Always together

Story by amber_bunny on SoFurry

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Here's yet another F/F submission from me, so I hope nobody's getting tired of me or anything like that ^.^; I've simply felt there aren't enough F/F stories as compared to the other categories, something I've seen other people comment about as well. As to this story, it's a little experimental foray into the realm of incest, so I hope you enjoy =^.^=

  • * * Tanya and Tira had spent their whole lives together. Well, the whole life of the younger of the two, Tira, at least, which was a full eighteen years, Tanya about a year older. They'd played together, they'd supported each other, they'd even helped each other out with relationships from time to time. Of course, they were sisters, so it would either have been that, not get along, or for the most part ignore each other, and even though their personalities were so different, and they had different mothers, they got along quite well. Their father had married Tanya's mother a year before she was born, and it had seemed a happy enough relationship until a year after the birth, when he was confronted about his marriage by a woman he'd apparently had another child with, and who didn't want the child. A conflict had ensued between the three both in and out of the court until finally it was decided that Tanya's mother would, willingly, take into her care both of the two girls, and the father and Tira's mother would be granted visitation rights, which neither took advantage of. Where they went, Tanya's mother didn't know, but she never heard from them since. Tanya's mother, as well as Tanya herself, were humanoid dragonesses, both black-scaled but, while Tanya's mother had the standard red eyes of the species, Tanya had inherited her father's blue eyes, nonetheless slitted like a reptile's. They both had wings and a tail crested with small spikes, and only Tanya had short red hair atop her head, another thing she'd inherited from her father, a fox. She had a kind, compassionate personality, and didn't much like big risks. Good enough for an older sister. Tira's mother was a doe, covered in tan fur speckled with darker brown fur, white fur covering her chest and along her chin, all appearance traits that her daughter carried. Her daughter was somewhat unusual, however, in the fact that, instead of the short tail deer normally had, hers extended about two feet, tan brown with white lining the bottom and around the tip, as if a cross between her mother and father's tails. She'd inherited her mother's more rebellious personality, but she would stick up for those she cared about. Growing up without their father, and with a mother that couldn't always be around for a few hours of work every weekday, the girls quickly learned to rely on each other, Tanya taking on the role of the older sibling surprisingly easily. She'd always stand up for the younger Tira when someone picked on her, though more often found the tougher, more rebellious Tira sticking up for her. Eighteen years passed together, into Tira's senior year in high school, and both girls had well since given up on boys when they were young, having only each other and their mother in their lives for the most part, and finding most boys they met to be immature jerks. They hadn't, however, had very much success in finding girlfriends, brief relationships here and there lasting no more than a few months. Tira had just left such a relationship, a few days before prom night, on learning that her most current girlfriend had decided she no longer liked girls, and wanted a boy instead. "It's not fair," Tira complained, lying on her stomach on her bed. "Why does something like this always happen? I swear, I should..." "Come on, Tira, you won't get anywhere if you threaten to beat up every girl that rejects you," Tanya sighed, cutting in. Lying on her back in her bed, which was on the other side of the room, she simply stared at the ceiling. "Besides, I've told you you shouldn't try to take things so quickly." "Why not? You can't blame me for wanting more than just a kiss at this age," Tira said, glancing over to her sister. "I guess that's true, but still, you should at least make sure that's what they want, and that that isn't the sole reason for the relationship." "Yeah, yeah..." Tira muttered, returning her gaze to her headboard, resting her chin on her arms. "Well, good night..." Tanya said after a few moments had passed, and it seemed her sister had nothing further to say at the moment. Getting up to lower the room light to its lowest setting while still remaining on, she yawned and removed her shirt and skirt, hugging her tail, which was under the skirt, to her leg so the small spikes along it wouldn't catch the fabric. Dropping onto her back lightly on the bed, she shifted herself up so her head was on the pillow, taking a quick glance over to her sister. Still refusing to wear a bra in bed...why, she never did understand. Shrugging lightly, she returned her gaze to the ceiling before closing her eyes, prepared to drift off to sleep. Glancing over to her sister, Tira stared thoughtfully at the dragoness. Both girls had had their share of failed relationships, and had each taken it in their own way, but maybe...the one they really needed was closer than they thought. Smirking deviously at this thought, she rolled over silently and placed her feet on the ground, pushing herself lightly off the bed into a standing position. Tugging the back of her panties back with one hand, she took the base of her tail in her other, sliding it steadily through the hole placed in them for it, shoving them down and lifting her legs out of them afterward. Walking carefully over to her sister's bed, making sure to make hardly a sound on the carpeted floor that would creak at a few specific points, she lifted a foot up onto it and quickly shot herself onto the bed before Tanya could really react, resting her body over the dragoness's. "Wha...Tanya? What are you doing?" Tanya asked somewhat groggily, opening her eyes only to be met with the most innocent, cutest expression she'd seen on her sister by far, only a few inches from her face. "I just...don't want to be left alone so soon after a