heat 9

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#17 of Heat

OK here it is late, but hopefully worth the wait. for those who need it the character synopsis is here https://www.sofurry.com/view/525856

Heat 9

Blurry eyes opened and fragments of a spinning thumping head tried to form into a conscious mind. His body was telling him that this was a mistake. However, the mind was not going to take that from its body. After all the body was only present to escort the mind from A to B, supply food, oxygen, deal with reproduction and waste extraction. It collected itself together slowly fitting the important details together.

Name, age, sex, sexual orientation, sexual orientation again, just because it was so much fun the first time. Job, recent events, and lastly current location and the last few horrifying hours. Pain, oh so much pain, past, present and more to come in the future. The body gloated reminding the brain that it had warned it not to come together, not to wake up. There was something he had to do, something important he had to say.

He could taste blood and he was sure it was his own, what was this hard thing on his tongue, a tooth? He didn't need that anymore and he so he spat it onto the floor. Somewhere in the room he could hear the sound of someone talking, yeah they were definitely words. His mind wasn't able to understand them yet, but it knew words when it heard them. He had something to say something important something the voice really needed to know.

What are these things so near to his head and why did they ache so? They had a name what was it, olders, holders, shoulder! Yes his shoulders hurt, why was that? He tried to lift his head to see and his neck screamed in pain. The pain travelled through his neck and up his arms. Yes that was it, his arms were attached to the ceiling and his feet were off the floor. That's why his shoulders hurt so much! He had something important to say, he really should remember what it was.

The voice was talking again, words something about chips. Well he was hungry, when did he last have a meal? It seemed like days ago. The voice was moving closer, he should tell the voice's owner that important thing, if only he could remember what it was. He opened his other swollen eye, the pain of it making someone shout loudly. Oh that was him too, well if today wasn't turning out to be an interesting day.

Someday the mind would look back on this day and laugh. It may be seriously drunk or on a lot of medication, but it would laugh to hide the tears if nothing else. The ears seemed to indicate the voice was speaking again, this time it was attached to something. A greenish blob was in his vision, it had a name too, what was that? He should tell the blob that thing he had to say. What was it?

The blob reached out and he felt it shaking his shoulders. Someone was screaming, his aching throat reminded him that it was him. As the blob stopped shaking him his eyes finally managed to discern some detail on the blob, it had eyes and a mouth on a long muzzle. A name sprung to his mind 'Mother Fucker' that's what the face was called. He had something important to tell Mother Fucker, what was it?

Whatever it was Mother Fucker seemed to be getting very annoyed about him not speaking. He heard the face demand something about chips again. Then his stomach screamed at him as something struck him, his lungs struggled to work and the world began to spin again. If only he could remember what he needed to say, it would make everything better.

He focussed his mind as much as he could and suddenly he remembered. Now, he just needed to make his mouth work again. He took a slow breath and prepared to tell the green face what he desperately needed to know. He started to speak, spraying blood over the green face, while his throat and lungs were screaming in pain. He ignored them, it was more important that he got his message out.

"My grandmother hits harder than you, Mother Fucker!" The green face moved and with a thud the world went black again. The mind shattered gratefully, hopefully next time he wouldn't be able to put it back together. It had not been a good day for Richard.

Toby yawned a stretched as he awoke, he reached out across the bed finding it empty. He looked around the room with his tired eyes. The sun was well up and sunbeams were peaking in through the curtains dancing happily on the wall just above his head. The rabbit wrapped the blanket around him and rolled over. It was too late to be up early, so he decided he may as well sleep in.

Unfortunately, his bladder did not agree with him and it informed him in no uncertain terms that he needed to vacate the bed. Grumbling at his own body's lack of cooperation the rabbit reluctantly got up. As he emptied his bladder he could hear John watching something on the vid downstairs. The rabbit decided to shower after breakfast and headed down to see what he could rummage up for breakfast.

The vid appeared to be showing human ships engaged in combat with Dragos. He snuck up behind his mate and slipped his arms around him with a chuckle. "You really do love your military documentaries don't you?"

The human froze and then slowly turned to face the black rabbit. His face was pale and grim, Toby was sure he could see a tear in his eye. "It's not a documentary, it's the news."

The rabbit smiled in nervous confusion. "W..what?"

"The Dragos lauched a sneak attack yesterday. They struck seventeen colonies all along the boarder. Six human, nine canos and two lapros." John said quietly. "They don't know the full extent of the damage. Twelve of the attacks were hit and runs, however on the other five they have landed ground troops and dug in. Several cities have been annexed."

"Oh... shit." The rabbit whispered, finding it hard to take in.

"The Alliance and Republic forces are responding, but we've taken some heavy early losses." John paused for a moment and then added very quietly." The... the Alexandria went down."

"Your friend?" Toby asked, his mind felt numb he couldn't believe his eyes as he turned to watch the vids. It was showing Dragos troops marching through a city, it took him a minute to recognise the city, Jagos, it was one of the main cities on the Lapros colony world of Prime. He had been sent there to work for a few months, two years ago. His mind went to the friends he had made there, those he had long since lost contact with. Suddenly he really needed to find out if they were ok.

