Fates Chosen 2- Fatefully Intertwined

Story by Arcsol on SoFurry

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Revision of chapter 2 of my first story. Well, as you can see it seems things have heated up for the two lovebirds~ Will try to get revised versions of chapters 3-5 done while working on my other stories.

Arc (Septimus), Svette, and any other characters besides cameos belong to me. Story belongs to me.

Well I went three years without hearing hide nor hair of Svette and that black wolf. Over time I decided that everything for the most part was just a hallucination caused by that bright light. And that female never existed to begin with. I wasn't meant to do anything, a clumsy guy like me? Save the world? Haha yeah right.

...Boy was I wrong, everything on that day wasn't a hallucination. And I really was meant to be one of the saviors of this world....man whoever thought this up has a twisted mind leaving the world in my hands. As for Svette's role? Well you'll find out soon enough. I found that I could have feelings that I never thought existed within me. My normal quiet life was officially over the morning of my 21st birthday.

I woke early to some noise that was going on in my room. It was still early as the light from the sun was just barely pouring into the small room. The room itself was nothing special, just a desk and dresser with a few personal belongings here and there. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes to remove the sleep from them.

The sight waiting there for me righted that quickly as I found the white wolfess sitting at the edge of the bed on my feet. She still had her hair tied back and to my embarrassment she still had no clothes on. I sat up and rested my hands on my lap to cover up the eventual bulge that was bound to appear at any moment. "Its you, Svette." I said, forcing myself to keep calm at the intrusion of my home.

Svette smiled warmly, resting her hands on her lap. She was a sight to see, her snow white fur looked so soft and those shining sapphire eyes took away all thoughts. I had a strong urge to bring her closer, to make love to her right there and the weird thing is I don't think she would be against the idea either. "You look as if you've seen a ghost. I told you I would return to your side when the time came." She giggled and stretched herself out. I don't know if she did it on impulse or just to tease me but it was definitely working, I blushed as I couldn't help myself from looking at her soft supple breasts. It was then my suspicions were confirmed, when I caught sight of her nipples I found that they were rock hard, like they were begging to be touched.

"Soon Septimus soon, I have a lot to explain first as much as I want to just give myself to the urges." I nodded slowly at her words as she continued. "Now I explained a bit to you back at the hill about what you are, but I wasn't able to explain everything because your powers weren't developed yet. Now that they are there isn't anything holding me back now."

My heart began to race at her words, I knew what she was talking about but I never thought they were true. I always thought those were just dreams, visions. But they weren't, once again my assumptions have been proven wrong. "You are an angel like me Septimus, but not just any kind of angel. You are our Seraph, our king." She paused before saying the statement which made my heart skip a beat. "And you are my mate, we have been bound together through time and just you mentioning my name means that you remember me." A soft red enveloped her face at her own words.

She then moved across the bed until she was laying next to me to where our shoulders touched. After staring into her eyes again I could control my urges no longer as I put my hand to her face and pressed my lips against hers. Taking her breath away as she gasped for more, running her hands through my hair as I began to lap at her lips, her mouth soon opening to invite it in. The kiss deepening as our tongues intertwined as if performing a ritual, the wolfess biting my lower lip every now and then that elicited soft growls from me.

It wasn't long after that I pulled away, which made a disappointed look brush across her face. I grinned and soon brought my attention to her neck, slowly kissing down the length of it. Making her moan out in pleasure as she held my head so it wouldn't end. I soon moved my interests lower as I reached her firm breasts, wrapping my mouth around the firm nipple as I began to suckle and nip it every now and then. Making her groan out and press her breasts closer to me as she shivered in pleasure. "Septimus!"

I growled again as I moved my hand down her body, her leaning into it so she could revel in the sensation of its touch. My hand soon found its destination as it ran across her slick lips, causing her to shiver and grind into it in her lust. She whimpered softly as two fingertips slowly crept into the folds a little, me groaning softly as I continued to alternate sucking on her breasts, slowly slipping the fingers deeper into her as the folds started to milk them.

I grunted softly as I realized I could no longer resist. "Svette, open your legs wider for me." She moaned in response as she spread her legs out more and I withdrew the digits. I inhaled sharply as I pressed the tip of my member into her tight folds, the moist tunnel clenching around it as it slowly drew it in deeper. She moaned out and wrapped her legs around me in bliss, pulling me ever closer to her body as she ground her hard nips into me.

It wasn't long before she started to wriggle beneath me, thrusting her hips back and forth as she wanted more. "Septimus, please!" She gasped out. I soon appeased her desire and began to thrust deep into her moist folds at a fast pace. Not long after I brought her close again for another breathtaking kiss with her lapping at my lips to gain entrance into my mouth, her growling softly as she soon got in and began rubbing her tongue against mine, biting my lips a little as she did.

We didnt last too much longer after that as our passionate exchange soon pushed us over the edge, I growled loud as I shoved my knot into her with a pop and bit down into the flesh between her neck and shoulder, her claws digging deep into my back as she was soon filled with my seed. Her folds milking my member for as much as it could dribble out. Our bodies soon used up the last of our energy as I fell over to the floor, taking her and some of the sheets with me.

I panted hard as she snuggled into me, growling happily as she wrap her arms around me tight. "Did that just happen?" I laughed, still in my daze from the afterglow. Svette grinned and brought me in for another passionate kiss before pulling away. "It seems it did, the rest of the explainations will have to wait for now." She chuckled and tucked her head beneath mine, soon falling asleep in my embrace. I looked down to see that there wasnt a chance in hell that the knot would release its hold on her. I laughed to myself at our little predicament. "Yes I guess they will, I can wait though. I waited this long for you after all." I smiled warmly and snuggled her head, soon falling into a blissful sleep myself.

Well there you have it. Me being the king of the angels and having lived a long time ago and having a mate I have waited a long time to see. I'm happy this isnt a figment but I still dont think I'm cut out for this. We will see though, Svette believes in me so I'm starting to believe that I actually could myself. I knew I could trust her as something in my head told me so, like some kind of submerged memory. Maybe it was just the thing that this wolf just took my virginity from me that makes me feel that I could trust her, I really dont know anymore. Although it probably is a good thing that she did that considering I'm going to be pushed off a cliff in some vain attempt to sprout angel wings. This is turning out to be such a great birthday so far.