Chapter 10: Beautiful Water

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#10 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

Beautiful Water

Chapter 10

Seleste slowly came-to, but she didn't open her eyes. Thankfully, she was clean of Tahki's blood: her fur was damp as if one of them had cleaned her. Had it been Keme? She squirmed at the thought. She could hear voices talking quietly, the crackle of a fire, the soft howl of the wind coming in off the sea. She could smell the salty seawater, the gritty sand, Tahki's blood . . . and the hot, musky scent of Talisa. Seleste groaned inside. Couldn't Talisa go jump off a cliff somewhere? Just when Keme had finally touched her, and here comes Talisa - Talisa with her wise eyes, Talisa with her smirking lips, Talisa with her big tits and tiny feet -- Talisa, who oozed strength and skill and courage and all the things that probably made Keme's dick hard.

Seleste lay there feeling dismal. Could she really blame Talisa? It wasn't Talisa's fault that Seleste didn't know the pommel end of a dagger from the blade.

Lying there in misery and defeat, she could just imagine what MeRorr would say, "If you want Keme, make yourself worthy of him! As I fought to make myself worthy of you."

How she missed MeRorr. He was always telling her that, that he wasn't worthy of her, but oh, how he'd do anything to become worthy.

". . . was a very powerful sorceress," Talisa was saying, and Seleste kept her eyes shut, that she might eavesdrop.

"No kidding," Seleste heard Keme return, and Talisa laughed softly.

"Tahki was the chief's advisor and court sorceress," went on Talisa, "but they had a falling out. She took the chief's valuables and fled. She threatened to return and kill him, so we were to kill her on sight should we find her."

"That was it?" Keme said in amazement. "She wasn't banned for eating kids or something?"

Talisa laughed. "No one knows what the fight was about. The chief's wife recently passed, you see. Some suspect she wanted to take her place."

"Ah," Keme said, "I should have known it would come down to two females scraping over a dick. I bet she killed his wife."

"The theory hadn't escaped us," Talisa said sadly. "She was a great chieftess. She didn't deserve that pitiful end. We believe she was poisoned in order to make her death look natural. She was very old, you see. The chief decided to relinquish the fur-back throne to his son. He says it's because he is too old, but we all know it's because his heart is heavy with grief. He loved his wife dearly."

"What is it with all these tribes," Keme said in amazement. "I was heading to the summer village and it was on fire! Then I was taking her to the sun village, and all this crap is going on there."

"It's called politics. I take it you have no tribe."

Talisa's voice sounded so sultry and seductive that Seleste indignantly stole a peek. Her mane was in her eyes, the perfect cover least they should notice her watching. She realized that they had laid her on her blanket. The blue fabric was wrapped around her shoulder and smelled faintly of Keme. She could see the ruins looming beyond. Ah, so they were still at Meketh. She realized with a jolt that she was lying very near Keme's foot. If she looked up, she could see his face and the smiling face of Talisa. Both were presiding over plates of food - in this dismal place that reeked of death and blood? Ew! She could still see the bodies tied to the pillars, and she knew that the small bloody sack near Talisa's foot contained the witch's head. How could they sit there eating and chatting as if all this blood and gore were nothing? They truly were hardened warriors.

"And I take it I'm lucky," Keme returned. He grabbed a pawful of meat from his plate and crammed it in his mouth.

Talisa, who was eating with a fork, sat watching him in amazement. "Lucky? You don't even know how to use a fork. F.Y.I. they aren't for scratching yourself."

Keme laughed, and Seleste felt her heart burning: he was so comfortable, so at ease with this total stranger, when it had taken what seemed forever for him to even talk to her! But then, she reflected that Talisa hadn't kicked him in the nuts either.

"So you were taking the simp to the sun village?" Talisa asked, and watching from behind her mane, Seleste scowled. "What for? I'd almost say she was your lover, but you're ashamed of having even kissed her."

Keme choked on his meat and had to be slapped on the back. "My - my lover?" he cried, looking at Talisa in disgust. "Look, I told you what we did was the witch's doing --!"

"The witch's doing, my eye," Talisa snorted and speared a hunk of meat on her fork. She watched Keme's indignation in clear amusement as she chewed. "Tahki was a very powerful sorceress, but there's one thing magic can't create, and that's love."

"You're joking, right?" said Keme, who watched Talisa as if she had lost her mind. "I'm not in love with her! Sometimes I don't even like her! She's always clinging to me and crying -- and she kicks me in her sleep."

Talisa grinned. "And you love her. Or you will soon. I can recognize the earliest stages. Seen it before."

Keme fell silent and poked at the meat on his plate like a sulky child. It was everything Seleste could do not to laugh at him. She felt an unexpected fondness for Talisa, who continued eating as she watched Keme in amusement. She suddenly realized that Talisa was a lot older than she looked: they were cute little kids in puppy love to her.

