the wolves chapter 6: easy come easy go

Story by thewhitetigerX3 on SoFurry

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#6 of the wolves

Chapter 6 woot

This is a set up chapter and also to introduce a couple of new characters. If you leave a comment, be nice please

Chapter 6: Easy come easy go

Reist was awoken roughly the next morning, having once again been drugged. This time however he was awoken by a harsh shaking of his cage. Frostfoot was nowhere to be seen. All he could see was Charles the harpy and a plethora of other cages; each one with someone in it. As far as he could see, he was the only wolf. There were a few jackals and a whole lot of scaly type creatures. There were a lot of dragons, of every color. There were some naga here and there, a good number of lizards, and right next to him was a creature that Reist did not know. But it wasn't in a cage; it was in a tank full of water. Upon closer inspection, he discovered it was a girl. She was covered in scales and almost looked like a dragon, but instead of wings, on her back there was a giant set of fins. Starting on her neck and going down to her upper chest there were gills. She was staring right back at him unblinkingly. Reist wasn't sure that she could blink. An announcement came over an intercom system, speaking a strange language. Charles and the strange girl's captor walked away, going the same direction. The girl tapped her glass, recapturing Reist's attention.

"Hey you wolf boy." She said, her voice a little distorted and muffled. She spoke with a strange accent (think Jamaican) that Reist had never heard.

"Yea?" he said, scooting closer to her tank.

"They're registering you." She said. Reist shot her a puzzled look. "You looked confused when they spoke over the P.A. system. So I translated for you."

"How do you know my language?" Reist asked

"I'm a linguist. Well. I suppose I was." She said. "What were you?"

"A hunter I guess." The wolf said "a teacher too."

"No way, are you from the western Wolf clans?" The girl said "which one?"

"...the Crescent moon clan" He said. She deflated slightly

"I don't know that one."

"What are you?" The wolf asked crudely, becoming a little unhappy at the mention of his ex clan.

"I'm what's commonly called.... A sea serpent? I think that's what you guys call it. " She answered. They fell silent as their captors returned.

"Put on your happy face pup. It's show time. Don't cause any trouble." Charles said walking away. The wolf had a feeling that the serpent girl's kidnapper was saying something similar, although he couldn't really be sure.

"They aren't supposed to be around when we're being looked at." She said. "They might bias the browsing "customers"." She said

"What can we be sold for?" Reist said remembering what the harpies had been saying in the van.

"anything." The water breather said grimly."Anything at all. You sure are a long way away from home."

"I'm from the one of the eastern most clans. And I was not home when I was taken. How did the Harpies get me here so fast?"

"Oh you got taken by harpies? They're some of the fastest fliers in the world." She said as people started to file in. "I'll translate for you so you know what they're saying ok? No one deserves to go into this blind." Then the "show" started. A lot of people walked by Reist's cage without talking, most them looking for workers. Then a couple stopped in between the two cages.

"Oh darling," The serpent translated for the cat women, she was wearing very loud clothes, a feathered stole draped over her shoulders "look at the both of them, so beautiful." The man did not reply. "I simply just can't decide. I want the both of them." She said. "Wait what is that one doing?" she nodded at the serpent "are you... are translating for him?" the serpent nodded. "Oohh that is just adorable, my love you must get me these two if you can." She said hanging on the arm of her probable husband. Reist refused to think of them as mates. They didn't deserve that word. A few more people stopped in front of the serpent's cage. She didn't translate for them, so the wolf was clueless. Then a Horse stopped in front of him.

"You're a beauty" he said speaking Reist's language. Reist shied away from him. The bronze colored horse spoke accent less, and he had a strange look in his eyes. "I think my employer would like you very much indeed. How about it? You want to come home with me and my boss?" he said bending forward and adopting a tone of voice one uses when talking to toddlers. Reist bared his teeth and Growled. The horse laughed "glorious." He said walking on, still laughing.

The next few people to stop at his cage expressed similar interests, according to the serpent's translations. She was starting to get a good amount of attention too. But she said it was mostly collectors after her, since serpents were rare on the slave market over here. He felt sic when she said "over here" there were more than just this one. It made him homesick. He missed the trees. He hadn't thought about the fact that the world had its undesirable parts too, just like his clan. Did he really want to leave with the dragon tribe? That was of course assuming he ever got back to the tribe. Fen would rescue him, or at least try. His thoughts were interrupted by a Mouse guy standing in front of his cage. The mouse was definitely well off; he was wearing one of the most expensive suits Reist had seen that day.

"I'm going to try and get you out of here." He said softly, in Reist's lingo, before walking on.

"Browsing time is over, please leave this area and return to the stage" The serpent translated the P.A. system again. The people left the way they came. "Its auction time" she said nervously.