"Richard was killed in action. He went down with his ship." John replied choking up a little. "He... he jumped the Alexandria into a fight with a Dragos battleship and a cruiser. The destroy and an alliance cruiser managed to hold them off long enough for an alliance troop convoy to escape. In the end... he rammed the battleship, however he didn't make it out."

Toby put his arms around the human's shoulders. "I'm sorry, he... he seemed like a good guy."

A single tear was making its way down the human's cheek. "He... saved my life, on more than one occasion. Most fighter pilots tend to be over confident asses, we fight hard play hard. He... wasn't like that. when I joined the squadron he was the first to shake my hand. He used to take young pilots under his wing, teach them the ropes." The human kept his eyes locked on the vid watching the images as they showed different images of the Dragos attack.

"I remember during the last war, the night before my first real combat mission. I couldn't sleep and he... sat up with me all night talking. Telling stories, he kept me laughing, when all I wanted to do was run and hide. He... he was a good man and I'm not surprised that he died doing his duty." As he spoke the vid switched to scenes of the battle, he watched a recording of the Alexandria as it broke in two and rammed into the battleship.

The human switched off the vid and wiped away his tear. "I think I could use some breakfast."

Benny and Dale had sat up all night. Benny's woes had disappeared, as the two sat watching the news vids in horrified silence. They held each other tightly all night, it had been such a crazy night for them both. As the sun crept into their living room

Dale found himself leaning against his bear and dozing. He rested against the bear, it was nice to know that in all this confusion he still had Benny, his immovable rock and soon to be husband.

As he leaned against his immovable rock he suddenly found himself falling as the bear stood up. The rabbit ended up sprawled across the sofa, the bear managed to smile and offered a helping paw to the rabbit. "We should get some breakfast, today will be a long day for you."

Dale took the paw carefully and let the bear pull him to his feet. "Not that long, just a normal day at work."

The bear gave him a strange look. "The Dragos just declared war and assaulted seventeen worlds... Do you seriously think that a communications engineer is going to have an average day at work?"

The rabbit groaned as realisation dawned on him. Millions of people would be reaching out trying to find out what had happened to their friends and loved ones. As he started to dread the day ahead his comm device buzzed to indicate he can received a message. It was from Brian and read, "Sorry guys, everyone's on double shifts get in to the office asap."

"Breakfast first!" The bear said with a growl. "No fiancé of mine is going off to work on an empty stomach."

Dale couldn't help but smile, he put his arms around the bear's neck and pulled him down for a warm kiss. "Always, looking out for me."

The bear moaned softly against his lips and nodded. "What else is a bear to do for the bunny he loves?"

The rabbit blushed and after another tender kiss he took a step backwards. "I should get a shower."

Benny headed to the kitchen saying, "You shower, I'll have breakfast ready when you are done."

The bear wandered into his kitchen, he pulled out his breadknife and pulled a fresh loaf out of his breadbin. As he rummaged in the fridge he heard his rabbit speaking from the doorway. "You know how in the vids, when a war breaks out and the hero and his lover agree to put off their wedding until after the war?"

The bear stood up turning around to face Dale a package of meat in his paw, a look of confusion on his face. "Yes?"

"Let's not do that, let's make plans to get married when and how we want to, and screw the war." The rabbit replied with a warm smile.

Benny laughed in relief, replying, "absolutely. I want nothing more than to be your husband."

The rabbit blushed and nodded in agreement. "Me too."

Benny mock growled, "Now go get showered while I prepare your breakfast.

The rest of their morning together passed all too quickly and before they knew it they were kissing goodbye on the doorstep. Benny found himself alone and yawning, he checked the time and was dismayed to find that he didn't have time to squeeze a nap in before he was going to be needed at the restaurant. He was supposed to be interviewing waitresses and chefs all morning.

When he got to his restaurant he found just Martin in the kitchen. The rabbit informed him that both Tina and Shelly had called to say they wouldn't be in that day. They both had family on Prime and were trying to find out what had happened to them. The restaurant also had a lot of cancellations and Benny guessed it would probably be a quiet evening.

He let Martin get on with the daily preparations while he sat by the door waiting to see if anyone would turn up for their interview. Out of the eight applicants only two actually turned up, so Benny hired them both. He'd had five applications for the chef position, but only one rather nervous applicant turned up. He was only partly trained and Benny had to admit if the other applicants turned up he wouldn't have stood a chance.

Still the training on Lapros was mostly about preparation of vegetables. Any chef he hired would need to be fully trained in polar cuisine before they could be trusted to work the kitchen anyway. So he gave the terrified young male the job and let him start that day.

After a couple of hours in the kitchen calming instructing his new employee on some of their basic dishes and how they are prepared. Benny was beginning to feel the lack of sleep. Martin told his boss that he could handle things and that as they'd have no waiters this evening the big bear should get a nap before they opened to the public.

The bear gratefully accepted the offer and left the two rabbits in the kitchen. He took a seat at one of the tables in the furthest corners of the restaurant, put his head down on the table and in less than a minute was snoring as only a polar can.

