Aziyah understood why they had cut off hir food account. It had ran out of money, the savings shi had, used up entirely. Shi couldn't earn more credits either. The only skilled thing shi was trained to do was teach, and many parents had protested, held up print outs of Zanira Starr, the creature Aziyah had been engineered to look like, different colors however, but the same heart shaped mark. They didn't want some rich person's vat-grown fuck toy to teach their children anything except how to aim a rock.

Aziyah had at first shown up in the labor office, trying to find a job, any job, that shi could do. But they always said they never had anything. Aziyah would lie in the lobby, they had a fit if shi actually got up on a chair, so shi usually cowered under a row of them, and listen to the humans, the colony was all humans, being given tasks that would earn them money, more then enough to live on and save some. Working for one tenth of what an untrained human laborer got paid for a day would feed Aziyah for an entire month.

They probably just hoped that Aziyah would get the hint and one day go outside and walk into the woods and stay there. Shi didn't like to go outside, there were stinging and biting insects out there, ones that rather enjoyed feasting on hir. Aziyah missed hir mate, the laws refused to allow hir Marcus to have hir legally as his wife, or as a part of his will when he'd passed away. He was just about the only human that had ever treated her nicely. Aziyah was tired, hungry, and so very lonely. Shi just lie there on hir nest-bed, crying hirself to sleep again.

The dragon-creature awoke to the feeling of the air vent blowing over hir fur. Shi had rolled out from under the covers again. Aziyah lay on hir back, the warm air currents teasing hir fur. Aziyah felt hir belly rumble, demanding food. Shi sighs, she'd have to go search the ducts for rats again. Shi didn't like to have to eat rats, they were kind of cute. Shi wondered what the rats were eating, as shi had never found a skinny rat.

As shi pulled the chair over, about to climb up into the duct, shi noticed something shi'd never seen in hir room before. The condition strip on the door panel blinking a bright red. It took hir a second to remember what that meant. Blue was normal. Yellow was hazardous weather. There were many different colors, but Aziyah had never seen red before, and for a good reason. The colony had never been attacked before.

Aziyah quickly crawled into the duct, climbing up into the main floors of the colony. What shi saw made hir shudder. Overunners. No one knew what they called themselves, heck, no one knew how they build space vessels, as far as anyone had seen they were only slightly smarter then a dog. They were very bestial, and only interested in two things. Eating and reproducing.

They would fuck anything bigger then a dog. Aziyah shivers. Through some sickening biochemical process, Overunners could make just about anything into a viable breeding partner. Aziyah pulls hirself away from the grate, the Overunners were kind of attractive, in a bestial sort of way. They were a lot like her, except more reptilian, and heavier built. They were short and powerful, their frames covered with powerful muscle. No two looked exactly the same, there were many different features. Some had bigger claws, or lacked legs and had a serpent's tail, a few had fur, but not many. Some had horns, others had multiple arms, some were strange colors.

Aziyah had noticed one more fact about the Overunners, they were all hermaphrodites. Shi crept along in the vents, knowing shi'd be safe inside, they were just too big to get in. The humans had been mean to hir, but Aziyah was going to see if shi could do anything. But every time shi peered out into the colony, she saw humans being swarmed by sex hungry lizard-creatures. It was frightening, and at the same time, Aziyah thought it was incredibly arousing.

Shi positioned hirself on hir side in the vent, wrapping a paw around hir maleness. Aziyah purrs softly, relishing the feel of the soft leather-like skin against hir shaft. The little dragon-herm peers out the vent, watching a pair of Overunners dragging a human female out of hiding. Aziyah knows this one, she was one of the protesters that had been outraged over the furry Biosynthetic trying to teach elementary school.

Shi smiles, listening to the human scream below hir as sharp claws shred her clothing, rending it from her body. She's a rather attractive human, if she hadn't been mean, Aziyah would've been attracted to her, snuggling against her firm, tanned body, running hir tongue over those luscious breasts, thrust hir maleness into her. Aziyah chirps softly, hir way of laughing. The human looked so funny trying to hold her legs shut against the strong hands of the Overunner.

