Time's Death Chapter 1: he Came From Nowhere

Story by Neptune on SoFurry

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This is a deep mystery/ action furry story that I hope you will like. The idea for this story hit me like a brick. It's filled with action, mystery, lies, deceit, super powers, and a family curse. I hope you have as much fun reading this first chapter as I did writing it! ENJOY!

***This story will contain gay yiff in chapter 2***


Time's Death

By Neptune Wolf


Chapter 1: He Came From Nowhere

The Wolf walked into the nice sized living room of the hotel. The walls were painted a deep, flat shade of red with white trim. A white suede couch was against the wall on his left with a wooden coffee table in front of it with a floral arrangement that had white orchids. On the wall on his right was a painting of a vivid white orchid that seemed of picture quality. In front of him, about 10 feet, was a nicely shaped female wolf wearing a tight black dress with a cut on the side. She was facing away from him at the large clear window which he could see past her. It was opened and a warm breeze came into the room, bring the sent of ocean and the beach. The female wolf sniffed the air, bringing in it's inviting aroma, but then her ears perked up as she heard him walk a little closer. She turned around quickly, her long black straight hair whipped around, revealing her beautiful face. She had a look of surprise to see the wolf behind her. She stood there for a second, not believing her eyes. He had on a sort of Japanese school uniform on. His shirt was dark blue and buttoned down the front and had long sleeves. The wolf had a kind of pendant on his collar which was folded down perfectly. His dark blue slacks were as perfectly creased as his shirt was, which was not tucked in. They were kind of loose, but looked good on the wolf. He had some sort of case in his paw, about the size of a briefcase only it was silver. The female wolf looked at him with a tear in her eye.

"They said you were dead . . ." The female wolf said calmly in an almost whisper tone and with little movement of her muzzle. She stood still. 'They said you were dead!" she said a little louder and with more force.

She ran up to him and hugged his soft grey fur tightly. She could feel the definition of his abs and muscles in his back as they flexed slightly to embrace her. He hugged her back and kissed her softly on the side of her muzzle. Her small wolf frame and tight black dress could have easily fitted in both his paws. Her fur, which had a red tint to it, felt warm against his.

"What do they know, sis? They don't even know me." he said to her when they finally let go. She wiped the tears of joy from her eyes with a tissue. She fixed herself up to seem as strong as her brother in front of her was.

"So what happened to you after . . . the incident . . . with mom?" The female wolf said. He just stood there and looked at her with awe and a sly, slightly dazed smile on his muzzle. After a few seconds of staring he said,

"Romilda . . . Romilda, Romilda, Romilda. I loved your name. It means 'glorious in battle'. But everyone now calls you Romi." he said to his sister, ignoring her question completely. She smiled and pulled the hair out of her eye and looked down a bit. "So this is where you are staying?" he asked as he looked around a bit, still standing near the doorway, the door still open.

"It's just for a little while, just for the funeral. I live kind of far from here. This hotel seems nice, though. I may stay here a while longer." Romi said.

"So even with the death of our mother they still treat you as an outcast? It's not right! I thought that with me gone, you would have had a better relationship with the family!"

"Look, Apollo, it wasn't your fault. After you were gone . . ."

"She couldn't handle it, could she, Romilda?"

"Mother tried . . ." Romi cried. "Father tired. I tried. The Family tried . . ." Apollo stood still in silence for a moment.

"So when is the funeral?" he asked.

"In about a week." She said, composing herself again.

"I hope you don't mind if I stay here with you for a while? It could be just like old times, Romilda!" Apollo said with a smile. He was 26 years old. His sister was 24.

"I don't mind," Romi said, "But I think everyone else will."

"I don't care about them anymore . . ." Apollo said looking down at the hard wood floor. Romilda stood for a while holding her right elbow.

"Come on in, big bro. Have a seat here on the couch. We have a lot of catching up to do." She then said cheerfully as she walked behind him and closed the door to the hotel room. Apollo walked forward to the window and looked outside. They were on the 27th floor of the very nice hotel. Romilda had a very expensive and lavish suite with a private hot tub which was to Apollo's far right.

