Playing in the Back Pew

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#4 of LIkes To Play

Edited & Coauthored by Averis

Playing in the Back Pew

"I'm glad you decided to come, This really means a lot to me," I said to Zee.

"Well of course, you mean a lot to me, so the things that mean a lot to you are important," She said while tapping her way towards my voice around my car.

"We're early so I can introduce you to a few of the people I talk to, if you want to meet them. They're all very nice people, and they don't have anything against homosexuals," I said.

"Well I should hope not, if they're friends of yours and they do then they're quite hypocritical people," she said while holding out her hand, "Take me onward my beautiful lady."

"Let's go," I said leading her in, she was wearing an outfit I bought after I took her home and went to go buy this very nice maroon dress, "You look nice, you smell good too."

Blushing she said "Thank you, I did some work last night as well, I hope I'll have something for you finished by the time Monday comes around."

"Oh? Well I can't wait to see it," I said.

Smiling at me she said "You've already seen part of it, I just need to finish the rest."

Walking in I saw a lot of familiar faces, the pastor, and various others Sister Kathrine came up to us and said, "Good morning Cassandra, how are you today."

"Not too bad, this is my girlfriend, McKenzie. She likes to go by Zee though, and as I've said before I prefer, Cas, or Casey," I said,

"Well nice to meet you Zee," she said extending her paw toward her waiting a few seconds before asking, "What wrong dear?"

"What do you mean?"She asked, not realizing that Sister Kathrine had extended a paw to her.

"Well are you a germaphobe, I only ask because you're leaving me with my paw out in the middle of the air," she said.

"She was offering to shake your paw," I interjected.

"Oh!" Zee said while feeling around in front of her and managing to grab Sister Kathrine's paw. "Casey forgot to mention I'm blind, hence the cane," she said holding it up.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear, I should have noticed, I used to work with the blind," she said, "I'm so sorry."

Shrugging she said "It's okay, you get used to it, apparently I don't look blind whatever that means."

"Maybe its you don't wear those glasses, those dark glasses that people cant see thorough," She offered.

Cocking her head to the side Zee asked "Why would I need glasses if I'm blind, that doesn't make sense."

"I know it doesn't dear, but most of them do, it serves more of an visual purpose for others," she said, "But I must be going to welcome others in go meet some of the other people that are presently here."

"Oh guess who's here," I whispered to Zee.

"Who?" She asked while looking around to mock the past conversation.

"Miss Frey, our home room teacher from freshman year. Want to make her nervous?" I asked.

Looking at me she said "Seriously? why in the heck, but making her nervous sounds fun."

Leading Zee over to where Miss Frey was I said, "Hello Miss Frey."

"Oh my word, Casey is that you?" She asked.

"Yes, its me, what are you doing here," I asked pressing my breasts together.

"How, how, how have your studies been," she stammered.

"Fine," I said, "I still remember how your homemade pie tastes."

"Y-y-y-you c-c-c-come here often?" she asked.

"Every sunday, how often do you cum here?" I asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she blurted out.

Turning to Zee I said, "That was fun."

After a moment Zee burst out in laughter saying "I can't believe you did that!"

"Did what, we were just having a pleasant conversation about baked goods and if we both come to this church often, she must have a really small bladder," I said trying to give Zee a hint, leaning in close I said, "It was the most fun I've had at church, except when I had my first communion and got wasted, on accident of course, I'm a total lightweight."

"Well I know now that it won't take much to have some fun that way then," Zee said with a bit of an evil grin.

"I'm easy sober," I whispered, "you get me wasted, you could march and entire marching band in and out."

"I think you did that after homecoming game freshman year," she whispered back.

"Also had the whole football team at half time, including the coach and assistant coach. i was sore the rest of the day," I whispered.

Wincing Zee said "I imagine so, sounds painful."

"I wont do anything like that anymore, I have you," I said.

