Breeding Slave

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Another rare herm story from me. Spring Heat slots such as this one are being taken in a final round, if you want to nab one while they're still there see here:

The sound of chains rattled in Vix's ears as his breath came in short bursts, the sounds loud in his own ears as he tried to twist his head around to see what was going on. A spill of silk ran down along his inner legs, trailing there while he stumbled forward a few steps and then halted when someone gripped his shoulders and gave a firm squeeze. He tried to twist away from it, his breathing coming out as a pant as he tried to squirm away, but the hold was firm and shoved him forward. The hood was silk as well, smooth and clinging to his muzzle and damp where his nose was pressed against it. It made it more frightening as he was guided through a place he couldn't see, by people he didn't know. His throat was wrapped in a silk collar, decorated with a single golden bell that chimed and jingled with each step.

"We've found what you've searched for, my dear." A female voice purred out, a warm throaty sound that made the red fox tense up. He dropped his head down and tried to use his muzzle to hold the silk up enough that he could see.

"Have you?" A male voice answered and Vix swallowed roughly. "I hope so, I've grown tired of the girls. I prefer to have someone that is more like.. myself.."

Vix swallowed roughly and stiffened at those words. He twisted his head around before the person leading him suddenly gripped the silk hood and gave it a tug. He yelped out in shock and then squinted as he was blinded by bright light. He moved his bound hands upwards to cover his eyes, but the rope that joined the restraints to the silk belt stopped them from quite reaching. His red head fur fell down over his eyes as his breathing slowed down and he tried to calm himself. The silk trailed along his inner legs, the only covering he'd been allowed, as single spill of fabric that ran between his legs and fell down to his ankles from the front and back. The only thing he'd been allowed at the slave auction.

"Aren't you pretty..." A voice murmured and he jerked his head aside to see a fox watching him, the thick bushy tail twitched back and forth in amusement from where he was laying on his belly, his bright eyes focused on him. "Looks like just another red fox, though. I have no desire to spend my cash on something so simple."

"Lennex, I assure you, that you're going to enjoy this one." The female voice revealed herself, a large white tiger with sapphire eyes.

She was the one who had bought him at the auction. An auction that he had found himself in after a series of events that he winced at recalling, his freedom given up to the highest bidder. He'd almost felt hope when a female had bought him, though the tigress was intimidating, but she was only a broker. She'd bought him with an eye for a client who had specifically been on the lookout for one of his type for quite a long time. Not his species, though he'd been told that being a fox was a bonus, no, the buyer was in the market for one of similar gender. Something rare. Staring at Lennex, the fox started to tremble in place, his ears tipped back against his head while he swallowed and took a step back, only to have the leash on the silk collar pulled taut so that it jingled.

"Turn around, my lovely one, turn around and show your new Master what you are." The tigress purred the words as her competent hands moved down to the silk on his hips and gave it a twisting pull to loosen it.

"Yes, I do wish to see, it's so hard to see one like myself and I have a.. special interest in seeing if it's another fox." Lennex's bright tongue peeped out as his grin broadened and Vix' cheeks started to burn a deep hot red.

"I.. I don't want too! I'm not what you're looking for!" He yelped out while he was turned about, he tried to twist free, but the tigress had handled many slaves in her time. She moved up to grip right at the scruff of his neck and gave a little turning twist.

Vix tried to keep facing the other fox, but he was turned by the hold and his head pressed against the tigress' striped body. Her hand moved down to grip right at the base of his tail and forced it up, the silk falling to one side so that his hips were pushed out into the air. He was exposing himself, something that made his ears burn a deep dark red while he knew what was being shown. Without the silk or his tail to protect himself, the back of his orbs were visible, white and full, and above them was a soft spade shaped sex. Plump and vulnerable as he tried to tuck his body down lower to hide himself, a soft whine broke free from his throat as he heard movement behind him. He couldn't even move his head back to look to see what was going on, just heard the click of claws on the ground.

"Ohh yes, that's what I've wanted..." Lennex almost growled the words and a paw moved up to slip along the curve of Vix's inner hind legs. He jerked forward a little and yelp.