relationship..." Tira said, in a tone befitting the facial expression she was putting on. "Can you please comfort me like usual, sis?" "I...ah..." Tanya stammered, stifling a moan as she felt her sister's furry tail caressing lightly against one of her thighs. " like this..." "Please, sis?" Tira pleaded, inching her face closer to her sister's, a glint of lust in her eyes shadowed by the expression she continued to wear, to weaken the dragoness, which seemed to be working. "S...sis...please..." Tanya muttered, trying to kick the tail away only to find that her legs were being pinned by the doe's. "Please what?" Tira asked, tracing a few fingers around one of Tanya's breasts before pushing them a short way under the bra. "S...sss..." the dragoness hissed out, biting her lower lip to continue to suppress the moan her body so desired to release. "You don't want me to...stop, do you?" Tira gave a fake but convincing whimper, her face less than an inch from her sisters, slipping her tongue out of her mouth to slide across Tanya's mouth. "" Tanya stammered, finding herself unable to make up her mind. On one hand, she didn't feel right about being in this position with her sister, but on the other, it felt so good, perhaps a bit better than any of the girls she'd been with before, who she'd only occasionally gotten so much as this far with. "Is that a 'no' I just caught?" Tira smirked lightly, otherwise keeping that innocent expression, digging her fingers further under the bra. "S...sis...we shouldn't..." Tanya muttered, fidgeting about, trying to escape from under her sister. Normally she'd be able to, but right now she was too weak trying to fight down the pleasure to get herself up very easily even if Tira wasn't stopping her. "Why not? I love you, sis, and we'll always be together anyway, so..." Tira trailed off. "Just kiss me, sis..." she whispered, slipping her tongue out of her mouth once more to give a small lick to Tanya's lips. "Mmm...I told you...we shouldn't..." Tanya said, finally letting out a soft moan. Defying her own protest, she wrapped her arms around her sister's waist, finding that she didn't seem to be wearing anything, pulling her down and pressing her lips against the doe's in a deep kiss, moaning a bit louder into it. Smirking slightly into the kiss, Tira reached the hand that wasn't on one of Tanya's breasts behind the dragoness, who shivered at the feeling of the furred hand slowly pushing further along between her back and the bed, the fingers finding what they were looking for and unhooking the bra strap behind her. Breaking the kiss, she moved that hand to the dragoness's front, caressing her hands against her sister's breasts and raising the bra higher, the straps dragged out from behind Tanya, lifting it over her head where it was secured around her neck and tossing it to the side. "" Tanya began to protest, fighting to regain some shred of willpower, which didn't last long as soon as she felt the doe's tongue on her nipple, gasping in pleasure at the feeling of the soft, small tongue. One of her hands was then directed by her sister to one of the doe's breasts, where it eagerly gave it a light squeeze, tracing a few claws lightly around it, causing her sister to shudder. "Ah...s...sis...that feels so good..." Tira moaned, placing her lips over the nipple her tongue had recently been giving attention to, nipping lightly at it, tugging it a few times with her teeth, feeling in turn her sister's clawed fingers direct their attention to her nipple, doing about the same to it as she was doing to the dragoness's. All resistance to making love to her sister destroyed by the eager doe, Tanya slipped her tail under her, using her free hand to tug her panties down part of the way, having to arch herself up a little to be able to, afterward sliding her tail out of the hole in the back carefully and using it to remove them the rest of the way. Now eager for more, she wrapped her tail around the doe's waist, tugging her down so their bodies were pressing together. Removing her hand unwillingly from Tira's nipple, Tanya grasped the doe's shoulders, pulling her up her body slowly, moaning softly at the feeling of their bodies sliding together, gasping in pleasure as their slits touched, immediately pulling Tira down into a deep kiss, sliding her serpentine tongue into her mouth to explore everywhere and everything within it, especially the doe's tongue. A little surprised by her sister's sudden eagerness, Tira nonetheless pressed her body down into her, shifting her legs around until their slightly wet slits met perfectly, creating a rush of pleasure through both girls as their climaxes began to build. Her desire to set it off building along with it, Tira traced her fingers along Tanya's sides, her neck, the outsides of her breasts, as she nipped lightly at the dragoness's tongue invading her mouth. Spurred on by these actions, her breath coming out hot from her nostrils, Tanya traced her clawed fingers along Tira's shoulders, down and around her arms, occasionally shifting them over to her white-furred breasts. The girls continued caressing and kissing each other as the pleasure steadily built within them, finally released in a rush of wetness colliding between their sexes, after which both girls slowed their actions to nothing, Tanya, a little stronger, wrapping her arms heavily around her sister's neck, holding the kiss for a little while longer. "Forget looking for a girlfriend...that was great..." Tira muttered as the kiss finally broke, resting against the dragoness still holding her close. "We probably should still look for girlfriends, but I suppose while we don't have any..." Tanya trailed off, lifting her wings up and wrapping them around the doe. "Maybe...we could all sleep together when one of us finds a girl willing to go further than just kissing?" Tira suggested, and Tanya glanced thoughtfully off to the side. "Three at a time? I suppose it could work..." the dragoness shrugged. "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep..." Tira muttered, snuggling into the dragoness. "'Night..." "Good night, sis..." Tanya said quietly, drifting off to sleep with her sister, looking forward to the proposition of adding another to this current pair.