Iconoclast reboot part 2

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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#2 of Iconoclast reboot

I had to make up some Khajiiti words for this cuz I'm hardcore nerd

It's the seventh day of First Seed, which here is the traditional first day of planting crops, and Chorrol is having a fair to celebrate the start of spring, in spite of it still being a bit cool and damp. Our company had a booth selling exotic refreshments like fruit flavored ice and Khajiit barbecue, and we all hung around flirting and misbehaving as we were too old to be delighted by the tame minotaur, unicorn rides, or spectacles of wizardry.

Makari has a good barter skill, so I handled the food while she handled customers. We had a lot of fun even distracted by that, and when our shift was over wandered around together, talking and wooing while the sun went down.

The first hatched butterflies flit across the field, and I see Makari twitch with the urge to chase them. It's hard to feel stressed with a full grown cat person going wild eyed thinking about pouncing on fluttering insects, and I laugh and we wind up wrestling in the grass. Then when we got to town I suggested she could stay at my house instead of out in the tents, and she smiled and took my arm as we walked to my house.

Inside, she lounges in a chair, and off the mantle I pull a book wrapped in a ribbon-

"I got you a present, since you wanted books on Khajiiti..."

"Oh! It's the Romance of Ahnassi!"

I grin- "Open it!" and she slips the ribbon off, opening the cover-

"Oh! A code flower- and gold kanet! They're so rare now! This is a very special gift!"

"I know... because I want you to be my special friend..."

"Oh! Not just a booty call hmm? I'm flattered!"

"Vaba Do'Shurh'do, it is good to be brave..."

"Fusozay Var Var, enjoy life... I will gladly give you what verrry specialll frrriends sharrre..."

I blush and she giggles and gropes me, standing on tip-toe to speak in my ear-

"Jaji a __hn trajiir, ahziss marab'hi u'darr_ eh_, but you should know jaji mahjah rabi- at least how you count it yes?"

That is, 'This one is yours, my lovemaking in your skilled hands, but you should know this one has her virginity- at least how you count it yes'- Meaning the Nords have a peculiar notion that the only virginity that counts is the kind that can make babies, the rest you can do whatever with- probably something to do with the difficulty of feeding extra mouths in the bleak north, but you still have to find a way to keep busy on those cold nights.

"I- you mentioned before but- are you saying you want it slow, or fast? You- want me to do the honor?"

She purrs and grinds against me "Honor? Shit, I want you to fuck me harrrrrd and often, I neeeeed cock in me, not just teeeeasing me!"

"Oh well then."

Shit, no need to keep talking, I've got other things to do!

I grab her up, which makes her purr even louder, and carry her to bed, barely able to walk up the stairs as she claws and nibbles me, but finally I set her down and we start stripping down.

She is a bit shorter than me, about average height for a female Khajiit, and a nice body, feminine but not very curvy, still a bit girlish. Her fur is darker orange on her back, fading to a cream color scattered with dark spots on her front, and stripes on her face. Her hair is dark orange-brown, shoulder length, in braids and rings which shake and jingle as she disrobes. Her eyes are a golden yellow, gleaming in the candle light as she watches me take my shirt off, my straw colored beard and hair hanging wildly. I am on the lean side, but have some muscle from working the forge, and she feels of my arms and chest- I have some fur there, but it is pale and thin, which amuses her. My legs are hairier, and firm from the many miles of walking, and hers are as the same, except her fur is softer and smoother than mine.

Then she takes her bra off, and I see that she has the normal set of nipples, none running down her belly like rumor says Khajiits do, though apparently it does happen in some of them. Her breasts were well shaped and just the right size to fit in my hands, as I cupped them now, making her purr, but she motions me back, and she lowers her last piece of clothing, revealing the patch of dark orange fur between her creamy thighs.

Then we had made love for a few hours, and fell asleep together.

When the sun rose she went and warmed up some spiced oatmeal, sausage, bacon, and spice rolls. I opened the shutters enough that I could see, and watched her nibble with her hair a mess and pajamas askew, smiling at her like an idiot till she noticed and got embarrassed, so I sat next to her and we molested each other and smooched before eating.

Sipping on some tea, she asks me "So how are we going to do arrange this?"

"You can live with me here, instead of in the guild hall. As for time together, I know you will be on caravan often, but... since I have been in town, I have talked to the smith about working as an apprentice, although it is harder to find an open position, so I checked on the Woodwrights Guild also."

"Yes, you do good with metal and wood."