"No I'm not! I'm-" He tried to protest, but it was broken off with a high pitched cry as a warm paw moved up and cupped right against the soft folds.

"So? Is he worth the money to you?" The tigress rumbled while Vix trembled at the fingers kneading right against the soft folds, rubbing forward to caress right against the vulnerable clit.

"A shame he's not ripe yet, but that can wait... I can wait." Lennex's paw moved away with a gentle squeeze that made him let out a shivering noise. "Such a shame, we can't breed without the right gender."

The tigress released him and Vix tucked his thick tail down to protect himself and moved to keep himself well covered. The silk went back into place hiding that part of him he preferred to keep hidden, but the words sent a chill down his spine. There was only one reason that Lennex would say that. Vix could breed as a male or a female, he was a herm, it was natural, but he couldn't have children. Not on his own. Not without another herm to partner him, otherwise he was utterly sterile, no matter how often he played around. A fact that had driven his price up as a slave as many had tastes for both sexes and his inability to breed made sure that he could be used freely. It made him draw in a swift hissing breath and twist around to see the fox as he pulled out the money to pay the slave broker.

"Y-you're a herm too.." Vix ventured, only to yelp out as something cracked right against his hip. The fox's paw had moved swift and sure to send out a riding crop to hit right against him, not hard, but firm enough to shock him.

"Speak respectfully, my dear." Lennex glanced at him as he handed the tigress the money. "And yes, I bought you for an heir. You my dear slave, will be bred in time. Until then, I have other uses for you."

~ ~ * ~ ~

_We're so alike, we could be brothers. We could be from the same family at the very least. _ Vix kept his eyes down at his own plate while his Master entertained.

It was true, Vix was slighter and a bit smaller, but the other fox had the same coloration. They were both herms, they were both possessed of the same general build and make up. The only difference was Lennex was dressed in rich clothing and held an aura of command about him, the long hair was drawn back into a ponytail at his nape. His sly slitted eyes watched everything around him, he seemed to know everything, and was a sly businessman. He had jewels on his fingers as he laughed with those invited to dine, his tongue quick with a joke and his lips twitching with laughter. The fox should have been some sort of concubine or pleasure slave such as Vix, it was unheard of for one to rise up to the level of business that he had, but he didn't let it hold him back. He didn't flaunt that was intersexed, he simply went through life with a calm confident that Vix could only envy.

He was never sure who knew that Lennex was a herm and who didn't know it at all. The fox was careful when he did his dealings to hold himself as fully male and powerful. He brought Vix along as a toy, a servant and companion. The slave had learned not to fight it, even when he was humiliated he knew that his master would punish him if he stepped out of turn. He was there to provide refreshment when asked, comfort when needed and at all other times to remain silent. If it pleased his Master he would be offered to a prospective business person to sweeten the deal and he would be forced to pleasure them if he wanted to remain well taken care of. And always, always there was the promise there, whispered in his ears in a soft suggestive voice, that once he was bred he would be immune from this duty. He would join the household for carrying Lennex's heir.

Vix was seated at his side, slight and dressed in a jeweled silver collar and a brilliant blue silk bit of silk and nothing else. Bells were offset along his wrists jingling with every movement as he served his master when he was told. He had been here a month, brushed and pampered for what it was worth. His fur was bathed in sweet oil, the fur plush and brushed daily, he was the constant companion of Lennex no matter where he went. And at night. A shiver ran down the red foxes back as he recalled just how he had been used, his tongue his body, every part of him except his feminine sex. That was left untouched no matter how roused he became. It was most often his muzzle that was used to service his master, but at other times he was chained down while his cock was used. A flush rose up to his ears even thinking about it.

"I will bid you goodnight," Vix jerked his eyes up at Lennex spoke in a lazy drawl. "I see my concubine's attention is wandering, and it is late in the evening."

Rough laughter was met with that phrase and Vix hastily stood up so that he could pull out his master's chair. His flush only worsened as he became aware of the eyes that lingered on him, the way they looked at him, his exposed chest and body. The dusting of gold powder that had been brushed along his red fur caught the light just drawing their eyes to him. Lennex stood up and slipped a paw up to catch his leash and wound his paw around it. The taller fox grinned a slow sly grin, the white teeth showing from beneath the white lips as he gave a pull.

