Above Average Part 5.

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#5 of Above Average

The weekend officially begins for Alan and Steve. Good times were had by all... mostly.

Alan proudly walked back into his dorm room after the show he had given some of the other guys in the showers. He saw Steve still lying in bed. By now Steve was no longer nursing his afterglow, but was too lazy to get up, especially since they had no plans for the rest of the day.

"Hey, man. It's Friday night. The frat houses will all be throwing keggers. I for one am in the mood to get positively shit faced." Alan said with a grin.

"Eh... I dunno man. I kind of want to give my liver and brain cells a night off after last night." Steve replied warily.

"Oh, come on! When did you get to be such a pussy?" Alan snapped back jokingly.

"It's like my mom always said, 'You are what you eat." Steve responded with a sage nod.

"So what? You saying I'm a dick?" Alan replied with a healthy dose of good natured snark.

"Well, I was either going to say that or an ass." Steve replied with a casual shrug.

"You always were more of a fan of ass than dick." Alan replied as he rolled his eyes. "Speaking of ass... does mine look bigger to you?"

"You sound more like a woman, than normal today, dude." Steve shot back but took a glance at his friend's rear end anyway. It was big alright, but that wasn't the real thing that caught his eye. Alan's mega cock seemed even more mega today. "Eh, I suppose. You been working out lately?"

"Not really..." Alan replied thoughtfully as he ran a hand over his thick cheeks. His ass was definitely huge, even more so than normal. He had a naturally round, bubble butt, but underneath that, he had always had very thick glutes, a bit of a side effect from having to carry around that massive cock and balls of his; he had much more muscle definition in his ass, thighs, abs, and lower back as a result. Still, it seemed even more muscular than he remembered. He quickly shook the idea out of his mind. He didn't have any particular reason to complain, anyway. His ass looked fantastic.

"I keep tallin' ya bro. You should do a little cardio. You've got plenty of muscle to you. Just trim that layer of pudge off, and the hotties will come flocking to you. Maybe throw in some bench presses while you're at it. You're the only guy I know with muscular legs and no chest or arm definition. Usually it's the other way around." Steve responded.

"I suppose, but that sounds too much like work." Alan said with only partially feigned disgust, but then perked up and rapidly changed subjects. "Back on topic. Let's get wasted."

Steve sighed in response. "Do you really want to get trashed or do you just want an excuse to sit around with your dick out in public?"

"Both is good." Alan replied with a silly grin. "Nah, but I heard there are some good parties going on tonight."

"I'm not doing Lambda house again." Steve replied with a touch of annoyance audible in his voice.

"Why not? You seemed to hit it off pretty well last time we went." Alan asked curiously.

"Yeah. With the guys. I had to turn down pretty much every dude at that party." Steve replied. The snark was so heavy in his voice that Alan swore he could actually hear Steve's eyes rolling.

"There were plenty of the girls there, too." Alan responded.

"Yeah, but all the ladies were interested in other ladies." Steve groaned in annoyance.

"There were plenty of straight girls there. I talked to quiet a few of them myself." Alan responded.

"I guess, but I didn't feel like going for it. The majority of them wanted nothing to do with me simply because I came equipped with the wrong parts." Steve said as he sighed dejectedly.

"Oh no. How awful." The sarcasm in Alan's reply was so thick that Steve could almost feel it dripping from his words. "Anyway, since you are so opposed to it, then you pick some place." Alan continued with a shrug.

"Well, my sources say that Epsilon Phi is having a huge kegger tonight. That could be fun." Steve said thoughtfully.

"Eh. I dunno. Frat jocks and I don't mix that well." Alan replied skeptically.

"What? I thought you loved frat jocks." Steve shot Alan a sly grin and waggled his eyebrows a few times to make the double entendre even more obvious.

"Oh, I do. I love beating off to them, but they prefer beating up to me. See the problem here?" Alan sneered a bit as he commented.

"Oh come on. This isn't high school anymore. They'll be totally cool with you being there. Just remember, jocks are like snakes. They are more afraid of you than you are of them, so don't overtly try to get into any of their pants unless they make the first move." By this time, Steve was standing right beside his overly hung bud and threw an arm over Alan's shoulder as he tried to reassure him.

"Ok, fine, but if they start being douchelords, I'm out of there." Alan exclaimed in resignation. Truth be told, Alan wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of going to that particular frat bash. They had a reputation of having great parties, and there would certainly be a lot of guy candy to ogle in the process. He just hoped he didn't pop a bone at an inopportune time. It seems the bigger and manlier the dude, the more insecure he is about his sexuality.

"So. Enough talk about tonight. Let's talk about now. I haven't eaten since yesterday." Steve said while rubbing his belly. Alan's own stomach growled loudly as if to agree with his friend. Alan had not had anything to eat himself today either unless you counted a load or two from Steve.

"What are ya feeling?" Alan replied while he pulled on a moderately clean t-shirt.

"Burgers n fries my, good man. Burgers n fries." Steve gave Alan a jovial clap on the back as he turned to gather up some clothes of his own.

