Chapter 02: Romance and Artillery

Story by Cinna on SoFurry

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#2 of Throat Deep In the Mountains

**Throat Deep In the Mountains

  • Chapter 2: Romance and Artillery -**

(Warning: Chapter 2 is M/M with 20% more yiff and plenty of action!)

Dusk fell upon the land once again, the market dying down. The doves stood fully aware as the night fell over the land like a blanket as the stagecoach made its way down the mountain. Cinna walked out of the bar covered in kisses, he was pretty drunk and stumbling around. He made it to the lake and just took a seat on the nearby stump. The duck prince buckled his pants back up and zipped them. He let out a heavy sigh and just stared at the moon's reflection across the glass-like lake. "Slow night too." he murmured.

A small pair of foreign eyes watched over the stagecoach heading down the mountains. The glow of a red pair of eyes, and that pair began doubling at the every passing minute. Meanwhile the panther woke up with an oomph in the deep dungeon in a panic as the big gator plopped himself over his stomach. "Let's get started." Kerns had forced his way again. The gator pressed his rough cock against the panther's sheath eagerly. His massive and armor coated arms holding the panther's shoulders down. All the panther did was nod nervously. Kerns licked the side of the panthers neck, coating it in saliva as he thrusted against the panther's cock and up to his tummy.

"n-Nnnh" moaned the panther. He writhed under the gator frowning and rubbing Kerns's grooved tail with his paws. His face went into deep blush, "W-what would you like tonight." he asked nervously with a hint of unwillingness in the tone of his voice. Kerns just smiled and humped into that chest, his erection amassing outward in a full eight inches. The panther groaned and continued writing, but was nonetheless turned on, his barbed cock unsheathing. "W-what now?" he sputtered. Kern's hands gripped firmly over the panther's wrists.

He backed the panther against the cold wall now, making the bed sheets scrunch up underneath the panther. The panther whined and spread his legs apart nervously. "Heh, you're learning," said Kerns, "this won't hurt, we've fucked a few times, you should be used to it." The panther closed his eyes and just held a heavy blush when Kerns let his massive cock slip inside the tight tailhole. He murred and cried out at the same time. "Ahhh--" huffed the panther..."Here I go." boomed Kerns, thrusting deep inside. He used him all up, the gator sac slapping against the tailhole too. Lewd sounds were following up, the gator lifted the panther's leg, stretching out the insides of his mate.

The panther panted heavily and leaned forward, breathing tufts of hot air on the gator's neck. "Ugh.." he groaned, his barbed cock was pressing out against the gator's belly. It was leaking strands of pre all over the bed. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. It wasn't long before the gator hilted inside, spraying and filling his rump with thick white. "W-well that was good." panted Kerns. He patted the panther's twitching ears and pulled his giant wet cock out. "G-glad you thought so." sputtered the panther as he slumped down the wall against his pillow. Kerns gave him one more lick to the neck before getting off and walking out.

He sat there groaning and frowned, dirty thoughts filling his mind. Soon, he heard a yelling voice from over the wall. "Can you pipe down over there? I'm trying to SLEEP." followed by a light giggle. He slinked off the bed and gritted his teeth. "Yea? Well DEAL WITH IT!" he yelled back. There was a tiny hole in the cell's wall. Where he would peak through it to see the person on the other side. It was that skunk girl. "H-hey!" he whispered. "I am getting out of here soon." he spoke a little louder when she walked slowly over. "Oh yea?" she blinked, and sniffed through the hole. "You just got raped, haha." she mused.

He groaned, "T-that doesn't matter, I'll get you out of here too if you help." he urged. He walked away from the hole and lifted the mat against the wall. It revealed the same debris, but light from the moon shone in on the damp floor. "See?" he spoke lowly. The girl, trying to look through the tiny hole at the angle. "Psh, you still got some work to do." she grunted. She went to go sit back in her bed and whistled boredly. The panther just shrugged and began digging again. His cock just slipped back into the sheath in a damp mess. "C-can't wait to get free." he sighed.