"Come along, my lovely pet, I would relax before I sleep," The fox growled suggestively and to Vix's embarrassment he felt a rush of desire roll through him. He tipped his ears back and tried to straighten up as he was drawn from the room and towards the long hall to the bedroom.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Oh yes..." Lennex purred out and Vix yelped as he was pushed back against the wall, the leash drawn tight on him so there was no escape from the grinning fox. "Did you see them, my pet? See them sniffing and glancing at one another?"

"M-Master?" He panted out as the grip on his leash tightened and the well dressed fox pressed against him, intimately caressing the silk covered sheath up against his own.

"They could scent you, to think I've grown so used to you I missed that lovely scent." Lennex let out a low chuckle and ran a paw down to fluff up the fur of his chest. The grip on the leash suddenly loosened so Vix let out a trembling breath of relief. Almost. "On the bed, slave, take off that lovely silk, I want you nude. Nude and lovely."

Vix swallowed a little, his stomach tensing as he stepped away from the other fox and towards the opulent bed that served as his master's retreat from the world. He heard clothing being loosened from behind him as he moved down to untie the silk hiding his lower body. As he did so, he twitched his nose and felt his ears folding tight to his head. The warmth he'd felt at the table, the way his mind had lingered on what was done in the bedroom, what his master did to and with him, it started to make sense. He slipped the silk from his body and felt the faint heat running along his lower belly and spreading outwards. His breath caught in his throat, a soft tremor that made him tense up as he dropped the silk down. Exposing the swollen folds that nestled beneath his carefully dropped tail, the first warm scent of heat clung to him.

Two paws slipped around his waist and a warm soft furred body pressed against him, sliding along his back as the paws moved up to run along his chest. A hot breath tickled along the nape of his neck while one of the hands gripped his leash and used it to pull him back. He felt the warm fur brushing back and forth as Lennex nipped the back of his neck and kept him close, a hold that he couldn't break, and the sheath that brushed right up along the curve of his rump, a heavy weight that teased up and down slowly, exposing the slippery dark red tip that was starting to push out of the plump sheath. He whimpered softly to himself only to have one of the paws move down and caress right along the edge of his sheath.

"You're going to bear me a fine heir, slave." Lennex growled playfully against his neck, the fingers curled and flexed right against the plump sheath. They clutched and kneaded so that Vix let out a breathy cry and started to tremble.

"Y-yes, Master." Vix managed to get the words out while the fingers caressed him, the arms keeping him pulled back tight.

The grip on him shifted, twisting and turning him so he faced the taller fox, the bright eyes watched him briefly before pushing him backwards, dropping him onto the bed. His thick tail flicked back and forth behind him while he tried to contain the rush of need that was starting to spread through his belly. Lennex didn't drop down above him like he imagined he would, instead the larger fox moved a hand down to grasp right beneath his chin. His red hair spilled back away from his dark blue eyes as his muzzle was guided towards the inches of dark red shaft jutting from his Master's sheath. His stomach tensed up while he leaned forward to run his tongue hotly along the tapered tip. He stroked around it, swirling back and forth as the salty-sweet taste clung to his tongue and the fingers on his chin slid backwards to knead along the back of his neck.

He heard the larger fox get a growl of approval, but it was muffled by his own pounding heart. He'd pleasured his master before like this, but now he used his tongue in slow powerful strokes, trying to coax the dribbles of precum to spill out into his muzzle. He tilted his head forward and edged the girth deeper along his tongue. The paws the moved down to slide along the curve of his shoulders, caressing and squeezing while his tongue slipped down lower towards the thickness of the base. Vix closed his eyes and pushed down all the way to the point that his lips spread around the knot before pulling back again. His saliva coated along the glistening red length with each slow pull backwards before driving his head down again.