He wasn't sure how long he slept, but he felt a paw lightly shaking his arm bringing him back to the land of the conscious. He yawned as he opened his eyes, then as he caught sight of the person shaking him he leapt out of his chair growling.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Benny's fists were clenched and raised as he moved quickly back from the intruder.

"I came to see my son." His mother explained calmly, she hadn't flinched a muscle and despite the growling and threatening behaviour of the larger bear she remained calm and passive.


The female bear actually looked a little hurt by the question "Because, you're my son and I haven't seen or spoken to you in years."

"That is not my fault, you'd never accept me for who I am." The young bear retorted, however his expression had softened a little.

"And you gave me the chance? You ran away, embarrassed me and your father in front of the world. We had to denounce you or die." The female's voice began to break as she spoke. "I chose life, you father chose you and you chose to run away."

"There won't be a body left to burn." Benny said quietly, his mother looked confused. "That's what you told me, remember Chris' pyre. While we watched him burn after you and the others murdered him."

"I didn't ..."

"Don't you DARE!" Benny roared so loudly that his mother took a few steps back. "Don't you dare stand there and lie to my face."

"I did it for you... the others were looking at you. They knew you were close with him." His mother said desperately falling back. "It was only a matter of time before he tried to contact you, or you him. I was doing what had to be done to protect my son."

"If saving my life costs the life of another innocent then the price is too high." The young bear snarled.

"You will feel different if you father a child. When you hold him in your arms, when you watch him grow." The older female had some tears on her cheeks. "I did it for you, I knew you... felt some things. I knew you were confused. I wanted to save you, to save your soul."

"My soul is fine, no thanks to the blood you spilled on my account." Benny spat at his mother.

"It's not fine, can't you see you're sick." The elderly female pulled a small book out of her pocket. "I brought this for you, please, you must see that you are damning yourself with this unnatural love."

"How can love be unnatural? Loving someone is the most natural thing in the world. I don't need the book of Grall to tell me what is right." Out of the corner of his eye Benny could see martin and his new chef watching from the kitchen door. "Just look at these people. They love each other, an entire world living against the teachings of Grall. They aren't perfect, they do stupid things from time to time. They make mistakes, hurt each other and do all kinds of stupid things. Just like we do, but they aren't wrong and they're not evil."

"If you don't repent you can never come home." The female bear said pushing the book at Benny. "Please, I... I'm alone now."

Seeing his mother weeping and desperate was more than Benny's heart could take. He took the book out of her paws and placed his paws on her shoulders. "I'm sorry about that mother. I do still care for you, but I can't change who I am."

"I... I guess I always knew that would be the case." His mother said her head down. "I should go now, the others will miss me soon. After Dillon ran away they keep a close eye on us. Our ship will be leaving in a few hours, the talks have been cut short thanks to the war." The elder bear turned and started to walk toward the door. Her shoulders were slumped and her head hung low, she was a broken woman.

Unable to just let her go Benny reached out hugging her tightly. "I... hope some day you can accept me. I love you mother." He whispered and then let her go. The female turned and suddenly lashed out with her right paw.

Benny stopped in his tracks feeling something punch into his chest. He heard Martin yelling from the kitchen and saw his mother dashing from the restaurant. He tried to draw a breath but couldn't. Looking down in confusion he could see the handle of a knife sticking out of his chest, strangely he couldn't feel any pain. His brow creased in confusion, the handle was covered in carvings of polar buffalo calves. He recognised the knife as one that belonged to his grandmother. As his legs gave out and he fell to his knees, his mind was filled with the memories of his grandmother's kitchen, of learning to cook.

Dale groaned as his comm device went off again it had been an exhausting day. He picked up his tool bags and looked at the device. He was confused to see that it was an incoming call from Martin. He couldn't think of any reason why the young male would be calling him. He checked to see if anyone was watching before accepting the personal call.

"Hey Martin, I can't talk long I've..."

"Dale! Get to 4th Street hospital now!" Martin practically screamed at him.

Dale's heart jumped into his mouth, he dropped his bag. "W...what's going on?" He asked the question hesitantly, terrified of the answer, but unable to live without it.

"It's Benny, he's been stabbed. I... I...They've taken him away. I'm on my way there now." Martin said desperately.

Dale didn't wait for more he ended the call and just started to run for the exit. His startled co-workers exclaimed in surprise and he ignored them as several shouted out questions.

As he left the room he ran right into Brian bowling the fox over.

"Whoa where's the fire?" Brian moaned as he and the rabbit struggled to get up.

Dale grabbed Brian's arm "Benny's been stabbed!"

The fox took one look at the distressed, wide eyed rabbit and said. "I'll drive."

The two broke into a run at the same time.

Dale remembered that drive for the rest of his life, every heart beat, every second and every breath. He could never thank Brian enough for driving him, had he got behind the wheel he wouldn't have been able to drive and the auto drive would have taken twice as long to get him to the hospital. The two of them exchanged no words, Dale just rocked in his seat hoping that the bear would be ok. He had no idea how he could ever live without his bear.