Steve quickly pulled on a shirt, a pair of boxers, and some jeans, but Alan took a little longer. He only had one article of clothing to put on, but getting his junk into his briefs took a fair amount of work. After a minute of adjusting and shifting he finally had the majority of his junk secured in the front pouch of his tight, red boxer briefs. Alan admired himself in the mirror for a moment. He was looking pretty good recently; he had been trimming down a little bit over the last few months which was causing his muscles to show off a little bit, and of course his absolutely gigantic bulge was undeniably hot. His big beach ball sized nuts were packed tightly into the front pouch of his boxer briefs, and his huge thick cock was nestled in between them. His junk was packed in so tightly that every outline of the veins in his cock were clearly visible; there was even a clear outline of the edge of his foreskin as it covered most of the head of his dick. Even with the tightly packed fabric pulling everything upwards and inwards, his package still jutted out over a two feet in front of him and reached down to his knees. His nuts were so large that they made his bulge wider than his hips, which when given how thick and muscular his thighs and ass were now, was a pretty huge wingspan.

The pouch didn't even hold all of Alan's goods. The black waistband didn't pull all the way back to his waist, leaving the last seven or eight inches of his incredibly thick cock exposed to the elements. His T-shirt wasn't nearly long enough to cover his pubes, leaving those exposed as well. All the excess force in the front had caused the rear to be pulled extra taut as well. His huge, sexy, bubble butt was so clearly visible that it was as if every contour of his cheeks were engraved directly into the fabric. The legs of the boxer briefs reached about halfway down to his knees, but his muscles were so large now that the pant legs seemed painted onto his thighs.

Alan slipped on a pair of shoes and was ready to go. He had long since stopped wearing pants over top of his briefs. As he figured, it was similar in form and function to other guys going to class in pajama bottoms, and the short pant legs on his underwear were plenty long enough to be classified as shorts.

Steve took a brief glance at his friend's overstuffed pants and rolled his eyes. "You know, it wouldn't kill ya to order a size up. It'll give ya some room to grow into." Alan just cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brown as he looked at Steve with an expression of confusion and apprehension. Steve started to feel a little uncomfortable too. He fidgeted a bit and scratched the back of his neck as he responded. "Oh, come on. It was just a joke... wasn't it?" Something was gnawing at the back of his mind. He had meant it as just a joke, but somewhere deep down in his subconscious it was as if he was speaking an actual warning.

The two of them shrugged it off and made their way to the campus plaza. Alan got a lot of looks from girls and guys alike on the way. He of course didn't mind one bit; in fact, he even hammed it up as he passed by. He would sway his hips from side to side as he sauntered along, causing his muscular cheeks to clench and sway and his massive bulge to bounce from side to side.

The two dudes had a decent enough dinner at the little burger shop on campus. It was little more than a fast food joint, but it was good food. They hung around and talked for awhile as they waited for the last few hours of the afternoon to go by. With his junk tucked away safely under the table, Alan had a great time just being a perfectly average college dude for awhile. He was able to just sit around and hang out with his best bud, and nobody looked at him funny. It was strange and more than a little unsettling how nostalgic it all seemed to him.

The sun was beginning to set, and the two friends were finishing up their dinner. "You know... I think this is what I needed." Alan suddenly said.

"A burger? Hell yeah. There's a reason these things are cure-alls in Earthbound." Steve replied enthusiastically.

"Not exactly what I was referring to." Alan responded with a strangely contented smile. "I dunno. Things have been feeling strangely stressful lately. I can't really explain it, but I feel like I needed an afternoon of just sitting around and broing it up."

"That's what I'm here for." Steve was grinning ear to ear.

"So, about tonight... still feeling like staying in?" Alan asked with an equal mix of curiosity and concern.

"Maybe... Definitely not feeling the frat scene tonight, if that's what you're asking." Steve shrugged as he commented.

"Pretty much what I was asking. Last night was pretty rough. I feel like I could use a quiet night in."

"Listen to us. We sound like an old married couple." Steve laughed loudly.

"I guess we do kind of." Alan joined in. Steve's laughter could be petty infectious when he was in a good mood.

"Well the night is still young and tomorrow is Saturday. Let's go back home for the weekend. I've still got the xbox and the big screen at my folks place." Steve said with a grin.

"That sounds great, actually." Alan replied enthusiastically.

"Let's get some booze on the way, though. You know my parents try to keep the house dry." Steve commented as he stood up to throw his trash away.

"I thought you didn't want to drink tonight." Alan replied with a sly grin.

"Oh, please. Like I'd turn down booze. I just didn't want to go out and get shit faced. There's a difference." Steve rolled his eyes as he responded.

"Fair enough. We can get a case on our way into town." Alan replied casually.

The trek back to the dorms was even more uneventful as the trip to the plaza. It was no longer peak hours on campus, and a large percentage of the student body had already skipped town for the weekend. When Alan and Steve got back to their room they immediately started packing for the trip.

Alan grabbed a spare t-shirt and a spare pair of shorts and called it good. He really didn't have much in the way of a wardrobe, and he wasn't at all opposed to wearing the same things for a few days in a row. Steve on the other hand scooped up the entire dirty clothes pile and loaded it into a trash bag to take with him. Laundry is always a much easier task when it is dumped on unsuspected family members.

While Steve was loading up on dirty laundry, Alan packed a few books and his laptop into his backpack. As much as he hated to do so, he did actually have to do schoolwork once in a while, and if they decided to stay in town all weekend, he would be much better off having his school supplies with him. Alan was pretty sure that he had all the books he might need during the weekend, but just to be sure he scooped up a few more items from the small table in the corner of the room; a calculus textbook, a small, fancy looking black box, a graphing calculator, his external hard drive, and a few other tiny odds and ends.