The grip on his leash guided him, going taut and loosening as he moved until inch by inch the shaft thickened and pulsed against his tongue. His own body responded, but not in the way he was used too. He had done this before and gotten caught up in the pleasure, but this time his male shaft remained in his sheath, ignored and unmoved while the rest of his body flared with a sort of fever. It was fed with each bob of his head, each flex of the claws against his dark red head fur and the way that the hips rose up to meet him. He knew what it meant, and it was getting harder to concentrate on what this was a very bad idea. He pushed his lips down and wrapped his muzzle around the base of the knot, suckling hard around it until he heard Lennex growl from above him.

The other fox drew his hips back, purposefully taking his time so the last dribble of precum oozed out right over Vix's tongue. He swallowed it down as the tip popped free with a wet noise and he was left shaking on the bed. His Master grinned down at him, the green eyes narrowed in amusement while his leash was tightened. It was so easy to give in, so easy to allow himself to fall under that gaze as the grip tugged harder against the collar and made him arch his back.

"On your stomach, Vix," Lennex purred, his ears flicked back while Vix stared at the thickened shaft that was throbbing against the pale belly. The fox swallowed and hesitated, but the grip on his leash suddenly twisted about, hard enough that he yelped as it dug down around his throat. "Do not make me repeat myself!"

With a soft whine Vix shifted on the bed, the leash mercifully loosened as he rolled over onto his stomach with the silk of the bed pressed against him. One of his Master's paws moved down to caress at the base of his tail, stroking a thumb right beneath the base so he tensed up and let out a hiss of shock. Everything felt swollen and sensitive where the fur thinned down, the clawed digit slipped down and teased against his pucker before drawing lower. Caressing right along the small smooth patch of skin before cupping against the heat swollen sex. He cried out softly as the fingers curled forward and kneaded against them. Teasing and brushing back and forth while the slave let out a trembling breath, the touch was gentle, caressing, spreading the spade shaped folds open and trailing just between them so that the claw caught teasingly against his swollen clit.

He could feel himself growing slicker, even as he tasted the musk of his Master on his tongue. He moved his hands up to grip the sheets tightly, balling them up against his palm while he let out a ragged groan. One of the fingers pushed forward, a touch that had been denied to him since he'd been sold, and now he felt the digit caressing along his clutching silken walls. His own wetness was forced out as he muffled his cries against the bed and pulled his legs up until his knees pushed beneath him and lifted his ass up into the air. It was humiliating, but his Master teased with caressing strokes that roused him and made his entire body tremble. He'd never quite felt himself roused from only one part of his nature, but he was consumed by it, consumed with a single overriding need that was being torturously stimulated until he let out soft yipping noises.

"My lovely little slave, my perfect brood-fox," Lennex murmured the words affectionately as the finger drew backwards leaving his glistening folds exposed to the light. "Perhaps you will rise to courtesan in my household, your freedom in exchange for your womb..."

The paw moved up to catch his tail while the other one pulled on his leash. Vix lifted his head up, too far gone to even feel a surge of hope as something hot and slippery brushed against his folds. He sucked in a breath and let it out in a sharp cry as his Master's cock tip pushed forward and spread him open. A dribble of precum spilled into him as the inches started to sink forwards yawning the passage wider and wider. His fingers gripped harder against the sheets as the feel of the glossy smooth red shaft sinking into him had him shaking, his inner walls clutched down tightly unable to even struggle against it. He wanted it, his body wanted it, it made his stomach suddenly tense and relax with a rush of need that pushed away everything else, every concern or worry.

With a groan Lennex gave his hips a buck and pushed forward deep enough that the knot wedged up against Vix's soft swollen folds. The pressure rubbed right along the tender exposed clit sending a shock of pleasure through him that had him wriggling back and forth. His breathing sped up and Vix rolled his hips back as another watery spill of precum bubbled out of his Master's tip. The other fox dropped down and his tail was released as the weight pressed against his beck. The leash was drawn tighter, forcing him to crane backwards as the dark red hips gave a few short jabs forward, working the cock in and out of his fertile body. The draw out sent new ripples of pleasure through him as he squirmed and rocked back against the knot that rubbed against him.