He didn't say a word to the fox as they pulled up to the hospital, he opened the car door before the vehicle had even slowed. He hit the ground running and was half babbling half shouting at the confused receptionist in under a minute.

He felt a paw on his shoulder and turned to see Martin.

"He's this way ,come on!" The young male said pulling Dale with him. "He's in surgery now, they said he's lost a lot of blood."

"They have spare blood for him right! I can give some of mine!" Dale almost screamed at Martin.

"It's no good, he needs polar blood and he's getting it." The young rabbit replied placing a calming hand on Dale's shoulder.

"He is?" Dale asked, his entire body was shaking as the adrenalin rush began to run out.

"I called Dillon when the EMTs said he needed blood. He ran all the way, five miles and he beat me in my car." The young male said impressed. "The Doctor I talked to wouldn't tell me much, as I'm not family. However, he seemed hopeful of a full recovery."

"Where is that Doctor?" Dale asked looking around. "He will talk to me!" Dale meant it and if the Doctor refused he would beat the information out of him.

Pain, it had become a part of life. However, it was fading at last, it had been hours since his last beating and they had cut him down an hour ago. He'd lain sprawled on the floor the entire time, every muscle in his body was sore. Even his teeth were aching. However, he was beginning to recover. It would take weeks for the pain to fade entirely and years of therapy for the psychological scars to heal.

He had managed to get some sleep his exhaustion overruling the pain filling his body, allowing him to slumber. However, he'd awoke as the door opened two tall Dragos entered. The human remained on the floor groaning softly, hoping that he wasn't about to receive another beating.

The two were in the middle of a conversation as the arrived. Richard came in at the halfway mark. "You know there's going to be plenty more to chose from." The shorter male Dragos said. He wore the light blue uniform of a junior officer, the leathery spines that ran from the forehead down the back of all Dragos were not yet fully formed. His scales were a lighter green than the other Dragos, all of which told Richard that he was a young Dragos, probably the personal batman of the elder officer.

"Yes, but this one intrigues me. He never broke, I can't remember the last time we had a prisoner who didn't break." The older Dragos said. "I will take him, if only for the pleasure of being the one to break him."

"It is your choice Sir. I'm not sure I'd put my mark to a troublesome soft skin like this though." The younger male replied.

"Yes, well you're young and have yet to get bored with the broken ones. When you get older you'll realise the real pleasure is in the snap as they break." The elder male took a few steps towards Richard.

"If you say so Sir." The young male replied his voice heavily laden with doubt.

The older male snorted ignoring the younger male' impudence his claws reached for his waist and he began to unfasten his belt.

Richard hadn't quite followed the conversation, his mind was still spinning from the torture. However, as the Dragos began to unfasten his belt he summoned all his strength and pushed himself up onto his knees. He looked up into the eyes of the Dragos and snarled. "Try and I'll bite it off!"

The Dragos paused for a moment and looked back at the junior officer. "You may be right. With the war I don't have time to properly break this slave. Send him to the mines on Kalros. However, leave a note in his file I am keeping my option open on him."

The elder male fastened his belt again and then got down on one knee, he grabbed Richard's face with his thumb and first two thick fingers. "I will break you, human. Don't think you've won anything. Once the war is over and your Republic lies in ruins I will return and take great pleasure in breaking you."

Richard knew he needed to respond with something witty and spirited. Unfortunately the best he could think of, or manage, was to spit in the Dragos face. He tried and missed getting the Dragos on the shoulder instead. The Dragos didn't seem angry in fact he laughed as he stood and left saying to the younger male. "My, my, he'll be fun to break."

"I was half expecting you not to show" Eric said as Roger approached him.

"I gave my word didn't I?" The rabbit replied curtly.

"Oh I know, I just meant with the war an all." The wolf replied with a friendly smile.

"Well it's unfortunate, but it doesn't stop my body's bio-chemical cycle. Are you sure you want to do this? It's not just an orgy you know." The rabbit asked hoping that he wouldn't have to go through with his promise.

"I'm sure and I know. Believe me I've done a lot of reading on this subject." Eric answered as he started to walk towards the heat clinic.

"I don't get it, you're a handsome, popular and famous offworlder." Rodger said sullenly as he reluctantly followed the wolf. " If you wanted an orgy, you could have one and you would even get to pick who takes part. You know that what you are going to get in there is just a random group of rabbits, right?"

"Look, I know and I know you'll never believe me but this isn't about sex. It's not even about today it's about afterwards." The wolf said patiently. "I could've gotten this another way you know. It would have been so easy to find a rabbit and pretend to be his mate."

"Then why didn't you, why use me instead?"

"Because, it's better this way. You know going in that I am not your mate. To have done it the other way would have hurt someone and that's not what I want." Eric said calmly as he stopped just outside the heat clinic. "You may feel a bit used and pissed off, but imagine if you thought I was in love with you. I'm not a bad guy, but I need this."

"Alright, I'll admit using me like this is at least not as bad as that. However, it's still wrong." Roger said quietly as they huddled in the doorway trying not to draw attention from anyone passing. "Why do you need this?"