Apollo looked down outside the window. The beach was crowded and the waves sounded wonderful. He could hear seagulls in the air. Near the edge of the beach was a few tall buildings and the rest of the city in the distance. The was a two- lane street that divided the bustling city from the beautiful beach, which seemed to go on as far as his crystal blue eyes could see. The ocean was vast and the afternoon sun shone on it's cascading waves of blue. The sky above seemed to meet the ocean at the horizon. The sandy beach was wide enough for furs not to hear the city behind them as they looked at the ocean. A warm wind blew and Apollo's soft fur moved with it. His sister walked up behind him. Only the sound of the cascading waves and the seagulls could be heard in the hotel room.

"So you like the view, big brother?"

"It's something to look at for the moment." He said, not taking his eyes off the view.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you liked the view. That's not like you, Apollo."

"Well, a lot has changed in the 10 year we were apart."

"Come on, big brother. Have a seat on the couch. You want something to drink?" Romilda offered.

"Yeah, let me get some vodka with orange juice." Apollo said, never taking his keen canine eyes off the view of the beach. He focused on one of the little kids on the beach, a young male fox chasing his friend around the beach.

Romi walked over to the full-sized bar and took out two martini glasses and a bottle of vodka. She put the items on top of the bar and grabbed a two oranges from a fruit basket on a table by the hot tub. She squeezed the oranges into a glass and strained it and poured the juice into the martini glasses. Immediately the sent of oranges filled Apollo's nose. He turned around with his muzzle in the air sniffing.

"Fresh orange juice!" he said with a smile. His sister smiled wide as she poured in the vodka and began to stir.

"I knew that would make you smile! I remember when I was 6 years old and you were 8. Mom and I cooked breakfast for the first time together and you said you hated everything but the orange juice that I made . . . the only thing I made since mom didn't let me do anything else." Romi said with a smile. She walked over to the table and sat down one of the drinks.

Apollo was a gloomy, depressed child. He always had a lot on his mind and his mother never helped anything. Apollo was surprised his little sister remembered that. He loved her dearly. He walked over to the table with a smile. Romi noticed the silver case in his paw.

"What's that?" She asked pointing to the case.

"It's a secret. I'll tell you about it later." He said as he sat it down on the floor next to the table. It was kind of thin, Romilda noticed. Apollo sat down and picked up the glass on the table. He sniffed it. His sister sat down next to him as he took a sip.

"So tell me, sis, what have you been doing these past ten years?" Apollo said. She smiled, eager to talk to him.

"Were do I start!" She said with a childlike excitement. She could barely contain herself. Then she noticed that she was still in her black dress. "I have to change clothes first. I just got back from a meeting about mom's funeral a little while ago." She said then got up and raced to her room. Apollo sat on the couch and crossed his legs as he sipped on his drink. After about five minutes, she came back out wearing a pair of short cut blue jean shorts and a yellow tube top.

"Now where was I?" She asked herself. "Oh yeah, the beginning . . . well it's kind of hard to say where it all began. I guess I'll start the day you died." She said then picked up her drink and took a sip. Apollo sat attentively, quiet and strong.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. I had woke up that Saturday morning and I heard mom and dad's car drive in the driveway. I ran downstairs to greet them but . . . but mom wasn't in a good mood. I hugged her and she pushed me away, crying into her paws. I ran upstairs and into your room. You wasn't there . . . so I ran back downstairs and yelled 'were is Apollo?' and they said you had died the night before and they were just getting back from the hospital." Romi started to cry. She put her head in her paws and wept. Apollo held her close to him.

* * *

Apollo and Romilda: Date of Birth

She was pregnant with Romilda when Apollo was 2. He would jump and play around his mother as she would try to dose off on the couch in the living room. She would wake up and tell the playful pup to sit down, but he never would.

"I wa a stowie ma!" he demanded. At the age of two, Apollo had learned to talk. His mother smiled.

"I told you all of my stories, Apollo."

"I wa to here den again!" he said. His mother smiled but was a bit too tired to talk. Just then, Apollo's father walked in. He was a tall strong muscular wolf. His mother was a fox. Apollo mainly had the traits of his father but his fur was grey with red tips. His father came into the living room and sat down in the armchair across from his wife.

"Come here son. I have something I have to tell you." He said in his deep fatherly voice. Apollo stopped bothering his mother and came and sat down by his father's side.

