Forward unto Dawn 2

Story by Porcupine boy on SoFurry

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1 anno bissextile, not much time has passed in my eyes, the facility is built, I have moved the catalyst to it, nicknamed Holder De Lumine. Forgive me, it is old race language, Latin, it means Holder of Light, that's basically what it is, holding our source of light as the catalyst's breathes again, the funding from the 4 councils was hard to trick, for what reason they ask? I showed my cleverness in the pursuit of science, cataloging what I knew, recording his memories I had successfully converged into, but when I put in the security order, that brought of some question, by my love for science proved them wrong.

"Mabye, why do you request a formal private from of security, to this facility in the mountain side?"

I gleamed with my response about to leave  my mouth. I was telling the truth, after all, doing no harm to us I was, or so I thought.

"The catalyst is our material father, No?" I started. They all shook their heads in absolute unison; the unity of the idea was whole in all of us Reclaimers, though I don't think the atmosphere of the council room helped, but no biological factors would be a problem here.

"His memories, thoughts ideals, are now discovered, but needed to be analyzed, we know his plights but we all can learn from what caused and affected the light of his mind. I do not wish to be illusive to you, all. But our creator, his mind, his memories should be protected in the honor of all that we are now, alive, and the new guardians of the earth. The science council nodded, and most smiled, not defiantly, but glad, I had learned well. The smell of old wood boards and heavy frames of overseeing desks did feel official in the room. I started packing up my material, I was about to walk out the council room, when a voice stopped me.

"Mabye, what of his body?" I was stuck in a stalemate, I panicked, I froze in my stance. What of his body? She could tell this was a question that bothered me.

"We will keep it preserved, as he wished, to not be forgotten, everything will be whole." Everything and more, if I succeeded. They waved off the acceptance of the security measures, permissions were given to arm it to private sectors of extreme council of Protection AI wards. It was done, an hour of talking. But let's cut back to now. One year cycle later, Restoration properties and practices were under way.

4 anno bissextile later, we have started to activate brain activity, but being so "dead" for so long, I knew there would be problems. But we saw mental impaired functions, I guessed that all the stress had come up on him, the war, the deaths, the killings, it all made sense. Dream motus, movement I should say was active, the neural programs had pathed a stable way to REM cycles, months later we started to take off the neural programs, REM adjustment was a fine success, I made preparations for CELLtech womb. Now the tricky part was here, body rebirth. I think I will join minds with the catalysts data array. I will need his memories to get an upper hand on Stem cell restoration.

I sat myself into the SHARE regni device, dream digital realm sharing device. When I plugged myself into dream category of medicine, I found myself in a human class room, surrounded by pre evolved humans, enjoying their life, there were teachers talking, I saw a symbol. Clave, the catalysts ally during the infection outbreak of the state structure, Colorado. I skipped this memory.

I awoke on the Pugnator, ocean based service vehicle, advance science teams, experimenting with kurian Nano particles used to heal cellular damage from battle. Battle, gunshot caused by Tene, restoration of wounds, rebirth of dead and dying cells. The Nano particles were a key! But normal properties to dangerous, this is rebirth, not being healed in battle.

At last I had an idea. Kurian Nano particles, are programmed to reconstruct damaged cells using their protein cache, however the speed of which it does it is quite astounding, though one thing I have noticed is that speed leads to failure and mistakes, same test applies for someone who studies a lot of a test but rushes through it as if their life depended on it. The Nano particle can be reprogrammed to work slower, and deliver genetically modified Adult stem cells from a feral North American porcupine, and those of an evolved human. I am of course referring to a Reclaimer, and of course him. I do not have a smile on my face, bringing back such knowledge was good into my mind.

I called Ctyo, origin of the word Cytoplasm, he came in, I requested two samples of things, an intact Kurian med Aug packet, on containing 7 large doses of Nano particles, about 1000000, particle machines for healing, the other one was a N.A.P dna sample, I had more work to do,

We work hard

But we are loved for this

I contacted the engineer team, and the bio ward team to construct a co-op field assignment. My plan was coming along.

My plan was coming along, for years it had, for years it was a success, for I regretted these words for what happened today. Holder De Lumine was in danger, they had come, the council I think, or some dark operations group, that worked behind the lines for them, I hadn't seen such a thing,  ever, never. The last 3 months where taking the catalyst out of the Celltech womb, it work, consciousness regained, slow steps to self-awareness and REM patterns where ceased.

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