"I... I can't explain. I just do." Eric replied hanging his head in shame. "Look can we just get on with it. In a little while it will be over and you'll owe me nothing. You won't ever hear from me again."

"Alright fine, just follow me in. Say nothing and once you are in the relief room you are on your own. I want nothing to do with you." Roger snarled a little as he spoke. He felt like he was betraying everything he had been raised to believe. The idea of someone not in heat, not mated, being allowed in to that room was abhorrent. This was when his people were at their most vulnerable, it should not be shared with an outsider. He was helping this wolf violate dozens of his people. At least they would never know what had happened, he would have to live with the guilt.

Without a further word they entered the heat clinic. Roger did all the talking as they registered and then moved to the changing room. Nobody seemed to question them at all. As they got to the changing rooms there were several rabbits whispering about how great it was to see an offworlder.

Eric rather enjoyed the looks he was getting as he striped, he took the time to pose a little, flexing and bending much to the delight of everyone but Roger. The rabbit put the wolf's locker key around the wolf's neck and whispered. "You're supposed to be my mate, not a horny dog out on the pull. If you don't stop being an ass we'll both get thrown out."

Eric nodded and followed the rabbit obediently out of the changing room. There was a rush for the door as the two left. They went quickly through the blood screenings and were both given a number. Then they were through into another waiting room, they both grabbed a cylinder and prepared themselves.

Roger showed no inclination to exchange any words with the wolf and they sat in silence trying not to look at each other or anyone else. As numbers were called out rabbit's left, when Roger's number was called he left without a word or even a glance at the wolf.

The Eric's number was called out. The wolf was surprised by how nervous he was. After all the one night stands he'd had over the last few years, he was surprised to see that he could be nervous about any kind of sexual encounter. He was ushered into the small airlock between the waiting room and the relief room.

He had a few seconds to ponder on how it had come to this. From that one brief slip by his therapist, then days and weeks of research. To looking and waiting for the right opportunity. The guilt he felt for using Roger was still fresh, but with all the guilt he carried around with him it doubted he'd even notice it. All of which had lead to this, he crossed his claws as the door in front of him slid open.

His nose was assaulted by the mixture of a thousand subtle musks, each one intoxicating in its own unique way. The wolf's nervousness melted away as he inhaled deeply, his sensitive nose able to detect every male who had been in the room for days. His ears were filled with the moans, gasps and cries of dozens of males engaging with each other.

His cock was already erect and throbbing with need as he stepped out of the airlock. His research had told him the best way for an offworlder to get into heat was to perform oral and swallow. He looked around for an opportunity, finding one nearby he saw a brindle furred rabbit laying on his back.

The wolf admired the rabbit's rare fur pattern, his eyes running over the wonderful dancing mixtures of orange and black stripes. Until he looked at the face, finding a smiling rabbit looking back at him motioning him closer with his paws. He didn't need any further encouragement, the wolf practically pounced on the rabbit.

He took the whole cock into his mouth, hungrily suckling on the firm meat. His tongue lapping over it hungrily while the rabbit squirmed and squeaked under him. He could taste traces of cum on the cock, he lapped them up swallowing greedily. His paws gently caressed the rabbit's furry orbs, carefully rolling the sweet nuts in his palm.

The rabbit gasped and bucked instinctively starting to fuck the warm welcoming muzzle around his cock. As he suckled he felt paws land on his rear, the wolf quickly put his tail down covering his pucker protectively. He continued to suck and bob his muzzle on the hot bunny shaft in his mouth. He heard a disappointed sigh behind him and the paws were removed from his rear.

He knew that eventually someone would top him, his research had told him that once he was in full heat he would not be able to turn anyone down. However, until he was in the full grip of heat, with no control over himself he definitely didn't plan on letting anyone take his tailstar.

The rabbit under him began to buck desperately fast, the rabbit's paws caressing and holding his face as it mated his mouth. With soft whimpers and pants he came spraying his seed onto the needy and energetic wolf tongue. Eric slurped and swallowed greedily, enjoying the sweet taste. He could understand why they make everyone take a pill before their cycle. If you're going to swallow dozens of loads you want them all to taste pleasant.

Licking the rabbit cock clean the wolf examined his own feelings. His heart rate was elevated, his cock was throbbing quit painfully with need. He could feel something starting to change inside him and knew he was on his way. He pulled off the rabbit's cock ignoring the rabbit's words and indications that he wanted to return the favour. This wasn't about getting off, this was about getting into his heat, to letting go of everything and surrendering his conscious to his body.

He spotted a couple fucking just a few feet away, a black bunny was on his side while a blonder rabbit was jack hammering in behind him. The pink bunny cock stood out clearly against the black fur. Even in the dim light he could see beads of pre dripping off the rabbit cock, he licked his lips. A bunny all ready to blow just a few metres away.

He was on the rabbit in a few seconds, no introductions no asking, just his mouth engulfing the needy cock. Suckling, his tongue wild against the flesh, the bunny was squealing and crying out in pleasure before he even got a chance to bob his muzzle once. He sucked down the second load hungrily licking the cock clean.