The two of them were in Steve's car and on their way down the road in less than half an hour. Alan pushed the seat all the way back, but his immense junk was still pretty cramped in between his lap and the dashboard. This is exactly why he never bothered driving anywhere anymore. The steering column always got in the way of his massive package. It hadn't been so bad back when he was sixteen and had first gotten his license, but that was back before he had really hit his growth spurt. Nowadays it was just far too crowded down there for his tastes.

The drive back to Steve's place took roughly an hour plus an extra fifteen minutes to stop in at a convenience store and load up on beer. It would have only taken them three minutes to get in, pay, and get out, but of course, there was a little old lady trying to pay for her gas with coins from her purse.

They pulled up to Steve's parents' place. It was a nice, two story house. Steve's parents weren't particularly wealthy, but their house was far enough on the outskirts of town that the property values were nice and low.

Steve made a quick detour to throw the dirty clothes into the laundry room and then rejoined Alan down in the basement where a small home theater was set up. He was greeted by a territorial dispute over the xbox and the accompanying home theater set-up.

"We had it first!" cried the first guy, who looked very much like a younger, cleaner version of Steve. His hair was the same dark brown color that Steve's was only his was kept short and neatly trimmed.

"Rod and Todd here refuse give up the rig." Alan recapped for Steve.

"Come on, dweeb. You've had it all week. Let us have it for the night!" Steve called back to his younger brother.

"Too damn bad! I have a friend over tonight, and we're going to play!" Steve's younger brother, Todd, continued to argue.

"Actually... my name is Daniel." Todd's friend replied quietly. The boy was small and mousey with big glasses and hair that was such a light shade of brown that it almost looked ashy grey. He was trying not to stare at Alan's massive bulge but was failing miserably.

"Whatever. You're with Todd, so your name automatically defaults to Rod." Alan replied teasingly.

"Let go, cockbite! You've got your own PS3 in your room. The Xbox is mine." Steve said trough clenched teeth as he wrestled Todd for control of the console. Todd had the splotchy red and black controller clenched to his chest with an iron grip.

"Fuck you! There's only one controller for that, and our guest wants to use the Xbox!" Todd shouted back as he tried to throw off the slightly taller and more wirey version of himself.

"I don't mind... really." Daniel muttered.

Alan cracked open a can and picked up one of a couple of extra controllers off of the shelf while the two brothers continued their Wrestlemania bout for supremacy. "Catch." He said as he tossed one to Daniel and plopped down on the couch beside the smaller high-schooler. "They'll be at it a while, so let's get a few matches in." Alan added with a grin as he started up the game.

Steve and Todd continued to tussle while Alan and Dan fired up the game. Despite his quiet demeanor, Dan proved to be a very aggressive player. He would even mutter long, quiet streams of obscenities as he mowed through people with whatever he had in his arsenal. By the time Steve and Todd had finally worn each other out. Alan had already downed three beers and was getting pleasantly buzzed.

"Man. It's hot down here." Alan murmured as he peeled off his shirt. Dan was trying hard not to stare, but the occasional side eye glances were all too obvious to anyone in the room. More and more his eyes were drawn to Alan's massive package, especially now that his nicely trimmed, brown treasure trail was exposed. It provided a perfect path for Dan's eyes to travel on their way to the goods.

"Come on, Dan. Let's go back to my room. We can watch a movie or something." Todd said dejectedly. His pride had taken a much harsher beating than his body. He liked to pass himself off as the cool guy on campus, and getting pimp smacked into submission by his older brother in front of his friend was about as far away from cool as he could get.

"You don't have to do that." Alan remarked warmly. There's four controllers. We could easily all play."

"Yeah... I would like that." Daniel replied quietly.

"Fuck that. Danny here hasn't played that game much. He'd get slaughtered playing against you two." Todd replied indignantly. He really wasn't worried about his friend at all, but he had already lost just about all the face he had after being whooped so thoroughly. He knew he didn't stand a chance against Steve in game, and he couldn't bear the thought of looking even more like a chump in front of his friend. He didn't know how uncool he must look, but he figured he was at least three buses, a long walk, and eight quid in a taxi from cool.

"That's fine." Alan responded. "I've never done campaign mode on this, and it has four players. Let's just hang out and beat the game."

Todd looked at Alan skeptically for a minute before sighing. "Fine. I suppose that'll be alright, but I got dibs on Sam."

"Fine by me. I far prefer Jayce." Alan replied.

"You would, fag." Todd responded snarkily. "O-O-O-HOW!" he yelped as Steve punched him hard in the shoulder. "I was just playing, jeez." Todd rubbed the sore spot on his arm for a minute. He rolled his sleeve up to survey the damage. He could already see the outline of a bruise forming.

Steve peeled his shirt off too as he hopped onto the couch beside Alan. The basement didn't have working air conditioning. All the cool air they got down there was secondhand from the main floor, but even with the steady flow of cool air, having the water heater down there with them more then counteracted it. Dan looked at Alan and Steve and then nervously unbuttoned his shirt and added it to the pile.

Now that his shirt off, Alan could get a better look at Dan's build. The high-schooler was extremely skinny and pale; His skin was ghostly white, and he was so skinny that the contours of his ribs were clearly visible. Dan's torso was dotted with freckles and completely devoid of hair; even his armpits were clean shaven, and as Alan's eyes drifted lower towards the boy's waistline, he could see that Dan was clean shaven below the belt as well.

"You need to lighten up." Steve commented as he dangled a can in front of Dan's face.

"Oh, no... I couldn't" Dan stammered as he stared at the can of booze suspended in front of his eyes.