"My mother and father," Talisa said quietly, "they were an arranged marriage. And you know how the tribal customs are: they didn't officially marry until I was born. So I grew up watching them bickering. They resented each other because they had been forced into it. My mother was one of the best female warriors the mountain wolves had to offer, and so she was sent as tribute to the sun village. All she ever wanted was to go back. And despite all their bickering and bitching, my father loved her. So he let her go. I was six. I never saw her again."

All the time Talisa had been speaking, Keme watched her sympathetically. "Your mother abandoned you?" he said quietly.

Talisa glared at her plate. "My father discovered that she had a lover who she'd been forced to leave with the mountain tribe. A female. Her parents were trying to keep them apart, and that was the real reason my mother was sent to the sun village. Her parents were terrified she'd be stoned for loving a female - it's not allowed over there," she explained when she saw Keme's confusion.

"But . . ." Keme frowned. "Why isn't it allowed? What harm is it doing?"

Talisa smiled. "None at all. But still, the mountain wolves didn't allow it. So my mother lived in secret with her lover. She wrote us for many years. My father answered her but I never did. I felt so . . . cast off. Unwanted. As if she loved that damn female in the mountain tribe more than me. My father and I lived in terror that my mother would be caught and stoned. And then one day . . . the letters stopped coming."

Keme sat in silence, not knowing what to say, and watching from the ground as she hid behind her mane, Seleste felt so bad for Talisa that she wanted to hug her.

"My father died of heartache when he realized she was dead. A letter came from my uncle. He's the chief over there now. And when my father read that letter . . . it was like he shut down. He died over a female that he had done nothing but bicker and bitch with. So don't tell me you don't love that little simp. If you don't love her yet, you will. I've seen it before."

Keme stared at his plate a long time. "I never thanked you for saving us," he muttered. He looked up. "Thank you, Talisa."

Talisa managed a half-smile. "It's what I do."

"So . . ." Keme cleared his throat. "The sun village is different, right? I mean, we just came out of those tunnels, and there were males fucking males on the walls, even females eating pussy. You'd think your mother would have wanted to stay with the sun tribe than go off and live as if her feelings were some terrible secret."

Talisa shook her head. "She loved the female she left us for, had pretty much grown up with her. They were friends a long time before they were lovers. You don't forget love like that." Talisa cleared her throat miserably and speared more meat on her fork.

Talisa was opening her mouth to speak again when the pillar looming behind her suddenly groaned. It swung down out of the darkness, a million tons of stone ready to smash them all into goo. Seleste screamed and Talisa shouted as the pillar lurched their way. The females scrambled to their feet as Keme threw aside his plate. The young male leapt up and caught the pillar against his shoulder. As the other two watched in amazement, he swung the pillar around like a stick and threw it. It spiraled out across the sea and landed in the water with a colossal splash. His work done, Keme dusted off his paws and sat back down to eat.

Seleste glanced over at Talisa and wanted to laugh: the hardened warrior was standing there with her paw on her breasts, her mouth hanging open, as if it was her turn to faint. But she just stood there staring at Keme, then she looked at Seleste for an explanation.

Seleste shrugged. "He wouldn't tell me either. The only reason we got out of the tunnels was because he threw a boulder aside like a grass ball."

They both looked at Keme, who was blowing the sand off his meat. When it looked clean enough, he shrugged and crammed it in his face. He didn't look at either of them.

When it was clear Keme was not going to explain, Talisa sat again on her rock and lifted her plate. She gathered another plate and tipped some of her meat onto it, then passed it to Seleste. Seleste took it, thanked her, and sat to eat too.

They sat around the fire together in an awkward silence, and it seemed to Seleste that she could still feel the earth trembling from the stone pillar. Water had overflowed from the sea from the crash, and licks of foam now touched the edges of the camp.

"What's your story, simp," Talisa said suddenly, "since Super Wolf over here refuses to talk." She gestured her fork at Keme, who scowled and rolled his eyes. "Keme said he's taking you to my village. Why?"

Seleste played miserably with her meat as the events of the past couple days came rushing back to her. Poking the meat with the fork Talisa had given her, she realized it was meat from a very large fish.

"Or is it too personal a tale to tell," said Talisa apologetically.

Seleste hadn't realized it, but her eyes were watering from the question. Tears rose to blur the fish on her plate, then dropped away one after the other. She poked her fish and shook her head sadly. "No, it's okay. I just . . . I've lost so much. I feel like it's been years when it's been days. Every day is a hundred days without him. I feel so alone." Thinking of MeRorr, she blinked furiously, and more tears came. What would she do when she reached the sun village, after all? The thought had been nagging her since Keme told Talisa that he was taking her there. Naturally, Keme was not going to want to stay with her. Why should he? He didn't even know her! And she would be alone all over again. MeRorr would have stayed with her. MeRorr would have taken care of her. But now she was on her own in an uncaring world. It was terrifying. And if she went to the chief . . . she didn't want to think about what that would mean.