One holds her arms, clamped together at the wrist with one huge paw, the other rubbing the creature's slick shaft. The human is screaming and struggling all the while. Finally the human's legs tire, allowing the Overunner to spread them and thrust it's big, black cock inside the human's pink depths. She howls in pain, shouting threats and insults at the creatures, who don't seem to care.

Aziyah closes hir eyes, imagining it's hir doing the fucking, the human crying beneath hir as shi pumps hir cock in and out of the human's body. The tight, barely used muscles gripping Aziyah's member tightly, dousing hir rod with lubricating juices. The human shouting at hir to stop, begging hir with hir mouth, but hir body telling hir to keep going.

The herm scoots forward in the air vent, curling hir head around so that shi can see the scene below through one eye, and take hir length into hir mouth. Yes, the human would beg, and plead to do anything, anything to make Aziyah stop. And shi would stop, shi would pull hir slick organ from the human and crawl around to her face, forcing hir jaws open and shoving hirself rudely inside, the thin end of hir tail curled around the woman's throat, tightening it slightly, cutting off her ability to breath for a moment. Making sure the human knows who's in charge.

Below Aziyah, the human's obscenity filled rant has stopped, replaced by the soft moans and groans of a human female enjoying a coupling. Aziyah can see that the human has already begun to change, tiny green scales, like freckles appearing on her thighs, hips, and shoulders. Her hands and feet becoming more like paws, each losing a digit and gaining small claws. Extra fat and muscle vanishing off the human's frame to fuel the change. The one holding her hands releases them, allowing the changing human to pull herself up, rubbing her expanding breasts against the scales of hir mate. A tail snakes from her backside, her back also freckled with tiny scales, her tail entirely covered in scales.

The human arches her back, her soft moans instead turning into a drawn out yowl of pleasure. With a few soft pops, her face reshapes into a reptilian muzzle, a black forked tongue flicking out to taste the air and trace over her new fangs. Aziyah's eyes narrow, hir hips thrusting forward into a sustained thrust, the dragon-herm shooting hir seed into hir mouth, the sight of the changing human quite possibly the sexiest thing shi's ever seen.

Aziyah lies there for a moment, purring in the afterglow of hir orgasm. The former human turns hirself over, taking the second creature in hir mouth. "They look so happy..." Aziyah says to hirself softly. "I wish I could be that happy." shi says sadly, looking down at the ex-human completing hir change, hir hands and feet covering with smooth blue-green scales.

The Biosynthetic thinks for a moment. Would it be so bad to live the rest of hir life as a barely intelligent creature, a life of sex and laying eggs ahead of hir? Aziyah weighs the concept in hir head for a moment. Shi would be accepted, loved by hir mates. There would be no insults hurled at hir, no cruelties because shi was different. No taunts because shi was a herm, the Overunners were all herms. Shi would be fed, and kept warm and cherished as an egg layer, an important part of the community. All shi would have to give up were hir human intellect and feelings. It wasn't a bad deal at all, Aziyah realized. A human mind in an inhuman body. Hir human qualities were the source of hir pain.

While Aziyah has been thinking one of the Overunners has pulled out of the ex-human and left the room, the remaining one engaged in a 69 with the new 'female,' loudly sucking on each other's cocks. The sight causes Aziyah's own to stir once again. The dragon-herm unlatches the vent cover and lets it swing down, slipping down through the opening and landing on the floor. Shi shakes off like a dog, sending a cloud of dust into the air from hir fur and wings.

To hir surprise the two lizard creatures ignore her, continuing in their coupling. Aziyah nuzzles at the big one softly, trying to draw it's attention, but it still pays no attention to Aziyah. With a sigh Aziyah turns and walks out of the room, hoping to find a less occupied Overunner. As shi walks down the hall, shi can see into the colonist's rooms, many filled with Overunners and their human mates enjoying themselves. Aziyah dashes down the hall, hoping to find one unoccupied.

