Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 14

Story by Contrast on SoFurry

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The look on her face was all it took to convince him he had made the right decision. She didn't smile - at least not yet - but for just a moment he thought he saw the flicker of one touch the corner of her mouth. For the first time since she came here, there was hope in her eyes, and seeing that was far better than the taste of blood.

Hezzi turned around to face his family, to face the tribe. It felt like his nerves were about to shake him apart, but he wouldn't let it show. His father asked for his opinion, and that's exactly what he gave. No more, no less. They couldn't possibly hold that against him. Even so, he decided to look to Ander first, the one Wolf he knew wouldn't be mad right now.

Ander had his eyes closed, his face tilted to the sky. He took a deep breath and let it rush out in a huge sigh of relief. When he saw Hezzi looking at him, he gave his little brother a nod and a smile. Ander hardly ever smiled anymore, and it was good to know he could still make his brother happy.

Banno, on the other hand, was far from happy. He didn't growl, or snarl, or do any of the things he usually did when he was mad. He simply looked at Hezzi, a deep frown creasing his forehead, so much worse than anything else he could have done.

Finally, Hezzi looked to his Father, certain that the old Wolf would have something bad to say, or some flaw to point out, like he always did. This time, however, he just stood there, looking down at his youngest son, a thoughtful look on his face. "So, you think we should let her go?"

"I do."

Most of the crowd didn't like this one bit. "We can't just let her go!"

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

"I want her! I want her! I waaant her!!"

"Shut up! All of you!" Kadai thundered, and the silence that followed was instantaneous. Speaking calmly, as if nothing had happened, he continued. "You and Ander believe she should be spared, while Banno believes she should be killed... Interesting..."

Banno stepped forward. "What do you believe should be done, Father?"

Kadai didn't answer right away. He stood there for a while, watching the clouds flicker with unborn lightning, rumbling like a river of the sky. "I have led this tribe through thirty winters, and I have done so by always making the best decisions. They may not always have been the most popular, but they were always safe. Above all else, that is what matters most. The safety of this tribe. That is why I cannot allow this Fox to leave."

"But, Father!" Ander said. "You can't just -"

"Are you a part of this tribe or not, Ander?"

"Yes, but I -"

"And am I not the Chieftain of this tribe?"


"Then does that not mean I am your Chieftain as well?"

Banno chuckled heartily at this, watching Ander's face fall.

"Yes, Father..." he conceded, looking away. Hezzi wondered whether he should say something, too, but he's already pushed his luck as far as he dared.

"Then listen to what I have to say, all of you! I agree with Banno. Although I do not know whether the Foxes are capable of fighting us or not, it is a chance I am not willing to take. We should kill her, and kill her quickly."

"Then why ask each of us if you already made your decision?" Ander said, his arms shaking with rage. "Why bother with any of this?"

"Because, Ander, I wanted to see where your hearts lie. Whether your choices would be for the good of the tribe, or for the good of yourselves. Even though you and Hezzi's choice differ from Banno's and my own, your argument still held wisdom, and for that I am proud of you."

Hezzi couldn't keep his tail from giving a quick wag. Even though it was directed more at Ander than at himself, Father had given him a compliment. He said he was proud.

"Two for life, two for death." Ander said. He didn't seem to care one way or the other about Father's praise, something that Hezzi couldn't quite understand himself, but admired nonetheless. "If our choices really do matter to you, then we seem to be at an impasse."

"Ah, but you forget, Ander, that we have yet to hear from every member of this family."

Hezzi just barely managed to catch his tail before it snaked between his legs. The very mention of that woman was enough to make him feel like that Fox in the cage: helpless and terrified, and he wasn't the only one.

The crowd shifted uneasily, whispering to each other in hushed tones quite different from the excited babbling that was going on just a few minutes ago.

Ander was worried. He could tell. Even Banno looked uncomfortable! Shooting glances left and right, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Hezzi," Kadai said.

"Yes, Father?"

"Go wake your mother."

This has been the fourteenth subchapter in my serial novel, "Ander". If you enjoyed it, please help keep my face un-mauled by irritable ostriches by dropping me a donation. Thank you! ^_^

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How and Why: The Story behind "Ander" (Journal):