Lennex's muzzle pressed against his ear and the fox let out a growl of pleasure as he drew his hips back just a few inches and then slammed forward again. The thrusts slowly evening out as Vix's walls were pried open and forced to mold around him. Each movement stimulated the smaller fox, made him more aware of the pounding of his heart and the flush that was reaching all the way to his ears. His breathing came out in short gasps while another thrust pushed the knot up against him and the leash was tugged again. A low growl warned him and Vix had to push his hips backwards against his Master. He gasped out as the thickness of the base tried to pry open those vulnerable lips, stretching them as he rolled back and forth lightly. The tremors only grew as he balled his fists up and let out a weak cry that was echoed in his Master's snarl.

The bigger fox drove his hips forward with a growl, the muzzle slipping down and nipping right against the back of his slave's neck and catching the scruff. His walls were pried open wider and wider while Vix squirmed and twisted. His entire body tensed up before suddenly Lennex drew back, relieving him of the pressure and started to thrust in rough hard bucks. The weight pressed down against Vix's back, pressing him to the bid as he yipped out and the hips crashed against him in rough powerful strokes. He could feel the bed rocking beneath him as his Master hammered his knot against his folds over and over again. Wet lewd sounds could be heard as the orbs came forward to hit against his own and his hips were pushed up higher in the air. He flattened his ears down and arched up higher in the air, bucking backwards in time with the driving strokes. The oozing precum spilled into his passage, always being forced inwards by the relentless strokes.

One of his Master's hands moved down to clutch against his hip and gave a pull back as the knot started to press against his folds again. Grinding and pushing hard against the outer lips and trying to pry them open as Vix let out a shallow whimper. It was cut off into a yip as the thrusts grew shorter and harder, the teeth gripping along his scruff while he was held in place. Each movement of the knot caressed him, threatening him and pushing him closer to the edge as he tried to stifle his cries. His body trembled as ever so slowly he was forced to stretch open around the swell of the base, it wedged into him and formed a lewd O that clamped down around the thickest point of it. His cry came out in a shallow howl of need as Lennex's cock hilted inside of his body with a wet popping noise.

The soft giving muscles contracted down and gripped around the swollen orb, the thrusts shortened tugging and pulling against the inner passage as the knot started to thicken inside of him. His breathing came out in short ragged gasps, body cresting up as the tip brushed along the sensitive barrier of his cervix. The tender flesh being rubbed over as he arched his hips higher in the air and felt the cock starting to throb and thicken. The walls stretched him open wider and wider, almost impossibly wide while he arched himself up and let out a high pitched groan when the hips drew back again. His inner walls tightened down trying to hold the cock within his roused body as his folds are puffed out before his Master lunged forward again. The constant stimulation, the intimate feel of the pulses thickening the base rapidly inside of him, pushed him over the edge.

Vix's cry was high pitched and ragged, his hips trembling as the powerful thrusts jerked and tugged through his passage. The weight pressed down harder and the leash went loose so that he could muffle his cries against the sheets. His entire body was trembling beneath the weight as each thrust forced the knot open wider and wider, the balls clapped up against his own. His Master gave a firm drive forward, lodging the knot deep into the passage and locking in place, his own body tightening to make sure that the other fox couldn't pull out of him.

Lennex's cry echoed in his ear as the glossy red shaft started to pulse and flex, throbbing within his passage to force up the first hot rush of cum that spilled from the tip. His fertile body started to milk and clutch around the base as each thick rope splattered up against his cervix. He could feel it, rich with sperm that plunged against the vulnerable opening and spilled into his womb. He was drawing it up, pulling it deeper into him while he writhed and twisted his hips back and forth. The covers were dragged from the bed as Vix clutched against them and he felt the knot throbbing caressing him. All that mattered was putting an end to the heat, the need, nothing mattered except the grinding of the hips and the orbs that twitched to send up another hot rush into his body.

"M-master.." He whimpered out and felt the teeth loosen from his scruff, the warmth flowing even deeper as every part of his womb was flooded with writhing sperm to seek out the vulnerable ova. The only seed that would ever be able to impregnate him.

"That's right.." Lennox growled and gave a final grind of his hips before resting against him. "You shall bear my heir and earn your freedom, slave. Perhaps I will even reward you with jewels, one priceless gem for each cub you give me..." The hot tongue teased against Vix's ear and drew out a soft whimper. At that moment, he could think of nothing he wanted more.