Of course, in the old days you just had the guilds of Fighters, Thieves, and Mages, but now we have Smiths, Woodwrights, Traders, Miners, Masons, Glaziers, Painters and Plasterers, Bards, Clothiers and Haberdashers, Printers, Scribes, et cetera. You can join as many as you have the skill for, though they may refuse if you are in one they are in conflict with.

"I also could talk to Gabrielle Sterredenn... remember I said she had lost most of one arm in a lab accident, so we often sold her supplies she couldn't gather herself, since she is still a good alchemist, so perhaps you could see if any training is available."

"Oh? It would help, although I depends on what she knows that I don't. That is short term, though..."

"I know. You said you wanted to spend a year exploring, well a month or so here would get us ready to go off. I have all that heavy Dwemer stuff but I can sell it, and we can go off with the caravan, settle in another town for a while, gather herbs, plunder ruins..."

She cautiously says "So what will we do after a year of levelling up, hm?"

I shrug "We'll see- I know you want to go home, yes, it's not really safe for a human to go but I bet we could sneak in... do the same stuff there, wandering the wasteland."

Her ears perk up "There are ruins near my village, one place we go to often enough, it is empty but there are herbs, and there are lost cities in the desert. You are a ranger, if you can adapt to the desert then we could find riches. Open up that Nord mind of yours."

"Me? You said you were a virgin, at least one third, that's uptight for a Khajiit."

She smirks "Perhaps. Maybe we just need to loosen each other up."

I snort "We're off to a good start."

She sticks her tongue out- "You've had more than me."

"Oh? I don't know how much that is, it isn't Nord etiquette to just throw that out."

She wrinkles her nose- "Fff, so what. As for oral, I fooled around with Tsalani back in the village... as for the back door, well you shouldn't play Truth or Dare with Khajiit unless you're willing to take it up the ass."

After laughing I say- "I had a lover in Markarth, and since then have had fun with four women... a Nord, a Bosmer, Saressi, and you."

She laughs "What? How did you do a Bosmer? Weren't you worried she might eat you?" -referring to their cannibalistic habits, and I say-

"It was an odd situation- the Bodge Bandit is what we called her later. To keep it short, I was scouting with Bob when we found a camp, and she was asleep. Well, we had a bit of a stand-off, and reached a solution that benefited all of us."

After a sigh, she stops grinning and quietly asks "You are not jealous?"

"How can I be... I'm happy to have you now..."

She gets up and sits in my lap, her warm body pressing close as she nuzzles my neck- "Ah, fusozay var var, and I am happy to just be with you for a while, do not worry about the past or the future, neither exist."

I squeeze her and kiss on her, saying "You know it is worth thinking about future employment, I want to be more than a footsore old man with no money..."

"Yeah, I was just thinking of home... speaking of work, why don't you go see what they're up to? I think I'll brush up on my alchemy so I can go see that girl that flirts with all the adventurers."

I kiss her and say "No doubt they're at the bar again..." and leave her, heading down the street to the Oak and Croissant (they changed the name since nobody could remember what a crosier was) to have some Argonian Ale and Titus Mead (as they say, "the only bad things here are the puns") and find Bob chatting with Saressi and some other friends. The boss hisses at me-

"There you are! What did you do with Makari hmm? We haven't seen either of you since last night!"

I fall back- "Hey, whoa, she's at my house, we've been, uh, hanging out..." and I explain, as Bob laughs and Saressi sneers at me-

"Oh can't even tell your friends you decided to shack up with her huh!? You have a job, snow for brains! The fair's over, time to hit the road!"

I order the usual and tell her "Yeah, I know, I just wanted to request a few pulls on strings to spend more time with her."

"Oh, is that what you call fucking me now? Hoping a threesome will get you twice the pull?" she grins, then sighs "Actually I have a special request from my boss, the tall snow cat. Her family is from Elseweyr, and she asked for caravaneers who are from Dune, and of course I know about everyone and said Makari. She said her brother is there, and she wants to send a special package."

I scratch my chin, "Well, I can go get Makari, and we'll meet up with her. I don't remember talking to her before, so it can't hurt to be nice."

"Her house is right behind the inn here, I'll go talk to her, and we can meet back here in half an hour." as she gets up and strides out.

I look at Bob and he shrugs, so I leave my drink with him and walk back up the road to my house, where Makari is sitting in the corner naked and hunched over an alchemy lab. She turns as I come in, as I slip my arms around her she smiles and says-

"Hello, my love, how was your adventurrre?"