"What? Not twenty-one?" Steve replied with a playful smirk. "News flash. Neither is Todd, but he's been drinking for years. Isn't that right, Todd?" Todd just gave Dan a thumbs up as he guzzled his own can.

"Look. If you don't feel comfortable, don't have any, but this is a pretty good time to try some and see if you like it, and Steve and I will make sure you don't get wasted. Best to try it out when you are with friends who will watch out for you and not at some random party where it's a bunch of strangers getting shit faced." Alan placed a hand on Dan's shoulder and smiled reassuringly as he spoke.

Dan considered for a moment and then hesitantly nodded and accepted the can. He spent the better part of the first hour slowly sipping at his drink and grimacing from the taste, but he was enjoying hanging out with the two college guys, especially the obscenely hung one.

Finally the guys reached a major plot point which led to a long, drawn out cut scene. A few seconds into the cut scene a green X began to flash on the screen. "Come on, someone else hit it so we cans skip this gay shit." Todd groaned in annoyance, which caused his brother to once again punch him in the shoulder. "Ow! Cut it out!"

"You know the rules. No skipping cut scenes if not everyone has seen it." Steve scolded is brother.

"I don't mind..." Dan replied.

"Yeah, but I do. I actually want to see this." Alan responded. "And besides, this gives me a chance to stretch." Alan got up from his seat and pulled a few more cans from the case. When he got back to the couch, he distributed the drinks and then began to pull down his shorts.

"Dude! What gives!?" Todd shouted indignantly. He was more surprised than he was disgusted, but he was trying to play the super straight dude for his friend; he had a reputation to maintain, after all.

"What? It's hot as hell down here, and these shorts are not neither comfy nor easy to wear." Alan remarked as he bent down and pulled off his shorts. He was facing Todd as he did so which caused him to unintentionally shove his ass in Dan's face as he bent down. As those glorious mounds hovered little more than a foot away, Dan had to summon every ounce of resolve to not lean forward and bury his face in that amazing ass. He had gotten a pretty good idea of just how huge and sculpted Alan's butt was through the fabric of his briefs, but nothing could have prepared him for seeing it fully exposed and so close in front of his face.

"I kind of wondered how long it would take to get to this point." Steve commented as he undid his own belt and began sliding his pants off. He didn't even bother getting up from the couch to do so. He just lifted his butt up a few inches and slid his jeans and boxers off in one clean motion.

Dan's face was beet red by this point, but the booze was not the culprit. He couldn't believe how much hot guy skin he was getting to see tonight. He had heard rumors throughout the school that Todd was supposedly pretty hung, and if his older brother was any indication, the rumors were true. Dan was torn. On one hand, he was starting to feel a little awkward being clothed in the company of these two nude college dudes, but on the other hand, he was afraid to go the full Monty. Not only was he in the presence of his best bud, but it was pretty clear he was way outclassed by the two college guys. Steve's big dick was easily ten inches, and Alan's was beyond the scope of conventional rulers; it might even be beyond the scope of conventional yard sticks at this point.

Dan took a deep breath and tried to steel his resolve. When that failed, he cracked open a can and downed half its contents in one long swig. He almost gagged from the taste; sipping was bad enough, but power slamming it was horrible. The beer was beyond bitter. This wasn't an acquired taste; it was Stockholm Syndrome for the tongue.

He didn't feel particularly different after that, but he hoped that he had ingested enough liquid courage to actually give him the resolve to nut up and strip down. He stood up and undid the buttons on the front of his cargo shorts. With the fastens undone, his shorts fell off completely on their own, but his underwear would take a little more work. He felt a little silly and more than a little uncool in his tighty-whities. Steve had had cool and colorful boxers, and Alan had had those bright and custom fitted briefs. Dan was embarrassed to be seen in his default white, K-mart bought fruit of the looms. He felt like he was wearing kid clothes. He was so embarrassed by his underwear that he quickly pealed them off and added them to the pile.

Being completely nude was strangely liberating; the size of his dick didn't seem to be anywhere near as big of a deal as he had made it out to be in his mind. Not that he was lacking down there. He was pretty well off in that regard, actually. He capped off at just a bit above seven inches when fully hard. He knew that that was above average, but he was in the presence of his well hung best friend and his best friend's even better hung older brother. Alan no longer even counted as hung. His cock was so huge that it could be considered a separate entity. It was just so huge that Dan couldn't even begin to compare himself to it.

Dan's was a more of a shower than a grower, which he was very thankful for right now. His small frame made his wang look even larger proportionally. In its current chubbed up state, his dick was almost as big as Steve's, but he knew that Steve's cock hadn't even begun to inflate yet. Dan's dick was every bit as pale as the rest of him, and had plenty of extra skin to it; his foreskin completely covered the head of his cock and even had a little bit left over. Even though he was a senior, he felt like a kid next to these two college guys, and even though neither of them were cut as well, the heads of their cocks weren't completely covered like Dan's was which made them look more mature.

As Dan sat back down next to Alan, Alan turned to him. Alan was noticeably concerned as he spoke to Dan. "Woah, dude. You look like a tomato. I think it might be time to dial it back a bit on the booze."

Even though, the beer wasn't the primary culprit in Dan's flushed cheeks, the last bit was really starting to get to him hard. He was starting to feel a little fuzzy, but overall he felt pretty good. "I'm fine... really." Dan replied quietly.

"You may be, but it's my job to look out for you." Alan responded. Dan looked at him with a bit of confusion clearly visible on his face. Alan could see tell that Dan didn't understand and so he threw an arm over Dan's comfortingly over Dan's shoulder. "It's your first time. You need to take things nice and slow and get a feel for it." Dan knew Alan was talking about drinking and not other things, but in his currently slightly aroused and slightly tipsy state, it was hard for him to not think of it sexually.