The pastor walked over and said, "Casey, nice to see you again, I would imagine that you are curious as what today's sermon will be about."

"What is it pastor Dean?" I asked.

"Its about the sexual deviance that has become an increasing issue in our schools, and around the world." he said, noticing Zee he asked "Oh who is this lovely lady?"

"This is Zee, she's my girlfriend, and she's blind," I said.

"Nice to meet you mister Dean, sir," she said.

"No need to be formal here Just Pastor, Pastor Dean, or just plain old Dean," he said warmly like John Goodman.

"Okay then Dean," she said with a warm smile on her face.

"Well I hope you enjoy the service, and I hope to see you around here again." He said going to see the churches eldest couple, Mr and Mr. Higgins.

"He went to go say hello to Mr. and Mr. Higgins, want to go get a seat?" I asked.

Nodding she said "Sure, that sounds good."

Leading her into the back pew I whispered, "A little advice, don't let two horses double team you. Sure it feels good during but once it's over... Lets just leave it at that."

Shuddering she said "You are really evil."

"I'm not evil, I just happen to like pleasure in every form, and a little pain never hurts," I whispered with a grin on my face.

"But, those, you know what I mean, they're still gross," Zee said.

"I bet you'd like to get freaky with a cheerleader," I said, "Those girls are freaky."

"All I want is you, anyone else doesn't matter, everyone else is just another person," she said while leaning into me.

"That's sweet Zee, I'm glad you helped me convert to the good girls side," I giggled at the second part.

"You, good? Since when my sweet sex fiend?" she joked at my expense.

"I know, that's almost impossible. If anything we're joining a different club all together, the lovers club. My sweet fuzzy pillow," I said.

"Mmm, that's true, and you can use me as a pillow any time my gorgeous love," Zee said while pulling my head onto her chest.

"I'd be better if we were lying on one our beds and we were both naked," I said dreamily.

Purring she said "Well that does sound fun, maybe after this we can leave right away."

Grinning evilly I said, "Well we can do a little of that here, if you don't mind the possibility of being caught."

When she was silent for a little bit I turned to look up at her and saw that she was blushing, eventually she said "Okay, but we can't do what we've done until now since that involved us being mostly or entirely naked."

"You don't think I can pleasure you with most of your clothes on?" I asked, in mock offence.

Blushing even more she opened her mouth but nothing came out, shaking her head she just sat there blushing fiercely.

"Well let me tell you, I can," to make the point clear I slid my paw up underneath her dress and cupped her, "So did you use your toy you bought last night, and did you think of me when you did?"

Shaking her head lightly she said "I was scared to open it, but I did have fun buying it yesterday."

"Well do you want me to play with you?" I asked seductively.

Nodding she said quietly "I wonder if we really should do this here and now, won't other people be coming in?"

"Oh? My pretty kitty isn't wild just yet, well that's fine we can wait till the service starts," I said. As others began to file in slowly I withdrew my paw from under her dress until the candle boys had come in and closed the doors. After they walked past I slowly inched my way back up under her dress.

Grabbing my hand through the dress she pushed my fingers closer and whispered "Yes."

"Yes what?" I asked.

"Yes, I want this," she said.

Sliding my paw up her leg further I felt her underwear, slightly wet. Moving my head up to her ear I flicked my tongue at it and said, "I guess you've been waiting for this. How naughty are you?"

"You got me excited earlier, I can't help it when you entice me like that," she whispered, a slight hitch in her voice.

"I entice you a lot you must be wet all day long," I teased her, then started sucking on her ear lustfully, as I slowly moved her panties out of the way and her dress out from under her to prevent a wet spot.

In a loud booming voice Pastor Dean said "Today, I want to discuss the prevalence of sexual deviance among our young ones!"

Biting her lip Zee stifled a moan and whispered "You have no idea how you make me feel."

"Oh, I have an idea. You wouldn't believe the dream I had last night, I woke up this morning and my silk sheets were soaked between my legs. I dreamt about you all night long," I said pressing two fingers inside her, "Now how about we take care of you?"