"You see son, your mother is about to give you a new baby sister. Pretty soon, you will be a big brother. And do you know what big brothers do?" he asked his son. Apollo shook his head, no. "Big Brothers protect their little sisters with all of their might."

That night, Apollo thought long and hard with his young lupine brain. He took it as a mission to save and protect his little sister, like in the shows he watched on tv.

The next day his mother was rushed to the hospital. She gave birth to a little girl. Apollo and his father sat in the lounge until they heard the good news. Before long, Apollo's mother was wheeled out into the lobby with the little baby wolf/fox hybrid in her paws. They thought of a name for her. Since she fought and fought in her mother's womb and won her freedom of birth, Apollo's father decided to name her Romilda, which means 'glorious in battle'.

Apollo fought anything that got in his new baby sister's way. Small flying insects were squashed, other furs were pushed away in the lobby. When they got home there was a big party. Apollo pushed his way through the crowd and yelled at everyone to stay away. No one listened and Apollo grabbed his little sister's stroller and ran away out the house with her. When his father caught him, he made him stay in his room until the party was over. Through Apollo's young eyes, his father was preventing him from his duty as a big brother.

Since then, Apollo always had a undertone of hatred for his father. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop his father from taking his sister away, but before long, he would know why she was his favorite . . .

Apollo's mother got pregnant a year later. It was a boy. He died shortly after birth due to complications. It happened again two years from then, then again a year after that. They all died except for Apollo and Romilda. Since Romilda was a girl and the youngest, she got special treatment. And even though Apollo hated his parent's for that, he still protected her from harm. . . until that day when Apollo went away. . .

Romilda was born on Apollo's birthday: October 10th.

* * *

Romilda continued her story.

"They told everyone you had died and that there was a small funeral with just mom and dad, no one else was invited. When they got back from the small burial, we packed our bags and moved to a different town. . . what happened to you, Apollo? Why come I never saw you again?"

"I did something mom and dad or anyone else in our lousy family could do."

"And what was that?"

". . . you know our family, the Black family, has a gift . . .?"

"Dad said it wasn't true . . . it couldn't be. . .He tried it himself but couldn't. Everyone in the family tried."

"Dad was a liar. He told you it wasn't true because he or anyone else of his bloodline couldn't do it, but I could. . ."

"You mean to that . . . you, Apollo Black, have mastered . . . The Were Curse?" Romi said with stars in her eyes. Apollo nodded.

"I am a Were . . . and so are you."


"According to the legend, only one male and one female will be born of a fox and wolf on the same day, not as twins, and will be cursed to be Were. Mom, dad, and everyone else tried to hide this from us until they could master their were side or at least bring out some of it's power, but they never could. . . then I turned 16. I didn't know about the legend or the curse. I was 16 and all I knew was that I liked guys more than girls . . ."

"Are you saying that your gay?"

"Yes, I am." Apollo said, almost without emotion. "Mom and dad knew I was gay since I was 14 years old, but they never said anything to me. They just started to treat me more like a step son. And then that day came. . ." Apollo looked straight forward, away from his sister.

". . . what happened that day, 10 years ago? Why did mom change?"

". . . I transcended my regular wolf/fox hybrid frame and into a full Werewolf. According to the book, a werewolf with fox blood is called a Blue."

"What book are you talking about? Dad got rid of the books a long time ago, before you even left." Romilda asked.

"The book I have was given to me by our uncle. I'll let you see it someday, maybe after the funeral." Apollo said. Romi was shocked at this news about her brother, her family. She looked at Apollo as if he were a million dollars.

"A Blue . . ." She said.

"Yeah. I'm called a Blue because with the fox blood in my veins, I am able to control my were side so when I transform, I will still have my senses, knowledge, and memories. In theory, I am a super being when I transform."

"What kind of powers so you have?" Romi asked as she put down her glass on the table. The wind still blew through the window and the nice summer air filled the lavish hotel room.

"I am a lot stronger, agile, faster, and I am experimenting with the other abilities. I have trained for years trying to perfect my abilities. I have learned to scale 50 story buildings in less than 15 seconds. I can rip a car in half with my bare paws. My teeth and claws can go through 6 inches of steel as if it were aluminum foil. I have mastered my strength, agility, and speed, but there are other forces I have not yet been able to control."

"Like what . . .?"