"That's enough beer for now. I'll get you some water." Alan concluded as he gave Dan a jovial clap on the back and stood up and walked up the stairs to go get a glass for Dan. Dan could do nothing but stare in amazement at Alan's amazingly sculpted ass as it swayed and flexed with each stepped.

"Does he ever wear clothes?" Todd scoffed.

"Not usually." Steve said with a casual shrug. "You get used to it pretty quick, actually. Speaking of which, you should join us. You look like a tool."

"I'd rather be a tool than some queer." Todd snapped back with forced bravado. He was still trying to save face with his friend. If word got out that he was hanging out naked with his brother's gay friend, his social standing would be devastated.

"Oh, come on. That's no way to talk about your friend." Steve replied. Dan's heart stopped in his chest. He knew he was busted for sure. Steve seemed to smile at him and give him a sly wink, but Todd completely missed it.

"He's your friend, not mine." Todd replied as he downed the rest of his can. "But, I'll prove that I'm secure enough to let it all hang out."

Dan's heart would have put even the best of BMW's German engineering to shame as it went from a full stop to pounding at sixty miles per hour in under a second. He had fantasized many times about seeing Todd in all his splendor, but never once did he imagine he would actually be seeing it. Now that Todd's shirt was off, Dan could see that while Todd wasn't really what he would call buff, he definitely did have a lot more definition than his older brother.

Dan didn't even know when he had stopped breathing, but his chest was starting to hurt. It didn't matter though; he refused to inhale until the goods were on display. He had forgone any pretense of not staring at this point. His eyes were focused intently on Todd's fingers as they undid the button on the front of his shorts. Dan's heart pounded harder and harder as Todd's bush came into view followed by his thick cock.

The rumors were true. Todd's dick was every bit as amazing as Dan had hoped. It was not quite as long as Steve's, but it was longer than Dan's and amazingly thick. Dan could have stared at that beer can thick cock for hours, but fortunately, he was distracted before Todd could become suspicious.

Dan turned and looked towards the noise to see Alan coming back down the stairs with a glass of water in each hand. With each and every step he took, his massive cock and balls jiggled and bounced. Dan made no effort to avert his gaze from the lewd spectacle before him; he couldn't even if he had wanted to. By the time Alan had reached him, Dan's cock was fully erect.

As soon as he realized it, Dan spun back around in his chair so he was facing the TV and bowed his head and folded his arms in his lap to cover his shame. Alan plopped down right beside him and handed him his drink. "Here you go." Alan said cheerfully, but then added in a whisper. "Act natural. You're just going to draw attention to yourself if you hide it like that."

Dan nodded in response, but was still having trouble willing himself to sit upright. Alan slid down in the seat a bit as if he was getting comfortable and pulled his massive dong up to his chest. Dan watched curiously as Alan crossed one leg over the other and then let his cock drop. His humongous wang was now draped over his leg. At first Dan figured that Alan's cock must now be so huge that he couldn't cross his legs with it in the way, but he quickly realized that Alan had just created the perfect camouflage for him. If Todd were to look his way, he'd be greeted with the sight of Alan's huge dick, and given that Todd was noticeably trying to avoid ever looking at Alan or his gigantic cock, Dan was effectively invisible.

Dan felt relieved that Alan was looking out for him like this. He felt so safe and comfortable around this guy. He just wished that he could get his boner to die down. The four guys resumed their game, and things went smoothly enough for the next chapter. Dan had stopped drinking altogether by this point. Now that they were pleasantly buzzed, Alan and Steve had seriously cut back too, but Todd didn't have the experience or the restraint that his brother had and was still knocking back cans.

Dan had hoped that the game would get his mind off of all the amazing dicks hanging out, but it didn't seem to help. His eyes kept drifting from the screen and over to Alan's massive cock. It wasn't long before he was so hard that he even had pre leaking from his dick.

Alan noticed Dan's plight and decided to take things to the next level. Whenever there was a lull in the action he would casually stroke his enormous dick. As far as Todd could tell, Alan was just a little drunk and horny, but Steve knew better. He and Alan had been drinking together for ages now. There was no way he was trashed after just four cans. Steve glanced over and noticed that Dan wasn't going to hold out much longer and realized exactly what it was that Alan was doing.

Steve paused the game and started unabashedly jacking off right there on the couch. "Dude, what the fuck!" Todd shouted as he noticed his older brother pounding one out right next to him.

"What? I need to get off." Steve replied casually as he continued to stroke away. "You don't like it, you can leave."

"Maybe I will." Todd replied with a bit of disgust in his voice. "Come on, Danny. Let's get out of here."

"Um... Nah, I think I'm fine here." Dan replied quietly.

"Well, look at that. You're the only one here with a problem." Steve remarked with a smug grin on his face.

"You queers gonna start blowing each other now?" Todd sneered.

"I don't plan on blowing anyone, but if Alan wants to he's more than welcome to suck me off. You should let him do you, too. He's far better than any of the girls I've been with." Steve responded without ever losing his smug demeanor.

Todd was completely taken aback by what he was hearing. "You're joking, right?"

"Not at all. A mouth's a mouth. You'd be amazed at the advantages of a gay roommate. Some days I need to get off, and my girl isn't available. I can just ride him instead." Steve continued. He didn't really think of Alan as his go to fuck buddy on the side, but he loved making his kid brother squirm. "His ass is seriously amazing. It's so tight and warm." Steve was already rock hard by this point and began to leak a little pre as if to really drive home his point.