A horrified scream causes hir to come to a stop, shi sees a human male running towards hir, persued by four Overunners. She watches him passively, stepping to the side of the hall. A cruel smile on hir face, Aziyah reaches out with hir tail at the right moment, wrapping it around the human's leg and tripping him. The Overunners are on him in an instant, shredding his clothes.

The human screams at Aziyah, calling hir names. He tries to crawl toward hir with malice on his mind. But the Overunners pull him back, two of them tending to the human, while the other two peer at Aziyah curiously. One reaches out a clawed hand, stroking hir fur softly. The other just stares at hir, it's paw dropping down to it's crotch, stroking itself.

The second one ignores hir entirely, turning to watch it's fellows convert the male. The other one chirps curiously, nuzzling at Aziyah. The dragon-herm takes it's head in hir paws, gently tracing down it's powerful scaly body, cupping one of the creature's breasts, the other hand slipping in between the alien's legs, slipping a finger into the wet opening. The Overunner murrs softly, lowering itself to the ground and laying on it's back, legs spread wide.

"It must be confused because I'm already a herm." Aziyah says in hir mind, pondering the situation. Shi drops to hir knees, slipping hir length into the Overunner's cunt. A shiver runs through Aziyah's body, shi had never actually mated anything with hir maleness before. Aziyah gasps as the lizard-alien's cunt begins to grip hir length, the interior muscles making a milking motion. Aziyah hirself couldn't do that with hir own womanhood. Shi settled down and snuggled with hir Overunner mate. The lizard hisses softly, gripping two of Aziyah's plump breasts with it's paws, caressing them delicately.

Positioned atop hir 'female,' Aziyah has a wonderful view of the male human and his oncoming transformation. The Overunners were having a little trouble with the skin tight bodysuit the human wore underneath his clothes, not wanting to hurt him in taking it off. Finally one of them grips the relatively loose material between the man's legs and with a deft motion of it's claw, slits it halfway up the man's back.

The creature's cock has been at the ready the entire time, dripping with a huge amount of precum. The creature strokes it's shaft with one hand, it gasps as a stream of precum spurts out, landing between the male's cheeks. The lizard teasingly rubs the head of it's member against the male's backside. The human howls, trying to struggle and get away, but he has a second Overunner perched on his back, the lizard's weight holding him down.

The lizard bucks it's hips, sliding a few inches into the reluctant male. Aziyah's body tenses, a soft grunt all shi can produce as hir virgin cock can't take any more of hir lover's milking, shooting hir load into the lizard-beast. The 'female' continues milking Aziyah as shi cums, pulling every drop of seed out of the Biosynthetic. Aziyah pulls hir spent length from hir lover's depths, wriggling forward and impaling hirself on the creature's shaft.

"This is it." Aziyah thinks. "The end of the scared, abused Aziyah. Good riddance." A smile stretches across the dragon-herm's face as a faint tingling begins to fill hir nether regions, spreading throughout hir body. The creature's cock had just entered hir, and it already felt amazing. Aziyah figured it must be the changes at work, making sex more pleasurable. Shi could hear the human sobbing softly, being mated by the other Overunner.

Aziyah turned to look at him, his changes were beginning to take shape The bodysuit hung loosely on his form in places, too tight in others as his body shifted. The one sitting on his back stood up, slipping it's throbbing cock into it's partner's waiting mouth. The human pushed himself up off the ground onto all fours. Aziyah could see his dick straining at the fabric of the suit. He push himself up onto all fours, rubbing frantically at his length, trying to get some stimulation to his aching manhood, he drops back down to the floor, thrusting against it, rubbing against it, trying anything to pleasure his cock.

The Overunner pulls out, more absorbed in pleasuring it's partner with it's tongue, it cups the fellow lizard's buttock, pulling the beast forward to take the creature's cock in to the hilt. The human lies panting on the floor, arching his back in pain as a tail, covered in orange, black, and white fur, quickly grows out to a length of six feet from the base of his spine. The human's gloves and boots are turned to useless scraps as his hands and feet take on a more bestial configuration.