"Like being able to breath fire, levitate, and there is some sort of energy that I can conjure. I find that one the most interesting and the most deadly. If I concentrate hard enough, I can absorb the energy of my surroundings and focus it into an orb between my paws." Apollo said. His sister's eyes lit up.

"I must see!" Romilda demanded.

"It's very dangerous, but I can show you a short demonstration." Apollo said. He stood up and walked to the other side of the table. He stood straight up, his legs together and the pads of his paws together as if he were praying. His muzzle faced down to the floor and he closed his eyes shut. After about 5 seconds of holding that stance perfectly still Apollo's head snapped up. He was staring straight up then there was an odd air in the room. Romi's glass on the table began to levitate along with several other light items around the room. Apollo parted his paws and held then as if he were holding an object the size of a basketball. He then quickly clapped his hands together then he was floating about 1 foot off the ground in mid air. Apollo then relaxed, shook his head and opened his eyes and looked at his sister who was in shock. He smiled.

Romilda looked upon her brother as if he were superman. Apollo had changed. His fur was turning a deep shade of orange and more fluffed out. His eyes had no whites to them, they were just crystal blue orbs in his head. His teeth became longer and sharper in his muzzle. His paws had sharper claws. The tips of his ears were the same color as his eyes. Apollo gently descended and came back to the ground. His perfectly pressed blue shirt and slacks made him look even more powerful in a way. When he touched the ground, his color faded back to grey, the whites of his eyes returned and he returned to normal. His sister was still smiling at her brother. She picked up her glass which when Apollo landed, so did everything else.

"I'm still trying to perfect my levitation. It should be an instant rise off the ground without me changing into my Blue form." he said picking up his glass off the table and having a sip as if what he just did was nothing special.

* * *

The day the world went crazy

"I think mom's gone crazy, dad."

"No she's not crazy! Now stop saying things about your mother, you little brat!"

". . . Mom told me to get out of the house."

"And yet you are still here!" Romilda's father said angrily. He took off his belt and beat her with it. He then drug her upstair to her room and told her to pack her bags. Romilda was 14. Apollo had been gone for 2 weeks. She cried as she packed her bags.

"You are cursed! I cannot have you in my house!" her mother yelled. The door bell rang. Romilda's mother answered it. It was her aunt Sally.

Romilda's bags were packed and she forced down the stairs by her father.

"Go outside and get into Aunt Sally's car!" her mother yelled. Romilda Black went into her aunts new Jaguar. This was they day that the whole world went crazy. Romilda sat in the back while her aunt Sally drove off. She could hear the door slam before they pulled off. The world had went completely crazy.

Romilda's aunt Sally was a rich wolf who lived far away from the rest of the family in a mansion in the hills. Sally was a very silent old wolfess. Romilda was home schooled. She lived like her aunt Sally did, secluded and away from the family. No one came to visit and she was not allowed to leave the compound. When Romilda turned 16 she asked her aunt why she had to live with her.

"It's because you mother has schizophrenia, two personalities. She is too dangerous to be around. She hasn't nutted up in a few years, but when she does, she stays that way for a long time. I thought it was best if you were to live with me."

". . . but what about my father?"

"He's just as crazy ash she is. I wouldn't be surprised if they killed your brother, Apollo, those two years ago." Sally said. Romilda was in shock and stood back a little. They were at the dining room table having dinner. "Could you pass me the butter dear?" her aunt Sally asked.

Romilda lived with her aunt until she was 18. Sally died and left almost everything to her. She saw her parent's during the funeral. They were like they were before Apollo died, the loving parents, the helpful parents, the caring parents. Romilda wanted to stay with them again, but she couldn't. She wouldn't let herself be subject to their mentality. Romilda didn't say hello to her parent's during the funeral. She just disappeared into the crowd after her speech. She was now a very rich fur. She could do what ever she wanted, and she wanted to travel. . .

* * *

Well, I hope you liked this first chapter. There will be more chapters like this coming soon! If you want to contact me directly with your comments, criticism, concerns or sugestions, pleast email me at my NEW email adress:

[email protected]

You sugestions could influence future chapters!

I am also taking suggestions for other stories. If you would like to see your personal character in one of my stories (either yiff or non-yiff) or have need help writing a story, please ask me, you local helpful Wolf ^.^