3 vs 1 Handicap Match: Firr, Boom and Caiden vs Crash McCloud

Story by CrashMcCloud on SoFurry

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This is the fourth match I got in commission at FWA this year. Probably the easiest one Crash will get in his beat downs, a handicap match. Firr Skunk, Boom Otter, and Caiden......(insert species here) all take on Crash for his deeds of injustice.

Firr and company are owned by Firr.

Crash and others are all owned by me.

3 vs 1: Crash vs Boom, Caiden, and Firr

FCW General Manager Crash McCloud decided to lay out a challenge "I promise anyone if I don't win against my co GM and he gets fired, I will personally take on all comers in their choice of match!" This back fired on Crash in a last man standing match "Crash has been choke slammed through the table! He didn't make the 10 count!" Crash now must face off with every superstar who wants a piece of him.

Crash is now limping around the backstage area from his previous match. Trying to find his way back to the locker room he incidentally bumps into Firr. "Watch what you're doing idiot" Crash screamed at him. Firr laughs sarcastically at him and quickly gets serious. "Crash, you have a match next" Crash storms away very upset and heads towards the ring.

Back out in the arena.

"Welcome back to beat down! If you're just joining I am now joined by my Spanish colleague Darius Koopa! Que Passo, Darius!"

"Let's send it back up to our ring announcer for out next contest!" Cobalt sends it back to Christie in the ring and the bell is rung for the next announcements. "The following contest is a three on one handicap match set for one fall" The fans cheer for Crash's incoming demise. "Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at one hundred seventy two pounds, he is the General Manager, Cash McCloud!" The fans boo as Crash limps his way back down the ramp from his previous battle and back into the ring. He grabs a mic. "You know, everybody here is just a bunch of in-bred assholes. Seriously, you all vote for me to face my business partner and thanks to that I have to face anybody who decides they want to fight. Just hurry up and send my next opponent out here so I can get back to my office"

"And introducing his opponents. At a combined weight of nine hundred sixteen pounds the team of Caiden, Boom Otter, and Firr!" Crash tries to get the jump on them all but he quickly gets shoves back by Boom's huge belly. The bell is finally rung to start the match and Crash is already on his back in the center of the ring. Firr gets a run from the middle ropes and frog splashes onto Crash knocking all of the wind out of him. "If Crash didn't have a breathing problem at all, he does now!"

Caiden is the only one staying out of the way as he runs around parading with the fans watching this match. Both Firr and Boom stand Crash up on his own feet in the center of the ring. Both get a running start and chest bump with Crash in the middle, sandwiching him and crushing him even further. Crash falls over flat on his face. The again pick him up but this time drag him to a corner. They set him down with his arms draped over the middle ropes. Boom turns around and lifts his tail slightly. "Ohhhhhh this is looking like the stink face!" Cobalt screams on the commentary mic. Crash panics and sees Boom's rear end heading toward his face. He quickly gets out of the ring for a breather. The crowd boos majorly at him.

Crash notices Caiden outside the ring. "What the hell are you doing?" Caiden just shrugs and motions at him "None of these idiots want to see you here!" Crash takes a punch at Caiden and lays him out, outside the ring. The crowd boos even louder and begins a "you sick dick" chant. In the ring Boom thinks that's about him. Crash tries to take advantage of a distracted Boom but Firr catches him off guard and hits him with a huge spine buster in the middle of the ring. Crash screams in pain. Boom stands over him, slaps himself on the ass, and plops down on Crash's chest. He sits on Crash for the cover and the ref makes the count "One....two.....three" The bell is rung to end the match. "Here are your winners. Caiden, Firr, and Boom Otter!"

"Well Crash is now zero for two in this open challenge beat down tonight. He probably has a few ribs broken now.....wait hold up" Cobalt takes his mic off and gets into the ring calling boom over. He silently explains something to Boom and then points to Crash. The fans start cheering loudly Cobalt grabs Crash and drags him back to the middle ropes similar to earlier. Boom re lifts his tail and backs his ass up into Crash's face, swinging it back and forth. He finally finishes and Crash stumbles to the back gagging trying not to spew all over his entrance ramp. Fiir, Caiden, Boom and Cobalt all decide to pose for their audience before heading back to the locker room area and Cobalt heads back to the announce booth.

He puts the mic back on "Crash loses yet again this time to the most bizarre trio I've ever met in my life. We'll be back in a few moments for Crash's next opponent"

Crash's injuries sustained this time are bruised ribs and a black eye