He lies there for a moment, before pushing himself back up onto all fours. He rubs at his chest, where budding breasts are growing. Putting a handpaw to the swellings seem to snap him out of whatever trance the lizard's fluids had on him, he dashes to a room nearby, hitting the controls to close the door. Aziyah can hear a welder flicking to life. Shi doesn't care anymore. Now with nothing to watch shi focuses entirely on pleasing hir mate, using all the trick shi knew hir body was capable of.

The warm feeling building in hir middle was strong, stronger then anything shi'd ever felt before. The tingling continued throughout hir body as the creature thrust away. Aziyah throws hir head back and howls, the feeling of a jet of hot, thick lizard pre-cum sending a spike of ecstasy through hir. Aziyah shoved all human thoughts and feelings aside, focusing solely on the act of mating, being filled by hir male.

Shi hugged the Overunner tightly, rocking back and forth, dragging hir nipples across wonderfully soft belly scales. The beast reaches up, stroking hir wings gently. Aziyah can do no more then moan hir pleasure at the touch of hir feathers being rubbed, having long forgotten how hir wings were one of hir biggest erogenous zones, it had been so long since someone stoked them.

As Aziyah's climax came, shi howled, not out of pleasure, but frustration, not wanting the coupling with hir mate to end. Ever. But rather then stop hir climax spirals upward, joining with the tingling feeling in hir body. Aziyah notices hir vision going white at the edges, then filling hir entire vision, the indescribable pleasure, rgeater then anything shi'd ever imagined possible filled hir body. Shi seemed to rise forever with the sensation. Then what felt like a multi-atomic explosion wracked her body. The pleasure slowly fading, leaving only whiteness.

Aziyah woke an unknown time later, to the sound of banging. She gets up on all fours and blinks. "Shit. I'm still thinking." shi sighs sadly. Shi looks around for the Overunners, but can't see any. She shakily gets to hir feet, looking over hir body. Shi sighs, nothing had changed. Shi was still the same obscene pink and cream color scheme shi had started out as. Shi tests her paws, her tail. Shi looks over hir body, everything was the same.

No, it wasn't. Aziyah ran a paw over hir belly and up his side. Shi didn't feel ribs. Shi looked over hir arms and legs, they didn't look sickeningly thin. Shi looked like she'd been fed, healthy, and working out for a good couple of months. Aziyah sighs, hir man-made genetic code must've been incompatible with the Overunner's transformation effect to work entirely on hir. They had given hir hir health back, but they left hir behind. Try as shi might, Aziyah couldn't find a single Overunner anywhere. There wasn't anybody anywhere. Shi was all alone.

Suddenly it struck hir. All alone, entirely. Nobody to talk to. Shi would be stranded here, with nobody at all to talk to or keep hir company. Shi shuddered. Aziyah hadn't wanted that. In a panic shi darted down the hallway shouting, hoping someone would answer hir. "HELLO?! IS ANYBODY HERE?! ANSWER ME, PLEASE!" Near where shi woke up shi jumped about six feet into the air, hearing a rapid banging on a door nearby and a spoken response. "In here! Please, get me out!"

Aziyah typed in the code to open the security door, it groaned and didn't move. Aziyah remembered the sound of a welder. "I'll be right back, don't worry, I'll get you out." The dragon-herm darts off down the hall to the mechanic's bay. Looking around shi found exactly what she was looking for. A laser cutter and the protective glasses needed to use one. Carrying both in hir mouth shi trots back to the door.

"Stand back and to the side of the door, I'm gonna use a laser to get it open!" shi shouts through the door. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" says the voice of the other side, Aziyah thinks it sounds like a female, but can't figure out why shi thinks that's wrong. Shi puts the glasses onto hir face, while not shaped right for hir, Aziyah's muzzle is enough to keep them steady.