"Dude. That's gay!" Todd reacted in shock.

"Is it? I'm not the one getting butt-fucked, and besides, it's not that big of a deal even if it is a little gay." Steve shrugged as he continued so jack off.

Alan turned to Dan and whispered. "Look. Todd's not going to remember most of this in the morning, and as far as he knows, you're completely wasted. Just let loose and enjoy it." Alan then turned back to Steve. Steve noticed his cue and repositioned himself so he was leaning back against the armrest with his legs spread apart.

Alan got down on his knees and wrapped his lips around Steve's rigid cock. It was the best of both worlds. He got to have a dick in his mouth, and make some homophobic douchenozzle cringe. He decided to make sure it was extra loud and sloppy as he went down on his bud.

It hadn't been more than a few hours since Alan had sucked off Steve, but it felt like weeks ago. Steve had a great sized cock for sucking. Alan especially loved how it poked the back of his throat as he slid up and down along the length of the shaft. He made sure to really lock his lips tight and run his tongue all over his friend's cock as he deep throated it. Steve's moan just got him even more worked up and eager to please.

Alan could feel his own mammoth wang really stirring to life as he really got into sucking his friend off. He would have been fully boned in no time even without what happened next.

Dan decided to take what Alan had said to heart. Maybe it was the little bit of beer in his system. Maybe it was the fact that he felt so safe around the amazingly hung college bro. Maybe it was because there was quite possibly the biggest, buffest, sexiest ass he had ever seen waggling no more than a foot from his face. Whatever the reason, Dan needed in on the action before he creamed himself just from sitting on the sidelines.

Dan placed a hand on each of Alan's huge, muscular cheeks and massaged them with his fingers as he spread them wide. He then leaned in and planted his lips right on Alan's tight, puckered hole. In between deep kisses he would lick and suck on any area in his reach. He could feel Alan's whole body shudder as he flicked his tongue along the rim of Alan's asshole.

Alan felt a shudder of pleasure run up his spine as Dan rimmed him. He was surprised at the intensity of it more than anything. Whatever this boy lacked in experience he more than made up for with zeal. Alan had to pull off of Steve's cock and catch his breath as he felt the tip of Dan's tongue slide into him.

Steve could feel something very strange. His mind wasn't really in top shape since he was mildly tipsy and majorly horny, but it felt as though something was pushing up against his butt. He looked down and realized that the head of Alan's massive shaft was pressed right against his underside. Steve could barely comprehend the sheer size of it. It was probably as thick around as his waist. There was no way something like that was big every going to slide inside of him; which was just as well, since Steve had no intention of ever bottoming for anyone.

He chose not to worry about it. After all, it felt kind of nice the way it was bucking and twitching. The head of Alan's cock was already flaring up so it was like it was rocking him back and forth; it was so squishy and yet firm that it was like one of those massaging pillows that everyone likes to try out at those gadget stores at the mall but never actually buy.

Feeling Alan shuddering under him was all the incentive that Dan needed to ramp up the oral action. Dan had completely put his own erection out of his mind, even though it was so hard that it was throbbing for release. His sole purpose in life was to make his new friend feel absolutely amazing. He redoubled his efforts and dug in even deeper. No longer content to just flick at the entrance, Dan focused on kissing deeper and even more passionately. Between kisses, he licked and sucked deeper and harder. Alan's panting was steadily getting heavier until finally he let out a loud, low moan.

Alan couldn't hold it back anymore, nor did he want to. He surrendered himself to the biggest climax of his life. He gritted his teeth as all the synapses in his brain fire at once. A rush of warm jizz pumped through his massive cock and crashed against his friend who was unfortunate enough to be sitting right in the line of fire. Some part of his mind knew that he was cumming all over Steve, but he couldn't even muster the most basic of resistance. Powerful jets of cum flooded out of his cock and crashed against Steve's underside.

Steve realized what was happening the second he heard Alan moan, but he was so wrapped up in his own sexual haze that he couldn't even begin to care. The streams of jizz splashed against his ass with impressive force. It was strangely soothing in its own way. The pressurized bursts were almost like hot, sticky massages for his posterior; kind of like those fancy ass cleaning toilets they have in France, only much more powerful, much more sticky, and doing the exact opposite of getting him clean.

When Alan's momentous climax finally died down, he rolled over and off of the couch. His hefty cock and balls followed behind as he did so. He looked up at Dan with a contented grin on his face and managed to choke out between gasps of breath. "Holy shit... I need you inside me."

With Alan's dick no longer propping him up, Steve slid down the saturated arm rest and coasted to a stop in the massive cum puddle that now covered much of the couch. Since the couch was covered in that really cheap, plasticy faux leather, the large pool of spunk just made the gooey surface kind of like a slimy slip and slide. Steve didn't even mind that he was effectively bathing in his friend's cum. He was just glad to see Dan and Alan in such high spirits.

Alan staggered to his feet and off towards to side of the room where he had left his backpack. His massive, soft but still chubbed up cock scraped against the carpet as he did so. He passed by Todd who was leaning against the wall watching the entire scene with a dumbfounded look of awe on his face.