"Okay..." Zee said, dragging the syllables out in her pleasure.

As the pastor continued his sermon so did I in 'sign language'. I slid my fingers in and out, gently massaging the walls of her pussy. She had to bite her lip to keep herself from yelling out loud. I moved my other paw up to her lower right breast and slowly massaged it through both sets of fabric. I resumed the sucking on her ear, and teasing my tongue across the fur on the inside. She was quickly purring, I always knew how to make her start up.

"That feels good doesn't it," I asked her teasing her clit with my thumb.

Biting down she had to suck in air through her nose to keep from screaming all she was able to do was keep purring.

Stopping my assault seeing she was close to orgasm I said, "Sorry pumpkin, not just yet."

There was an audible whine. A few minutes later she had come back down and was nowhere near an orgasm, so I resumed yet again. This time I drove my fingers in as deep as I could to reach her g-spot. The playful rubbing on the fur on her back became much more sensual as I started tracing small circles into her fur, lightly scratching at the skin below and trailing lower and lower. I could smell her musky scent after a minute, she still was biting down on her lower lip.

"You're my little bitch aren't you," I said, quietly enough so only she could hear.

Nodding she moved and forced my fingers even deeper for a moment before I pulled them back to draw out her pleasure even more.

"I bet you want to orgasm right now don't you," I said quieter still, slowing my exertions.

"Please," she managed to squeak out quietly enough to not be heard, her body practically vibrating with pleasure from the delayed orgasms.

"I'm sorry hun, not just yet. We've got another twenty five minutes till the service ends. I'll let you have one around then, so long as you keep your moans inside," I said, withdrawing my paw completely, "I'm evil aren't I?"

She didn't respond, but I knew the answer to that already. I kissed her on the cheek, "Thanks for being a good sport about it. I know you'll be happy once you orgasm."

Throughout the service I brought her close but never actually letting her orgasm. Each time she grew more and more frustrated. Finally close to the end of the service I brought out a toy that I knew she was going to love. It was a purple feline penis complete with barbs and all. She was busy trying to keep herself from yelling out, "Let me cum". I grinned evilly to myself as I knew she was about to have an orgasm she'd never forget. I didn't insert just the tip though since I knew she was completely soaked, so I rammed it all in as fast as i could and then slipped the underwear back over her pussy and covered her mouth with my other paw.

While I was doing that her body went completely rigid as her back arched and she nearly swallowed my paw. Right afterwards I felt the toy get sucked in even further and her juices spill forth through her panties onto my paw that was still between her legs. As she sat there she kept twitching and more juices would spill forth until finally she fell back against the pew and sat there, completely in heaven from the climax she had finally reached. Eventually while we were sitting there she turned over to me and said "That was worth it, I love you."

Cuddling against me she said "So that's why you shushed the cashier at the shop yesterday."

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you with it," I said, "Also if you want to when we head back to my place you can get me back, I have a few ideas."

Nodding she picked up her cane and said "I'm going to go to the bathroom first, you should turn around though, someone is walking up behind you." As she walked away I saw Pastor Dean standing behind me.

"Hi Pastor Dean, you need something?" I asked.

"She was the first person you ever brought here," He said while purposefully not looking below my face or at my purse with a couple of toys visible in it still open.

"I like her a lot." I said, "She and I love each other."

Smiling kindly he said "Well that's good, I am glad that you found someone in your life."

"Well I hope you enjoyed the show. I assure you it won't happen again, it was also a good sermon," I said.

"Good, I hope to see both you of again next Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your day together," he said before turning to walk away.

"We don't know if she'll be back, her parents aren't exactly religious," I said.

"Even if it is just you, I'm glad you come here, it's good to see young people taking their beliefs into their own hands," he said before walking out to talk with others in the common area outside the chapel.