He was becoming aware of something growing inside him, a need he couldn't place, his cock was practically screaming at him with need. It throbbed between his legs drooling a steady stream of pre as it did so. His mind growing fuzzy, the wolf shock his head, he wasn't here to satisfy that he had other things on his mind.

He got back onto his knees and began to look for another cock. Just as he spied one he felt something, a wonderful warmth engulfed his own meat, he looked down to see the black bunny's head between his legs. He had sat up close the rabbit's head and the tasty wolf meat had been a morsel the rabbit had not been able to pass up.

Eric whined, he should be sucking cock, that was his plan; suck, drink, get into heat. He should pull away from the rabbit, but it felt so good, the bunny's little tongue was teasing his cocktip and his furry paws were playing with the musky wolf balls. His mind was made up when the blonde bunny behind the black one stood up, reached down caressed Eric's face and guided his muzzle down to the dripping used bunny cock. He could have his cake and be sucked off too.

The wolf took the cock into his lips hungrily, growing more and more aware of the strange feeling beginning to spread through his body. Warmth seemed to radiate out from his stomach, his mind was growing fuzzy he found himself thrusting wantonly into the rabbit's muzzle. While the other rabbit fucked his mouth just as wantonly, holding the wolf by his ears and using the warm maw for his own pleasure.

The warm tongue soft paws and his own desperate growing need proved too much for him and in very short order he moaned out around the cock in his mouth. His own cock erupting inside the black bunny's mouth. He unleashed a torrent of wolf cum, splattering hard against the back of the rabbit's mouth causing him to cough and splutter pulling off the wolf meat so that the second shot landed across his face. The pink cock painted the black face with white lines of potent seed.

He was surprised to find that after his orgasm he was not satiated even slightly. In fact he found his lusts had only just been whetted for more. As he drank his third load of bunny cream he felt the heat in his stomach beginning to spread. It moved lower engulfing his loins and suddenly he couldn't focus, couldn't think and he couldn't keep to his plan.

He wandered away from the two rabbits he was with, heading towards the centre of the room, where all he could see were moving moaning bodies. His cock was burning with need and as he moved he spotted a rabbit rump, a dark chocolate furred rabbit, on his knees suckling at the cock of another rabbit.

Any thoughts of more oral, of sticking to his plan went out of his mind. He licked his lips hungrily as he eyed the bunny rear. Grabbing his cock with one paw, he sunk to his knees behind the rabbit. He didn't ask for permission, or even care as he pressed his cocktip into the rabbit.

The cock sunk in easily, a large volume of bunny spunk flowing out of the rabbit's rear showing just how long the rabbit had been there and how used his rear had been. Eric would normally have taken his time, slowly taken the rabbit, making sure his lover was in no pain or discomfort. However, his mind clouded with heat, his body was no longer in his control.

He thrust hard into the rabbit, hilting in one smooth motion, he didn't paused, or let the rabbit adjust. He began to mate, to breed the rabbit hard and fast. His thick spear-like wolf cock reaming deeper and deeper. The rabbit's rump clenching and squeezing his meat wonderfully, as the bunny squealed and wriggled his rump.

Eric thrust and mated like a mad man, breeding with desperate need. He'd never felt anything like this in his life he had to be inside this rabbit, he had to take him. As he felt his thick knot smacking against the rabbit's rump he could feel something, some nagging concern. However, his lust crazed brain had no intention of listening or thinking about it. He jackhammered into the rabbit, gripping the bunny's hips firmly pulling them back to meet his thrusts.

He could feel his orgasm building, his body was in control and it demanded one thing. That he tie to this bitch, that he fill him with wolf essence, claim him and make him his own. His thrusts became slower but so much more powerful. He could hear the rabbit moaning and squealing in pleasure with each thrust. He ground his hips against the rabbit with each motion, slowly working his knot deeper into the rabbit.

Until with a howl of triumph he felt his knot slip inside, he felt the kiss of the tailstar around the base of his cock as it closed around him. He bucked his hips howling as he pumped jet after jet of warm wolf spunk into the bunny beneath him. His knot swelled inside his bitch locking them together.

As his body recovered quickly and the desperate need to find a new partner came over him he realised his mistake. He was tied to another male, surrounded by oral, visual and nasal erotic stimulation. His knot would never deflate, he was tied to this male and he would remain so unless someone dragged them both clear.

However, his hormone soaked brain couldn't take this in, it couldn't call for help, it just cried out with need. More partners, more ass, more cock, more cum! As the two struggled with each other Eric felt paws on his rear, this time his tail lifted willingly.

His heat soaked body was in control, as he felt a thick cock press into his tailhole he arched his back pressing back against it.

The cock behind him thrust in forcefully. It had been a long time since any male had been inside the wolf, more than a few years. His ring was tight and fought back against the invading meat. The bunny on top of him moaned with pleasure and Eric heard a familiar voice saying. "Oh fuck! Your ass if sooo tight. I must be your first today, ohh that's so good. We are definitely going to be even after this."