Todd couldn't believe what he had just seen. His brother and his best friend had just had a hot, sloppy three way with that queer his brother seemed to like so much. The worst part was he actually kind of thought it was hot. Just listening to them all moaning, and groaning, and sucking, and fucking was getting him hot under the collar. He didn't have any interest in dudes, but they all really seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Todd's horny and drunk mind couldn't quite remember why he was so defensive tonight. He usually wasn't such an obnoxious and vocal homophobe, but he felt the need to put on airs in front of his friend. He and Danny had been best buds forever. They had shared a tent during pretty much every summer camp out they had ever gone on. He had heard all the rumors circulating school about Danny. The other students all called him a fag when they didn't think they could hear them. Todd always did his best to put down rumors and the people spreading them, but after what he had seen, it was hard to deny.

His mind was hazy, and he wasn't in the best state to be having deep, meaningful introspective soul searches; yet that is exactly what he was doing. It always seemed that getting drunk seemed to lay all of someone's insecurities bare for them and everyone else to see. He and Danny had been inseparable. So what happens if Dan turns out to be some queer? He thought back to all those sleep overs and camping trips throughout the years. Does that mean he was going to be deemed gay by association? Todd couldn't process it all. All he wanted was to keep on being friends. He could handle a few rumors.

Alan opened his bag and pulled out a small clear bottle. He had taken to always packing a tube of lube with him, especially if he was traveling with Steve. It was not all that uncommon for the two buds to bond a little when both were awake and horny in the wee hours of the morning.

Alan popped the top off as he staggered back to Dan. His massive dong seemed even more awkward and unwieldy today than he remembered. The tip kept brushing against the carpet as he walked; it was irritating him both physically and mentally.

Dan was still rock hard as Alan got down on his knees before him. He was pretty sure he knew what was about to happen, but he still could not believe it. He watched as Alan poured large quantities of lube into the palm of his hands and rubbed his hands together. Once both of his hands were suitably coated, Alan closed the bottle and ran his ands along Dan's rigid cock. Dan felt his knees go weak as Alan's hands masterfully astro-glided up and down and over and under his cock and balls. Dan's cock twitched and bucked as Alan skillfully laminated his shaft while tugging and playing with his nuts.

"Be careful there. You wouldn't want to nut before we even get to the good part." Alan teased as he slowed his skillful stroking.

Dan's heart was pounding in his chest. He was about to have his first real time with a guy, and he couldn't even imagine how it could be better than that hand-job he had just received. He would have been fine if Alan had let him cum right then and there. Especially since Alan's face was right where it was. If Dan had cum he would have creamed all over he mega-hung stud's face. Dan could feel his dick lurch back as he imagined giving the brown haired beauty a facial. It took every ounce of his muscle control and will power to keep himself from busting a nut at that very second.

He snapped out of his reverie to see Alan standing right in front of him, or rather, he saw Alan's massive erect cock in front of him. The tip of the shaft was so high up that it was eye level with its owner. Dan couldn't even fathom what it must be like to be so fantastically hung. He wanted to climb up and start making out with the head of that amazing dick, but Alan was already moving back to the couch.

Alan got back on the couch and got down on his hands and knees. His rigid cock was so impossibly huge now that he was basically lying across it like a cot. The tip of his spongy cock was the perfect height to serve as a nice pillow for him to rest his head on.

From Dan's current position, All he could really see of Alan was his huge, sexy ass and absolutely immense beanbag chair balls. It was such an amazingly sexy sight that he could have blown his load right then and there. He struggled to keep his raging hard-on in check as it streamed even more pre. There was no way in hell he was going to bust his nut early, not when he had the most amazing ass he had ever seen eagerly awaiting his arrival. He could even see Alan's hole twitching in anticipation, which to say the least didn't make keeping his load down any easier.

Dan climbed up behind Alan and lined his slicked up rigid dick right up with Alan's quivering hole. It was pretty obvious that both of them were very eager to get to the next step. Dan took a deep breath and watched intently as the tip of his dick slid into Alan's fabulous ass. The feeling was magical. Dan wanted to just let his eyes roll back into his head and let the amazing sensations overtake him, but he forced his eyes to stay fixated as he slid inch after inch into Alan. He couldn't even bring himself to breath for fear that it would wake him from this dream.

Finally his dick was all the way in. As Dan looked down it all seemed a little silly and a lot sexy. His legs and hips were shoved up against Alan's massive nuts. Dan's own little sparrows' eggs looked positively miniscule next to the gigantic bean bag chairs that Alan had swinging between his legs. Dan was already thinking of how he wouldn't mind nestling up against them when this was all said and done.

Dan managed to steady his ragged breathing as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth. His cock slid in and out of Alan as he did so. He could feel Alan's hole clenching and gripping his shaft as he slid it in and out. Everything about this moment was absolutely perfect. He simultaneously wished it would never end and that he could hurry up and dump his load inside his new buddy.

Alan was content to just lie there as Dan steadily pumped in and out of him, but Steve had other ideas. He helped Alan slowly work his way upwards so that he was standing up on his knees. Dan managed to adjust his position and pacing flawlessly so that he too was standing on is knees. Dan wrapped his arms around Alan's thick torso and nuzzled his face into Alan's back as he continued to thrust in and out. With the two love birds positioned where he wanted them, Steve was free to move onto phase two. He was happy for those two and all, but he really wanted to get off, too.

Steve managed to straddle Alan's massive dick and stand up on the couch. This put his dick right where he wanted it, lined up with Alan's mouth. Alan wasted no time picking up where he left off sucking and licking Steve's rock hard cock. The three of hem settled into a nice little rhythm of Dan pumping in and out of Alan's ass; Alan rocking back and forth so he was able to better ride Dan's cock and sucking on Steve's cock; and Steve standing back and reaping the benefits of being the front car of the man train.