I got up to go find Zee in the bathroom, she was in the handicapped stall, "Hey, Zee."

"It's unlocked, come in please then lock it," she answered, there was still a bit of a hitch in her voice.

"I'm fine out here thanks," I said.

"I have no way to take this back out of the church..." she said while leaving it open ended for me to realize what she meant.

"Oh, that ok," I said entering and locking it behind me.

Holding it out to me I saw she had taken it out and was cleaning herself before she paused and asked "is something wrong?"

"I just feel, I don't know, guilty I guess. Because of what we did," I said.

"We don't have to do it again if you feel bad," she said while gesturing for me to come over to her.

Coming over to her she gave me a hug and I said, "I know I've done it almost everywhere, the train station, a train, school bathroom, classroom, and a bunch of other places. Let's just not do it here again here."

Pulling me closer she put my head on her shoulder and said "We don't ever have to do anything you don't like. To be honest I rather liked what Dean was saying when I wasn't going insane with pleasure, maybe we can just come and listen to a sermon.

"And have our fun after, like at a Denny's bathroom?" I joked feeling better.

"Mmm, breakfast and pleasure, sounds good to me," she joked back.

"So wanna go home tie me to my bed and ravish me?" I asked one hundred percent serious.

"Well, revenge never sounded so fun for both parties," she said before turning my head to kiss me lightly.

"I still want to see what you look like with a strap-on around your waist," I said, "And it's been a while since I had any anal penetration bigger than a finger."

"Lead the way my love," she said while offering her paw and grabbing her cane.

After getting back to my car i helped her into seat and she buckled herself in. Getting myself in the car I drove us home on the way there some ass cut in front of me and slowed down forcing me to slam on my breaks. Instinctively i thrust my arm out to prevent Zee's head from slamming into the dashboard. After we started moving again at a normal speed my arm didn't come back.

Reaching up and putting her paw over mine, which rested on her top right breast, Zee said "Thank you," she said it quietly but loud enough that I could hear her and how relieved she was that I cared enough to reach over and protect her.

Upon feeling her paw I tried to move as I said, "Its ok, but... Um can you let me move my paw, at least to your leg, it's a bit hard to drive like this. Honestly I didn't realize it was still there."

Moving my hand and hers she put them both on her left knee and said "With you I always feel happy and safe."

"And I feel like i'm more complete with you in my life," I said patting her leg.

We got home with no incident afterwards. I helped her to the front door, and led her up the stairs to my room. The light was just beginning to shine through the window. The green paint on my walls was absorbing most of the light on them. My bed was a four poster queen size bed, the mattress was a cloud top. I led her over the the bed and sat her down and closed the blinds before I did anything else.

"We don't want anyone interrupting us now do we?" I said walking over to the door and closing it as well as locking it.

Walking over to Zee I grabbed her paws and placed them on my body and whispered, "Keep them there. enjoy the 'Show'." I slowly started removing my articles of clothing her hands going up and down my body feeling as each article of clothing came off. Once I was finished I asked, "How did you like the show?"

Smiling she slowly traced my breasts with nothing between her pads and my nipples while saying "It was very enjoyable to feel the transition."

"Well its as close to seeing someone strip their clothes off as you're going to get, unless they figure out a way to cure blindness, but then I'd hope you'd only want to look at me, when I'm doing it," I said teasingly.

I saw her tail out of the corner of my eye reach behind me and when it touched my bed she pushed me back quickly before dropping slowly and crawling up the bed over my body, "This is what you want right?"

Reaching into the night stand i pulled out about four lengths of rope each capable of tying anyone of my arms or legs to the posts with just enough slack handing her the rope I asked, "Could you do these please?"

As soon as they were in her paws though I saw her freeze and drop them, backing away muttering "No more, please stop, don't do any more to me..." and crouch in the corner shivering.

Reacting quickly i ran over to her and brought her in close to me i said, "Zee its ok, its ok its me. He's not here, its just Casey. Just me, I'm not going to hurt you.