"I'll stay with you - until you figure something out," Keme added quickly when both females looked at him.

Seleste blinked. She hadn't expected that from him! She smiled at him warmly and could tell he was on the verge of snapping something at Talisa, who was watching him with her knowing brown eyes.

"You're so afraid to admit you like her," Talisa said in wonder. "But it's so painfully obvious that you do." She watched Keme, whose face had hardened into stone. He wasn't going to answer, he was going to ignore Talisa and hope she gave up. But looking at Talisa, Seleste got the feeling that she was not one to just give up.

Talisa set aside her plate and stood. "Come," she said to them both, "I have something important to show you." With that, she walked toward the shore, hips and tail swishing.

Keme was startled. With questions in his eyes, he glanced at Seleste, then followed Talisa. Seleste followed behind them both. The dawn had come and gone, and now the day shone bright and blue upon the sea. White clouds drifted across the sky, the breeze swept down to caress and sigh, and seagulls wheeled above. Following behind Keme, Seleste noticed for the first time that his ears were silver. She had never seen him in full daylight before to have noticed. He had silver ears. Somehow, it made her smile.

By the time they reached Talisa, she had waded into the water to her knees. Keme looked at Seleste for the first time as if he didn't know what to do. Seleste moved ahead of him to stand with Talisa and was glad when he followed.

"You're both being weird," Keme accused when he caught up with them. "What's going on?"

Seleste didn't have a clue either. But she couldn't stop smiling. She had never seen Keme in full sunlight before. It was nice. The breeze swept her mane back as she happily watched him, and her breasts were revealed. She covered them and blushed.

Talisa laughed. "You're a princess," she said to Seleste. "It's written in your every gesture. Come here."

Seleste was startled by the firm command. But she had come to like Talisa, who seemed so determined now to look after them. It was as if the young warrior had found a pair of orphans.

Seleste waded gracefully through the water to Talisa, her tail curled at the tip, her plump little buttocks flexing. Still holding herself, she stopped when she was face to face with Talisa and watched her in bewilderment. She suddenly felt as confused as Keme: Talisa was looking at her with hungry eyes. She smoothed Seleste's mane down and studied her with warm admiration. Seleste felt her cheeks grow hot under this careful touching. And then Talisa did something Seleste had never anticipated: she kissed her.

Seleste stiffened and her lashes fluttered. She had never expected this! Talisa's paw cupped the back of Seleste's head and curled in her mane as she thrust her tongue inside. Her heart beating wildly, Seleste kissed her back. God, Talisa could kiss. She felt ready to swoon under the steady press of those skilled lips. She could feel Talisa prying her arms away, and then her breasts were being caressed, so firmly and yet so gently. Talisa's lips pulled away, and Seleste swayed, weak and dazed from the strength of that kiss. She looked at Keme and blushed: he was hard.

"Now come here, Keme," Talisa said. She licked her lips as if Keme was just as enticing.

Keme hesitated but approached nervously. He stopped near Talisa, but his eyes were fixed on Seleste. Seleste shivered: he was looking at her with that intensity again. She felt her clit pulse and put her paws over her sex.

Talisa laughed softly at Seleste's humiliation. She guided Keme until his arms were enfolding Seleste, and she whispered, "Kiss her. Go on. It's okay to love her."

Keme hadn't taken his eyes off Seleste. He smiled. She quivered in his arms. Oh god, he was going to kiss her again! She felt Talisa come up behind her, and then her arms were being placed around Keme's neck. Her thigh was carefully lifted by Talisa and placed on his hip. And then it happened: she felt the soft graze of Talisa's fingers as she guided Keme's cock inside. He closed his eyes and sighed as he entered her. She was so hot and wet and tight. His muscles shuddered around her, and then he kissed her.

Seleste melted all over. God, this was what she had been waiting for! She kissed him back and clung tight to him as his thrusts began, so careful and slow, as if he feared he might harm her. Talisa's paws were on her thighs, and then she was being lifted in Keme's arms. She clung tight to him as her legs were wrapped around, and then, with Talisa kissing her neck and massaging her breasts, Keme moved inside of her, deeply, wetly, and his strong arms held her tight and didn't let go.

They made gentle love to Seleste there in the water. Her head fell back against Talisa, and she could see their bodies reflected in the water's mirror: they were twisted together, touching, moaning, kissing. The smell of it, the heat of it, it was too much! This was supposed to be the mating season, Seleste realized. Having her clit gently stroked by Talisa's slender fingers, being kissed as Keme was kissing her, being touched as Talisa was touching her . . . this was what was supposed to happen to her. Not that brutal rape.