Todd was too far gone to bother wrestling with his inner demons any longer. The other three guys were having such a great time that it was making him horny too, and he just couldn't stop staring at the massive, squishy cock head. That oozing slit looked so warm and inviting. He couldn't even process that that belonged to another guy. In Todd's addled mind, all he saw was a hot hole for him to plug with his cock. He was already thoroughly boned from listening to all the sexy moans from is friends and family; all that was left for him was to take the plunge.

Alan's mind was already overloaded from the sensations from the front and back. He didn't even know how to process the new sensation. Something was plugging his dick. It was an amazing sensation to have every available hole plugged up. He had never even entertained the notion of someone fucking his cock before, but it was happening and it was fantastic. The head of his cock was even more sensitive on the inside than it was on the outside. The entire tip of his cock was alive with waves of pleasure. It felt as if he was already cumming, but he had not yet even begun to shoot his load.

Dan was already nearing his limits before he started reaming Alan, but now that he was doing it, he didn't want to stop. He struggled with his own limitations as he held down his load for as long as humanly possible, but eventually he hit a wall. He hugged Alan tighter as his balls clenched up and pumped their load deep into Alan's ass. Dan fired load after thick load. The first four shots were absolutely massive, but he was quickly running out of spunk to dump. He was so horny and so overloaded with passion and pleasure that he refused to stop, though. He continued to plunge in and out, firing more and more shots with each thrust. The streams of jizz got steadily thinner and thinner until finally his dick was shuddering and pumping but nothing was coming out. Still he refused to stop. He wanted this to last forever if he could manage it. Each thrust caused more and more of his load to foam and churn as the froth spilled out of Alan's ass. Dan was no longer able to maintain his erection, but still he kept trying to plow his friend's amazing ass. Even after his cock softened he pumped back and forth until finally his dick slid out in defeat.

Alan could feel Dan's loads flowing into him, which caused his to work Steve's cock even more fervently. Each thrust from Dan caused him to go down deeper on Steve's cock. Steve had been cocked, locked, and ready to rock for what seemed like hours now and didn't need much more goading to get him unloading. Alan's sucking this time was so deep and passionate that he had sent Steve over the edge in record time. As Steve dumped his nut in Alan's mouth Alan sucked and slurped it down as fast as he could, all while running his tongue along Steve's rigid shaft. Steve could feel Alan's saliva mixing and mingling with his own load as the liquids washed over his cock. It was such an amazingly warm and pleasant feeling that he wished it didn't have to end so soon. Alan swallowed the last of Steve's load as Steve's now soft and spent cock flopped out of his mouth.

Todd was too drunk and horny to really think his actions through. He dug his hands into the soft, spongy flesh of Alan's cockhead to steady himself as he thrust in and out of the slit. It was so warm and tight around his beer can cock that he didn't even care that it belonged to a dude. With each sloppy thrust, more and more of Alan's pre would seep out and coat his abs and legs. Todd was already very much coated in the goop long before he was ready to cum. The head of Alan's cock began to flare up, tightening around Todd's dick in the process. It was so wet and tight that it felt like it was sucking him off. He couldn't even register what the changes in pressure might mean until it was too late. Todd moaned softly as he pumped his spunk down the fleshy canal.

He was ready for that to be the end of it when Alan's cock seized up violently. Large jets of spunk crashed against Todd's cock and splashed against his body with immense force. The warm and sticky spooge continued to wash over him. In his booze addled state he did the only thing he could think of; he gripped the head of Alan's cock tighter to try and steady himself. This just caused him to have to ride out the entire storm. The additional stimulation of Todd clinging to his dick made it even more pleasurable for Alan. It was as if Todd was jacking off just the tip of his cock as he was rocked and buffeted by torrents of jizz. Todd's grip slipped and he started to stumble backwards. The ground was so saturated with cum that he had no way to steady himself and fell backwards. He thumped against the wall hard as Alan's fire hose spray finally slowed to a stop. Todd was so drunk and tired by this point that he didn't even care what had happened. He slid down against the wall and nodded off.

The other three were all now very spent. Alan settled himself onto the couch and snuggled up against his enormous wang as if it was a body pillow. Dan and Steve found nice, relatively clean spaces in the room to lie down and also pass out for the night. Dan was in the process of settling in, his mind still fuzzy from a little bit of booze and a lot a bit of afterglow, when he heard Steve come up behind him.

"Hey. How ya holding up?" Steve asked, genuinely concerned.

"Huh. Alright." Dan replied. He couldn't think of anything wrong that might warrant Steve's concern.

"Look. I have kind of had my suspicions about you for awhile..." Steve explained. "I know my bro can be a toolbox, but I'll talk to him and work on him. There's no excuse for how he acted tonight."

Dan knew exactly where this was going. It would be very hard for him to try and continue playing at being straight with Steve after having just had wet and wild man-sex right on his couch. Steve took a deep breath and continued. "So whenever you're ready to come out... officially, anyway. Call me up. I'll come and help in any way I can." Dan was too overwhelmed with emotions and far too tired and tipsy to fully process them all. His mind just sort of ground to a halt. He did the only thing he could; he nodded. He was scared of what might happen with Todd, but he was so glad to have Steve on his side. He had grown up with Steve and Todd, and in many ways, Steve was like an older brother. Steve in turn, had always thought of Danny as his other little brother, and there was no way he was going to let Todd mess things up.