Eric looked back to see Roger grinning down at him as he slid his cock in and out of the wolf's willing rear. The strange stimulation was still not enough, his body demanded more. He began to hump back into the bunny beneath him. Using what little leeway he could he started to knot fuck the rabbit beneath him.

The rabbit above him was chuckling as he fucked, his paws stroking the wolf's ass. "Mmm someone swallowed too many loads too quickly, didn't he?" The rabbit mutter as his thrusting grew faster and faster. He was determined to enjoy this mating, he had watched the wolf when he entered. When he'd made the first approach Eric had put his tail down. However, now with several potent loads of cum swallowed within a few minutes of each other the wolf had already entered his heat.

"Oh yeah, puppy likes the cock now doesn't he?" he taunted as he felt Eric pushing back onto his thick cock. His body was screaming at him to fuck the wolf hard and fast. However, he wanted to take this slow, to enjoy his victory over his blackmailer. "If you'd come in with a loving mate, he'd have...mmmm...stopped you drinking...ahhhh so much so fast."

The rabbit was beginning to give in to his body's urges, he mated faster and faster, his thick rod pistoning in and out of the tight wolf hole. He couldn't believe how tight Eric was, it felt like a virgin hole, he'd never found one like that in heat before. The air was filled with the slapping sounds of his balls as they smacked repeatedly off the wolf's rear, he could here the wolf whining and the bunny under him moaning.

"Oh god Eric, you're mmm so tight. I must be your first in a long time. Ahhh how do you like it, being this bunny's bitch?" He chuckled as Eric actually whimpered under him and pushed back harder into the thrusting cock. "Ahhh yeah, puppy likes being the bitch doesn't he? Good thing too, with your knot stuck in him, you're going to be the bitch... of... every...rabbit... here." As he spoke each word he thrust powerfully, feeling his orgasm grow inside him as he finished speaking his gasped and his body shuddered as he lost himself to the sensations around his cock.

The rabbit suddenly started to thrust into him like a wild animal, mating him furiously fast. Eric couldn't help but cry out as his prostate was assaulted so heavily, forcing him to orgasm he shot a second load into the trapped bunny beneath him. His ass spasmed and clenched around the invading cock driving the rabbit above him to his orgasm. He felt Roger trembling as he shot the wolf rear full of his thick bunny cum.

Roger panted softly pulling out of the wolf, his cock already hard and ready for more action. He moved around taking Eric's head in his paw he guided the wolf to his cock. Eric couldn't help himself, his lust crazed mind knew only one reaction to being presented with a plump dripping cock. He opened his mouth and started to suckle quickly and greedily.

Something in the wolf's mind said something was wrong, but he couldn't resist he just sucked willingly. He felt someone else touching his rump, he lifted his tail and pushed back when a warm cocktip pressed in. The bunny beneath him squirmed and he slid a paw under him finding the poor trapped rabbit's cock he began to stroke it.

He drank the load that Roger gave him greedily his mind all but gone. All he knew was to take the cock in his mouth, to ride the one in his ass, to mate into the ass below him. He felt the rabbit fucking him convulsing and the warmth of another load, as he pulled out. He whimpered softly as he continued knot fucking the rabbit beneath him, his hard cock and engorged knot pressing back and forth in the bunny's cum filled rear.

His fingers were soaked as the bunny under him shot a stream of bunny jism onto the floor. As he panted his mind filled with nothing, but than the desire for more sex. He felt another cock sliding in to his rear. He pushed back onto it willingly, like a helpless submissive puppy.

It wasn't like he was expecting it to be, he thought he would fade back slowly. However, he just snapped back to consciousness. He could feel a rabbit on top of him continuing to mate him and then pull out. His balls were soaking with the cum of dozens of males. He could remember every one. He positively growled at the memory of Roger taking him, gloating over him, using him for his pleasure.

He lowered his tail covering his gaping tailhole, grabbing his key he pushed the button. It started to flash warning those around him that he was done. His eyes caught a second set of flashes and he realised it was coming from under him. The rabbit his knot was still locked into was holding up his key.

"Hey, would you mind pulling out?" he rabbit asked quietly.

Eric gave a few tugs, but his knot was still fully engorged the musk of the room was keeping him stimulated enough that it wasn't deflating. "Erm, I don't think I can. We...We need to get out of this room."

"Erm how do you plan on doing that with your cock locked in my ass?" The bunny asked a little panicked.

Eric looked around the door wasn't too far away. He struggled up onto all fours with the rabbit under him. He slipped his paws under the rabbit and tried to lift him. Then he whimpered his arms had no strength left, neither did his legs. Also the rabbit had more than an ample waistline.

"Ok, I don't think I can carry you all the way." He felt the rabbit moving under him, the rabbit got onto all fours.

"Ok then we crawl." The rabbit said and started to move forward. The tugging on his knot forced the wolf to follow. It took the two of them working together several minutes to cross the room to the exit.

As they finally got out of the relief room and into the shower room the both collapsed and lay there panting. The rabbit started to laugh, "You know I always wanted to try and mate with an offworlder, but this is a bit ridiculous."