The auction was torture, the only thing Reist could do was wait his turn and listen to other slaves be sold. The serpent girl went before he did, she waved good bye to him as she was wheeled by on a cart. After her, it was Reist's turn. He was carted out the same way as his friend, and then onto a stage overlooking a crowd of people. He scanned the crowd quickly, not seeing any of the ones who had expressed interest in him. On the stage with him was Charles and the Auctioneer. The bidding was taking place in the desert language so Reist had no clue for how much he was sold, but it took a long time so he was guessing he wasn't cheap. He also couldn't see who he was sold too, but he really hoped it was the mouse. Please let it have been the mouse. He was carted off the stage into a holding area, where he was to await his new owner. The mouse was waiting for him.

"I am deeply sorry my friend, but I was outbid." The mouse said sadly. Then the horse man walked in. "hey worm tail back away from my wolf." The mouse's thin pink tail twitched at the insult and he scowled at the horse before leaving. The Horse had a collar and leash in his hand. "This can either be really easy, or really hard. Trust me you want the easy way." He said glaring. He took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the cage. "Come here." He ordered. Reist hesitated before stepping out of the cage, allowing the collar and leash to be put on him. HE looked down sadly as he was led away from the cage and to a limousine, where he was put in the back. "There are some rules you need to know. First, refer to anyone not wearing a collar as master. Second, you will only do what you are told; third, you will not touch anyone wearing a collar unless told to. And fourth, do not argue. Any deviation from these rules will result in instant and severe punishment. Do you understand?"

"Yes.....master...." Reist said, baring his teeth on the last word.

"Good boy." The horse said patting his head. The wolf resisted the urge to bite him. The windows of the limo were tinted very darkly so he had nothing to look at other than the inside of the cab. It was red and velvety. It made Reist uncomfortable. He closed his eyes for the rest of the trip, opening them when the horse nudged him. "Out." Reist got out, it was twilight now, sand under Reist's feet was still hot however and he could feel his pads burning slightly, he bounced from foot to foot tenderly. The horse took his time walking the wolf to the door and inside of the mansion, enjoying watching the wolf dance. "Lucky for you my boss is away right now, I'm not allowed to touch you yet. That was adorable." The horse laughed and took him to a bedroom, and locked him in. The wolf sat on the bed and cried. This is unreal and impossible. He ended up crying himself to sleep. He was woken up, roughly again. His first thought to the door being flung open was if my life has to suck you could at LEAST let me get a decent sleep! Then an Arctic fox was thrown into the room. HE hit the floor hard and the door was slammed behind him. It happened so fast, Reist didn't even see who threw him in. The fox sniffled and picked himself up, then saw the wolf and demanded something in his own language.

"I don't speak that" Reist said. The fox thought for a moment.

"What.... room...?" the fox said unsurely

"They threw me in here" Reist answered and he watched the fox decipher this

"New?" the fox asked. Reist nodded

"trick." The fox said pointing to himself.

"Reist strongheart." The wolf said. "But Reist is fine."

"Reist?" the fox asked. He nodded again.

"I guess we share?" The fox said motioning to the room. Reist shrugged.

"I guess." He said walking around the room. There was a window, but it was bolted shut. And a tap confirmed it as Plexiglas. The room itself wasn't extravagant, but it wasn't just a hole in the wall either. The bed was nice, and Reist hated to admit it, but very comfy. "Been here long?" he said looking over at the fox

"3....months? Weeks? Years?" the fox said trying to remember the right word. _ Helpful._ Reist thought sarcastically. There had to be a way to get out of here.

" the only thing they make us do?" HE asked, speaking slowly for the not fluent fox.

"Sex?" the Fox asked. Reist pelvic thrusted a couple of times by way of explanation. "Oh... no. we..." he made a face, trying to remember he made a wiping motion against the wall.

"Clean?" Reist asked. Trick nodded.

"Yea... clean." He said.

"Where do you go when we have a call of nature?" Reist asked.

"I don't know what you just said." trick said. The wolf sighed. The rest of the day was spent in silence. The horse brought them food around noon. It wasn't great but it wasn't gruel.

"Name?" Reist asked nodding at the door after the horse left.

"Name him Brute." Trick said, eating.

"Good name...." Reist muttered. He finished his food quickly and left his tray by the door. He flopped on the bed dejectedly. He noticed there was only one bed; he was told not to touch other slaves and it was not a big bed. Was someone supposed to sleep on the floor? The door reopened and Brute grabbed their trays. Trick gabbled to him in his bizarre sounding language, and Brute answered. Reist was confounded by so many people knowing multiple languages. He wondered how long that took. Brute left and returned a minute later; he threw a book at Trick. It was written in two languages, one of them was Reist's. The title was Canindian to Vulpinian dictionary. It was a translation dictionary. Trick looked through it for a moment

"Salutations Reist. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance even though our situation is less than desirable" Trick said. Reist blinked him, almost laughing at how ridiculous he sounded.

