Alley Cat Blues: Prologue

Story by vemberjudgement on SoFurry

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#4 of Alley Cat Blues

Kind of something different from me, an Anthro-based crime / mystery story with elements of street fighting and fantasy. Part of a trilogy of stories that take place at different time periods. I hope you like it

Diary Log #1

Shrink thought it would be a good idea to start a diary. You know, express my feelings on paper and whatnot. Said it would help me with my supposed anger issues. Said it was part of my release agreement, write in this thing and show my parole officer every week. They said I should start by writing about what got me in Lodeoheim State Penitentiary. Fucking psychiatrists.

Today marks two years since they put me in the shit, and tomorrow...Tomorrow is when I finally get my release. I was only supposed to do a season's worth, but I kept getting my tail in trouble. You know how it is, always some prick sticking his nose in my business, always trying to show how tough their whiskers are. It's not like out in the street, where my rep kept the sprats from entertaining the idea. Situation in here is different. You don't defend yourself and it makes you an automatic mark, someone who will end up on his belly with some lifer having his way with your backside. Because of those assholes, I got stuck having extra time added to my incarceration. An incarceration that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

I guess this is where I start writing about it.

He was just walking across the street that one day, a big shit eating grin on his face. His name was Junshaua, twenty something, still just a kid fresh out of schooling. Everyone knew he was the one, but people were too scared to confront him. He was the Mayor's son after all. That wasn't going to prevent me from stopping a serial rapist responsible for a lot of dames getting torn up. There he was, slumming it down Alley Cat Way, my turf, looking for a fresh girl to damage. A girl that could easily have been one of my little sisters. I wasn't about to allow that. So I walked over there, and nearly caved in his fucking face. The whole neighborhood came out to watch me tear the guy apart. They all cheered me on, not because I was issuing some street justice on a known protected rapist, but because he was a disgrace to the entire tribe. I kind of found that a bit funny, to be honest. I wasn't exactly the most loyal member of my people after all. I could give a flying fuck about the old ways. People were people to me, didn't matter the length of their tail or the color of their fur.

So there he was, at my feet, bruised and bloody, his face resembling an uncooked steak sizzling in the hot sun. The crowd started chanting my name, even some of the local gangs that didn't like me much. Most of the street gangs always hated me because I rejected joining their street crap. I could care less why those kids felt the need to belong to them. Only people I cared about belonging to were my family and my one and true love. I can't wait to see her beautiful face again after all this time.

I stood over the filthy hump as the crowd grew louder and louder. My cat tribe wasn't the only ones showing up to cheer me on, but the other mongrels of the area as well. Dogs, Hares, even a few Foxes and Wolves slumming it from the rich districts. They wanted more blood, more violence, and I was happy to oblige them. Energy stared welling up in my body. My hands started to glow red, the energy of the ancients coursing through my veins. Crowd got real quiet afterwards. It was kind of a shock to them, seeing someone who could still wield that kind of power. I turned him over on his side, reached down, and tore the well groomed tail right off his ass. I held it up to the crowd and they all took a step back, completely in fear of me. All that bloodlust they wanted I could see they were regretting. I myself was regretting playing to that mob, because I didn't want to go so far. I dropped the tail and looked at what I had done. Sure the fucker deserved it but now I realized the deep shit I was in. The coppers showed up soon after that, hauled my ass in.

The trial was fairly quick. The Mayor pulled strings, made sure to fast track everything. Because I wasn't 18 and the guy I nearly killed was a bastard, I got off easy. Too easy surprisingly but I later found out the Mayor was happy I did what I did. That kid of his was a stone around his neck that ended up jailed for raping about twenty girls. Barely lasted a day in jail before a brother of one of the girls he ravaged tore him a new asshole and choked him out.

So yeah, here I am, two years later, ready to go. I'll be glad to get out of this nuthouse, I hear the world changed quick while I was in here. Something about music from space and people dressing different from what I remember. People turning away from the old ways and barely any magic running around anymore. Machines driving people around too, can't wait to see those. Oh well, I'll be seeing it all in soon...

I guess I'll end this diary thing by mentioning that my cellmate tried this morning to give me a going away present. One I wasn't exactly happy to receive. The sweet cheeks at the infirmary are probably right now trying to fix all those teeth I knocked out from his asshole mouth. Oh well.

This is Hector Volette, getting ready to greet the world with a smile and a fist.