The wolves Chapter 4: Dragon tales

Story by thewhitetigerX3 on SoFurry

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#4 of the wolves

Chapter 4 has arrived, i think this is the most difficulty i've ever had writing a sex scene. but it turned out good i think.

Yay Reist and Fen finally get to be true mates :D i've never had that much trouble writing a sex scene before; i wanted it to be full of passion and lover; tell me how i did? and as always be nice (constructive critisisms)

Chapter 4: Dragon Tales

Reist lifted the pieces of wood, with the help of Frostfoot. He kept glancing at the light blue dragon, still getting used to the sight. There was no fur on the reptile at all, just the hard scales that shone like aquamarines. Frostfoot was only a few inches taller than Reist but it seemed like he was so much bigger than that because of the width added by his folded wings. The furless creature was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts in the humid air, this style was matched by everyone there, including the two unjailed wolves and the female dragons. When Reist inquired as to why he was answered with

"It is just easier to go shirtless" and a shrug of indifference. The two were almost done with the hut they were constructing; this one would belong to Frostfoot himself. The humble abodes were truly humble; the frame was made of wooden poles leaned against each other and a sound muffling cloth thrown over it. After they leaned the last pole, they sat down for a break.

"So how is your impression of the first dragons you've seen?" Frostfoot asked

"Amazing; there are so many different colors, and no one seems to be hatful towards anyone."

"We can't afford to be hateful; each one of us depends on everyone else for survival" Frostfoot said.

"Do you fly a lot?" Reist asked eyeing the wings, almost enviously

"Oh, yea" Frost smiled and extended one his leathery wings out to Reist. "I could take you if you'd like" he offered Reist's eyes widened

"I'd love too!" he said, spotting Fen and running to him, his tail going crazy "Fen! Guess what! Frostfoot said he'd take me flying!" Fen chuckled and kept dragging the heavy cloth behind him

"You have fun with that, but I'm keeping my feet on the ground" he said smiling.

"Come on Strongheart, let's finish up, we can go flying tomorrow. After asshole's trial" Reist smiled at the dragon names and went back to work. Inspired by how Reist had attacked Rorick, even though he would definitely be beaten, to save fen, the chieftain (whose name is Embereyes) had christened him Strongheart. Rorick's actual name was Wildtooth, but Frostfoot referred to him as asshole. As excited as Reist was for the next day, he was even more excited for tonight. Tonight was the night when Fen finally completed their mate hood. It would be official. Reist shivered with excitement. He could hardly wait. Of course, the fun would be short lived, tomorrow was also the day where the dragon would be deciding what to do with Rorick. Embereyes had already said that they would not be killing him, so he would be going home. There he would tell everyone the secret. He and Fen were doing their best to ignore that fact and to enjoy the time they had; which had been very enjoyable indeed, at lunch Reist sat in his lap, many dragons commented on how cute they looked together. Reist had made the comment that maybe they could leave with the dragons and just stay with them. Fen chuckled and nudged his mates head with his muzzle, but both of them secretly considered it. As the day slowly came to an end the dragon tribe's village began looking more and more like a village. There was a huge bonfire pit in the center, later there was to be a celebration of the new settlement, and a celebration of the new friends made.

The two wolves sat with their legs crossed a few feet away from the pit. Reist leaning against his mate happily. The dragons had begun to gather at the pit. There were drums and flutes and lutes and panpipes and some other instruments that Reist didn't even know about. The music was upbeat and light. The dancing was new to Reist, but Fen had visited a dragon tribe before and recognized some of them. The white wolf swayed with the music closing his eyes slightly, it was very comforting, then someone grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dancing crowd, it was Frostfoot. Fen laughed at Reist's face as he tried to keep up. The dragon motioned for Fen to join, which he did. The Dancing crowd became a circle around the fire pit, the circle porpoised and undulated; it spun clockwise and counter clockwise; there was a sweet drink being passed around. It was all happening so fast, Reist got lost in the music, wishing his clan could be more like this; accepting and Fun loving. The music began to slow, it became sweeter and more reminiscent, and then Reist noticed another dragon standing at the edge of the fire pit. The circle began to slow until it finally dissipated. The dragons of the clan began to sit in front of the one at the pit. Reist sat between Frostfoot and Fen. Frostfoot leaned over and said

"This is thunderclaw; she's one of our elders. Whenever we come to an area we've never been, she tells a story to honor the guests" Reist looked at the Elder dragon. She was the only one he had seen wearing something on her chest. Her scales were a deep grey, whether that was from age or her natural color, Reist did not know. She was clothed in a flowing robe, and one of her eyes was completely whited out. She spoke with a loud attention grabbing voice.