"Same here." The wolf said

"The master should be returning home soon, before the night in all probability, is there someone coming for you?" he asked, referring to the book

"I hope so." Reist said looking down. Now that he thought about it, how would they even know where he had gone? He doubted Fen would be able to track his scent in the sky.

"Good luck to them, I hope they are more successful then past attempts I have seen."

"It will be." Reist said uncertainly. "So why is there only one bed? I'm not supposed to touch anyone. Does someone take the floor?"

"You are probably going to be taken to the master's quarters tonight to be.... " Trick didn't finish. He didn't need to. Reist thought for a moment

"We could run? We could both take Brute I'm sure." Reist offered

"I am not sure...." Trick said hesitantly "they punish severely if you try things like that."

"Do you want out?" Reist asked impatiently


"Then we have to try."

"Well.... Brute likes to use me after he takes care of his chores.... We could do it then...." Trick said, still unsure

"We have to try." Reist repeated.

"I understand why your name is strongheart." Trick said smiling a little. "Brute is going to chain you up while he uses me, I will get his keys and try and get them to you without him noticing. Then when I distract him you jump him."

"How will you distract him?" Reist asked. Once he had translated the statement, Trick smiled, letting his teeth show

"I will think of something." Almost as if on cue, Brute opened the door again. He was holding a chain and there was already a bulge in his pants. He chained Reist to the leg of a dresser, the length of the chain not long enough to let his even touch the bed.

"Take notes pup, this will you soon." Brute said gruffly as he walked to the bed and spoke to the fox in vulpinian. The horse dropped his pants and Reist felt his jaw drop with them. The wolf didn't know they came that big. Trick, knew what to do. He wasted no time in licking his way up the half flaccid shaft; it started to grow even more as it the horse was more and more aroused. Reist almost didn't notice Trick fumbling inside Brute's pants pocket. The Horse didn't notice at all as he grabbed the fox's head and pushed more of his impressive shaft into the fox's gullet. Trick did something, probably with his tongue that made the horse let his head fall back with closed eyes with a low groan. Lightening fast trick tossed the key over. Reist caught it and unlocked the chain, it made a soft click. Brute looked up in alarm, exclaiming, then he screamed and hunched over as the fox bit down. Reist jumped on the horse, punching him. The horse shoved the fox backwards off of his ripped and punctured penis. The fox then kicked him in his horse apples. The horse went down on his knees with a yell, doing his best to throw Reist off, but he was beat. Then the fox stood up, unbridled hate in his eyes. He grabbed the horses head and slammed it against the Bed frame once, twice, three times. The equine body went limp. Reist checked for a pulse, he wasn't quite dead.

"The master our size. We get you his clothes" the fox said, referring to book quickly and leading the way. They got there without much incident, opening the unlocked door and closing behind them quickly. The grabbed some clothes and threw them on.

"Let's go." Reist said. Trick nodded, leading the way out of the Mansion.

"Wish we help others. But no time." The fox said. "Come, garage." The garage was full of cars; each one had the keys in the ignition.

"This guy really doesn't care about thieves huh?" Reist said. Trick shook his head and chose one, getting in the driver's seat.

"No believe we get out." Trick managed, without checking the book.

"I know." and me after only a few hours. Reist thought getting in the car. What would have happened if I hadn't been roomed with this guy? Trick started the car and drove out. Reist was nervous, never having been in a car before. But they were free now. He took the translator and looked through it for a minute

"Can we head west?" he asked in the vulpinian language, he could only hope he was saying it right. The Fox nodded shortly.

Fen and the two female Dragons landed at the auction site, it was vacant.

"Feraltooth, you smell them?" Treesong asked. Fen sniffed around for a while. When he climbed on the stage, he caught a faint whiff.

"Got them. They've already been sold." He said angrily.

"Told you so." Rainstorm said "now we just got to the auction manager and find out who bought them." She said.

Brute woke up, bleeding badly from both of his heads. He stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed some towels and began cleaning up. They were going to pay for that, if it was the last thing he did. He looked at the still oozing blood horse meat. It was gashed but still usable at least. And the bash on his skull wasn't too bad either. Those slaves had made a very big mistake.

To be continued

After being sold Reist had incredible stroke of luck and escaped unharmed, but can that luck hang around to let him stay free and find fen? Will fen find out about his mate escape in time to save him from Brute? And to make matters worse, Rorick managed to escape the dragons, now Reist is running form an all out wolf hunt!

Chapter 7: Wolf hunt