Seleste rocked suspended between them, and when she finally squirted and came, Keme caught his breath and came inside. She felt it, his hot fluids as they rushed to fill her. Deliciously tired from it all, she swooned against Talisa. Keme gathered her small body in his arms, and they walked back to the camp.

Seleste couldn't have asked for more. Keme laid her carefully on her blanket, and she lay there so happy and content and pretending to sleep as the other two sat around the fire. God. Her body was on fire. She could still feel the press of their fingers, could still smell them, taste them, as if it was happening to her still! It was MeRorr all over again. Only he had ever been able to light her so completely on fire.

"She's a delicate little thing, and weak," Seleste heard Talisa say, "but I can see why you might love her. She's very sweet. And kind. And so forgiving. And worth protecting. So you better protect her. Or I'll rip your nuts off."

Seleste heard Keme laugh. "You sound like someone I know . . . or used to know. . . ." His voice trailed off miserably.

After a pause, Talisa said softly, "So it's true. You both lost a lover."

"Yeah . . ." Keme said hoarsely.

"I knew that had to be the reason a young, healthy, red-blooded boy like you wouldn't jump to be with a girl like that. She's a pretty little thing. Hell, I might just love her if I'm not careful. Bet she's feisty too."

"Kicked me in the nuts first thing we met."

Talisa laughed. "You must teach her how to properly protect herself. She won't always have you around. That's what every female needs to understand: we can't depend on males for every damn thing."

"Only one thing," Keme joked.

Talisa laughed again. "And sometimes not even that."

"Don't you have a lover, Talisa? Surely one as beautiful as you . . .?"

Seleste had been curious about this too. Her ears pricked forward as she pretended to sleep.

"No," Talisa answered, "my career is all the lover I need."

"You're a strange female, Talisa."


They laughed.

Seleste fell asleep listening to their quiet laughter. When she later awoke, night had fallen, and she realized Keme was trying to rouse her. His big paw gently shook her shoulder and her eyes opened to see his awkward face. He was embarrassed after having slept with her? She looked at him and realized for the first time that he was shy. How cute.

She sat up, half expecting to be lifted into his arms. Then she remembered her broken leg was healed. How strange. She had grown so used to being carried that it seemed as if he had always carried her. She rose to her feet and smiled when he draped her blanket around her shoulders. Talisa smiled at the scene fondly, and when he noticed her looking on in amusement, he turned gruffly away. Seleste wanted to laugh but didn't for his sake.

And so they packed up and set out for the sun village. Talisa assured them that it wasn't far away. After all the days they had spent lost in the sacred sun tunnels, they had practically walked all the way to the sun village. It loomed in the distance, a great village on a sloping hill that jutted out over the sea. Seleste could see the gates from this distance, the silhouettes of palm trees, she could even smell the flowers.

They reached the gates by sundown and the guards, recognizing Talisa, waved them in. Talisa led them up the street with the bloody bag that contained the witch's head on her shoulder. Wolves called out to her in greeting, and she grinned and waved at them. One young male stopped to greet her in excitement, then sprinted off, no doubt to inform their chief that Talisa had returned with the witch's head.

Many wolves, male and female alike, eyed young Keme up and down, and dying of embarrassment, his green eyes found some distant point and remained focused on it. Seleste was silently grateful she was wrapped in her blanket.

They passed through the streets as the sun went down, and wolves everywhere were lighting the great torches that stood waiting to beat back the coming darkness. Mothers led pups home by their paws, warriors with spears on their shoulders walked home from patrol while still others left their homes to guard the village walls. It was a beautiful place that easily lived up to the many stories Seleste had heard of it: splashes of color were everywhere, bright flowers, great murals on the walls. Palms leaned, tall and slender, over the little walkways and paths that broke from the main streets, and everywhere, the smell of jasmine was fragrant on the air.

The street climbed steadily higher, and before long, Seleste could see the sea spreading away to the horizon. It reflected the dusk perfectly, its cool waters sparkling with the last rays of pink and orange light. That beautiful water. They had made love in that beautiful water, the three of them. She smiled warmly at Keme and he smiled back.

Some time had passed when Seleste suddenly realized they were heading for the chief's hut. It loomed large and imposing just a few feet up the street, a massive structure even larger than the hut she had grown up in at the summer village. Long, pretty feathers hung against the curtain in the doorway, and Seleste knew they would be tickled by them when the guards gestured them inside. She swallowed hard. As they entered the hut . . . it was suddenly hard to walk. Keme glanced at her hesitation curiously, and she pretended nothing was the matter. What choice did she have? Perhaps . . . perhaps it was better that she went.

"The new court advisor waits for you," the guard said as they passed. "The chief will see no one until his mother is properly buried."

Talisa halted and blinked in surprise. "The new court advisor? One has been appointed already?"

"Aye," said the other guard, "they chose Zaldon."

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