The skunk girl just sat there wondering where her clothes were. "Those perverts took my clothes." she growled out. She even looked under the bed. "My only grenade was in my pocket." she sighed. She went over to the bars of the cell and shook them lightly. "Nope..." she told herself. The panther just got irritated, "Trying to wake the sentries?" he asked sarcastically. She just stood there and groaned. "Maybe." she replied. He was speechless, and just concentrated hard. An hour passed and at about 1:00 AM his head pressed through the hole. "Graah... stuck." he hummed. The hole was almost big enough to get through.

"Kerns must have you under a heavy collar." she grinned, her muzzle pressed to the hole in the wall. "I didn't hear any protesting." she added. " were the one he tortured." she implied. She swished her tail nervously, seeing how far he had dug . "Nails of steel?" she suggested. She looked at the platter of cookies on the ground and went sitting next to them and shutting up. She took one and nibbled on it eagerly. "Gah, these taste like shit." she whined and tossed it against the wall hard. Though it didn't even break or crumble one bit.

She got up and looked through the hole again, he was gone. "Finally." he hummed. He looked at the moon with a childish gaze. "Now I can go visit her before I leave." he chimed. He sneaked around the dungeon, saying away from any drowsy canines or gryphon guards. He made his way to the great iron gate, where he would crawl under the tiny passage where groundhogs had dug out. Once free, he began running into the woods which neighbored the kingdom. He would run until he finally reached the other side of the lake. He stood there staring across the surface. Just to see a small figure on the far opposite side.

Cinna gazed across the lake and spotted the panther, though he couldn't make out what it was, or who it was. "Spies from Kingdom Tibetona?" he hummed. He stood up and narrowed his eyes. The panther wasn't paying attention, his gaze was transfixed on the moon. Cinna just started walking around the lake cautiously. "Spies from the woods now, seems logical." he reassured himself and drew his bow when at good distance. The panther kneeled down for some water and sighed with relief. Cinna's aim followed. His bow shot from about 50 feet distance, barely missing the panther.

He looked up with surprise and backed away from the lake, wondering where the arrow came from. "Well, time to go." he said nervously, dashing back into the woods. Cinna pursued him now. He took off in flight after the cat, though the cat just decided on running the trade route downhill. If I can get to the dockhouse... he thought to himself. Though, the cat was soon tackled by swift force which knocked him into the dense foliage of the route. It was a kitsune. "Shh... Operations are going on here." said the kitsune slyly. The panther merfed with the paw over his muzzle as the sly kitsune pulled out masking tape.

"Mmph?" choked the panther. The kitsune dressed in a ebony robe appeared to be a male, he wrapped the tape around the panther's head hastily and quickly, then dragging him into the woods and kicking leaves over his body. "This is a nuisance." he frowned, looking at Cinna hover over the woods trying to find the panther. The kitsune laid over the leaves, looking just like a black rock. They had made it to the idle stagecoach. Something was amiss though. Cinna glided back to the ground and circled the stagecoach one time. His guards were missing, but the light of the trade station was on. Cinna squinted his eyes and padded over to the doorstep. There was a quick sound of shuffling inside the building as his feet hit the steps.

He opened the door and out jumped seven pandas pinning Cinna to the ground. A big one bounded out of the building lastly, dragging with him the tied-up and naked dobermans. They were all wrapped and tightly tied to a single thick red rope. "Ah, never thought this would happen." he winced. "Since when are you allied with Tibetona." groaned Cinna. His bow stuck under a panda's ass. Though, he did feel warm under all the fur, it was uncomfortably weighted. He quacked out in pain. "Dah, I will get out of this alive." he said confidently. He stared at the panda commander. "Where is our stagecoach driver?" he asked nervously, peering at the whining dobermans.

The pandas bounced on Cinna's stomach knocking the wind out of him. "Ah.. Cinna, still can't sleep?" boomed the panda boss. "We just think you are greedy, you all import more than you export." he scoffed. "When are we going to get Cinnamon?" he hummed.

"When the king says so." He replied with a grunt. "I lead the military and just make sure the trade goes well." He choked, and squirmed under them. His wings folded up under the pandas. "Hmph." He struggled and gasped for air. "Can-not breathe." he groaned.