"Greetings my dearest friends,

There were once two florists; they lived next door to one another. They grew the most beautiful of flowers in the city. Even though they were in competition, they were the best of friends. Sharing their tips and helping each other out sometimes. All of that changed when the older of the Florists obtained a new breed of rose, this rose would bloom in every color imaginable, all at the same time. This rose quickly became the Flower that everyone wanted, the only one that people would buy. The younger florist could not find this breed of rose anywhere and the older florist refused to tell him where to find it. The younger man Wept, for without a unique plant of his own, to match the older florist's rose, he would be forced out of business. The very next day after his friend turning him down, he received a letter in the mail, it was full of seeds. There was neither return address nor writing, only seeds. The man planted the seeds, hopeful that they would save him. His hope was rewarded by an amazing flower, it looked like a normal sunflower, but it played soft music. It was a godsend the Florist thought and his business quickly boomed. Everyone wanted to buy both of the flowers, they were a natural pair. But the Younger florist spited his old friend, for when he needed help the most, the older florist had kept his secret, and left the younger man to live in near poverty. So when the older asked the younger what his secret was to growing singing flowers, the younger replied with hatful words and grudging words, shunning his ex friend from his Shop. Over the next few months the two began to hate each other and the competition between them became less friendly and more about putting the other out of business. Eventually the day came when the Tension grew so tight between the two, that a physical fight erupted one morning, and after knocking the older man out cold, the younger man set fire to the his enemy's shop. He laughed as he watched the rainbow roses be consumed by the fire, the colors seeming to melt from the heat. He left the building, still laughing, to find that his own shop had caught fire also. The song singing sunflowers sang out a lament as they were overtaken by the glowing flames. With a mad shout the florist dove into the fire in a vain attempt to save his precious flowers; he was burned alive. The flower shops both burned to the ground before the fire could be put out, the older man, when he finally awoke, was so distraught, he committed suicide that same hour. The lesson here my dearest friends and guests, that grudges, hate, and spite, consume everything happy in this world. In order to overcome them, we must love and accept things for how they are made and born. Nothing is worth hurting another person"

The entire dragon tribe watched her silently, as she walked away from the fire pit. She nodded to the guest wolves as she passed them.

"Was she directing that our clans?" Reist asked

"Probably." Frostfoot said "she usually tells a story that as something to do with where we are." The music started to pick back up, returning to its quick lively pace from before. Frostfoot got to his feet and began dancing with a green girl dragon. Fen offered his hand to Reist as more dancing couples began emerging. Reist took it and grinned. After a few awkward moments of Reist figuring the dance out, at which Fen didn't stop laughing, the joined the dancing crowd. Without the white wolf noticing, Fen began steering them towards the edge of the dancing tribe. Frostfoot winked at the black wolf as they passed. When they got to the edge, Fen kissed his mate, it wasn't just a kiss, he put all of his passion in that kiss, and Reist felt his legs get weak as he stood in Fen's arms, they had stopped dancing now. Fen took his lovers hand and began pulling him towards a hut, this one constructed for them. They barely made it inside and let the door flap close before Fen was on the white again, He kissed Reist, immediately the smaller wolf letting his mate's tongue enter his mouth. They tumbled onto a matt on the floor, stuffed with some strange material from the east that softened the fall so much they didn't really feel it. The kiss became hungrier, the both of them attacking each other's tongues. Fen's paw wandered under Reist's shirt, stroking his chest. The white wolf broke the kiss to slip out of his shirt and toss it on the matt that was the hut floor. The Black pressed his lips back to Reist's and palmed the younger wolf's groin lightly, making him moan softly into the kiss. The Shirtless wolf tugged on his mate's shirt with a small whine, Fen chuckled and took it off, throwing it next to Reist's. They could still hear the music playing in the village center; their moments seemed almost dictated by it. Whatever that sweet drink was Reist had drunk earlier must have been some sort of aphrodisiac, because his skin started to feel overly sensitive. Fen seemed to be affected too, simple touches, like a brush against the arm, made him shiver and when the black grazed his lips over Reist's chest, the white wolf groaned and pressed his pelvis to the other's. Fen grinned and reached down, unbuttoning and unzipping their pants. Reist let out a small sigh when the pressure in his pants was finally relieved. Fen pushed his pants down around his ankles and the kicked them off. Reist went to do the same, but his lover took the white paws in his hands and held them, then he kissed the still clothed wolf deeply. The white wolf was drinking in his mate's scent, starting to feel high off of it. The older wolf rolled on top of him, one arm on either side of Reist's head, still kissing him. Reist, who had wormed his way out of his pants slightly, only enough for his member to be out, took the black's length in his hand, causing him to moan softly. Fen's knees grew wobbly for a moment so he lowered himself slightly, his tip rubbing Reist's. The white wolf, struck by an idea, opened his hand and closed it once more, this time around both his and his mate's cocks. He pumped them slowly, causing both wolves to moan into each other. Fen thrusted into Reist's hand, wanting him to go faster. The younger wolf obliged him, moving his hand faster, both of them precumming and making it a very slick business. Then Fen broke kiss and moved, kissing his way down the white's chest. HE pulled Reist's pants down to his knees, pausing to lap at the tip of his mate's manhood, before pulling them the rest of the way off. Reist watched his lover, gasping at the lick and wondering what he was up too. Fen moved back up slowly, he kissed Reist's thigh and then licked up his length slowly, eliciting another groan. The next thing he did took the white by complete surprise. The older wolf lifted Reist's lower half, resting his mate's legs on his own shoulders. Reist was bamboozled as to what his lover was doing until he felt Fen's snout nosing between his legs towards his tail hole.

