Making Dinner

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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A husband's spontaneity adds a little extra flavour to the night's meal.

"Can you believe this?" Hector ranted, "What a load of crap. Do they honestly expect people to buy this nonsense? It's obvious they have no idea what they are doing. They talk and talk and talk and say nothing, just step right around the entire subject. It's no wonder this entire world is crumbling, those in charge are total morons." The raving stallion slapped the newspaper on the kitchen table and sighed, putting the matter out of his mind.

Glancing to his side, Hector watched his wife busily move about in front of the kitchen bench. Her back turned to her husband, Natalia hummed softly to herself, not really paying attention to anything else but the meal she was preparing. As he watched the female feline's shapely form, Hector's frustration at incompetent politicians soon melted away.

Natalia was a silvery tabby-cat. She was lithe and curvy, with just that little bit of extra hip to make her look stunning. She wore a short skirt that showed off her legs and a button-up shirt that hugged her figure playfully. Her raspberry red hair hung all the way down her back and was tied into a tail by a small, royal blue ribbon at the end, with a little bell on it.

As Hector watched, Natalia seemed to waft in front of the oven and gracefully pull open the door. Swinging fluidly outward, it came to a rest just above the floor and allowed the feline access to the roast that was cooking inside. Still humming, Natalia bent over, keeping her legs straight, and pulled out the rack that the oven tray sat upon. It slid out with ease and locked into place, resting just a few inches over the oven door for convenience. With the roast resting in the tray that sat on the rack, Natalia idly began to sway her rump in rhythm with the tune she was humming.

With a sly smile, Hector shifted in his seat, leaning forward over the table to get a better view while his wife tended to the food. From that position, the stallion could see just under the hem of Natalia's skirt, giving him a nice little view of her lower rump and thighs. Hector watched eagerly as Natalia gently swayed her backside from side to side.

But something was off; something wasn't right. Hector looked at his wife's rear end with confusion, his mind ticking over as he tried to figure out what was missing. Then it hit him; then he realised... Natalia wasn't wearing panties. Usually the feline wore a pair of pure white underwear that tightly hugged her butt cheeks and plump labia that typically poked through between her succulent thighs when she bent over. But for some reason, this time Natalia was wearing nothing.

Hector stared, stunned by this revelation. He knew that on occasion his wife wore no underwear when wearing long dresses, but never short skirts. This was why he had been confused. Hector was used to seeing panties under his wife's skirt, not nothing. The stallion looked closer, as if trying to confirm what he already knew. Sure enough, between her thighs and just below her rump, Hector could make out the thin, pink line that was the groove between Natalia's nether lips.

Naughty thoughts began swiftly racing through the stallion's mind. Each one aroused him more and more. Finally, overtaken by lust and passion, Hector silently rose from his seat and made his way to the kitchen door. From there, he glanced into the lounge room to check on his two sons, aged 7 and 8. Oblivious to their father watching them, the brothers were completely absorbed in the game they were playing on the recently bought Playstation 3. Grinning mischievously, Hector turned once more to face his wife who was still bent over the roast, humming and swaying her hips.

As she added the final touches to the meal and was about to push the tray back into the oven, Natalia felt a large, strong hand gently slip beneath her skirt and squeeze one of her cheeks. Gasping slightly from the unexpected surprised, the feline giggled to herself and continued her work, figuring her husband just wanted a grope. But a moment later, the curvy feline felt another familiar feeling which made her eyes go wide. Quickly grasping the edges of the stove top, Natalia braced herself as she felt the tip of her husband's large erection press against the exposed entrance of her body and slowly slide inside her.

Stifling a pleasured gasp and moan, Natalia leaned forward and arched her back, causing her D-cup breasts to strain against the tight shirt. Hector, both his hands now firmly grasping Natalia's round rump, slowly forced his thick, long equine shaft deeper into the feline's body until the tip pressed against her womb. Biting her lower lip, Natalia just winced as she fought back the urge to moan like a whore and repositioned her feet so that her legs were spread, allowing her husband uninhibited access.

"What about the-"

"The boys are busy," Hector whispered, answering his wife's question before she could finish it.