Shivering still she said "I can feel it, his touch, the rope and the knots. They still haunt my skin and the fur on my wrists grows differently since then from the scars."

"I remember their touching as well, but hun you need to stop living in the past. I know he hurt you, but if he so much as gets near you again he'll be eating his own balls," I said.

Nodding she muttered "His balls, they were awful, I know now if I had been older he would have probably made me pregnant..."

"I'll make a promise to you right now, I'll always try and be there for you, and i'll never force you to do anything though, never," I said.

Finally hugging me she said "He's gone, always gone, but he's still here on my body. I want to show you all of them tonight, even if you can't see them."

"So do you want me to put my clothes back on?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter, I know you're comfortable either way. Just give me your paws please." Taking them she slowly traced my pads over her wrists and showed me where the rope and the knot in particular scarred her wrists. Her shoulders and over her back onto her neck so that she barely had enough air to survive his assault. Her waist and ankles where he had tied the rope to make it impossible to close her legs or manage to take a deep breath without cutting into her own body. A single knife wound tracing from the inside of her left leg along to the beginning of her flower and then along the inside folds, I hadn't realized that part was a scar before. Her knees had scars and I realized they were part of the scars under her armpits.

"Mommy and daddy never did something to me like that, and I'd never do that to you. The rope was meant for me not you. Would you like to do something else? Cuddle on the bed maybe?" I asked.

Nodding she said "Okay, I still have problems from my past to overcome. As you felt most of my scars are from rope just like that, only my neck was bound differently." Putting her head on my shoulder she started sobbing lightly and continued "I wanted to do something you enjoyed."

"Well, I'd like it if you were to wear a harness with a similar toy like i used on you today. Just bigger, and thicker, with a function we both might enjoy," i said.

Chuckling she said "I don't know about the harness just yet, but the toy sounds like a plan."


Sitting at the foot of her bed I could hear her breathing and a slight giggle as she opened one of her drawers to the left side of me. I could hear the slight difference in the wooden boards under her carpet and knew she was coming back my way. I reached out and grabbed her waist and pulled her into my lap, "So what surprise do you have this time?" I asked her while tracing up to her arms and working my towards her paws.

"I call him Fred," Casey said handing me a hard, and very large object

I could feel a smooth, slightly ridged, surface, it had a distinct head to it with a kind of triangular shape, but the edges were rounded. As my pads moved down the length of it I was certain my eyes were wide with surprise as it mostly filled both of my paws near the base. I could feel the hardness of it drop away somewhat near the base, as if it could be filled with something, the whole thing was longer than my forearm. "Wow."

"Its custom, he's a good friend of mine," Casey said, "So, wanna continue?"

Nodding I said "Slowly, but I want to do this with you."

"Well get to a pace you feel comfortable with, I'm comfortable with just about any pace, even five minute quickies," she said.

Taking Fred with one hand I checked where I was on the bed and pulled her back with me before flipping her onto her stomach. "First you." I said while bringing Fred up to her mouth. I could feel her getting wetter on my thigh as she took almost half of it into her mouth at once. "How in the world?" I asked quietly while reaching with my other hand and starting to pet her.

"Pwactice," she mumbled around the silicone invader.

Grinning I pulled my fingers out of her and grabbed the tip of her tail before slowly bending it and putting the tip in two inches. Teasing her clit with my middle finger I kept her tail in with my thumb and pinky while sticking my pointer and index insider with her tail. I could feel her tail wagging and knew she was making herself hornier as I slowly inched the dildo deeper in her mouth, I heard her jaw unhinge and asked "Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh," she said around it pulling her head back ,"Its a technique I learned, as a child."

Realizing what she meant I quietly said "Oh" and took the dildo away from her mouth, but before she could complain I took my other paw out of her and put it in her mouth while moving the dildo along her body and placing it at the opening to her ass, right between her plump cheeks. Slowly moving it in while she sucked on my fingers I felt her moan start and then heard it escape, muffled, past her muzzle.