"Well, I guess you aren't much for promises." said the panda boss squinting. "Oh that driver is tied up in there, my daughter is going to indulge later. Funny that you came to see the same thing happen to these cute dogs." he smiled wide. The panda sitting on his bow got up and picked the bow up. Treating it as if it was a meal, he ate the fine wooden bow. "Mmm, it's a good bow sir." he the chubby panda guard teased Cinna.

The other six pandas just got off and lifted him up, holding him strong and fast. "Let the doberman go and you can have me instead!" he yelled, the dobermans just whined and tucked their ears in shame. He kicked and jumped in their hold but they were unwavered and smiled brighter. The big boss stepped down into the dirt with a thud.

"I like your honorable plea, but you are coming regardless. Since you had great words for your men, they can just get out of their bonds on their own." explained the panda boss. "Take him to the outskirts of Tibetona." he ordered. The guards held Cinna by his wrists, one other holding him by the crown of his neck in case he tried to resist. Now Cinna was marched off in captivity by the pandas.

A troupe of bandit kitsune now revealed themselves from the bushes. Several sneaking up around the back of the stagecoach. They all had bags and were armed with small daggers. "Get the weapons and the food supply." urged the leader. It was the same fox that had the masking tape. "This operation was a success. Guys, can you believe the great Cinna was captured?!" he chuckled. The leader had the panther on his shoulders.

"Mmmph!" he groaned. His claws retracting digging into the side of the kitsune's shoulders. "Ouch!" he yelled, bapping the panther with his paws. "I saved you." he grunted. He paused and sat the cat on the ground. The two other kitsunes appeared from out the bushes, wheeling out a giant cannon. "Let's do this." he signaled to the other kitsunes. They scrambled to the trade station to steal everything inside. They even bagged the dogs and the driver.

The leader waved a go signal for the artillery cannon. The foxes giving it the charge and letting it fire its round at the trade building. There was a big boom, followed by dust and flying granite debris. The leader chuckled and signaled a swift retreat. He picked the panther up and fled too. They all headed back into the deep woods with the loot. By morning, they had reached the camp. A secret division in the woods, the panther was tossed next to a campfire.

The kitsune leader just unraveled the tape from the panthers maw. "Welcome to our clan." he grinned. The other kitsune just cheered, some of the cubs peaking out from the huts as well. "Swear your alliance and you can be free to roam the clan." he nodded, crossing his arms. "I uh...okay." said the panther, reaching up for a friendly handshake. He thought to himself that it was better than being in a dungeon.

He wondered what they had in store for him. He was actually eager to introduce himself, but they rushed him into celebration. The dobermans just blinked and sat there bound in rope next to the fire. The driver of the stagecoach was nowhere to be found though. Everyone began drinking and acting wild in the camp. The whole night was nothing else than a big party. Everyone seemed happy with all the returned food.

Back at the mountains base, there stood the vacant stagecoach and the broken building. The driver kicked the closet door off its hinges, she was a fine coyote, though, her hands were bound by red ropes and her maw was also with a gag. Her arms were tied with a belt too. She murred and cried and squirmed. On the path the panda's had taken Cinna, from the outskirts of the rival kingdom awaited the big panda's daughter. Cinna was unconscious, tied and bound in several ways. "There's a woman and some dobermans back at the route for you to play with." suggested the boss panda. Her eyes lit up, "Oh, thanks father." she smiled brightly. She headed down the path eagerly.

The morning approached, and several people of Korintji were looking for Cinna. The dove guards were frantically searching as well. Nobody knew what happened and word spread quick, soon to reach the beak of Karas, which in turn was told to the king that Cinna had betrayed the kingdom. The king was concerned and worried. At the same time he was furious. The king ordered Karas to take Cinna's place until Cinna was captured.

Meanwhile, the lithe panda girl stood on the wreaked floors of the trade house. The coyote looked up in fear. "You can call me master." said the panda. She let the long black whip slide through her paws. The panda girl was wearing nothing but some green thong and a jade necklace. She pressed her foot against the coyotes breasts. The coyote just whined and kicked blushing heavily.

- End of Chapter 2 -