A moment later and Natalia felt her husband gradually drawing his manhood free of her now hot and aroused body. But before his tip left her lips, Hector reversed his direction and pushed forward once more. The silver tabby gripped the edge of the stove and whimpered, her left leg shivering violently as euphoric bliss washed over her. Accompanied with the whimper, a slight moan escaped Natalia's throat and her heart skipped a beat as she expected her two sons to suddenly appear in the doorway.

But the brothers were too absorbed by their game. Surrounded by the sound of exploding cars and their own laughter, the boys were completely unaware of the explicit behaviour going on not more than a dozen meters away, in the next room.

Hector's massive length pulsed with desire as the stallion focused all his attention on plunging it repeatedly into the body of his wife. Her juices quickly coated the thick shaft, lubricating Hector's motions and allowing him to increase his pace with ease. Each thrust made Natalia's body shiver, her mind beginning to dip into the ocean of bliss. She could feel the head of her husband's manhood press against the entrance of her womb just before pulling back, only to drive deep inside her once more.

The heat rising out of the open oven merged with Natalia's own rapidly rising body heat. Now heavily aroused, she didn't want to interrupt her husband's thrusting just because she was getting 'a little hot'. Instead, the feline grabbed at the front of her shirt and pulled aggressively before quickly replacing her hand on the edge of the stove. Several buttons came undone and one went skipping along the smooth kitchen floor. With no bra on under her shirt, Natalia's perky bust spilled out, uninhibited and completely exposed. Hector took the opportunity to lean forward and reach his arms around his wife's body. His fingers stretched out as he wrapped them around her round breasts, squeezing each firmly in his grasp and kneading them with both passion and lust.

Natalia once again winced as she tried to hold back a moan of pleasure. Like a tiny mouse pleading for mercy, a single high pitched note squeaked out of the feline's body, causing her husband to smile mischievously and squeeze her breasts more. Both the spontaneity of the stallion's affectionate advances and the very exposed position quickly elevated the tabby's senses to euphoric levels. Her leg shook violently and her mind hazed. All she wanted now was for her lover to bring her to climax.

Hector soon noticed his wife's rapid, shallow breathing. She was close. Very close. With a smirk, the stallion straightened up and placed his hands on Natalia's rump once more. Resetting his rhythm, Hector gradually increased his pace, thrusting his hips forward with sharp, fast motions. Gripping the edge of the stove, his wife's breasts rocked back and forth like jelly. Her back arched as she leaned forward, putting more of her weight against the stove to keep from collapsing.

Almost every inch of the stallion was filling Natalia's womanhood. She could feel his thick member sliding smoothly in and out of her body, sending sparks and surges of pleasure coursing their way through her whole body. Each time Hector drove his hips forward, the feline felt herself slip further and further down the slope of sanity towards the abyss of euphoria waiting below. Finally, she was at the edge, and then she was over it. Wincing and digging her claws into the painted surface of the stove top, Natalia struggled to suppress her moans, resulting in a series of short, cute whimpers instead.

But Hector wasn't done yet. As his wife's muscles spammed around his long, thick shaft, the stallion continued to thrust, harder and faster, driven more by making his love lose control than by his own satisfaction. Eventually, though, Hector succumbed to his own senses and after a rapid increase in pace, his thrusting came to an abrupt end. Plunging himself deep into his wife's body one last time, the chestnut horse's mind was flooded with bliss as his manhood pulsed repeatedly, surging a torrent of hot seed into Natalia's womb.

Several seconds passed as the pair remained still, their bodies and minds simply basking in the sensation of a powerful orgasm and the resulting afterglow. At that point, neither of them cared if their sons had been standing in the kitchen doorway. But the brothers were still engrossed in their game, oblivious to their parents' activities. Several more seconds passed as husband and wife collected their senses and regained control of themselves. In that time, Hector pushed the back of his wife's skirt up and lovely caressed her round rump, merely enjoying the lingering moment while the overflow of his seed, mixed with Natalia's juices, seeped out and drizzled over the forgotten roast.

Finally, Hector slowly pulled back, removing himself from the warm embrace of Natalia's body, followed closely by a large glop of diluted cum. Feeling very satisfied and particularly naughty, neither feline nor stallion gave a care to the unorthodox sauce that now coated the hunk of meat in the tray; it was merely spread evenly over the surface before the roast was returned to the oven for another hour of cooking.