"Ah, after a few days that feels great," she said.

Laughing lightly I pushed it deeper in and said "Well it is mine to deny you this now, and I think I enjoy that role."

"Of course you do mistress," she responded, "Almost everyone enjoys being in a position of power."

"Power is dangerous though, we're both results of that experience. Isn't that true my sex fiend of a pet?" I said while pushing it deeper in.

"Well mistress mine happened to be more fortunate because I got to know how to please my snuggle kitty," she responded, "So I wouldn't say abusement of power turns out bad all of the time, would you mistress?"

Moving both of my hands I hugged her and said "Maybe, I'm just glad I'm here to meet you, regardless of how it happened."

"Me either, I just wish I knew that we could be together forever," she said.

"Nothing is certain, but I want you forever." I said before pulling her down to her side and using my thigh to push the dildo in a little further.

"You say that now, but a few years down the road you might change your mind," she said while moaning lustily.

"I've been in love with you for a few years already hun. I don't change my mind easily and you are an amazing woman I would be happy to live out the rest of my days with." I said while moving over to lay in front of her, doing my best to look at her face based on my memory of where she was laying.

Running a paw softly down my face she said, "Hun I know you think you believe that, just like how I thought my parents would always be by my side, but like I said things change. Things like marriage aren't even sure things anymore, just don't make promises like that, thinking they'll hurt you less makes them hurt you more."

"I've never broken a promise. But perhaps I should give you time and space to think, this is all happening very quickly." I smiled wistfully at her wondering why she wouldn't open herself to just trying to hold onto happiness.

"Look, I've never loved anyone like you, save my parents and look at what happened there." she said, "I was abused and used by them. It'll take me awhile to get used to that kind of relationship again. Just say here with me, i don't want to be left by myself like this again. Some of the people i've been with had their way with me and left making me feel... cheap. Lets just snuggle under the covers."

"All I want is your happiness, and I know that's cheesy." I said while putting my hand on the dildo and starting to work it out slowly, "Lets just leave more of this guy for another time."

"I think this is probably the most vulnerable I've ever been with someone before, and she has no idea how pathetic I look," she said pulling a large soft comforter over the two of us and she pulled me into an embrace and our breasts were pressed together.

"Well you saw me before, I'm still dressed and even then I feel vulnerable when those feelings arrive. I have never been as vulnerable as I as then, and you saw my mind recreating that night. I can feel you though, I know you're shivering though. As long as you accept me I will be here for you, figuratively, I don't want to live in your parents house the rest of our lives." I said while rubbing her back.

"I don't want to either, I'm going to move out after I graduate maybe we could move into an apartment together, then we wouldn't need to be quiet." she said laughing at the last bit

"Hmm, well then we should make sure not to get one of those prefab pieces of crap." I said while teasing her back a bit.

"Ha, yeah, well maybe if it doesn't have an elevator I'll just carry you up the stairs everyday," she said. Suddenly getting serious Casey asked, "Did your violent assault take place in your own home?"

Nodding I said "Yes, my dad pulled a couple strings and the fire department practiced on it. I saw it burn and they didn't try to stop it, just made sure the others next door didn't burn. It's the only thing I ever remember feeling like I could see it, the heat, the sounds, even the vibrations in the ground, I'm blind and even I saw that house burn."

"Their place is still there, abandoned, looks like shit, but still its there. I hate seeing it.

"Lets throw a rock at it with a crane." I suggested, only partly kidding.

"Get up," She said getting out of bed, and I heard her getting dressed rapidly.

Rolling out of bed and landing easily on my feet I said "Let's do it, do we want a crane or just rocks, I was serious about that."

"Too much paperwork, lets just use the rocks that are already there," she said handing me a cane that wasn't mine with one paw and taking the other, practically dragging me out of her room.