"F-fen-!" Was all he managed out as the black wolf licked over the tight entrance slowly. He did it again, and rubbed his mate's shaft slowly, feeling it pulse and twitch as he leaked out pre cum, it was starting to pool on the white's belly and chest. Smiling to himself he pushed his tongue through Reist's sphincter. The younger wolf arched his back with a soft moan. Fen had never done this before, and the white wolf was loving it. The black wolf slid more of his tongue in, before starting to move it in and out slowly. It was too much for Reist. "Fen, mate me now." He said suddenly, his voice shaking slightly. Fen took his time removing his tongue, and he lapped a few more times at the hole before he let his lover's legs down. He crawled forward, so that both pairs of lust filled eyes could see each other. Reist was panting heavily, Fen kissed his cheek lightly and lined himself up with Reist's entrance, his tip resting against the tight hole and dripping Pre cum on it. The black wolf gripped his shaft and smeared the pre around, teasing his mate more. Reist just whined at him, hungry to be taken. Fen chuckled and pushed in about an inch before stopping. The white wolf made a sound between a whimper and a moan.

Fen smirked at the sound and hilted himself in his mate, Reist moaned out loudly wrapping his legs around the black's waist. Fen took him slowly at first, keeping himself as hilted inside the tight tail hole as possible, barely moving his hips at all, just rubbing his tips against Reist's prostate. He quickly began to speed up, pulling more of himself out but going just as deep every time; both of them vocalizing their pleasure loudly. The music from the celebration was still audible over the wolves' symphony of ecstasy, and it only seemed to drive them on. Fen was pulling himself out to the tip and slamming back into the tight confines of Reist's rear, he balls slapping against his mate rhythmically. The white wolf shivered as he began to feel Fen's knot being rammed against him, not with enough force to enter. The black began to stroke Reist's Member in time with his thrusts, every time his shaft hit His lover's prostate, his hand crested on the white's cockhead.

"Fen! I'm gonna cum!" Reist said his back starting to arch and his arms going to the edge of the bed behind his head and gripping it hard. Fen could feel his mate's walls starting to clench as his orgasm approached rapidly. Reist screamed out and his hips bucked as he began glazing his belly and chest with love juices. Fen growled and rammed his knot up to Reist's hole, pushing hard. The White wolf, being stretched further than he had ever been before, was too far gone to feel the pain, in fact the feeling intensified his own orgasm. The thick knot finally was forced in the milking Entrance with an audible pop. Warmth started blossoming in Reist's insides as he was knotted for the first time, both wolves were howling out in pleasure. When they were finished finishing, fen collapsed on his mate, breathing hard, Reist's walls still pulsing around him as if trying to milk him. He groaned and his kissed Reist's neck, it was making him want to go again. The white wolf let go of the edge of the bed, letting his arms flop down still above his head and nuzzled against Fen's head panting. The black wolf looked at him and he giggled

"That was amazing" Reist said. Fen nodded in agreement. Reist leaned up and kissed him lightly. Fen kissed him back, following his mate's head as he let it back down. The kiss lasted longer than either of them had really intended. Fen laid his body down on Reist's, is fur getting wet from the puddle of cum on the younger wolf's abdomen. Still kissing, Reist ground his hips against his lover's, pressing the cock closer to his prostate, and let out a small whimpering moan.

"You can't still be not done?" Fen said surprised, breaking the kiss.

"I could go again...." Reist said blushing. The black smirked and kissed his mate softly

"We have to wait a bit for my knot." He said

"There's a spare inch there" Reist said grinning.

"Someone's a horny little wolf tonight." Fen said chuckling and pulling the "spare inch" out before his knot halted him from going further. He slid it back in slowly. Reist closed his eyes, feeling the large knot move inside him

"Mmmmmm...." Fen chuckled as he felt Reist's body start to relax, the white wolf starting to fall asleep to the gentle Prostate massage. He laid next to the exhausted wolf, continuing the nudges, until he too fell asleep. His knot began to deflate as they slept, and his dick slid out of Reist and into its sheath but neither wolf woke up. Both of them pretty tired.

To be continued

In the next chapter, dragon wings, Reist and Frostfoot go flying, but unfortunately for them there is danger in the skies. Can Embereyes and Fen get them In time?