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't think my knot would be such a problem in there. I wasn't going to tie with anyone. However, once I was in there...." He stopped too embarrassed to say any more.

The rabbit just continued to laugh. "Yes, there is no control in heat, you would never not be able to mate fully. Your mate should have told you this before you came here."

"My mate?" Eric asked before he realised that he was in there on false pretences.

"Yes, if I was you I'd have some firm words with him. Do you think we could get under a shower and upright?" The two crawled over to the nearest shower and with a few struggles and pants they managed to get to their feet, still joined at the crotch.

As they began to shower washing the musk and cum out of their fur Eric felt his knot finally beginning to deflate. "Just a couple minutes and you'll be free."

"Good, not that this hasn't been amusing. I'll certainly be telling this story for a while." The rabbit said with a good natured chuckle.

Eric found himself distracted from the rabbit's chatter as he focussed on his feelings. Eventually he had to ask the rabbit. "My...my mate said that after heat you enter a state of contentment, some sort of endorphin high. I... I don't feel anything."

"Ah well what your mate didn't tell you was that the bliss period actually starts about two hours after your heat ends. Your body is still dealing with the leftover hormones right now." The rabbit informed him as he began to soap and scrub his fur.

"Oh... well that's ok then. I think I'm down enough, brace yourself."

The rabbit braced himself on the wall as Eric began to pull. For a second he thought it wasn't going to come then the rabbits rear began to stretch and then, with a rush and a slurping sound, it popped free. The room was filled with the stench of wolf spunk as a flood of cum flowed out of the bunny. "Mmmm that feels better, there was quite a lot of pressure built up back there." The rabbit said with a sigh of relief.

Eric washed himself as quickly as he could, suddenly desperate to get away from the clinic. He didn't say goodbye to the rabbit, he didn't stop to dry himself and instead threw his clothes onto his dripping body. He left the clinic and returned home. He was hoping that soon it would all be worth it. In one of his sessions his therapist had let slip that many rabbits who were unable to let go of their guilt had reported that the bliss after effect of heat had cured them. In fact to rabbits it was expected that old guilt vanishes after heat.

Once he heard that he'd become obsessed with need to experience this bliss, to be relieved of his guilt. He didn't care if the effects lasted a day, a week or even only an hour. He'd lived with his guilt so long not having it consume him for any period of time was all that had kept him going. He lay on his bed and closed his eyes, his body ached from the physical exertions it had undergone.

As he lay there he gasped as a wonderful feeling began to creep through his mind. He sighed happily and for the first time in years he fell into a peaceful guiltfree slumber.

The first thing Benny was aware of was a paw holding his, followed by pain in his chest. He squeezed the paw in his and heard a delighted squeak followed by a return squeeze on his paw. He opened his eyes to see a delighted Dale staring down at him, he could see the tracks of dried tears on his loves face. His mouth was covered by an oxygen mask his head was still woozy from the drugs.

Looking up at the rabbit he smiled and tried to sit up. Dale jumped up pushing him down saying. "Easy there, you've just come out of about seven hours of surgery. You lost a lot of blood, fortunately there was a donor close at hand." Dale glanced at the far corner of the room, where Dillon sat on a seat next to Martin, the pair were sleeping leaning against each other.

The bear lay his head back and drew a calm breath. "My mother?" He asked his voice strained and weak.

The bunny nodded "She... she stabbed you and ran. The security forces have been alerted I'm sure she'll be arrested soon."

Benny shook his head and replied weakly. "Diplomatic immunity." His mother had known that as a representative of the Polar government she would be protected unless the government agreed to hand her over. She also knew that stabbing her gay son would get the government to protect her.

She'd wanted to try and convert him to bring him back. Nothing is better than a sinner come to beg forgiveness. It would have helped remove the taint of his sin from her. Of course he'd have still been killed the second he set foot on Polar.

"You told me she was dangerous, I didn't believe you. I still can't believe she'd try to kill her own son for being gay." Dale said moving his seat closer to Benny's head.

"The mother who raises an abomination must wash her paws in its blood to cleanse her soul of the crime she has unleashed unto the world." The two turned to look seeing Dillon sitting awake now, still holding the slumbering Martin. "It's a verse from the book of Grall and the reason why, should my mother visit, I will be heavily armed and armoured until she leaves. I certainly won't try to give her a hug goodbye"

Benny chuckled weakly saying, "hindsight is perfect."

"She got you good though, a few millimetres nearer to your heart and that would have been it." Dillon replied gently waking Martin and standing up.

As Martin realised that Benny was awake, Brian and Daniel returned to the room their paws full of drinks and snack food.

"We weren't sure what to get, so we got pretty much everything. Oh he's awake!" Brian said, the two dropped their haul off at the small table by the foot of the bed and rushed to the bear's side. Martin and Dillon moved to the other side of the bed.

Benny had tears running down his cheeks, he lifted up his paws to his friends on either side of him. "And I thought I had left my family on Polar." He whispered quietly as the drugs in his system forced him back into a restful slumber.