I nuzzle her and say "Do you know any nobles in Dune?"

"Ah, yes, my village is near there, and some of them come to hunt on occasion, and since my mother is clan mother, we entertain them."

"Ah, well, Saressi said we have a higher boss that wants your diplomatic skill to help contact her brother. I guess he is a noble or something."

"Oh, well, a quest for the guild would be good for our jobs, let me find something to wear... other than you!"

A short while later we were at the O 'n' C again, with a tranquil Saressi introducing us. The lady is about seven feet tall, regal, and has fur like the great snow cats of Skyrim, so it is fitting that her name means Moonlight on Snow. We spend some time making introductions in the bar, then she suggests it is too nice to stay in a dark tavern, and we should go have a picnic.

It is sunny and mild as we pass by the refugee camp and mingle with families also out to enjoy the nice weather. We have fun climbing down the river, past the waterfall, to the pool under the cliff. Nobody else is near and we settle in to fish and talk.

The lady speaks first:

"I hear you know some nobles, Makari? My brother is talking to Liilu Asharr about marriage... do you have any good gossip?"

"Her family will come to hunt at our village sometimes. I have met her, she's been kind to me. Most of the city cats are snobs- no offense, they call us desert trash and such, I had to stab- well, I know her well enough to think it sounds alright, nothing unusual about her."

I'm a little surprised but Lady Moon apparently thinks it's normal and continues-

"Good, it is business but hopefully he would be thoughtful- he is ten years younger than me, near your age, and I have not seen him in some time. I wish to go, but I run everything in Cyrodiil." she shrugs, and Makari asks "what are your terms?"

The lady ticks off on her fingers- "I will give time off your regular routes, pocket money, and a letter instructing that you will each receive one hundred gold, for delivering my wedding gift. I should trust my own employees more than a random courier, yes?"

I ask- "You want me to go too? Isn't it unsafe since I'm a Nord?"

She pulls some papers out of her pocket- "I have passports and letters of transit ready to be filled out. You are a member of the guild, so you are protected, even as a human. If you are paranoid, just shave- everyone not covered in fur is is covered in robes. However, it would be best to not be sneaky, since they expect sneaky, but I wouldn't run around shouting Fus-roh-dah either..."

Makari tugs my beard "This would be hot in the desert anyhow."

The lady snickers, "Well is that a good deal?"

We can't think of any objections, and agree, and she nods, "Good, we have fish so it's time to eat!"

I'm not overly fond of fish but Makari grilled it nicely, seasoned with herbs we found growing nearby, and on the side a few vegetables and fresh bread toasted in the coals.

They have some idle chatter, I have few things to say, but Makari decides to let loose-

"I have heard you have a special friend as well, is that why you are being so romantic?"

The lady bites her lip, caught off guard she furtively narrows her eyes- "Yes, I do... did Saressi gossip again?"

Makari shrugs "I just got back from a trip with her, she just said you bought a big house here instead of the Imperial City because you were involved with the count's brother. That and it would be a fancier headquarters for us."

"Ah, yes, well to be fair, she gave high praise to your lover here, apparently she thinks we're in some sort of kinky sex club- the smooth penis lover's society." with a half sneer, half humorous eye roll.

Makari snickered, and we finished eating while they told explicit stories until we were ready to go back to town. I got busy packing downstairs, and when I got to the bedroom Makari was waiting in some sexy desert dancer outfit, and she gave me a nice little show before I threw her on the bed for more lovemaking.

First thing in the morning we loaded up the mules with bags of alchemy ingredients and head east to the Imperial City. This road at least is well patrolled and has plenty of traffic, and in a few hours we reach the suburbs on the hither shore, sun shining in our eyes beyond the White Gold Tower. The tall white walls of the city are still stained and scarred from the war, and not all the surrounding area has been rebuilt. We find a good sized caravan as it was leaving and head southward, making our way into Elseweyr without meeting bandits, trolls, or Thalmor Security Apparatus.

I notice the open woods shift from flowery bushes and tall trees to shorter and shorter oaks with tall rough grass. As we crested into the highlands, the trees became rare, surrounded by short grassland with herds of miscellaneous herbivores.

We reach Riverhold as the sun sets and the sky turns to flame, sending fire and shadow across the sands. We settle down at the market, as the guild provides a free bed and guards our wares there. It also takes care of our passports and boring paperwork so we don't need to worry about it, and go to sleep, tired from the long day's walk.