Flicking the cutter to life, Aziyah traces the beam around the lower of the two interlocking sections of the door. It only takes about thirty seconds to cut through the thick metal, leaving it glowing nearly white hot. Aziyah turns the cutter off and takes off the glasses, flicking a switch on it to active the cooling agent sprayer. Heated and cut, then cooled quickly the metal would be stiff and brittle, at least that was the theory.

Aziyah gets a running start and rams her shoulder against the piece of metal, and then goes tumbling into the next room. Shi blinks hir eyes a few times and finds hirself staring into the most beautiful pair of eyes shi's ever seen. A mix of lavender and pink, with fat elliptical irises. The face they peer out of is gorgeous as well, ebony human skin, but with a feline shape and muzzle framed by bright purple hair. A rough forked tongue pokes out of black lips and traces the fur on hir face.

"Are you OK?" the beautiful feline-thing asks. Nuzzling Aziyah with it's nose. The dragon-herm rolls to hir feet and sits up, finding hirself face to face with a similarly oriented creature. Beautiful fur covers it's... hir body from the most part, orange and white with stripes, like those of a tiger. Four large breasts hang from it's chest, furred on the outside, but human skin on the interior with shiny black nipples standing erect. It's underbelly, neck, thighs, and the underside of the tail lack fur. Aside from the eyes, shi isn't the most beautiful creature Aziyah has ever seen, but shi's close. The cat-herm hugs Aziyah tightly.

"I'm so glad you came for me, sister. I thought you all had left me behind." the cat-creature says, purring and licking Aziyah's fur. "Sister? What do you mean?" Aziyah asks, puzzled. The tigress sniffs Aziyah. "No, you're not." the cat-thing sighs sadly, curled up into a ball, laying hir head on hir reptilian shaped tail. "They did leave me then. I'm not done yet. I'm not an adult yet! I need to be mated more! I'm still thinking like a baby."

"You used to be one of the colonists didn't you?" Aziyah exclaims, finally figuring it out. The cat-herm thinks for a moment. "I guess so. I can kind of remember being something else, but mostly I'm thinking like one of the Family now. It's not fair!" tears run down hir furred face. "I can't feel anyone else here, I'm all alone." The cat-Overunner continues to cry. Aziyah curls up round hir, covering the ex-human with hir wings.

"Not anymore. I'm here. I may not be of your new species, but I'm somebody at least." Aziyah says, trying to reassure the strange hybrid. Shi reaches around and begins rubbing the fur on the outer reaches of the tigress' belly, drawing a contented purr from the creature. "You're a one-male too, would you maybe... mate me as a male? I can't remember having my fem-sex mated." The cat-herm asks pleadingly, rubbing the base of her tail against Aziyah's crotch.

Aziyah sighs and shakes hir head, thinking like a human again. "No. It wouldn't be right." The cat-herm flinches as if shi's been struck. "Why not?" "Because you're not in a clear state of mind right now." "But you've mated with one of my sisters before. I saw you! I..." the cat-creature blinks. "You're right, I did used to be a human. And I am feeling confused. But if in maybe a few days if I still want to, would you make me your female?" the ex-human asks, looking back at Aziyah with those gem-like eyes. "I guess so." The Overunner purrs and rubs hir head against Aziyah's chin. "Thank you."

The two lay there for awhile, simply enjoying the presence of a warm, furry body next to theirs. The silence is broken by the cat-herm. "You're Aziyah, aren't you?" the cat-herm asks. "Yes." "I think I did some things to you when I was a human, not very nice things." "Don't worry about it." "I wish I could remember my human name, so maybe you might be able to tell me what I did, but all I can remember is my Family name." "Which is?" "C13-D92." "That's not much of a name." "We're not focused much on individual members. It means I was the three hundred and thirteenth born of a group of four hundred ninety two."

Aziyah yawns and stands up stretching. "But you weren't born one of... whatever you are." "Reborn then. I'm a completely different being from the human I used to be." C13 answers, standing up as well. "I'm hungry, do you want me to get you anything?" the cat-herm asks. "Since you're locked out of the food system and all." "That would be great, C13, thank you." The cat-herm smiles and pads off toward the cafeteria.