Following her down the stairs I wondered about the cane but figured she bought it for me, we stopped to get our shoes and then we were out the door and in her car before I knew it. I could hear we were speeding a bit but I trusted her. I felt her hit the brakes suddenly and we skidded to a stop and I asked "Are we here?"

I didn't hear a response right away and was positive we were there when i heard the car door open and slam shut followed by the sound of breaking glass and a string of profanities.

Rolling down the window I heard a piece of glass breaking the distance of my front yard away. "So this is it then?" I asked through the window, not expecting a response.

"I guess you could say that," came her response some time later, "It's no one's house any more, just a run down shack."

"Wipe it off the face of the planet if you have to, don't let that past haunt you any longer. Just like we're working together to help me move past mine." I said before getting out of the car and walking towards where her voice had come from. I could feel the overgrown grass around my legs, the uneven dirt beneath my feet and cane. Even the ground felt abandoned, "This place has no present, just a painful past."

"I want to go inside," she said.

"Then let's go." I knew it would hurt her to be there but sometimes that pain was what you needed to forget, it had been once for me.

Taking me by the paw she led me to what I assumed was the front door, and said, "This was the living room, Daddy and I would watch saturday morning cartoons, I'm pretty sure he didn't like it too much but it was family bonding. I'd have a big bowl of cereal and share it with him. Those were warm memories."

"So keep them, the mind isn't perfect, but you can choose what you forget. Even if you never trust them or see them again, keep those warm memories. Your parents weren't monsters in hiding, just mistaken in dragging you down." I squeezed her paw tightly and tried to make her feel better, but I knew she wouldn't until this was behind her.

She squeezed back and moved yet again this time i heard her fumbling with a light fixture, "I still remember the day this door was wide open, mommy was in heat at the time. Daddy had taken a sick day in order to help her with it. I had an omelette that morning, same as mommy and daddy. Careful on the way down these stairs are old and steep."

Walking down the stairs slowly behind her while still holding her paw I felt them slightly shift and knew they were beginning to buckle, they creaked and groaned all the way down but I could feel they wouldn't break for a few years more at least. When we got to the bottom I could feel the cement beneath me, hard and unyielding, unlike carpeting of any kind. The room was colder and I could feel a draft coming from my left. Shivering I squeezed her paw again, this time I needed the reassurance though.

"It's nothing just a hole in a blacked out window, so people couldn't see. the concrete used to be warm, they had electricity going to heaters under it and could turn it on and off. These walls all of the items they had, dildos, whips, riding crops, butt plugs, rope, leather fetish suits, and all sorts of devices used for either torture or pleasure. In the corner is something they were going to use when i got bigger, a rack," she said squeezing my paw again.


Moving again she pulled me to a place behind the stairs, with a small amount of carpeting maybe like a rug of some sort. She knelt down, and I knelt with her, we sat in silence for a moment speaking up she said, "This is where I lost my virginity."

"I'm sorry it had to happen that way." I said before reaching over and pulling her towards me. Resting her head on my chest I stroked her fur softly before saying "I wish I could change that for you."

"I don't regret what they did, but it did introduce me to lesbianism and openness with sex, I don't think i would have met you otherwise, but if I could I'd take it back and give it to you," She said running her paw down my back.

"But I wouldn't have paid attention to you without hearing your voice in our therapist's office, so in the end we're both damaged but without it we probably wouldn't have met."

"Lets get out of here." she said standing up, a loud clattering noise, making her jump.

"What is it" I asked her as she let go of my paw in shock.

"A present i never got from my daddy, it's basically a part of him, a phallus shaped like his penis," she said regaining some composure she took my paw again and said, "Lets get out of here, before we see anything creepier."

As we left she eventually stopped and stood, I guess she was staring at the house. After a few minutes I heard her turn and get back into her car and I followed suit. Making my way across the yard I remembered something I wanted to ask her but decided it could wait for a better time. "Lets leave."

"With pleasure," she responded.